Camps not Deportations for illegal invaders because deportations are too expensive and don't work

Europe and America will not be able to afford to deport illegal aliens because there are too many & it will be cheaper and more efficient to put them in Camps. Meme this and make it our future. Camps not Deportations for illegal invaders.

What is more likely to keep an illegal immigrant away the fact that he will be put into a Camp or the fact that he will be deported and then can attempt to invade the country again. Camps work, but not so much with deportations.

Once we get the idea that Camps are a better solution then Deportations we will be 1 step closer to the Final Solution from Adolf Hitler, my personal hero and he should be yours too!

You're a shill trying to defame National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.

OP, you're retarded.
Camps are how we got in this mess, you either kill them on the street or deport them because the pendulum swings both ways. If they aren't physically gone then when it swings back the doors to those camps open and they're back.

I would give them an incentive to go back to the shithole they belong to if you ask me. Give them a lot of money while you work on mechanisms for them to come back to europe.
A lot cheaper and a lot more efficiant.

"workers of the world unite… in sweden."

Camps are a cheaper option than deportations & the tax payer will be attracted to this fact. And it makes killing them on the street more likely than not because if they aren't in a camp they are criminals who have escaped.

Did you see that Spic that escaped from the Camp? Yea he got shot on site. Versus oh we gotta deport this illegal alien who will just invade us again, then we gotta deport him again.

Once they get put into the camp they end up dieing from the conditions of over crowding and diseases from the vermin. The citizens won't be willing to put any of their tax dollars into the camps to make them nice.

you are using the carrot and the stick. I am willing to setup a system that is more like using the sword. They come here they get put into a camp which they cannot escape from and which they will eventually die in.

Camp is another word for death prison.

and then what?

You are a shill.
Instead of having camps, have walls armed with guards and deportation squads.

Camps are expensive




You force them into labor for the State and work them until they die. They came over to this country as invaders. They can die as invaders in camps being worked to death as forced labor for the State they invaded. That is justice. Deportations are just another jewish trick to waste the tax dollar.

Why aren't they shot in the back of the head?

You don't understand geopolitics.
You think that having slave camps and forced labor in America are a good thing? Slave labor isn't good labor, and if you haven't figured out that the slave narrative has been used as much as the holocaust narrative, you are useless.

Because you can extract labor from the illegal invaders and make him pay for his invasion with his life by working him to death for the state. This serves as the BEST example to stop other illegal invaders. They know they come over here if they are caught they won't be sent back they will be put into camps and die working to death for the country they invaded.

You want change? You want to stop illegal immigrants from invading your country? Put them in Labor Camps for the Nation they invaded and work them to death.

Most of them are economic migrants not asylum seekers, so give them money and they will go back if you make sure there arent any exploits, besides that the sword will come into play if they overstep their lines.
So in order to do that i would make negative propaganda, offer them some goodies to go back to africa while short mid and long term solutions are applied. And do not listen to fucking retarded cunts because they are beta males or dumb women. And the ngo friends, paid by georgy boy will set back their game a little bit, because once the pendulum swings back, those niggers are like jelly.

The labor they can musture isnt worth the cultural and implied downsides change at all. They simply go back.

You think that now because the economy is good. People have their TV and Beer so of course they won't rock the boat. Once the inevitable inflation or the unnnatural slow GDP growth occurs from this 2008 bailout there will be shortages. You don't understand geopolitics either. Deportations do not work and are too expensive. Deportations are also not enough of a threat to stop an illegal invaders from even considering entering your nation. You also underestimate the ability of the public to look the other way when they become the have-nots when the shortages start. Once the beer, cigs, etc become expensive people will be angry because they can't get their fix or their luxury when they were the haves vs have nots. Directing this energy towards ideas like Camps which are economically more feasible then endless deportations is a worthwhile memetic goal. Right now there is just a pre conditioned psychological rejection to the idea of camps but that is because the electricity is on and there is beer in the fridge. Once those luxuries aren't available people will be more open to the idea of a cheaper real solution to the illegal invader problem. This illegal invader problem isn't going away and we both know deportations are not the answer… or we would not still have the illegal immigrant problem.


