Embracing discrimination, racism, inequality, and even violence are going to be necessary if Western humanity is ever going to become healthy and great again, as we were at times in the past.
How do we take this final step towards freedom, a new healthy mentality, and preparation for the great cleansing?
Are we ready to take back racism, make it permissible and normal again and end >muh PR for good? Are our people ready to accept and embrace it once again?
Just what do you think we've been doing this whole time?
Kevin Clark
I'm openly racist, and it's honestly improved my life. People have more respect for you when you state your mind and refuse to back down. Obviously you need to be fit and good looking as well. If you''re fat or ugly, pretend to be a leftist cuck, it's better for us.
Bentley Barnes
You'd be surprised how many people understand the realities of race when you speak to them in private. I'm in Commiefornia and I know a good number of people who haven't accepted leftist dogma. In order to form a faction which expresses this though, we need to cu the bad fruit off the tree. The two primary groups which the right needs to cut association with in the public sphere are the creationists who think god created us all equal and the lolbergs who think that, even if race is real, it would be immoral to legislate accordingly.
Unfortunately, the two compose a useful voting bloc so it may be unpragmatic to do so unless the left can be divided accordingly as well.
Eli Brooks
Agreed. Racist shaming needs to stop.
Connor Carter
Preaching to the choir, OP. Go around the other boards, spreading the good news.
Luke Carter
The values that enabled the 'greatness of Western humanity' are dead and we, the plebs, survive by feeding on the remnants. Without a common cause embracing discrimination, racism, inequality, and even violence achieves nothing but to quell your frustration for being such a pleb. Your new embrace won't limit itself to your own race, all you are doing is promoting recklessness.
Brayden Jones
nice pic, going to spread that around.
Gavin Gomez
Jack Adams
Indeed. Also, poor people are subhuman.
Parker Young
immediately banned from cuckchan.
Austin Cook
lmfao (((of courshe))) cuckchan is a hive of kikery these days, its fucking disgusting, yids run rampant on their boards posting their autistic garbage and the low IQ hordes of redditchanners suck the shit out of their arseholes
Henry Price
Christians can be easily redpilled using the Bible. As a general example, you can explain that (((Rabbinic Jews))) (that is, every single self-proclaimed "Jew" after 70 AD) are Pharisees, and then you have Jesus calling the Pharisees "children of the devil" and "a generation of vipers who cannot escape the damnation of Hell" and so on, and you can move on to the Talmud and such from there.
In your specific case, you need 1 Corinthians 12, which is essentially an entire chapter of the Apostle Paul explaining the basics of fascism. Once the basic idea of "equal worth but not identical capability" sets in, you could use arguments backed up by biological facts, e.g. the NBA being comprised almost entirely of blacks not out of prejudice but because blacks are biologically better at basketball, and programmers mostly being whites not out of prejudice but because whites' brains are wired better for math. The right argument, backed up by facts, and they'd accept "race realism", which would prime them for proper racism when hordes of niggers start demanding whites be put to death for the crime of "whiteness".
Aiden Thompson
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
Most certainly.
Gabriel Carter
I've seen people get banned from /sci/ for starting threads about Race and IQ
Brandon Cooper
I've tried but with little success so far on the "racism is good" angle. I know everyone here likes racism, but I think we need to put more effort and focus on spreading the "racism is ok" message and being direct and open about it. If we can do this we'll completely disarm the left.
We have plenty of material showing the hypocrisy of anti-racism, anti-white, etc, etc, but I want to come up with some better arguments and images to be used along the line of embracing racism.
Example arguments:
The biggest problem is that this actually runs deeper. Racism connects to equality connects to peace and non-violence. They always get brought in together in arguments and not many people will swallow the redpill that violence and evil is as good for life and humanity as the opposite, and perhaps more so.
Leo Watson
This is great and should be weaponized against modern Christcuckery.
