Are Phthalates in the Food Supply The Rainbow Trigger?



What kind of behavior changes and differences in the brain? Might be buried in the pdf files below but I doubt it.

Other urls found in this thread:

You just try and take my mac and cheese faggot

This is why everyone needs to learn how to cook. Your well-being and children depend upon it.

There is literally nothing wrong with annatto dye

Alex Johns proven right once again


Tbh microwaving a meal in a plastic bucket regularly and feeding it to a child is akin to low level hrt
Always cook a meal in an iron or copper pot tbh

You eat that? You're six years old? You shouldn't even be feeding six year olds that crap.

Anything to slide the blame away from feminist mothers and their brainwashing.
Keep searching for the chemical or gene which causes trannyism, autism and any of the other -isms which stem from lack of maternal warmth.
It doesn't exist.

Unless its real macaroni and real cheese

Don't tell me what to eat, faggot

Why are you the only anonymous with a dark blue text in your name?

Everyone else's is green.

Spot on.

Saturated fats, like the kind often found in butter and meats, are precursors to sex hormone production.
Same for femmes being dikes.

I approve of these chemicals in the food supply.

Get your parents on this thread, you shouldn't be here.

Kraft Mac 'n Cheese is not certified Kosher.

Pure (((Cohencidence)))

That's BPA for you.

If you still trust the food supply in current year then you deserve to be poisoned. Only buy foods that have no ingredients other than the food itself and make your own meals.

Once RaHoWa breaks out and you can't keep up due to poor nutrition and get left behind to die you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Fruit is loaded with sugar and naturally occurring alcohol

wtf have fun with colon cancer

The sugar in fruit is a lot different than the processed sugar that gets pumped into everything.

My tastebuds busted a nut tbh.

If you eat nothing but meat your body will convert some to sugar to meet your body's needs.
Balance with fat and protein.

Not true when considering problems caused by sugar imbalances such as diabeteees.

There's a lot of misinformation out there in regards to what is healthy and what is not. Ask yourself who specializes in spreading disinfo?

I can guarantee you with absolute certainty that this image represents the highest of peaks when it comes to what a proper diet should look like - one that will keep you healthy, youthful, and strong. I've verified it myself over and over again through years of experimentation and research.

If you care at all - which you should - then I would suggest you to look into it some. The person who made this photo has a website ironically titled I've tried everything, keto, paleo, SCD, raypeat, matt stone's diet, you name it. This is the best. It gets everything right.

Anything too much isnt good. However, the sugar in fruit is healthy unlike the processed ones. You should research it user.

You are wrong to cut out grains and legumes, presuming they are whole and sprouted. Your colon bacteria ferment the fibres and increase your stool volume by ~60%. Cabbage and avacado aint enough and the bacteria will eventually starve and eat the mucus lining of your colon, causing colitis, and eventually causing cancer.

Are "processed" peanuts less healthful than unprocessed peanuts ?

You should think for yourself, user.

and anything that is pays a hefty fee to get that little stamp on it. In general the entire kosher/halal thing is a giant scam to make (((certain people))) rich.

Whats wrong with steel/titanium and the stove top?

Its nigger food how is fake cheese and noodles healthy?

Apologies for my IP changing, but as an aside from reading these two posts

Someone else mentioned that colleges subvert freethinkers by making them rely on peer judgment over their own. When was peer review the accepted norm in the scientific community?

Who gives a shit

people who are not 500lbs

No glass is the best.

I switched to glass/pyrex for all my storage and lunch stuff a few years back. They're actually better than plastic as they can stand much hotter temps and don't get that bubbled/melted shit in it when you overheat something.

Prebiotic (fermentable) fibers are in many foods. The most important ones are inulin and resistant starch, which can be found in things other than legumes. You gut biome does not need legumes in order to function properly.

Beans are for spics.
Name me a great white society that survived on beans.
Lentils every now and then, maybe. But even then they need to be prepared properly in order to remove the anti-nutrients.

When Weston A Price traveled the world looking for healthy peoples, the only ones he found that were robustly healthy who were eating grains besides rice were a single population that were surviving on sourdough rye bread.

"But plenty of great societies survived just fine on Wheat, there's nothing wrong with it" - you say. And I would agree except for one fact: Wheat has been altered recently and is no longer a good staple food. If you want proof just look at the populations of the western world today.

Also I have crohns disease so I need to avoid things like corn and shelled grains. The symptoms arent bad now but they might be worse later in life. (I take methotrexate a few times a week and it really does help with the symptoms). I'm supposed to also avoid leafy greens, but I also take folic acid supplements.

I also have a nut allergy so I cant use those for protein. Usually I get a hungry man or poutine for lunch. I have whatever for dinner, homemade burgers, grilled cheese, sometimes rice. I sometimes do eggs in the morning too.


Don't know anything about that to be honest. I almost went down the academia route some years ago until I saw how subverted everything had become - shamed for speaking my mind in even the softest of manners - turned away from it and never looked back.

Thanks to the internet most of that system is becoming obsolete anyways. And what you say makes sense - too many times I have run into people who can't put the puzzle pieces together on their own without wanting to hear it from their favorite authority figure first.

Not that I am against debating my point - debates are fine - but when things get to a situation in which people attack personal investigation as being 'not science' when the entirety of science was founded on the idea of testing theories I just begin to lose faith in the average person.

I used to have very bad reactions to wheat and dairy to the point where I had to eat a bland diet but managed to heal everything up with the diet I talked about above. Now I can eat whatever I want in whatever portion I want.

I believe that in most cases, but not all, adverse reactions to foods are a problem with your own body and not with the food itself. You have to find a way to heal.

Are you experiencing brain problems? That's bacon-wrapped meatloaf (basically bread and ground hamburger, with seasoning, onions optional) with a cheese filling.

Also yeah, eating garbage food doesn't make you into a fruit; but it can cause myriad other problems.

It looks disgusting, how can you even desire to eat that?

Jesus Christ, fuck off.


Fuck off

Make sure you never reproduce. The human gene pool is fucked as it with without all that spreading around.

I posted this a few times, but I had an internet furry friend of 5 years that basically worshipped science and he shut me out because I questioned the authority of the (((WHO))) regarding trannies and gender dysphoria.

He was so assblasted and salty at me (despite my being amicable) that I took the moral high ground and reported his Patreon, denying him $80/mo. He made an angry journal about it and didnt realize it was me. Serves him right for being so cunty about the whole thing.

I dont see why people who believe in science and hard numbers can be so easily subverted by feelings, its like the opposite of the scientific method

It staggers me how these "rational, intelligent, atheists" and the like find it so ridiculous that the WATER is turning the FRICKEN FROGS GAY.

I'm a biology student in University right now and its a widely known fact. Undergraduates have done research projects testing for phtalates in our local water supply. Faculty from other universities have given talks about amphibians and fish are literally turning gay and how it causes autism in boys.

I don't know if you meant that as an insult or not, but I briefly considered that at a time.

Just as well, my sister has a white husband and two great kids. They even chose to live in a primarily white conservative neighborhood. I dont think theyre racist but they do realize certain facts.

So even if I dont, they'll live on. Unfortunately our side of the family does have digestive problems on both branches so it was inevitable

I want off this ride.

This is old news unfortunately and it is routinely memory holed, even here.

https ://
Assault on the male, BBC documentary. Very good video explaining what's going on, and this coordinated assault on the male, as well as our ability to reproduce.

Try telling them about atrazine. If you're talking to a liberal, just mention how big business developed it. Its an herbicide that has been shown to be extremely estrogenic and can arrest the sexually dimorphic development of male fetuses in utero

Specifically, it causes symptoms ranging from your dick hole exiting somewhere else along your shaft, to a micropenis, to an inverted penis resembling a vagina in extreme cases

Mentally, it causes mild to severe autism

Girls aren't really affected. It might give them bigger tits later in life

Does anyone know of the other testosterone-fucking, xeno-oestrogens, or otherwise hormone affecting chemicals? I'm trying to compile a list of shit to avoid. I'm not worried about cancer, just keep the gay away.

You type in a very effeminate manner. Also you shouldn't be hanging around people like that. "An internet furry friend" - Just by association he probably made you less masculine.

My suggestion to you is to work very hard on healing your body using the diet I showed above and looking into things like elimination diets if you haven't tried them already (things like wheat, egg whites, legumes, etc can hinder progress).
Also work hard on healing your mind by ditching all garbage in your life like furry friends or whatever else is currently influencing you to act like such a female. Maybe lurk here more.

Also don't reddit space so much.


Good luck, they're everywhere that plastic is somewhere. The best way is to go innawoods, or move/found a Volkisch village in which you produce your own food. Food/water is how they control, poison and keep us weak and subservient. People here think it's bad, and that Jews be keeping them down. They often forget, are incapable or refuse to see how bad it really is, and what sacrifices need to be made to free yourselves from the grip of the Jew. It's either isolation or war. There are no other alternatives. And isolation will eventually lead to war, one they will start. Prepare for war.

Top of my head

So what water is good then? Everyone here on a well system?
What about city folk

There may be some truth in it. Faggots and beta skinny cucks sure love their Mac and cheese.

The worst thing you can do for your testosterone is not eat red meat and eggs and not exercise.

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

It wasn't an insult. I just hate the way all these asthmatics and childhood cancer patients and other manner of genetic fuckups that would normally have died are able to be kept alive long enough to enter breeding age and perpetuate their diseases onto the next generation. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to save their lives, but they should at the very least be sterilized.

