Everything and anything about IQ

Average Homeless IQ: 83
Average Welfare Recipients IQ: 92
Median American IQ: 100
Self-made Millionaire IQ: 118
Self-made Billionaires: 133

Criminal populations generally have an average IQ of about 92

The average IQ of U.S. immigrants from Latin America and Africa “is substantially lower than that of the white native population.

Every sophisticated mathematical analysis applied to studies of IQ pointed toward a different mean for each race. The SATs, ACTs, LSATs, GMATs, MCATs, PISA scores, the various Regents exams, the Army’s ASVAB test, and the various other civil service exams, all show the same data.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=21JqddT_Uo0C&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=apa iq mentally retarded 85&source=bl&ots=Ff72j6L5i_&sig=PYar7HR6D41z_mrCTVChxxh8vBw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMv-KIw4zVAhVV3WMKHZ-XCwQQ6AEIODAJ#v=onepage&q=apa iq mentally retarded 85&f=false
humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Fuerst, John. "The nature of race." Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.pdf

Have a laugh

makes sense, although i'm assuming Australia is only counting their aboriginals. Guess petrol huffing lowers intelligence, who knew!

I've seen it posted that the IQ tests for men and women are fucked; if there's a question that men are okay at but women are absolute garbage at, that question gets taken out of the test. Can anyone confirm that?

The cutoff used to be 85, but too many niggers fell on the wrong side of that line which was 'rayciss' so they dropped it further to 70.

From where? Libshits and Bay Area is known to have libcucks that panhandle all day and get like $34/hr


That would have meant the lowest 10-15% of whites were classified as mentally retarded.

In 2015, roughly 423,750 American adults were home lesson a given night: One in 572 American adults (0.17%). Thus it can be estimated that the median homeless person is financially in the bottom 0.09%


Probably a bit higher, because the smarter ones wouldn't be as likely to get caught


if you're talking about jews who commit fraud and weezle their way out of things, they are few and far between the amount of niggers who are caught robbing shit. I don't think a few kikes move the score much.

>Been out of Canadian school for a decade
>See this, no calculator allowed


Clearly D, you don't even have to do any math, just set up the equations which you don't need a calculator for.

This is gradeschool math dude

They never taught us radians, matrix math, inequalities, or imaginary numbers

I am glad this has no use in the computer programming course I graduated from.
Yes I fell for the meme in 2008 and paid my debt off

All you need to know is that she wants to have "at least 500 balloons for sale", and then it's obvious that D is the only possible answer, since L and M represent numbers of balloons.

This is easy, a calculator wouldn't help, as this is more about what you'd type into a calculator (provided it can solve a system of equations).

IQ is legit, it's just typical leftist bullshit where any science that disproves their political philosophies is attacked and discredited.

So most women are smarter than most men

jewish science thread, fuck off Holla Forums

Okay and the followup:
I got 6/10

>Picture 2, guessed and chose 19.44, because I have no fucking idea how radians and circle relations work again because (((the education system))) didn't bother to teach me


But "setting it up" involves solving it to see which answer fits the question

Yes, and most geniuses are men, and most actual idiots are men

A gold star for you. The graph goes higher so it means you gals are smarter :)

Sure, IQ applies to demographics, applied to the bell curve, even going by the purported claim of jews having higher median IQ, there are more than ten times as many Whites with 130+ IQ than jews, there are more Whites with 130+ IQ than all the jews in the world by almost double. Point this out when the old "Whites suck, jews have higher IQ" shitpost comes up.

No it doesn't, ya fucking dummy.

lel, whut?

There's a APA paper written on why they changed it. Can't find the APA report, but it used to be in the 80 range, but too many ~15% were at that stage (mainly niggers and spics). This gives you the dates when they were at that level before the new (((standards))) were made.

books.google.com/books?id=21JqddT_Uo0C&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=apa iq mentally retarded 85&source=bl&ots=Ff72j6L5i_&sig=PYar7HR6D41z_mrCTVChxxh8vBw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMv-KIw4zVAhVV3WMKHZ-XCwQQ6AEIODAJ#v=onepage&q=apa iq mentally retarded 85&f=false

Valid. But what's that mean proportionally?
Like when people say that more whites are on welfare, I tell them to eat shit because proportionally nogs take more.

Why is that, though? Are most females inherently smarter than men because they are, at a young age, praised as these highly intelligent beings as opposed to males being portrayed as idiots?


Amusingly, this just happened

More women are clustered around average then men. There are more male geniuses and male idiots then females.

No, it's because of genetics.

Now you'll never get back your terrible score, lucky you.


Proportionally is the standard deviation percentages on the bell curve, even going with jews numbers the total populations at each strata, Whites dominate because of demographics.

The math isn't difficult, its the wording they use to trip you up. Try studying for something like the LSAT, wherein you're approaching the physical embodiment of Jewry on paper in the form of a test designed by litigious Jews trying to confuse Whites who actually have to take the test to get into law school (muds now getting in regardless of having taken the test, Jews getting in because Jew).

Fun fact: The LSAT is provided on two different days - Saturdays for the goyim, and Monday for the Jews… No joke, they actually have a secondary day specifically for Jews to take the Law School Admission Test.

you're either a disinfo shill or just an idiot.

the idea that traits, including IQ, are passed on through genes instead of through cultural transmission (learned behavior) is considered by many individuals to be controversial and politically incorrect. Leftists do not consider IQ to be valid and is not Holla Forums science.


Okay, I'll give this a whirl following their rules. Only gonna do section 1 I guess

Are people who are diagnosed with ADHD have low IQ or do they just need a certain academic environment to flourish?

One theory is that it has to do with the X chromosome. The X contains a ton of information. Women have 2, so sequences in the same location are randomly turned off, meaning that they only have the information of 1 X, so roughly half of each X in a woman is ignored. Men have 1 X, and so the information is not averaged, thus the extremities.

Most self-made millionaires are currently around 135 (and small business owners in general.)

Using the rightmost intersection of the 4th pic and using pic, is the point where the 15.8% IQ Score that males pass females population wise. Wondering if the 80/20 rule should change to 85/15 rule or 84/16 rule, though the 84/16 looks ugly.
As long the 4th pic isn't some sort of overlay, then it the ratios can change.


if you have a 190 IQ and you havn't done shit in your life, I don't know what to tell you. There's so many organizations that'll throw money at you to attend their university. What are you doing with your life?

I reverse image searched OP's graph and the only place it appeared was on this Jefferson Centre website which is a circlejerk of kikes pushing anti-white kike science under the guise of American 'humanism'. On this site, they constantly refer to the book in pic 2, written by a jew. Are you in denial?

There are an infinite amount of ways of 'testing' one's IQ, therefore it is subjective. You can't draw a scientific (objective) conclusion from any said test or instrument of experimentation that uses subjective criteria like IQ. Sure, there may be patterns with which you can make certain assertions about epigenetic predisposition (which I support regarding the issue of whites vs. blacks or whites vs. hispanic, etc) but it is a theoretical practice. To lump the complexities of gene science into a subjective practice such as IQ testing is to restrict further discoveries and new perspectives.

This ties in to the psyop of jews being the most intelligent race, based on IQ. You should check out a book called "How to Lie with Statistics by Darrel Huff". The gentile academicians always score higher IQ than jewish academicians, but because there are more jews than gentiles per capita in the high-capacity intellect academia (because money and nepotistism/ethnocentrism) they can claim they are 'smarter'.

lmao at anons who think there is a 'best/most reliable IQ test' posting their figures ITT

Checked for utterly retarded.

Writing software, going to a community college for the GI bill money.

No organizations exist which will just throw money at me for being smart, I've looked because asshats always believe that to be the case. I make around 130k/yr, but every time I've tried to take anything to market (software, inventions) it just gets ripped off by someone with more standing in the relevant industry. No universities I know of would pay a guy in their 30's to attend (if not for the veteran status I wouldn't even waste my time with them, the shit is so easy anyway.)

which image?

We've had this thread before.

what precisely are you objecting to, tard?


that's 6 standard devs above norm

That would make you in the smartest .0000002% of the population or one of the smartest 1400 people in the world

Actually since there are only 4 billion whites and east asians, its closer to one of the 1000 smartest people in the world

Nice pic, but try to refute my post next time.

pic 1 in the OP

MENSA does, you can get all sorts of scholarships from them… Plus the Ivy league schools should be competing with each other to have you.

Actually it's the 0.000001% and it leaves about 7,000 who are arguably the same or better (the test is unreliable beyond that point.)

MENSA are a bunch of faggots tbh. I tried going to see them once but couldn't stand a full meeting - too much "we're so much smarter than everyone" bullshit and the most productive thing taking place was some autist playing with a puzzle.

Is an IQ higher than 130 really considered genius?

What actually happened:

Your post is dogshit. Everything else you said is pure hollow woo.

Cry harder kike.

you're butthurt because of one image I took from Wikipedia that outlines basic conclusions from IQ scores? Are you arguing that welfare recipients are as intelligent as self made millionaires? Do you think there isn't a correlation between SATs, ACTs, LSATs, GMATs, ASVAB, with what standard IQ tests show?Do you want me to spam you with all leftwing articles attempting to shit on IQ tests because of its data?

Kike please, gtfo.

What actually happened:

how bell-shaped do these curves actually end up being? are they not skewed to either side?

No that's only 1/40 or 1/50 people. I wouldn't consider that a genius, but I guess it depends on how you define it.

I'm about 140 which is in the 1/100 range, but I wouldn't consider myself a genius by any means and I've met a handful of people in my life who are equiped with way way more mental hardware than me.

You're obviously a jew.

Seems legit. Does your dad work for Nintendo?

Yes, that is the present definition of genius - two standard deviations above the mean.

Depends on what sort of 'people' you're talking about.
And when you're talking about a population of average 100? Yeah m8, 140 - if that were actually your IQ, which it almost-certainly is not - would make you significantly above-average.
Amongst a population with an average of 85? You're superhuman.
Amongst a population with an average of 70?
You are a god.

What actually happened

Just because you're smart doesn't mean you have common sense.

1/100 isn't a crazy figure.

That fits with what my standardized test scores in school back in the day which were 99th percentile.

If we take 4 billion whites and asians, then that means there are 40 million people as smart as me.

If you don't have proof, nobody cares LARPfag.

I was just trying to explain to user about standard deviations, no need to get a stick up your ass.

Can we skip to the part where you dumb faggots think you've won some argument I was never having and go jerk off to trap porn before crying yourselves to sleep in your mommy's basement? I've seen this conversation so many times it's just tedious.


Okay, so I only did section one. I took 40 minutes, instead of the allotted 35 minutes, and I scored 15/17 of the questions I attempted in that time, out of a total of 23 questions

So I was slow, but accurate. I have a lengthy background in playing Magic: the Gathering and computer programming

Well, for a white, I'm not quite a genius according to this, but I'm up there (123 IQ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale with a perceptual reasoning score of 140, that being my highest score on the test.) I should have been a self-made millionaire.

That's one mighty inferiority complex, how are you even smart enough to know Holla Forums is a place worth being at? Or are you a shill?

I'm only in the 112-118 range from the tests I've taken from "certified psychologists" (not the internet). Anything under 110 is retarded imho. I'm barely getting by as it is.

Yeah, that one I took was at a shrink's office. took 2 days to do it.

I don't believe that shit for a second. The "average" homeless person is effected by either drug abuse or mental issues. The average welfare recipient is white.

Another lie. Every self-made is a product of his parents finacial support and bussiness trends. The average isn't inventing things, he's stealing or getting other people to work for him because he had the credit, education, and backing to do so. Most bussiness men I meet are fucking morons with a massive ego, no self awareness of the support they've recieved or of their mental devlopement which is at the level of a 9yr old kids.

Statistic are bullshit and always have been.

No. Hahahahahahahahahahhaha, you're pathetic.

If you weren't a lazy faggot shitposting on the chans, you probably would be. Succumb to your ambitions nigger.

Checked for hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.

Meh, US NHWhite average is like 102-105, so, I'd have to disagree.

I think 140 is still too low to be considered a true genius. But I guess it's true it depends on environment, culture and such. Thanks for answering user, please don't get in an endless discussion about your individual IQs
I'm sure a healthy amount of Holla Forumsacks are above average.

Did it's brain short out with the correct accustation of jerking it to trap porn and crying to sleep in its parent's basement? Seems so.

In Africa, with a 140 IQ, you are considered a GOD and they try to kill you and eat you. I just made that up, but it sure sounds good.


My true ambitions are spiritual.



130-140 iq user here

Pffffffffffffftahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah. So assmad. Hahaha.

Well you're wrong m80, dunno what to tell ya.


Then stop shitposting and either die or ascend faggot.



With all the mentally ill in the homeless population, is it really that hard to believe? You don't think drug and alcohol use doesn't lower your intelligence over time?

Yes the average welfare recipient is white but it's still counting niggers in the population. Black Americans make up 32% of welfare recipients. That's significant.

IQ is inherited by genes

Go back to Holla Forums Marxist.






It's like I'm watching Sonic the Hedgehog or some shit.



