We believe in the citizens of Canada, Australia...

We believe in the citizens of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (the CANZUK countries) benefiting from a freedom of movement initiative, advancing the ever growing cultural, historical, economical and political connections that we already share through our Commonwealth ties.
Because of the unique relationship and socio-economic bonds that Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom share, we believe that each country can benefit from a free movement agreement with each other, similar to the policies of the European Union and the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement (T.T.T.A) between Australia and New Zealand.
We propose that the governments of the aforementioned countries finalise agreements (and inevitably, legislation) which make it possible for citizens to move freely with no restrictions regarding work permits or visa controls.
Through mutual travel agreements and mobility schemes, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and British governments can offer valuable economic connections, strengthen political relationships and benefit from cultural and historical traditions, while strengthening trade, investment, military and diplomatic relationships for the future.
Freedom of movement is already a growing global ideology (as seen with the T.T.T.A and the European Union). Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom share the same head of state, the same common-law legal system, the same western culture, the same respect for democracy and even the same language…it is therefore unreasonable for each to not share the same economic, political and cultural benefits that a free movement policy would bring .
We hereby propose this petition to all members of the Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and British parliaments, and urge them to advocate such freedom of movement principles within their respective governments.
CANZUK International

In theory, I'd be in favor of this…except then I'd have even MORE muz to deal with.


Unless it is barred to Ethnic "CANZUK", it will be used as a highway for jihadi goat fuckers to come to Canada and then hop over to Dearborn, MI.
Then Terrorism escalates in the US and also increases in Canada.

I'm still incredibly surprised a terrorist hasn'tr blown himself up at a OHL or NHL game in Canada yet.


I don't want more niggers from SA, muzzies from the UK or feminazi cunts from Canada coming to my beautiful country of Australia.

There's too many fuckin somali niggers, chinks and bindis infesting our largest cities as it is.

This would make it even easier for foreign billionaires to build their doomsday bunkers in NZ like they've apparently been doing, so if anything I'm surprised they haven't already done something like this.

hey CAMERA shills nice thread

Oh yippy they want to send invaders to canada to become their ethnostate while also taking over new zealand and australia via 'immigration' which at this point is just code word for invaders/soldiers. Fuck you invading, warmongering, soldiers you have to go back.

No thanks mate, you can keep your muslims and "diverse" immigration policies. We've already got shithead natives that we tried to reason with rather than genocide outright to deal with.

Nah bru I think we're good.

If US gets a cemented travel ban for the muds, what does this mean for the leafs? Will they bring in even more immigrants for the "more tolerant than you" meme?
I believe in the leaf commonwealth, but from what I'm hearing it'll be Sweden 2.0 by 2025, maybe sooner.


This is only a trash petition on Soros' site. I've heard it before though. Would be nice to get the fuck out of Canada as it will be South Africa soon after Sweden.
Even if I could kill the majority of Ottawa, others would have to fix their own cities or it wouldn't accomplish anything.


Fuck off we're full
I don't even want the whites coming here as they'll just advocate for more diversity
Fuck NZ, UK, Canada and Melbourne
Australian Separatist movement when?

Were we homogenous European nations then it would be fine, but just like a lot of other nice things we can’t have something like this because of immigrants. Britain and Canada already effectively have open borders. Australia is suffering from Chinese colonisation and various other invasive peoples; this would go into turbo mode as people used Canada and Britain as way to bypass the slightly tougher immigration laws of Australia. And New Zealand! New Zealand would be swamped and beyond repair within half a decade.

Awful idea. I don’t wish what I have to experience on New Zealand.

Isn't New Zealand already at that stage
IIRC you have way more chinks in proportions than us

I'm a Bong but I was under the impression NZ was not as far gone as most of us.

we all know the majority of people who would take advantage of that are not whites

The non-whites ALL go first, then I am totally fine with this.

NZ is pretty fucked too. By 2040 it's expected that whites will be a minority in Auckland.

I guess that's not as bad as London right now though.


Large amounts of North Auckland suburbs are chink or saffa majority, South Auckland is packed with niggers, pajeets and whatever other colour of the race rainbow you want to throw in there. We are worse than swamped.

I feel bad for aussies, at least our natives have a sense of humor and half a brain. When they're not on the reserve that is.

New Zealand is fucked if this actually happens

This shit happens; and it won't, Cucknada and NZ can kiss whatever remenants of firearms freedoms they had goodbye. I've always gotten the feeling that Canada has been just itching for an excuse to get rid of RPAL's and the like and I can't imagine the jews that run NZ are any less jewish.

NZ has a lower white % than the UK. It's getting absolutely swarmed with chinks.


something like this might have been good 30 years ago, but even then all of these countries were in white population decline anyway so few would have been likely to move.
Horse bolted long ago, just waiting for the rwds movement to be honest.

I would support this if it is turned into white only empire. Non white people should not have access benefits to the economic benefits.


New Zealand would become a developing country in two generations. Living in Australia and visiting my hometown in NZ the difference is vast. No where near as many faggots and hippes.

However I have very little hope of us surviving. I've been gone 3 years and all my friends from uni are insufferable faggots. One of them was unironically advocating adopting African children for ethical reasons. There is no right-wing pushback at all, we will be Canada in 15 years max

How fucked is the south island? I've only been to the north but am under the impression the south is whiter and more 'conservative'.

The south is admittedly a different story. I haven't spent a massive amount of time there. It definitely is a bit more conservative there as well. Don't know if I'd live there though it's fucking freezing and wracked with earthquakes


Good that means less non-white people there so go live there and have more than 3 white children with your snowy sweetheart.

South is much better in terms of trust/security in some areas and very white, although some fresh chinks there. North is also great and easier living conditions, basically keep away from cities/towns and you're fine.

You can meet some very quality ladies there.

You can say that about pretty much anything. Even degeneracy used to be okay until jews came along.


fuck no, way to sneak millions of islamics into NZ via Canada.
fuck off, leaf.

the birth rate in NZ is less than the inward migration… 61k vs 70k a year

The only cunts that vote New Zealand First are in the North the "white" parts of NZ vote for mass immigration cuckservatives every election and Europeans make up 70%+ of the population with Maoris like Winston peters making up another 10%