Let's Get (Our Kids) Fucked Up

Source: dailywire.com/news/6727/buzzfeed-showcases-gender-non-conforming-lesbian-robert-kraychik

What's going on with this? So many families are doing crazy shit to their kids for status points. Why?

Bonus content: someone who went to high school with the short-haired dyke said she was a totally normal straight girl until she went to Berkeley.
Extra-bonus content: the other dyke started the Drag Queen Story Hour fad.

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You answered your own question. It's for status points. Example:
What's more concerning than this, however, is that they care more about their world views being validated by people online than they care about their own child. Also worth noting
Isn't it peculiar? They claim to be against standard gender roles, and yet this miscreant is trying to force her son to wear a fucking tutu. Using the term "queer my relationship" towards him. Who the fuck says that shit? The only reason this wretched scum continues to do this is all because of the positive reinforcement they're receiving. Validation is intoxicating, especially more so now thanks to the internet. They aren't parenting a child, they're tripping on ego validation that other enablers (their trendy progressive viewerbase) gives them, which only motivates them to go further down their depraved path. I fear for that kid's future.


You and me both.

There are only a few possible outcomes for these kids abused by tranny dykes

1) they will kill themselves
2) they will kill the tranny dykes
3) they will become redpilled

Take your fetish elsewhere

Then why do you care what he wears if it doesn't matter?

They're the ones trying to condition him into a meterosexual, but when the natural order prevails they blame it on arbitrary, artificial standards being imposed on him. Really makes you think.

I'm more expecting a sharp rise in serial killers when children of liberals now start hitting their teenage and adult years

You missed the most probable outcome you retard.

4. They kill innocent bystanders on a shooting spree to get back at society.

James Woods concurs.

It doesn't matter, as long as he wants to dress like a girl. But it matters and is very problematic if he acts like a normal boy.

If I had to give a guess based upon the (((parents))) age and the child's age, the child is either Gen Z or Gen Alpha. Gen Alpha is still very young (most being younger than 7) so it is too hard to say now, but Gen Z is more than 50% conservative, pic related.

So I was born too early and had to put up with this shit.

Ask the Fine Bros to make a "KIDS REACT TO DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR" vid.

That nose on the "woman" on the right…. looks at least partially nigger, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this broken down over 40 "woman" is a jew of some sort if not a mystery meat shitskin.

Most likely he'll do it at whatever gender circus he works or studies at.

I wonder if they'll start arresting parents and or the kids themselves if they are not some kind of mentally ill faggots in the future?


That kid is going to take an axe to his parents when he is older and they are going to blame him.

Is this what normalfags really think now? It's hard to even see these subversives as human because there's nothing human about them

Fucking dykes, why does one always have to larp as a dude?

Normalfags believe what they are being taught to believe at face value. They don't question nothing and if they do they are racists, homophobes, transphobes and of course evil nazi's.

In a few years you're gonna be pedophobe for speaking against pedo's. Video related too. Social Science is pure jews marxist "science"

You might be surprised how often children reject that bullshit when they hit about 8-9. Yea that's right, liberals are dumber than children

It would be funny if it were fictional.

I love it

See violence in this context can hardly be said to be wrong or even hateful. Such soulles husks seeking the approval of their peers at any cost without excercising any real discernment need to be purged.

I still don't get all the fuzz about this "muh hate"
Hate by itself is not necessarily wrong, because if you love and care about something, and there's something or (((someone))) evil that threatens what you love, feeling hate is not only justified, but the right thing to do.

>hey goys please ignore what (((we))) are making people to do it makes it harder to accomplish (((our))) goals when you point it out sage sage sage sage make a country general or anime thread instead goys

Poor kid. He'll either grow up to be a junkie faggot, or serial killer.

I bet you we can get CPS on these dykes. Odds are they plan to Rent that kid out to their faggot friends. Nothing kill the Validation high quite like the truth, the awful truth.

You can get CPS to visit them really easily.
Here's the problem with that:
If there are no signs of physical abuse (i.e. bruises or marks) and they have some milk in the refrigerator, CPS won't do shit.

To add:
But if you can somehow get to the kid and tell him, "Look kid. This is your chance. If you want out of this hell, bruise yourself and tell CPS one of your moms did it." At least he'd have a chance if he can comprehend the gravity of the situation at his age.

I don't want to burst you Gen Z bubble here but that pictograph is incredibly misleading. Although the left is now normie-tier and far right views are the new edgy, what anyone seldom acknowledges is that every generation has been less white than the previous.

What these types of studies are measuring are bunch of low IQ hispanic and nigger mongrels who already think fags are gross. Please link me to the hoard of black and hispanic kids being forced to transition genders or live with two dads. It's not a mystery why a ton of pro-gay propaganda has recently been launched towards non-whites. For example movies like Moonlight and pic related.

I don't want this to be a blackpill post but this muh redpilled gen Z meme is often times a half-truth at best.

Poor kid, lesbians make worse parents than fags

Whose the fucking cry baby faggot that said everything needs to be archived and got every other stupid parroting drone motherfucker to fall in line?

We use to make memes around here. That way they could be posted on normie social media and not fall down the memory hole.

OP is a lazy faggot!

Because it actually does matter, she want a faggot son, and she damn well will do everything in her power to mold him this way.

James woods and his savageness is always great entertainment!

This still doesn't explain why millenials are only 18% or so conservative, and Gen Z is suddenly 58% or so. The rise in non-whites from millenials to Z is only around a few percent. That rise can't happen without a ton of whites also waking up.

