Dindu nuffin broo

Nigger kidnaps and raped young white girl. Just another day in amoarica.

article- 4692948/index.html

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Niggers. Raping white women and appearing in court.

Hang the fucker!

Not only this woman, but two other women! If we were actually a normal society instead of a multicultural shopping mall, we'd kill this nigger and his whole bloodline.

Why are jews saging this thread?

This kind of things happens all the time. I read a book going over prostitution once, and the police talked about how brutal the pimps were with their girls, usually young teenagers, who they had snatched up off the street since they were runaways or had some other kind of problem. All the pimps were black and the girls they used were white. Any white girls unfortunate enough to live a neighborhood, or worse, go to a school with niggers is, at the very least, constantly harassed and if the opportunity ever arises, readily raped and brutalized.

This is part and parcel of living in The United States. It's why I have a tough time criticizing Sweden or other European countries, they're just in the early stages of what we already completely accepted decades ago as a normal part of existence.

This. I went to a school with a sizable (bussed-in for government money) nigger population. They would harass white girls non-stop, especially the shy/awkward ones. Basically, what they thought of as easy prey. The more innocent and sweet you seemed, the more likely it was for them to harass you. Usually in groups of 5-10. I had to eat lunch in my classroom alone since exposure to nigger gangs during lunch was that bad. Unless you had plenty of friends around you, or a white male, they would bother you endlessly. Usually their tactic was to send out 1 nigger male. He's sit down next to you and say "my friend over there really likes you". He's point to his gang of 10 niggers and they'd all be staring at you. You'd say "sorry, I'm not interested" and he'd leave fake-smiling, and smacking his lips. Then another nigger male would come in after him, usually angry. Saying "my friend really like you, why do you have to act this way?", in ebonics. Eventually they'd send the nigger who "likes" you after you deny all of his friends, he's pissed. They end up calling you a racist cunt, going between outright aggression and guilting. Once they felt like you're a dead-end, they'd all sit back at their table and stare at you, hollering, calling you names, and making offensive hand signs. Some nigger gangs take it very harshly. If they ever find out your name or who you are they will start rumors about you. Like that you've been to jail, you're on drugs, you're a whore. I assume this is because they want you to be treated like a piece of shit so you will become one. But then again, I'm not sure if niggers are that smart. It might just be simple lashing out.

This tactic was used by niggers, but also spics. It's always the "my friend likes you", and trying every tactic they can think of to goad you into joining their group to meet the lovely guy. I'm sure the head nigger/spic was literally a pimp.

I feel sorry for the genuinely nice young girls who have been lied to about niggers from the jew media and educational system, who fully believe that they are only misunderstood and need our help.

If the races were reversed, this story would be the headliner on all the news channels.

It's an absolute travesty what some White children have to endure going to school with these subhumans. It's bad enough that the quality of education has been dumbed-down to accommodate them, but the Whites are constantly harassed and at risk of being physically and sexually assaulted.

One of the worst things to ever happen to this country was the forcible integration of the schools, and if the segregationists had known how bad things would get, they would have fought harder.

if only someone would get rid of all those negroes

Because OP is a newfag that needs to lrn2op.

You think? We have a MASSIVE negro problem here in the states and its only getting worse. Something must be done SOON

Double dubs confirm that all subhuman filth and their ilk must be eliminated.


kek delivers to all those who wait

thanks for the archive, OP

OP, you break links like an enormous fag.

How much would you guys pay for a niggerliminator.

Of course.

Save this and repost it every single time someone suggests niggers can co-exist among us in society, and that we can "pick and choose" the "good ones" and still avoid things like this. Wont happen, they gotta go, every last one.

Also reminder 100 white women are raped every single day by niggers in America, thats an FBI statistic, and Dylann Roof listed it to the FBI interrogators as one of the reasons for why he did what he did.


How new are you faggot?

The only thing I can criticize Europeans for is not learning from America's mistakes. It should be obvious that niggers are subhuman by now, but many Europeans don't get it because (up until relatively recently) they didn't encounter niggers on a regular basis and buy into all the Hollywood bullshit. This applies even to cultures that generally dislike Americans. The reach and influence of American media can't be overstated and it breaks my heart to see all these people discarding tradition for American bullshit.
t. American who has lived in Europe since 2008.

I have a hard time understanding why the woman's father doesn't just kill the fucker, like a race reversed version of that shitty "A Time to Kill" movie. I guess he wouldn't get away with it because, unlike the movie's protagonist, the girls father isn't a nigger. Still, America needs to bring back lynch mobs.

Where in Europe do you live if you don't mind me asking? And I completely agree with what you said.

Greetings from Switzerland.

