Planetside 2 Thread: Superior Firepower Edition

Server: Emerald (USE)

Faction: Terran Republic

Outfit: Spicy Spokes Serf Slayers (WWEW)
First, post on the PS2 thread with your character name along with a screenshot in-game on the loadout screen with a meme. Second, search our outfit by it's tag, WWEW in the outfit browser, the application must have a meme, ID and post number from the thread.

The Tranu Ocean is salty everyday.

Some of you New Cheeseburgers™ are okay, don't go to the Crown tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:

Archive of the last thread.


What guns do you use with harasser-chan?

Vulcan and Vulcan accessories

yfw we just cucked AOD
You lads did good, reminds me of earlier in Hossin
Wished I screenshotted it, but I was fucking sick, fuck the flu.

Obviously Vulcan but I've considered the Kobalt for anti-infantry and the Halberd for solo harassing. Anyone try these out?

I like this guy.

I've tried it on my radar ant, and it was breddy successful. However, it's probably to use it as a hit and run weapon, rather than a mobile firebase.

*more difficult to use.

Memekeeper but I'm slowly building up certs for my own Vulcan.

I'd say the keeper is only really good on the prowler since you can only really prowler at long range

It might have a use if you can't get a good flank on the enemy because they're camping at their base and you just want to annoy armor from afar for only 150 nanites. You know, harassing.

Use halberd, walmart brand satan, its actually strong enough to annoy at long range and doesn't require sitting exposed for the entire duration of your dps cycle.


I don't pull harasser-chan since I have no idea how to drive her well.
I pull Val-chan though since I like flying with her

Harasser is ez, plus when we all pull as a group you're in a pack so you'll be fine

harasser-chan would drive like val-chan if he could fly

Is Harasser-chan a trap now?

harasser-chan is a smug anime girl

I don't see how you could argue otherwise

yes, small dainty and fragile, but packs a big weapon if you know what i'm sayin

I fly Valk-chan as well but nobody ever wants to gun or ride with me.

She is PURE! You degenerate faggots. Into the oven you go.

harasser is a trap

Always thought I knew something was up with Harasser-chan

I always opt to try to grab a gunner seat. Just try to fly low and near friendlies and chances are one of them will want to hop in.

It's fine, as long as there's a skirt involved.

You wish.

Nacho, I know this is you.

Woah hey, Nacho never said he was a priest

harasser-chan is a bully

who's ever heard of a bully that was a trap?

I have a doujin for this, give me a moment

observing for interest.

I am no Nacho, sorry.

Good point. I bet there is one that I just can't think of right now though.

found it

found it
is what immediately comes to mind

nevermind, I'm not dicking with passing the panda.



I'm on a phone yo

I'll have to check this out when I get home.

I end up getting killed by vanguards if I fly too low near friendlies. Or get killed by friendlies because they hate battlebards.

Just don't give a fuck
Or play close to the sqaud, we protect our own bards

Don't, it's NTR and yaoi.

Huey and I discovered this today. Here's what happens if you crouch under water on Hossin.
Well tested game, goys.

its trap porn, of course its yaoi.


Sounds like a typical non-vanilla trap doujin.

Enjoy those certs while you can, goy!


This handy guide will show you how to get 30-60 FPS on 8 years old hardware be sure to inquire nacho as to what constitutes as 8 years old hardware

1) Your user.ini should look like this:
























2) Your resolution for the sake of maximizing FPS on potato-tier hardware is recommended to be:

1280x7XX at 75% rendering

to strike a balance between being able to see shit and being able to actually hit it.

3) Go to the control panel of your grafix card of choice and allow forced override in global settings (nvidia specific), then create a special rule for planetside2_x64.exe:

Override AA transparency to OFF

Override AA to 2x

Override AF to 2x

4) If you are using an AMD CPU, especially if its the dreaded Phenom kind, unpark the FUCK out of it.

5) Force the executable to avoid using core 0 of your CPU.

6) Set rendering distance to minimum (500) when defending or attacking a base.




7) Set your LOD algorithm to dynamic


This is only to be used on MAXIMUM potato GPUs as a last resort
What it does is change the LOD scheme from a 3-stage to a fluent one, effectively reducing maximum and minimum LOD overall.


Helmet update: Almost ready for submission edition.

The helmet has been UV'd and I've gone ahead and applied some texture to it. There is a complication with how Planetside 2 handles colour. They paint all of their assets, per category(helmets, vehicles, etc), with a single pre coloured map. That means that I cannot paint the model myself. I have to constrain myself to the colours they use.

