cryptojew is crashing,the bubble has finally burst.
cryptojew is crashing,the bubble has finally burst.
Other urls found in this thread:
How does jewish unwashed feet smell? Hehe.
You realize once it hits the low again people will buy these up again like crazy.
something something fork in the road
OP, Is this your first month spent paying attention to Bitcoin prices?
Already happening. I bought ethereum at 136, and damn near bottom ticked it. Already up to $150.
its still much higher than it was in january
youd have to be an idiot to not cash out back in may or june
still fun to see all the idiots on (((/biz/))) talk about suicide
How in the hell do I even buy these NEETcoins?
this happens every few months. are you 12?
We've got a ways to go yet. I'd expect BTC to find real support around 1250-1300. The next wave up is gonna be impressive though.
Buy the dip
Implying weev didn't predict this a week and a half ago.
Litecoin is back at forty and has gained in value compared to bitcoin and most other top cryptos.
Just had a glance at cuck/biz/ and it's fucking cancerous down there. Go back there with your shitty Wojacks, OP
When it reaches 0 let me know.
How did these morons think this would even last this long? Trading fake-ass "shares" trying to bump value of a non-commodity all in an attempt to out-jew the jews by fleecing other goyim stupid enough to fall for the scheme.
there are some practical uses for bitcoin
so its not a complete and total scam
but i feel like most people only buy in because of the high price
it was part of the design
that people would buy to hold
but at some point people are going to have to do actual work to make btc more user friendly so any pleb would prefer to use it over something else
if that is a goal
98% of those coins are vulgar pajeet or chink pump&dump scams heavily shilled in places with lots of retards that will fall for their scheme such as 4/biz/. That's why there are so many gimmicky shitcoins
Does this mean these faggots will stop buying out all the good cheap gpus?
No shit, paying 2k for a fucking crypto wasnt gonna last long
Yeah, that's what he said.
Holla Forums is always right about the Jews and always wrong about the happening.
That said, it's getting ready to rebound based on trade volume: gdax.com
its because of the coming jew mod to btc, i forget the name of it. magic internet money is retarded anyways, i sold all mine and bought more guns.
sometimes i get buys remorse when i look at the numbers but i know I would have sold when it rose to 1200, or 1500, or any other number instead of waiting for 2000+, gonna be a lot of bag holders on this one, just look at all the bag holders that bought over 2000+ and didnt get out in time. faggots on /r/bitcoin that maxed out their credit cards and the mods will sticky the suicide hotline link,
The banks are buying into crypto, and asked Nancy Pelosi to push her retarded anti laundering bill to cause a panic. Now they can buy up TONS of the coins that they want at a low price. When the stock market crashes, which it WILL, the coins will take off in value.
That picture is perfect. I still don't get how people can invest into a fake, invented out-of-nowhere currency. At least Gold and Silver have a real value, real impact on the real world. This shit is just some random numbers on the internet.
be that as it may
we at /pol have laughed at 3 bitcoin crashes already, 2 of which before any non neets knew about it, i still remember a time when 5 buckaroos per butcoin was considered an unstable bubble
yet it came back higher ever since
now don't get me wrong, i don't believe in the viability of butcoin as a whole, nobody is using this as a currency, that only happened for about 1.5 years and then only to buy drugs on the rild soak
but would this present a good btfd oppertunity or while the 1 aug shism destroy butcoin for good?
Dammit OP, you got my hopes up, I've been meaning to slip my toes into the crypto market as of late.
Please don't buy into the hype on either side of the bubble. ETH went from 12 dollars to 400, BTC went from 200 to 3000. Of course there will be a correction and profit taking.
The real story comes on Aug 1st. This is just whales making money, nothing important.
But what happens when Jews are involved with happenings?
ZEC is the true kikecoin - literally run by Israelis and maintains surprisingly constant parity with ETH despite very low trade volumes. It's by far the most suspicious of the major coins.
You probably get paid with fake numbers in a computer, that get virtually transferred. Don't be such a luddite, at last the people have control over wealth transfers not (((you know who))) always there as middleman taking a cut.
It's not like you need to buy whole coins, it goes to like 10 decimal places doesn't it?
Is magic internet money immoral?
I recall some user here saying a few months ago he'd be waiting till $1100, which I still think is a bit dangerously greedy of him.
>published by Currier & Ives
Another sad reminder of how far the west has fallen since those older, better times.
Told you dumbasses. :^)
It is the only free market in the entire world, and as such, is the only place that a regular person can make money with honest labor.
Make whatever dollars you can and save it in "magical" internet money. Over time, you will gain purchasing power instead of losing it.
The Jews ruse Holla Forums into whining about the wrong happening.
It rebounded back up a hundred dollars per. Could be a bull trap tho.
Damn, pigchan is almost dead. Anyway I just bought more crypto today. Buy low, sell high, are people fucking retarded?
Cryptocurrencies is an nsa tool to crack all those passwords using the miners.Stop buying into this shit.
Not sure if figuratively retarded or literally.
You know there seems to be a pattern here, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Where do I buy and how do I buy it?
Seems interesting, never tried it before although I have been sort of reading up about it a while ago. Seems like this is the best time to be looking into it.
As a total noob to both economics and the technology behind cryptocurrency, what does this even mean?
All I've seen is shills trying to get you to up their value and use you as a sucker sitting with a useless holding. I don't know if this is just my paranoia or not.
What's the deal?