I just bite to bullet and use plastic jugs. You'll know if its really undrinkable because plastic has a pretty distinct taste and aroma when it leeches into the water. Light, heat, and time vastly increase the rate of leaking so its best not to buy prefilled jugs. Get your own jug and fell it up at a grocery store with a water dispenser. I prefer to use deionized water for ultimate purity, then I pour a bunch of salt in it at home to re-ionize it so it doesnt steal electrolytes from my body on the way out. If you store it in a cool, dark place it should be okay

Switch to a ketogenic/paleo diet and watch your T levels increase drastically. The (((FDA))) said avoid saturated fat for decades, wonder why.

FDA has been pushing vegetable oils for decades now, even with the plethora of studies coming out exposing the dangers of consuming shit like Canola. Margarine is fucking poison.

Dominos sugar is poison

Move out of the city. That's all I can suggest.

So peanuts are the same as sugar now? Give a fucking break

We just filter the fuck out of the water we drink and use for cooking. Its just in the kitchen so it doesnt solve the problem of brushing teeth or showering. Whole house systems are expensive as fuck but the setup we use was less than $300.

Peanuts are not great for you. Phytic acid is an anti-nutrient.

man you are fucking stupid haha

Will look into it, cheers.

a thread teaching anons how to be healthy?? this wont last long so I'll post a super good youtube channel. Been binge watching these videos, the man also talks about the pharmaceutical industry and how most drugs are pure poison. give them a watch

you deserve to die if you eat this shit

This. Thank fucking god I always hated that fake mac and cheese shit and never touched the stuff. And I'm glad that as soon as I went to college and was on my own, I learned how to cook. And I've always been about buying raw ingredients and making real meals rather than buying prefabricated bullshit. I'm not one of those paleo-diet guys, but I still try my best not to deal anything that you consume straight out of a box.

Homemade mac and cheese is fucking god-tier, btw. Once someone tastes the homemade stuff, I don't see how anyone could possibly stand going back to the kraft shit. Sure, it takes a little bit of effort if you want to go all the way with it, but goddamn it's worth it.

For the love of Christ, don't use toothpaste. Use baking soda.

That sounds like a good strategy, I'll look into that.

Yeah working on it.

Yeah I noticed it's hard to find shower filters that work too. I don't trust the tap water enough to filter it but i'll look into that too.

We're mostly talking about kids here though. They're just eating whatever their lazy unthinking parents give them. It's not their fault they're being fed bullshit. You really can't hold some eight year old responsible like that.

The parents should be put up against a wall though. But this all goes back to the meme that women should be "strong and independent businesswomen" instead of focusing on raising a family. And for this reason, you now have a TON of women who don't know how to cook worth a damn, and they just buy pre-fab TV dinner shit for their kids every single day. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if women were out of the workplace and back home cooking meals the old fashioned way.

What's the best kind of filter to use. I'm most concerned about the estrogens in the water supply due to all the roasties pissing their birth control down the drain. Do charcoal filters take care of that?

Thanks for the vid drop. I'll watch them later. Only watched a tiny amount so far but he seems like a good guy.


to be fair user, the tripshitfag did basically state that: "eat poison -> die" and it's hard to argue against that

Is this another Edward Group style zionist scaremongerer trying to shill some superfood/supplements?

Who the fuck can eat four pounds of food in a day holy shit.


Gotta eat BIG to get big, C'MON

Split the difference and use a fluoride-free toothpaste. SLS-free too if you can find one.

Eh, fuck that. I've tried the fluoride-free "natural" toothpastes and they just don't seem to work well, leave your breath smelling like shit, etc. Fluoride paste is fine; just rinse your mouth and don't swallow that shit.

Why are the brands blacked out in the lab report? Why were nine of the cheese sauces made by Kraft?




So my autism is just me growing up with no friends and a shitty, uncaring mom? That'd explain a lot.

eat fish once a week, learn to fish bluegills if you're a poorfag all you really need is the only expensive part of fishing is getting rods and reels

> fishing line you buy it in bulk it's cheaper

How old was your mother when she gave birth to you?

Unfortunately, the quality ofl fishing is totally dependent on where you are. For example, I live by the bay/ocean, but it's in an area downstream of where there are tons of industrial plants dumbing their chemicals and shit. Eating the fish from this water probably isn't a good idea, even though I've done exactly that plenty.

That and there's always beaurocratic bullshit like forcing people to buy good goy fishing licenses

Was I lucky?

What brand did you eat? They tested 9 Kraft sauces and one other brand.

Well I was a poorfag, so mostly Aldi and Walmart brands.
I occasionally got Kraft when I earned enough good boy points.

Different user, but I'm actually going out fishing the first time today since scouts after picking up my gear yesterday. I'm excited. I spooled my own line and tied my own knots, so I'm also anticipating the possibility of catastrophic failure. What are some good eatin' fish for a beginner as far as preparation and taste go? Do you eat bluegill?


I recommended bluegill because it's one of the better tasting fish and easy to cook unlike crappie as preparation you could fry with flour, salt, pepper and garlic


No. Maybe if you aren't white.

Literally subhuman.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Are you jewish?

You going to hike with a 15 pound pan?

Get a steel pan you weak faggot. Titanium is retarded for that application, you're just wasting your money.

I knew only faggots still ate macaroni and cheese.

Never gonna make it

Is this why Canada went to shit?
Those fuckers love that Kraft Dinner shit.

Phythalates are primarily found in plastics, most plastics in fact. They make the material more pliable so that it can be more easily molded into the desired shape. However, they are deadly xenoestrogens associated with harming the development of baby boys when their pregnant mothers are exposed to phythalates often, usually through cosmetics.

Tl;dr: Avoid (((plastics))) as much as possible, famalams.

Seems as if user wasn't very masculine to begin with, if he sought out this furfag friend.

Dad was 41 and mom was 35.

I'm self aware, so I'm a half step above most furries, at least. I've had an account on FA for about 8 years now. I'm tired of it. The fandom is stale, and the people suck. I've met very few good people from it, most everyone is selfish and out for attention and gibs. And then theres the actual broken lolcows and pedo-sheltering admins. I want to see the fandom burn and dissolve in my lifetime

My mom did a family tree and I have some Scottish and New Brunswick on her side; she traced her ancestors back to the Mayflower. She couldn't get very far on my dad's side but his parents were Hungarian of some variety. Maybe? I dont know european genealogy very well. I can budget and save money, if that counts.

Well that explains that.

Do you even breakfast?

I'd love to prattle about my experiences on tgchan and how I accidentally pissed off a few friends, as well as the unfortunate discovery that three mods were social justice warriors, so here's just a few of my favorite birthday presents I got two years ago from some old art friends before they had enough of my shit. Aside from that, I can wholeheartedly back your stance on wanting to see furfaggotry dissolve itself over drama.

I hope you aren’t referring to the “kraft” product. As a bong I picked some up on the insistence of a colleague who told me it was very good. It is not very good, it is possibly the most revolting “food stuff” conceivable. I presumed I’d end up a trap by the end of the bowl so I tossed it three forks in. Gross! Get help.

This is important. There's a lot of BPA (Bisphenol-A) free plastics now, but instead of BPA corporations have been using other bisphenols, such as F and S.

BPA was considered for use in HRT in the 40's, which means they knew its effect on the body, yet they're still using it in plastics. On purpose.

tom's makes a great fluoride free toothpaste. still has SLS but at least it doesn't calcify my pineal gland.
yes they paid me to post this

It's truly awful and that's undoubtedly what he's referring to. Somehow Kraft managed to weasel that shit into the fond childhood memories of millions of Americans. Retch-inducing.

I am pointing out how silly the "processed" meme is. Chewing nuts is no different than grinding them into paste. Fruit processed into a leather is "processed" but how is it different from whole fruit ? It's not.

This diet will kill you breddy fast.

Should be close to:
1part Fats
1part Protein
1part Carbohydrates

The total daily amount should be based on body size and resource needs.
The type of foods should be based on your cultural ancestry.
The quality should be verifiable if you buy from directly the farmer.

As mostly insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is most important.

Evidence on the extent of their cultivation and consumption abounds from the royal tombs of ancient Egypt to the classical Greece of Homer's Iliad to the Old Testament. The use of legumes as a basic dietary staple can be traced back more than 20,000 years in some cultures.""
Pic related.

And discovered healthful diets existed in all forms.

Fermentation makes it sour and more easily digestible.


Make your own.

4parts coconut oil
1part Baking Powder
Pinch of Sea Salt
Drops of Essential Oils
Drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract

>Avoid (((plastics)))
No canned food(plastic lined on the inside), no paper cartons(plastic lined on the inside,) plastic jugs, plastic containers(yogurt, creme cheese, sour cream, ..,) boxed(plastic bag on the inside,) meat(plastic wrapped,) bagged produce(plastic,) .. and don't take the receipt(bpa that absorbs in under ten seconds with any moisture on your hands) basically you can only shop in the produce section and some things there still no and the few glass bottled items like hot sauce, pickles and the $5/jar spaghetti sauce not .88c canned if you're going to avoid plastic.

I could live on pickles.

Pretty much need to grow your own, buy from farmers market, meat direct from a farm, no grocery store at all to avoid plastic and pesticides and hormones while you're at it.