With that being said if you do not like the paint on a particular piece of the model let me know and I will try to work around it. Unfortunately I cannot make the glass in the goggles transparent. I can make it completely dark as it is now. Or I can make it very shiny/reflective gray.

So after a whole bunch of trouble with the asset work flow, and the viewer, I've been able to finally get the helmet in and get some actual engine lighting and the textures applied to the helm. The lighting is from Esamir at six in the morning and 24 at night. If you wish to see the helmet with the light from another continent let me know.

The model is basically ready for submission. Once the model is fully ready for submission then I’ll make the female version and submit them.

I like how it turned out and it was great fun to work with everyone here.

The original Starship Troopers helmet had six notches to the front, otherwise the color looks a bit off but that might be due to the rendering software.

I might have to spend money on this if it gets through. Looks cash user.

I-I just downloaded 10gb and I want to play with you guys

Degeneracy is the best meme

it looks pretty good, but I'm not sure I want to take off my pestilence helm. It filters out vanu pheromones and fluoride, I couple it with my super male vitality supplements.

The thing is. I want to make an homage to the helmet. If I go too close to the design I could get rejected, at worst if it still gets in, sued. Not what I want. What part of the colour looks off?

I've attached the aforementioned colour map. I have to conform the model's UVs to this map in order to get colour. The colours also share a detail select map. This is the map that dictates the minor details on the model. See the facemask's pattern, or the grunge and scratches on the helmet.

I'm glad you like it. Thank you for the encouragement.

I can fully understand the need to filter the filth from the air while removing Tranu. A few threads back I told an user that I would look into making a Plague doctor's mask. I still intend to get that going. Maybe you would find that interesting as well. Tell me what you think.

Someone wasted premium currency on me. It should be illegal to be this smug.

How does it feel knowing you will never play Planetside in environments as expansive and beautiful as the concept art?

Neverside Quads!

That's hilarious.
I've wondered what the "Get revenge" button actually does, but I've never bothered to find out. You get bonus XP for killing someone with a bounty, I guess?

Just realized I'll probably have to make a new character when I get back home and can't remember how to play at all.

Any tips you wonderful faggots?

Cert the Valkyrie. :^)

Kill me.

Ameris own crown

Games never look as good as the concept art, are you kidding me?

The hill is too steep.
Prowlers can't drive up them, vanguards have to reverse up them and fagriders just drive up them and complain about TR being op.


Daily reminder if we have a bunch of newfags on to raise them carefully.





it's not that small, I can still fit most of my games



just get a fucking mechanical drive to store shit man, they re really cheap, why must you be so cheap you didn't even get a storage drive, also


wtf I only see a sad panda


and stay out



Those crystal formations are superb but a biolab on top of a hill THAT large would be attacker hell and you know it. Every platoon would absolutely have to be dropped off by air or make a suicide run up fucking Mt. Olympus there. Sniper heaven, there's no way it would be viable.
Still pretty. Would love to see that Savannah.

I got you fam
Make a g.ehentai account first and sign in
Then click his link again and remove your cookies on that site
its ok fam we all learn sooner or later

Also, I briefly got on and there was only 2 other faggots on, and left after a few minutes or so. Can all you faggots get on just about now?


every time



And thanks for posting her i seemed to have lost my image

"I was only pretending to be retarded!"

How many Planetside threads got derailed do to MM shitposting? Also, fair taste.

Tbh Arachnera is second best imo fam :^)

You were only pretending to fall for bait? That's good to hear.

Too bad she hasn't appeared much in the story. The only significant one was about that dying girl. Even that mons squad gets more screentime than her.

3rd is zombina with out a doubt though

forgot my image


Im just glad she gets any appearance, how often do you get to see Dullahan anywhere? Only other series I can think of is Durarara? I've had a thing for them since RO.

wrong in every way, in 96+ individual contributions are the most impactful when directing zergs, controlling vehicles and frontlines, and securing lines of attack
if you think shooty shooty is the top priority in that situation and that battle control is 'no skill' then of course you're going to have a bad time
the best fights for balanced shooty shooty and battle control is 24-48 and that's the only place actually skilled players in both are going to be the most effective
1-12 very rarely breaks down to anything other than well placed tank mines and stealth sundies no matter how you try to romanticize it, armor is major (and so is lack thereof) and MAXes are too impactful in small groups


Okay faggots. Here is the REAL list of superiority.
Miia > Suu > Zombina > Papi > Everything > Cuckfish.


nice cube

Only relevant for PL/SL. For everyone else their contributions have minimal impact since there are 100 other people around them doing the same thing. Even if you take out 5 guys on a point, there will be another 10 next to them to kill you, rez them and continue the defense. Most players in these fights make minimal contributions and only exist as fodder.

