This Means War


The (((article))) goes on to cast doubt about the initial claim of course but they are going after Jr. bigly.


this will be shilledwhat did Drudge do to piss of Trumpor is he trying to incite a happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're just never going to stop, but the problem is CNN's self-immolation a couple of weeks ago has already completely defused the 'muh Russia' crap. If nothing else, that meltdown on CNN's part gave permission to the right to stop giving a shit about any of it.

Can't go wrong with a free sandwich, its the little things in life yknow?

Jr is not the prez Irrelevant muk raking meh desperate jews.

was all planned under obama however now that we know that POS is was a anti american fraud for 8 yrs and the lack of Trump going after them they won't start huffing and puffing butthurt by loss of power and all credibility ..Trump should go on offensive giving them less time to concoct a false narrative to justify their disgusting failure of a party who have entrenched themselves in the rnc side hence all the never trumper paid for shaboos goy and the rat jews who do it for free.

Kek thats what they get

Trump should of had Alex over just to rub it in their dumb faces

Now the final nail in the coffin goes in for the violent leftist domestic terrorists, as Jr, being gen X/Y, makes the corrupt criminal establishment of the younger generation come forward to act, be defeated handillay, and leave the black hand no significant move.


Look at their implied complaining. They want the best without actually being the best. I'll take that free pizza, and I'll take it with gratitude.

Why is that never happening?

They'd like more cake it seems. Let them eat pizza if there is no bread left. haha


If the parasites want to dine at a lavish restaurant, maybe they ought to pay to eat there. They're lucky to have even gotten what they did.

They're mad because they wanted the OTHER kind of pizza.

They will stop if you and a few people like you can get someone to take care of your cats.

I sincerely doubt they got a free lunch at all under Obama.

That's such disgusting corporate food, I love it when Trump sodomizes the lying MSM.



This is pretty awesome. In no way is the president obligated to provide them with anything.
That is honestly what the French would serve Americans they don't like.

They even got subs

There is nothing wrong with anything on that table, commie.
Sounds like you're with them.

what were they expecting? $50,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs?

I don't think he should have provided them with anything. Can you read, faggot?
If I provided them with anything, it would have been something similar.

By the way, if you eat shit like what's on that table, that's why you're a fatass and probably look like the overweight unhealthy Kekistan faggots you see at every "rally."

I saw someone post this on normiebook yesterday. I can't believe people still buy into the muh russia narrative.


Even if true, who cares? Opposition research isn't illegal.

I can't believe that on Holla Forums still this long after the election no-one can understand the "Russians" in this story are Kushner's Chabad Lubavich messianic kikes, that literally run this shit in America now.

Then again I suppose that would need some recognition of the overall mindfuck that has taken place.

Perhaps they shoud be paying for it themselves rather than taxpayers spending money feeding ungrateful niggers like they are on EBT.

This is two scoops tier. It's free fucking food, don't be whiny. Do they even know how expensive Le Jules Verne and Le 58 Tour Eiffel are? Not only that, it wouldn't have been possible to book near the entirety of either restaurant on such short notice, they would have been waiting months before they got enough reservations clear.

They don't have kosher meals upstairs.


That jew is showing his true colors more and more. Holla Forums is always right, never trust a kike.


no comments about Fanta


I'm pretty sure even Marx knew enough to wait until AFTER he ate to bitch. Can't wait until the story tomorrow about the reporter having their pizza taken away once they are out of time-out for throwing tantrums.

there isn't enough fire to purify this planet of its filth.

asses and elbows right?
