Borderline Victimization PSA

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BPD is indeed only a label. The question is where exactly do you put it. I bet some of "jew killing, nigger beating" users of Holla Forums might be considered BPD. But so is SJW that screams that video games should cater to her world view.

Fucking borderlines are starting to push for identity. They are the worst people in any society, will never contribute to that society, and should be avoided at all costs.

Preferably on the forehead in inch-high letters.

Well, if you read on jewpedia:
Sounds like people who speak about white genocide and panicking over everything jewish (with desire to murder).

I'll never understand people who want to attention whore by showing their 'talents, and thoughts', nor I want to see any of these t&ts

Nerd-chic turned into "autism is a superpower" thanks to talmudvision.

BPD is medical science trying to explain women being idiots.


"BPD" is nothing more than an excuse some women use to be irredeemable cunts.

Hello yid.

No its not. Some football fans also have BPD. And some psychologists claim Hitler had one too.

BPD is the result of failure to provide women with structure. It's the woman's feral state.

You can find some idiots who claim all manner of things, but that doesn't make it true
>(((some psychologists))) claim Hitler had one too.

Pretty much this.

I never heard of borderline maybe i just live under a rock. After googling BPD there were several definitions of the term and all were pretty broad in describing it. It sounds like a watered downed version of multiple personality disorder. What exactly is it?

They have been doing that for a while.

Borderline personality disorder aka Im an asshole and I can't control it disorder, aka my ancestor fucked a nigger and now I chimp out disorder (over nothing too, literally the definition of BPD is chimping out over minor or inconsequential things) aka Im a made up term for lack of foresight and self control.

They always have. They're a people prone to disorder and weakness, so they invert the natural value system and claim their disorders as virtues. If you've ever met jews, you'll see this in them often. They're always "complaining" about the various ways their body is inadequate. Bragging about their eating disorders, weak bones, weak muscles, learning disabilities, etc. To them it's not as much complaining as it is humble-bragging, since they consider these weaknesses to be virtues.

Can some one give me a TL/DR please i cant keep up with shitty all these shitty leftist colloquialism's and idioms

Here's your tl;dr:

Oh so it's a new age diagnostic with no legitimate academic basis but rather it's just to away to be exempt from critiscm, makes sense. It feels like society is comprised of victims these days and it's tiring.

Ha found an oven dodger. What is wrong with beating and killing your enemies? It's about knowing to fight for the survival of your people and be able to kill jews and beat niggers.

BPD people are literally the worst. Essenitally the diagnosis of every crazy girlfriend who fucks your best friend and then screams at you for confronting her about it. Selfish, totally unregulated emotions, and nearly incapable of learning. The recovery rate for BPD is essentially zero. God forbid you have a BPD teacher for your kids or you can expect emotional abuse, outburts, favoritism, and possibly sexual exploitation. These people need the gas chamber.

Get out kike. The difference between mentally ill people and us is that kikes actually are a blight to the world.

Translation: 'psst, we're not saying anything, but it would be perfectly socially acceptable if you became emotional and hysterical right now, you know, even if it would any disrupt rational, cool-headed discourse that may be taking place at the moment, hint hint'.

'Trigger warnings' are just cues for 'traumatized' women that they are supposed (and welcome) to fake emotional anguish whenever as soon as someone (read: a man) begins to discuss an inconvenient subject or in an inconvenient way.


Translation: 'we can't help the fact that you're already aware that [x] comes with being a shitty person, but what we *can* do is stress the truism that [x] is "only a word", in hopes that you will become more tolerant of the shittiness in question in me and my girl friends, simply because it distracts you away from thinking about [x] as an actual, real issue that should be solved, and instead shifts you towards useless contemplation of the banal fact that every word can be redefined and every rule has its exceptions, which is exactly what we need for our shit to continue to fly'.

Good old leftist distraction from a problem by derailing the discourse into meaningless truisms. Another group that excels at it is buddhists.

Oh cool I should post a video of myself singing this lovely song

The fuck does that even mean? Either it's a real, diagnosable, illness or it's not. There's no "identifying" about it. God these people.


check out the subtle undermining of language. Not 'people with BPD', but 'people who *identify* with the BPD *diagnosis*'. First validity of language is undermined by distinguishing '[x] and 'diagnosis of [x]'. This makes as much sense as distinguishing 'there are three letters in "cat"' and 'there are three letters in the word "cat"'. It's redundant. Obviously BPD is a diagnosis. And any time something doesn't add to the substance of a message, it is manipulation: here, it is to connote that BPD is 'only' a diagnosis (and therefore can always be wrong blah blah). Then, people (read: women) are reminded by way of the verb 'identify' of their purported power to accept or reject any term at all: 'it is I who have the final say of whether I am something or not'. On a truistic level, that may well be true, but the reason it is being stressed is to make people bellicose whenever they witness a firm statement about a piece of reality. It is imprinting them to react with 'says who?!?!' whenever someone states a rule about reality, rather than investigating and either verifying or debunking that particular rule. It is en masse sensitizing people to primarily react to language on the abstract level rather than on the concrete level: to never to address particular claims, but rather always to cry 'language is subjective anyways, my language is as good as your language'.

Who even teaches those people such manipulation? Are they born with it? Are there courses of it? Is this what they teach people at universities nowadays?

That sounds like a biofact. I am so upset right now



A day or two ago, I found myself briefly reading a thread about some gender fluidity nonsense. It mentioned the phrase 'biological gender'.

The entire 'identity' circus may be retarded, but it apparently genuinely led at least some people to as it were turn the priorities or reality and irreality on its head: it managed not only to introduce the idea of 'gender identity', but also to prioritize it before biology. This is why we have 'gender' first and 'biological gender' second, rather than 'gender' first and 'imaginary gender' second, as it should be.

This is one victory of the left on its way to render objective language as cumbersome to use as possible. It has already managed to by and large require that people make useless disclaimers like 'I don't want to offend, but…', 'this is just my opinion, but…', 'everyone is different, but…' or 'it depends, but…', making quick statement of any 'biorule' at all noticeably more exhausting (you hardly can afford to just drop a fact as-is). Displacing objective terms into the backseat by way of having people preface them (think 'biological gender', but also consider 'academic intelligence', displaced into that place through use of 'emotional intelligence' and the likes) is yet another way to accomplish that broader goal.

Basically when a mentally ill person gets a diagnosis from a psychiatrist and psychologists they are reminded that everything isn't their fault it's the disorder's itself that is causing this behavior not you and your diagnosis doesn't you can't do [x]. The client takes it in as it's the judgemental people around them that causing misunderstandings between who they truly are and limiting their true abilities. They see the disorder and themselves as separate entities.

This. Whenever someone says 'it's not me who's responsible, it's my disorder/my emotions/my whatever', what they are doing is actually actively demanding that you change your definition of themselves to their wishes. The thing to realize is that the personal pronoun, in English inflected as 'I' 'you' 'he' 'she', is a word exactly like any other noun. So whenever a woman tells you 'it wasn't me, it was my…', keep in mind that what she's doing is asking you to her *blameless by definition*. She is asking you to literally define 'her' as 'the set of her actions and characteristics MINUS the set of her actions and characteristics that are shitty'. It is the familiar no true Scotsman: 'no TRUE me would do anything shitty, evil or immoral', because things evil and immoral are not me by the new definition of 'me'.

What follows from that redefinition is, of course, '…so you should still love me and forgive me and give me stuff'.

This makes sense when you realize they have a duelist view of the world. They think there is some sort of metaphysical "them" which exists beyond the material plane. Their soul, which has no flaws. It's their physical brain, not their intangible soul, that has the disorder. And you should judge them by their soul, not their brain.

Obviously it's bullshit, but how do you dislodge this sort of thinking without encountering resistance from all the countless religious people in the country who will back them up?

Reported for Jewry.

God fucking damn it , I'm one of the cursed few guys with bpd and yeah it's a pretty shorty facet of my life but that's what life is, culminating personal shit in everybody's perspective. So fucking what your brain is fucked, doesn't mean you're a victim. Holy shit, these cunts just need to eat the gun it's all they want, I know from first hand experience.

I don't think you meant that reply for this guy:

Indeed you don't.

Various 'brotherhoods', 'buddhahoods' and other divine sparks which purportedly unify all humanity are just proto-equality. They were being used for nullifying differences in guilt and merit. Whenever a righteous person tried to punish a wrongdoer, a religious proto-leftist would step out and attempt to baselessly nullify the difference between vice and virtue, by insisting that on some divine or spiritual level, 'we're all equal because we're all humans (in context of which all differences between guilt and innocence are negligible), so what gives you the right to judge him/her?'. Thus vice goes unpunished and initiative is shamed.

kike psychiatry propaganda on my Holla Forums? more likely than I thought. reported.

This fallacy has a lot of variations, by the way. 'Science will never know everything', nullifying the fact that scientists know more than the average person. 'Don't judge him, he might still turn his life around', nullifying the fact that based on the facts of his past, he will most likely not. 'You can still do it if you only try your best', similarly nullifying the fact that as far as past experience is concerned, there is nothing to suggest that you will, in fact, manage to do your best. 'Everyone can always be wrong', again nullifying the fact that differences exist between less and more informed people. 'Everything is good in moderation', nullifying the fact that this circular claim is not relevant in real life, in which what you need to discuss is consequences of doing things in particular amounts / to particular degrees.

What all of those have in common (with themselves and with 'who are you to judge him/her, you are not perfect yourself') is that they reduce, simplify a nuanced situation which needs information to solve to a cliche, with the implication that you should withhold your actions or your judgement.

They really are untrustworthy. They have this cycle that they constantly repeat forever. It usually begins with them going off the deep end before they are first diagnosed. Then they get committed to a ward and put on heavy medication. 1 to 3 years later they've fine-tuned the medication to let them lead relatively normal lives. And they do this…for a while. Things are going good for them for a while, so they suddenly decide to stop taking their meds. Because the side effects are annoying. And they do okay for a while afterwards. Then the crazy slowly but surely kicks back in. Followed by months of extreme ups and downs until they finally completely crash and get locked up again. And then the cycle repeats. Forever.

Threadly reminder that psychiatry is a jewish invention.
(Please forgive any typos.)

Those drugs both don't work and are designed to make people even more volatile and violent than they originally were. Stop shilling for kike pseudoscience.

Indeed, the only proper treatment for anybody claiming these sort of disorders is a dose of 45ACP, taken cranially.

You admit that crazy people exist, right? I mean, if you think they should all just kill themselves. Okay. That's pretty extreme though.