If they pull a MAX in a 1-12 they're shitters that are easily defeated, or they are highly coordinated which is why it's the skill zone. 1-12 is where individual contributions are at their maximum and player skill is the key to winning. In a 48-96 or 96+ fight the winner is decided by if you can lock down the spawn room by stacking bodies outside of it or not, and even the most skilled players cannot move 30 enemies from a point. All engagements are decided by numbers in those fights, player skill is basically worthless.

So what are the fates most befitting the Vanu and NC?

death by drowning in this shit

Jesus fuck faggots, get on already. It's me and one other guy, who I don't think has a mic.

Welcome to Planetside, a game intrinsically related to coordinating armed forces and controlling individual "fodder" and making them something greater. However, you're still wrong. A group of 2 liberators is all that's required to demolish a vehicle frontline, poking holes for the "fodder" to enter and clear the rest. If you take out 5 guys in a building leading to the point and secure it efficiently, 5 of your guys will take their place, or you're doing it wrong
individual skill in a squad tacticool game is brought out in groups, wow, mind blown
the ability to force advantages, positioning your gunners or gunning for your pilot effectively, working as the cover guy for an engineer dropping a mine stack, all of these involve your individual decisionmaking and prowess that far outstrips the "skill" I have a hunch you're referring to
if you feel like you aren't contributing to a massive engagement because muh kd is going up but we aren't making progress despite that, it's because you aren't, learn to play and you'll feel absolutely wonderful
you say this, but that simply isn't the case
a coordinated unit of 6 will pull a mixed anti crowd and anti armor max, two medics, two engies, and an infiltrator, and be unstoppable unless countered by comparable force
one man army heavies are only effective if it's something like two anti armor maxes with no engies and one medic, and they should be, because that IS fighting against shitters, no actual tactics or skill is displayed other than "aiming gud"
technically yes but contributing is braindead and fights are rarely swayed by player skill but rather basic logistics and who got better positioning before the ghostcapped noticed the ghostcappers
you can one man hero it but this implies great flaws in the attempt, again.

It's the same shit just on a larger scale.
The side with better players, overall, will win. It's as simple as that. Neither size of battle is necessarily harder than the other. You may feel like less responsibility falls to you in a larger battle, but remember that your entire team is made up of people exactly like you, and you all carry equal responsibility in the fight.

Also consider this: If your entire team is a bunch of shitters that have no idea what they are doing, and the enemy team is composed of good players, then this will probably mean that a 96+ fight will actually be harder than a 1-12 fight, since your personal skill accounts for a smaller percentage of your team.

Ultimately, the only thing the size of the fight does is make it more spectacular. It doesn't make it any harder or easier, it simply makes the fight revolve less around your personal skill, instead, the difficulty revolves around the overall skill of each side (as it always has and always will). You simply have less control over the flow of battle as it grows larger.

Nigger I bought with two (125 GB SSD and 1TB HDD), bought a 2TB external, noticed it was getting too small, bought an 8TB HDD + external housing for less than 300 bucks, now don't have to worry


Well NC are traitors. So a silent death and burial in swamp.
Tranu… you could trigger them to death I guess, that'd be fun.

Is this in game experience of armchair general theorizing?
Is that the only argument you have? muh kd muh kd. Here's a tip, the more people around you, the less your actual ability matters. Which is exactly what I said and exactly what you confirmed. Communication and group work is vital to success, but it doesn't actually make you a better player, it simply hides your faults more easily. The only way you can actively improve your faults is when you are a larger percentage of the team, which only happens in lower pop fights. Once you have the ability to win lower pop fights consistently, you can have an even larger impact in higher pop fights and the increased communication combined with the higher base skill will make you, your outfit and your faction perform much better.

Which is exactly what I said, they are either shitters or coordinated which is why it's the skillzone, since the only thing contributing to victory is their ability as players and their coordination as a group, with a higher priority given to their skill as players since most engagements in 1-12 fights are equal numbers, while in 48 or 96+ fights it's often decided by being 3v5 or 5v2 or some other number imbalance that is difficult for skill alone to overcome. If you are fighting a coordinated group in a 1-12 then you have to match their skill and coordination to beat them, where as in a 96+ the sheer numbers mean that grenade spam/rocker spam will be able to eliminate them regardless of the skill of the players involved. Additionally, once locked into the spawn room in 48+ fights, it becomes significantly easier for the attacking team to hold the point, not true in 12-24 or 1-12 fights where locking the spawn building is much more difficult.