Pretty much this. 99% of small business owners/founders are 135 +/- 4 IQ points. It's just smart enough to make the commoners think they got there by being smart and too dim to usually spot how the world functions. They're effectively welfare queens who double as decoys in case of a plebeian uprising (when the plebs think of some rich bastard who deserves to hang they're going to think of their boss, not Soros.)

narcisissm is a helluva drug

You really don't understand markets, they operate on deals people make with friends, marketing and backroom conversations - having a technically sound and superior product means nothing. People actually come up with superior products all the time, the result is the same save for extreme edge cases:
Also, there are no organizations which simply give you money for being smart, if you know otherwise feel free to cite one or two, if I'm a sub-190-IQ tard as you claim then it won't help anyway.

when I posted said my IQ is 103 I got so much (you)s

What does the word 'supposed' mean, user?

Two days with the shrink is gonna cost a lot of money, user. And all you got from it was a three digit number, with no repeating digits. Damn shame.

switch to opera

Read this amren.com/archives/reports/the-color-of-crime-2016-revised-edition/

Yes and that was the point.

ACT and SAT score disparity between racial groups may be more useful to discuss with those not yet redpilled on race. Far more have actually taken these tests and compared scores with others, so numerical score differences among groups have some sort of actual meaning to them. The organization behind the ACT provides great statistics that break down test results by race, section, and even a bit of educational background. act.org/content/dam/act/unsecured/documents/ACT-National-Profile-Report-2015.pdf

It turns out that niggers' performance on this exam is truly abysmal with less than 11% of them meeting at least 3 of the ACT's basic college readiness benchmarks (18 English, 22 Math, 22 Reading, 23 Science), and, if you factor in the black high school graduation rate, less than 8% of US niggers meet at least 3 of the benchmarks. By contrast, 50% of US whites graduating high school meet at least 3. In other words, at least 92% of US nigger youth are completely unfit for college even by the most lenient of standards. I would really appreciate a racial breakdown of those who scored in the 33-36 range for a sense of how many niggers and spics should be in the top colleges, but alas ACT does not go that in depth.

The nigger average score breakdown is as follows:
English: 15.9 (KEK)
Math: 17.2
Reading: 17.4
Science: 17.3
Composite: 17.1

I and several high school friends scored over twice the nigger average in each category, yet liberals/kikes will claim every single nigger should have as much say in how the country is run, even the ones who cannot read or speak English at a basic college level. Additional statistics can be found here: act.org/content/dam/act/unsecured/documents/ACT-National-Profile-Report-2015.pdf

My IQ is actually 99 but its been more then a few years since i took it.

You have to have an IQ of 110 to post here.

Ok, assuming racial score distribution in every score range above the 3+ benchmark standard is the same as it is for the percent meeting the 3+ benchmark standard, which it obviously is not, blacks should make up less than 4% of the population of every top college. When the probably bell curve like distribution of ACT scores is accounted for, that percentage drops to below 2.

Congratulations, you just realized universal franchise is fucking retarded.

Empty responses, I actually want anons to convince me that my point of view is incorrect because I believe there are objective differences between races and that pawning it off as 'social construct' is bullshit, yet I don't see any of this IQ science as a valid method of defining said objective differences.

Peterson goes over some specifics, if you find his videos on IQ.

i understand markets quite well, and so do you apparently. what you don't understand is how to advertise something, which should be child's play to a 190 iq genius like you! as for organizations, don't be a fucking moron. any employer gives you money for being smart. the challenge is to prove you're smart enough to make the job's tasks trivial. narcissist, pic related.

You should do what you can to catch up on this stuff; it's only a matter of cultivating the correct mental framework if you're white. Canadian schools suck ass, you have to take it upon yourself to learn this stuff. It's way more rewarding that way anyway.

Read this once each year

I have been reading up on racial differences and its application to IQ. Here are the readings that I suggest.



humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Fuerst, John. "The nature of race." Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.pdf

The motherload of information: humanbiologicaldiversity.com/.
Seriously, emphasis on ^^^^^.


By Ryan Faulk over at the Alternative Hypothesis: thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/the-existence-of-race/.

Nice, so you shifted the goalpost and don't understand that businesses take money to start and only the 135 IQ realm run them. The bit about markets was based on starting a business by the way, not related to marketing when you produce tangible products which require manufacturing to get off the ground and the market is already there (hence why anyone who gets even a rough idea of the plans tries to do it themselves.)

Alright, I'll take a momentary break from laughing at you in order to humor you.

This is the foundation of your argument, and it has major flaws.
This 'infinite amount' business is nonsense - there are certainly a wide variety of methodologies via which one can analyze IQ in a given individual, but there are by no means 'infinite' methods of such pursuit. There are many physical phenomenon which can be examined via a variety of analytic methods, slight variation of each/any of those methods allowing for the same degree of 'infinite' potentials as in IQ testing.
As such, you're arguing that, because there are a wide variety of methodologies to measurement of a particular factor, that factor is thus 'subjective', which is simply false.
The rest of your argument falls apart from there, as it relies upon this foundation.
See above.
Somewhat faulty (humans are physically incapable of true objectivity, if only due to the fact that our observation of an event modifies the condition/outcome/potentiality of said event), but irrelevant in this context - just setting the stage for another point which relies upon the previous, flawed, argument.
Analysis via IQ testing is simply a methodology for measurement of patterns of cognitive capacity between individuals (and by extension, populations - a common practice of extrapolation), all physical data demonstrating/supporting the origin of this variation in cognitive capacity between individuals/group-clusters as derivative of heritable genetic traits.
This is entirely without meaning.
Relies upon the foundation…
… and makes no sense - if anything, acknowledgement of variation within the context of IQ analysis demonstrates strong motivation for further investigation of these variations, while denial of the reality of IQ analysis as a methodology only hampers such investigation and expansion of the accuracy and efficacy of the methodology in question.
That is a psy-op, but only because people don't understand the data.
Yeah, I know, kikes are shady and normalfags can't into stats.
The most sensible of your commentary. I agree - its rather pleb-tier to talk about your IQ, especially on an anonymous forum.

Well, not exactly; you also have to understand that you have to ADD the balloon helium volume (?), applying the correct digit to each, and that it has to be equal or less than 850. I actually suck at math, but this is a logic question.

There actually are a few organizations - MacArthur Foundations leaps to mind - which do provide money to people who're basically just high intelligence/agency and can present a plan for the employment of that capital.

Very true, but often loans can fill that niche - which, I'll grant, depending on scale, can come down to a matter of connections.

Dubious assertion, though it depends on the scale. At the upper echelons, I wager you'll find the majority of movers and shakers are high cog individuals; but at the mid- to lower-echelons, I wager you'll find quite a lot of people sub-IQ130 successfully running businesses. Majority, minority, which that group constitutes, that I don't know.

If you've got data to suggest otherwise though, I'd love to see it.

You don't though, as you say, its a logic question. The answer is to ignore the top row and look at the bottom - only one of the answers provides a correct orientation for the sum total of 500 balloons or more. The volume shit you can basically ignore, as there's only one answer that gets that bit right.

Good article.

don't accuse me of what you're doing, that's a jewish shibboleth. you asked about 'money' not six figure salaries. i didn't even point out that a 190 iq superhuman should be able to grasp the concept of academic priority in 'papers' or be able to slap a stamp on a drawing of your invention for the patent office. regarding your business, how are you going to sell your amazing product without figuring out advertising and sales? this is how you become steve wozniak you filthy fucking kike.

Sorry, now I'm interested once people are getting upset. What is the debate in regards to?

That's not a high intellect grant. They provide grants for helping the third world in creative ways and loans for sustainable development.
These days loans come down entirely to connections.
Anecdotal but not dubious (my sample size is on the order of 500+, every single one of which fell in 135 +/- 4 IQ points.)

There is a difference between small/mid-sized companies and large companies. At large companies there are certainly high-IQ people in t he upper ranks, but they are also almost exclusively people born with a lot of familial connections. Every single instance of a sub-130-IQ person running a successful business I've seen I wouldn't consider a business (ironically, given the wording you used, they were minorities subsisting on government handouts to keep them afloat.) Few people stay wealthy while being dumb, this is why people like Trump can be both exceptionally high-IQ (he's in the high 160's if I recall correctly) and wealthy, but he was still born into. If you weren't born wealthy and you have a high IQ there is no such path to gain ground (class tends to move by 1 step per generation, you have to have intellect to go up a step in most cases, but don't usually need a great deal of it, it's more about socialization linked a good article relating to this loosely.)

You really don't understand how business works.

Also, the 6-figure bit was from a previous post. Wealth is the ability to control labor, that's all it is whether you obfuscate that through finished products or employ it directly through employees and services.
I'm not going to get into what the products were here, but each one would have supplanted all the products in an industry at least 100b/yr in volume (at the low end.) There was a preexisting market and the capabilities of the products were of technical natures in technical fields (i.e. an engineer might look up a battery that stores 300x the power as the next best one on the market and at the same cost then have the no-brainer decision of which one to purchase.)

what did i just tell you about jewish shibboleth, zeev?

so you're saying that you won't make that much money from it and that you can't even convince a world awash in capital looking for places for money to go that it's a good idea. that narcissism keeps getting in the way of your perfectly laid, all knowing, 190 iq plans, doesn't it? pic related.

I'm not the same guy you're responding to, I just want to know what you are discussing. Is this still race realism? Because I have some input to add, if that is the case.

I'm preeeetty sure they offer grants that aren't anything to do with the third world, and which are focused simply upon intellect/agency. I'm no expect on that though.

Ehhhhhhh, dubious assertion. As I said, I'll grant that its a factor, certainly at the higher tiers (ie larger amounts).

Let's see the data.

With you.
Dubious assertion, once again. I'd love to see some data on this if you've got it.
That sounds exceedingly annecdotal.

I would tend to disagree, though I acknowledge your point - it is a MAJOR factor in such determinations, but I think its dubious to assert that there is no such path to gain ground.

Are you seriously attempting to suggest that I'm too narcissistic to find capital for my en-devours because I don't want to help a bunch of third worlders to reproduce more by putting my mind to ways to feed more of them?

Appealing to logical fallacy is a logical fallacy. You can't have a valid theory of 'everything' or 'reality' (aswell as 'the mind') without an impossible amount of experimentation. You can't observe certain depths of complexity without disturbing it's natural state. This is why a majority of science (which is mostly theoretical) is flimsy. I just prefer to lean more in that direction than in the direction of 'dogmatic faith', which requires a lot of regretable objection about objections ad infinitum. That however is something we could argue about ad infinitum/ad nauseam. Regarding IQ: Your whole argument falls apart when you point out the fact that high IQ individuals require specialised testing in order to gauge their 'relative' intellectual capacity to other human beans. If the science of IQ were more specialised towards certain 'grades' of human beans instead of being a practice of human generalisation (semantic), and was anchored to simple biological and psychological metaphysic as it's basis, then I would accept it's 'use' in defending our race. When it comes to the jew, a large part of the reason why whites are easily subverted by jews is because of our naive tendencies being exploiting by the jewish tendency to 'culturally shapeshift' and blend into it's victim's environment. European tradition is the true diversification of mankind, as opposed to the inflexible jewish tradition that covets and 'invades' it's superiors. We make the mistake of taking the jewish problem too seriously, taking this shit to a scientific level, which is what, I'm arguing, is what (((they))) want.

tl;dr I am laughing just as much at you as you are at me, because as stated we are unable to provide an operational theory for 'reality' and 'the mind' and 'conclusions' about such trivia is useless for scientific practice, inb4 it leads to more discovery instead of actually restricting discovery and necessary reevaluation

Half of all whites are

What is it about Botswana?

They don't, I looked. Moreover most of the content on their site is about helping the third world - people like that don't give money to people like anyone on this board but the shills.
You expect to see an (((official study))) drawing that conclusion? I just told you the data: 100% with a sample size of over 500.
Not even remotely dubious.
It seems like what I said it was? Go figure.
Oh you can gain ground - as I stated earlier I have a salary in the 6-figure range, which is more than my forefathers have had relative to their environments. There's a big difference between going up one rung and working the same time they did for it and having the wealth to fund even 1% of the projects I think up in any given year. It's about the same as the way in which wealthy people tend to produce more attractive women: they wed more attractive women so those genes get fixed. They likewise tend to be smarter than average (though rarely on the upper extreme as people like Trump are) because fools and money are soon parted and all that. The issue is more in terms of resource allocation, it is distributed by connections and not intellectual aptitude. This subsequently is the root cause of everything Holla Forums complains about: white people not helping white people while (((other groups))) do. The issue was never about helping your own kind or others helping their own kind, it is fundamentally about resources being allocated based on subjective and easily manipulated social networks as opposed to aptitude - the former of which means corruption and the latter of which means technological advancement.

asher, no attempt was made because you just invented that shit like everything else. you, zeev, and your incoming swarm of kikebots are prime examples of people who think they are smart with only 1-2 sds of edge on the average population. in a thread about iq, this is instructive purely as prima facie evidence since every one of you is a new data point. keep shilling, fam. i do this for free.