Even with medication they are dysfunctional, they can't hold up job and claim financially irresponsible on their disability.

Some people are defective, and use diagnosis like BPD to try to elicit pity. But they aren't victims. Everybody around them are the victims. Victimized by being subjected to the presence of a defective person.

They should be dispassionately disposed of, for the good of society.

Notice that said 'people claiming to'. Regardless of merits of particular treatments, it's fine to seek treatment for what you feel you have. Announcing that fact, possibly less so.

As far as I'm concerned the real disorder is claiming to have the disorder. It's a disorder that manifests as excusing your shittiness as being the consequence of a disorder and thus not your responsibility. People who think that way are defective and should be removed.

You're right. Because they always inevitably cycle back into crazy behavior.

You're right too. Other people are the victims of their craziness.

I'm still not really getting the point about people claiming this stuff. You think they are just attention whoring when they are actually crazy? I don't think many people willingly go so far as to get locked up. But who knows, maybe they do.

best post ITT

Lister nigger, my stupid uncle married a woman that had BPD, she went from weird crazy to agressive crazy and hit on their kids. Being with a woman like that is dangerous 4u and your offspring, they need to be isolated or get into breeding camps for the white race.

Those are not exclusive, you know.

You must be mentally defective too.

Surely there is no way the kikes would just make up a bullshit psychological diagnosis. Surely they have nothing to gain by constantly reminding society that they are victims. That they aren't in control of their own thoughts. That the fact they are suicidal, depressed, and manic has nothing to do with the world around them but is strictly an internal issue with your brain.

Nothing is wrong with the world. Suicide rates are increasing for no reason. Depression rates are increasing for no reason. These are anomolies. Don't pay attention to these. You're depressed. It's a chemical imbalance. It's a real disease. Prove it? Well just look at all these sad people with brain scans showing they are sad. Take these pills. Don't read our study showing the placebo was just as if not more effective. DON'T FUCKING READ IT. Do as your told.

Reminder that psychology is one of the biggest kike scams that exists right now.

If it is not genetic, what is the problem?

Fuck, we can even buy beaucoup money the eggs of the whitest women and give a fair wage to nigress to spout 4 whites babies and raise them.


Yes, although it isn't caused by muh chemicals. That's jewish pseudoscience invented to justify the use and sale of drugs that don't work and actively make people more dangerous.
Work camps and/or full on killing them is much better and more humane than using pseudoscience to justify drugging them and using them to push the psychiatric agenda.

All mental illness is genetic, muh chemicals is kike fake science.

They don't even use brain scans lad, schizophrenia is one of the only mental diseases that brain scans can diagnose and even the kikes are starting to admit it has more to do with what's in your gut than what's in your brain.

How can you be so certain it isn't? Error on the side of caution numbnuts.

"borderlines" are usually Monarch /MKUltra / churchy mind control and sex abuse victims.


Borderlines are fucking dangerous. They'll lie under oath and pervert every relationship with the kind of narcissistic self-love of a pure psychopath. You can never trust these people; they'll claw up their own faces right in front of you and then call the police to report abuse. They'll accuse their elderly landlords of sexual assault. They'll cheat their own children out of money and then accuse them of terrible crimes when the spigot runs dry.

t.I have one in the family.

This. I welcome anyone here to live with someone with borderline and see how that plays out.

Oh, you're talking about borderline personality, not bipolar. I was getting ready to get butthurt at this thread already.

They're basically the platonic form of jewy behavior, exemplified by statements such as "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

Really this…
Normally, I try to be sympathetic to those suffering from psychological disorders, but borderlines are… something else.

Are they seriously trying to meme a fake disease with the word "border" in it?


Since the 1930s…

I had the supreme misfortune of having to work every day with a borderline. This person was most fucked up, unstable, dangerous, infuriating person I've ever known. Several people their jobs specifically because of this asshole.

Whether or not they are unfortunate victims themselves of this disorder, I don't fucking care. They need to be medicated, monitored, and kept away from normal people. They're dangerous to themselves and others, and their disorder is almost contagious. YOU start to go crazy when you have to spend significant amounts of time around a borderline.

>Several people quit* their jobs specifically because of this asshole.

Can confirm.

Workplace hired a trainee for the office. Everything started out as normal, but after three months the cracks started to show. Swearing at customers, turning up late for work, outright lying about work not being done.

She was given a performance review and it was unlike anything I have witnessed before. She called the boss a cocksucker and made allegations against a couple of the guys on the work floor, then stormed out of the office, slammed the door hard and just got in her car and went home.

The bosses, trying to be fair, didn't fire her on the spot and continued to persevere. Any time other office staff tried to teach her something, or would give constructive criticism it resulted in a complete meltdown and her calling everyone at work every name under the sun.

A simple "Hello good morning" would most of the time be met by either a pout or being told to fuck off. This lasted six months until I'd had enough and made the case to get rid of her. Because she was in my area it was left to me to do the review and termination process.

To keep it short. When she twigged to what the meeting was about she had a full head explosion. First was the screaming, then accusations that I was playing mind games with her and "Was just like my ex". Then she calmed down and pleaded that she had issues and was getting help for them and just needed a second chance (We have given you eight chances, that time has long passed) before getting up and throwing the office chair at me, diving into the filing cabinet where all the pers. folders were and starting to rip them all up before she had to be physically restrained and dragged outside.

Once outside she went to her car and called the police, but hung up straight away. Then she came back inside and said she was going to destroy my life, to burn the workplace down, was going to get everyone else fired, said that we were a shit company and shit to work for.

She then left, doing a burnout down the work driveway and almost causing an accident on the main road by burning through a red light at high speed. At least three cars swerved off the road to avoid her.

After that came the sexual assault allegations. Myself and two others had to surrender our phones and have our work emails opened up and checked that we hadn't been stalking her and sending her inappropriate messages. She made the complaint that at least one person had been driving past her house every night.

As much as iphones are cancer, thank fuck they have tracking capabilities. The IT gurus took it and checked messages and the map. I was in the clear, and had never been alone with her at work where somebody else was not around. It was all that saved me from getting fired.

This was over twelve months ago, and some of us still get late night calls from her of either just abuse, or the sound of her getting fucked by someone.

She also snatched a set of keys to the work place and has refused to return them, which meant all locks at work had to be changed.

It was after this day that, while trying to work out what the fuck had just happened, that I discovered BPD.

Deep apologies for blogpost, but just one cunty female with BPD almost managed to destroy an entire business just because nobody had any concept of what the disorder is. The radar for spotting these freaks is finely tuned now.


What disorder? You described an ordinary woman.

Same here with the guy at my job. When he first started, he was actually a great guy. Funny, helpful, offered good input on things, had a lot of energy, etc. Thinking back on it, there were actually a couple of warning signs, but I didn't know what kind of person I was dealing with, and I wrote off these minor incidents as simple personality quirks. We all have a couple of those. It wasn't until he got comfortable that his position at the company was secure that he really started to show the full breadth of his insanity.

Fuckin' tell me about it. It really was as simple as that to ignite a shitstorm with this guy. "Good morning" was taken to be some kind of insult or contain some hidden meaning to it. Even a fucking compliment, like, "Good jod on [insert anything here]", was treated like you had just threatened to kill him. "Wtf do you mean, "good job"? You think you could do better? You think you're better than me? I've been doing this work for 15 years, fuck you." And holy fucking shit if you ever gave him some actual criticism on something, even constructively. He would either fly into rage with screaming and cursing and knocking shit over, or he would literally cry. This was a 30-something year old, male construction worker and bodybuilder (this guy was fairly big too), and I had seen him cry more than once. And it creates an extremely demoralizing work environment when there's up to 12 guys on a crew, and whether we're going to have a good day or a bad day all depends on the mood that day of one asshole there. If he was in a good mood, the day was easy. If he was in a bad mood, which he usually was, he made sure the whole crew was miserable and walking on eggshells.

Also, he was a liar like none other. He would lie about anything, from minor bullshit up to much more serious, important things. He was constantly badmouthing every other person at the company when they weren't around, and making serious accusations about them, both personally and professionally. Anything to make you look bad to the boss and your coworkers. He would spread rumors that some guys were gay. He would accuse people of stealing tools and materials. And his rumors were almost fucking ingenious. Shit a normal person would never even think of, for instance, one rumor he started about me personally was that I don't shower. Now, I know full well that I shower every fucking day, so where the fuck would he come up with that? The point was to make me a pariah among the crews and have everyone lose respect for me. He also claimed another guy was a raging alcoholic who beats his wife and kids. This particular guy had only been at the company for about a week at the time that this rumor started going around about him. How the fuck would this asshole even know that about this guy in just a week? Where would he even get that idea? He spread the rumor that the owner of the company had never fucked his own wife and he was secretly gay. Seriously, wacked out shit like that. Only an insane person could come up with the kind of shit he'd say about people. And I assume the stories and rumors were calculated to be as outlandish/unusual as possible because it actually gave the stories more credibility. Because when you hear something like "That guy never takes showers", the first thing you're going to think is, "It must be true. No one would just make that up. Who would even think of something like that? It has to be true."

A lot of people left the company because of this guy. And because he was pretty big and would fly into rages, a lot of people felt threatened around him. Some guys didn't even last their first week.

Thankfully, this asshole was eventually fired (after about a year and a half) because enough customers had complained about his behavior and language. We were a painting and drywall contractor, and we were usually working in people's homes. This guy would have one of his nuclear meltdowns in the middle of someone's house. The customer is right there in the next room, maybe the kids are there too. And this 240lb construction worker is yelling and cursing and kicking over ladders and calling people pussies and faggots and generally acting like someone who is about to start attacking people any second.

After he was fired, several of us at the company started getting phone calls from blocked numbers and the caller would never say anything. Then one day I go to log into facebook, and I have a security warning saying that facebook suspected someone was trying to get into my account because of multiple login failures. When I went to work the next day, I found out that several coworkers had the same kind of warnings on their social media and email accounts, and someone tried to get into the company's facebook page as well.

Holy shit that's a long-ass post. I guess I can get carried away when I'm trying to really paint a picture of just how insane this guy was

Tl;dr: Borderlines are dangerous lunatics

That's the kind of posts I wish people would make without having to prompt them for details every time. Very educating. Thanks.

I think most "borderlines" are abused by their parents in the name of "discipline." Others were abused by their peer group in a situation they could not escape and never volunteered for (daycare and public school).