My point is that the lower pop fights are most effective in making better players since each person occupies a larger % of the fighting force, and their ability is therefore proportionally more important to winning the fight. If you have 96+, having a dozen shitters won't necessarily stop you from winning, but in a 24-48 or 12-24 it will be a massive detriment that everyone else will have to work that much harder to overcome.

Its the rendering software then.

The thing is theres no reason to fear about likeness, the helmets were just props and aside from that not subject of copyright.

The changes you already implemented are more than enough to make it a homage rather then plagiarism.

As a fun fact Lucas actually lost the copyright for the Stormtrooper helmet design because that aint how copyright works.

As an australian I have an obligation to post this

how dew u get past panda

fighter squad when


These deaths seem too quick and not agonizing enough!

it looks like it would stick to every part of you and stop your movement cementing you there while you die of lack of air

Too quick I say! Too quick!

Their punishment must be more severe!

what about death by ass cancer like total bishit

painful and disfiguring oral cancer, and an ass that never stops bleeding

These aren't Suu…

As many as it takes.

fuck your shipsluts


why live

Whoever the user was that suggested hovering under a biolab with Valk scout radar is a mad genius.

too bad the ant does it better

Can galaxies lift vehicles? I ask because I was wondering if you could drive a Harrasser ontop of a Galaxy and then fling it into the opening of a biolab.

harasser-kun should be able to get into the biolab if it could get onto the air pad

I don't remember about how vehicles are ontop of gal-chan


At least I didn't start it this time, so don't blame me. Please

Well, yeah, that was kind of my point dude.

I'm sorry friend. I started this.

but what is it though

I was under the impression scout/prox radars operated in a sphere, not a 2D plane, so the biolab would be too high up for the ANT radar to help unless maxed? If that's not the case I would have suggested the ANT instead.

I'm trying to figure out a good place to put it on a tech plant to help, but I think tech plants are too large and open for it to be viable. Maybe that's when the ANT prox radar works bestor just motion darts/spotters.

How do you even live? I only had a 500GB drive for years and I had to start burning everything to DVDs just to keep shit I wanted.

It's okay user. But I have to bully you now.Even if I ended up making myself a little sad.

They didn't get best girl right either.

as far as I know the ant radar reaches and that's because I've seen it afew times

That story always get's me.


Finished version. Old one should be deleted now.

There's some extra salt in the chatbox as the video goes

I've actually got two drives - 120GB and 250GB. I don't really save much of any music or videos; mostly just pictures/artwork for tabletop gaming, so aside from videogames I've never really been pressed for hard drive space.



Reminder for those who didn't see.

This is the final product, lads. Behold the fruit of the labour. A Male and Female version. When I submit it I need to put in a name and a description suggestion. So, I ask you now.

What shall we call it, and, how shall it be described?

hydrocarbon based expanding foam.

Frontline Guac Bowl
Once sold as part of a madman's presidential campaign in the past but were strong enough to survive even bullets. Now they have been repurposed as helmets.

Well fuck I'm sad now. Saved.

Hard… something regarding the Crown? Would fit better for the description I guess.
Can't come up with a name right now.

Did I say GREAT FUCKING WORK already?
Brass-senpai is impressed

Commando Bowl
based originally on the decommissioned TR navy uniforms, this refurbished design was drawn up by modern TR infantry who required increased cranial protection after several assaults on the Crown and similar high-danger outposts.

feel free to edit it to make the description sound less autistic.

Just call it The Crown

Tactical Trooper Helmet

I like this name together with my description.

We gonna have a poal after a few more suggestions?

Kurma Krown

How about Republic Trooper Helmet?
Should we try to fit some reference into the description as well?


Also looks like some group of schmucks are emulating us.

That's plebbit for ya, not a single ounce of originality.



Kebab Remover Helmet

What a bunch of faggots. Do they seriously think winning when there is nobody there is an accomplishment?

He's a shitter as well, kek.

They think the entire game is ghostcapping hossin, so yes they do. kek.

That's pretty fucking neat. Another thing that PS1 does better.

What you need is a bunch of Australian shitposters to hold the line when everyone is asleep. They will drown the Vanu in shitposting and latency issues.

I have a hunch that a pair of ESF's with tomcats would be an absolute nightmare to liberators.

How the hell do you guys manage to pilot your shit like that? I can't do anything except wide, sweeping motions that anyone can follow.

Look up some youtube videos on reverse maneuvers and setting up your keys for flying, practice in the warpgate where you can't kill yourself easily.