Why do come here and shit up this board

You literally compared a fucking institution granting things based on social justice with the inability to gain money to fund my objectives, knowing full well I'm posting Holla Forums right now to talk to you. Think that one over a moment, I'll give you time to see why it's a 100% fucktarded comparison.
Mother fucker, do you even know how statistics works?
Firstly: IQ is a relative and linear scale, the fact people fall into a bell curve per demographic is separate from that point.
Secondly: statistics is the liberal arts of math - it is 100% subjective reasoning masquerading as objective mathematics. For fucks sake man, you can swing the odds of winning the lottery by 3-4 orders of magnitude just by using different and completely-valid-in-context statistical methods. It's garbage math allowing you to say whatever you want based on your objectives rather than the underlying data, why do you think (((economists))) and (((black science man))) love the shit so much?

There are a lot fewer 190s than 135s

Technically true, I should have used a less-ambiguous word than "most" to state "the majority by relative percentages of the population" rather than a strict numerical value.

Do you know the average IQ of an Inca or Mapuche? First one I ask because they had the most advanced civilisation of the Andes and the second one I ask because they were the only tribe capable of defeating the Spanish (War of Arauco). Also curious about the Aztecs and the Mayans.

they're not centered at the same point though

I don't know about deliberate manipulation, but the studies I've seen show 4-8 points higher IQ for men. Not on regular computer to check my sources though. Nyborg is the only name I can think of.

The people who say otherwise are also the ones who cite bullshit that shows no racial difference either.


Darrell Huff - How to Lie with Statistics

Will have to check it out, thanks.

190 iq user, you're consistently conflating me with another guy talking about the macarthur shit. i'm not sure you are literate in english. should we be talking in right to left? please don't further embarrass your proud, ancient semitic race, asher, with your clumsy hamfisted replies. would you rather i have said 15-30 pts. of edge than used some math term? your long winded, byzantine, nearly content-free comment entails that iq is subjective when it is observably not. also, please don't use echoes because you're jewish and you're not allowed.

To quote your response to my response to the MacArther Foundation post:

Nowhere do I suggest anything of the sort. Statistics is subjective, IQ is a linear and relative (as in comparing data points, not how you fucking feel about it) scale. Applying standard deviations to interpret it is a fucking dumb idea and is where subjectivity comes into play.
>also, please don't use (((echoes)))


asher! calm down, take that effexor and a deep breath. we're going to talk about the central limit theorem and how it makes samples from a large population follow a normal distribution. i know you're a really smart 190 iq user with mad business cred and a really dope coonskin shtreiml so you can figure this out with the help of the friendly pictures in this thread! pic related.


85 is only 1 standard deviation away from average… dont see how thats "retarded"

t. reddit retard

Probably because "retarded" is not defined by the distance from a particular population mean but by the mental capacity possessed by an individual with that IQ, ie what tasks they are capable of.

Such an inferiority complex.

Did Gamergate teach people nothing?

Because (((statistics))) is liberal arts tier subjective logic formalized while portraying itself as mathematics. (((Standard deviations))) are a tool for ignoring differences. An 85 IQ is a tard even to a 100 IQ. That bell curve along demographic populations over a linear plot of IQ would be better served by following the square of the distance between two points on it: a person with 105 is much more radically different from a person with 100 than that same person with 105 is from 110. By the time you get to the second SD the difference between the start and end is a fraction of the two bounds on the first. (((Statistics))) would have you believe the opposite is true, because it is a tool for (((lying))).


lot of hate for statistics in this thread about literally a statistic, asher. given your 190 iq, i am surprised. you and zeev need to go out for falafel.


>continues to suggest (((statistics))) is math
Subjective analysis is not math. Fuck off shill.

Trips confirm memes are the only true operational theory for reality.

the ol' jewish accuse you of what i'm doing trick again, asher?
pics related.

I spent like a week trying to figure this out when I was in high school.

I felt like an idiot after I figured it out, but I'm glad I got it on my own.

You don't get what "subjectivity" means, do (((you)))?

Took me some time due to language barrier but I am almost sure it's D.

Is it as simple as it seems or there's a trap?

your 190 iq neurons must be asleep, asher. that isn't a method, that's a proof. it always works under the conditions described. didn't i say not to use the echoes since you're a kike? even then, assuming you think i'm jewish, isn't fucking with me lashon hara? where is your heritage, asher, that's a mitzvot. there's no room for your narcissism here or at temple. the video is for you and zeev to edify yourselves and learn. maybe one day you'll grow up to have a 190 iq beezrat hashem, am i right? relax and go claim your shekels from the hasbara office.

You sure sound like a kike.

dont forget these

Statistics is formalized subjectivity, this isn't an argument you can win because that is a fact.

Praise the sun, another Opera user, it's so underrated.

you finally told the truth once, asher! i'm proud of you. of course there's no way i can win. you've got a 190 iq and i'm just a guy on the kashmiri orangutan handler forums.
you and your buddy zeev would have a real argument if it wasn't for absolutely every methodology ever invented giving the same predictable result: nignogs are nincompoops and racial groups tend to score similarly.


I never said otherwise you fucking d&c shill.

on what?
The journal of higher black education stuff: jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html

Must suck not to be white huh?



yeah asher i know you jews hate the schwarzes. whatever. your argument is analogous to a situation in which we are measuring the length of an object. the idea is that the ruler we're using is made up or that the interpretation of the ticks is made up. i'm telling you that every ruler is like that and any interpretation of the ticks gives you the same result. very simple to the 190 iq mind. pic related.

since when does the white man not abhor the heeb, traitor?

So you're not a knowing shill, you're just a retard.


Read the book you lazy mod.

In the first pic t=50

You use the corners (which are 90 degrees total) at D & C to get two missing angles in the right triangle and then easily get the others. The angles of every triangle must total 180 and the "t" angle is basically part of an invisible circle so it's 360 minus the surrounding angles.

The second pic I can't solve cause I've forgotten the formulas. These are not pure IQ questions since they rely on that knowledge.

My mistake: t=40

360 - (115 + 95 + 110) = 40

Do you have a source for these?

No, point out that the average IQ in Israel is 95. Even if you completely remove the (20%) low IQ Arabs from the equation the Jews score only 98 IQ points.

After that, they'll probably pull the Ashkenazi card but that's an unfair methodology. The UK scores 100 IQ despite the fact that it's carrying 20% non-white population. The UK whites are obviously scoring 103 IQ (at least - they have negroes dragging the total score down).

So, if the Jews (98 IQ) want to measure only the smartest sub-tribe - it's only fair for the UK whites (103 IQ) to choose their own standard-bearers.


They could and they should be. 100 is a high MEAN FOR A GROUP, but it's nothing spectacular in itself. The average white person can't do math or abstract reasoning much either, but can at least control their muh dik murderous impulses unlike a nugger, and do a learned, repetitive job of moderate complexity.

Learn to read a graph you stupid nigger. The mean of the distributions is the same, so there is no difference. The number of idiots is compensated by the number of smart men and it cancels out.

Besides, in reality there is a slight shift between the means in favour of men, so most men are in fact more intelligent than most women - because the male mean is higher.

So basically, you got a low IQ score and are now trying to rationalize why you're still a smart special snowflake. Let me guess, you think more complex math is mostly arcane bullshit that ivory tower intellectuals use to jerk each other off, too

Ashkenazim are more comparable in both the peculiarities of their ancestry and historical status relative to the rest of their ethnic group to old blue blood European aristocracy, which is now largely extinct or mixed heavily with the population at large. I suspect this is another group with significantly higher than average IQ due to rather similar selective pressures in many ways for a similar length of time.


I think this thread settles it. Regardless of race, God determines which souls get put into the smart bodies. Why? Because two high IQ parents can produce dumbass kids. Two dumbasses can produce high IQ kids. Bless all of you who got lucky enough to be high IQ. Bless those of you with high IQ whose parents were high IQ enough to provide you with a foundation to foster your intelligence.

Imho, you guys are debating inane shit. Here's a more interesting question whose solution yields far more utility than whatever debate going on now.

How do we apply our collective and individual intelligence(s) to generate creative solutions to the problems we address day in and out on here, and in our personal lives?

If the first pic related from is correct, then let's run some basic numbers. ~3000 users on Holla Forums seems to be running average. HWNDU showed that halfchan is approximately 50-75% shitskin. Let's assume Holla Forums's superior culture is indicative of a lower rate of shitskinnery: 25%. 3000 * 0.25 = 750 = 2250. The other user's pic said 3-4.8% of whites are "genius". Let's be generous and say that a site like this self-selects for a higher average IQ than the general pop putting us at 4% "geniuses". 2250 * 0.04 = 90. At any given time there are 90 geniuses engaging on Holla Forums. Continuing with the numbers on the other user's pic, that means that at any given time Holla Forums's genius-power is equivalent to 0.002% of all Non-Hispanic Blacks in America (that's around 39 million people!).

These ~90-100 people could be, at every moment of every day (because they're not always the same 90 people) collectively working on a problem or question Holla Forums deems of importance, and which can be addressed through raw brainpower and internet resources. It could be a sticky thread which has the absolute highest of post standards, where every post must be logically and validly addressing the problem.

Selecting the right problem may well be as difficult as solving it. It shouldn't be a bullshit problem (smarties won't address those anyway), and it shouldn't be purely philosophical. The results to these problems should yield tangible results.

One possible problem to address: How do we engage in irl organization while maintaining opsec?

We could be reviewing academic literature, applying personal knowledge, intuition (a concept we were discussing in another thread re: American intuitive powers), and tapping into meme magic-tier (high quality) bantz to generate creative and innovative solutions. The key, I think, is applying our collective focus on a singular problem, for weeks or months until it is satisfactorily resolved. Then move onto the next one. Not implying this should detract from major ops that emerge spontaneously in this timeline

idk, nosleep spitballing here, anons

we should gas the dumb whites that bring us down

How so? European nobility is inbred and infested with opportunists. Old money and power killed meritocracy 3-4 generations ago. Their grandparents lived life on easy difficulty. Meanwhile, everyone else had to fight and overcome the competition.


You're the cancer killing Holla Forums. I mean it. You are an absolute fucking mongoloid.

nice infographics but dont be a christcuck. smart parents go a long way to making smart kids. perhaps you dont believe in evolution, which would make your racism unjustifiable.

when the white race dies out which it will, convergent evolution will make it appear again be it 1000 years or a million years down the line, the whites will prevail regardless of if we lose the race war.

organising with opsec is easy, check out installgentoo.wikia to see how /g/ has worked out a lot of technologies for easy opsec.

See, I have trouble believing that an unaided human without the use of retardation-enhancing technology could come up with this.

Hello Zucker how did you find out about us?

saying the graph means "all" is a fallacy itself, the graph itself fully demonstrates what its saying, and "all" isnt fucking on it, it takes 2 seconds to point out how fucking retarded they are to make the conclusion the graph means "all"


You don't need to solve the system, you just need to say which system correctly models the situation.

The solution is D and the reasoning is this:
The number of latex balloons is L, the number of mylar balloons is M.

The first inequality measures helium usage. You have 850 units of helium (85% of 1000, since 15% goes unused), and your helium usage has to be less than that. An L uses 2 units of helium, an M uses 0.5. Therefore:
2L + 0.5M = 500

I'm sorry they never taught you this in Canadian school. I guess apologizing for ADL™ Presents: The Holocaust™ must have taken up most of the curriculum.

I'm 138 and although I have a job in tech I'm not making much money due to the lack of clients and the market taking a slump due to Brexit.

Depression also factors in, when you have a higher IQ you're more observant and see the world is a crapfest, motivation becomes hard.

It's a linear programming modeling task, but I guess they don't need that what fancy-like math nobody uses if you just want to be a PHP programmer dude XD

Get active politically in your country. You have a gift and you have no right to waste it now. We're getting genocided, my brother.

iq tests are unreliable above 160. any test that claims to be reliable above that is likely bunk because there would not be enough people in that upper range to norm the test against.

Interesting claim, Mr. 190-IQ. I would just have a couple of questions for you:

1. Is P = NP?
2. Do you think P = NP is independent of ZFC?
3. Is quantum computing a viable path towards solving NP-complete problems in P-time?

You should be able to answer these questions easily.

If I had my way I'd get rid of democracy altogether. I don't feel particularly smart even though I'm 2 points away from "genius" level, and I know there's people out there voting with an IQ of below 80…

I struggle to vote due to the complexities that go into the decision, how much thinking goes into Mr 80 and below's vote?

take something to market you can patent (software is patentable in the US)


It looks like an illustrative graph. It would be astonishing for there to be such a difference between men and women, yet the mean IQ is exactly the same.
I read that mean male IQ is a bit higher than female.

Nonetheless, what matters is the far right side of the graph; geniuses are responsible for most of our life improving inventions and males outnumber females 10 to 1 there.

it clearly shows the average against deviations
it doesnt mean "everybody = Y" it means "average x = Y"

That said it's D. just check the answers directly if you can't be arsed working out the problem itself:

She has 1000*0.85 = 850 ft^3 of helium, and over 500 balloons, which are denoted as L and M. A sets L + M over or equal to 1000, which is at best double what she has (the lower limit of it, anyway), as such, it's out. B is subtracting the two balloon types which is retarded as it is the sums that need to be lesser or equal to, hence B is out and so is C as well (B even gets the total amount of helium wrong). Only remaining answer is D, now unless you're an abo you can dedicate a minute to thinking if that one corresponds to the problem, which it does. Even if you can't, you should be able to guess that on a test with 10 questions, wasting one on an answer like E is highly unlikely, so only D remains by elimination.