Psychopathic problems from birth are rare. Studying soldiers after war, we've learned in the last century the myriad ways in which a human mind is broken by excessive stress, whether it's one-time or inescapably chronic exposure. PTSD is a very real diagnosis which would likely apply to many of us here, from our experiences growing up in school.

While we can make ourselves into ubermenſch, most of us weren't born nor grew up as such.

The borderline employee I could guarantee was from a welfare-to-work employment agency companies bite the hook this way because tax breaks especially in liberal states like New York and California.

ACOAs, and children who grew up with parents like vid related, are the "made" borderlines. If your idea of disciplining your child is what happened in vid related, sterilize yourself!

I tried to make the text in this a bit more readable, I don't know if I succeeded

fucking wew I'm pretty sure it's just a regular personality disorder and slapping "borderline" on there is just to garner the "maybe she'll get better" sympathy points and tolerance to the mayhem it causes.
We had a word for these kinds of people back in my day, it's called being a fucking psychopath.

You got it in one, user.
The trainee was recommended from a job placement agency. When all the shit went down and the company needed information about her the job agency couldn't release the file they had on her for my defence, but they did tell us it was large, and they knew she had multiple issues.

The agency got their $6k supplement from the government for us employing her, but they were blacklisted by our organisation from that day forward.

The disorder is called "borderline personality disorder".

Eh, unnecessary as physical punishment can be, it's not as if it has any impact on how a woman turns out. She would be going to abuse, slander and falsely accuse her 'loved' ones (male children, male partners), hypocritically professing her undying care and concern for them all the while, regardless of whether she was beaten in her youth or not. It really doesn't change a thing.


(The only difference I can think of is where she gets the fun of it from. Most women slander for entertainment of just seeing a life wrongly destroyed; one that was beaten will perhaps simply feel somewhat more satisfaction.)

I did not say that at all. Interests, for instance, are quite easy to influence (think early exposure to the arts, such as visual arts or music). Intelligence can also be modified to a degree, at least in terms of ability to consult external sources of information. But in terms of amount of enjoyment that people, usually women, derive from behaviour like or , no, there is no way to sway that inclination either way whatsoever. Women will always go after the vulnerable people around them.

I can barely figure out what the fuck you are trying to say, learn to write

The sad fact with these job placement agencies is that many have veterans but they are put last with people such as this put first.

I'm sorry. What I was trying to say is that the exhilaration that a woman feels from, for instance, spreading false rumours is always present either way, and the only thing that past abuse may change with respect to it is the source of it. 98 % of women, the ones being coddled in their youth, will do it simply as a pastime in which to engage with impunity. The remaining 2 % will do it somewhat more passionately; their enjoyment of it might have an emotional component in addition to the casual entertainment derived from witnessing one's power over other people and effective immunity to justice.

you are saying normal women act like and that's clearly untrue otherwise these stories would not be at all notable at all, no one would bother posting them as they would be utterly mundane. Women are nuts but not to this extent. Why do you insist that this kind of behavior cannot by effected by upbringing, to be asserting it so boldly you must have some sort of proof.


Exactly. It's the most retardly PC name for a disorder. It's "I technically don't have a disorder" disorder. It fucking contradicts itself right there on the label. It's the "Princess (male)" of mental disorders.

This thread has had a solid amount of 'this; I recognize this shit from my workplace too' so far.

Information is only one of purposes of communication. Another is commiseration and confirmation of patterns. People also exchange stories to probe the degree to which what they experienced is common.

only those who are genetically predisposed to it, even in that case it isn't muh chemicals.

the anons posting clearly find what is happening outrageous, very few people act like this let alone 50% of the population

Well, there's borderline intellectual disorder (IQ 70–85)

I can feel your mental state through your text.

Trips conform

psychology bullshit

Women enjoy the freedom of whether to abuse their workplace superiors or their family, in the comfort of their home. In the latter case it is not visible, for obvious reasons.

This means that in current psychology/psychiatry (I'm not sure which subject mental disability strictly speaking falls under) the cut-off for being an intellectual is, quite liberally, 85.

I watched the vid.
tl;dr bpd=hot white chick.

They only show you cute white girls because they want to push the 'whites are mentally ill' agenda.

They will never touch on the fact that every prominent serial killer minus uncle ted and manson both of whom dindu nuffin are jewish.

Manson never killed anybody, and I'd say Ted was more terrorist than serial killer.

Exactly, he never killed and was charged as a serial killer. Funny how the only white 'serial killer' never actually killed anyone

Imagine being so fucking bitter you blame mentally ill people for actions they can't control instead of supporting them if they're trying to get help.

imagine having a low enough IQ to fall for the 'psychiatry isnt jewish pseudoscience' meme

Except they can, they are just too weak to.

They really can't though. Nobody can really control their actions. The point is to tell apart cases in which this is stated neutrally, as a simple fact of life, from cases in which it is, indeed, said to obliquely steer people into disrupting their environment because whatever they do, 'it's the illness acting'.

Sounds like someone trying to justify a degenerate lifestyle or poor self-control tbh.

Hey torfag. I'm going to have to claim not all women here. Pertaining to this trait specifically, the main difference between myself and a man is that I express anger a lot more intensely and personally than males do. I don't enjoy destroying others as a pastime but I can get driven to full retard mode. For example if a man were to be teased or picked on publicly it's a more of a pecking order thing and it's up to a guy to stand down or stand up. But as a women I'm less quick to anger until I'm not. At this point I'll see red and attempt to destroy the threat. This is what happens to women. They seek to destroy when they feel emotionally or physically threatened. This is why an insult from a woman often times cuts so deep to the bone. It's a natural defense mechanism and in a natural environment is the last line of defense for protecting offspring if a male is not physically present (not the verbal reaction but the cruel violence women are capable of)

What you are describing specifically with women using this behavior as entertainment is true for many many today women however. Especially today when we are supposed to pretend all women are somehow intellectual equals and there are no babies to protect because of declining birthrates. But I see the root of this behavior as a combination of what I described above and a mating strategy. Note how it mostly is directed towards other women, especially young and pretty ones. A young fertile woman is the ultimate threat to another woman. Women who display this behavior as entertainment even though there is no immediate threat are just unhappy cunts with inferiority complexes. In today's (((society))) that unfortunately is enough of a significant portion of the female population for you to notice a trend.

no tits 4 u


So we're all a bunch of dindus who can't control their own actions? No, TORposter, people can control their actions. Through self-restraint, impulse control, personal responsibility, etc.

Unless you meant something else and I'm missing something, I'd have to completely disagree with what you just said

he is probably going for the 'we are just human antennas for god bro, the earth is a hologram' /fringe/ery

Ex was a borderline, I tried not to hold it against her but she became more unhinged as time goes on. Found out later she'd been molested as a kid and attempted suicide multiple times. I did pity her but the emotional instability and black/white views of the world made it too hard for me to stay with her. With borderlines, you pretty much have to stay away from them for your own good.

No, they really can not. Ultimately it's provable very simply. For each self-originating behaviour you might propose as existing, for instance self-restraint or self-awareness, I will ask 'what did the occurrence of their self-restraint or self-aware, self-moderating thoughts result from and what does it depend on?'. For instance, whenever you say that a bad habit can be kicked through timely realization that one should not indulge in it, I will ask what that timely occurrence of that awareness depends on, and the answer is the wohle complex of natural and nurtural causes – not one's 'own choice'. And if you do reply that yes, it does depend on choice, I will again ask what that choice depends on. The only reply I've ever heard to this reduction to biology is really ad hominems of 'you just want to justify your laziness', which brings the subject to the distinction between two reasons to mention lack of free will that I made in in the first place.

Agreed. Except a defence mechanism can still be used offensively. A defence mechanism, such as casually branding a passing acquaintance a sexual offender or mentally ill (not nearly as directly, of course, but using allusions, connotations, suggestions and implications, as only those guarantee lack of accountability for one's words), will still provide a woman with enough sense of 'experimentation' on the world around her – a mild break perhaps from an at times uncomfortable feeling of levity I imagine women live in nowadays. I do not judge them for preferring to cause suffering to men rather than causing happiness, or building inanimate things; for whatever reason, this of all things happened to be the vector that evolution has led them to in the current social context.

This is what they tell you. It is not enough to claim mental illness nowadays for sympathy, vulnerability and uniqueness; one must (appear to) open oneself as far as to (appear to) intimately reveal that one is unhappy and feels inferior, in those very simple terms.

Thank you for your reply.


Maybe we should start killing or exiling people with violent mental illnesses again instead of romanticizing them in the media and "helping" them (to reproduce).

She cut her own wrists several times and downed a bottle of painkillers once.

Yeah, I can handle gore but not that shit. Why would anyone film that?

To make myself clearer: cruelty is an evolutionary advantage in at least two different contexts: in defence, but also as a way to stave off boredom (that is, to get you to discover and learn new things). (Superficially) needless (but in reality serving an evolutionary purpose) cruelty of women stems out of the basic desire to play with one's environment that underlies a boy's playing with blocks; it's the same healthy desire of stimulation.

Why does it matter what the reason was for making any given choice? It was still a choice, and therefor under the control of the person making the choice.

I know smoking is bad for me. I still choose to smoke. The day may come where I choose to quit. Or the day may come where I need to quit due to mounting health problems related to smoking, but I choose to continue smoking. Regardless of what I do and why, it still a choice.

Just so that I'm clear on your point…you're saying that the choices people make are based on some sort of information they have beforehand, or some expected result of a given course of action? And because they are making their choice based on this information and expected result, they are not truly in control of their actions. They are controlled by that information or expectation. Do I have that right? And if so, I still disagree that people can not control their actions and decisions.

Information/knowledge, or lack thereof, is merely a guide (or hindrance) to making the "right" decision on a given matter. But that knowledge does directly govern what decision an individual ultimately makes. That's why people do shit that they know better not to do, but they did it anyway. It's why people will take risks against their better judgement.

Neurology is the true way to determine if someone actually suffers from something.

>But that knowledge does not* directly govern what decision an individual ultimately makes

Yes, but which boyfriend of her did she hope to drive to suicide through those displays of 'see what being in a relationship with you has driven me to, it is all your fault, you monster'? Was it you, or someone else?

Borderline is one of the most annoying personality disorders to be around. Due to the fragile state of my own sanity I've had the displeasure of having encounters with almost every single personality disorder specified in the DSM-V, and borderliners are by far the worst. Borderliners are similar to psychopaths: they lack empathy and are self-obsessed. However, psychopaths are unemotional, and use an amoral calculating logic to maximize their benefits from the situation. Psychopathy is actually very hard to spot in the more intelligent individuals, and as long as you are of benefit to them they'll maintain the illusion of normalcy and not stab you in the back.