Once you learn it, it's second nature.

You might want to speak softly around The Big Stick…


It's do-able, but tricky.
Mostly it's an exercise in getting the Harrasser onto the roof of the Galaxy, and keeping it up there in transit.

In the original game, Galaxies has a rear hatch that could accommodate anything up to an ANT.

Federal Trooper
Service Guarantees Citizenship!

Actually it was for the Sundering, but yeah…

on halfchan banned me for posting dank memes in a raid thread.



I go where the memes are.

Okay, get in then.

It amazes me that people still don't know how this game works. I've had people shoot me with their guns down, people face 180 degrees from me, and all sorts of shit. The game is full of bugs and client side fuckery.
Never mind.


you fool.
fire only makes me stronger

Stop namefagging

Does anyone have the salt watch image?

Just stop caring, then he shall have no power over you.

For fucks sake ban Whiteagle already

Mark's too busy masturbating to his harem


Weren't we going to crucify the NC as traitors and enslave the Vanu?


Nothing will change if you ignore things

And there are people who want to sticky this thread for the 3rd month anniversary. Not only it'll be filled with even more shitposts but whiteagle's existence will make the thread go nuclear.

These user get it!

Yes, because of the 51 posters in this thread, you're the only one sperging about names…

Jesus fucking Christ it's a namefag infestation.


No one is even anonymous at all under any circumstances who fucking cares if I let you know who I am when typing to you? Filter me you dumb idiot get triggered over fucking nothing.

That gun doesn't seem to accurately portray the endowment of the typical TR soldier? It should be bigger

Who am I?

So glad most of the faggots at SOE got canned.


Better question: who cares

you're just a shill

More like twins since your ID's are almost identical.


It's been like… 3 or 4 years since I've played this. Last time I played it was optimized pretty terribly.

Did this ever get fixed? Is their potato tier graphics configurations I can use to ensure silky smooth 30+ fps?

Nova Guard or Crown Guard

Republican Trooper Helmet or Terran Crown Guard

We're gay butt brothers that love sucking each other's cock.

But, they actually put this stuff on a stream? If they weren't fired right after I'd be surprised. heavies have better spandex asses anyway

Yes, this is real.

how can art be real if our eyes aren't real tho

Behold, NeverEverSide 2! Keynote 2014

oh, and it's on the 48 min mark if I remember correctly.

I understand what you're saying. Each person carries a larger responsibility. However, assuming the same percentage of shitters and tryhards in each scenario, the difficulty doesn't change, is what I'm saying.

It's real

Mark is a faggot with shit taste in waifus. You also shouldn't have more than one waifu you fucking faggot.Waifu threads are cancer and will always be cancer.Your waifus a shit Mark.



Unfortunately it's not just tomcats that you'd need.
Fire suppression 5, auto-repair (or vehicle stealth), hover stability frame 2; these are probably the minimum requirements to survive in the air, even then, most that fly in the air are veterans at this point, so you're going to have a hard time, unless you have others with you.
I played air for a while (back on briggs). I should have bought the tomcats to be honest. In any case, I ended up starting over to join wwew, focusing instead on my harasser. I certed my mosquito a tiny bit, so I may end up getting tomcats at some point.

Why are people posting the humble water filter salesman to the thread?

Should I spend my certs on the Engi Anti-Vehicle turret, or should I upgrade everything, get a sight and forward grip for my CARV, upgrade my medigun thing and be a C4 fairy on the side?
It's so expensive to get and Icould get everything else for the cost.

Is it really that good?

I would go for the anti-vehicle turret, definitely.
If you play engineer a lot, your cert gain will greatly increase. It's better to not be too spread out, otherwise you'll find yourself changing class all the time when often you wish you didn't have to.
Instead of having to switch to LA every time you want to destroy vehicles as infantry, it'll all be contained within one class.
Plus it's infinite ammo, and kicks ass at range due to being laser guided.


might have been because of my shitposting about male vitality supplements.

my general suggestion is to cert one assault class and one support class, I'm BR 54 and I really only have had enough certs to do engineer and light assault so far. I say this because you'll want to have certs left over for vehicles and aircraft so that you can participate in hive busting operations and armour putsches

C4 for LA is 200 certs for level one, and then 500 certs for two. The medigun is 500 certs for the final upgrade. The sight and forward grip will cost you 105 certs, so you're looking at upwards of 1305 certs, compared to 1000 for the vehicle turret.
Sage for doublepost.

Yeah, I agree, the AV turret is pretty good. I've left a few Burgers baffled after I shot their Reavers down with it from long range, not to mention that it can fuck up an infantryman's day given the right conditions for a direct hit at range.