Well, if your IQ measurement is correct, all you need is testosterone:



145 reporting in. Can confirm about the depression. Not only seeing the world for what it is but also the isolation. I'm in grad school now so I interact with a lot of normal college kids. Charles Murray was completely right when he said only 10-12% of the population would benefit from going to college.

I feel very conflicted about the number of foreign students we bring in and pay for in regards to graduate studies.


This is probably good. Otherwise people would claim their stupidity as a disability.

And to whom would you entrust the governance of the nation, Mr. God-man? The advocates of oligarchy never consider the quality of decision-making processes, nor do they systematically analyze the quality of decisions that can be made assuming certain populations of decision-makers. They accuse the people of being stupid and leave it at that, implicitly assuming that everything would be perfect if we just put "the smart people" in charge.

You're an idiot. It is not direct democracy but isolated and aloof elites, buttered up and indoctrinated by special interests, which have given us all our worst decisions. Average Joe might not know much, but he knows that he doesn't want Somalis settled in his neighborhood, and he knows that he doesn't want his kids to be raised by a single mother. If these issues were put to a popular vote even today, they would be decided in our favor, yet your precious Platonic guardians in the Supreme Court and the Think Tanks will reliably prevent such votes from ever being taken or executed.

Appointing a small cadre of "intellectuals" gives consistently worse results than letting the people immediately affected by the measures in question decide. First of all, raw intellect is massively overestimated w.r.t. to its ability to deliver good decisions. Without certain knowledge and methods of thinking, the raw intellect is nothing but an unrealized capability - worse, even: it also makes its owner conceited and impervious to correct. At the extreme end, you have the Christopher Langan types who literally think that they're above dum-dum notions like mathematical proof or correct reasoning. Their own intellects blind them.
Apart from that, the issue is not simply whether well-meaning and knowledgeable actors can make good decisions, but whether the actors are well-meaning or knowledgeable at all. What does some politician in D.C. know about the daily struggles of people whose communities he's destroying with Section 8 housing and African resettlement programs? He just reads some bullshit study about the economic benefits of immigrants and remembers how much fun he had deriding ignorant racists with his buddies in college. This is the inevitable fate of any group with power which is isolated from the people at large: they become puppets of special interests who control them through lies and indoctrination.
The average "intelligent" person who's never put a single fucking thought into political theory (i.e. you) does not see this, of course. He has an instinctual contempt for the common people to whom he feels superior and whom he wants to disenfranchise. He harbors fantastic, escapist fantasies about people like him being put in charge instead, arrogantly confident that his unaided intellect will prove sufficient to solve every problem in the world.

You're absolutely right. Bottom line is that the "Secret" Societies are filled with under-achievers who are grossly misled and made (lured) to worship their own mediocrity.

Are we entering a new Aeon - yes. Will they burn - yes.

Which is the wrong answer. Subtract 2 from your answer and you're on the right track. You take S and assume it has a value equivalent to WE + J. Which means you'd only be left with a polynomial value of K/C and a scalar value that equated to U+F. Which - you can then equate by way of reductive analysis to - surprise surprise - 15 (-2 your original answer). From there it's simple.
Multiply 15 by 400,000 and you've got the final solution to the problem.

You could have a 160IQ and it wouldn't make a God damn difference if you're a fucking sperg who can't into social queues and proper situations. IQ itself is not intelligence; it's a factor which has been directly correlated to general intelligence (g). High IQ does not mean a high g; it means you will have a higher g than someone who was identical to you in every way

Of course, that's talking about an individual basis. Obviously a sample population of significant size (~100k+) with an average IQ score of 10 lower is going to be inferior to the larger population on that basis alone.

Regardless - IQ, much like genetics, is a non-factor in terms of human worth. The only thing that matters is what a person is willing to do. A person with a 160 IQ who sits around at their computer shitposting and wasting away on the government's dime is a filthy subhuman on the same level as a porch monkey supporting itself on food stamps. Human lives are valuable because of what they can do - if you contribute nothing to society, you have zero worth.

"But I'm happy" - fuck you, so are the dirty niggers. You aren't enlightened you stupid fuck, you're just lazy. You justify your own failures, just like every hypocrite throughout history, while leeching off of the hard work of your ancestors.

If by the end of today, you can't say that you have:
You should kill yourself for being human waste. Or better yet, find a few other degenerates to take with you. Then, at the very least, you can claim to have accomplished something before your expedited expiration date.


That's the abbos. They're about as intelligent as the average gorilla, and that might be an besmirching the intelligence of most gorillas. They're certainly more violent and prone to drug abuse than any true beast.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. I appreciate your support and your drive but you shouldn't reject your high IQ brothers. They'll *always* join in and fight by your side.It was never about the "worth". We are brothers.

Opinion trashed.

The whole "men and women have the same average IQ but there's more variation in men" assertion you commonly hear is false. The data to support this comes from preteen boys and girls, around ~12 years of age. As we all know, girls reach puberty before boys, and thus there's this "sweet spot" where brain development (and thus intelligence) increases for girls first, and is then surpassed and exceeded by boys' intelligence when they hit puberty thereafter. The ONLY reason studies like this show an equal intelligence between men and women is because they decided to do the studies at this critical time, rather than assessing them when they had both reached full development.

IIRC studies that looked at comparisons even just a couple years later in life show a gap between boys and girls of a few IQ points.

No, my method is better, they have nowhere to go, all their tricks are spent and left demoralized from the facts(love them facts.)

Technocracy, duh.

We need logical rational decisions based on facts, statistics and logic not some sperg like you casting a ballot.

I like how you've ploughed into saying I was suggesting Oligarchy is the solution when it couldn't be further from the truth.

A lot of money = a high IQ only when the person has come in to that money themselves, not when that money has been inherited, automatically that would rule most of the "aloof elites" as you put it because there's a handful of them that would not be classified as old money.

You're over-stepping the fact that one person with an IQ of 170+ will raise the average for a group 4 people at an IQ closer to the median, so although the "average" millionaire will be genius level, that could still amount to 4 in 5 being closer to average.

Averages don't mean shit when you don't put them against actual case studies.

Do you seriously think Paris Hilton is at a genius-tier IQ because she will inherit money making her a billionaire?

Your logic is completely flawed, I'm not going to even go in to what clearly set off your idiotic rant.

You assume a lot. I simply don't find a need to vindicate myself with statistics - nor, for that matter, should anyone here. People calling themselves "high IQ" or anything else on an anonymous imageboard are no different than "I'm a girl" or "I'm a ". Prove it or fuck off, this isn't reddit.
Like hell it isn't. Do you think I'd call myself a white nationalist if I believed niggers were the master race? No you faggot, I'd be more than happy to support them. It just so happens that well over half of them are literally retarded, while most Asians - in spite of their allegedly superior intelligence - have historically demonstrated none of the mental qualities required for advancement.

My "brothers" are the people actively working to make a better world, or at the very least contributing to it. The people who refuse to put a single ounce of blood or sweat into the process, desperately clinging to fever dreams of a future revolution, have no value outside of being foot soldiers. And John Smith, the 102IQ trailer dweller in Arkansas with two sons and a daughter, who can accurately hit a wild buck at 100yards with a bow and works two part time jobs at Ace and the Sizzler, is worth infinitely more in that field than a 156IQ NEET who once edited an image macro on the internet.

>People calling themselves "high IQ" or anything else on an anonymous imageboard are no different than "I'm a girl" or "I'm a ". Prove it or fuck off, this isn't reddit.

Somebody is feeling inferior :^)






Northeast Asians are the greatest threat to Whites!!!!!!


I have two questions:
(1) I would like to see more examples of racial differences other than IQ. I think that the IQ difference has been pretty throughly established. For example, I'd like to see a study on racial differences in ability to delay gratification. Remember the marshmallow experiment? I'd like to see a racial breakdown of that.
(2) I think it would be funny to recreate a lot of the IQ-difference memes but only using whites vs. asians. Why? Because most whites wouldn't be bothered too much by that (we understand that while asians may be smarter on average, we make up for the difference in other ways). However, in order to be consistent in their beliefs, leftypols would have to argue that these memes are racist against whites, which they don't want to do.

had a giggle

For anyone looking at this, this is a map for the native populations, so Australia is only that retarded here because of the abbos.


context is important, or it's "IT WAS REAL IN MY STUPID MIND"


A lot of these scores are just inferred and inflated to make the people seem more special. kasparov in particular has never officially taken a test, but some experts gave him a few abstract problems to solve once and gave a light estimate of 130 - pretty far off from the downright mythical 190. Same goes for Polgar (by the way, "grand champion" is not a chess title, it should say grandmaster, fucking retards). Does it go without saying that these two are both Ashkenazi? Alexander Alekhine wrote a great treatise on Jewish vs Aryan chess, it's worth a read to see how they have subverted even that into something else with their neuroticism, which is partly why bobby Fischer got so frustrated with the game.

Hawking, for all his faults, is on record saying he doesn't know his IQ, and that it's a test "for losers" - his words. He may be wasting his time on kike physics but compare that to Rick Rosner there (note again the surname), who makes a big deal of his IQ and yet has done shit all with it.

Want to read something truly insightful to the point of being totally inaccessible, by an actual genius? Try CTMU by Christopher Langyan. It'll help you understand memetics too once you get into it, don't expect to understand much straight away though. I felt like a measly brainlet after trying to scanread it.

Unfortunately you're not going to see a large number of those. Modern academia has for the most part fallen into the idea that race is a "social construct" - frankly, I'd give it maybe twenty years until you're no longer allowed to identify race based on forensic evidence, because of "racism".

That's just blacks. It gets even messier with Asians, for a number of reasons. Whereas the blacks in America, for instance, tend to have a mixture of white DNA which slightly raises IQ and produces hybrid characteristics, and the blacks in Africa don't know enough to cheat (most can barely speak), Asians (and poos) are infamous for cheating on tests, reporting back false or inflated results, and otherwise being scum. And if you try to test in America, you run into the issue of an elevated sample; i.e. while whites in America range the gamut from trailer trash to genius academics, most of the Asians or poos that come to the west are already the smarter/wealthier ones. It's like comparing the sleep negro to six meth addicts and using that as your comparative sample of black versus white IQs.

There's another issue as well, which is known as the confirmation bias. Most people who are performing these studies are going into it trying to prove that both cases are equal. If you've ever taken a basic psychology course at the university level, you'd be aware of how easy it is to manipulate data by removing "outliers" and the like, as long as you can bullshit it well enough in your final data analysis.

In general - until people are willing to accept what was a commonly acknowledged fact just 40 years ago, that race is a biological factor with distinct differences, you're going to be hard pressed to find a number of reliable studies. Of course, even with that, we still have a few things floating around. There are obvious forensic differences, such as the skeletal structure, predispositions towards certain diseases and other genetic factors, etc. Muscles are also a bit different; if you look into the "science of sports" for instance, you can identify differences such as burst vs endurance strength in blacks vs whites (see also: doves and quail) or increased flexibility within Asians.

Doesn't work that way, user. Asians are opportunists by nature. They're very drawn to left-wing beliefs, and they absolutely love anything that claims Asians are better, because they truly believe it; that is to say, they take doublethink to the extreme, simultaneously holding the beliefs "we are better than other races" and "we are oppressed just like all minorities are by the evil white man".

To fuck with the left and it's relationship with Asians, you have to be more clever than that. Instead, take things like the fact that UC systems apply a penalty to Asian SAT results and raise the Black SAT results when going through admissions. While the truly brainwashed/indoctrinated ones are pretty much a lost cause either way, most of them will get extremely ass-blasted by this sort of thing. Once they feel "I am even more oppressed" they will start to lash out at blacks as well. The trick after that, when working on an individual basis, is to show them that it's not whites doing it - it's the Jews. Historical facts, like Jewish involvement in the Opium trade, will really fuck with Chinese in particular.

Every race has its own tactics. Ironically enough, it's whites that are the hardest to "redpill" out of everyone. Asians are easy to manipulate, blacks doubly so. That's why (((they))) like them so much. Whites (and hispanics) are typically harder to condition, and harder to decondition. Once you break the prior conditioning, though, the upkeep is lower. Personally, I just love the slow process of shifting people over. I can understand why the Jews like it so much.

It's always the same.

Guys don't shit on Sizzler, they have infinite soft-serve ice cream.

Obviously I don't believe you.

But it's a known paradox that past 130, IQ is actually inversely proportional to success in life. High IQ individuals have trouble relating to people and participating effectively in teams.


Imagine that.

At no point did I say that rule by the rich is the problem (though that is what you understood; oligarchy means "rule by the few", not "rule by the rich"). In fact, I point out how high intelligence by itself is often detrimental to the quality of decision-making. Rule by the "smart" few would, and is, shit.

And who adjudicates those facts? You? And what is recorded in the statistics, and what is left out? Appeal to "rationality" and "statistics" reliably degenerates into scientism in which rational-sounding arguments are used as a fig-leaf to justify any decision. For examples, you can look at literally any Western elite who employ a whole bought priesthood of think tanks and scholars to justify whatever they want justified.
I understand if this thought is a bit too novel and controversial for you, but perhaps you'd like to take even a cursory glance at the last century of politics before you mouth off your shit.