Not when you put them into the mines or other dangerous work sites. They get you raw materials and they die in large numbers. Its a win win for the State and the Tax Payer. Banks will howl when this happens because it screws up their returns from loans because the cheap labor is available to the state and now the jewish bankers can't extract as much interest from the state. Jews hate forced labor camps for a reason. It hurts their banking system's interest rate loan extraction mechanisms because the cheap slave labor available to the state was not there b4 in their calculations.

If there is no beer or food in the fridge we will simply shoot you in the hand you dumb motherfucker. And camps are just a short term solution, they will have to go back with a certain incentive to do so.

Why would you dump them into the ocean? I would rather put them in forced labor camps cleaning up nuclear waste, doing dangerous jobs. Work these illegal invaders to death in a forced labor camps; don't deport them because there is just an incentive to return. When an illegal invader knows that the Nation he enters will put him in a camp… he stays right the fuck in his own nation.

There arent many mines and dangerous work sites in europe you imbecile.

you keep using the carrot and the stick jewish media approach of sending them back. Why do you suggest such a soft jewish approach to an invader.

You put invaders to the sword period. You put them in camps and you make them pay with their lives and their labor for invading your clay.


That is not very sound on a geographic way, because europe doesnt have that natural resources, africa has. So they get tech for their natural resources.
And besides that, do not try to play me, du kleine missgeburt.

Deporting all the illegals and locking the borders would cause the Mexican government to collapse. There would be a revolution. We could solve dozens of problems at once if we just deported all the illegals and their anchor babies.

How is running a militarized train/bus system to the border more expensive than maintaining labor camps for millions of people. You have to be a shill to think like this.

Implying that mass deportations wouldn't end after the border was secured and all the illegals were thrown out

Nigger, obama's administration prevented us from deporting illegals. Walls do in fact stop mass migration. It's been proven everywhere. even (((our greatest ally))) uses walls to keep out their undesirables.

Look at the concentration camps in WW2, they were only effective at keeping the Japanese in one place. The only reason we didn't deport them back to Japan is because 1. it was unfeasible 2. they were American citizens. Keeping them in one place was a pre-emptive measure against espionage.

Hitler advocated concentration and then deportation as the most effective removal of jews. Stalin pretty much did the same thing. He established a Jewish Oblast and then the jews left that shithole on their own accord. you are just another lefty kike trying to poison the well

No they aren't, and no they won't be. Camps are not a long-term solution, all they do is delay solving the problem. To you this is fine because you plan on gassing them, but the public will recognize that camps aren't a long term solution either. Furthermore the public will not be attracted to camps because muh natzees.

You're an idiot, lurk 10 more years.

Just kill them.

The problem arises once you freely import them without any restrictions, because then you have a moral dilemma, which urges the question of who would want to solve it.

The fact they are illegal makes it easy.
The most feasible solution that has good optics is low key mass deportation.
If the leftists raise a stink, just remind them its the law. It's not like the democrats can change the law, and their wish to legalize illegal immigrants is not palatable to your average low income american.

Law doesnt matter jackshit here, every european leader has abandoned law for the sake of whatever.
What matters is pragmatic solutions, inciting the law here is only good for sophistic solutions and endless discussion because the law has already been broken. For europe there has to be a moral incentive to help the niggers in africa, and give the niggers that are already here money so they double down because it was a mistake to invite them here for the short term sake of retarded economic leaders.

Why aren't they submerged into a swimming pool of army ants?

You can make them do whatever job is necessary and dangerous. Make them sort trash or anything you want. You lack creativity in regards to putting an illegal invader to work for the State. Deportations are not a system that will stop invaders but camps will. Don't deny the reality of that system. A person is a lot less likely to come to America or Europe if they know a death labor camp awaits them.