You should have signed up for an account on an exchange weeks ago. Will take a long time to get in now.
Go to gemini or kraken, sign up, and when you are confirmed, buy at least a little bit. Download exodus and move your coins there.
The deal is that you should have listened to /g/ in 2009 when they told you to mine or buy Bitcoin. You'd be a millionaire today. Doesn't matter if the price "crashed" to $2000.
Hell if you had bought in a couple years ago at $200 that's still a crazy return on your investment if you cashed out today. Better than any stock you could have bought.
Its the wild west user. There are fortunes to be made and lost. Do your own fucking research. If you do, and don't come out enthusiastic and bullish, then you did it wrong.
If you want to buy there are several options. If you want something easy but with the drawback of being slow as fuck (takes a week or more for coins to get into your wallet) then use Coinbase. If you want something that's fast (get coins instantly) but has the drawback of having to wait while you get verified, there are other exchanges you can use, like Kraken. It's what ever is easiest for you. I personally use Jewbase to buy, make about $100, then sell. At this point you're not gonna get rich unless you get lucky on a random shitcoin. Better to make some profit then get out.
Gold and silver should only get used as conductors. The idea of (((money))) is shit to begin with.
oyyyyy veyyyyyyy
why does Holla Forums hate crypto? is anything you dont understand jewish?
hownewru go shill elsewhere.
Holla Forums hates the idea of increasing their purchasing power. They like being poverty stricken, and want to spread that message to the 4 corners of the Earth with their message of socialism.
In 2009 I was a dirt poor teenager living paycheck to paycheck, so maybe I can stop kicking myself for missing out on an opportunity.
Still don't trust it.
Cryptos and physical metals are a good portfolio right now; crypto for short-term gains, metals for when the paper metals market finally collapses.
Isn't it as simple as buying bitcoin and selling bitcoin?
How? Do you buy various shitcoins and wait for them to rise?
Thanks though, signing up for Kraken now.
Pretty much. Do your research and buy into whatever shitcoin you think is the most promising. Or just go by whatever /biz/ is trying to meme. Buy low and sell high. Hope you get lucky. Good luck, user.
Real talk, right now. The situations where using a credit card is a hassle is a niche problem. In the situations where it is impossible like sending money to friends where a traditional bank transfer is impossible? No one cares. Technology and innovation succeeds by how it can change YOUR life. If you woke up tomorrow and Bitcoin was 100% adopted,how would the world change? How would your life be bettered by it? For it to be a currency, and not a commodity,you would have to admit it is just another payment method. Any crazy innovative integration schemes that have been proposed in this thread either already exist and are being integrated at the snails pace the retail world works in.
Retail establishments still have computers running Windows XP for their point of sale. A few stores here still have their electronic payments processed via a dial up connection. So you are trying to avoid fees in very limited situations. Cool. It's nice being able to send money to a relative without fees. Well the fees were never that much (unless you are cheap), and if sending them money traditionally is impossible (ie no banks) then them turning the Bitcoin into their local currency is another hurdle. What was the price of this convenience? This life changing opportunity that a handful of people will use to the fullest extent? Security. Your money is compromised with no insurance. If your wallet is hijacked by Spyware you lost all your money. If a merchant never ships you a product and you want to get your money back? Can't. You want to convert your balance into cash? Well for some reason no one is buying so you have to sell it for less. Now we are back into the whole commodity nature of cryptocurrencies - the territory where it all falls apart.
If your entire currency is based on the concept of selling it immediately to ensure price fluctuation doesn't destroy your margins, it puts little faith in the currency, and would be a reason not to adopt it. And then this whole thing requires your store, or your brick and mortar store or online web cart, to have an up to the minute exchange rate on the bitcoin exchange of your choice, which adds even more infrastructure and complication to the system when it should be dirt simple. The reality is any reasonable commerce integration is a decade away. And really, if the merchants have no faith holding onto bitcoins why would a consumer? If their buying power could be substantially decreased because another exchange blew up they have no reason to hold onto it for purchases. Everyone is using Bitcoin to try and get rich. The goal is not to use Bitcoin as currency, it's to sell it for money. I also haven't even gone into the colossal hassle that is face to face / brick and mortar purchases,having to wait for your transaction to verify before you could leave with your merchandise.
I have positions in crypto because I believe fiat is already dead, it's just the tards don't realize it yet.
Y-you too
your first mistake is assuming that this kike invention is failing and out of control. They are doing the oldest trick in the book: order out of chaos. This is especially useful for this unregulated kike garbage. It has literally nothing backing it. At least the US dollar has the US government backing it so people won't scare so easily. What do you think people will do when they think their made up money can disappear at any second? They're gonna sell for anything they can get and get out. And who's gonna be sitting there buying it up? The jews. I wouldn't be surprised if after all of this happens they start running news stories to re validate crypocurriency to bring it's value back up. They will rack in hundreds of millions.
If that is such the case, how come I don't see tons of faggots make bank loans, using the loan to buy Buttcoins, exploit the "money exchange" rates, payback the loan for less than it was worth, and enjoy the spoils?
sage for you being a buttcoin enabler.
I love those canned responses that show how edgy you are. Acting all cool like you've never heard of weev.
BitBay (BAY) enables free trade.
I'd check it out Holla Forums. You'd get a kick out of it. Cut out the middleman.
Not to turn this into some weev thread but I don't think the guy is that bad.