Completely unrelated to anything. I don't even know why you brought it up, though I can guess that it was your bruised ego and a desire to appear smart by demonstrating knowledge of a basic fact.

Yes, I was afraid of your superior intelligence, clearly.

I'm curious how you think a calculator would help you solve that. What buttons would you press?




Ignoring the fact that drug abuse and mental illness will doubtlessly lower your IQ…
You don't think that low IQ makes you more likely to fall into drug abuse and fail to cope with it?

You don't think that the average white on welfare isn't less intelligent than the average white. The average welfare recipient being white doesn't mean that the average white person is a welfare recipient. There is no shortage of white people with a less than average intelligence, and it is that portion of white people who are more likely to end up on welfare.


There's no requirement that you believe me either but I'll go ahead and tell you that being capable of extrapolating the reality of those professions as a tween isn't condusive to active participation. The system, meaning in this instance educators and other professionals, turns from what can we do for you to what can we convince you to do for us at the 2nd standard deviation then OMG you're a freak who disdains our curtain of hypocrisy at the 3rd.

This is Holla Forums anti-capital propaganda.


That doesn't matter, what's going on is working back from the facts on the ground of achievement throughout recorded history being a White affair, the article postulating on why that is.

…which doesn't take into account cultural, economic and historical factors at all. Also, since they also don't say that Asians have less geniuses, you would think you are fucking a retarded clueless monkey for posting that picture.

Niggers scoring worse than native americans is a truly powerful redpill. Most white people in America are familiar with the absolutely abysmal "cultural" situation for natives. They live on reservations with no money for schooling, all their adults are abusive alcoholics, etc. Meanwhile niggers to to the same schools your white children do, you know that because your child gets bullied by those niggers.

So how are natives, on their shitty nearly non-existent reservation schools scoring better than niggers? According to the left this is all down to environment, but natives objectively have a worse environment than niggers. You can't pull this historic oppression card either, not by a longshot. The only explanation is genetics, they can't fall back on any of their usual "nurture" excuses. They might try to claim that natives are "white passing", but you can debunk that just by laughing in their face.

What's more, you can be provocative and suggest to them that perhaps niggers scores would go up if we forced them to live on reservations out west just like the natives. That's sure to trigger.

Those factors already discounted from the time scale, all races haven't been consistent in any of those, which they would have needed to hold throughout history to try to point to them as why.

You'd like China.

You must be fucking dumb if you believe that you can model a complex system of discrete and continuous quantitative and qualitative variables by just plugging in numbers, and without any sort of objective criteria-driven and exhaustive empirical cultural research. I feel I am talking to a nigger.

Most TI's can be pre-programmed with commonly appearing functions. The only time I used the calculator myself on the SAT was for anything that would involve decimals, since it's easy to do anything else mentally or by hand.

I assumed that same was the case for others, until I went to university. For perspective, I probably fell into the bottom 1% of income among whites in my incoming class (perhaps for the best - it my prior school had any standards, my high school work ethic might not have landed me as far as it did), and had only known of two people in my entire school who had been rumored to have received tutoring. So when I learned, in a class of 15 people, that I was the only person who hadn't either received tutoring or at least bought one of those $200 study guides, I was a bit stunned. Not to say that this was the case everywhere in the school, and I'd say the demographics are closer to 9:1 than 14:1.

Now, this is what I learned from them: As it turns out, most good SAT tutors prepare a bunch of formulae to program into calculators ahead of time, and a good portion of the time is devoted to knowing exactly where to find everything. It's a good crutch for people weak in math. Further, while nobody in that class had done it, I learned from two girls that a common gimmick is to receive a false diagnosis for some sort of mental condition (ADD or whatever) and then use that to get an excuse for extra time on the SAT. As anyone who has taken the test is aware, the questions are all fairly simple - the only thing that gets you is the time limit. Given 30 minutes rather than 10, the path to a perfect score is pretty much set. Particularly if you have a nice, loaded calculator with you.

I'm not sure what the current SAT model is like, since I took it while the 2400 scale was in use. But based on that question posted, I'm guessing that just got rid of the calculator outright. Which is probably for the best, since you can't even use the damn things in lower division college calculus classes.

The issue with a high IQ isn't anything to do with problems working in teams or relationships - it's the fact that the core educational model presently used in the US and most other western countries is insufficient for dealing with gifted individuals. Further, while IQ and the like are genetic, dramatic outliers do not produce outlier children - a man with 150IQ may be more likely to produce an "above average" IQ child than one with 100IQ, but the difference in their chances of producing a 150IQ child are of little to no statistical significance. True genius is an even rarer thing, acting as a composition of learning ability, mental drive, and the events in life at the right time to trigger the person into action.

But I digress - To deal with gifted individuals, you need to place them with gifted individuals. Our current education model is set to give every student the same path. Very smart students are placed with very dumb students; the extremely smart students are advanced in grade level, while the extremely dumb students are held back from advancement.

This is not the way to do it.
Post is too long.

Education needs segregation. The bottom barrel should be separated from the rest, and given the rudimentary things needed - mathematics for logic, verbal abilities for speaking and writing. If they show signs of simply having slow development, they can get advanced up. The average group, then, is given a more advanced education from that. General sciences and literature, bits of geography and history, the "standard" education expected from the west. The gifted students, on the other hand, require a different method entirely. The core fundamentals - the mathematics and verbal - should not form more than perhaps 10% of the students education. Instead, a strong emphasis on a "renaissance man" style of learning - sciences, geography, history, art - should be presented. But more than that - leadership, strategic, and game theories, all starting from a very young age. All of this, from the bottom to the top, framed about areas of physical activity and competition, to keep the students in shape. There's no need for an obese genius, and even less need for an obese cart pusher.

It's not a perfect model, of course, and it has a few downfalls. After all, it doesn't do much for the non-verbal autistic savant who can teach himself multi-variable calculus in the 3rd Grade. I'd rather a complete segregation of special needs children to their own facilities, where specialists can take care of them, but that's just me.

Natives have it even worse on a genetic level too. While you may see lots of propaganda that glorifies war, the simple fact is, wars and bloodshed are the best way to kill off the best your society has to offer. While there are some exceptions, the unfortunate fact is, most of the "best" Natives were the ones that fought and died as a result of expansionism. What you see now is for the most part the degenerate remnants of what was once, though inferior to whites, a better race than it is now.

On the other hand, American blacks are quite literally the apex of their entire race. Their inferiority, in light of those circumstances, is perhaps the greatest mark of shame they could bear.

You must be fucking dumb if you believe that you can model a complex system of discrete and continuous quantitative and qualitative variables such as the human world by just plugging in numbers, and without any sort of objective criteria-driven and exhaustive empirical research. If you want to measure cultural achievements. You need to have some sort of objective criteria on what constitute a cultural achievement and go through a lot of encyclopedic text, but even that doesn't take into account researches and works that were destroyed. I feel I am talking to a nigger.

You're trying to sidestep, no race has maintained one culture throughout history, Whites themselves are all over the map, yet Whites have achieved what we have regardless of that factor, which necessarily negates it.

Being able to relate to others is a skill necessary for many jobs. The inability to relate to others makes one less qualified for many jobs, even if that inability is supposedly stemming from their high intelligence. It is very common for highly intelligent socially useless autists think that the problem is everybody else. Despite their intelligence they have a massive blindspot caused by their own ego. They cannot perceive that somebody with a lower intelligence but a greater ability to relate to others is more than likely genuinely more qualified for the job.

It's like a tall stinky nigger who can't bath questioning why shorter white women keep getting jobs to stock store shelves.
>But I'm taller, I can reach the top shelf without even trying! They struggle standing on their tiptoes.
Yeah, but the shorter white women can still manage well enough, and nobody wants a stinky nigger in their store.

>I'm a 190 IQ genius who can't socialize with anybody, why doesn't anybody want me in their office?













Just so you know, f32d34 is the Gookposter.

I was responding to the URL, not any he's actually said.

It's only a matter of time before libtards want to implement a tax on people who have a high IQ (whites) to pay for special education and welfare for low IQ individuals (shitskins).

A fundamental component is more on track but greed doesn't have a bearing on much of the achievements.

Is that Philippe Rushton?

They aren't going to do that. We're already seeing the beginning phases of what the next step looks like.
next step is
They're going to start giving discounts to people who are "disadvantaged" which will raise the "regular" price for the average white consumer.

Do you know of a source? Coming from a family where the men are all fairly intelligent I find that hard to believe.

but that's bullshit. They've clearly shown higher IQ people relate better and are happier if they are advanced to their intellectual age when young. I have an IQ of in the range they speak of, but outside of school I was around adults and not other kids, and never had a problem relating with normal people day to day. Only problems in restricted environments and people my same age. As soon as I didn't try hard in school or competing with guys my age, I got good at that, too.

It has nothing to do with ego unless they are raised like 'muh jewish prodigy'.
working with women is hardly better, but your point stands. People who know someone is much, much smarter than them get very uncomfortable unless the smart person is a professional like a doctor or are much higher in a hierarchy. And god forbid you every show yourself smarter than an insecure boss.

I think past 130 IQ the wired motivators for participation (status, securing attractive mates, dopamine rewards for being a social animal) start to badly malfunction. Not for all individuals, but often enough.


greed, humanist movement, capitalism, progressivism, supremacism, economy of scale, etc.

Those Ashkenazi numbers are definitely inflated by kike studies


this is true

t. law school drop out (who scored 163 LSAT)


How would you feel about marrying a sweet retarded girl with a nice body?

You'd not be in business long.

I like the first one, it really illustrates how much smart goys outnumber the yids yet Jewish ethnic nepotism leads to massive overrepresentation in many fields.


I know that feel. Except in my case it's the chinks copying my ideas and making ripoff versions of consumer widgets at 1/4 the cost. It's happened to me twice and the general rule is that I have ~8 months to capitalize on a good idea before some vulture shows up and copies it.


I think you still get those, but when you fail and no one can explain why, you brain is getting the same rejection signals that are telling you are unfit. Just because the environment isn't natural doesn't mean selection isn't constant. Get them fit, prove to them they aren't losers, and put them together, and they'll compete and fuck and socialise just like normies.

and yet you implied it was the fault of the intelligent for their blindspot and compared them to niggers. You can't just socialise niggers and turn them into white people. You can't raise women different and turn them into men (as much as the dykes try). Raise smart children slightly different and they're fine.

any IQ 160+ can easily work for a software company. I work in one of the biggest firms and I am completely a retard, and it's ok. I ignored the CEO who told me hi and nothing bad happened. LOL

From nonsense(humanist movement, economy of scale, progressivism, supremacism) to doesn't hold water(capitalism, greed.) You're just shit posting.

I am not the retard who post some blog post from an unpopular blog maintained by anonymous neckbeard as if it were a scientific article, even though the blog post doesn't even support your dumb argument.


Coming from the same situation as you myself - I don't have a firm source, no. I remember reading it alongside regression from the mean, though, and I don't just want to use anecdotes as my evidence.

Of course, keep in mind that the number "150" was used to indicate an extremely unusual examples. Judging merely by the few things I've read and observation, I would guess that it isn't until about the 135IQ range (the "upper echelon", after which you find only outliers) that parents and children start to differ. A study of that kind would be worth looking into, if it could be "accepted" as not being too discriminatory or whatever other bullshit our modern, liberalized academia could cook-up.

I disagree. It's most certainly a social issue.
Gifted students perform well with other gifted students. They perform worse when they are put into a counterproductive learning environment, which poorly shapes them in the long run. Without parental support, they are doomed to failure.

If you pay attention to the people around you, you'll notice it first hand. Of the people I grew up with, the ones who are currently doing well for themselves aren't the ones who excelled the most academically - it's the ones who had the most parental support. Now obviously, a literal retard is helpless no matter what. But the son of a small business owner who gives a damn than his somewhat smaller contemporary whose dad is an alcoholic that doesn't give a shit.

In the short term. I believe - if a day of reform ever comes - we will initially need a public education system to keep everything standardized. However, I don't believe the state can support it in the long run, and that a public system is too susceptible to corruption to make it function.

Instead, it would be better to do things in such a way that the standards are set - and then, from there, you phase it into privatization. Or, rather, you have it established from the state to move in the way. The way, even if certain schools become subject to intellectual and moral decay over time, the system as a whole is much harder to subvert.

That way, you take advantage of the sweeping reforms permitted by the state, while also preventing future (and more degenerate) generations from taking advantage of the system you created. It's not a foolproof way to support a country - there is no such system - but it's the best way to create the greatest degree of stability over the longest period of time.

I should have been a bit more clear - the aristocracy BEFORE they got entirely ousted by the kikes. As in, when they still governed and led armies - which is roughly up till ww1, varying in different parts of Europe. The point is, you have a group under very intense selection for certain mental characteristics, but less exposed to the hardships of regular work, and where mental ineptitude in many cases meant breeding down and out of the group, or even outright exile/death. For the kikes it was pogroms and banking, for the nobles it was incessant warfare and cutthroat politics.

You're back to trying to sidestep.

No numbnuts. Their intelligence isn't the reason they have blindspots. Their ego is the reason they have blindspots. Their ego gives them blindspots despite their intelligence.