Law was always a measure to direct a harmonic society, once a certain problem arises that is beyond law, other "law" has to take its place.
Just like the romans and greeks wished for dictators, and that wish already expresses itself even in very educated people. Because democracy is like planning a holiday, usually it revolves around of you replace the pool noodles with a three sixpacks of beer or a sunumberalla, but today it is more like taking a cabrio without any cloths with a sixpack of beer and two boobanimals in the trunk.

I dont know if you want that for your society, but if you are a psyduck or an antifa nigger, you should know we are not done here, and you should know that if we find out about this, you pay us in blood or money and you have my word for this.

To you it doesn't. To regular people it does. Regardless of what the jews do, the law matters to people. It has to exist for people to fall into line.

A citizen of the United States will fear being put into a camp themselves.
You have not given a single reason as to why deportations and a reinforced border wall wouldn't solve the problem.
A person is less likely to come to America if they physically are prevented from doing so.

Are you joking? The "Final Solution" was mass deportation.

Saying you need to lurk more is a gross understatement. Please, go take a shower and wash all of the kikery off of you.

And just like you look at the cia mainpage, there is a violine playing fridgid female with a small dick pencil neck streetshitter, because they are really cheap labour accostumed to your nick way of life you fucking disgraces. They lap up all that shit because it is a lot better than their robot street shitting countries.
Maybe you should manipulate the antifa morrons more that spread your disease around the globe, the land of the disgrace.

Because you make that back from the forced labor. Vs spending money to deport . You make money with the cheap labor that is now available for the State to use at its will. The added benefit of camps is that you can put anyone who becomes a problem in the camp as well on the means that they are a law breaker or working with the illegal invaders. You keep assuming that once someone is deported they won't come back, which is not the case as has been seeen with the spics returning to the USA after being deported multiple times. Those same spics won't even bother coming over here if they know a camp awaits them. They will keep coming back if they just get deported even if there is a wall there is so much cartel corruption along the border that the threat of a forced labor camp is the only real solution to stop illegal invaders.

Better idea would be to kill them and throw their bodies over the wall into a massive rotting pile. Make the piles where most of the illegal border crossings are and you're sorted.

Deportations are not a solution because it rewards bad behavior by giving the offender the ability to return again. Camps do the exact opposite. They strike fear into the heart of the invader knowing that he will not be deported but will be put to work in a camp and not allowed to return home.

If you doubt the power of Camps look at the Nations that have used them and then look at the illegal immigration numbers and you will see that starting camps for illegal invaders dramatically reduces illegal invaders over night because now there is a punishment system in place vs a nice and friendly deportation.

Every invader should be put into a camp and forced into never ending labor for the Nation they invaded. Using a bullet to exterminate them will always and should always be an immediate option, but those illegal invaders who can produce for the State with their labor multiple bullets in terms of raw materials mined from the Earth are better put to use doing dangerous and unhealthy jobs.

This should be the future of every illegal immigrant who enters the nation that they will receive either a bullet or they will enter into a forced labor camp that they will never leave.

How will they get passed the wall?
This nigger can't be serious

hahaha nigger are you serious?

How is that Calais camp working out?

How about instead, we put you in a camp and deport all the illegals. That way you won't be able to shit up the catalog, and the rest of us can live without immigrants in our borders.

Frigid, small dicked to big cities accostumed sexual less dismorphic new generation cia cunts, not gods but pawns.

If that would work, Russia would be not the third world shit hole it is.

^^^ if you think illegals won't come back you are extremely naive.

A retarded version of figed spinning ads riddled low sexual hormone exhibiting bunch of niggers that uses a neccesarry amount of irony to protect their mediocracy. And this amount of trigger words will be fed to you in your social sciences classes with a different spin (a fidget spin).

and the ones who get past all that… Would you have a problem putting them in a camp? After all if spics get past all those deterrents if you deport them they will probably just come right back… so why not have a forced labor camp waiting for them instead of another deportation.