I love how Mr Woods has absolutely zero fucks to give.

something about frogs and hot water, millenials got the "slow" cook and gen z got tossed in

That's about right, user

Because Gen Zs major events up until now were the Housing Market Crash, Obongo Presidency, and Trump getting elected. While Millennial were children during a relatively peaceful time where the economy was doing well.

This is child abuse of the highest order.

user, a strap-on is a little more than LARPing.

I hope Gen Z has the energy, because the millenials are pretty cooked.

It's gonna be fun when these kids hit their 20s


I'm glad that Odinia has put that very sentiment out to the public to reclaim our White voice.

Atticus, why are you shoving your parents near the oven so much?


Do we really need a thread every time another article some malevolent faggots abusing their children pops up? This is honestly old news.

The society that allows this to happen isn't innocent, ergo anyone who gets shot later on for this deserves it.

Yes, every single time user, the fire needs fuel.

This. Holla Forums isn't a news board.

You can only inject so much poz in a given amount of time. I've seen a post or two here regarding the lessons the kikes learned from Weimar. Namely that realized not to ramp up the degeneracy too quickly in the post-war period. The amount that the gen Z was fed over the course of their short lives and the massive disconnect it had from reality has caused many of them to completely reject it. Moreso than previous generations who were comparatively dripfed.

Fuck these people so much. Mark my words, we're not that far away from seeing this one day:

So not only has science allowed these two a place in society but it now has allowed them to pass on their genetics and faulty psychological workings.

Because he can never be fully a girl, in few years he settles with making skin-suit out of young women, that he's holding captive in a pit in his basement.
While talking shit with them about lotions and baskets

Did nobody even notice the fat cunt is wearing fucking junk food wrappers as clothing?

(((They're))) mad because we're winning the war of fun and all they can do is offer milquetoast centrism and furry trannies.

pic related

Definitely agree.


is this real? 12,000 retweets? thats amazing

That's just a troll, right guys? Right?


Look like his genes are on the right side of the road while the history passes him by as his offspring has no kids.

We care because we are human filth. You know you are filth and that is why you have tried to keep your degenerate sodomite practices hidden.

Well here is a little help fag. After everybody gets through learning exactly how this works you won't be fucking anymore three years olds in the ass to split their mind and turn them into a zombie.

>Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox >(whale.to/b/knox_h.html)







See sodomite filth, we know that you are accelerating because you realize that if you don't condition this generation to be fucked in the ass at three years old and turn them into zombies superior humans with morals will take you out forever.

You think you have us fooled into believing that your sickness is all just a sexual perversion but we know better. You know sodomy at three years old, or younger zombies a person for life.

We hate you because you are a psychopathic predator that is wasting good oxygen molecules.


> alternativeculture.com/spirit/chakra.htm:


>The Sanskrit name of the first chakra is >Mooladhara. It means root and support. It is >situated in males midway between the anus >and the genitals at the perineum, and in the >female at the cervix, where the vagina and >the uterus join.

I had an argument in class during a debate on this. The professor pulled the same bullshit about gender-identity and it is a good thing the public is being "normalized" to it. I asked her why sexuality​ is an identity instead of historical ethnicity. I asked if I think I'm ten years old, does that make me ten? Professor got it and tried to avoid. Then asked, "why do 40% of all transgender people commit suicide?"

She said muh discrimination. I asked, blacks were enslaved, the ultimate discrimination. How come blacks didn't have a suicide rate of 40%? She said muh apples and oranges. I asked, aren't people who don't even know what gender they are psychiatrically messed up?

Ended up getting attacked ad hominem. Kill me now, we're fucked.

Reading the word gender pisses me off at this point. Sex is a biologically immutable way to categorize a sexually dimorphic mammal into males and females. Anything else is pure mental illness.


Just a daily reminder of how much of a threat to humanity the elites really are [not satire, unfortunately]

im a guy and i wish i had narrow shoulders like that.. sorry but it's just more aesthetic


Jesus Christ.. at least they're harming their own kids first

Checked, but I have to point out that mad aristocrats are nothing new.

We're right and they know it. Anyone with sense is on our side

Jesus. Something traumatic enough to make her want to chop off her tits happened to her. How many times did her father rape her? We're not fucked. They have much shorter fuses. THey implode over words. Just say the words they don't like until they do.

That poor kid. I'm sure all he wants is normal parental acceptance and support, but these twisted fucks make it conditional that he act like some homosexual trained money to get it. The kid is nothing but a prop, and he's going to grow up to resent and despise it.

yeah, you shouldn't be paying money to go to that school.

Remember when we filled out forms and it said "sex" and we'd always copy Austin Powers and write "yes please" on it? Ya, it sucks how that joke got out of hand. Can't help but think we aided in all this faggotry. All this shit started with the gay marriage debate, now they're pushing for kid-fucking and watch what's next, bestiality is on the cards as well.

Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour? I haven't checked out the links yet but so far you're pretty much well read. The catholic church of dagon and childfucking is a spiritual ritual. CPS is also involved. The whole horus thing though… Don't fall for the zeitgeist meme and mistake him for the real Jesus. They're not the same.

Save your child, Brad.

that kid is going to be one fucked up goyim when it emerges from the filth it is being raised in


based darling shadilay

If you ever notice these people are all the least attractive possible. They never once got noticed being a human being so the only way to get someone to say something to them is to make themselves a shit show.