I could be totally wrong and he could be a total piece of shit, but I think vid related happened to him and he just went insane. He was just a goofy stoned hacker and now he's this virulent white supremacist who seems overly furious at the feds.
He could totally be a kike fed plant, and with his history as a GNAA troll you probably shouldn't trust him, but maybe he was just an intelligent guy who got locked up in a box for a long time, and came out of the meatgrinder a little fucked up.
Sage because I don't want to derail.
Look at these totally organic, totally legitimate posts.
My bad
My theory is the jews are trying to trick us into making money from crypto in an attempt to keep their heads affixed to their necks.
>I have positions in imaginary computer fiat because I believe fiat is already dead, it's just the tards don't realize it yet.
Fixed that for you.
That's not what fiat means. For most cryptocurrencies, the total possible supply has already been denominated, no one can go in and print an extra 10 million BTC like they can print another 10 million of dollar-denominated debt instruments
It's still backed by nothing.
You'll be right beside the Jews in the camps learning what that actually means.
True, but the US dollar is "backed" by a quadrillion and a half dollars in liabilities. Something worth literally nothing is much more valuable than any promise to pay in USD.
Hey, if I can buy a loaf of bread and a cut of steak with it, then it works. Just put the excess into gold and bullets.
The USD is the backbone of the global economy and accepted for just about any transaction. Bitcoin is accepted by a few drug-dealers and online services.
Many nations have been diversifying away from the USD, including long-term American allies like Australia. Rumor has it that Saudi Arabia is going to sell oil in yuan, just like Iran now sells oil for non-dollar currencies outside of the US-run SWIFT international payment settlement system. The US dollar is on its way out. The question isn't whether it's worth the paper it's printed on, the question is what basket of alternatives to the US dollar will preserve value over the next few years.
So currencies that's value is derivative of the US Dollar. And that's at a very macroeconomic level. We live in the real world. Get real. Do you think anyone, anywhere is ever going to do real world transactions in Bitcoins?
Bitcoin surely can't be a replacement. It's fucking useless, worthless and valueless for anything but laundering money.
i have 64 thousand digibyte i dont sit around watching my coins all day everyday that helps me from moving them around.
Where is the good cop shill though? You're clearly the bad cop shill, trying to convince people that the USD is a reliable store of value despite the Fed explicitly calling for lower equity values and more inflation.
I'm not shilling anything. You're shilling BitJew because you made shitty investment choices and want to find a buyer for your bullshit computer numbers.
As opposed to what? If you want to talk about the physical gold and silver markets, we can have that talk. If you're suggesting I want to sell ANYTHING for more US dollars, then you are clearly either a shill or retarded, because I dump USD on a variety of different assets whenever I come across too many because it's a garbage currency with nowhere to go but down. Dollars are garbage.
Go outside sometime and try to buy something with a satchel of gold while you're at it.
Try buying something with a fistful of faceberg stock - you aren't arguing in good faith. In fact, I'm sure you're a jew, I just don't see who your partner is. I think the kikes have reached the point where the left hand doesn't even know what the left hand is doing anymore, their coördination has completely broken down and they push all angles of a narrative at once and call it a victory.
Trying to profit off of stores of value is Jewish as fuck. Get a job and contribute to the world.
I'm reading your dumbass reply on a monitor I bought on newegg with BTC, faggot.
You should try living out in the sticks. I trade brandy made with a carboy and a freezer in the basement for .30 GI cans filled with .223.
Let's see you use BTC to buy a burger, cocksucker.
That's called a capital investment, you disingenuous kike.
Jesus whipped you kikes for a reason.
Capital investment is still pretty jewish. Between that and the many iterations of slave trading, what else do jews do to make money?
If I want to get as fat as you I'll pay your mother some BTC to make me one and blow me while I'm eating it.
The only way to get wealthy and keep it is the good old fashion Aryan standbys of work hard, be smart, prepare for winter and strive to be the best you possible.
Make pornography, like what used as a reaction image
No one cares about jesus here. Your playbook is 20 years out of date.
Capital investment is what turns minerals into microchips. Socialism isn't about destroying all profit, it's just about regulating business for the common good instead of letting them dump phalates everywhere etc.
Learn what you're talking about before you talk about it.
NatSoc has always been Third Position - neither capitalist nor communist, but populist.
Of course it will drop. It was obvious from how it rose alone. You will never have such spike without any drops.
Alternatively you could just realize how many faggots bought 10 graphics cards. Damn I cannot feel smug enough about them losing money.
You actually buy one after it drops enough few years from now.
I don't expect it to be great deal but I also won't lose much.
Nice chart from 2013 fag.
And of course I posted wrong spike.
Kys my man. Cryptocurrencies are coming to the mainstream. Only uneducated plebs disagree.
BTC has been steady gaining value for like a decade.
You're a fucking retard if you think Crypto is desirable to (((them))) over (((USD))).
They cannot inflate it and they cannot control it. This crash was caused by them to destroy it so that good goys keep trading in currencies that their banks control.
Blockstream, the primary Dev team behind Bitcoin Core, has $66M+ in funding from the banking sector.
According to research produced by Cambridge University in 2017, there are 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet, most of them using bitcoin.
If that's accurate who cares?
I didn't contest that; it's obviously correct. It's just still pretty jewish to help in the process by providing money for the promise of more money.
That's what happens when you lose a war and the Americans have even the shoe shiners talking about owning stock.