Bentley Robinson
pro-racism image 1
William Edwards
Thank you for much needed OC bruder
Ian Howard
Its all how you present and frame it. Incidentally why I dislike people who post >muh pr, because you need a certain amount of charisma and likeability to be persuasive; you cant be strictly brute force or else theyll shut you out
What you have to do is frame it in a positive light and then they'll make the connections themselves with or without a small push. You don't say something like >blacks are bad at X, even saying something like >whites are better than asians at Y is risky. You want to empower the person youre talking to without explicitly putting anyone else down, then theyll embrace it fully
Once they realize theyre better at something than another race, theyll realize theres an inequality and that if races cant all be equal, some must be strictly better than others
Jeremiah Flores
Some more studies
Elijah Torres
Talk about tribalism first. Explain how tribalism is an important natural instinct and how the jews celebrated it and made it religion, which made the jews so powerful, building a society inside the society, being 40% of the billionaires while 2% of the population. Every man feels instinctly uncomfortable when he sees a woman of his "tribe" with a foreigner. While whites get conditioned to ignore it and feel guilty about it, non-whites get encouraged to be tribalistic, which is more important than intelligence in nature and evolution. Tribalism is superior and if everybody else does it and you dont, because you "refuse to behave like a caveman" or "stand above that" or some stupid, snobby shit, you lose big time and doom your offspring and your whole race. my english is bad
Dominic Jones
I'll add that the SJW's adore attacking the idea of any border, boundaries, or barriers that differentiate one thing from another. It's absolutely Dionysian in every form, from sexuality to politics to, of course, racial realities. And like Dionysian revelries where the victims (often the participants themselves) were ripped apart symbolically and literally, it is massively destructive when it gets out of control - by (((design))) of course.
Most people are naturally wary of 'outsiders', and those subtle redpills reminding people of these differences and like OP's image talking about real definitions does a great deal to establish differences in people's minds.
One can appreciate differences while not wanting such actors around - like appreciating snakes while keeping them well out of your garden. That's the kind of racial realism that should be going on. The idea of race-mixing should be rightly regarded with disgust and is, as it is truly a health issue, and disgust is massively powerful as an emotion that can sway the masses. Interracial porn is predicated on the debasement of beauty with ugliness in the same way bestiality does, which requires disgust and shame on social or biological levels to even work in a human mind for instance.
In the end, one shouldn't base their racial discrimination on hatred, which is neither always truthful nor a healthy way to view the matter. I don't hate spiders or snakes even though I'll remove or annihilate the buggers if they threaten my well-being for instance. Hatred can come for specific instances and be atop the foundation of truth, which is that different populations of humans, like all organisms, have different traits that make them distinct from one another, and that some of these distinctions put them into greater conflict with one another. And being part of a human population gives you a responsibility to ensure its proper development from the individual level to the population level. Racism helps toward this end by establishing barriers even if their way about it is less desirable than racial realism, so take what you can get I suppose.
tl;dr race realism is the goal, but mere racism might do in a pinch.
Alexander Ramirez
This is a nice-sounding argument. Unfortunately I'm not well enough versed in history to feel confident in making this argument.
Dominic Rodriguez
racism is a species differentiating themselves from others.Namely whites being better than all other races because of inherent traits honed by thousands of years in cold environments that niggers or jews can't survive in without welfare from whites..Starving niggers in africa are invading you because of your stupidity it seems after further inspection it is because of jews that hate whites because we historically kick their rat asses out .
Hunter Clark
Then work on it, learn a little every day. This is a Marathon, and if you are not versed and reasoned, you appear as an insulting, whiny retard. Dont wait for Hitler, be Hitler.
Anthony Collins
Daniel Robinson
Kek has made our path is clear.
Don't wait for Hitler. BE HITLER!
Jeremiah Murphy
You mean tribalism? No, you imply that its the same as racism, its not. It makes no assessment, only explains the scientific evolutionary mechanisms. It makes them think and make their own conclusions. This thread asks how to lead normalfags to race realism and only works on autistic channers with a very special mindset, but not on joe average.
