This is something I've never been able to figure out? Why do der kikel have such a big thing for collectivism and Marxism? It certainly doesn't seem like it's in their best interests, considering how much they like money.
Will they chase the currency of power as an endgame? Do they really want to live in a society that robotic, or do they think they'll be exempt? I just don't understand.
Julian Hill
Control. They genuinely cannot think long term, and they are too disconnected to understand consequence. Notice how surprised they are by backlash.
Joseph Morgan
Because the small ruling class benefits in every single aspect. They also manage to fool the public that everyone will be equal.
Colton Brown
/thread It's not a system by the people, for the people. It's a system by the jews for the slave class.
Lincoln Rivera
communisim is oligarchy by another name.
Jaxon Hall
this. And this. Tribalistic plutocratic oligarchy to be precise. Communism was always a jewish lie, from its very inception.
Joseph Mitchell
They already hypocritically preach equality. What makes you think that communism would be any different?
Nolan Howard
Somebody post the quote about Communism being intentionally divided between the workers and the (((spiritual aristocracy))).
Jonathan Harris
Hitler trips of truth.
William Edwards
COMMUNISM IS SECULAR JUDAISM How is this so fucking mysterious to an assumed Holla Forumsack?
There is a perpetual, hereditary ruling class (the jews/bourgeoise). There is an enormous mass of uneducated, perfectly equal, underclass (the goyim/proletariat). The Politbureau (United Nations, created by jews) tell everyone (goyim) how to behave in every aspect of their lives (Talmud telling jews how to enslave the world). The proletariat is comprised of perfectly equal, identical, stateless persons (the jewish desire for white genocide and a global race of 90 IQ mulatto slaves). MARS WAS A FUCKING JEW, YOU DIPSHIT.
Josiah Collins
Isaiah Martinez
If a Jew wants something then it's something that makes Jews lots of money. Simple as that.
Elijah Green
Neither communism nor capitalism are the jewish endgame, they're simply tools to bring forth the jewish utopia and noahidism.
Aaron Ward
Its how rebellious jewish kids revolt against their banker dads.
The two ideologies have found a nice compromise, where they push cultural marxism while keeping kike-run capitalism in place.
James Edwards
Alexander Sullivan
the death of the white race enjoy getting qtddtot banned you sliding faggot
Mason Butler
cancer, forgot to sage
Luke Cruz
You should've been able to answer your question yourselve very easily if you are aware about jews.
What they want with communism, marxism, and any other dogshit system they come up with is the exact same thing they've been trying to achieve in every country they infiltrated. This is total control and domination, they then reduce the population to SLAVES because that is the entire goal of communism and other jewish garbage.
You should know that the end-goal for Judaism in general is enslavement of the entire world for their ends so they can "live like an efendi" while the goyim work as slaves.
All you need to understand is that jews are categorically driven by this religious end-goal in every single thing they dominate, be it banking, media, government, porn(making you dependant on something they produce and extracting shekels from you through that).
Jaxon Hall
Rich jews are capitalist, poor jews are communist
Charles James
communism is the VEHICLE/TOOL that brings about luciferian theology like Blavatsky's Theosophy.
Juan Perez
Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not the movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite. - Gary Allen.