Yogurt and other dairy products with live bacteria is a part of low carb diets.

for a few months until your organs shut down.

Scratch bottled, the tops have plastic on the inside.

It's a matter of degree you autist.

Carbohydrates help retain water in the muscles, i.e., *hydrates the muscles. Low carb is a huge risk.

Partial to some bottled items I see. I took away some comfort food of yours:)

As I pointed out, BPA absorbs in seconds when wet, more so with acidic items(like tomatoes and vinegar based products for example.)

Fluids stored in plastic bottles will not be contaminated to the same degree as solid foods stored in plastic lined cardboard boxes. Just think about the mechanism of how the contaminants spread from the surface of the food in contact throughout the rest of the food.

The black and white thinking you're exhibiting is highly indicative of terminal autism.

Which is to say, the fluids will be contaminated to a greater degree.

Been doing keto for years. Made me get more involved with cooking meals as well compared to sucking down chips etc.

Palindrome of truth.

You're real keen to cry autism from my quick avoid plastic overview. I get that your sensitive and lashing out from your favorite snacks that you can't live without being on the no no list(pretty much everything) but if you're going to avoid plastic that's the way things are. Boxed items are usually plastic bagged, which is what I was thinking of, not plastic lined. You want to exempt dry foodstuff citing degree is your prerogative.



Thank you.

So the more stressed you are, the more pussified you are. It's like this whole society was built from the ground up to pussify (enslave) men.

Soy got aestrogen mimicing molecules in it. Avoid soy.

Avoid table salt. Very often table salt is 1/3 part salt, 1/3 part sand and 1/3 part glass. Use sea salt.

Eggs, cholesterol is good for you. Don't believe the medicinal Jew.

An absurd claim easily debunked by dissolving a sample of table salt in water.

Which means no to most products yet again since they put it in much of it.

there was an assault on the /fit/ board on cuckchan (pls dont hate me) by a bunch of vegetarians recently, still kinda ongoing, with the release of their shill docu.

And the behavior of those people, the patterns that they exhibited. Holy kek. One of the most cited sources for vegan scientific lore is and that guy is a jew. So I slowly started to think, how many jews are in the vegan movement?

Has anyone ever done this arduous task of mapping the vegan movement to kikeness?

also pic related and also this bin are from my conquest on these fags


It's basically all of them. They're mad that they're not allowed to eat bacon. Bacon is white and a threat to the jews ability to blend in with white people, so they seek to suppress it.

yea I got that impression, slightly

But I just hoped that in one area of life there would be at least no jews doing harm, just retarded and mongoloided lefty whites with no one leading them.

But…surely it cannot be that its another vector of the kike attack on us? Makes me feel sick. I dont even want to blame the kikes, many people are fat and sick because they are lazy and chose to do it but if the jews are also there driving them into worse eating habits then…well. Not sure what to feel or think.

Being easily stressed is a feminine trait and makes you appear weak.

It's also about the suppression of culinary culture and tradition, part of their broader culture war.

Please Redpill me some more on this.
I've been bulking and avoiding a lot of saturated fats.

He said powdered cheese.

Just make it at home yourself.

well which other ones are part of this movement. The only one I can clearly recall is the nutrition facts guy. But I feel like there should be made a chart for the jews in veganism if they really have such huge effects.

Look what I made to counter their "ethics" and "environment" lol.

But the jewish angle, a nice picture of that could also additionally help.

Cooking their own food is evidently beyond comprehension to the latest breed of numale.

Leafs have known for years that Kraft Dinner turns you into a faggot.

I don't know that sort of specifics but what I do know is the majority of vegan men I've met have been jewish. With vegan women, whites are more prevalent. I attribute that to women being more gullible and consuming more mass media.


well the two groups of kikes and nu cuck, lefty males do intersect a lot, on a lot of topics, even if the jew sometimes manages to suppress his religious side and turn more atheist, the difference becomes smaller still.

The question is just, did the jews lead this whole movement too or not? I am just telling you what I know, that the hallmarks of shill right now on halfcuck /fit/ are very close to the regular kike shilling. So it made me wonder. The nutritionfacts guy alone is not a leader, but is some influence. The docu makers and maybe even sponsors could also be so. And the many crooked and perverted sciences that they spout obviously also could be so. But I dont really know about their heralds, and other popular figures. I thought that maybe more knew.

My crude guess is that most of them arent, but the jew may have recently found this new platform still to do us harm and does the usual investment dance around these degenerates.

Friend, the mother's diet is an important aspect of the child's development. These chemical assaults don't negate the impact of parenting

Thank you, it was designed specifically to hurt the liberals, of which the vegans constitute most off. Beyond that and the pastebin I spend like 30 fucking hours dealing with these vegan shills over there, quite tiresome really. The pastebin got also better because of that but shit they are trying so many different angles. Intermingle many different scientific things with it ass well. Very slippery. While the other topics have nearly cooky cutter replies that BTFO them almost instantly, this is still somewhat of a fresh and new shill battleground.

Join in there if you want to lol.

That yellow goo

Dairy and Meat is never kosher

The Roman army did run on beans.

Don't cook acidic food in steel/cooper kitchen ware. Iron does no harm but may look ugly (rust), enamel coated stuff is most neutral. Avoid frying in teflon no stick coating pans. They partial overheat and degrade the coating everywhere where is no cooling through food contact. Overheated degraded teflon is toxic.

There is BPA in the inside coating of most tins (epoxy).
Bad news for preper.

Depends on the coating and plastic. Some contain BPA for technical reason, PC Polycarbonates, some just as contamination or are free of BPA as PP Polypropylene or PE Polyethylene. Teflon is BPA free as well and inert (until you heat it).

Real reason? (((Big Business))) pushing feminism and the ascension of beta maledom/actual faggots into the ranks of power to create new consumers to sell an "identity" product to. Basically, it's about creating new mass cultures to "market" products to. Rather than heritage based on ethnicity, like German, it's the (((Brazilification))) of Western consumer societies to make human beings identify their culture as one that can be sold to them, rather than the history of your bloodline and what your ancestors have done. It's about making people look to companies that make clothing or a "lifestyle" product (cosmetics, prosthetic penises, plastic surgery, muh faggotry) rather than honoring your ancestors and your heritage – be it Welsh to Bulgarian.

Do you teach your kid about why your Hungarian ancestors were based and why they killed kebab, or do you teach kids about "identity" and make them forget about their heritage, become (((shabbos goys))) and faggot consumers (((identifying))) with transfags chopping off their dicks and being part of a (((Big Business))) cultural shift (((marketing))) strategy? Meanwhile, kikes still remember their shitty heritage and (((never forget))) while all the goyim are stupid and lose their identity. Fuck the kikes, race war now.

You can be whatever you want, goy, even a man, just buy (((our products))) like a good goy.


oh what do you know

Latest routine is to use alternative/modified BPA so as to be able to claim not BPA that's as bad as BPA.




nope, its the jew again.

The body responds to stress. Getting stronger from doing physically demanding things (picking up iron) is one example. Getting smarter from cognitive stress (constantly trying new things) is another.

Maybe being 'affeminated' makes the average person easier to dominate, like how men dominated women in older civilizations and tribes.

But now we're fucked, because Monsanto owns all transgenics in the world and burns all the natural seeds from all countries and they can put any chemicals they want on them..

The future looks bleak…

12hr is all that is needed. 8-10hrs for sleep. 1-2hrs before and after sleep. Any more and you risk chronic gut mucin wasting, as the gut bacteria needs to eat.

24hr fasting has shown to clear out pre-cancerous cells. Do this once a month or so, according to Rhonda Patrick.

Why no peanuts?

You can get weights without having the metal molded in niggerfied fashion. Why soil your environment with negative/ugly?

and now this food arena is a thing that the jews have opened up against. Jesus fuck I hate them so fucking much why cant they just leave us be.

True, when your body receives a moderate amount of stress, its forced to adapt, thus promoting longevity.

But when it receives too much stress at once it simply causes cell aging, cancer.

Shit doesn't kick in until days, as in five.

Depends on the chemistry of the plastic PP and PE don't need BPA or similar stuff. Products out of PP, PE might still be contaminated in the production process.
Not every Plastic is not like every other Plastic.


You can eat that shit.

I once bought kosher ground meat, and the fuck who ground it up GROUND UP THE WAX PAPER AS WELL.

So even if i eat the jew's non-poisoned food (((they))) still fuck it up.


But muh imported childhood!

Autism incoming.
I have some copypastas from previous threads discussing this.

Here is a list of things that will boost your test levels or block estrogen absorption. In other words, this first list is GOOD things:

cruciferous vegetables
shiitake mushrooms
white button mushrooms
red wine
oats (with max steroidal saponins & plant serols)
citrus fruits (NOT grapefruit)
onions & onion juice (for quercetin)
algae (spirulina & chlorella)
"green leafy vegetables"
Fermented foods
coconut oil
dark berries (blue, elder, black currant, & choke)

Here is a list of things (from another user) to do to avoid endocrine disruptors in daily life:

1. Grain free diet as outlined in the friendly zombie threads
2. Countertop water distiller, distill and remineralize (heaping 1/4 teaspoon of himalayan pink salt per gallon) your own water
3. Natural fabrics, cotton for all clothes, 100% or it needs to be replaced, if not, like a jacket, wear a layer of cotton in between it and your skin. Also natural rugs over all the well trafficked areas of your (almost assuredly) plastic-based carpet
4. Natural materials everywhere else, wood, leather, metal (just not aluminum), glass are your friends. Ill try to do a better write-up on this later in the week, im still working solutions out in my own life
5. Solutions: literally the liquid things you use all the time in your own home, cleaners, air fresheners, detergents, soaps, almost all harshly chemical, almost all replaceable for cheap with home-made options. this one is really cool and fun, gonna write at length about it.
Copper for door handles, etc.