Page appears to be blocked in the US.

I live in Estonia but I used to live in France and travelled extensively. French people have a hilariously naive view on race for a group of people that has to deal with that many immigrants. Disturbingly enough, some of the more racially aware people I met were leftists who knew niggers and Arabs are worthless but felt that they deserved to be culturally enriched because of their "horrible colonial past". French schools heavily brainwash them on this point and many haven't broken the programming despite constant chimpouts.
Baltic people are pretty racist but there are a lot of people who got posed by university and the leaders suck.

How pozed is Switzerland, and how many niggers do you have to deal with thanks to the current invasion?

DyRo's only crime was not going after multiple senators/congressman, just the one. Anyone have confirmation on that quote?

For a western European country, comparatively unpozzed but that's not saying much.

The big problem politically is that a) the EU has far too much power, even though we're not members they have influence and plenty of paid shills (same as in Norway) and b) while we have direct democracy and this usually goes very well, the government simply doesn't always apply what has been voted on (even though it should) mostly because of point a).

In the last 4-5 years we have received about 30k niggers, most of which are Eritreans. All in all, the amount of niggers is nowhere near French, British, Scandinavian or Benelux levels but every one is too much obviously.

I sorry I went on a tangent, but anymore I'm fucking livid as hell at my Country anymore.


I don't see how the Swiss government can justify letting a bunch of Africans who don't want to join the army (this seems to be what Eritrean asylum claims are based on) into a country with obligatory military service.

If you subject your white children to this sort of daily abuse you are human garbage.


Who would rape a niggress and why? That comparison sucks.

We have beast-fetish freaks in our racial ranks. DOTR isn't just about taking back what is ours, it's about cleaning house as well.

It's such a goddam shame that most modern women have this to deal with. Most urban white males are emasculated as fuck, and addicted to pornography. Either you settle for a weak faggot or get ooked at and raped by niggers, or both, since it's not like a faggot like that would protect you.

I know that disgust, bro.

Or degenerate would-be alpha fratboys. Traditional male ideals have been split in two, without one to temper the excess of the other. D&C on a gendered race-wide scale perpetrated by Shlomo and friends to deprive wives and mothers of husbands and fathers.

Yes, and the degenerate "alphas" wouldn't protect their women from niggers, either. Most are PUAs/MRAs and would congratulate the nigger for landing an attractive white woman. They've been convinced that they have more comradery with male niggers than females of their own race, since muh """""masculinity"""""".
Hate those faggots too. Maybe even more, since they should know better as males genetically predisposed to being the best of our race.

No one would, but that's besides the point.

Has anyone a good source or a image about the percentage of whites, nig nogs and tacos in the USA?
Pic related is OP's nigger

How common is this kind of crime in the USA?


At times like this I wonder how many lynchings were completely justified.


yea, it's fucking stupid, why didn't they record it? we need more videos of white girls taking bbc anally









Praise kek and take POZ loads up your asshole Real good and Smoke The Meth!!!

Too bad this isn't a BBC post






Checked holy dubs


I too know this feel, Canadabros.

Not trying to blackpill but we're fucking done. Like literally zero hope barring divine intervention.

So 35 year old? Put age on the title next time


Less common than murder or rape but common enough where it's not surprising. Most of is contained to black on black crimes. For example, a black woman will lock her elderly parents in a basement just to collect her social security checks. Or horrible abuse toward children. Niggers are horribly cruel to each other but the media usually won't touch the story unless it's exceptionally heinous or involves another race.

I work in a hospital in a major US city.

Niggers let their hooker go into labor and have a baby in the middle of the fucking street. People called the cops, she gets admitted to the psych unit for a few MONTHS (supposed to be a short term unit) they end up flying her to California because she had family there and who's paying for all of this? So now we have a nigger child with no father or mother (she's incapable of raising a child) who was literally born in the street, we have this cunt who is free to go out and do it again and we have her nigger pimp out there free to keep doing it.

too common


i went to 2 different high school indoctrination centers around apelanta, georgia. my first pep rally in freshman year, 2 niggers decided it'd be a good time to brawl out. they started hitting teachers and security officers ass well. mind you, this was about 15-20 years ago. i'm revealing my age, but it's probably MUCH worse now. the nigger problem is severe, and often times the white girls wanted to be a part of the nigger clique because they are loud, rebellious, and get attention. no one likes them except other niggers. there were several coal burner white sluts that followed the niggers around and all my white friends knew exactly who they were. we avoided them like the plague, but they always tried to intervene with our area one way or another. i was also bullied by niggers on the school bus until i was able to drive, but i always told them to fuck off and didn't take shit from niggers. that's the best route you can take. they back off pretty quickly when you stand your ground because they are pack animals, and for the most part, genuine cowards. its quite disgusting. god, i really fucking hate niggers. they are truly a cursed species.

