Here is this trophy wife - she … Actually, here, strangely and geotagi, and the photo of the ship in the pictures - they coincide a) with the location of "Princess Olga", and b) coincide, in fact, with the interior of this vessel. And notice, I once again remind you, the girl's name is Olga, and the vessel is also called "Holy Princess Olga."
Instead of confirming or denying the fact that this ship belongs to the head of Rosneft Mr. Sechin and his wife is riding around the world, Rosneft said that she does not consider herself to be able to answer questions concerning the personal life and property of employees, that illegal collection and The use of unverified and inaccurate information may entail liability provided for by law. Then she told Novaya that she was suing. Although, I do not quite understand how the illegal collection of information is the publication of photographs, which, in fact, the girl publishes herself?
It is clear that everyone understands that this information is not a) an excuse for the removal of Igor Ivanovich Sechin, if it is fair, b) is not a surprise for Putin, because all these yachts, Putin's aircraft have long been reported by the defendants themselves.
Yu.Latynina: Here, the story with Yakunin - it was, indeed, for Putin's news QTwit
That, from what I know how the modern Kremlin is arranged, if, say, the top manager of the state bank has a yacht and a plane (we will not call this top manager by name), then Putin knows about it. There are several cases where people for some reason did not report. That, as far as I know, again, yes? .. Who knows the life of the bulldogs under the carpet? Now, the story with Yakunin - it was, indeed, for Putin, news, because when Vladimir Vladimirovich was informed that Yakunin's son received English citizenship, this was taken, we will say, with a lot of questions, because this acquisition of English citizenship occurred after the famous Putin's order given to his friends that there are no more offshore companies and to return all money, like, to Russia. Rather, not all money, but it is offshore is no more, everything you now must be registered in Russia.
Apparently, this order given after the "Krymnas" was associated with a sincere fear that now the accursed Americans will take advantage of this to recruit the entire Russian elite. In addition, it was given after the Americans, indeed, began to crush the offshore. Politics is stupid, my point of view, but we are not talking about this now.
And, ostensibly, a story, when Putin learned this … Naturally, Yakunin's well-wishers also told Putin. That was one of those things, those straws that broke the camel's back, and supposedly after that, when Yakunin Vladimir Vladimirovich asked: "And what is this?" Yakunin said: "Well, we agreed that here there … Here is what is called the pool, that's it, specifically my son will manage it on purpose. This is all for the good of the motherland. " Well, Vladimir Vladimirovich was very surprised.