Red clover has a fuckton of estrogen. Most commercial honey is from clover pollen. You do the math.

Basically, any volatile synthetic material that you come into contact with in daily life (plastics, fiberboards, adhesives, etc) can be assumed to screw up your testosterone production. This includes synthetic fabrics like clothing and carpet.
Nearly all water has birth control (which feminizes men) and pharms in it, which do not get removed during normal filtering processes. These alone will fuck you up. Filter your water with either heat or UV light (or both) and do not drink from plastic vessels.
Lock your diet down. This will include sacrifice and a lot of research. Prepare as much of your food from raw ingredients as possible. You will sleep better, feel better, heal faster, and become more masculine and less feminized.

Look into aromatase inhibitors. These are compounds that prevent your body from absorbing estrogen. American Ginseng, pomegranate, and tobacco are examples of substances that contain aromatase inhibitors. Don't smoke though, because that will hurt your ability to fight effectively.

I know it seems like a lot. But I've made only a handful of these changes in my life and it made a world of difference for me. Do as many as you are capable of right now, and then slowly work on integrating the others into your life.

The key is the mathematical concept called variance: You benefit more from fasting and eating generously than a perfectly regular meal plan. The same is true with stress: chronic low level stress of office work turns you into a pussy. Compare to ancestral living: no-stress relaxation followed by hunting a boar. The modern world is a pussyfication machine.
t. Antifragile.

Cell aging and cell death are natural processes that prevent cancer. Limit the antioxidants.

Many researches, first, anons.

Guess what carpet is chock full of? Yep, BPA again.

I was about to ask for a mega tl;dr like your picture, its very nice. Something that the jew would hate and screech at. Though obviously many of these categories are being attacked, from both sides even.

Vegetable oil for example, many suggest not using that because of "rare lore about cancer things #4546"

then there is milk which they love to call as bone density reducing agent.

They call the meats, red meats as carcinogenic.

Not saying that I disagree with you and your picture looks like something I want to use but its just so tiresome, this relentless assault on what is right. Difficult to see what could be wright and wrong but knowing a bit about all of this, your chart seems most reasonable of all.

Sure research it, you'll find shit doesn't get going until after days.

The political angle is much more important. Low testosterone makes you docile, weak and malleable. You lack confidence, assertiveness and even the cognitive abilities (IQ) suffer. Average youngster from industrialised countries has less then half testosterone his grandfather had at the same age. Coincidence?

The Disappearing Male:

Chemical Attack (Castration) Against the Goyim:

The sperm count has been decreasing steadily for many years in Western industrialised countries: Is there an endocrine basis for this decrease?

>Professor Niels Skakkeback, a Danish scientist, first alerted the world to the possibility of a substantial fall in male fertility levels in 1992. He did this by showing that sperm counts in healthy men appeared to have dropped by more than half in 50 years.

furniture is a hazard as well, it's the fire retardant they inject everything with.

I use a Berkey water filtering system - it sits on the counter top and does not need to hook up to anything. My family of four uses new filters every 6-8 months(around $110). Berkey also makes shower filters but we haven't tried it yet.

bed mattresses, paint too.

I guess I should have died a lot already. I do that shit regularly.

It takes days for the body to convert from sugar to fat for energy. Also good for putting immune system repair into overdrive.

Cis-polyunsaturated fats are no bueno. You need some OMEGA-3/6/9, but not so much as to be eating vegetable oils on par with saturated animal fats. For one, cis-polyunsaturated fats will turn to trans-polyunsaturated fats (aka "hydrogenated"). It is literally healthier to fry in lard or beef tallow than it is to fry in soybean or corn oil.

Vegetable oils high in polyunsats are a no-no; you will kill yourself with overconsuming them. Mono-unsaturated fats (olive, canola) are better if you must have an unsaturated fat. Otherwise, my exceptions are any oils which are minimal (relatively) in polyunsaturated fats and maximal in saturated fats. Otherwise, stick to butter, tallow, and lard.

Vegan twinks GTFO off my planet.

Makes sense because the older texts I've read on fasting and that people used to go on fasts to help cure sickness.

this whole topic of nutrition (and optimal functioning, including test) is a huge undertaking. But also one that may actually cure the souls of many of the whites. I am sure that many among the right are not exclusively religious, and thus have somekind of sense that the soul cannot be touched or changed in this real. Which obviously is false.

I think that this whole topic may actually help us to overcome many of the problems, it may be a key point even. But many since have left the consensus making arena in favor of playing with the normies or getting deeper into history and esoteric lore. Perhaps we may need a focus on this thing…at least for the time being. Just as we a couple of years back had on racial realism and the JQ.

> kosher the jew's non-poisoned food (((they))) still fuck it up.
Kosher is a scam to finance the rabbis. That food is not one bit more safe.
One observation, the communist party of China has a farm producing organic food for the leadership since the early days of their rule.
Prince Charles brings his own organic food to all reception he is invited to.
Organic food you can buy in the shops is a scam in most cases, often not even made according to organic principle. The most funny thing I encountered was “organic garlic” from China which looked like plastic. I guess organic sometimes does reference to “organic chemistry”.

The chart isn't perfect, but its the best wholistic tl;dr for diet I've been able to find.
My personal approach to diet is far more generalized, and is easier for me to live by than all the specific "eat no fewer than seven and no more than 234 almonds per day" advice that shows up in these types of threads. It can largely be summed up like this:

Eat the full original version of stuff, and prepare it the way it was prepared at least 60 years ago.
Use implements made of natural materials (steel, iron, copper, etc) to prepare food.
Don't look to any non-white primitive cultures for diet guidance.
If something's been modified (low-fat, extruded grain, mechanically separated chicken, etc.) then it isn't food.
If great-grandpa wouldn't recognize it as food, then it isn't food.

Once you look at things this way, through a lens of general principles rather than as specific quantity directives… managing your diet gets a lot easier.
Its a big task, I know. Very intimidating to take on, and requires some lifestyle changes that feel very big. Especially for a modern-day American who's been fed shit all his life.
I've been working on my daily diet for six years, and I'm still improving and adjusting it. If you enjoy cooking, this sort of thing feels less like work and more like a hobby. And once you eat properly for a short time and viscerally understand how much different/better it makes you feel, you'll never want to go back.

Search that too, there have been studies, recent as well, confirming this.

lol (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)

Exactly. But look at my pic related. I remember that we were in exactly the same place here as we were with racial realism a long time ago. But at some point the proofs became so overwhelming, and the replies of the jews so futile and flawed, that we became bored and just made a giant picture thing out of it on which we all agreed upon. To red pill the masses with the least amount of effort possible.

We need something like that for diet as well.

I've been looking into newer books and this one caught my eye. Have any information on it?


Endocrine disrupting (fucking with your hormones - especially testosterone) chemicals in water:

Environmental Nightmare! Dozens Of Highly Toxic Substances Have Been Found In Tap Water All Over America

Our Daily Dose

No. There's not much too it, you have some water and you don't eat for days. Stick to fat diet after to prolong the body operating on fat, and slowly bring up the calorie intake, don't pig out, taking as long as you fasted in doing so. It may also take a couple of times before you extend to several fast days, if not feeling right, too woozy/whatever, I go back to regular eating. See, don't need a book for that.

If you aren't eating a %100 organic, mostly vegetarian diet, sourced from local farmers you are being poisoned and are supporting (((globalism))) with every dollar.

I do fasting for 7 days once every 6 months. If you drink enough water and aint skeleton mode you can easily go through it.

but one can easily test this cant one? I believe that 90% of low test is thanks to obesity. Not the other way around. People gauge themselves on sugary foods and the fat causes their test to drop.

I am not entirely sure how much tap water and BPA plastics play a role in it (less so in europe with better water), but you can test your testosterone at your doctor, also your estrogen. If you arent fat, if you do sports, you probably are near a normal range.

if you are still worried, DIM, found in broccoli if I believe that old lore also helps to restore that old balance.

Olive oil is traditional food and should be OK. Canola is a novel food.
Thing is with olive oil, it is often stretched with cheaper oils, because the “Mediterranean diet” craze did drive the price up.


Basically you're looking at 10 days to two weeks "adventure" of fasting and coming out of it if you're looking to burn fat by any notable amount by getting your body to eat it for energy.

That explains a lot.

ah yes, the "aromatase inhibitor"

The phosphate load in milk is optimized for cows, we humans lose calcium salts when phosphate when we consume too much cows milk, the phosphate signals osteoclasts to remove calcium salts from bone.

There's the catch. Read my links from the previous comment:

The "normal" range is much lower than before. Pic related.

I haven't actually done it but it be kind of interesting to try and build a nutritional plan around fasting.
Like a two week fast followed by an X amount of days/weeks eating a lot and then going back to fasting.

Thats a good thing to remember yea, also, vegetarians have a lower spermcount, its in my anti vegan pastebin lol

If you fasted for two weeks it would be a month process, since you should take as long as you fasted to slowly bring back up your calorie intake. If you go from fast to full calorie you're going to yoyo.