Not so with borderliners. You won't know what the fuck is wrong with that person until you look up BPD, but once you've seen one borderliner, you've seen them all. They're extremely easy to spot once you've met one of them and know what to look out for. Borderliners are hyper-emotional, and crave attention above all else. Their deepest fear is to be left alone. They lie constantly, make up ridiculous stories, are extremely manipulative, and one minute you're an angel to them, and then suddenly you're satan personified. They'll try to suck anybody they can into their world with their pull-push antics. They are deeply lacking in self-esteem and oscillate between being suicidal and agressive. They are empty inside, and are desperate to fill that void with drugs, drama, and sex. They'll threaten, lie, beg, appeal to every emotion imaginable and in the end they'll blame you for everything that went wrong.

Whereas a psychopath will pull your strings without you noticing it, a borderliner takes the opposite approach and will barrage you with such a constant stream of manipulations that you just want them to fuck off and so you give them what they want. They'll brute-force their way through any and all social encounters using these tactics and switch from one to the other to find the most efficient way to manipulate you. They can play on your emotions on a primal level, bypassing logic and normal defense mechanisms. They'll make up the most retarded sounding lies but they sound convincing because the borderliner actually believes his or her own bullshit. They'll tell you they walked on the moon -"Look at my eyes! Do I look like a liar to you?" - and you'll actually believe them for a moment because they make up lies faster than you can process them.

If you ever meet a borderliner, disengage immediately. Tell them whatever they want to hear and fuck off as soon as you can, because otherwise the borderliner will sink their hooks in you and ruin your life.

This is equivalent to saying 'it doesn't matter that the rain fell because of differences in air pressure or distribution, it still fell under its own accord'. It's a contradiction.

I do not deny existence of choice, only the claim that our choices are under our control. This only appears to be a contradiction. It isn't.

This is one of the things it corresponds to, yes. You can't really base a decision on what you don't know, therefore all your choices are fully rational with respect to what you've managed to incorporate in their particular considerations.

No, this is confused. It's a common misconception. The problem is that you are conflating the action and the verbal description of this action as one single whole. In reality, each action is atomically rational in the sense that (1) your arms have been led to do a certain motion to the exclusion of all other motions and (2) your mouth has been led to utter the comment 'that was a retarded thing to do' to the exclusion of all other comments. In reality, each is individually rational. The fact that on the verbal level, the content of your comment implied that your action was 'objectively wrong' is not relevant here at all. In reality, right and wrong are just subjective judgements, and in that sense, your comment simply happened to be incorrect. We are rationally (as everything is always rational) led to make incorrect statements all the time.

In short, the trick is to make the step to realize that just because we feel remorse with respect to our past actions many times a day does not yet mean that that remorse is objectively justified. Every physical action is always rational ('right'); we're mistaken to think otherwise.

Note that this does not mean that we should suppress our various feelings of remorse of pride; occurrences of those feelings are rational in themselves, just because they physically happen.

And this in turn does not imply that we should suppress our impulses to suppress certain feelings. You get the picture by now.

Not me, luckily. It was actually a Britbong immigrant.

I motherfucking hate it when cunts try to justify their shit behavior because of a mental illness!
I saw a group of BPDs talk to each other on a forum awhile back and some of them seem like they are trying to be good people. To any borderline anons out there who are trying to be nice and improve, thank you!

Care to elaborate? While I know that this is the right way to define suffering, I don't know its chemical definition.

Why am I not surprised?

Dated a monster who was diagnosed Borderline while I was with her. She would full blown punch herself in the head, over and over again while shouting at the top of her lungs. Later taking pictures of the bruises and saying she will blame me if I ever leave. Her father was my boss. Very scary situation to be in. Almost drove me to insanity myself pondering her actions all the time. You cant make sense of nonsense. Figure out if the women you are pursuing exhibit warning signs and get the fuck out. They use sex to control and will cheat on you with your own friends.

how did you get out?

What a nightmare. Any of that shitty behavior in the places I've worked at over the years would get you fired on the spot. You'd be lucky to receive one warning to unfuck yourself then: Leave now or we're calling the cops. Too bad men have to put up with this insanity just because she has a pussy.

She reckoned that would be hurt the most if she just left him without a word, suggesting that way that he does not even deserve the effort she would have to go through in order to realize her threats toward him. How else?

Yep, you're a degenerate trying to justify his bullshit with modern kike psychiatry.
Tor, so I'm going to assume it's an illegal form of degeneracy like drugs or pedophilia.

Soviet style disease by committee, lots of shills out today.

Fun fact you seem in slight need of: rejection of free will in no way implies either severity or lenience on anything presently considered a crime.

That is, it does not imply that I should be either less or more tolerant of certain 'transgressions'. If anything, it teaches the opposite; since it leads directly to materialism, it quite literally leads to the conclusion that any treatment of any behaviour at all is equimoral. In other words, if you chose to kill me pursuant to an assumption concerning my behaviour, you would be perfectly justified in doing that. I have no right to complain anyway.

>Fun fact for (((you)))

No one cares and you are going to die needy and alone because you will never get your sheckles for this shitty non-sequitur support of kikeiatry.

I'm not doubting your story, but I have an alternative explanation of this guy's behavior: steroids. It's not easy to be a big guy and mood swings are frequently a symptom of anabolic steroids. Not all crazy is the same. Does that seem like a plausible explanation for this man child's behavior?

Likely enough.

As far as psychiatry is scientific (and I agree completely that it is almost universally pseudoscientific, instead concerning itself with either justifying its many abuses through insisting that the labels it puts on people are 'only labels' as I described in , rendering the terms it uses in its diagnosis more and more vague so to render itself ever less and less accountable for its pronouncements, or insisting that people can fix mental issues through sheer force of will, well aware that this is not the case, only to prolong its own existence as dispensers of this perpetually ineffective advice), it is just based on observation and correlation. You can hardly 'support' science or not.

On this topic, are there any studies of male children being born while the father was on added testosterone? It may be possible that we see more beta males now because the fathers could have been on added test while the children were conceived. The 80's and 90's were rife with test boosting enhancers before it became something to look for in sports. Just a thought.

ITT: Anglish 101

When thou speak, speak truthfully and meaningfully. It is understood that when one speaks, he speaks of his own mind. Do not waste time with "I believe" or "I think"; thou clearly must believe what thou says, or why would thou tell a lie?

When thou speak, speak simply and clearly. Do not take from other languages, as it muddles the tongue and weakens the words. Call it only by its Anglo or German name, but never it's Roman or French name (unless thou art speaking Latin or French).

It is an effort to speak Anglish, but if thou tries thou wilt succeed. Thou wilt find that thy mind is clear and thy voice is strong.

I am still learning the rightful use of Thou/Thy/Thine/Thee. It is a shame that the old English speakers scorned their own tongue in favor of the French-Latin. Those good words are almost lost to us because of those mistakes.

You guys are way behind on your Tumblr. Apparently it's oppressive to demand that people have a medical diagnosis of a mental illness before you accept that they're a special snowflake. Nowadays self-diagnosing is all the rage, and God help you if you question their assertion that they have multiple personalities, five of which are characters from Homestuck.

I don't know if the guy was on steroids or not, but there's no way his behavior was solely steroid-related. He had told us stories from when he was a kid that were absolutely insane. And he frequently took his shirt off at work, and I never saw the telltale backne that comes with steroid use.

I guess it's possible that he was on steroids, but at worst, it was just a contributing factor to his insanity. He would still be crazy without the 'roids.

While I appreciate your post (even though, being new to 8ch, I do not understand its relevance nor if it is spam), Latin-free English is harder than it seems. Even without checking, I think that 'mind', 'time', 'clear', 'effort', and 'simple' (not to mention 'success' and 'voice') come from Latin.

Let me check.

'Clarus', 'fortis', 'simplex'. 'Mind' is related to but not derived from 'mens'. Curiosuly, 'time' is not even related to 'tempus'.

Still commendable effort.

You know, I recognize DoTR as mostly just a meme. But I truly believe that DoTR is exactly what we need. I've even found myself watching the news and they're talking about the North Korean missiles tests, and part of me wishes that they'd actually perfect that fucking missile and just nuke us already. Then we'd have an excuse to nuke them back, and we could go to war.

With a nuclear war, we can expect the large majority of the human species to be wiped out. And that's exactly what I think needs to happen. Even if I'm one of the ones killed, I'm still okay with that because of the long term improvement of mankind.

I knew a male like that once.

Holy shit, every comment on the video seems to be made by a woman. How can they be so mentally fucking weak and retarded?

Disruptive people that have no place in functioning society should be executed. I'm done with this nonsense of bending over backward for people who can't act properly. They should know better. They do know better but in the end do not act better. They need to fuck off.

That is their nature - and our responsibility as men to make them understand why we call the shots.

See . While it might look like backing off my position at this point, I neither condone nor condemn any particular treatment of those people in the context of the fact that they can't help themselves. I pointed that fact out not to argue in favour of any specific reaction, but just as a factual correction. No matter whether you argue in favour of treatment or confinement of mentally ill people, cultivating the resentful mindset under which you hold them responsible for their condition is not going to do any good to your estimation of the situation, and it will be easier for you to overlook or overestimate a factor.

human species nuclear winter snowflakes

These people need to be beaten within an inch if their life, then take that last inch if they're all like that.

This is what I get for replying to TORposters

At least I didn't use a whole post for that pun. :)

sage for bringing it up but I want to see stats on what I brought up. I haven't seen ANYTHING on what added test of fathers has done to children. It also seems like a mainstream meme of YOU MAY HAVE LOW TEST TAKE OUR DRUGS. May further facilitate a loop of less test sons.

Are you a cunt to people all the time to extract stuff from others and always break other peoples stuff?

Earlier in the thread, there was talk about how the left twists the meanings of words to bewilder good folk. By speaking cleanly and straightforwardly.

It is hard to speak without the use of those words, but it gets better as thou tries. It is easy another latin word to mix the root of a word, as English and Latin share a PIE link. Latin tends to take a more 'orderly' outlook, while English is a weird blend of low words. Anglish is a fun game that will fix thy speaking by forcing thy mind to think smaller.

