We are getting subverted by quantity, well and truly over quality.
Posted 14th july

Please remember to use the QTDDTOT thread to help new anons. Every day new users will come here and if they cannot get simple questions answered they will make their own thread, in turn clogging up the catalog with inane topics of discussion that pull away from threads that need the traffic. I propose this be the new QTDDTOT.

I've been thinking about asking this question for a long time now. Do you think that everyone is 'entitled' to a job of some kind? What's the point of being in a society if you can't take part in it?

Well, logically speaking the most successful societies will be the most efficient ones; ones most able to utilize their labor and resources towards ends ensuring their survival.

Before The nordic countries became total muslim immigrant Gib countries they used to require able bodied people on assistance to clean parks/common areas and such. I doubt they do it now. Snackbars would not lower themselves to sweeping parks.


No. You do not need a job to survive or "take part" in society. There are plenty of ways of earning a living beside working for a wage. Most economic systems that put high priority on trying to make unemployment zero often destroy the system and make things worse.

Not in a city.

Why is living in a city a requirement for life? This isn't Escape from New York.

How exactly?

how do I embed a youtube link?

id say everyone should be given an opportunity to work according to their capability. tho then you get into a shit salad that is determining the standards and limits of workers

i heard there was like these two hippies once and they decided that they can live soley off the suns light.
they never told anyone how it went.

At the bottom of the field:
click that.
There's a place that says "Embed" put the link there.

in the reply window you have a
button on the bottom of the window and then just put your URL in the embeed

Thanks and test

I have a part time mcjob at walmart and people who arent FT or there for 5+ years are so lazy. Im basically a hero just for showing up.

It must be a millenial thing; we're otherwise a small conservative town with no college, several hours away from Toronto

Im baffled that people dont know about this, or that they dont read the options.

what was the name of that website that collected posts from Holla Forums? It was leeky something, I think.

I have seen some Japanese people and they look sorta white. Not white but not as Asian as other Asians or even other japs.
What ethnic group are they, where do they get the DNA to look different to other Asians?
It can't be Russia because Russia is next to Mongolia and China and neither are like Japanese, Russia also has many Asians.

I've been spending a while looking for nearby Fascist/NatSoc groups that are legit and aren't recruiting faggots and pedophiles, or aren't FBI. Any info on these groups or any other groups I've missed are appreciated.

Vanguard America
Traditionalist Workers Party
National Socialist Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement
Golden Dawn
Aryan Guard
National Action
Identity Evropa

if you mean the greek one, theyre a regular crypto-neonazi group that is putting on a nice face, so legit, tho the greek intl service wont let them do shit

thyre a grassroots thing that popped up a few years back, theyre kinda moderate and mostly dont do shit excpet occasional demonstrations and charity actions

Research the Ainu.

Nothing in the USA is legit, we need an explicitly anti-Duginist organization in addition to anti-kike and anti-fag and there isn't one. So of course they're all filled with retards who read the English "translation" of Fourth Political Theory and don't realize Dugin is anti-white.

Forgot pic

Second user who mentioned the Ainu, also "Jomon vs Yayoi".

So basically they're Chinese one from the north and the other from the south or something?

How can we be sure that nogs are not poor because of discrimination?

How do I make a webm?