What your options if antifa breaks into you're house just because they believe you pro-white

what your options if antifa breaks into you're house just because they believe you pro-white.

Oh by all means FBI allow me to tell you all about my gear, plans, and defense. Surely nothing bad can come from that.

i have a dildo next to my bed.

so when they come in a morbidly insert it in my ass and begin to fuck me violently, their faces will be in absolute shock. They'll say s-sorry and close my door. and I'll succeed to fuck their minds.

Kill them. Problem solved.

Fucking fag enabler.
Why is ironic sodomy funny anyway? oh yeah, because you saw it on jewish TV.

Well they won't be able to discharge their firearms cause the wrong fucking ammo would be in it.

I would sage their thread.

I would Sage their thread and direct them to >>suicide

Shoot them dead.



No doubt many have dreamed of this scenario long before they knew the term antifa

A~user.. How did you know what my fetish was?

I know karate so no biggie

shoot them as they come in, castle laws are fun

Should I be expecting you CIA? We all know you're behind the Antifa insurgence, if any of you are still white remember the Jews will come for you too.

All the weapons the US government made will someday be used at home.

Just lightly push them over

I love my non-cucked state
I carry everywhere and it requires no permit for open or concealed

i wield my rope and wizard hat.

honey potting armed anons …ok it won't end well and ppl will die /


Truthfully most of us are pretty well equipped if we are u.s. citizens

You degenerates just can't stop.