Most people aren't talking about crypto, still. thinks he made a clever point but all this prove is that it's still a largely untapped market. Crypto isn't going to just go away at this point. It's been a decade. Unlike in the paper derivatives market, jews can't sell cryptocurrency units they don't own, and this wild volatility shows that crypto is a genuine market compared to equities which are tightly controlled by the Fed. I'm mostly in physical metals but I have crypto as well and I think this is a good buying opportunity. There is probably another huge spike up coming, especially considering how ripe the DOW looks for a vomit.
Yeah, cryptocurrencies aren't going away, but they're not going to expand beyond niche markets either. Until you can go to a town of less than two thousand to trade bitcoin for food, paper money will still win out. It's like how the fears cashless societies is bullshit beyond trendy elitist faggot venues.
>unironically using the
This is what the forks that are driving price down are about. Basically, the current dev's refuse to let Bitcoin scale. There are many companies that want Bitcoin at Retail POS systems - but cannot accept it because the Bitcoin network can't handle it with only 1MB blocks.
Even Paypal has patents for their software integrating crypto - but face the issue above.
The forks that are coming plan to increase the blocksize thus making Bitcoin more suitable for retail adoption. IF they succeed (and I don't know if they will as there's a (((huge shilling campaign))) against them), Bitcoin could boom.
In any case, anyone shilling against crypto generally is a fucking Fed Reserve cuck. If you want to destroy (((their))) money machine, stop fucking using it and embrace alternatives that they cannot inflate or control.
Personally, I think slow transaction times in BTC is a feature rather than a bug. I would prefer it to be limited and expensive to transact in so that it is difficult to quickly collapse as a store of value, I think other cryptos like LTC should handle day to day POS transactions instead. However, I think the conservatives will blink first and Segwit will be smoothly implemented. That's not what I want, mind, that's just what I think will happen.
You know what you do when you take your money out of the market to speculatively store it in fake commodities? You reduce the amount of money circulating and the velocity of money and therefore hurt the economy. Hurting the economy is great if we're just talking about the kike casino losing out or if ZOG shills are in the driver's seat, but we're perceived as being in charge now. Economic damage makes further elections down the road worse for us and ensures that a peaceful solution that doesn't result in calamity for millions of whites impossible.
I still need to eat, and they don't accept badgoybux at the super market. I need paper money to buy bread, meat, milk, and cheese at the local bulk foods store.
That's not what fiat means once again. Do you even know what the "fiat" in fiat refers to? The right to issue new currency. The rules for issuing new units of crypto tokens are very well defined, there are valid reasons to criticize cryptocurrencies, but "fiat" is literally the opposite of a valid reason.
shows all the ways the jews actually get rich
shows a bunch of wagecucks
And subject to change. Bitcoin shills love to tout that their currency is backed by "algorithms" but we've seen through other crypto how the ones controlling infrastructure and spread are the arbiters of that change.
A currency that is not actually backed by anything physical. A currency of solely faith based value. Sounds like Bitcoin to me.
1DOGE has been deposited to your account.
It's coming whether you like it or not.
Haha I was in that thread
Pink wojack being a psyop is a meme
What can you buy with a dogecoin?
If you're claiming that crypto is not perfectly hardened against every imaginable eventuality then I agree with you. However, I think the problems of crypto are less threatening than the problems of equities, or the problems of the US dollar itself for that matter. I'd advocated the whole time that people be in precious metals too. But I think cryptos represent a good alternative to the dollar for quick electronic transactions, and I don't think the market demand for that sort of thing is going to go away bar a catastrophe so extreme it's not even worth discussing.
No doubt… but again, this is what the fork is about. Making Bitcoin more suitable (scalable) for mass adoption. In Core's control, it won't scale. If there was actually a demonstrable working version of Lightning Network, I'd be more open to it, but there isn't. All test cases so far have been specially crafted.
If Lightning is feasible, they could implement it on Litecoin. It already has Segwit.
You've been saying that every thread buddy.
Nobody's saying that crypto is worse than government fiat, but the people shilling bitcoin love to tout that "it's the best currency that everyone will use in the future" and pretend that it's any sort of substitute for a strong national currency backed by physical entities such as metal or labor. Crypto isn't good, it's just "less bad" than government fiat. But given how we've seen the chinks and kikes flock to bitcoin and artificially induce crashes, is anyone seriously arguing that this isn't (even if only tangentially) a lynchpin in money-laundering schemes?
Money laundering is a good thing though. I love money laundering. Do you think the market for avoiding taxes and preventing the government from stripping your wealth through inflation is going to become bigger or smaller in the next 2 years?
Nothing. It's useless atm. But, if Lightning Network eventuates, you'll be able to swap it for other crypto using "Atomic Swapping". At the moment, you'd probably have to use shapeshift to swap it (or buy it for that matter).
This. Crypto isn't perfect and hard metals should be invested in. But so far as shooting shit over wire, crypto will trump (((USD))) in every regard - if it gains mass adoption.
And crypto adoption has been steadily increasing buddy.
Might not be Bitcoin. But people here should be pushing crypto as it weakens the total jewish control of the banking sector.
Seriously, the language crypto-shills use is so similar to used car salesmen it's kind of funny. Of course used car salesmen actually make money from their shilling, though,
That is of course in the alternate reality where chinks and kikes do not have control of bitcoin infrastructure and units.
The segwit upgrade is causing market instability which will continue until the second week of august.
after that, expect a major explosion in price up to 5x whatever the bottom is.