This is true.
Does anyone have the before/after pics of Soylent? That soy meal-replacement drink that turns people into trannies? Those pictures are the best display of what endocrine disruptors do to people that I've ever seen.
Vegans eat an extreme amount of soy, which makes me suspect that's why a lot of them are such whiny cucks.

Vegans have also a pretty low levels of B12. B12 is needed fo the brain to stay sharp and in working order, a lot of B12 will drive people insane. Vegans that don't take B12 will start to see weird shit and have a messed up memory as well.

a lack of B12*
Fuck me.

It doesn't seem like you'd yoyo that much.
It's 1lb of fat is 3500 calories and if we assume you burn about 2000 per day that's .57lbs of body fat per day after you've burned your bodies glucose reserves. So we lose about 5.71lbs of fat during the two week fasting.
Yoyoing about 6lbs of fat doesn't seem bad to me.

Why would you go through the process of fasting just to gain it all right back? Work to get ahead.

The Führer agrees -

No. Someone mentioned graphene filters in the old thread but those are apparently not easily available:

From what I've been reading fasting does a lot more than just burn fat but does things like increase adrenaline production and metabolize. Also heard it pumps the body with grow hormones and such. It seems advantageous to fast for more than just fat loss.
But then again I haven't read a lot and don't have any sources. It's just stuff I've read online that people write about, which is why I'm trying to find books about it.

You fucking imbecile!

So it doesn't have the Jewish U. But the Jewish U is an international conspiracy in its own merit that raises the price of food and allws Jews to preform VooDoo in food factories. So which is better? Non-Kosher food that the Jews don't even eat, or Kosher food that you're paying Israel to preform Jewish Majicks and a small occultic Jewish U on the packaging?

its almost as if there is some kind of group collaboration to make people who state facts seem like they are not only not saying facts but they are in fact unsound mentally for stating those facts

Other benefits to be sure but that's no reason plump back up, excess body fat is bad for you, more work for your organs, environment for cancer, more load on your joints, and of course aesthetics. You want to permanently keep that excess off.

I guess if you're 25%+ bodyfat yeah you'd wouldn't want to yoyo but lose more fat overall.
But if your say, around 10%-15% bodyfat, I don't see yoyoing around 6-8lbs of bodyfat a bad thing.

Don't be a retard. Your mouth absorbs fluoride anyway. How do you think snorting Cocaine works?

The whole point of these revelations is that you shouldn't consume anything your ancestors didn't have time to adapt to. It's pure evolutionary science.

Because he saged/did not bump his post. You're almost certainly too young to be here. This is not a place for kids. Before you go tell your parents to cook real food and not feed you processed garbage.

Checked. Didn't know that. Thanks, user.

Nice one. I'm using only Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and sea salt. It works.


What is "essential oils"?

Here you go.

You should still avoid all of them. I've done quite a bit of reading on the subject and it's clear that a lot of chemicals are not even tested.

Ultimately, all of the chemicals our ancestors didn't encounter and didn't have time to adapt to are risky. It's as simple as that.

Yeah, we don't use commercially made toothpaste; my wife makes it with black charcoal, baking soda, and mint. I have a hard time using anything that tells you to cantact poison control if swallowed, especially for my kids.

It's a two cylinder 8 membrane under the sink plus an additional one in the frifge. I'm at work right now but when i get home ill post the details. I know it has bone ash in it to remove flouride and a bunch of other shit. We get lake Michigan water but we are pretty leary of it. We also make our own soap (from bacon fat), laundry detergent, and use vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to clean everything. Again, anything with a "contact poison control" warning stays off our skin and out of our bodies.

A wise user.

it glows under black light

Top quality user over here


Fuggin gay
Dumbass earned that darwin award, let him reap what he's soyed.

If they swallow the charcoal, then you should contact poison control.
Just because you don't label your homemade crap poison doesn't make it safe.

Honestly. Don't even need the charcoal, just baking soda and mint would've been enough.

I used to eat this shit a lot when I was a kid. Am I going to be ok?

Everytime. Trying to make the thread about taking "muh mac&cheese" and not about literally chemically making numales.

I don't care if this is bait. I kek'd pretty hard at this display of newfaggery.

Is that a money-back guarantee?
What do I get if you're wrong.


Charcoal is safe to eat. In fact charcoal is one of the things poison control will tell you to eat if you've poisoned or overdosed yourself on certain substances:

I would advise against regularly using baking soda to brush the teeth. While the resulting alkaline solution dissolves organic matter, cleans the surface of teeth from stains, it also does attack and etch the tooth enamel.
Such a alkaline solutions do harm body tissue as well, who are more tolerant to slightly acidic solutions.

As an alternative to fluoride, hydroxyapathit looks promising. Hydroxyapathit is basically the stuff your teeth and bones are made from. There are commercial tooth pastes without fluoride, replacing it with hydroxyapathit.

baking soda on a toothbrush is less abrasive than any sensitive toothpaste with ranking of 7 on the RDA scale.
I also don't see how alkaline levels will affect teeth enamel since it's mostly just minerals and not strictly organic.

America has some serious work to clean up the food supply
you been eating mercury spiked corn syrup for 200 years as an example

Baking soda is too agressiv for regular use.

Traditional toothpaste is made from fine chalk powder as abrasive, some glycerine and mint for flavor. Such old-school preparation are still, and again since organic craze of the 80's, commercially available.

For reference:

Faggot-free versions coming up!

The Megalist:

And I've never l've never looked into it, I wonder if high sat fats lead to more feminine wimmin

I'm not a fan of nuts, but anytime I eat them they tend to make my ass or guts hurt and they sure as shit aren't a 'paste' even after they've passed through me.

does anyone else remember when keto and paleo had basically nothing to sell, and it was mostly just interested amateurs?

I knew there was reason I refused to eat this shit when I was a kid…

What matters the most is your mother's diet during the pregnancy. That's when your body's "default" hormonal makeup was formed.

It is the high pH level a baking soda solution creates, not it's abrasive properties what is damaging (and cleaning). In fact baking soda will dissolve in water. Alkaline solutions will attack tissue more readily than acids, because human tissue is made from proteins, which are amino acids. Those acids will react more readily with alkaline. If you have an alkaline solution between your fingers, you will notice the soapy, slimy feeling. That is your skin getting dissolved by the alkaline.
BTW do you know that putting lemon juice on fish is to fight the fish smell by lowering the pH level? The smell originates from decaying proteins. The reverse happens if you wash yourself with real soap, the alkaline soap might create a fishy smell, which originates from decaying proteins.

Explain why grown men at those homo parties are so obsessed with mac and cheese . They are literally fucked up from all the jewchems in their system as kids . They never had a chance now all they can do is either be degenerate or sue or bash every kike to death for jewing them out of their manhood and into faggotry .

I'm amazed that soylent didn't turn him asian.

It's not even real Mac and Cheese

How about fuck you.

This was educational. Thank you, user.

But were not talking about protein, amino acids and tissue. We care talking about teeth
enamel, which is mostly mineral. I don't see how a alkaline solution could "melt" teeth enamel like protein.

What about your precious gums?

And gums, which is where I'm assuming the danger lies


Eat your soy, fag.

Good point but you could just do an acidic rinse to bring your mouths ph back to around the 7ish level. That way the alkaline levels won't be elevated for more than a few minutes. I just don't know how quick the baking soda breaks the gums down; need numbers.
Also I'm not saying baking soda is perfect, not by a long shot i'd bet, but it still seems miles better than any commercial products. People can get off that shit quick with baking soda.

Shit, thanks for reminding me that I have to do groceries tomorrow. I read in the flyer that they're on 4/$5 at my local store.

To be honest, i've heard from dentists that most non-genetic gum recession is due to overbrushing with brushes that are too tough.

I think the real reality is that the jews profit from our sins and laziness. You don't need much more than baking soda and charcoal to brush with. Brushing doesn't take that much time, so most people do it. its the flossing that people don't do.

I've been using baking soda and sea salt combination for 5+ years without problem. My gums feel "tight" immediately after brushing but there's obviously no lasting damage.


Answer to the last point: yes. Once (((marketeers))) and (((business people))) realized that there exists a significantly large population of people who realized something was wrong with our eating and lifestyle habits, they started a massive nutrition industry.

His new name, Narcissa, should tell you all you need to know about trannies and homos in general: they are completely obsessed about their own little group (trannies) and of course completely self-absorbed to a very dangerous degree. Which means its not a real biological phenomenon, more of a mentally ill one.


Anybody use the Bee and Flower soap? It doesn't have sulfates in it which I think makes it much better than most of the competition.

How the hell do you give real mac and cheese any flavor? By the time the cheese has a proper sauce consistency it's always too watered down to taste.

Lots of milk. You need to bake the mac and cheese with a bread crumb crust. Seal the moisture in.

No, you need to never buy, eat or think about that shit ever again, eat real food.

I haven't had it in years.
There's a reason why these fatty, oily, salty foods are so popular. They appeal to primordial needs. In the old days if you wanted to consume fat you would have to hunt it down. Thats probably why meat is so satisfying to eat.
In times of scarcity Mac and Cheese was a delicacy.

A good cut of steak in the modern era is harder to come by than a salty, fatty hamburger.