The only way to win in PS2 is by overpoping. I dont care if you have 600 confirmed kills in navy seals, 5 players with 2.0 KD can't win againts 10 players with 0.5 KD. So any person that scream "muh KD" when they lose a fight is a retard.

If those ten people play like retards, they absolutely can.

next your gonna say you like the trac-5
get a msw-r and get rage tells from vanu who dont like being killed by a weapon as bullshit as theirs is

mana turret is a great investment
you wont be able to solo anything but its great for when your in those positions you wish you had a rocket launcher

c4 fairy is best with both c4 which is a pretty significant investment but you can still farm infantry with just 1. Their is no greater joy then throwing c4 off a roof into some faggot vanu or nc all grouped up trying to make an infantry push

mana turret is set down if you see someone set up a sundie in BFN
also it is surprisingly effective in base destruction.

Unless you can prove me wrong, I never been in a fight where the lower pop faction manage to hold their base, or take another base and I have 0.4 KD. All they can do wait until reinforcement and retake the base when they overpop the shitter.

Only Tranu care about muh KD, Strength in numbers is the TR way.

Yeah sure buddy

its trash compared to a fully kitted bull.

the gun is aids i swear its like a 100 round trac-5
if you can make use of it fine but alot of people dont like it and i can clearly see why

i wouldnt know. ive only recently been able to afford guns that werent default what with all the other shit i gotta cert out

nice dps nerd

Better application with a better meme

Pls accept BullyLoliTraps I need to meme

What in the fuck? Do they just replace files instead of modifying them?

because Alex Jones was right about fucking EVERYTHING.


It is so easy you can just run into a group of the fuckers when they aren't looking and get at least two before they either shoot you or kill three of their own guys trying to shoot you.


I hated the thing when I first unlocked it. Kept putting it in obvious spots and got picked off by snipers or immediately fucked by a tank every time. I'd only use it when I had a tank breathing down my neck and I was stuck as an Engineer. I later learned to love it, especially when I certed it out a bit to decrease the cooldown (THIS IS A MUST).
It's good for one shot in a lot of situations but it only shines when you have it in the perfect locations. My best run was at the Crown while VS and NC were fighting for Ceres. I got a 19 kill streak just dinking armor rolling around and the snipers were too busy fighting each other to look behind themselves.
Learn to only stay on it as long as you need to and stay out of obvious areas for snipers to look, especially if you're cresting a hilltop. Remember that you can hit armor while outside the infantry render distance so if you can find somewhere to dink armor at around the maximum range then you can annoy the shit out of them.

I've been doing it since WWEW started. Great way to help the team and gain certs

Mark can you ban THIS FAGGOT?

And that one? And that one?
Ban everyone whom I disagree with!

i just wanna shot planetmans


It's still horribly optimized.

Most of the time you can even place it ON the biolab and the airchavs will simply ignore you

Someone knows a solution to this?

For what I got from google, this problem is recent and only a few people get this, I'm getting this shit for about ~4 weeks

The only solution I found is deleting Launchpad.Cache and/or deleting some files on the main folder but that only works for a half day~one day

I already deleted everything and reinstall 2 times, validate 6 times, steam validate 2 times and nothing

spontaneous file corruption nigga

you propably have like sixty virii in your system
or your HDD is dying

That's why. If you have 6 skilled players vs. 12 shitters, the 6 skilled will win every time. As proof, when SaiyanX5 absolutely demolished us we had around 2-1 pop at the base, and we were pushed off so easily it was like we weren't even fighting.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting better stats, and it's just an excuse you use that getting better means you can't play the objective.

He would have died multiple times if it had not been for the terminal exploit.

Depends on the base, but defending when outpoped works quite often, until people get tired of dying and move on to another place, so you do end up outpoping them later.

Terminal crutching isn't an exploit and if you don't use it whenever you get a chance you're fucking up.

He would have died multiple times if you had used any kind of strategy. Hell, a SINGLE max would have finished him off.

He held the base, when overpopped, without breaking a sweat.

You aren't actually this retarded, right?

It's clearly intended by the developers that terminals refill shields and ammo. If it wasn't they would have fixed it long ago.

You aren't actually this retarded, right?
it's an exploit due to people with better machines being able to use it faster, those with poor machines can't do this, also they probably intended these to be used as resupply points, not using them not constantly supply medkits for you to chug, and resupplying your shields at the same time along with even reloading your guns for you.