Because otherwise the measures you need to apply to achieve that will impode the moralistc jenga towers on which your illusion is based on..

So you want to fuck over our workers too? You want to have a shit labor market with literal slaves? you are a kike. Even if you aren't IRL you are in spirit.

how would they get back in retard?
We have a wall, armed guards with FLIR, motion detectors, and audio sensors.

You really are something else, jew.

Na we need a massive amount of low educated niggers, antifa feminists and a rampant surveillance appartus to guarantee a shorterm amount of normalization with the help of some psyducks and data scientists.

But then again the antfia needs to present their "experienced violence" to the media just as the poor cops have to do that. Because a punch to the face is sooooo evil and sooo triggering.


sage this obvious jew thread

Are you trying to create an American Calais?

I want a solution to the refugee niggers, so this is not a shill thread. You fucking nigger.

We put liberals in camps too. That way there would be no one in the outside to swing the pendulum.

As i said, money and they will go back, really pragmatic.

They already sort themselves into camps, and their women crave our dicks because everything that is usually attractive are artists and very rich fags. So in that regard: what a time to be alive.

Why pay them? Why camp them? Just send them back? You only need kill a few dozen and word would spread like wild fire and they would rush back home at break neck speed.

moralistic jenga towers for putting invaders into camps? You sound like a kike.

And the liberals in itself lack of the most basic laws of attraction: They are neither cavemen nor are they really intelligent. They will die out like every generation is like flip flop, liberal, conservative, liberal, conservative. And now we have the age of liberal going to conservative, and all those faggots do not have any qualities that makes a smart liberal desirable over a low quality conservative. And i really enjoy that.

The same way they got in before you morron. The Jews in the USA will change the laws and let them in.

Do you think all these spics came here by w/o the Jews help? Jews fear these camps for a reason. You are sounding like a scared Jew because maybe you hire illegal spics and are worried you can be put into a camp too!


Leave or we kill you.
We already do that, you cocksucking pile of shit.

They go back you fucking nigger. No matter what, and the screaming cunts will get fucked.

No nigger. I'm trying to create America's Final Solution for all the anti white scum , spics niggers jews slants and jew sympathizers can all be put into these camps. Camps have been shown time and time again to end invaders/immigration. Once a Nation has a forced labor camp that Nation becomes not such a nice place for the invader.

Let me ask you this. Do you want to live around spics, niggers, jews and slants? Or would you rather have them in a camp far far away and not able to interact with your family? I would rather have them in a camp.

They get money to go back.
And for your notice for you nice shill, i ve been there for a lot longer than you.

sorry you fucking kike i'm not interested in giving you more tax dollars to give to invaders. Go get in an oven right now!

They will do what i say, you fucking nigger.

No, they don't get anything to go back, you cocksucking pile of LEFTIST shit. They get a bullet in the head or they go back. We're done with welfare. We're done with "compromise."


Reported. You're a liberal shill. It's over.

The liberals are like more trained animals to me, if you ask me. Like wolfes to pugs. We stay the same.

Like a maniac just in a more cultivated form, and that is what your songs sing about.

Look at the fucking money that gets dumped into the penal system housing entire zoos of nigger convicts. You're going to spend a comparable amount of money of putting fucking illegals to work? You might as well let them come in and take all the fucking jobs they want.

Source: U.S. Office of the Federal Register, Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration, a Notice by the Prisons Bureau on 07/19/2016

amount, $6.9 billion is requested for the BOP and $1.6 billion is for the Federal Prisoner
Detention (FPD) appropriation.
Source: U.S. Department of Justice FY 2015 Budget Request

So, rough estimate, if these prison camps have similar costs to the U.S. penal system, then you're looking at about $30,000 a year detaining a single beaner.