Agreed. Also, the food a mother eats while nursing has a huge impact on the health of a child. The same can be said for using perfumes while pregnant/nursing. Chemicals in perfume, like many plastics, soy, and hops, are estrogen-mimicking for males.

Alkaline solution etches your teeth enamel, like it does with glass or ceramics. That is really nothing surprising, for that reason alkaline solutions are stored in plastic bottles in the lab.

You can clean steel ware with hot baking soda solution very well, but never use it in enamel, ceramic or glass ware. Their surface will become etched and rough and will become stained more easily, glass will become blind.

So be careful with using baking soda to clean your teeth.

Checked for truth

Sad but true. Way more expensive, too.

Like this.

Right, because the only option is this "mac & cheese" sludge if it's not steak. Cut the retardedness.


it's fucking everywhere

I never liked steak much. Bone-in is annoying, I don't enjoy the chewiness of fat, etc. Filet mignon is "okay" and I'm not too keen on ribs either. I kind of like tougher meat, even jerky (though that shit is loaded with preservatives and sodium).

I know, I'm a faggot
Both my parents are chefs, so their meals are a damn treat, it's just not my first choice of meal

I always wondered why (((they))) turned so harshly on the tobacco industry

Actually despite that, I never actually made an OC. Couldn't decide on one because I know I'd get bored of it, so why waste time building up a character/persona if you're just going to dump it?

What? I wasn't defending mac and cheese I'm just saying steak is more expensive than a burger.

Grilling has nothing to do with it retard. Buying one steak at the market costs as much as if not more than a stack of hamburger patties or pounds of ground beef.

I agree the pleb cuts are tough to chew and get between my teeth like crazy but good steak is amazing.

so alex jonestein was right huh? :^)

Kill yourself before we get our hands on you.

Modern cigarettes are laced with hundreds of chemicals.

I'd say this has less to do with the soy he was consuming and more along the fact that speedrunners are mentally ill degenerates which many have become trannies.

They're mostly fucked in the head.

You gotta shop the sales, man. I picked up 6 choice petite sirloin filets for 15 bucks at jewels. 3.5 lbs of pretty damned good meat that turns into 6 meals. You just cant be too picky and only buy what is on sale. Except jew york strip. A fucking marketing genious sold a dream to the masses with that shitty cut of meat.

First off, i compared burgers to steaks.
I didn't compare steaks to macaroni and cheese.
Second off, It's not supposed to be a "sludge". It's supposed to be a peasant pasta dish you can cook for a lot of people like meatloaf.
The people who can afford prime cuts pay a high price for them. The cheapest cuts of meat you can buy are the ones that are usually ground up. This is why Hot Dogs and Hamburgers are popular, and why the jews took them and made pink sludge out of them.
If you want the Patrician version of a Hamburger, get a Beef Wellington. If you want a pleb steak, get a Hamburger Steak. Experience the tasty side of poverty!

The reason why a good cut of steak is expensive is because farmers that care are few and far between thanks to (((corporations.)))

You're in the wrong state, move to Texas.

All your doing is going into a keto state faster.


Do Brita and other such filters aid in countering these effects? If not, what can be done to reverse course? Say, if I were a city planner or mayor of a town, what could I do to ensure our water supply is more free of phtalates and other chemicals that turn frogs gay?


it is called natural selection faggot. even the unwitting children deserve to die.

doesnt matter. it still is a niglet

Spread your boipucci, vege twink

The problem with (((Brita))) and similar filters is they are made from material we learned to avoid in connection to food, polycarbonates.
A more principle problem is the „filters“ used, ion-exchangers which are made from resin known to release organic chemicals like BPA. Another problem with household filter is people using them not enough (liters) and for too long (time), so germs start to grow in them.

Pure carbon-filters made without lots of plastic should work. Their problem is they need to be replaced/cleaned regularly. DIY or laboratory grade filters are preferred, the choice of material depends on the pH of the water.
As for “Working” those estrogen like chemicals are active at incredible low dilution, so I doubt that simple carbon filters will do much. You better ask someone doing analytic chemistry, their job is it to get “pure” samples which is really difficult.

Don't use river water were everybody has dumped his piss and industrial chemical, tough choice for Holland. Municipal waste-water treatement plants do nothing to reduce those chemicals. Remove the chemicals at the source, more easy at industrial plants then at the consumer.
Get you water from deep wells up in the hills and mountains.

Fruit is fine because it has fiber. The sugar sticks to the fiber, so your gut bacteria metabolizes the fructose so your liver doesn't have to.

nigger, fruit spikes the shit out of your blood levels the same way a can of coke will

the same bad strains gut flora in your body that feeds off of high sugar and starch strives off of fruit as much as it strives off mtn dew, rice and potatoes

I forgot, before starting to filter you should know what it is in your water. Where do they source the water? Municipal water should have detailed analysis what they sell. There is a difference between the place they take their samples and your tap. If you are concerned you should order an detailed analysis from a specialised analytical laboratory. It should test for anorganic traces like heavy metals for example lead, arsenic or cooper (easy) and organic chemistry, tough because of so many possibilities.


the same gut flora that causes cravings for soda survives just as well on a banana

the cheese is wrapped in plastic

The longer you learn about analytics the more you know that everything is somewhat “contaminated”, the question is then how much is to much? There the borders are unsharp, more like gradations.
For example estrogen like substances are very common in plants, they need it either for their own or as a poison against herbivores. Not eating vegetables because of it isn't advisable either. So the more one learns about biology one understands that those process keeping us alive are in the end killing us. That is true with many “daily life threats” like radiation, there is no “radiation free” place on earth, never was.
While there are real dangers by pollution, many, most times those scares are used to “herd the cattle”. The “climate is collapsing, the end is near, sinner do penance and hand over your money”, if you don't do willingly we will collect it by force of “carbon tax”.

No, you wretched kike. The whites are used to trust-based interactions and the kikes are using that trust to infiltrate, subvert and destroy. The kikes mistake their chutzpah for superiority but it always ends up in Jewish tears.

The Father of Lies tricked you, again, and this time you won't find a home to regroup and start again. This is the last battle.

they deserve to die


Do what (((they))) do to get it (and other products, like Doritos) to taste like cheese: add small amounts of really strong cheese, like blue cheese. You can, of course, add other non-cheese flavors, but in reality, you're best off just not having pasta in the first place.

You obviously don't understand. Let me explain:

I can go now to the tourist area of my metropolis and give them "friendly" directions to visit a nasty neighbourhood where they'll get hurt/killed.

Did I trick them (yes).

Am I smarter that them (no)

Would I feel smarter (only if I were a kike)

It's the age-old story. The parasites overplay their hand and fly too close to the sun. It happened before - many times.

Take your tripfaggotry elsewhere.

fuck off

your nose is showing

Pic related; it's you.

gas yourself

He's right, faggot. You've offered nothing besides low-rent shillery. Tell your supervisor to place you in a more appropriate position. MacDonalds burger-flipper?

thats offensive


Interesting. So, I would need to have a meeting with a Chemist, do a thorough analysis of the water of my city, and from there, measure a reasonable course of action because there is no one size fits all plan.

I feel like this is an area where there are a lot of contraptoins and instructions out there that claim to work but which are little more than snake oil salesmen preying on fears.

Could you point me in a direction to learn about DIY filters that holds some legitimacy?


That seems to be the best way. First identify the problem, if any, then search for a remedy.

True, what I meant is “made to order” custom filter which does not create more problems than it solves. First it needs to be establish what to filter out and how feasible that would be. Then there is the question of costs, maybe buying drinking water is cheaper.

Sorry, I can't help here.

Fuck, I had a lot of this growing up from babysitters and I'm autistic. What can I take to clean this shit out of my system?

Literal jew niggerfaggot

Just use water. After a while your salvia will begin to naturally reinforce your teeth. As long as you clean your teeth they won't decay. Been using water only for two years. Eat some mint to get good breath. They did this for centuries.


I did some research on this a while back ago. It is possible to reverse the effects of xenoestrogens if you eat the right food. I can't remember what it was, anybody got something on it? You could also pop some anti-estrogenic pills like klomifen.






wtf are you talking about. I switch in and out of ketosis meal-by-meal.
You can measure it with a fucking test, user.
Pic related.

Eat saturated fats.



I know of two filters, but I didn't try them myself, but apparently they get good reviews. One is whole house, one is a reverse osmosis system that sits on your counter top and can purify even diet coke. - It uses tritan plastic for the pitcher, but they say you can easily put the water into a stainless steel container if you feel more comfortable with that.

This is the other recommended one.

Again, I don't know how good they really are.

Fuck, that reminds me. If any of you can remember, in the 1980's and the early 1990's, one of the biggest health scares was "food high is saturated fat is linked to heart disease and heart attacks."

They fucking lied about it. Of course they were talking about deep fried food too, but there is so much shit in deep fried food, that it couldn't have just been Saturated fats. Even now they are pushing it as just trans fats as the problem.

Maybe they knew all this time…

So much fucking this. It's not even a matter of becoming a fucking chef, just learn how to cook pasta, roast a chicken, make an omelet, and cook a variety of vegetables, mashes and soups, and quickly you'll realize it only takes a few minutes of your time to prepare, and it's so much tastier and healthier.