So i've heard people talk before about how Liberators take so little damage from flak, and now I understand why. I did a little reading and as it turns out, before any defensive augments, they have a 90% resistance to direct hits and 40% to the explosion. With composite armor, shit, good luck taking it down with just flak.
Galaxies have the same numbers but they're larger targets so I guess people can land more direct hits on them.

So having 60FPS is an exploit because people at 30FPS have a harder time following the enemies movement? I play at 50% render quality on lowest graphics, does that mean anyone playing at 100% with shadows is using an exploit since they can see my shadow around corners but I can't do the same, giving them the edge?

You can say it's unfair or imbalanced, but it's working exactly as intended. You just don't like the applications of it.

Don't forget their afterburners. :^)

Do people actually cert the afterburners over flares or fire suppression?


They probably only keep it until they have certed guns, comp armor and whatever else they wanted. Doesn't make it less bullshit though.

yeah, I see what you were trying to say. I thought you were trying to say it was balanced. I yield, user.

Guess who has the absolutely strongest weapon against it? The NC. -184% resistance against that fucking launcher.
Other than that, it's actually slightly weak against A2A, opposing liberator cannons, tank shells, and as a last option, 75% resistance to L-AAMG such as the G30 walker. Walker remains the anti-air king on the ground.

And I managed to not even say what the launcher was, NC15 Phoenix.




Sunderers have a -50% resistance to G2A missiles (somehow, but they're classified as medium ordinance), Liberators have a 32% resistance to them. Liberators have 1000 higher health than sunderers as well.

Airchavs buys the most goypoints.

phoenix suks against aircraft and good luck hitting a lib who isn't the biggest retard with one. its fucking stupid how bad inf rockets are against anything above a lightning. they absolutely want you to use vehicles against other vehicles. and since stock vehicles are garbage they are trying to force people to buy jew points to just not die in 15 seconds.

I think I autismed up my virtual audio cable i need some help battletarding its picking up the games sound aswell not just my shitpost music

I know this, I just don't understand why the devs made it this way. It just doesn't make sense.

This makes sense though.

Make the music player run through 'Line 1', open playback devices, right click 'Line 1', properties, then select 'Listen to this device'. Then, make the input device 'Line 1' in PS2.

I'm done with this fucking game.

Should have spent the good goy points to get better armor on the tank.

Should've equipped the kobalt.

tanks don't have anti c4 armour

Why wouldn't the top armor work against it?

Fairy magic

Why are you so bad user? Did you get dropped on your head as a child?

Hahaha, filthy noob learn to play

I'm upset that I'm not upset that it doesn't do anything.

Don't worry, realism is for babies and BF/CoD-niggers

It's just a mechanic

I'll pump some more good goy points into it so I can get some sweet Vanu skins instead of complaining. They clearly know what they're doing.

anti vehicle splash damage doesn't calculate against armor facing, otherwise it would only take 1 c4 if it was placed on the rear or underside of the vehicle.

the safe method would be to just reverse till he runs out of fuel then blow him up when he lands

I wonder if we will ever see the effect of white phosphorus and napalm in Planetside 2 used on Vanu? I want to smell burning spandex.


The games don't follow realism for shit, but the people playing them think they do.

Holy shit, you're bad. You're not meant to stop moving when a C4 faggot is coming for you.

Which reminds me, LODESTARS WHEN?!?!


Guys, help some of our Mossie aces to pick out which air frame that isn't a meme!


This is why I never touched anything with fixed wings in battlefield. atleast a single level in vehicle stealth for the mossie puts you off all engagement radars now that they come pre-installed.

I play on ps4, crashed 4 times in 20 minutes, I'm done with this game.

On a side note have you lads seen how triggered plebbit gets in this thread?

I'm disgusted and amused at the same time.


You should still get out though.

I was looking for information why I keep crashing, the devs respond to plebbit for some reason.
Stop being autists all the time.

Lurk more or leave, it's that simple. Get aquatinted with the board culture some time, before you post.

WWEW, lad.
Nigger apparently is sympathetic to multicultralism, fuck that

Oh wow, I haven't been called that for sometime.
Not this is autism.

Lad, it made me laugh, it's nice to get out of the echochamber once in a while to see the otherside because
Those cucks were legit being triggered by the words Allah ackbar, not the actions that mudshits do.



People who get offended are coming to terms with the fact that they spent 60K for a bullshit narrative that is incomparable with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in their terror throws scream bloody marry

sure are alot of cucks in this thread now

Fresh memes from PSF



How is PSF coming along?