Also you should look at a King James Bible for hints on structuring speech and how to speak in such a way that you reset the attention span timer via empathisis couching. I am Thee. Look at the old testament for lessons in speech, not morals.

they have been the kikes main target, all the propaganda is aimed more squarely at white women than anyone else

Thought-rising. Sadly, I think it would be outlyingly* hard for me to do, since I hold dear word-wisdom* and (slightly less so) reckoning-wisdom*, which need those words a lot. Still I found it a good spending of my time to write this. (Three selfshows*: I did not look up if the words in this writing are non-Latin or Germanic, I chose to keep on the side of worry* when it came to hazy* words, and I have already read about seeking English reshapings*, which may have made my work lighter*.)

*confessions, admissions
*err on the side of caution

You -> Rope.

Friendly reminder that believing in animateness, generally speaking, is what has been holding science back. Scientific progress only began, historically speaking, when people gradually rejected the immediate impression that things occur on their own, unaided power and gave consideration to their, at first heretic, hypotheses regarding the causes behind the processes and behaviours they observed. We would hardly have domestication, for a simple example, if we believed that animals just choose their shape and behaviour, and refused to accept the reality that there is determination at play somewhere in the breeding process, determination of children by their parents. Or we would hardly have medicine to begin with if we believed that people just choose to be weak so to fall ill, and 'deserve' the illness. We're in the process of extending this understanding from somatic ailments into mental.

well the term used to be "Borderline Psychotic"

That's why I asked you - you'd know if it was just steroids or something deeper.

I have no idea what effect that would have on offspring. From the other things I know about sperm production, it's a pretty robust process that is less prone to fuckups because of what nutrition/drugs the father consumed. But it could conceivably have an effect.

No, I can't control things like my height and eye color and things like that. But I can absolutely control whether or not I rob a convenience store or not. My eye color is beyond my control, but shooting up a block full of children and old people is well within my power to control. Either I do it or I don't.

This nonsense that humans aren't in control of their actions is just an excuse. Tell me why you aren't responsible for raping a 5 year old or murdering a family or bombing some public event

As succinctly as you were:

Human free will might be the final relic of the instinctual belief that there are things that are sacred and forbidden to study (see ). Insisting that denying humans free will is 'objectifying' them results in perpetuating the mindset under which we continue to fail to learn how we work (what are the ways in which our behaviour is being determined) and how to improve ourselves.

Y'know, you could've just said that they're trying to shift the blame off of themselves and onto some imaginary bullshit and you would've conveyed your message easier.

Jesus Christ, what a depressing thread. Some of these stories are fucking nightmares. If you're a narcissistic, selfish and malicious it's very limited if you're unintelligent or weak. But a lot of these people have strength and intellect going for them, so they have the ability to ruin a lot of lives and make a lot of people miserable who have to be around them. These people are just infested with fucking demons. They're right under the surface, and activate very quickly.

This one guy I lived with in a male house was like this. Pot-head, so he had the paranoia as well. Intelligent, but if on the warpath malicious. Like a level of treachery few stoop to. A coward, not a man. For this reason the only person I've ever come to blows with after much escalation. He would shout at himself in the mirror.

In a tribal society people like this are exiled eventually, but in a civilized society they have power running to the state/government/enforcers with lies and treachery to inflict damage on others out of spite. People like this are some of the worst human beings, even though they may be beautiful/strong/intelligent/charismatic.

No, you literally can't, and it literally isn't. You can't choose for your recognition of the shape of a store to trigger, or not trigger, the chain of associations which includes the goods within, the prospect of stealing and selling them, and enjoying whatever you exchange them for. You can't help the variability of the threshold of emotional stimulation above which you choose to raise an arm and hit someone, or aim a gun at them.

Of course, you will have reactions prohibiting you from doing those ('no, no, I can't, it's immoral'), but wouldn't be able to not have those prohibitive reactions either.

Free will is untenable both in scientific terms (in which it is unwillingness to relate your present to your past) and in moral terms, in which it results in unjustifiable ignorance of things you should have done to prevent some catastrophic behaviour of another person ('why should I learn the causes of violence? people should just stop being violent on their own').

Sorry, misquoted. Yes, it was verbose, but I thought it's interesting how the blameshifting is basically a linguistic phenomenon really.




Nice circular reasoning. You reject my points because I'm 'insane', and I'm 'insane' because my points are flawed.

lmoa dude you're insane because you can't control your behavior and justify it with jewish psychiatric pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience is defined mostly by its untestability, failure to make testable claims. Rejection of free will broadens the set of testable claims, by opening up human behaviour to corelation with past factors in nature and nurture: I can now analyse my act of robbing the proverbial store with respect to my family background or upbringing, and see if there is a general pattern between the two. Embrace of free will narrows that set, by insisting that whatever I do, it is moot to try to study it in relation to my past because 'I just chose to do it, period'. Therefore, how am I being pseudoscientific?


You're insane because your points are wholly and demonstrably incorrect, and yet you assert them as if they were fact.

"People can't control their actions because X, Y and Z, even though they have full cognitive capability" - You

Dude, I hate throwing around the "shill" accusation, because it's used so often and is frequently wrong. But I'm strongly inclined to call you a shill right now because of how adamently you're pushing this dindu narrative that nothing is the fault of the individual who committed some given act

Psychoanalysis is the answer to bridge the gap between empiricism and rationalism (or, in this case, determinism and free will). By denying the importance of memetics and semiotics in favor of acclaiming the importance of genetics and physiology, you deny half the human-being. Free will is the interpretation of memes and ideas.

This is a relatively common objection. No. It took me a while back in the day to understand that the issue of free will, self-control et c. can not be discussed in terms of its being a fact, because it is about (not) establishing a framework for discussion of facts in the first place. For instance through your arbitrary exclusion of human behaviour from determination. A fact would be establishing that, for instance, whenever someone shoots a place up, it depends to a certain degree on things that happened a year, ten years, a ten seconds, ten million years ago. But you refuse to discuss facts in the first place, by insisting that shooting a place up 'happened, end of story, the only thing that is meaningful to do is to place guilt'.


Excuse me, I meant to say Analytical psychology (the school of Jung, not of Freud).

This looks like equivocation: 'free will exists, it just refers to internal, mental processes'. We could define the term to mean that, except it would be misleading because those processes (recognition, generalization, abstraction, whatever you meant by 'interpretation') would still be determined. Such redefinition causes confusion.

Many things can lead up to another thing. That still doesn't make the last thing that happened unavoidable.

I never knew my father. My mother was an alcoholic who lost custody of my brother and I. I was raised by a black woman and her brother. I used to get my ass beat every other day until I learned how to fight.

Does any of this excuse me from committing some mass shooting?

I mean, I offered you examples of things that happened "a year, ten years, a ten seconds, ten million years ago". Am I now justified in shooting up some place? Are my choices not actually my own, and fate or something is to blame for my unavoidable actions?

Prove that chemical imbalance causes mental illness, there is no way to do this.

Free will only doesn't exist in the sense that our genes largely determine our behavior and niggers will always be niggers, just like you will always be a torkike who excuses his degenerate actions with the abandonment of cognition as a whole.

Even if free will was a farce, your actions are directly determined by other actions you have done, even in this chain-like thinking you are engaging in the initial link in the chain was caused by yourself.

Its funny that you list most of the aspects of interpretation (observation and abstraction), but forget the most important; the judgement. This is free will. That split second wherein the individual actor makes the call.

One sees this coming. No, this compromise is misguided too. What in the universal case refers to all human behaviour being self-originating is just as wrong in terms of this final act of discretion that you seem to have in mind. Even only considering this final consideration, this final opportunity to ultimately indulge or deny an instinctive reaction that has been contributed to by numerous factors of nature and nurture in your past, you are still refusing to relate this final binary outcome to your past as well. While you accept that the background of a decision depends on the past, you still somehow make an exception the decision itself, you choose to keep it around as that point at which you can place praise or blame, putting the cart before the horse. You insist on an error (free will) because of the mental products of believing in it (considering blame and praise valid concepts). You are still deeming a portion of things that physically happen as impossible-to-relate-to-the-past, and however small that is, you are in the wrong.

You need to do away with this dichotomy of 'condemning' and 'excusing'. The correct way of thinking (let me stress: thinking) includes neither, because all that thinking may consist of is just awareness of facts and their causes, for instance, causes of the shooting. Culpability is not real, only causality is. Culpability is only real *within* the outer framework of causality: for instance, it is possible to be aware that someone finds some behaviour excusable or inexcusable. Of course, that person would be misguided to think that (to think using those concepts), but their thinking that is still a physical fact, and in that sense, guilt 'exists' – as something that people tend to put at other people. But in no other.

Oops, meant to quote .

This would be impossible for the simple reason that both 'imbalance' and 'illness' are not factual terms, but subjective emotional judgements. Rephrase this question using correct variables, such as 'amount/size/intensity of chemical phenomenon A and frequency of social phenomenon B'.

See for the fencesitting of 'you don't have free will, except you do'.

I feel you user. I dated one too. They are human wrecking machines and should be institutionalized.

You are still refusing to acknowledge, or even entertain the idea that prior experiences/feelings/judgements are simply that; prior experiences.You claim that anything that has ever happened to you will invariably change your mental state, and therefor your interactions with people and society in general.

While this may be true to a very limited extent, becoming a serial killer or mass shooter or something is not predicated solely on "instinct". There is a conscious choice that needs to be made before any action can be taken

(Which really is simple parsimony; one should not multiply the types of entities needlessly. Guilt is possible to define in terms of physicality, but not not the other way round, so we should do away with the former.)

No, you're just making excuses for their bullshit while claiming you;re not. You're full of it. These people have insight into their behavior and still ignore it. They understand the difference between right and wrong and still ignore it. They should fuck off entirely and utterly as should every person that makes excuses for them, including you.

They are if you view things scientifically and acquire a behavioral baseline - unfortunately modern psychiatry is more of a tool of social coercion than one of behavioral control. I guess Skinner and Jung were too much like dose ebil nadsees to be taken seriously, both by the kikes running the pharma-psychiatric industry and the idiots that buy into their garbage like you.

I'm entertaining your bullshit and trying to show you that even if you entirely abdicate free will and adopt an entirely deterministic view the initial link in the chain you speak of is still yourself. Your actions are still your own - stop using this garbage you read on /fringe/ as a way to justify your poor self control and/or degenerate lifestyle choices.

Causality and free will are not incompatible, we operate within the greater laws of causality but have individualistic free will. I can pick my phone up and send a text message to someone - this action was all my own yet it falls within the greater causal structure.

At least learn your shit if you're going to spout esoteric buzzwods at people

see my digits? that was causality - my post was my will though.

a perfect example right in front of you.

Hmm no. What I said was, strictly speaking, that any single thing is possible to relate to any single other thing, but it doesn't follow from that that everything actually influences everything else; neutral relationships are also possible. But this is a detail.

Well, yes. But consciousness and choice do not yet imply self-originating, intrinsic control of contents of one's consciousness and choices, such as would justify placing praise and blame onto an individual. (And this is what I understand this thread has become about, seeing how it has repeatedly mentioned concepts like 'fault' or 'responsibility'.) Of course choice exists; but it's important to distinguish between 'free choice' and 'nonfree choice' as it were.

You are a pretentious asshole.

They are factual terms as they are based on a comparison to the norm. An unhealthy individual will have a chemical composition different than that of a healthy individual. You can say that it is too vague, and that it is better to use specifics. You go the long way around with his assertion about chemical imbalances, but avoid answering his question as you attempt to bait him. Answer his request for proof, using any possible example.

You need to stop talking like an asshole, and speak seriously. What you write is an eyesore that repulses the reader instead of trying to engage him. This is the effect of you throwing accusations and assumptions, instead of allowing him to state so himself.

You assert that blame is not a valid concept. You are wrong. Blame is valid, even in your viewpoint. In your view, the blame is distributed among the various factors that led to the crime (the causality), while in the normal view it is on the person who physically committed the crime.

No one can deny the role that all the contributing factors play in making the individual come to his crime, but he must take responsibility for his mistake.

This is where you argue against culpability. The patterns in nature can help identify and predict future events, but at the end of the day it is the frog who eats the fly, not his mother.

Also, please explain what constitutes "free choice" and "nonfree choice". What's the difference by your definition?

See for conflation of acknowledging determinism and 'excusing' people's behaviour. I advocate no treatment of those people in this thread at all, favourable or not. I didn't even want to have this discussion about free will a lot; I would be happier to discuss the more linguistic aspects of leftist manipulation, as in , which is closer to my interests.

Can you explain the difference? I understand that one of those things is good.

I don't think I can make the contradiction in this kind of claim any clearer.

One of the two elements in such claims is necessarily impotent and misleading.

Either you disable the 'deterministic/causal' part through insisting that it is possible to apportion blame and praise for people's actions, or you disable the 'yourself/your own' part through insisting that the universe is deterministic/causal. There is simply no way around it. If you continue to make claims like the above, know that it is visible that one half of them or another is just appeasement of your opposition.

borderlines victimize other people, not the other way round, They are quite literally the personification of Jew if you wanted one as an example

playing them as the victim is fucking unnecessary as they quite literally "scream in pain as they strike you", people with cluster B disorders almost always play the victim, even if they didnt, narcissists and borderlines dont even comprehend accountability, theyre like stunted adult kids, punishment is lost on them, they just get angry at the fact you are even suggesting punishment regardless of the egregious shit they do, even if it was criminal what they did, its almost an involuntary compulsion for them to be a complete fucking asshole to the people around them, and they dont feel a single fucking lick of guilt about it, only resentment that you would not like them for the things theyre doing, the only punishment you can give to a borderline or a narcissist is to ignore them, as thats their number one fear

narcissistic and borderline and other abusive parents create more narcissistic and borderline people, most faggots are made by crazy parents like these, they often dont have sexual boundaries and assault even minors

Note how the pseudo philosopher goes from asserting his opinions as facts to presenting them as "what ifs" that may or may not be true and were only stated for the sake of argument

It's usually women, too.

Translation: You're upset I'm not falling into your trap of talking in circles and rejecting your bullshit.

It is entirely and utterly simple: Either they cannot understand right from wrong and thus should not be part of society or they do understand the difference and still act out and thus again should not be part of society. Either ways, their behavior is beyond disruptive and has no place in society. No amount of talking in circles or equivocating over shit will change that.

It's truly disgusting, isn't it?

Of course that claims which make reference to an arbitrary numerical norm ('is greater/lesser than') are still factual, but norms have emotional, nonfactual connotations by very definition. There is no such thing as a 'neutral norm'; it's a contradiction. I see no reason to make reference to norms such as thresholds of mental health/disorder/illness or 'abnormal' amounts of anything in my own thinking.

I suppose you could say so. It's safer to say that what is distributed in the factors that led to the crime is *perception* of blame by the observers, rather than blame itself, though. But that's a detail.

No. This is another example of needlessly moving outside simple causality. What happens is that people will react with varying severity to his action, variously with physical thoughts or physical emotions or physical words or physical actions, each such reaction being a physical act that it's possible to reason about. There is no inherent 'responsibility' anywhere in the picture.

No, this kind of discretization of responsibility is nonsense. Why are you embodying responsibility as the whole frog? Why not as its brain? Or as its whole nervous system, or conversely as only part of the brain? It's arbitrary to the core to single out physical bodies as the thresholds at which and only at which responsibility manifests. Causality doesn't respect those.

I didn't force this subject. See .

Again, 'ignored' as in 'should be absent from correct communication, which should only make reference to physical facts'. Not 'ignored' as in 'I advocate disregard of social norms'.

A choice is, say, a cerebral event in which a state of hesitation is resolved, whether accompanied with a physical action or not. 'Free' vs 'nonfree choice' may refer to the mindset according to which one's choices (fail to) be attributed to one's past.

As for your first greentext, I acknowledged that I don't do that as early as in .

I don't see how any of the three supports that I back out of any of my claims. The most reserved claim I've made here is that I haven't shared my personal opinion on BPD people.

It was, but it made little sense also.

Also, I would be obliged to know where I equivocated.

You know saying 2.7 milligrams of testoterone puts you at a 2.6% likelihood of commiting robbery is still an arbitrary number, as I could round up to 3 milligrams or list out to the millionth or billionth decimal place. Its just a detail. You are also advocating for a causal view of the world, but deny the important role of emotion and norms in human development, you hypocrite.

Then why do you scorn the role that society, norms, and emotions have not merely on the actor but on the observer, and how that contributes to the whole event? Causality doesn't respect you.

At the end of the day, you are not blameless for engaging in this. You were not "forced" to engage in this topic, you had a choice to engage and you chose it. Stop saying "I don't want to talk about this anymore" and just stop talking about it.

You're trying too hard at this point. People have rejected your premise, and provided their reasons for it.

And yet you persist. You go on to say things like:

My nervous system doesn't decide to murder someone. My arm didn't decide to raise a gun to the bank teller's head. I decided to do these things, and I am now the person who has to pay for these events that I had the choice to commit or not commit

There's a whole lot pic related ITT


You are just rephrasing yourself rather than explaining the arbitrary boundary of one-single-body that you insist on.

You keep localizing responsibility in the individual body and singling it out as a special 'responsible' entity among the otherwise-'irresponsible' things that are not individual bodies. But a lot of other things also contain has-a and is-part-of relationships. Why are humans responsible for their actions and not, for instance, lakes or toolboxes?

*lakes or toolboxes when they release lethal amounts of CO2 or fall on people's heads

There is over 3000 years of philosophy you need to catch up on. I'd recommend starting with the Greeks and working your way up to the present day.

I would hope that I would not reply derisively if you said that you have no time to indicate my error any closer than that, user.

You're asking what makes humans different from inanimate objects or abstract concepts. You're not even asking the difference between beast and man at this point. You are a living caricature. Consider this your causal impetus to reflect on your error and determine where you went wrong and how to prevent it in future discussions.

==I AM BORDERLINE== autistic

a real autist would red

Sorry, didn't notice this post.

…Yes? How is this relevant to the principle that one should avoid minimize arbitrariness in one's communication, which principle you violated as far as you insisted that I look past the existence of arbitrary norms in a question I was asked (you insisted that I reply to a question which made reference to 'imbalance' and 'mental illness')?


Again, where? I wish I could ask for more than just citation from you, but I honestly struggle to even ask you more exactly for any kind of elaboration or make a digression myself based on this accusation of yours, it's so remote.

See the very end of the post you replied to. I had that choice in the sense of having undergone it in a deterministic fashion; not in the sense of at any point being culpable.

Imperative, or at least hortative, statements contribute to misconceptions because either evolutionarily or culturally, they cause extreme decline in self-awareness in the listener. It is extremely easy for their listener to forget that in reality, the outcome that was encouraged, such as 'that I stop talking', did not originate in myself, but, after all, in the encouragement and its issuer. Hortatives are designed to blind their recipient to the transmission of causality, so to say, and make him/her think it wholly begins at him/her when he/she picks it up.

Yes, exactly. Please give a difference that amounts to something else than 'we have souls' which (who wasn't me) has rightly questioned.

It made plenty sense. These people should not be part of society and people that defend them are odious elements that should not be part of society as well.

Ah, again, quoting .

It made little sense because it relied on the words 'should' and 'wrong', which tend to be used in the broadest of statements and yet, ironically, only really speak about their speaker's preferences.

You are just seeking a way to wash your hands of any ounce of responsibility in your life. I implore very considerately to reconsider these assumptions. You will have a miserable life if you do not own up to your mistakes and faults. Playing at being above human interaction and impulse is detrimental to your health.

You have gone so far as to sincerely question why we hold accountable men for their actions but not an abstract concept. Consider this as an out; that societal norms and human interactions are the product of causality, not an adaptation. Consider that by yourself for a few days, and stop posting in this thread.

Even if this were true (for the closest meaningful value of 'responsibility', which would probably be 'tending to minimize societally-defined crime and individually-reported suffering around oneself'), I fail to see how it would be relevant to correctness of my claims.

Those being?

'[I am not saying that] we should suppress our various feelings of remorse of pride; occurrences of those feelings are rational in themselves, just because they physically happen. And this in turn does not imply that we should suppress our impulses to suppress certain feelings.'

Me, in the beginning of the thread.

This implies that I recognize 'holding accountable' as a meaningful concept. I don't. I just observe the occurrence of corresponding resentment in you towards people you consider 'irresponsible', resentment which takes away the mental resources of yours which you could have better spent elsewhere.

All human behaviour (stopping at laws of physics, whose relation to evolution I'm confused about) is an adaptation.

It made perfect sense. Instead of attacking the issue at hand, you are trying to shift discussion to language because you have no way to argue against the sentiment presented. Then again, you're trying to defend these people when there is no real defense for them.