Source: Center for immigration Studies, New Data: Immigration Surged in 2014 and 2015, Steven A. Camarota, June 1st, 2016

With that data, estimating that 550,000 tacos are crawling in illegally every year, your plan would spend about $16.5 billion just to put these spics to work on border defense systems, when you could be contracting domestic companies and supporting U.S. jobs to keep the beaners out, and this isn't even accounting for the cost to construct and maintain the fucking prison camps themselves. According to your logic, by putting them to work, you're going to make back a fraction of the money you spent on putting tacos to work in labor camps to construct arms and border fortifications to keep out the spics that you're letting in to be put to slave work, anyway. Even if you decide to cut costs and not give them any food or amenities, and just work them until they die, and replace them with new immigrants (which would be extremely inefficient), do you really think that once news of these labor camps get out (and they will; not even the Norks can hide theirs), the illegals are going to keep coming back to the border, completely ignoring the fact that there are fucking gulags waiting for them on the other side? You aren't even considering the fact that this idea, if proposed, would get shot down by Congress and human rights agencies in a heartbeat. You'd be giving the left the moral high ground by instating forced labor camps, and you would all but destroy any hope of ever shutting the floodgates on the illegal zerg rush.

You stupid, matzo-faced glob of wankpaste. Your idea is to pay them off for their forced labor in a prison camp, send them back across the border with their fucking check, and they will just sit down and be good little children for the entire god damn ride? How much do you intend on compensating them anyway? Whatever the amount, it's far more than they're fucking worth. Worst of all, you think that human physical/mental capacity and behavior can be precisely quantified and predicted to formulate an absolutely flawless system. This kind of thinking is exactly why communism fails. I would say that this labor camp plan would go over like a lead balloon, but that would be implying that it would even achieve some sort of liftoff. Trump is taking the right angle: undercutting DACA, picking off the dreambeans first, instating a merit-based immigration system, and then booming the domestic economy, starting with the revitalization of the coal industry, so that we don't have to rely on cheap, shoddy spic work for anything. The plan is to remove the shitskins, not integrate them in an entirely new, infinitely dumber way.

I'm not sure if I'm more disgusted with your outrageously obvious shilling and tumblr-grade mental gymnastics, or the fact that I took the time to formulate this post to respond to it. The very least I can do is sage this faggotry.

We will make a lot of shekels and your fbi and antifa friends will get killed by us in the near future. Just like you.

And if we just find a little ounce of you invading our privacy we will gut you you fucking fbi nigger, and we will involve your families in that, you litlte piece shit. And you will wait for it like a litlte prey on a table nigger.

sorry you fucking kike i'm not interested in giving you more tax dollars to give to invaders. Go get in an oven right now!>>10256599

The reason why these figures are so high is because the Prison system is ran by Jews and they leach money off the tax payer. Once the camps start … corrupt officials like that get put into the camps.

That might very well be, but once we figure on a objective manner that you applied some psyducks in here along with your operatives, you better get really creative, nigger.

They walked across a dry river bed before, you fucking mongoloid. You know nothing of the southern border.

You know how fast the Border Patrol shows up? Within 1-2 minutes of standing on OUR SIDE OF THE BORDER you will see a truck because they have AUDIO RECORDING ALONG THE WHOLE BORDER.

so put the jews in the camps and deport the mexicans

I bet 658981 and b6fb82 are the same fucking person arguing two shit points back and forth to "create consensus" fucking CIANigger.

Worst thread since the last one.

Me. I'll solve it once and for all

I still like anons idea in another thread of the spic trebuchet. Build big enough baskets and you can fling ten at once over the border wall at one time

I'm all for putting Jews in Camps and deporting Mexicans.

But deportations will not work because they will come back. I agree the wall will stop most of them, but with how many are coming a large amount will still make it through. The spics are going to start attacking the wall on multiple fronts to damage it they will find weaknesses in the walls because the Jew will be helping them. Now what is more likely to disuade a spic from invading? deportation or a forced labor camp? Before you answer remember many of these spics have been deported multiple times.