They got a permanent dedicted server going with some features, like being able to go through doors and the like, but they haven't got inventory nor chat to work, even less actual player location/weapon firing synching or allowing players to make characters for any faction. It also does not need any account to connect as they haven't gotten the Login Sever done yet, so anyone joining will just have a default vanu character that spawns in the middle of VS sanctuary.

If you want to try it, there's a launcher for it here
(ignore the rules for the server, you can't even talk with other people and they don't really give a fuck bout them)
Beware it's entirely in a pre-pre-pre alpha state, but at least you can connect with the latest version of the game (minus the small bug that appears once you connect, but that's displayed whenever the server can't synch so don't worry if you think you don't have the latest version) and look around. VR areas, warpgates and the HART don't work and you can't die either but you have infinite ammo as long as you don't drop your gun and you can explore the world.


So how long until the server software gets released and we end up creating Planet Side Autism Edition™?

It's already dead.

They already did? The code is open source in here they just need to get it fully functional with PS1.


Need to bully them.

Are you another nigger with fear of namedropping someone from this thread on this thread on an anonymous imageboard?

He probably meant Hank.
I quit too because we kept losing and his talking didnt help.

What did hank do?

Hankdeadlift I think he's called

Isn't he the one that always rages about dying to VS, like our own DSP? Regardless, some people just aren't good at being PL. The main goal for PL is to ensure the people playing are having fun, the next goal is to win. Some people can't bring their focus to the platoon from themselves to see what's what. There are plenty of people who get PL and have a great time in an endless meatgrinder when the rest of the platoon is basically silent.If you're one of those people please stop it

whine, whine some more, argue with anyone, whine again

he wasn't pl though he was trying everything he can to get in the way of the pl

do you know some
I just want go see if its me

What's your handle? I haven't been able to play for nearly a week so I can't recall everyone off the top of my head.

how's bleizconrry?



He's just too inexperienced too be able to read the flow of a battle and make good judgements on where we should deploy. He's pretty average aside from that, but those are some really key points the PL needs. It's also something can be trained without being lead, so he should try to get a better feel for the flow of battles before being lead again. Once he can start predicting what attacks will succeed and which ones will fail, he should be able to be an average lead. Of course, that's not a skill that's easy to hone for everyone.

Pretty good at moving the platoon and has the personality for making sure they listen. I haven't noticed any glaring problems with him as lead in terms of locations to attack or defend. One thing I think he needs to work on is his ability to judge the capability of the opponent and decide the best counter measures. I looked it up and his stats show he's not that great at personal combat, which indicates to me that he misjudges how hard a fight will be, or doesn't know what would be most effective for the platoon to do within a fight. It's very difficult to know how to respond to the enemy occupying a base if you yourself aren't decently capable of infantry combat, since you have much less experience and instinct to rely on.

bleizconrry = 3/10
JohnyPillows = 6/10



Look on the bright side, your biggest flaw is just a lack of experience. Just play more and it'll go away. Also remember this is just my experience, other people may feel differently. I'd recommend avoiding the opinions of people that haven't been PL or SL before though. Only PLs can really grasp how another PL performs.

All I ask from platoon leaders is to organize things that need teamwork to be effective, like harasser death squads or battle galaxy swarms. Anyone can just put down a waypoint and tell people to throw bodies at a point. Proper vehicle/aircraft synergy acts as a force and fun multiplier. Even getting a Liberator team together is enough.

I'd like to lead squads and platoons, but my voice (and English not being my first language) and obvious inexperience leading isn't helping ;_;

I tried to lead a couple of times but I just come up with a blank what to do. I'll be honest, I'm one of the guys that armchair lead when other people are, and it's making me feel like a genuine shitter.

Take this however you want, but I'm owning up to the facts. Just gotta git gudder, I guess.

-t. Hades

How good of a PL am I senpai?

You have to post your handle.

I know I fucked up. Doesn't make it any less frustrating. Please don't bully me.

Yeah, I realise that now. Or you know, just get a gunner.

when it's needed armchair pl is welcome, when everyone is doing it and the PL is trying to speak it is not

I armchair PL a lot, too much perhaps but only if I think we aren't having fun doing what we're doing.
t. Marshall "I could have saved you" Van


Tell me about AceMclanding. How does he perform as the lead?

I love your cute voice



Speaking of JDariz, he sent me some PMs when I went on the rocks and killed him and some other guy a few times.

I remember a long time ago he ended this enormous 30 minute run I had and taunted with a "wew lad" in /yell. Is he a generalfag from cuckchan? He seems to be a bit obsessed with us.

Into the gas chamber it goes.

We need to get Litigation Snake to do more lines.

oh, time to make a new thread.