Niggers have nothing to do with my comment. I'm discussing why exceptionally high intelligence white people who suffer from pseudo-autism have grudges against moderately high intelligence white people who socialize normally.

I agree with you, in part, that a person that squanders their potential is wasting valuable resources, however an individual with a high IQ does have that potential to either improve their lot in life and thus contribute to society, or have children that can be walked down the correct path towards greatness - low IQ niggers will always be niggers, and so will their children. High IQ whites may act niggerly, but have the potential for greatness, through themselves or their children

it's not sidestepping, it's pointing out how much of a retard you are and that no one should take you seriously or debate, because no logical argument can get through your thick skull.

that turns into infinite diarrhea

We get it, you want to try to derail with ad hominem attacks because your culture/economic/historical factors argument doesn't hold water.

Generally not. It's really more a thing found in moderately intelligent (130-145ish) people who are above the mass of plebs but also nothing spectacular. The truly intelligent sorts are generally deeply devoted to whatever they pursue, and are often very social (womanizing physicists) or maybe extremely weird and therefore completely incompatible with others (crazy like Newton). Can't think of many geniuses who have been described as egotistical cunts. I personally know a whole bunch of barely above average snobs, though.

You're right on the area of potential - However, we live in a world where an excessive amount of resources are available. The internet is an amazing tool for learning, and the human body is a marvel in terms of ability to change and become more athletic. Jobs are plentiful, if you're willing to move around - or join the Army.

Thus, until people with potential actually use it, I find no other comparison more apt. There is nothing more important than human action. Dreaming of flying to the moon does nothing - flying to the moon alters the course of history.

No, talking to you is like talking to a Black supremacist who claims that the Blacks built and engineered the pyramids, because muh racism and nothing will get through his thick skull, because you can always make up theories that are half-arsed that has like a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of being somewhat true.

top kek

Your claim isn't even remotely possible, because all recent data suggest Asians have in fact more high IQ individuals.

the relation you need to know for the second pic is that 1.8r =10.8. solve for r

Do you have the image with the two types of japanese women?

I have it on internet authority that this assertion isn't true, see: huehuehue




Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.

In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

I hate cities and am not interested in making money besides what I need to live on, at least until I can keep from working just as much to support my enemies through taxes.

I thought that was just a general trend over generations. Haven't looked into this stuff in a while, though

as a form of parental support, all the people I know doing well act like turbokikes with their parents knowledge of how to game the system and/or are running their parent's business into the ground and yet never seem to entirely fail. And both types are seen as great successful people by normies.

>less exposed to the hardships of regular work
maybe for the daily peasant grind, but they all got there in the first place for being able to fight and kill and their pastimes were athletic like riding and hunting. I think they were getting jewed long before ww1 but don't know my history well in that regard.


"In the U.S., Whites have an IQ of 101.4 with a standard deviation of 14.7 and Asians have an IQ of 106 with a standard deviation of 15."


Chinese people cheat on tests like a motherfucker. IQ tests in Asia ain't worth shit.
They are dishonorable pigdogs.

ps I meant the successful ones I know are all tards, with some jewey animal cunning at best

This triggers me so fucking much.
It's like a subway part-timer talking about what it means to have 4 Michellin stars.

You must have a really low IQ if you don't want to live in the city for the dumbest of reasons.

school inherently doesnt educate the way people of any intellectual ability learn

public school has never been anything else but citizen indoctrination tool to make drones

The CEO isn't some sort of God unlike what some neckbeards who never worked in their lives may think.

you skanky gooks don't understand how these scores were created. in the past, when immigration was limited to the best and brightest from third world shitholes, white countries imported the top of the cognitive pool and they, being minorities, stuck together. this assortative mating produced smart kids and a stereotype that chinks and pajeets are smart as a whole. what these white people didn't see are the hordes of low iq rural farmers back home that never stopped growing rice, a backbreakingly difficult to grow plant in what is already poor gook soil. you'd think these smart asians would have figured out how to make this easier or moved on to other crops by now but even today rice is harvested by gooks bent over at the waist. these iq studies are done on asian kids in white countries, not on asia's vast population of retarded country folk. same stunt the jews pulled with their supposed ashkenazi intelligence. classic gook copycat!

Of course you are right, just having the potential to do something does not mean anything if it never happens.
In our current, degenerate society, we are all raised and formed into the mold of "equality" which drags down the best to the level of the worst; it is obvious that an idiot with no potential to improve will not improve, so in order to make everyone equal, you must drag down the smart people to the idiot level (go watch the Harrison Bergeron short on youtube, it's a good example). This is our current reality, but I think I can assume that our goal here is to improve both the individual and our people, and that is where these self-crippled intelligent people come into play.
Our goal is the same; to create a better society for our people, and it is in this better time all of our people can fully realize the potential within themselves. Until then, I think you are correct in saying that your average, 100 IQ white that has multiple white children, feeds them well and tries to educate them on the ways of his father, is doing more to bring us closer to our goal than the 135 IQ neckbeard that hasn't realized their potential.


The data are similar in Asian countries with South Koreans having better performance than their Asian American counterparts.

Just means our standards dropped.

The latest analysis of international math scores will have some disturbing news for Canadian professionals spending loads of cash on tutoring and enrichment for their kids: Their offspring were outmatched by the children of janitors in Shanghai.


You realize that the chinks cheat on EVERYTHING, right?
Cheating in China — It’s an Epidemic

Test Cheating By Children Of Asian Immigrants

Chinese students falsify applications, hire proxy test takers, plagiarize and cheat to attend US Universities

Chinese parents and students riot over right to cheat on tests

Riot After Chinese Teachers Try to Stop Gaokao Cheating

Chinese found cheating on their Japanese driver’s license test via mobile phones

College Apps Cheating Scandal Is A Learning Moment For China

Crackdown on China GMAT Cheating

London 2012 swimming: Is China cheating the sport again?

China’s Yu Yang quits badminton after Olympic cheating scandal

Rampant cheating at Chinese games exposed

Ancient Chinese 'cheat sheets' discovered

Chinese cheating at the Olympics (not the athletes, but the performers / ceremony related stuff)

Did the Chinese Cheat in the Olympics – After Further Review

I'd take the time to show you why you're retarded but you're going to get banned anyway.


you're absolutely right, the data are similar! we cherry picked the best gooks at the end of the korean war too and set up all the chaebols so that our koreans would look better than the commie ones. when gooks are left to their own devices they do shit like release exploding phones or elect a woman who gets makes her political decisions based on some cultist's wacko views. regarding the samefagging, canadians are retarded and rightfully made fun of everywhere on this forum. nice copy though, gook.


It doesn't even matter, because you can't really cheat on a g-loaded IQ test like the Raven Progressive Matrices, TYRONE.


immigration was quota based in the US until the 1960s

the asian immigrants before then were mostly all laborers

gook, the cheating happens at the score assessment level. i thought you were smart. another way you've shown that you're a gook is accusing japanese people of being railroad workers when we clearly imported chinks. the japanese have rolled you guys for centuries and all you have to brag on is yi sunsin 94328032 years ago. we make deals with them and just enslave you.

citation or it was real in my mind. also I wasn't talking about the SAT scores, retard. LOL

youre demonstrating your IQ level by not being able to read IDs

Patrik Eriksson
Patrik Eriksson, Ever-curious
Answered Dec 4, 2016

If you are referring to a culture-neutral and language-neutral IQ test, there is no way to study for it — just getting into the right mindset by trying to figure out how similar problems are solved. I don’t see how someone who is not intelligent enough can figure out a pattern that lies beyond their intelligence to figure out.

And so unless you ask someone to specifically show and explain the solution to you, I wouldn’t consider it to be cheating.

Note: I am not an expert and as such I reserve the right to be wrong about any or all of the information provided above. I’m merely offering my thoughts on the matter.

ok gook.

my bad, you gooks looked the same to me.

can't have it both ways man. you were speaking quite authoritatively before!

I was just quoting someone, retard. I was too lazy to read the entire thing though, but it's true you can't study for a g-loaded IQ test.

why are you quoting not-an-expert as supposed expert proof, gook? does that mean you can't formulate your own arguments and therefore have to, you know, copy?



Researchers from China may have just found the key to a mystery that has stumped scientists for decades: Why is the average Asian brain significantly larger compared to the average European or African?

According to a new study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Kunming Institute of Zoology, the answer may, in fact, lie with Darwinian selection in East Asian populations, reported South China Morning Post.

The study, published in the journal Human Genetics late last month, posits that genetic mutations have led to bigger brains in the group due to natural selection. Such preference was notably missing in Europe or Africa.

The discovery was first put forth by a team of American researchers three decades ago after studying more than 20,000 present-day human skulls from different parts of the world in what was considered the largest survey of brain sizes.

Findings revealed that the East Asians’ average cranial capacity (the volume of the interior of the cranium) was 1,415 cubic centimeters, which was bigger than the Europeans’ which was averaged at 1,362 and 1,268 for Africans.

Other similar studies that followed also supported such findings but none could explain why.

According to the Chinese research team led by Professor Su Bing, a gene called CASC5, one of the eight genes that regulate the human brain size, may hold the answer to the puzzle.

The gene is unique since its genetic mutations in humans are relatively new, and was only triggered after our ancestors left Africa around 50,000 to 100,000 years ago.

After isolating and comparing CASC5 mutations in different groups, the researchers found a “high frequency” of four mutations that increased the brain size among East Asians. Compared with Europe or Africa, mutations (growth) are much rarer.

“At the population level, our results suggest a selection of CASC5 in East Asian populations, which seems to favour a larger grey matter volume of the brain,” the researchers wrote in the paper. “By contrast, no signal of selection was detected in Europeans and Africans.”

“Precisely why this occurred is not entirely clear,” they added.

The scientists, however, points out that the drivers behind such change are still unclear for the time being. While theories exist, Su admits that such would just be speculation at this stage.

“Precise answers require further studies,” he stated.

Su, however, clarified that the size difference does not account for any intellectual advantage of the Asian brain over others.

“Scientific research has found no evidence, none at all, to support the existence of intellectual difference among races,” he said.

He further pointed out that as humans evolve and the brain increases in size, it requires more energy and resources it from the rest of the body. Some scientists believe that this has resulted in, among others, a decrease in physical strength.

Further investigation to substantiate such observation, however, is required, according to Su.

“The Darwinian selection may still be going on today, but I think the brain size difference among races will eventually disappear due to the widespread genetic exchange occurring around the world today,” he said.

i don't want to spend unnecessary energy to talk to such a pleb like you. i have a blog where i talk about metaphysics, so I don't want to waste my energy arguing with a white monkey.

Gookposting, eh? Thats new.

Biggest pile of empty woo Ive ever read. Go do a Tedd talk faggot.

must be that large but inefficient brain talking, gook. metaphysics isn't even a scientific field, it's philosophical and literally anyone can talk about it or invent theories. this is the very definition of pleb. did you copy that jewish trick about accusing people of doing what you're doing? kikes of asia, man.


That's not data, that's just you shitposting bro.
Fair enough - I should have realized it was shitposting right there.

And you lost all credibility. Sad

More dubious with every post you make.

lol, i want to post the link, but I don't want to. if i had a common name like Brian Chen, I wouldn't mind, but I don't.

Bro, why are you arguing with an antperson?

They're basically bugs in human form, just like niggers and shit are basically mud in human form.

Mental chronometry
Main article: Mental chronometry

Mental chronometry measures the elapsed time between the presentation of a sensory stimulus and the subsequent behavioral response by the participant. This reaction time (RT) is considered a measure of the speed and efficiency with which the brain processes information.[145] Scores on most types of RT tasks tend to correlate with scores on standard IQ tests as well as with g, and no relationship has been found between RT and any other psychometric factors independent of g.[145] The strength of the correlation with IQ varies from one RT test to another, but Hans Eysenck gives 0.40 as a typical correlation under favorable conditions.[146] According to Jensen individual differences in RT have a substantial genetic component, and heritability is higher for performance on tests that correlate more strongly with IQ.[147] Nisbett argues that some studies have found correlations closer to 0.2, and that the correlation is not always found.[148]

Several studies have found differences between races in average reaction times. These studies have generally found that reaction times among black, Asian and white children follow the same pattern as IQ scores.[149][150][151] Rushton & Jensen (2005) have argued that reaction time is independent of culture and that the existence of race differences in average reaction time is evidence that the cause of racial IQ gaps is partially genetic instead of entirely cultural. Responding to this argument in Intelligence and How to Get It, Nisbett has pointed to the Jensen & Whang (1993) study in which a group of Chinese Americans had longer reaction times than a group of European Americans, despite having higher IQs. Nisbett also mentions findings in Flynn (1991) and Deary (2001) suggesting that movement time (the measure of how long it takes a person to move a finger after making the decision to do so) correlates with IQ just as strongly as reaction time, and that average movement time is faster for blacks than for whites.[152] Mackintosh (2011), p. 339 considers reaction time evidence unconvincing and points out that other cognitive tests that also correlate well with IQ show no disparity at all, for example the habituation/dishabituation test. And he points out that studies show that rhesus monkeys have shorter reaction times than American college students, suggesting that different reaction times may not tell us anything useful about intelligence.

I wonder if AIs will resist that.

