Look at the fucking money that gets dumped into the penal system housing entire zoos of nigger convicts. You're going to spend a comparable amount of money of putting fucking illegals to work? You might as well let them come in and take all the fucking jobs they want.
Source: U.S. Office of the Federal Register, Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration, a Notice by the Prisons Bureau on 07/19/2016
amount, $6.9 billion is requested for the BOP and $1.6 billion is for the Federal Prisoner
Detention (FPD) appropriation.
Source: U.S. Department of Justice FY 2015 Budget Request
So, rough estimate, if these prison camps have similar costs to the U.S. penal system, then you're looking at about $30,000 a year detaining a single beaner.
Source: Center for immigration Studies, New Data: Immigration Surged in 2014 and 2015, Steven A. Camarota, June 1st, 2016
With that data, estimating that 550,000 tacos are crawling in illegally every year, your plan would spend about $16.5 billion just to put these spics to work on border defense systems, when you could be contracting domestic companies and supporting U.S. jobs to keep the beaners out, and this isn't even accounting for the cost to construct and maintain the fucking prison camps themselves. According to your logic, by putting them to work, you're going to make back a fraction of the money you spent on putting tacos to work in labor camps to construct arms and border fortifications to keep out the spics that you're letting in to be put to slave work, anyway. Even if you decide to cut costs and not give them any food or amenities, and just work them until they die, and replace them with new immigrants (which would be extremely inefficient), do you really think that once news of these labor camps get out (and they will; not even the Norks can hide theirs), the illegals are going to keep coming back to the border, completely ignoring the fact that there are fucking gulags waiting for them on the other side? You aren't even considering the fact that this idea, if proposed, would get shot down by Congress and human rights agencies in a heartbeat. You'd be giving the left the moral high ground by instating forced labor camps, and you would all but destroy any hope of ever shutting the floodgates on the illegal zerg rush.
You stupid, matzo-faced glob of wankpaste. Your idea is to pay them off for their forced labor in a prison camp, send them back across the border with their fucking check, and they will just sit down and be good little children for the entire god damn ride? How much do you intend on compensating them anyway? Whatever the amount, it's far more than they're fucking worth. Worst of all, you think that human physical/mental capacity and behavior can be precisely quantified and predicted to formulate an absolutely flawless system. This kind of thinking is exactly why communism fails. I would say that this labor camp plan would go over like a lead balloon, but that would be implying that it would even achieve some sort of liftoff. Trump is taking the right angle: undercutting DACA, picking off the dreambeans first, instating a merit-based immigration system, and then booming the domestic economy, starting with the revitalization of the coal industry, so that we don't have to rely on cheap, shoddy spic work for anything. The plan is to remove the shitskins, not integrate them in an entirely new, infinitely dumber way.
I'm not sure if I'm more disgusted with your outrageously obvious shilling and tumblr-grade mental gymnastics, or the fact that I took the time to formulate this post to respond to it. The very least I can do is sage this faggotry.