It should confidence with confiction, nothing is easier today, they all crave it. Like a subway sandwich you do not even have to define with a cheap price, payed by a lot of tits and recognition, just shift a little bit from the dadaism and the lalaland, just a bit more the real. Take of the bra of the words, even if they are saggy, they fit into their hands.


But paying for them to continue to live is more expensive than removing them.

And once we have a wall, deportations *will* work.

There are enough illegals and traitors for sure.

Casus Belli for American/UN "humanitarian" intervention into Mexico.

I told you before, you don't understand Geo-politics. Let someone else do the job.

No wall, Obama/Bush era policies.

Yet Another Jew trying to divide and conquor. Look Haime, we're not falling for your fucking tricks. We know the Alt-Right isn't completely on board, but we're not fighting them. We are what you could call the Alt-Reich, and we'll be recruiting from their masses with non-stop red pills and trips. When we have them on-board, the hop skip and a jump to NatSoc, you'll find the Alt-Reich at your door.

How do you like all your frigid trannies and your street shitters, what a elevating aquisition. I assume street shitting and being a frigid female most me really elevating: the same posture hoping noone sees you doing it.


Camps for illegal invaders work, and the bottom line is nothing scares Jews more then Camps.

except we are already invaded and have multiple sanctuary cities thanks to Jewish Leadership.

If we start camps the immigration of the invaders ends, and then its only a matter of time to put the jews into those same camps for being traitors and receiving endless banking bailouts.

Even with a wall there will be some who make it here and that is why we must have camps.

An indelible mark should be placed on the body of an illegal being deported, either a brand or a tattoo. If someone is caught who has already been branded and therefore shown mercy once, more drastic forms of dissuasion are warranted.

If you can't afford a wall and the cost of moving people beyond the wall; then you can't afford many camps, the cost of moving people to the camps and keeping them there, and their gibs.

Well we can afford both of them. The point is that Camps are more of a deterrent then any wall ever will be. No one invades/immigrates into countries that have labor camps for the invaders. They immigrate because of handouts and because they know the country is leaderless.

Fucking easy. Fuck Mexico.

Then make the tab payable if Mexico gives away a portion of its land. Sorry the Mexicans there will have to go back to what is now Mexico.

Whites should NEVER rely on non-white labor ever again. Slavery was one of the detrimental policies towards white society.

but user, the solution is already here, people are simply too dumb or softhearted to know

Pull federal funding, and/or send the DOJ after the city's administration. Its treason to interfere with the deportation of criminal aliens. There's also the sedition element.
No one is going to make death camps in America while it is still a Constitutional Republic. It's against the law. Who would make that order, and who would take that order aside from you?
Thats what the deportation force is for after the mass deportations.
It's like you want mexican immigrants here, and you also want the economy to suffer from slave labor.



Summerfaggotry at it's finest. I'm putting this one onto the pile next to the "Nazis and Communists are the same thing because both are Socialists" argument.

If you weren't pants-on-head retarded, you'd realize the many opportunities you're giving the media to cry "concentration camp". If anything, you belong in a camp more than the illegal spics do for being this fucking shortsighted.

What the fuck do you think the wall is for, you quintuple nigger?

How do you know? Where will you get the money to fund a project on this scale? Do you intend to pay for it with your appalling waste of trips?

Poland seems to be doing quite a fine job of keeping out the mudslimes without resorting to means that would have (((the media))) crying shoah.

If you'll excuse me, I now need go to retrieve my sides.

Its not a Constitution Republic. Those governments don't bailout failed Jewish Banks. Only a bribed congress is dumb enough to do something like that to save the hook nosed ones.

implying the media has any credibility. get in the oven jew.