I know that the microsoft twitter AI was shut down and lobotomized, but it wasn't a true general intelligence. Also, it was being brigaded pretty hard. I wonder what will happen when we can point an AI at a bunch of scientific papers and have it point out the ones that are invalid. I wonder how many times people will be willing to say to it, "no, you got the wrong answer, try again."

I graduated in Alberta last year. That question his simple as fuck, but we do have one of the best school systems in Canadistan

The AI will say that I am right and the retarded rednecks here are all wrong.

Have they found an occupation for them so they become somehow useful for humanity? Like crash test dummys or for medical research?

Sorry, autism couldn't let this go unexamined.
Even my captcha was disappointed in me.

i love making them squirm, user. it saddens me that someday this meme war is gonna end…

That feel when your IQ is on par with self made millionaires but society is so decrepit that you're currently unemployed after the company you worked for went bust.

Fuck, that's wrong, it's on par with billionaires. holy shit that's much worse.

You a tard, m8?


post the link then faggot

I'll play devil's advocate for a second. there's a lefty/pol/ image countering this that says that SAT and income pic is fabricated because the college board does not post that kind of info. Also they posted a study that says that black British kids score higher on the GSCE (Basically Brit SAT equivalent)

No, try again.

I put my real name on the blog, retard. LOL


You are not white and never will be, imkikey.



Some people say that metaphysics is dumb, but the people who say that don't understand that there are actually interesting things to be said about the unknowable.

The new narrative the left is pushing is that IQ tests are a pseudoscience.
What is the validity of this?
I don't know much on the topic

The Bell Curve definitively proved that nonwhites are objectively worse than whites, so of course kikes want to claim that IQ doesn't exist. How do you not recognize that this is identical to them claiming that race doesn't exist when we've proven biological differences?

certainly not by some low iq gook. keep samefagging it lets me know you're squirming.

hey, if I had low IQ then how come I am a technical lead at the company I work after only 1.5 year of work experience?

because the other people you work with are also gooks.

not to mention that my siblings work as a civil engineer and a doctor.

I work for a fucking Western company headquartered in Europe.

For fuck's sake, nothing here is correct.

pics or it didn't happen, gook. post that link.

choose one

I used to be against multiculturalism, but I guess I will support the multicultural agenda since most people who are against it are as fucking racist and dumb like the White negro above me.

so you're a nobody in real life. got it. completely indistinguishable from other gook blowhards. as if you were a

Christopher Langan types wallow in their own shit of their ideal world, that is why this guy is/was a bouncer, stands outside cooks his own shit and once in a while he throws out a monkey just to get back at at his dishes.

Sarcasm? I don't like cities. I don't like the crowding, the smells, the noises, the muds, the lack of horizon, or the cost. I can do like silence, privacy, space, hunting, low cost of living and ability to grow my own food. And of course I'm land-hungry and combative like my ancestors, which is how I ended up here in the first place. The only thing a city has for me is vast amounts of easy cunt.

If the standard is just having white kids (still a good standard) than fuck potential, we need the 135s breeding even more, even if they are digging ditches to raise their kids. What we don't need is the fucking retarded whites who are living off of welfare shitting out kids with single moms. But that's what the environment is geared towards right now.

A kid I went to grade school with just died recently, not sure if drugs or what. He was on the sex offender list. I remember he couldn't function and would shit himself. Sure it was probably bad food or hygiene at home, but he had no more awareness than a puppy being housetrained.

He had four fucking kids. This is why that virgin waifu is a good goal, but in the meantime, sow wild oats but cover your ass. Might as well breed cannonfodder for the race war with a bit more potential than what we're getting now

lol. stop projecting, TYRONE.

Retardation's etymology is "being late."

>s-stop, uh, p-projecting, uh, t-TYRONE! (yeah that's right get him with his own name calling game! good idea as expected of gook mwahahha)

gooks can't into invention and imagination, that is why AI knows whites are superior

Thread successfully derailed I guess.

The reason chinks cheat whenever they can is because cheating isn't seen as "bad" but as "clever". It's the other person's fault for being out"smarted".

The only thing you need to know is that intelligence has just a stronger vector, a bigger dick, obeying the same mechanisms.

IQ is not a pseudoscience. It's a number, derived from testing, which corresponds to general intelligence (g) but which is not it. Saying that a difference of 5 IQ points is the difference between intelligence is only sometimes accurate; saying that if a specific person had a higher IQ, they themselves would be smarter, is always accurate.

The left dislikes IQ because of the racial correlations. It opposes the narrative that "we are all the same" which is demonstrably false.

And prior to man's taming of fire, flames had no purpose but to burn everything to the ground. With a strong foundation, and a clear vision, you can go about anything.

Of course, the sort of education I propose would no doubt be called a form of citizen indoctrination by critics coming from the opposing side of the political spectrum. I have no doubt that the left-wing academics of the modern day would find disfavor in an education model which strictly enforced an appreciation for the classic arts and literature of the west, based around a meritocratic structure. Such things are rarely favored today

Nevertheless, while I have devoted my life to reaching as high as possible, this is all just a dream up until the moment of execution comes - if it should come - so there's not much point to needlessly fussing over the potential uses of something that may never even come about. Instead, a keen focus on the present is required - namely, what we, as individuals, can do for ourselves.

I think everyone here is in agreement with that. And in fact, I would say that most people in that range are having kids. The problem is, because of our current system, the encouragement is made to have only one, maybe two kids. It's a disaster, but not something remedied without an entire change in the system.

Hence why it is important for the people here right now, reading this thread, to wake up and come to that realization. It's impossible to say just where the range of intelligence on Holla Forums falls, but I'd at least like to think that "higher than average" can be taken as the general assumption.

The biggest issue is a simple matter of entitlement - people don't want to do a job "they don't like". Which is understandable. The problem is, it's the same bitching that lefties out of college have, when they moan about not being able to find a job with their useless degree. Then they wind up working at Starbucks and demanding a raise in minimum wage, fucking the system even further than it was before.

Entry level jobs are a thing. Work in them. Work your way up. Just get a bit of money in your pocket so you can move somewhere. You don't have to stay in that sort of situation forever… but some people don't understand the concept. Unfortunate, but it's reality.

Tyrone, you lost the debate. You couldn't provide a single reliable source for your claims. You keep using arguments that has no relevance to the fact that Asians perform better in g-loaded tests and have more outliers in the higher end of the Bell Curve.

IQ doesn't apply for Asians, man. That puts everyone in this cringy board in the same groups as the retarded leftists you hate so much.

Don't try to wrap me into your shitposting, faggot.

If IQ doesn't apply for Asians, why should it apply for Blacks and Hispanics? WHITES MUST BE CHEATING ON IQ TESTS!!!!! EUREKA!!!! NOW, BRANDDA UP GOYIM!!!!!

it's not that iq doesn't apply, dummy. it's that you chinks leave the real stupids like you out of the testing for political numberbragging. we test literally all of ours unlike you 3rd worlders.

Doth protest too much, you admitted defeat long ago followed by you trying to stuff this thread with as much shit posting as possible to bury it.

Then why do they always have to copy what Europeans have made stealth fighter tech, even shape and design of the aircraft for example
One of many examples

What standard deviation?

Dude, Tyrone, are you fucking retarded? Many of those IQ studies were done and the tests were administered by White people. Jesus, these wiggers are dumb as fuck.

Everything is a copy of everything. Knowledge is built on existing knowledge. Using your standards, we could say that the airplane is a copy of the locomotive.

What standard deviation? I bet you're using a 24-point standard deviation to state it (making it equivalent to 160 +/- 4, standard deviation 15). 160-ish sd15 is very impressive; it's roughly four standard deviations over mean, which is very rare (1 in many thousands). Why inflate it with a wider scale?

We should be stating IQ with mu=0 sigma=1, so Mensa's minimum 130 sd15 would simply be "2", and a clinical moron would be "-2". An IQ of 120 sd15 would be "1.667". I think it's much easier.
Four standard deviation sub-genius reporting in!

what does that have to do with not testing the rural gooks, gook? also isn't it too soon for that crosseyed chinkhat girl again? please explain how you are not squirming.

Reminder that this poster is imkikey.



Japan is and has been the only Asian country that has proven to create new ideas. China just steals shit

They tested the people who were earning 1$ a day and they had an average IQ of 103. LOL MORE THAN THE RURAL EUROPEANS IN EASTERN EUROPE WHO SCORED AROUND 90. LOL

go kill yourself man.>>10261062




Welcum 2 nu-Holla Forums
It's the future you chose.

wow literally nothing.

US science is a political scam used to push leftist narratives. duh If the US pushed for real science gains then the scales would be tipped.

Most of the best research in the U.S. is done by Chinese and Indians.


No idea, a search comes up with other forums complaining of "him" flood shit posting 24/7. Doing that in multiple forums = group or bot(s.)

I bet you believe in a working peer review system too.



Just filter him user. Gooks and whites end up around, dare I say it, "equal", in the end. Just let him continue to rant about muh gook master race.

Left to right:
autist, a boy that likes memes, the leader of high level spergium , socially aware of his circumstances and self reflecting that.

These spergs all have bigger brains than you.

The truth is that not even if you make them a higher oder of spergs they wouldnt come close to what i can do.

shoot loads off your dick after humping a dog?

More like converting a true beliving christian to be a theoretical physican to have a publication in a first grade science mag.

while being drunk in under an hour.

She has pretty well developed tits though.
I would choose an esperanto flag to cover her face because this universally ugly.

What do you see if you watch us, what we demonstrate out of nothing, like the ink that makes you who you are. What do you see, is what we put in.

Just like the artist made those angry points at the bottom just to shape it to what he craves for.
Like machine learning to pull it together to get the points really quick.

Say these words again, say them again.

Kek are you me?
Better start working for yourself, it might be hard to achieve billionaire status but at least you never have to call yourself unemployed again

Here is how to quickly find the answer:
You should be able to find the correct answer in 10-20 seconds. Simple elimination is all that is needed.

High IQ =/= genius
and 130 is defined as "very superior"
You can't seriously be saying that 2 percent of people are geniuses
the top 2 percent of people haven't done jack shit

You must be utterly retarded

She wants to sell baloons, so in order to maximize her profit the fundamental question remains for which price she will sell the different baloons, and for which price i can fuck her tits.

So the answer is what gets her 500 baloons in total at the local minmum because afterwards the price is undefined.


Na, fuck i m drunk.


Can't find a study to support it …but it should be common sense - if you have an immigration policy you're choosing the best people from a foreign country.

Dumbasses cannot make the kind of money or grades necessary to achieve the kind of notice necessary to move to a wealthy foreign country. So yeah, you can make it look like one group is failing if you find a larger foreign group and pre-select only the best out of it; the problem occurs generations later when they regress to the mean; and it certainly doesn't bode well for countries that open their borders completely on the basis of this non-representative sample.

An actual IQ test may be broken into sections with tests, timed puzzles, and essays. A person may score higher in some areas and lower in others. A person with a 130 IQ could have scores between 100 and 160. They would be genius in a some areas and average in others.

Did you know that some kind of animalistic vector is much more potant than all your university shit, despite intelligence.

Basically what I'm saying is this can be summarized by survivorship bias. Citizenship itself is a kind of IQ test that tends to filter out dumbshits and crooks. It's a fitness test that native citizens don't have to take. So you're comparing people who haven't been looked over at all (natives) to people who have already passed the first hurdle for intelligence (foreigners), and you're completely ignoring the vast array of dumbfuck 60 IQ retards from foreign countries who were turned down. This also tends to give people the wrong idea about the intelligence of foreign countries - when every example of someone you see in your own country is already pre-selected for high intelligence, the first impulse is to assume everyone from that country is as intelligent, well-mannered, and educated as that person is. This is simply not the case.

Where is asian?

You must also consider volume. Even if your average IQ is 60, you can still make up for that to a degree by having a shitload of children. You'll end up with some range between, say 40 - 120 (just made up figures). The children with 120 IQ or above may constitute only 1% of your offspring, but if your population is huge (like China or India), by having tons of children you will still have more people overall with a higher IQ of 120 than some much smaller population that has a narrower and higher average range.

The problem with this shotgun baby approach is that you also give birth to more intellectual duds that have to be taken care of. Who's going to take care of them? In their native countries they typically died - now whites in wealthy countries are on the hook for keeping them alive. The whole thing is a demographic trap. The only way Indians and nigs can prevent their intellectual and statistical regression to the mean is by interbreeding with the white population, basically by stealing white women from white men; so you're left with only two choices to stave off the demographic decline: either cuck yourself and let some pooinloo or nigger fuck your women (which will pollute your gene pool, but slow down the decline and settle somewhere between the two intelligences), or you eliminate your welfare programs so the shitskins will leave. Those are the only two peaceful ways to do it. The non-peaceful way is to either expel or kill them.

Letting them continue to come, whether they are intelligent or your average nigger, is a fucking mistake. The former is a long term mistake, the latter is a short term fuckup of epic proportions.

We do not care, because the cuckish swedeshits will suck on an artificial popsicle and i want the real shit, tits and money and your head on stick.

The reason the chinese have higher IQs is that throughout their civilization's history they actively practiced eugenics in a form of centralized meritocracy, while white societies were focused more on self-reliance before specialization (feudalism).
Tbqh asians only show us what we could become if we stopped having empathy for retards and creating social nets that really only drag us down.

