Are you sure you want a redpilled gf?

I see people saying they want one all the time. I want to warn everyone to stay away from these women. I stumbled my way into a discussion group for white nationalist women because my girlfriend joined it (she is normal). Most of these women the ones that stumbled into this kind of stuff without a boyfriend or husband leading them into it are insane. And when I say insane I'm not exaggerating it. Seeing what they say was like walking into a mental asylum. I don't want to mention any specifics because I don't know what these people might know about my girlfriend and I don't know the extent of their insanity as in if they find out they might try to stalk and kill my girlfriend. I've never seen anything like it in my life. Many of them are stalker women that are actually taking pictures of people they're stalking with weird cryptic messages and showing pictures of the absolute creepiest shit and insane incoherent rants about nothing. There's something that's going on that's drawing a lot of crazy women into white nationalism.

If any of you read Holla Forums and I have a suspicion some of you do. Don't bother trying to find out who I am. My girlfriend joined with a large batch of other women so you won't know which one she is. I'm not going to post anything from your group anyway.

I just want to let everyone know to be careful.

Nice blog post. Women are naturally crazy

You don't need a redpilled woman, you need a woman who knows the roles women and men are supposed to have. A woman that will keep the house in order and leave the politics to you.

You have a better chance of becoming an actual Jedi. Unless you're using the cuckchan version of redpill which I guess is worshiping a dead kike and voting for Trump or something.

…..and thread derailed
not that it was a good thread in the first place

If you bump threads like this, you are just as bad as they are.

Lurk more.

You've just been unlucky. Most of the white-nationalist women I know are fine.

Women can never be redpilled. They will merely gravitate toward the beliefs of their husband, so long as their husband is actually exerting dominance and control in the relationship as he should be.

Considering some of these women are stalking white nationalist figures and talking about the depraved things they want to do to them would be horrified if you're one of the people they're stalking. I imagine the people they're stalking stumble on these women.

OP, stop shitposting other threads, your stench of cancer is embarrassing to watch.

Hobbyism and misfits are a problem in every non-mainstream movement.
Many of these people are men, but because women are less mentally/politically capable than men, any woman who searches out fringe movements does so because they're insane.

No, user, it's more that women don't have the sort of drive that would make them say, "Fuck these kikes I'll die with those words on my lips."
A woman can always always always possess value in society. Traits that would make a man repulsive can be overlooked on even the most vulgar of women, because they're women. They hold a magical power of men. They can always obtain a harem of beta orbiters who will hang on her every word. So for a femanon to go on Holla Forums, or any chan, it's because she's already burned most of her bridges IRL and because she's probably heavy duty mentally ill. She just latches to National Socialism because she's an opportunistic harpy who's in it for a different variety of attention and gibs.
Women attack this by using "eww you're just saying that becuz you're weird lolll umm anyone wanna see my twitch stream? I have a patreon"
I don't want to say you have to wait a few years before we become mainstream, by all means keep looking, but avoid blown out skanks on chans.

Have fun never passing on your white genes while blacks and beans are being shat out by the dozens, everyone.

Met a redpilled woman and married her a few years later. Life's good.

There are no white nationalist figures. WTF are you talking about? Those homosexual Communists larping as WN like Spencer?

Keep dreaming. Traps aren't women.

Why did this make me laugh so much?


You're probably right. But you're describing the crackpots you met, not women in general. Most women can take the redpill without turning into lunatics.

We're going to have beautiful white children someday

jedi with red pilled qtπ reporting

Honestly, after all the shit I've seen in life, I could really go for a crazy white nationalist QT. I don't care if she tried to kill me. It would be worth the ride.

How do I get a gf?

Redpilled women are stupid skanks with an inferiority and hero complex.

Mras are little bitches cuz they want women to use their rights to end up having the rights of women taken away instead of doing it thenselves.
They sit on their narcisist ass having the woman do all the mra work like they sit on their ass not paying alamony or sit in the shed all day and complain that the wife is keeping the kids from him WGEN HE ISOLATED HIMSELF AND SAT IN THE SHED ALL DAY

You have to touch the poop to fling it, monkey.

Just find a girlfriend that's apolitical or conservative then introduce her to these ideas.

I just want a sweet and loyal QT 3.14. I cant date a white girl because Im a shitskin and I know that would make you guys mad.

You're on a computer dipshit, google it.

How adorable.

Those fucking blue pilled normies can't help me

Duct tape and a rope. Good luck.