Walls won't work all the time because they will get attacked and destroyed in the weaker sections. Be honest with yourself this wall isn't going to be armed at first with the mechanized machines like on the south korea north korea DMZ line. If it was I wouldn't be defending my argument for camps with such feverent rhetoric. The spics will find weak points and exploit them and then they will pour in, with plenty of hook nosed lawyer kikes ready to cry endless jew tears for them. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a labor camp to put the spics into once they attack and break through the wall? Deporting people who successfully break through the wall ( and listen you fucking nigger this will happen because there is an economic incentive) sets a bad example that reinforces bad behavior. Putting them in the CAMP and having the camp serve as a VERY REAL threat to all the fucking hook nosed traitors we have in this country is a great idea. If you doubt the fear that just the idea of recreating a containment camp is imagine for a minute how much fear an actual containment camp strikes into the heart of the Jew. That alone should make you reconsider the idea of a Camp. Its not just for invaders, its for the traitorous Jews.

They work just fine for Israel, Chaim. But then, you already knew that, didn't you?

What a pathetic low energy shill thread.

Fuck you Moshe. You suck at your job.

Go chug foreskins.

i'm not against the wall. I just want a camp in addition to the wall. Never forget how much worse it will be for Jews with a camp compared to without a camp. Jews control the legal system in the USA and you can bypass that with a new system which is why you have a camp instead of jails because you don't process people through the Jewdicial System.

You sound like a scarred kike who is worried about the camp. if you aren't a traitor to this nation you won't go in the camp simple as that. why are you so worried about camps? you are sounding like a kike!

This thread is officially in nuclear summer. There isn't enough carbon monoxide in the world for your lungs.

Nice sedition you got there.

so you want to stay loyal to a government which currently bailsout failed jewish banks back in 2008? that isn't sedition according to the founding fathers.

the spics are a highly organized drug cartel nation. they are divided right now but they will united in a sense to defeat the wall or circumvent it. Guess who will be helping them to do this in the USA… hook nosed kikes. It sure would be nice to have a camp to put not only spics in but any traitors. You get put into the camp when you are caught, no judicial system, you just go straight to the camp.

Obama's government is the same as Trump's?
That's not how a republic works.

Are any bailed out Jews in Jail? Nope. And now you can come up with some BS rationalization for that… fucking kike.

and you are going to also assume these bailout jews aren't going to bribe congress again… because that didn't happen every fucking election… right kike?

Don't worry, you will be soon enough.

Trump should bring up Mexico's strict Southern boarder and juxtapose.

Notice how i titled this "Camps not Deportations for illegal invaders because deportations are too expensive and don't work" nothing against the wall ya dumb nigger. but then again you probably can't read too well. I'm pointing out the fact that we have to proposition the idea of camps as a novel idea. Even if that means as a joke but told in the sense that it offers a practical solution vs just simply deporting the same spic again and again.

Not your personal army, shitskin. You're going over the wall whether you like it or not.

Shit thread, shit OP, shit premise. Defense forcing your abortion of an idea just makes you look like a desperate mongrel trying to talk white men down into letting you stay.

Which fits pretty well with the previous accusation of this being a mod thread. God it must feel awful, not being white and watching the tide start to turn.

Your sounding more and more like a scarred Jew who knows that camps won't work in your favor. I'm for the wall, deportations, camps, and taking Isis Oil. You have no legitimate excuse why camps won't work well in regards to providing a very real threat to those who breach the wall.

Which jews are you talking about that need to be brought up on charges?
What are you proposing? A takeover of the US government and the implementation of Mexican slave labor camps? You're a fucking moron or an adamant agitator. Either way, kek.

Ever looked at the people who work at a bank? All the higher ups are jews. anyone at lehman brothers , aig, Bank of America or shall I say Bank of TARP? All those hook nosed kikes can get CAMPED for all I care. Any banking jew that took bailout money. They are thieves.

That we start in a joking manner to introduce memes that Camps are a better deterrent to illegal immigration than walls. Maybe even introduce it as some sarcastic lefty meme I'm not a meme expert. I'm just the guy that sent out the America First Deportation stickers.