It's still finite. They cannot inflate it at will. Their propaganda will actually cost them.
And despite what faggots here claim, crypto is still far more anonymous than any normal banking account. If you know what you're doing (using Bitcoin tumblers), you can achieve an incredibly high degree of anonymity.
Just don't associate your Bitcoin addresses with your name. If you need total anonymity, switch out your BTC for Monero.
Maybe I'm not making myself clear enough, but cryptocurrencies are not going to replace traditional currencies. It's simply too high tech and still has transfer fees associated with it. Those Christian general goods stores in the middle of nowhere don't even accept credit/debit cards to keep costs down by another 3%, they're sure as shit not going to spend the time and money to learn an implement bitcoin when none of the farms they buy from will accept it.
Now. Until they decide they don't want it to be.
Demonstrably not so. Every single transaction needs to be logged in order to maintain the system in perpetuity, which means cash transactions "under the table" don't exist.
Oh yeah that'll stop them, they'll never figure you out there. Just like how the feds don't know who anyone who posts here is because we don't include our names.
t. someone who has never used cryptocurrencies.
Doesn't work like that schlomo. If they change what is probably the most fundamental concensus rule, it'll fork off. No one will use the new chain.
For anyone interested in the "why's" of Blockstream's position on blocksize, this is a pretty good summary:
https:// archive.fo/93edn
You don't leave the house much, do you?
Always the same line. You're worse than the shills on Holla Forums, at least they switch it up every now and then.
"Infrastructure" as a concept just completely escapes the bitcoin shills, doesn't it?
It's referring to society.
Usury means growing rich by making others poor.
Honestly, I don't think he's a shill. He's that guy that doesn't buy his own food and instead tells mom he's cashing in his good boy points for some chicken tendies, and thinks he can give financial advice to people that are working and buying their groceries.
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
See, the fact that you have so many reaction images specifically for use in calling other users kikes in bitcoin related threads is kinda telling that you have some shilling to do here buddy. Generic kike images? Sure I can get behind that. But you can't use half your folder unless this specific scenario comes up, which leads me to believe you're the same guy from the previous 10 threads who posts the same images. And that's not even well made, the linework on the kike is poor, and there's no punchline or comedy to be had. It's just a piss-poor attempt from an outsider in "posting cool memes". You're bad at this.
Could very well be. It's pretty obvious that he must either be dependent on someone or must be a city-dweller (or both), since the very idea of not wanting to be tied to an infinitely traceable economic grid escapes him.
LTC will behave as a hedge until the end of next month.
Actually, you're right. I just can't fathom someone paying him to shill when he's so bad at it.
Can I buy any type of Crypto Currency (specifically Anoncoin) with Paypal?
(Zero Idea of How To Buy Any Crypto Currency.)
I do have a folder of crypto memes saved.. it's shit that should be pushed. Doesn't matter if it's Bitcoin or not - if you want to actually damage kike's global control, you've got to dismantle the systems that maintain it. At the moment, it's banking. Gold and silver are great, but they're not good as a medium of quick exchange. Your local grocery store won't accept those either fuckhead.
By the time the normies start going all in on bitcoin it will already be 1 million USD per coin or greater.
No risk, no reward, user.
I actually think BTC $100,000 might be closer than people realize.
Yes, I think we will likely consolidate around 1800 - 2500 for a while before the forkening, and once it is clear that the bigblock chain is the last man standing, we are going to see some serious shit. The price right now is suppressed by at least one order of magnitude by two years of scaling gridlock. That is about to change.
This man knows
Is anyone investing in megawatt?
I've been looking at it, Ripple too, both look like potential boomers.
It's time to outjew the jew.
Tl;Dr: OpenBazaar doesn't compare.
get the dollar vigilante free newsletter
if you trust it enough you can subscribe to it
if I had the paid version I would have cashed out when ether and BC were at their peak
instead I bought into ether a bunch when it was 15USD and BC when they were 350 USD
what is he talking about? That Bitbay thing?
Yes. While I apologize for my shameless shilling, I truly do believe the dev is /ourguy/ and this is a situation that calls for shilling.
So.. if I make a contract to buy a dishwater for 300 e-moneys
Both me and the seller deposit 300 e-money in a account
We can then only withdraw from this account, the 300 e-money, after the transaction completes or cancels?
ITT: a bunch of neets who think they know anything about trading and economics.
Money has value if it's exchanged for services or resources.
Cryptocurrencies have a booming value because:
Yes, because any country that decides to stop accepting USD accidentally gets bombed to oblivion with high-explosive liberty and armor-piercing democracy.
It's actually pretty useless for laundering money, since the transaction ledger is completely public. USD cash is much better for that.
People already do, you massive faggot.
Trading humans is illegal, regardless of currency used.
I'd rather buy a canuck, anyway.
Yep we want a currency that doesn't discriminate… positively for Jews.
Yes, and note that the amount you both deposit is negotiable. So were you in a relationship with a vendor and you both had a high level of trust, you could perhaps lower the standard Double-Deposit to a simple 25% deposit etc.
Also pic related, also built into the client, is great for sensitive transactional details.
finally, maybe GPUs will come down to a reasonable price soon
its a microcosm of a recession, the whales are skimming there cream
The difference is that there is a limited amount of gold and silver on this planet. Sure there is a limited amount of bitcoins as well, but there is a theoretical limitless amount of cryptocurrencies all competing and flooding the market. This is the dotcom crash all over again.
