This is why White Nationalists from Canada can shitpost online with impunity. (((They))) are trying to pozz the agency though and if they succeed in purging PRO-WHITE and REDPILLED agents from CSIS, the new people they will have in place, will make sure that all Canadian Holla Forumsacks get vanned. So this is actually a very big issue and we must make sure that CSIS does not have to pay out to these faggots and muslims.
Jonathan Fisher
So CSISNiggers, is it the RCMP that makes halfassed "we should meet up" posts in all the FUCKING LEAF threads, or is it the pro-muslim, pro-fag, pro-dindu faction of CSIS?
Leo Bell
what's wrong with discrimination? what
John Powell
Something tells me you know fuck all about nationalists movements in Canada and the IC. Before CSIS it was called the RCMP Security Service. Go do your homework.
Austin Powell
Didn't you get the memo? Simply being pro-white and redpilled on the jews isn't enough. You have to be exclusively and openly Natsoc now for Holla Forums to care.
Aaron Morgan
Carson Adams
Chase Russell
fuckin rite boys
Grayson Walker
Gabriel Hall
Jason Bennett
This would have to be a new development since the Canadian government has a notorious history of creating NatSoc movement honeypots.
Alexander Morris
Naw, the cheka just steal explosives from mines in uniform while getting caught on camera and plant them on your property if they don't like you.
Lucas Watson
William Ross
Cooper Brooks
If only you knew how big of shitlords and how pissed off many Canadians are.
Samuel Stewart
They are still talking about this on CNN right now and won't stfu about it at all.
Jose Gutierrez
Intelligence agencies are derided for protecting the people because they know the realities of why fags and muslims are bad. How do the kikes think this will keep the facade of protection up? It'll only embolden the LGBTQP child trafficking and Muslim terror plots.
t. compatriot from the US
Justin Morgan
No it isn't you fucking retard. They just want it taken down or have a firmer grasp around its balls. I don't get it, how the FUCK can you people be so incredibly delusional and desperate for EVERYTHING to be "/our/" whatevers. It's starting to be embarrassing.
Have some pride and confidence, shesh.
Daniel Barnes
Zachary Gomez
Huh, this is news to me. Guess i'll keep that leaf rake in the garage a little while longer.
Anthony Flores
Bullshit. You baby raping kikes have been systematically gangstalking and gaslighting white children since your formation. Men like myself are years beyond showing you any mercy for your crimes against us and you think you can change the narrative with this?
Fuck you, CSIS. Your agents can come forward publicly and confess to everything or you can be hung from flagpoles. Phoneposting because death to traitors. Come at me. Again.
Nathan Gray
The reason they can do this is because of bill C-304 which passed in 2011. This bill made it legal to spread (((hate speech))) online. It was pushed through because the muslims in Canada began suing jews for (((hate speech))), including (((Ezra Levant))).
You can't be charged for (((hate speech)) for shitposting online in Canada.
BTW the CSIS reps that visited my university were Chinese.
Eli Ross
Fucking cis males
Levi Lopez
bumping smiley thread
Owen Hernandez
Smiley will put on a dress and you can bump him.
Noah Myers
Connor Robinson
NOTHING from Canada except certain Canadians themselves are pro-white and redpilled.
Parker Scott
That's not hate speech; that's a LGBT "ally" WARNING a member the poor, oppressed faggot community! There's no way that a Canadian court could successfully try that one!
Benjamin Walker
Whatever happen to Bonhomme becoming the leaf moonman?
Levi Perez
yeah, whos holding moar? I swear I had a whole folder.
Asher Wright
CSIS is x fucking joke.
Austin Thompson
This is why you never employ shitskins, they will ALWAYS play the race card no matter if you treat them well or not.
Logan Morris
Meanwhile, white men are discriminated against relentlessly thanks to affirmative action and yet NEVER win discrimination cases.
Joseph Hughes
They used to be pozzed but then they were sent to watch places like these and got redpilled . I'm serious . Same happens to French to intelligence and enforcement but we don't need much to be redpilled anymore just reallife depressing seeing these shitskins ruined our once proud France and butchering the language . But you know fucking leafs .
Luis Morales
1000 bucks that they are asian.
Jeremiah Morales
Canada is gonna be 90% nonwhite in the next 80 years. Not much different from other Western countries. There are a few redpilled Australians too, but that doesn't make much difference when 90% of my country love multiculti and half the men are dating Asian women. The West is done. It's over. I'm not trying to black pill you – I'm being honest.
Isaac Turner
You did this to yourselves.
Joshua Diaz
we wuz franks n sheeit
Elijah Collins
Don't forget this shit is implemented at a federal level since the mid 90's
Nathan Thomas
People keep on exaggerating these numbers "y percentage in x years" but do any of you demoralizers believe any of these countries will have functioning governments and infrastructure by that time?
The writing is on the wall, the cities will experience depopulation once they hit critical mass.
Henry Powell
Niiiice trips.
Jayden Hughes
Non-sequitur. Yes, city will turn into dystopic shitholes, but they will also be overwhelmingly non-white. No contradiction there at all.
Benjamin Butler
I wonder why, totallyactuallywhiteanon.
Logan Gomez
low level maybe anons, but these fuck are the ones recruiting shitskins to come to the West
Bentley Powell
A suit doesn't mean anything. Lazy gay Muslim women workers who want a payday no doubt.