Actually, one of the trendy medical subjects today is fecal transplant. I shit you not, if I may allow myself that pun. So yes, we're talking taking gut bacteria from a person and putting it inside another. There's a bunch of studies that ended recently, and the results are borderline miraculous, like fatties receiving shit from athletes and suddenly losing all their weight and exercising like mad men, or people recovering from diabetes. The results were so good, some studies were stopped halfway, because scientists considered it unethical to continue the study longer and deny the control group treatment. We've always known gut bacteria was important as fuck and played a huge role, yet even today it's highly disregarded.

And all that shit you're eating is ruining your gut bacteria. Even if you have perfectly fine gut bacteria, you just need a week of eating industrial food to kill it and replace it with shitty bacteria, because of all the antibiotics and dangerous chemicals you eat. Phtalates may be dangerous, you're not out of the woods until you start cooking healthy food sourced from local organic producers, on top of avoiding those present in cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes and detergents.

Get a food dehydrator and make your own jerky.

You might be right, but the main thing that that has been alleged about phtalates is that they cause cancer. So even if you end up with a normal kid, you probably don't want them developing cancer.

soda makes your blood flow and makes ur dick shoot like a cannon. why u think niggers and spics have so many beeebys? u white boys are fools thats why u got no beebys

That entire picture, holy shit.

Don't click that link, it gets worse.

Actually I started researching all kinds of stuff a long time ago to improve my health, and there's just so fucking much I haven't began anything and I'm still stuck in research. Though my current conclusion is I should live for some remote place and live a hunter/gatherer lifestyle, and that's hardly realistic. Not that I don't feel like it, I crave to ride across the green plains of Europe and hunt deer. But then the whole world would oppose you, if only for hunting permits.

Why the jew had to make it so difficult?

Because you are cattle and a slave forever to the jew, because we are God's chosen people, goy. Now be a good goy and eat your mac and cheese.

This is why you should cook all your meals from raw ingredients. It's not exactly hard if you aren't a potato yourself.


This is why I don't go past the artwork itself; thus I can argue I don't have any "OCs", just a bunch of character designs. I've never written any personality or charm or anything to my doodles/drawings. The farthest i'll ever go would be incorporating little bits of "personality" in the character design, but that's about it.

No. You're fucked, but maybe you'll be able to claw your genes back from the abyss and give your kids a chance at a non-autistic life.


Save yourself before it's too late, shit.


It's only an issue if you eat like 3 servings of KFC a day. Otherwise you're supposed to maintain a healthy supply of fat saturated and non saturated in your diet. If you're bulking you might have a reason to control your intake since making hormones usually means your body is moving towards a new balance that doesn't necessarily means you're getting bulk.

t. I eat about 1-2kg (if I have access to free food, another kg gets added on) of food a day but I'm still 54kg.

Euro here, this thread is the first time I've heard of "cheese noodles". I imagine they're tasty. How do you make 'em?

Also note that while I'm not gaining bulk despite my appetite, my current build has no problem lifting with person up to 90kg (that's the heaviest I've ever tested) and running across a football field length with the man in a bear hug. Also another weird thing about me is that my joints are stronger than what my weight might suggest. That and a childhood of being forced to keep kicking, punching and generally beating up banana trees might have developed my joints beyond what was required for my frame.

Woops, I meant 1-2kg of meat daily there. I have plenty more grains but probably not as much vegs and fruits as I should. 1kg of food total would be somalian level of food.

Which one, niggerfaggot? There are multiple sugars. Fructose is patently bad; it can lead to non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver as well as fuck with your both your ghrelin and insulin production. Glucose can be used by literally every living cell. Dextrose is basically pure glucose.

Table sugar is 50/50 glucose-fructose aka sucrose.






Fake and gay obvious Rabi is obvious faggot kike.

Quit trying to bring up chirality like you have a fucking clue about chemistry, you mudblood.



You mix a packet of laboratory chemicals designed to taste remotely like cheese cheese powder with the noodles after you pour water in it, then you microwave it for 3 minutes.

so is there a non-chemo way of making cheese powder and could I just use that instead? give me the cheese redpill


I unwillingly fast for days at a time but thats because of all the alcohol in my body prevents me from eating, especially during a hangover.


You can actually dehydrate and then pulverize cheese. It's a fuckton of effort compared to just melting real cheese into the warm cooked pasta, but yeah, of course it's possible.

There's no need to fret. Yes, it's challenging to do absolutely everything right, more so for city-dwelling anons like me, and especially without breaking the bank (at first, anyway; it's all about getting a routine in place). The secret is to not get overwhelmed, and thereby shy away from health altogether. Don't be like the people who decide to get muscular, go to the gym for several hours every day for a week, get burned out, and quit. Instead, start small and build momentum at your own pace.

Pick just one or two items from these lists, and add them to your lives. Maybe you should start by focusing on finding better shampoos and hygiene products, or maybe its high time you find a few farmers who can supply the better part of your diet. There's no reason to try and do everything at once – we're not supermen but slowly, we can be.

and how would I do that and cause the cheese to enter the pasta? do I just throw the grill and the pasta onto a pan and hope they stick?

No, for a mac and cheese type of recipe you need some milk or preferably cream as the flux to melt your cheese onto your pasta.

Please find embedded a video of a person making mac and cheese outdoors in the snow because he could.

Poison is also a matter of dosage. My multistage water filter came with a ppm tester, the various filters use plastic casings, etc. but after filtering there's only 3-7 ppm of solids in the water.

I call this time the reverse renaissance. Webm related.

Bigger tits filled with breast cancer. More estrogen, even artificial makes more breast cancer. It's how they found out about BPA, cancer research in plastic test tubes that were leaking BPA.


Just avoid plastic, especially on fatty things like cheeses, which act as a solvent for xenoestrogens.

This is true, but you will also become as dumb as a nigger because your brain works on simple sugars, and you don't get much of them by making your body waste time with ketones.

Shower filter is more important though? Doesn't the liver filter out most of the garbage you eat, but it goes straight from your skin into your bloodstream.

Look up acellular carbs and gut permeability. Anecdote time, I changed cereal to a less processed one because I noticed that the reconstituted cereal would make me binge eat after the fact.

Don't use a version of the video that has been flipped to use the wrong arm.

This. I make sure that all of my graphics are (((party))) approved. Read the thread you knee-jerk plebian and stop fishing for stuff to reassure yourself that you're not a moron


Whole house filter.

I'll look into Ginseng and pomegranate, I think the reason tobacco inhibits aromatase is because of nicotine. Buying straight organic tobacco without any added chemicals and chewing it would be your best bet for aromatase inihibition, never smoke it, but you should never be inhaling smoke fumes into your lungs from anything tbqh anyway. You could probably get the same effects chewing nicotine gum or putting on nicotine patches every now and then. That or buy straight up aromatase inhibtors but I'd imagine that's also very expensive and not always reliable to order online.

Fucking glucose is not D-glucose. Even if it was it still wouldn't be fructose, RABBI. It would dextrose.

You probably don't even know that lemon and orange scents are chiral opposites. You probably think oranges and lemons smell the same; because even if you were correct (which you are not) everyone knows left-handed molecues function identically to the chiral opposites!

Fructose gets metabolized; glucose gets absorbed. inb4 you spout some kike shit proving you also don't know shit about hepatic processes

Try chewing.

Fruit sugars are actually often higher in fructose than the "HFCs" everyone cries about. If sugars are bad for you, fruit is bad for you. Fruit = Sugar + cellulose + water.

The difference is (and this is almost always the case) fruits with high sugar contents typically have abundant fiber contents as well. With refined sugars you get zero fibers (water and non-water soluable). It's the fiber content that is the big reason fruit is better for you than refined sugar, but you still shouldn't eat tons of fruit. As I mentioned above, fructose is pretty terrible for us and can actually ruin your liver. I agree we can't avoid natural sources, but we can and should certainly avoid the refined sources.

HFCs are typically in the range of 55/45 fructose-glucose anyway. One of the biggest differences between old fashioned sucrose and HFCs is that the sucrose includes a carbon bond that your body has to break before it can either absorb the glucose or metabolize the fructose molecule. Though, I can't say anyone has ever done a study to see how much work it takes to break the carbon bonds (I assume hydrochloric acid breaks most of them).

Oddly fructose can pass the blood-brain barrier even though I can't think of anything in the brain that can use fructose, nor does it cause inebriation…

O-chem bros always give the best smackdowns.

Look at the shop sign. The video is unfortunately not flipped, she raised the wrong arm.

I mean it's got the lisp right in the name.

Actually… I forgot the biochem part. Technically the liver *will* metabolize some small amount of the glucose. If I am remembering correctly now when it takes in too much it will store it as glycogen or use it in de novo lipogenesis (ie, make a new VLDL molecule).

There's a fuckton more o-chem that happens in the hepatocyte too.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but is correct in the way to do this, take small steps and don't over whelm yourself by trying to go too far too fast. Also that link is a good way to explain the subject to normies and scare the shit out of them without seeming like a conspiracy nut.

Found something about fructose a short while ago while researching Kurt Saxon, a paranoid biker is cured by Fructose and Niacin. Something about Hypoglycemia and glucose/processed sugar causing a crash and said crash causing an adrenalin spike causing a flight or flight reaction constantly, causing the paranoia. A chain reaction.

I actually found a lecture from a doctor that knows his o-chem way better than I do. He'll explain the entire metabolic process for glucose, ethanol, and fructose starting around the 00:40:00 mark.

Man don't do this to me. Been living on pasta for the last 2 months.