Gold and silver are worth something because people are told they are because they are shiny. Unless you're making a transistor or a spaceship, gold doesn't have much practical use.
Jews are reshrink wrapping their GPU and selling them as new on fleebay.
This meme needs to die. Gold and Silver are worth a lot because they do not react as much (ie. oxidize) with other elements. You probably never heard of Palladium or Platinum, as well, also shiny, also used as currency, because they are worth a lot in trading because of the same reasons. If someone can get into the tech of extracting metals from the core of the earth, there'll be a problem of huge supply over demand, but because we can't even scratch the surface of the magma core without reaching temperatures of the thousands of degrees, the tech is still unable to be used.
Gold and silver will still be used in trading for a long time, even in the biggest calamity of all. Assuring an element's purity and weight is damn easy, so counterfeiting is extremely hard, if not impossible to those with the most modest of anti-counterfeit tech.
Thats a good question actually. How do you detect mineral purity for eg a gold bar? Is it just classic water displacement?.
Who says someone didnt scrape half a mm off a side; even though it could be pure gold, the expected measurements on size would be off and would give incorrect answers on purity.
Why does the 8/pol/ mod always post picture of this jewess anime girl with brown hair/eyes? What chinese cartoon is she (it) from? Does imkampfy have some kind of Oedipus complex for his little sister/mum or something? Sage for off topic.
That's one of the main problems with metal; if someone has access to a lot of metal, there's no way of knowing how much they can chip off metal without an extremely precise equipment, so during the fall of Rome, what (((bankers))) did was to chip a very very small piece of each coin that they had, until coins started to become completely defaced and devalued, because they had less metal than the previous. Then they issued a new currency to try and circumvent the problem, which then repeated itself. This is why we don't have gold/silver as currency anymore, but simply cheap metal, like nickel or zinc, which oxidize much more than gold/silver, but are much more prevalent and available.
For checking gold, this is a good read: livescience.com
In ancient times, you'd use aqua regia, which is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid at a 1:3 formula.
The Mayans, Spanish, and others valued gold hundreds of years ago because they knew there was only 3.5 swimming pools of it on Earth
Ya no they liked it cause it was shiny.
Everyone knows palladium and platinum faggot.
Your too stupid to understand the potential of crypto currencey. Stay poor
Bullshit, even Etsy takes bitcoin and pays their vendors with USD.
Pyrite is as shiny as gold. You know why it wasnt extensively mined and extracted and you dont see many pyrite jewelry??
Because it oxides like iron. Because it is made of iron. Its gold in nearly every visual way, but its made of a different element. And its worth as much as iron. Hence, "fool's gold", because after a few months, it will oxidize and react with acids/water/oxygen, losing its visual appeal.
But keep kvetching over it. Maybe it will get more people over the fact shills hate anyone who claim element currency is stupid.
In Bitcoin, the coin shaving is part of the system.
there's no such thing as true money. Except for those that have an interest in certain kind of money.
I always forget how the Third Reich managed its economics (and currency) and if it would've failed or succeded in the long term. An user said that they had plans to switch back to a scarcity-based currency after the war. I also remembered a thread where an user proposed to make money backed by a national cryptocurrency.
Can someone explain BitBay to me? Some user is calling it based and I don't know why.
Join the Slack if you want to know more: bitbay.market
dev team hangs out in there
Yes, but I do not understand how this is related to us. What does this offer to the cause?
Also, are you being sincere, or are you "bounty hunting"?
I see you have also posted on the temple requesting aid, and your images and syntax show that you are without doubt the same person. We need a deeper explanation and a reason to trust you.
This is perfectly normal and it's the same pattern that BTC has repeated for years.
The question is whether the fork will fuck things up or not.
Sincere. I think you and I both know if I were bounty hunting I would choose less esoteric places to post (frankly Bitcointalk would be a lot easier to shill on).
David Zimbeck has created a platform that enables more free trade. Think eBay without the listing fees, privacy concerns, or middlemen in general. Double-deposit escrow even allows for transactions such as fiat for coins, allowing a more subtle entrance into cryptocurrency than giving Coinbase your social security number. Public as well as private marketplaces can be created. Bitmessage for encrypted communications.
Basically, this is just a coin I see with a practical use case (anonymous, middleman-free transactions) and I think Holla Forums could utilize it for something.
I came to Holla Forums and the temple because I happen to have been lurking for a long, long time, and wanted to share it with the community that I was a part of long before /biz/. In addition, having spoken with him at length many times, I believe Zimbeck is /ourguy/.
Tl;dr I want 8/pol/ to like my cool coin, because it's a really cool decentralized marketplace ran by a good man. Since 8/pol/ is always right, if you guys like it then it's going to succeed.
So, how can we utilize this for our own ends?
It's actually a bitcoin shitting thread, but please carry on.
What is building this bubble? I'm curious, I traded bitcoin once, well i bought and sold so thats not trading. This technically wasn't trading either, it was speculation. I speculate in futures and other derivative spreads actively for a living. I always wondered what drove this market though. You realize bankers could crush bitcoin if they wanted to, so obviously its being used by them for other purposes. But why a bubble? the fed printed a shit ton of money, QE. The savior for the dollar is Bringing Back Money thats saved overseas, that will not return at current tax rates. It will rekt margins. This stash of trillions of dollars would make obama's market run, which was built on QE scams while the country did what the bankers wanted mind you, LOOK LIKE PENUTS.
because this isn't borrowed money with a balance sheet that has to be closed out; such as the feds balance sheet.
how does a bubble occur in crypto? most asset bubbles are caused by euphoric buying and cheap money. How does this happen with crypto? I'm lazy i'm not going to google it. Its more out of my study than I can understand. but if someone could explain this, i'd greatly appreciate it.