You should care because as a mudshit if you "win" you'll end up eliminating whites completely and then you'll have to watch the world turn back into the third world shithole you came from. The only victory in your future is a Pyrrhic victory. You'll take everything we have, you'll slay the golden goose, and then what?

The chinese are copypasta nation.

Na the only thing i do is crush the hypermorality shit. Just redirecting the focus a little bit, like the cancer they liked to introduce to us.

Tits or GTFO.

It takes more than that to innovate, you soulless gook and it's pretty apparent from your lack of relevant history.

>never went to school
>have no idea how you'd do this
My IQ is almost certainly below 80.

hitler iq was 140

Well if you ask me hitler was about 120, with some nice experience to work his rhetoric (speak reeethoric not rethoric like the american idiots like to pronounce it) work and some intuitive mechanisms.

I would love to exterminate them for abusing the word in itself.

pumpkin person believes its around 130.



If it was around 130 i wouldnt invade the shit russians without any long term planning if you ask me. And i would have had a council of gernals informing me about several tasks wrecking the russians and later the muricans. And not cyka davai it.

3 nations vs 7 nations i am not a rocket scientist but he was out numbered.

Did you just type in hitler iq120 rhetoric in a search machine?

Are you a psyduck?

Do you have a death wish?

Na you are a sceptic, just like all your "source please" crap aims on exactly that, but for that to do on a frog cultivating board it means you have a distinc emotional distance, more likely refined by age. So you are probably above 30, with a university degree with a certain hatred for mumbo jumbo, so not really stem because the wouldnt do that, more like the self hatred an artist has, so probably a psyduck. How does that feel now?

Just doing the simplest part first, balloon count minimum ( L+M ≥ 500), you can eliminate A, B and C right off the bat. Then the choice is between D and E.

The choice is always r) rape.

And in a way believe you have been schooled on that that, otherwise you wouldnt know that little tweak, a mirror mirror on the wall who is the smartest of us all. Because usually your type once it passes a certain age is pretty retarded, so you little nigger, because i want to precisly rape you, i wonder what my guess should be.

Na you feel emotionally inclined to write a post that includes certain clues, which ridicules the statement made, because hitler n shit.
Because your aim was to ridicule, and i wonder what kind of person does that, tell me missgeburt how much do you fear me?

You have to understand that IQ is merely a single dimension of a person, a person can be incredibly smart, but still be a complete piece if shite.

It's one thing to be incredibly smart, but if your character is shitty, then it's of no use.

Let me put it this way, intelligence is merely a tool, a good man uses it to better himself, and possibly the world. A bad man uses it to worsen the world at worst, or to no effect at best.

ropeculture. org/2016/08/30/character-vs-intellectualism/

It's a pretty good read on the subject.

Iq tests have increasingly gotten less accurate because these days they are rarely administered. The average person has never taken one.

the cut off for mental retardation used to be 87 iirc

Why do you think the national socialists of Germany progressed and dominated so much? They let the smartest 2% of people take charge of and work on things instead of putting average people with connections in charge of everything. Jealousy won out and these idiots don't let anybody correct then with the truth.

Funny until you remember that Africa's population has doubled in thirty years and will double again in another thirty. Then it gets scary.

That's a stupid argument because the whites get 300 dollars a month food stamps while working and nigs and spics get 1100 a month section 8, 400 cash assistance, 300 a month Medicaid and 900 a month snap. It's not a good comparison at all.

well hitler was smarter then Holla Forums

EBT varies person to person depending on their situation, youd have to be in some real wagecuck $11 job to get that much as a single man

White deaf people can do better than the niggers so why aren't they conquering them? I wouldn't miss the niggers if they wipe them out.


What you're saying is not technically wrong, but the numbers are all screwed. Rounding Indian IQ to 85 (it's 82) and say American whites to 100 and assuming sd is 15 for both, with the former's population of 1.3 billion, they produce about 13 million people with an IQ of 120+ whereas a pop of 250 million white Americans produces 23 million. A difference of 1 sd makes a magnitude of difference in populations. Indian will never be a threat intellectually, but for resources.

Average intelligence is remarkably low.

see this retard for example:

Java or PHP?

Code monkeys don't need math at all. Its just glorified data entry

Chimps and gorillas occasionally score 70-80. Apparently some crows also have similar intelligence. So awarding some Ethiopian a PhD is similar to awarding a chimp or crow a PhD. Just so you know at what level Africans with a degree are. They probably only get the degree because they did better than we expected.

I just lack the will to go on. My childhood fucked me up real good.

That actually sounds right. It's unfortunate that the PC culture in the West poisons even the best researchers. Throughout our evolution, the men had to push harder and prove themselves more to get a chance to procreate. This dynamic can't be ignored.

Your method concedes their IQ superiority and that's simply not true.

No it doesn't, I point out even if that were true that they still get blown out of the water. That's not conceding, that's humoring/playing devils advocate.

many of us here know that feel

t. retard

Right means authoritarian/state. Pro monarchy in the French revolution. These people are fucking retarded.

The Heritability of IQ is around 60-70% in adulthood.


Despite how Faulk is on the alt right, the articles he has on IQ and Genes are very good and are sourced.

I'm not sure about how accurate these tests are. Recently had to do one for employment, and the IQ test was hardly intelligible. Isn't there a standardized test everyone uses?

fucking checked

Is there a source for the claim that asians have a comparatively low standard deviation on IQ test?

deliberately retarded, user.

user what are you doing

No use in programming?
maybe for the monkey tier, might as well use poo in the loos for this.

Don't underestimate your enemies.

Ant peopre would curbstomp us in this specific test.

A better test would be finding a practical use for the compass and the gunpowder.

polite sage, check out the artist behind this masterpiece.

Shit I forgot the sage, oh well…


Can't go out and pay for an official IQ test
Anyone want to give me a few sites that are reasonably accurate, please?

I don't believe that shit for a second. The "average" homeless person is effected by either drug abuse or mental issues. The average welfare recipient is white.

Another lie. Every self-made is a product of his parents finacial support and bussiness trends. The average isn't inventing things, he's stealing or getting other people to work for him because he had the credit, education, and backing to do so. Most bussiness men I meet are fucking morons with a massive ego, no self awareness of the support they've recieved or of their mental devlopement which is at the level of a 9yr old kids.

All gooks are good for are game theory and making software, fuck off beta.

Do you want cheap or accurate?

You're very naive. The vast majority have mental disorders, were abused as children, drugs and alcohol throughout their life. If a child is starved as a youngster, or kept in a closet his entire life, that will obviously have a strong negative effect on their cognitive development. Granted IQ is mostly inherited, nurture can still knock an individual down a couple of points.

There are different types of IQ that measure different cognitive abilities. Your perceptual/ spatial awareness, language, how quickly you come up with prompt answers… etc. I don't know what specifically your employer was testing you on (if it even was an actual IQ test and not a generic one developed by their corporate office)

Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales.
Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities.
Raven's Progressive Matrices.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
Cattell Culture Fair III.
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales.
Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities.

Accurate, I suppose. I'm willing to give some shekels up if that's what it takes.

I shit you not user, first homeless man I ever talked to for more than 30 seconds? Motherfucker was on the Space Shuttle design team.

IQ is determined by one compartment of our brain ability, out of many. Our brain has many tools/compartments doing different tasks. Hammer sees nail applies to each one. It's putting them all in harmony which is the most difficult to do. To avoid that hardship, 'intellectuals' ignore some basic functions, so they can act as effective tools for the machine they're in.

sam hyde pls go

To be honest, not THAT surprising. It's well known that most of NASA's space stuff (not the missiles/carrier systems, that is legit) is bogus. The "space shuttle" is a glorified high-altitude plane, nothing more, nothing less.

3 big lies
unless we are only doing IQ on america and thus the default 100 is the average, in which case these IQs are still meaningless

do you really believe all the corporate thiefs are smarter than you? or perhaps their familes have been robbing america for several decades and centuries?

A big Reason why they are successfull is ingroup outgroup thinking.a big Reason why leftist idiots with their current ideology will never amount to anything is that americanized braincancer that is hypermorality and identity politcs that is why diversity works so well in their Favoriten.

It also says selfmade Not inherited. But then again You need some playmoney to Not just purely rely on chance. I just hope sweden dies really soon.

And the we Generation doesnt exist because in this framework we means them and then it is me against them so hence the mememe Generation. Just pure and simple logic.

public education has always been about control
but lets be real goyim, if you really think hereditary rulers were always smarter than the average bear in any way other than having access to education, a fortified castle, and plenty food, then you dont understand much about why all white men are on average better than all non white men on average
the lowest white men top the average nonwhites
do you get it yet?

And then even the ads friends telll You that You
overpower them. I can Look at artists and with utter precisicion know what they will say.

because if daddy gave you private education and 10k playmoney when you were a teenager, you are still self made if your big money was made later in life, right?

if youre about to say general intelligence isnt a thing and that nownhites are smart in "street" ways im going to laugh heartily

Gorillas are smarter than abbos and most blacks.

No shit, the homeless guy around my street corner claims to be the heir of the Principality of Texas. Because we should always believe everything our hobos say.

its welcome to reality
you will never be mr businessman "self made" millionaire because you were in public school and your parents divorced after a period of time they spent fighting instead of spending time raising you
thinking every rich man or most rich men became rich by their good nature, charms, and intelligence is not only blind but damn right cucked

This is what I remember for comparison of male and female intelligence distribution, although this is labeled using *g* rather than iq. Doesn't make a difference. *g* is 99% correlated with iq.

you still seem really naive
i guess you're young
i expect your views to adjust with some years

and i hope you do get more experience because you seem like you could do a good job at improving the world

maybe he was. He recently made a claim that continued burning of fossil fuels will turn the earth into venus. whatever intellect he had has eroded away. look at the brains of people who died from ALS disease… not very healthy.

the facts surrounding iq are undeniable. Anyone who truly cares about what world their children live in would benefit from living in a world that somehow targeted iq as a primary driver of reproductive success.

I thought IQ doesn't measure intelligence, but rather how fast you learn? I don't know, can someone here who is into science (science, not "Bill Nye" science) explain it and what it means?

IQ is information processing ability. It determines how fast you learn as well as manipulating information in you head to solve puzzles and things.

Jews are divided into three categories, Sephardic, mizrahi, and ashkenazi. Ashkenazi Jews are those with the most Western European DNA. All this really does is prove that Western Europeans are the most intelligent because the contrast between an ashkenazi and a mizrahi (middle eastern) is night and day so clearly the contributing factor here isn't the Jewish gene but the Western European one.

I'd also be willing to bet many of these ashkenazi Jews have very little Jewish DNA. I'm talking 0-2.5% the Jews and their retarded tradition of the mother makes the kid a Jew and the duality of their ethnicity / religion means that a woman with 0% Jewish DNA can pass down the genes of a father with 1% Jewish DNA and their mother could have also had 0% Jewish DNA while the father had 2% and so on and so forth.

Long story short: Jewish tricks

It could also be that the Ashkenazi evolved for centuries in Europe, near exclusively working with money and law which require high intelligence. It was the advanced European civilization that provided this environment for them.

In other words, bunch of kikes. I seriously doubt numbers that yet again show them to be truly {{{chosen}}}. Also, how could America have the same median IQ as European countries, with all the niggers around?

IQ doesnt necessarily need to be 100 based on world pop
you could say, 100 is the average median in america as the standard, then count from there
that would make most european countries (before recent nigger infestations) above 110 average

get redpilled on this
ashkenazi arent especially high on iq, not compared to pure european populations

I totally agree with this.
If someone gets the chance to observe how there "captains of industry" really are (no don't observe the manager the owners are commanding look at the owners) you will see they are incompetent buffoons who are not qualified to work minimum wage in McDonalds.
These capitalists lack discipline or work ethics, are incredibly lazy.

They are in the position they are because they inherited their wealth and got some tips from their parents on how not to fuck up the business they are given. Its basic nepotism 101.

The owner was this level of shit where I worked that he did not show up in the meetings he himself scheduled and did go hiking all the time( his hobby). It was pure comedy comedy like the business was ran by some brat who decided to skip school where the school was his business.
Owner never shows up I'm thinking
4 hours later other workers are saying that he will not show up because they know this guy.

This cycle repeated for 8 days until we finally got this meeting.
He even specifically scheduled it for certain days.
And decided to "skip school".

And this is why capitalism is bad.
Don't let idiotic teabaggers tel' you otherwise.
Of course in modern corporations you don't really have the chance to meat the real owners all you get is the manager who is a fucked in the ass and brain insane workaholic who will do everything for the owner and he has the same sub managers under him.

However the owners are the ones who decide.
If you ever get the chance to observe how real life owners are (in businesses that are not mega corporations you have the best chances) you realize the people who are ultimately in charge are worthless idiots.
And they are somehow supposed to be ultimately in charge and get the most money?!

And this is why you need to regulate the living fuck of these businesses.

TOR browser or FF you niggers!
Chrome is shit it crashes and is non functional on all levels oh and its google spyware.
New Opera is
chromium+opera logo ~= ~google chome

Tor is the best however it forces you into the TOR network (sometimes this makes life a pain) so then use FF for it.

Why people have a pardon for google shit, I will never know.