The justice system must really fucking hate vampires.

The Article is not working for me.
If this is true this should be


Are you fucking kidding me? And the US media hasn't said one fucking peep about this and it happened here. The media hasn't mentioned one fucking thing its insane


Damn, that's a good site.

It would literally be the number 1 news story in the country broadcast around the clock.

here's an archive archive.is/gPJiD


Does anyone have a picture of the victim?


And look at us now. Completely overrun and ruled by a single city.

It's not all bad; outside of Wilmington is still a decent place. Although tons and tons of kikes from jew york have been flooding into the beach and setting up shop here, and they're probably going to turn it into (((miami))) 2.0

It's amazing that it went down the toilet in under a generation.
The set up took about three generations but shit like this really makes me despise how easily manipulated normalfags are.

You're right, I am lucky enough to live in a rural area and it is quite nice. It just upsets me that our political climate is controlled entirely by the wart on our northern end. Also god help you if you live in Seaford.

this could be obamas son

Holy MS Paint, Batman.

Links have changed

Cancer, the lot of you.

At this point, how can you be surprised? If only you knew how bad things really are.


Blacks and rape ain't nothing new. You don't even fucking never to be alive for them to "muh dik" you.


Rape, rape, & rape again.


Note that she did not escape while he was busy working overtime at the factory ;^)

I thought i was desensitized, but this shit takes the cake. Part of me hopes it was some liveral, open borders racemixer to put my mind at ease but the possibility that it wasn't is sickening. What do we know about the victim other than age and XX chromosomes?

Did that graphic take first place in an illegibility contest?

I'm beginning to wonder if you should be entered on the DOTR list, with lynching being done before noosing.

That's nonsense. Trudeau won't be re-elected based on his performance so far. All it takes is the conservatives playing clips of him saying the next election would be the last with FPTP.

Also, we're nothing more than america delayed by 5 years. If the states starts cleansing we'll go along with it so fucking fast.

That and we still have somewhat decent gun laws, the magazine limits are a joke that will be circumvented so fast if SHTF. No standing army to suppress the populace. Strong rural population.

There are many scenarios where we can reclaim our white paradise.

Also Jordan "IQ is biological" Peterson is a careful, smart motherfucker who knows the score and is too wily to be nailed as a racist.
Just need a few more public figures to stand up and a groundswell will start. The public is pissed but can't say it out loud yet. We never had niggers that prompted the formation of a KKK-esque organization. So currently the lack of voices is simply a lack of particles/people for our movement to condense around.

Pretty much a vast majority of them. Like today Blacks would commit crimes against White and Jewish courts would let them off.

80% of it is due to the power of movies/television and the relentless messaging for the (((agenda))). Previous generations can probably be forgiven for not anticipating the consequences of allowing kikes unlimited ability to influence cultural values this way - it was a new kind of power. Now we have to roll back the changes by redpilling people one by one until they recognize mass media for the Judas Goat that it is. It's not going to happen overnight, but if we don't do it then we might as well roll over and die right now.

What's the point of life plus 1000 years, I don't know but is it more like a statement that the local judge makes since it seems like execution would just be better since you're basically taking his entire life away so there really is no point in him sitting in a cell.
I'm not a lawfag or an American so please don't bully

This crime is particularly shocking and still hasn't been covered by American media so I'm going to this bump this again. Stuff like this is important to spread to normal fags. Maybe somebody could tweet this to Duke so he could publicize it more. I would but my telephone number is like permabanned from twitter.

Because you're a white man with a functioning brain attempting to understand nigger and leftist """"logic"""".

Leftists hate him, post-modernists can't stand him.

One weird trick to sort yourself out chaotic beings DON'T want you to know!

Clean your room to learn more.

you new bro?
white people committing race crimes national news
black ppl committing race crimes a small article on page 22 in fine print that you have to read with a microscope

They are gone user.

Forget this, I found it.

This is why the sterilization should be mandatory for the niggers and spics.

please tell me how are thevwomen there
t. american

or paying child support, working at all, helping someone else, etc. etc., you know, normal human things

i guess you didn't know that freemasonic judges have the power to sentence people to 1000 years of prison in their afterlife as well. they are all knowing and all powerful.



True, if the plantation owners had known…

because everyone sucks cocks

I am sick and fucking tired of seeing this in every single article. Pleaded isn't a word you ignoramus', they PLEAD guilty. This literally just started appearing in every single article, regardless of paper or author, all at the same time just a few years ago. WHY?!

So what sentence did he get? 20 hours of community service?