For some reason I really suck at fishing and I seem to always infect other fishermen around me with bad luck.

Had never caught a fish of over 20cm whenever a miniscule amount of luck is required. only with seek and destroy scuba raids against noted grouper nests

step it up

Alright, anons here I have to say this as I know quite a bit about this crap

you need to pick and choose your poison which is the least of concern and then counter balance that

Fluoride in the water is far more of a genetic threat than bottled water from a known fluoride free source. You can de-estrogen. Fluoride makes your genetics fucked and your kids retarded.
I buy bottled water because I -know- what goes on in the taps. All the people I know who work in water filtration drink bottled water. Counter act it with anti-estrogenic methods, constantly, for the rest of your life. Take powdered pomegranite and figure out a safe low dose of nicotine to take that isn't smoking. Work out. Eat watermelon from organic sources because it helps build testosterone proteins in the body.

You cannot avoid this stuff 100% at this point. Its fucking everywhere. But a lot of it you can detox out and have your body get used to doing so where it isn't playing 'catch up' and its just 'regular maintenance.'

I also highly recommend LINEN bedsheets, towels, and shirts as linen is a natural fiber that is so fibrous no chemicals are needed to grow it. Shit lasts forever and looks great, and is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic.

It's called the amygdala hijack. When your amygdala stops sending stimuli to the rational part of the brain and sends it to the irrational part instead.
Individuals become more prone to it by:

Pro-tip: it's the reason why jews are everything you hate - they can be extremely intelligent, but not use their intelligence all the time. They continually avoid thought-crimes

There is fluoride in bottled water as well. I'm digging my own well and get water from there and filter it with charcoal, the clay in the ground here filters out almost everything.

There is actually a lot of data as to which brands test for fluoride and have fluoride free water if you look for it user. If you're digging your own well, I highly recommend you dig it over 500'

if by "continually avoid" you actually mean constantly commit, plan, and then act out in realty… yes thought-crimes.

Hey, is horehound safe to consume?

I can relate to this, being in a state of "pre-diabetes" years ago, took metformin for a couple years and cut out large portions of my HFCS diet. Bouts of brain fog, etc. Got my blood sugar issues worked out and dropped the metformin. Still get the occasional craving for the HFCS, not total brain fog, mental cognition is probably close to baseline, but emotional turmoil and mental anguish, deep hostility, brooding, and just have to have a little bit to ease the pain. I can go about three days tops, then mood goes to shit unless I top off with 4-6oz Coca-Cola or other HCFS. Try not to give in too much. It's like damn heroine.

After reading this thread the other day, it got me thinking about cosmetics also. The entire cosmetics industry is very poorly regulated and there are plenty of chemicals that absorb into skin or are breathed in that are harmful and contain xenoestrogens. For men this would be soaps, hair gel, mousse, Shampoos, deodorants, colognes, after-shave, lotions, sunscreen and even things like toothpaste and mouthwash.
A few years back I stopped buying products with sodium laureth/yl sulfates. It's what makes soaps and shampoos really foamy. But it's been linked to a whole slew of issues for both men and women, including cancer. Even chain drug stores are starting to carry products without it. Here is a good article on it:

From the article:

Pic related capped from:

fruit sugar is not processed jewsugar

For years now I have a stainless steel kleen kanteen or whatever it's spelled. But reading this thread, I wonder if the inside is coated with some jew shit?
I should switch to one of those glass bottles for my water. Still has a plastic lid though just like my kllen kanteen :-/

How about ozarka spring water, stored in plastic bottles? Is this stuff in all plastic stored food or just certain foods and public water.

Roids. Go to a gym and find the huge guy with a fanny pack, when he takes you back to the lockerroom make it clear you don't want a good ass fucking, and inject 200mg of TRT a week.

imageboards were a mistake

Feels good to live in Spain :^). It sucks that you burgers got shit meat. Hope things get better.

thats mac & cheese casserole you foggot and - like 99% of casseroles - sucks a phthalate-induced micropenis. After you drain the pasta, stir-in your sauce ingredients (using real cheese instead of processed kind of course) into the same pot you boiled the pasta in) and reheat until the sauce begins to set, then finish by melting-in your cheese and an optional enhancement like cooked bacon, lobster, sausage, broccoli, etc. Enjoy the improved smoothness of your real cheese sauce thanks to the added leftover starch in the pot and also enjoy not having a shitty crust on your mac & cheese and a casserole dish to clean.

If your faggotry is terminal and you really can't get over the loss of crunchy texture, smash some croutons and sprinkle the crumbs on top when you serve it (or just use plain bread crumbs if you're a pleb)

or you could just quit eating pasta because lets be honest, who is going to eat a tiny portion?

the person who prepared this clearly went to great lengths to cover the entire top with a layer of bread crumbs, thus protecting the actual mac & cheese from drying-out. plausible, but still more work than its worth since adding the bread crumbs as a garnishment is simpler.

Have them too fellow user. Avoiding plastics is harder than expected.

They might have plastic lining. I mean, they're made in China.

I try glass containers but even they have plastic lids. Some glass bottles have plastic lids.

be sure to check for nitrates. They got in a lot of well water thanks to overuse of chemical fertilizers.

Can you inject Testosterone or take supplements to stop this or counteract it?

Toxoplasma gondii

That's an autistic level that shows you don't actually know why the fuck plastics are bad, or how they contaminate food and drink.

The plastic actually has to start to break down into the liquid and remain in contact with the liquid for about a few months before it starts to actually contaminate everything.

Interested. Do you have sauce?

Yes, but injecting hormones is tricky: Because you feed the body those hormones, he stops producing them by itself.

1:06:00 mark shows how fructose has more effect on caucassians than africans.

Hang your self you dumb reddit nigger.

Fermenting and sprouting is very important for nutrition and gut bacteria.

I know a lot of hippie girls who are vegans. Largely depends on their living situation. A friend went back on meat when she got a new boyfriend.

If I Had A Million Dollars is about hypergamy.

Niacin is used by $cientology for its mind control properties. Puts you into a malleable state.

Lentils are fine

They have 100-1000 times less estrogens than soy, and 10-100 times less estrogens than other beans.

They are cheap, high in protein, and have lots of good micronutrients/vitamins

just like your jizz you retarded faggot

Gut bacteria is definitely important, got any more info?

Follow the AoM link and get chemical-free hygiene products and you're practically covering 90% of the problems with just those two major changes.

tldr: everything is fucked, do what you can.

Download the Bill Mollison Ferment book from Morgoth's library and watch some Dr Rhonda Patrick videos.

Basically sugary starchy shit fucks up your gut bacteria by feeding the wrong bacteria and allowing them to take over.

You're supposed to eat mostly greens and meats and fats, and then lots of roughage and fiber to push it down.

The rest of the world ferments their starches (rice, grains ,etc) but in the west we only ferment dairy and sauerkraut (plus alchohol and bread kinda), and we eat all the terrible starchy sugary shit plain as is. You should at very least sprout your seeds/beans/grain, but ideally you should seal them in a jar with vinegar or water and introduce a bacterial or fungal culture. The microorganisms will digest the stuff into more nutritious food, and leave behind lots of vitamins and proteins and other micronutrients from the dead microorganisms.

It is good that we ferment dairy though, because yougurt and kefir are good ways to introduce good gut bacteria. There are other sources of bacteria though, and many places in the world drink fermented drinks they have innoculated full of bacteria, or straight up eat dirts and funguses.

You've got 10x as much bacteria in your body as you do cells, so its important to get those bacteria right for proper digestion. If you don't have the right bacteria in your gut you can miss out on a lot of the nutrition in food, but you can also use bacteria to process food for you before you eat it.

slightly off-topic: myopia (nearsightedness) is an artificial disease. turns out, glasses are actually the cause of myopia, and so by deliberate means your ruined vision can be "walked back" to 20/20. I personally restored my vision from legitimately debilitating to 20/20 and even got my vision restriction removed from my driver's license.

you can learn more here: don't buy anything, all the info is freely available.

Maca only makes you horny. It has no effect on testosterone. I'm not sure if the information about it blocking estrogen is accurate, either. Does anyone know the details about maca? lists several studies which indicate there are no effects on testosterone or estrogen. It's undoubtedly good at increasing a person's libido though, if that's your deal.

Also, what do anons think about bottled water in BPA-free bottles? For instance, Spa brand water? Is there any reason for concern regarding the estrogen plastics meme?

I already had LASIK done. Fuck my life.

sorry, man. spend time outdoors looking at far things. use reading glasses for up close work. never, ever go SCUBA or free diving. by the time you encounter significant problems there should probably be stem-cell treatments available. good luck.

Good post. Just yesterday I was researching the same topic and found this exact same site. Nice Holla Forums hivemind.

A real high-powered super-nutrient. It's not a aphrodisiac per se, but it definitely strengthens virility and general masculine power. Lots of merchants only sell watered-down stuff, and the high Andean sun and soil are very important to really enricht the plant. Hydroponics from China will not work.

user, you are a good man. I have glasses currently and this gives me hope.

virtually all chocolate has soy lecithin, which is the most toxic in terms of pesticide endocrine disruptors and among the most toxic in terms of phytoestrogens of soy

It's only verbal IQ.

How long did it take before you noticed a difference?

The library is down and searching didn't give me any results. Anyone wanna reupload it?

why does plastic "break down" in liquid? I've never heard of such a thing. why doesn't the plastic in landfills break down