Ian Perry
Race realism and Tribal Realism will come to mean the same thing. I hope the tool of rhetoric won't allow the numbers of white people to get so low that globally we'd be like what SA will be 50 years from now running for our lives being hunted down. There will come a time when whites will no longer have the luxury to dissent you either fight along your brothers or die to a pack of shitskins.
Convincing the most blatant naysayer that this will happen will break his facade.
Aaron Sullivan
Sure they can. It's called leaving your universalist Jewish shill cult that says all manner of dumb shit. (((the lion shall lie down with the lamb))) etc.
If you faggots keep this up, I am going to start putting holohoax memes in buybull page images. Also, thanks for the laugh before work.
Christian Taylor
EthnoNationalism does not automatically result in racial conflict. The racial conflict only comes when ethnicities are forced together by moralizing (((faggots))). The concept of 'racism' is just a Jewish tool to fuck with their enemies.
Bentley Bailey
Don't wait for Hitler, be Hitler.
Dylan Ramirez
*tips fedora
Any post that contains christcuck is to discredited immediatly. It's obvious D&C shill lexicon or even worse you might outtin yourself as a vargfag.
>inb4 christcuck
John Morales
Even Nazis weren't racist. Hitler shook Jesse Owen's hand. There were several honorary Aryans admitted to even the SS. No need to be retarded about it. Our God is reality, not pointless edginess.
Elijah Edwards
I like the graphic, well written. But it should be spelled "whitey," and even then that word seems out-of-place adversarial with the tone of the rest of the language. 9.88/10
Justin Foster
Well that greatly depends on how you define "racism". If you include hatred of other races, then perhaps Nazis weren't racist (but good luck with that line of argument). I define racism merely as discrimination based on race.
Ayden Gray
Kill yourself faggot.
Dylan Myers
I completely disagree. Racism cripples you. Like anger, it is a good tool to utilize when you need to draw on it, but if it controls you than it hurts more than it helps. Men are men everywhere, and even abbos can use language and stone tools. There are people from other races I like and respect and wish to emulate.
That doesn't interfere with my understanding that a healthy, natural, altruistic society must be ethnically homogeneous.
The national socialist viewpoint on race is informed by evolutionary biology and psychology. Anyone who is driven by racism should go join edgy neo-nazi faggot larpers.
Henry Martinez
Maybe you're thinking of racism as hatred of other races.
I'm thinking of it just as racial discrimination, which is I believe the common use for the term. It's the main definition that wikipedia gives.
Oliver Perez
Discrimination is survival.
Josiah Garcia
Largely agree.
Xavier Reed
You tell the truth. But, you can't forget about the Not-Men, The Eternal Jew.
Jason Gonzalez
Racism doesn't mean shit, it changes definition every decade. Simply understanding the way the World works and acting accordingly is not hateful . While hate can be counterproductive it is only in the sense that it leads you to incorrect actions. Trying to dispel hate out of all men is a Sisyphean task.
"Are you angry with a man who smells like a goat, or the one with foul breath? What will you have him do? That's the way his mouth is, that's the way his armpits are, so it is inevitable that they should give out odours to match. But the man is endowed with reason yo say, and if he put his mind to it he can work out why he causes offense. Well, good for you! So you too are endowed with reason: bring your rationality, then, to bear on his rationality - show him, tell him. If he listens you will cure him, and no need for anger. Neither hypocrite nor whore."
Kayden King
thats a dumb post, you are dumb. Certain races are not capable of language, tools and written language? The niggers had almost none of them, they even lack the definitions for the past and the future. Some things are not exactly anger or whatever you describe. Would you feel anger for a dog for not knowing how to dismantle a bomb? No you just push him aside from any complicated things, keep him on a leash. For niggers that means removing them from anything that resembles civilization, surround them with fences and armed guards. That is what "racism" actually means. The application of certain actions that are correct with the nature of these beings.