The fact that I have already pointed out, more than once I believe, that I do not 'defend' those people…

The reason that I have 'have no way to argue against the sentiment presented' (which is true) is that it is, indeed, just a sentiment – and not a fact. How am I supposed to react to a claim that something, for instance eliminating a group, 'should' be done? It has no truth value. Only two kinds of verbal production necessitate reaction: questions and errors. As far as I remember, excepting the testosterone side question, there were no questions made ITT, nor any errors… beyond those I've been explaining for the last couple of hours.


Borderlines are an autist's fucking natural predator (pics related, for what should be obvious reasons)
"Oh, I'm so sorrYOUR SISTER?! "


>In the middle of a classic movie, with children sitting right beside me in the theater, she proceeded to start running her hand slowly and lightly up and down my crotch through my jeans. I'm sitting there staring straight ahead and concentrating on not blowing my load, and she won't stop and I'm too weak to make it end. 400 hours later, the movie ended and we high-tailed it back to my house (which was empty) for a marathon session of…

>"Just dancing?"
>"That's your opinion."
From then on, almost like clockwork, the crazy bitch would call up once a year asking if we could be friends. I learned that the best thing to do was reply in monosyllables. "Hi." "Fine." "No." "Bye." Drove her spare.

When I joined Gamergate in 2014, it was because of IA's Quinnspiracy videos. I knew what kind of vicious harpy cunt I was looking at, because she so closely resembled my own hot mess of evil. That was also why I LEFT GG, because I realized we were actually giving that whore what she wanted. Every man Quinn's ever used or seduced or blamed has been to further the attention and drama all BPDs fucking crave. I can't wait until the day someone finally smashes her face in with a rock and leaves her in a ravine. And if I didn't fear Hell, I'd track down my ex and do the exact same thing to her piggy little face, as well.

BPDs use and abuse the autistic on a regular basis, lads. Don't let one do to you what mine did to me.

This is the greatest post ITT. By far.

Almost all mental disorders are genetic.
t. Psychologist faggot

You defend these people and when presented with the fact that their actions are not defensible, you give posts that do not actually address the issue at hand but instead dance around the issue. Again, these people should be removed from society along with every single person that defends them. The facts are, these people have the insight into their actions. This is part of the reason why insight oriented therapy is part of their therapy. It would not be if they were unable to do so. This is a good reason to remove them. If they are unable to determine or have insight into their actions, they should be removed as well. Society already recognizes this aspect since that is factual grounds to lock these people up one way or the other. At the end of the day, these people should not be part of society and the people who defend them should be sent off with them. No amount of claiming such does not make sense will hide the fact that it does make sense. I look forward to what other silly excuse you will trot out and what other embarrassing manner you intend to dance around the subject. Maybe referring to a post that does not adequately comment on the issue as well.

Well then, no breeding for me, I guess.

Nope I'm a borderline (lel) shutin who avoids relationships because I'm essentially poison when the mood swings/paranoia/ Holla Forums tier rants happen. I understand that my delusions and mania are a detriment and would rather separate myself then have to cause harm to someone I care about. Male and female BPD diagnoses tend to reflect this, men either withdraw or become ted bundy, while women become voraciously toxic sluts. It's a lonely life, but it's my lot.

Quit your infatuation with yourself. You are not the smartest fucker in the room and you never will be. You're a pathetic excuse for an intellectual and your aspirations to such have zero bearing on your accomplishment of selfsame.

You are applying the ship of theseus thought experiment to a human concept at a higher level of cognitive abstraction than the physical causality which you espouse so verbosely itt. The thought experiment breaks down to meaninglessness the moment one realizes the 'ship' is a high-level concept in the minds of men whereas the components of the ship are less abstracted from physical reality.

Everything you've said is insistence that people zoom to the level of detail you believe is important while denying that those details are part of a larger whole which anyone with half a brain can conceptualize and draw conclusions from said conceptualization. We are all dumber for entertaining your bullshit this long and you have been ill served by people's patience with your inanity because you will conclude that you must be onto something because you are rustling jimmies. Read the western canon of philosophy and then read Sam Harris's Moral Landscape again and figure out where he went wrong. This is your homework before you are allowed to speak amongst us again. If you don't do it, we'll all know and I'll personally call your dad and tell him to whip you with a belt for being an unlearning faggot.

It's been recognized since the 1980's:

According to the DSM Fourth Edition, for a person to be diagnosed with BPD, they must exhibit at least five of the following symptoms: Extreme reactions of panic, depression, rage, etc., intense and stormy relationships, unstable self-image, impulsive and reckless behavior, suicidal tendencies, self-harming behavior, feelings of emptiness, uncontrollable anger and rage, paranoia, losing touch with reality, etc.

What the fuck.

Since the start of the thread and until anons began to talk to about something else tangential, every post you made was to shit on women, every post was made to imply all women and only women are irremediable BPD cunts despite here being examples and anecdotes of BPD guys too. When an user spoke of his ex's attempts at suicide, very clearly meaning his ex's attempts at her own life, you replied to make it so it meant she tried to make the others commit suicide. You've been like a MGTOW on steroids for most of the thread, as if trying to make white men wary of all white women, as if you had a personal vendetta against females. Then when a different vector of discussion gave you more replies from anons, you began posting bullshit wall of texts of contradictions and autistic rants. My point is: you are that /fringe/ tranny aren't you? But let me tell you, no matter how much you try to D&C men and women, going on circular logic saying bitchy cunt behavior has no rhyme or reason, can't be prevented, and women can't be held accountable from it cuz men are better off without them amirite? Better give up on women amirite? No matter how much you go on about this, you'll never be a woman and no sane man will ever be attracted to that mangled meat you call a body.

Ah fuck, this describes my sister perfectly. It's not even a 'close' match, it's her to a tee.

Context: My sister is currently in a mental institution, we suspected BPD but they refuse to diagnose it correctly because she's under 18.

Here is how you debunk that. If it were just their brain, then it would be impossible for anyone to ever sin, since it'd just be the neurochemistry that happened to generate a certain action.

Based BPDanon, I only wish the borderlines in my life had the same resolve. The frustrating part is that they themselves hate what they do to everyone around them, yet take no measures to not be in the situation where they're going to do those things.

Get your shit together, OP.

I'm a guy and have BPD. I was raised by a single mom and my grandma. My mom is well meaning but a ditsy retard, but my grandma is actually fucking insane who would spoil me one day and beat me the next. Needless to say I haven't been anywhere near her for a long time.

I'm significantly better than I was a decade ago and that's mostly due to lucking out and having an amazing friend who really helped identify my bullshit and worked with me to make me better. He was a roommate for a long time and when you have somebody who's willing to pick apart all these things you tend to do subconsciously you're able to start seeing the patterns for yourself and it makes it manageable to the point where you aren't fucking over everybody in your life.

I don't represent everybody with BPD, but at least some can get better to the point of having almost no symptoms under the right circumstances. I also think that women with BPD are way more dangerous than men with it since women can get away with so much more bullshit because "muh vagina".

If for some reason you're ever in a situation where you need to deal with somebody that has BPD and it comes down to a personal one to one discussion with them, just ask "why", because I can almost guarantee that they don't even realize how much bullshit they're causing or the reason for it and that if they can become self aware of what they're doing they might just get their shit together. Of course if they're the type of person who thinks they can never be wrong than you're probably fucked.

I don't really see anything wrong here. The snowflake millennials we're having trouble with now might've turned out better had they been properly disciplined.

BPD is often comorbid with narcissistic presentation, so asking why would rarely ever work


Absolutely. Sounds like she was given a clear instruction, disobeyed it, and got a beating for it. I see nothing wrong here.

sure (((you))) dont

Your child decided to become a transgender non-binary fox creature. What do you do?

Mate, I'm seeing society implode around me and the tumblr mindset coming out in force. These are clearly people who were never disciplined as children, if they had been they might have turned out differently. The only acceptable reaction for a child (especially a girl) is absolute deference to their parents, because they don't know better. Regarding the cause (she was instructed to stay off the internet and did it anyway) perhaps the father was damn right about it. Given that video's description it sounds like she has completely rebelled and is likely a full-blown SJW now. Well fucking done ff37ae.

good to know

You know they employ feminist teachers in schools, right? Nowadays even in kindergarden. You aren't going to remove "subversion" that easily if it being taught on daily basis to your kid.

You're actually defending that abusive environment? Whenever I was punished as a kid, my dad never got angry, he got cold. He took the belt and smacked me a few times until the message was received. It was always over something I did that was really, really inappropriate. Not once in my life do I recall my father doing anything like that in the video.

That being said;

You can't raise a kid without getting a little physical with them, otherwise they will face the rest of their life fearing pain and avoiding consequences. You don't need to hand out beatings like it's candy on halloween, but only when it is absolutely appropriate and within its own limits.

>putting your kids in (((public school)))

We don't know what the environment was like most of the time. We don't know whether he was just angry all the time and randomly lashing out, or whether this was a specific case where he had drawn a clearly defined red line and she had deliberately crossed it. In lieu of any further evidence I am satisfied it was probably the latter, though I would condemn the former were that the case.

>putting your kids in (((public school)))
In all civilized countries parents are forced to do that. Or your child will become just as asocial as you are. Not to mention in some countries you need higher education to even survive, not just school.
You are going to put your child on autismbux, cause you're murrican?

>your only succesful if you have a (((diploma)))
oh yes exactly like these other people who advocate college as theyre succesful college gradua- oh wait

Homeschooled children have a better shot at getting a decent education than by sending them to the shitbucket known as the public education system.

For what approaches the dozenth time, where?

'Fact' and 'indefensible' (just like 'defensible') are not compatible terms.

Even if you chose to remove people with BPD' sensory organs and insert them forcefully into their sexual ones, regardless of their gender, that still would not, formally speaking, be 'wrong'… nor would it be 'defensible'.

As far as I remember, this is the same practice that drills into your head the fallacies that 'you can always be wrong' and 'nobody can ever know anything for certain'. I struggle to imagine how that may increase anyone's insight on anything.

It has been a couple of years that I last looked up his quotes, but I still remember his advocacy of 'mindfulness' 'meditation' and 'psychedelic' substances. Experience has shown that those people only yearly or so approach making sense.

Am I? I'm simply asking for the reason that humans are qualitatively different from other similarly aggregate, but apparently arbitrarily 'inanimate' beings, such as ships. I am doing this because without objectifying their actions (whether you admit to that fact or not), that is: effectively treating those people as determined matter whose behaviour it is possible to learn in advance, you will have trouble even rounding up the BPD folk you insist so intently I am focused on protecting.

How? Materialism works just as well both at far micro and far macro scales and at describing human beings. I could go through life describing people just the way I would describe dead trees or rocks, and except for a number of people calling me mentally ill for refusing to embrace their spirituality, I would communicate with everyone else perfectly well. It is your arbitrary anthropocentrism, that endows humans with unique characteristics that justify your resentment towards them, that is inapplicable to things smaller or larger than a human being; consequently, it's you who insists on maintaining a special 'zoom', a special mode of discussing the world ('what he did is right/wrong') which only applies to humans.

Oh, great interpretation, but no. Women of colour are trash as well.

Only the final claim is true. Female behaviour is well preventable (the day when a woman will be able to truthfully claim equal capacity and morality to a man will be the day that she is biologically engineered to be basically a man to begin with, after all), and it definitely has its causes. To use a computer analogy, female attacks and slanders are simply hashed better than male actions; it's harder to trace their input values, but they are still seeded.

I'm very sorry, but no. Been on that board only once, for ten seconds before I closed it.

And indeed, it seems on Wikipedia it provokes no laughs and not even raises any eyebrows for the same page to contain the words 'Harris and his wife, Annaka Harris, founded Project Reason, a charitable foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values' and 'compassion, awe, devotion and feelings of oneness are surely among the most valuable experiences a person can have'. In some cases it really is enough to read one sentence or two before one makes the self-preservative decision not to read further examples of stupidity (or hypocrisy) from a certain person.

i just made this cuz of that post

You have earned more homework now by your admission to being a sociopath.

Eat some psilocybin and learn how to meditate, preferably after some cardio. You are a sociopath because you have demonstrated, by your blind insistence that you and everyone else are automatons, that you have never once experienced an introspective thought. I feel sorry for you that no one in your developmental environment could help you, but I feel sorrier for everyone with whom you interact on a regular basis because your state of mind all but guarantees that you treat others as a means to your ends while fallaciously appealing to your own twisted model of objective reality-cum-morality. Your rationalizations of your own shitty behavior undoubtedly place all causality as literally external to yourself but imply that your interlocutor is the one who is at fault. Dealing with you is a burden no well-adjusted person ought to bear; you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Help yourself. Do your homework. Eat the mushrooms. Read Nietzsche. Get gud.

Can confirm,
My Brother dated a Borderline Cunt because he was fucking desperate,after a while She tried to make him look bad everywhere and generally acted like a freak.
In the end she told the Cops he beat her up, when he tried to break up with her.

Seriously avoid these People at all cost.

Don't know if this has been posted yet but extremely pertinent to the thread
Cluster B being short for Borderline


I never understood people who glorify mental illness. What I wouldn't give to see the world as normies do…

How about we just remove them from the gene pool? Sterilization if you're nice, a bullet to the head if you're practical.

I firmly believe the only reason I have a modicum of self control is through the insight and willpower attained studying national socialism. My case is very far off the bell curve, bpd is a disorder deserving of asylum stays and removal from society.

Somehow i doubt people would have been as lenient with a man.

Wew, right there with ya pal, similar shit though not as autistic, just straight manipulative. Got suckered into one even though I saw red flags before we started "dating" (it's never proper dating with a cluster b sociopath). Always questioned her motives, she'd constantly give shit tests, try to use sex as a tool, attempt to use me, or go silent whenever she thought she reigned in control again. I was only staying because of her looks and the sex plus the fleeting moments where she seemed to be a genuine perfect girl. But it really wore me down until a great friend of mine snapped me out of it. I ghosted her, ignored her asking for shit, ignored her "I miss you's" until she was practically begging for me to come back. Fucked her good a few times and never went back for a year until she invited me to an important event of hers just to waste it so she could get back at me for "being a cheater" by withholding sex at the end of the night and leaving with another guy since she thought it would hurt me. Then she tried to ghost me back but I was able to get her to respond to one last text explaining how messed up her mind is and that she was going to go crazy thinking every guy she's not even in a relationship with needs to only see her while she talks to multiple guys like its the bachelorette. She responded first with a laugh then with a question and I will never get back to her again to leave her hanging. There's so much more sane pussies out there, even with high standards for looks. It's not worth it to ever deal with these chicks beyond a few times in bed with no attachment.

This is 100% correct, whoever wrote it had to have gone through the exact same thing multiple times to flesh it out so well.

You handled the tests wrong, not that you should've tried anymore with her, it's good that you escaped but I'll give you a protip if you didn't learn it already from the experience. Dealing with shit tests is very simple, there is only one option for men. Whenever you receive a shit test and it's something you don't like, you don't respond to their baiting question you simply say/do something akin to, "Do whatever you want I don't need someone that doesn't care about me in my life, go, I don't need you". Point out when they make contradictory statements and tell them they don't make sense. (I.e. The classic I think we should break up shit test: "okay" What do you mean okay do you care about me? "First you said you wanted to break up but now you care what I think what's your deal that makes no sense") You don't cuck out and play nice and let them do it if it genuinely bothers you, you don't get incredibly angry and get baited into the opposite reaction they're looking for, you simply say "I don't care, leave or I'm leaving" if she does you're free from the manipulation sooner, if she doesn't and pleads with you, you' e won the shit test and will be rewarded with telling her to do whatever you want that day/night because you have retained control.

Reread it, apologies I'm tired so reading comprehension is poor. Stories are very similar emotionally, even though the events are different at different points in time. I think the lingering fondness comes from both the puzzlement and simply unique interaction though it be a negative one. Either way once a new girl comes along it throws those thoughts into the back of your mind, especially if she's more attractive than the last. Thanks for the story user.

I guess no one really thinks about curing mental disorders? In all the media, they just make propaganda about that if you have mental problems, then it's just a part of who you are? That's like "if your bones are broken and you've got bleeding wounds then it's just your current body state, don't worry about it goy"

fukken saved

Pretty much, you're not supposed to try to actually fix it.

It is supposedly fixable with DBT though.

From Kikepedia.

R.I.P. Seth Putnam. You were one damaged specimen.

Well, no. Seems like psychology today is more about finding special snowflake labels than helping people become normal. Then again, the people who self diagnose usually dont WANT to be normal

No worries.

A lack of closure didn't help. There was no reason given. If she'd even said "Your feet smell" or something, I'd think "Bitch," and move on.

Forgot to mention: she contacted me on facebook (pre-redpill; I've been off it since 2010) like we were long-lost chums. after nearly 20 years of fantasizing about slapping her shit around, I lambasted her ass and then blocked her so she couldn't get the last word or stalk my family and friends. Petty, but I knew it drove her bananas not to have the last word.

Who the hell does that, anyway?
>"I had a messy break-up with this guy. I bet he'd just love to hear from me, again!"
No, bitch, I don't want to hear from you, and I don't want you knowing anything at all about my life. Two decades have passed without you in my world, and I've been richer for it.

Also: I no longer believe her dad ever raped her. I DO believe her mom was a cunt just like her, whether she gambled or not, judging by how her kids ended up.


So she's a woman?
nothing new there.

You are negligible for not firing her on the spot
you should've fired her the moment she showed the first red flag.
These people are insane spoiled women and deserve nothing. nothing. they do not have any consideration for others

Holy fuck this generation is fucked. Women these days are spoiled bitches.

But that's misoginy, shitlord.

It would save us time and resources.

These aren't real crazy people. These are just dumb assholes who never got the good beating they deserved.

aaaaaah I don't think so. What about people who witness/experience horrific shit? Especially as a child? Like daddy blows mommy's head off at the dinner table type shit? Your uncle and his buddies run a two day train on your five year old ass. You play lots of Nintendo, watch anime, have a tumblr account and post on Reddit daily? Certainly those are all ingredients to making a lunatic. Now watch as some autistic faggot gets upset over the gook cartoons mention.

This thread is too long now. Obviously there's a lot of people who knows assholes and think they have this made up Jew shit. Really you just know cunts. Hand out some beatings. Consider it an act of kindess like mudslimes do when they throw a faggot off a building.

This BPD shit reminds me of all those other nutty slow-in-the-minds who want special treatment. If there really is something wrong with their brains then they should be locked up in a rubber room and forcibly treated. If the cause is genetic, they should be sterilized and/or exterminated. If a mental disease is real, it should never come with an ass-pat brigade and a get out of jail free card. We know what kind of person that creates.

Why waste the bullet? A good strong pair of hands will do.

Nobody's going to start speaking your meme language. Fuck off.

You too. Fuck off.

That's THE CWC, right?

Yup, the one and only. The perfect goy that can be molded to the slightest or craziest whims of kikery. At lest he's an endless source of unintended comedy, unlike most kike machinations.

sonichu. com/cwcki/A_Week_With_Christian_Chandler

Indeed the mind is fairly malleable. Also he completely ignored hormonal disorders.

Right, I forgot that one, lacking closure is a big factor. It's a typical trait of these types to never officially end anything by their own omission as that lets their victim get out without any more questions too easily. Like the infographic said, never question their motives, it's better for our own mental health.

1000x this

yes goyim we need to treat more white children with made up diseases like autism and adhd with (((our meds))), you can trust us :^)


The final redpill on the SJW is when Holla Forums realizes most of the SJW tumblrinas it crusades against had parents more sadistic in discipline than their own.

That was too much, and it likely rears up as self destructive behaviors even today.

General trends are, family environments described by you create problems down the line. Sure, many in your family may appear to be functioning well on the outside (decent job, not shooting up marijuana or smoking shrooms, etc), but it's statistically likely many (including yourself) are nursing self-loathing attitudes. You probably have internal voices which kick you in the nuts when you've tripped over in the mud. You are slaves to your internal hells, gifted to you by your previous generations (many times calling it 'discipline').

*ANYBODY*, answer me this: what does a child learn when you bend them over your knee?

I told my extremely abusive mother that I hope her cancer takes her today. I wish you farewell Holla Forums

The fuck did you wander in from?

You're projecting like all-hell, but I'm not offering my condolences because Holla Forums isn't here to make you feel better.

I really hope he does. The buddy sounds like a good man, and it pisses me off something raw when I hear about this shit.

I can nearly all gore, these days, without flinching, but I had to hide your gif of him spreading butter or oil on himself or I was going to puke. Well done.

Whenever I encounter a borderline I accuse them and bug them to entrap them. That way I have evidence and they're on the back foot. Only way to limit the damage they do is to beat them at their own game. They live on consuming others by instilling fear in them.

A fine attempt, user, however would it not have been better to make all of the text darker, rather than just a few parts? It is still better than the original.

Thank God for (((Psychiatry))) teaching us that we should never teach kids of the use violence. How could that possibly, backfire.