The only appropriate response to stupid questions like that. Especially ones accompanied by le depressed frog meme

cuckseravites make me go a big rubby one. I can't stand to hear about muh Jewus and listen to pop country music.

haha saved

You can't get things you want. You're not a woman. You have to conquer life.

Implying a heroism is a complex. Nice trick, (((Frued)))

Just find an ugly girl and ask then, if you're both losers I bet you could pull it off.

Or you could try to hide the autism and pretend to be an alpha Which I accidentally done and attracted a bunch of bluepilled degenerate normalfag girls. Dont bother with them, they're boring as shit and only care about sex

Do you look like a normie?

Are you joking? Shitskin girls are far better than white girls in this regard. I'd date/marry one for sure if I wasn't racially aware. All white guys I know broke up with white women and now are dating or married to brown women.


Do you meam because wanting to be a hero is a good thing?
I think i get your point

This fucking definition, kek

Burn it all down, Achielies! You cheeky bastard.

I don't think that they are getting back at racemixers. I think they want a traditional spouse and to your average "colorblind" white guy who only sees cultural differences getting a nonwhite gf seems great. One guy I know broke up with his white fiance and married a mexican girl, another has a white son from a previous marriage but is now divorced and dating a mulatto shes actually pretty nice tbh, is respectful and doesn't act black at all, and a third dated an asian girl for about 7 years. Keep in mind I don't approve of any of this race-mixing and stay tfw no gf rather than do the same. But it's what is happening since white women are thots, or at least give off that vibe so much that it's turning normal white men off of them.

There is nothing traditional about shitskin pussy. It tastes and smells different. The women will never fully accept you as their mate. They're family will NEVER full accept you. It's subconcious. Your pretend friends (because you're really just a Commie faggot shitposting) are too stupid to realize that their woman doesn't really connect with them. They just want that burrito and pussy on the weekends.

Don't be that corner of the chans. If you're not fit, outgoing, confident, and sociable you don't belong here

do you not dress and carry yourself like a powerful white man? fat socially crippled neets are a detriment to the movement and not welcome here

Third pic is on the money. A part from "weirdos" who have platonic female friends (very common in France for some reason, some of these men even have more female than male friends - and these are heterosexual men not faggots btw) no normal man is interested in that.


While this thread exists. Is the state of finding relationships just totally fucked? The last time I had a girl we bonded like no other, but she eventually ended up in another state and the long distance only lasted a year before we finally broke it off. It's been so long since then.

Everyone I hang out with just says go to the bar, brag about your money, your job, etc and pick up random retarded sluts. This is how everyone fucking thinks now. No one wants a meaningful fulfilling bond. They're just a bunch of shallow retards. With how fake everyone is I'm pretty sure having fucking standards just ends up with finding gold digger who slept around in college and wants someone to mooch off of.

I've only ever come across one legit girl who was "redpilled" and not a trump shill.
I'm glad they exist.

An anal creampie in your trap isn't birth.

Back when I was a low-t, beer-drinking faggot I had a lot of female friends.

Hi Jew, your one experience for an hour with a couple of dummies is hardly worth making a thread over. But seeing some of the comments here… you can probably start another thread on your reddit account.

I've only ever met one reasonably intelligent woman in my life, who happens to be my girlfriend. Unfortunately she is a Social Democrat (ergo, not really that intelligent – but she's well-read, understands philosophy, etc) and hates me for being a National Socialist, caring about race, etc.

It is trying, but my sense of honour keeps me with her. She is mostly good to me.

either that or :
1/ a white trash slut that has been dating skinheads
2/ a white trash slut that realized she hates niggers now that she's a single mother to a niglet with a nigger as the father

Never heard of any groups like that before. Sounds really weird though so thanks for the warning, so we can avoid it.
Lately there's been so many new right wing female personalities rising up on YouTube, but honestly I think they're just in it for the shekels. Hopefully, more 'normal' women will watch their videos and be convinced for themselves. It's very easy to get orbiters to worship you if you're attractive, female, and speaking our lingo.
Maybe it just seems like the majority of white nationalist women are psychos cause they're the only ones who are unafraid of posting their views online. If they're really polite, which is a desireable feminine trait, then they wouldn't be so open about extreme views anyways.
t. female (inb4 you're only saying this to get attention)

A woman is 'redpilled' when she:
has your children (more than 2)
obeys your word
cleans the house
cook the meals
knows when to shut her mouth

women can't be redpilled, just follow a red pilled man. Women will conform to any strong force and have no loyalty.