Dominic Anderson
Are you intentionally trying to fragment and D&C? yes you are kike
Julian Gray
One of the problems with the term 'racism' is that while the definition of, 'to discriminate between people based on race' may be sound and reasonable, the public connotation of the word simply means, 'bad'. Why else do you think that sticking people with the label of 'racist' is basically the one and only trick the SJW's have to bully people into complicity? Unfortunately, while what we may call race realism being the understanding that races do differ is basically the same thing as racism definition-wise, we would have an uphill battle reclaiming 'racism' from the 'bad' connotation.
Might be a worthy fight and one prepared by all the SJW use of the word, but generally the mere mention of it shuts a mental trap with people that has been programmed in them since childhood. If you are trying to speak with a normie and say, "Now, as a racist I-" you won't even get past your sentence before his emotional reaction will be, "This person is BAD and WRONG!" At least without any other groundwork being done with that person. It isn't a muh PR thing. It's how to avoid stepping on a mental trap laid out by a cultural indoctrination that has been going on since the 60's. But then again, it can be useful to trigger that trap in the degenerates who will in response make themselves appear far more debased, irrational, and disgusting in their reply than you, and that could be useful for subtle redpilling on the matter.
The foundation for race realism shouldn't be in hatred, but in practicality. There's a huge difference between the continence of the man who hates darkies versus the one who simply doesn't want them in their community. One froths at the mouth and incoherently blasts at anyone who questions it, while the other can coolly say why they believe and act as they do. But how many people are truly capable of that without a clever mechanism to support it? Religion can confer essentially the reasoned foundation to those who base everything on emotional response, but what else could get the pleb who barely thinks at all about anything to adopt that reasoned foundation rather than the far easier 'I hate darkies' approach?
Kayden Gomez
why should we allow nonwhites to exist? anything remotely good that they have achieved is because of whites
Michael Robinson
Crock of shit pr faggot. We haven't been winning because we have been pussy footing around. We've been winning because we said fuck it and pushed harder and harder, faster and faster, and made it blatantly in your fucking face truths which cannot be ignored. And we covered it over with intelligence and funny shit to make it stick for the normal fags.
If an fuck cannot take a joke they are not intelligent enough to be taken seriously. Then you know to shift gears and degrade, humiliate and ridicule the weak spineless fool. This brings social rejection and mocking for even worthless idiot normalfags will jump on laughing at an easy mark. This pushes our stance firmly into the strong horse category and removes any impotent rebuff they can fling into the joke category itself. So when their counter comes you can laugh even harder at their pathetic excuses for being dumb as fuck and cement your strength over others socially.
You pussy foot around you end up 60 before you can blink and as worthless as any of those boomer faggots and leave your children an even more hellish land. Become strong, become impervious to their whining, and become confident in your values. And go get /fit/ faggot, being an skinny fat or land whale will cause you to undermine your goals.
If you insist on making them see the light thru intelligence and facts and come to the conclusion on their own, you best find NOTHING but intelligent and mature minds with which to mold and work with. Otherwise you already failed for being a faggot. We are the fucking supreme gentilemen of the world, we won views and it was a fucking fight every step of the way. You think the faggot gamer gate nobodies were won over by intelligence or truths? No, they were won over by emotion, ridicule and outright bigotry, by both sides. For intelligence is nothing more than potential, but potential unrealized is nothing. To bring your intelligence into the world requires the will to power, the capacity to fight, and the balls to stand when others hide and roll under before pressure. Emotion is the lynchpin of our fight, and how we will win it. Intelligence is for US to argue and dictate now, if they are not on our level, no respect must ever be given. For you give it to the lies of the jew, and lend support to them rather than your own.
If you can deal with us for several years, you are a breed apart and DO NOT THINK like normal faggots and never will. So quit your pathetic attempts to win over others with your own ways and instead undermine, subvert, dominate and conquer the minds of normal faggots to bend to your own will. That is the path to success you autistic buffoon, the intelligent will heard your words shouted from on high and see the light, the rest will be crushed or quelled by our unrepentant and unrelenting power of will.