Since I don't do crypto, but work for a firm that had a flash, i'll leave you with that. nazdack is going to 6k. if your in st ocks bye na z leaders.. if your in futures. buy futures, i think the options are priced in for 6k. god speed anons maybe friday weekly plays are for the multi baggers, shout out to the baggies. but eating a doctor a day keeps the apple away. get it. up
how does a bubble happen in crypto? besides parabolic moves caused by buying? is it actually backed by something? is the encryption strength the true issue which drives value or risk diversity?
kill yourself
Lmao have been dipping toes in mining since GCN1/7970 aka 2012. This same shit has happened every time.
I was posting on a major hardware forum that it would crash and not to bank on 3-4 month payoffs just 2 months ago.
Sure enough..
I don't see how these currencies (besides the low effort scam ones) are 100% fiat and certainly not bubbles. Their real nonfiat value is the cryptography that bars other agents from taxing you via printing or forging money. Their value increases with the computing power at hand, which makes attacks on the currency unfeasible. It also makes a large part of the current banking system obsolete and shatters the plans of IMF of an international, centrally controlled currency, since you can just make a new currency on the fly now. Full pluralism.
Every time their price drops a bit I see shills coming out of the woodwork, wanting you to get rid of buttcoins. I take it these are morons who want to buy in and imagine spreading panic will add 0.01% profit margin. Investing into this new cash technology is obviously an uncertain venture, but I don't see how the idea itself would provoke so much kvetching otherwise, besides maybe straight up astroturfing shill agencies paid by Wall St.
Anyone who has looked deeply into cryptos while having the requisite knowledge and intelligence to understand the underlying proposition understands what you just articulated: crypto represents a powerful innovation with massive implications for the Western world's economic future. There are certainly failure modes for bitcoin, etc. but only morons and shills discount the tech completely. The buttcoin people have been coming out of the woodwork every time there is a >20% drop in price since 1 BTC reached dollar parity in 2011 to declare bitcoin dead. These people fall into several major categories:
- CIA niggers and other leftist/establishment shills that are shitting their pants at individual white men having full financial sovereignty for the first time in history.
- Bluepilled economic illiterates of IQ ~90 - 125 that are too brainwashed to wrap their minds around the implications of cryptocurrency and repeat what they are told to think by the (((media))).
- (Some overlap with #1) High IQ hardcore statists like Krugman, Jamie Dimon, et al. who know what bitcoin means for their fiat scam and are pissing their pants in anger and fear.
- Undisciplined investors who jumped on the bitcoin train briefly by buying high and selling low. They lost money to their smarter peers in the ruthless arena that is the market and their fragile egos demand that they piss on bitcoin, ethereum, etc. at every opportunity.
Every white man with any ambition to slay the monster that the leftists have constructed over the last 100 years should seek to acquire and hold at least one bitcoin. This is one of the easiest ways for us to win the relentless war that has been waged on our people. The bitcoin community is already 99% white male. If we retain a majority stake in this emerging system the world will literally be ours for hundreds of years to come.
Case in point. Hello chaim, you have been filtered.
It's recovering now after a month of crash, Segwit has been confirmed, bitcoin won't split.
Work turns minerals into microchips. Saying k
Investment does it just presupposes investment as THE form of leadership that matters on earth. Pretty Jewish m8.
Well it was a matter of time.
How is this not politically relevant?
So essentially this is like "exchanging hostages" in the times of old.
First issue:
What if the other party does not have the required amount of capital?
Actually, YOU don't understand how it works.
It's a meme user.
Yeah this sounds interesting. Do you think this is why Trump is willing to keep referencing the ATH's being set under him - because he is confident he can bring that money back and push the markets even higher? It would be foolish of him to brag about the markets right before a crash like all the naysayers are predicting.
As for crypto:
Hype, new money, market manipulation, the return of Satoshi, interest in Crypto by large entities, fear of traditional money and markets, etc. All of the above too.
There are many people with a LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY tied up into crypto, and they will make sure that it succeeds barring a worldwide ban of some sort. Bubbles can be caused by many things since the market is still so small that players with a large amount of money can easily nudge the market in certain directions.
Your idea about euphoric buying with cheap money still holds here. Euphoric buying comes from newbies who buy during a bubble and by traders who give fuel to this bubble by buying alongside the newbies in order to push the price higher and higher. Then they sell when steam runs out and leave the newbies with the bags to hold, and now the lows become higher. These cycles of boom and bust (but with higher lows) is how crypto builds value over time.
It's backed by the software behind it.
If you would have gone long on software in general since a few years ago you'd probably be set for life by now. Netflix, Tesla, Google, Apple, Bitcoin, and on and on these are all software driven companies.
But most of all what drives the price of crypto is something more simple: meme magic. It has value because the autists who trade it and own it want it to have value. If you want to dive deeper than that you can but it's not necessary.
I'm too stupid to understand bitcoin. I wish I wasn't because it seems like there is real world money to be earned in "mining", whatever the fuck that is.
Every time there was a bubble, there was a crash/correction afterwards. But every bubble and every crash stopped higher than the last one. The long-time trend is very clear.
Great choice, I'm still rocking one of these in my main PC.
Nicely spotted
This puts into great perspective how ugly the past bear market was. Really really dismal stuff. If Aug 1 goes well I think the market has enough juice to go higher than 3k - we'll see what happens.
Some big holders came by 4/biz/ earlier and said if the coin forks they will crash the price of the branch they don't like in order to force miners to switch.
Did they say which fork they're going to back?
Real wealth is in holding, but I don't blame you it isn't for everyone. Computer literacy is too important when getting involved
He helped push someone to suicide, so he is a piece of shit I grant you, but he's not an idiot.
Define real money without sounding like a kike
Not if you're paying the electric bill, depending on where you are I guess.
If somebody else is paying, you're basically jewing him from his shekels by mining on his expense.
Yea I assumed as much. Makes boat nets all the more valuable.
Wait, what? Really?
>Makes boat nets all the more jewish.
Well, a tiny fraction of one.
The fork with on chain scaling
Crypto currencies have a few un-mitigable flaws:
1. Anyone who can gain majority computing power can control transactional behaviour
2. Every cryptocurrency will eventually deflate until it is unusable. Catastrophic failure will always chip away at the number of available coins until the remaining ones are too scarce to be usable.
3. The majority of extant btc is controlled by around 12 individuals. Any time someone controls >50% of a given currency, they can use their leverage to drive the price up or down at their whim, or simply use their superior buying power to destroy competition.
4. The people with the real money are the ones who can afford the hardware to do the early (easy) mining to amass huge amounts of coins in any emergent currency in order to ensure that #3 is always true for the people controlling the market.
BTC isn't protecting you from (((investors))) at all. All it's doing is giving you something that can't be used untraceably with something that will always be traceable and will always be used to control you.
underrated post
lol deflation. you mean social security for savers? kill yourself faggot. PS being digital means they can break down to infinite fractions of a whole without increasing the money supply. you're a kike and i know it because you ignored the the kike kryptonite inherent in the bitcoin system, the block chain. immutable history, kike-proof history. kys
Bitcoin isn't money, it's a speculative asset (like tulip bulbs). People aren't contracting labour in bitcoin, they aren't doing payroll in bitcoin. It's too volatile to use as money.
The only money coming into this market is more suckers looking to make a quick buck. Their input is the only possible output you can cash out.
Holla Forums can not into markets…
and *you're* too moronic to write a proper English sentence.
Hah, nice joke m8
buy antshares and get rich off the chinks
^ this is what a kike looks like.
Yes it seems you were. Wish it were the leftward swastinode though.
Bitcoin should only be used for short-term contracts at this time. It's too volatile relative to the currencies in major use. In a long-term contract, a big move in BTC will cause one of the parties to want to torpedo the contract.
Niggercoin is the future.
Could it only be a (((cohencidence)))?
Unlikely, though according to the "bounty" post linked above, our meme magicians could get shekels for making memes for them in theory. Also the founder, had named the kike.
Damn I missed the dip.
You could utilize water displacement if you can accurately measure it to determine density, sure.
You could also melt it and re-assay it.
Or you could do the aqua regia test.
Or you could melt it and see whether your gold has been salted with tungsten, since its melting point is far beyond gold, so it would remain solid while gold melted.
only if both parties hedge
and you really want to allow derivatives on bitcoin?
Yes, look into Craig Wright. He is one of the main cogs behind the Satoshi Nakamoto machine (in reality 'Satoshi' is a small group of like minded individuals). He came up with the main idea and set the pieces in motion, but of course he wasn't every part of Satoshi.
The coins are currently locked into a trust and can't be moved until 2020 so he can't prove who he is, but all the big players have verified him already, especially significant is one that came forward confirming that he met Craig Wright many many years ago where they first talked about the idea behind Bitcoin in which Craig Wright used the actual name - Bitcoin.
The issue is here - shills who want to change the idea of what Bitcoin is are doing everything in their power to discredit this man, because if they can then normalfag lemmings won't follow his guidance and ideas. This is important because he (as Satoshi would be) is a believer in on-chain scaling and larger blocks, while the shills are pushing for off-chain transactions and small blocks (making Bitcoin controlled by outside interests). This battle comes to a head on Aug 1. Expect interesting things to happen around this time window.
therefore nobody gets paid in bitcoin
Bump for Craig Wright is Satoshi. Don't listen to the desperate shills on /r/bitcoin and other censored forums, who are trying to discredit Wright so they can twist bitcoin into a "settlement layer" that can be exploited for shekels by the (((usual suspects))).
I am very close to certain, shall we say, "inner circles" in the bitcoin universe and Wright is the real deal. Bitcoin is about to enter its first true golden age. Would not be surprised to see 50K bitcoin before the end of 2018.
I like to call it the Mexican Standoff of arbitration.
Which is precisely what keeps them shiny.
Let's make it happen.
Step 1 is to get rid of these Segwitfags
I have been paid in bitcoin. Also, Etsy accepts bitcoin payments.
It un-crashed.
perspective is important
but yes the reversal is nice to see as long as it lasts
Cool, just bought 100k
Cuckchan memes should stay there user
Fair enough, i should have known better. The pink wojack triggered my autism. I have to say, years on Holla Forums i have gained skills to use /biz/ to my advantage
Ok so you want bitcoin to turn into chinacoin, I get you fam.
There exist multiple multimillion dollar drug markets alone that disproves your assinine assumptions.