Camden Brown
Saving my people and my nation is a most noble goal, faggot. I will never celebrate savagery or see myself as a beast, even when the time comes to take you to your summer camp.
Those shills are so dumb.
Charles Cook
Well, it's an interesting philosophical question that, if answered incorrectly, will cause far more harm than is necessary for any good. Personally I don't like the intentional elimination of any biological thing, even if it appears on a utilitarian level to be useless or utterly detrimental. But perhaps I am wrong, or right without knowing exactly why. Not good positions to be in.
I think most of your argument is sound, that arguing Pathos rather than Logos with the vast crowd is the way to go for convincing people, largely because of this keen observation:
We do occupy a rather strange philosophical dream online, and Holla Forums is stranger than most. You cannot rely simply on reason to be the crux of your persuasion that only can work on some small portion of the population, but Ethos and Pathos that can speak to literally everyone alive to be successful. Additionally, we who do the convincing and conquering must do so out of reason and ethics. We do not lie to the people for convenience or for bolstering our arguments no matter how tempting it is. Even if you serve only practicality trust takes years to build and seconds to destroy, and the truth is the most powerful weapon in an age of ubiquitous lies and deception.
Robert Clark
I don't hate other races, I just hate that they are in my livingspace.
Eli Miller
"Racism" doesn't exist. It never has. The whole concept was made up by (((Leon Trotsky))) to be used as a weapon to bludgeon his opponents with and shut down dissenting voices. What is commonly referred to as "Racism" is simply just acting with common sense and acknowledging the clear cut differences between the races, something that was ubiquitous before the Trotsky kike decided to weaponize it.
Stop using the term "Racism" or "Racist" altogether. It's always been a tool of the kike and the communist left. If you refuse to acknowledge it as a legitimate concept or term, it loses a great deal of its power.
Cameron Brooks
i encourage all races to be the best they can be in their own homeland
Sebastian Russell
Rather Annoying Communist Inspired Silencing Tactic
Mason Morgan
But you just admitted that it does exist, that it does have a meaning.
I agree the term shouldn't exist since its is useless (we discriminate based on all sorts of things and there's nothing special about doing so based on race in particular).
Blake Williams
There is an urban legend that has been floating around for some years now that the word racist was coined by Leon Trotsky for the purpose of cowing and intimidating opponents of leftist ideology. In History of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky applied the word racist to Slavophiles, who opposed Communism. Did Trotsky really invent that word? No, apparently not. The work in which Trotsky is supposed to have coined that word was written and published in Russian in 1930. I found several examples of the French form, raciste, preceding Trotsky’s use of the word by far. I find pensée raciste (French for “racist thought”) and individualité raciste (“racist individuality”) in the volume of La Terro d’oc: revisto felibrenco e federalisto (a periodical championing the cultural and ethnic identity of people in southern France) for the year 1906. Here the word racist was used without a hint of negativity: Je forme des voeux pour la réussité de vos projets, car je suis persuadé que, dans cette fédération des peuples de Langue d’Oc luttant pour leurs intérêts et l’émancipation de leur pensée raciste, le prestige de Toulouse trouvera son compte. (p. 101) TRANSLATION: I express my best wishes for the success of your projects, because I am convinced that, in the federation of the peoples of Langue d’Oc fighting for their interests and the emancipation of their racist thought, the prestige of Toulouse will benefit. Even earlier examples: in Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme. First English usage: a piece for National Public Radio (Gene Demby, The Ugly, Fascinating History of the Word ‘Racism’, January 6, 2014) cites the Oxford English Dictionary to the effect that the first use of the word racism (in English) was by Richard Pratt in 1902, five years after Malato’s use of raciste and racisme in French.
No, he's right. The term alluded to in the text and link you posted is more in line with the word racialism than the modern use of the word racism. The word itself can be traced back to literature from the 19th century, but the term referenced by the word "racism" today began with Trotsky (a subversive tool). So you could say that Trotsky recreated the word and invented the term. One of the comments from the article you linked remarks the same thing: