Faggy opinion piece full of kvetching, but here it is.

Other urls found in this thread:


So far, however, the effects of those actions have been mitigated by the highly independent judiciary. With the new, entirely controllable Supreme Court, politically uncooperative judges may find themselves subjected to disciplinary procedures.


Honestly, I don't know how I fell about this. They are White so I support them, but on the other hand this is kind of what they deserve for being such good Goyim during WW2

A lot of poles are happy about this, saying they got rid of a lot of "activist judges", meaning commies.

Not really commies just corrupt shits who would sell Poland for 1000 jewros.
Commies are dead here.

Excellent. Bring the king back next.

I would be pretty wary of PiS. Are they genuine nationalists, or just authoritarian conservatives? The latter will inevitably fail.

Seems to me Poland's going the way of Nationalist Socialist. Sounds a bit familiar.

(((popular uprising))) when?



They use catholic rhetoric mixed with some socialist populism. I would call them centrists.

I don't see them ever recovering from this. The internet and the way it's evolved has simply made it too hard to control the context necessary to keep their message globally accepted.


problem, kike?


They purge communist judges, recently they cut the retirement funds for people who worked in SB (kind of secret police like nkvd, kgb… maybe not so brutal, but full of spies and rats) PiS is not NatSoc and they kinda cather to Jews the same way Trump does, so make your own judgement. I think it's a good step forward, but we'll see what time brings .

This guy, korwin mikke…. he is often portrait as the most based polish politician ever, and he's not bad tbh, but he is certainly not a NatSoc. He opposes socialism in any form. He's a hard-core capitalist. What's cool about him, though, is that he is willing to do a interview with almost anyone on the internet so… maybe we could talk to him one day about the right system
t. Polak

as long as they go the route of an Independent Poland that fights globalism, I couldn't care less who's in charge. That being said, I'd be fine with Mikke in charge.

Korwin is based as fuck, godspeed Poles.


wrong meme :^)

That's not how this meme works.

As I said, he's not bad, but he's definitely not NatSoc, he's against it very much. I recall him saying that socialism leads to national socialism and we should defend Europe from national socialism ( by not implementing socialism in any matter) he's the type of guy that'd say "free market will decide" and such. So… I'm not sure if he's really based by the Holla Forums standard. He's unapologetic and likes to wreck leftist scum, but that's not very hard, is it ?

He's based in my book.

you can tell that by his gay bow tie.


How can a nationalist party in a western country be "anti-western"

Do these people have the same definition of the west as we do?

lmao stop being such a dork dude



Top wew. I didn't see that before.
Btw. Poland has a youth nationalist group called Mlodziez wszechpolska. Here's a little about them.

I'm gonna join them soon.

This guy is awesome lol

Sorry for the potato translation, I'm on the phone, it's hard to notice mistakes when you see only about 4 lines of text at a time… some more pics. Also, the 3 thousand number is quite old, I'm sure it's double that at this point.

I was thinking recently of a hypothetical scenario where all European countries vote for anti Eu parties in the mep elections. Then the EU is then controlled a whole bunch of farages. What would happen then?

You got a good thing going Poland, don't fuck this up.

eternal bants

The differences between this nationalist group and other leftists degenerate groups and marches are striking. Nice, tidy looking people marching together versus the Havok of antifa and a like. They often crash into these marches, get shrekt and them the media claims that Mlodziez wszechpolska is harrasing people and shit. Not surprising, but I just wanted to mention, that our media plays the same dirty tricks.

I tried to find some funny pics from the KOD marches (leftist group, they have some fucking scandals almost every week, their leaders are frauds and such top kek) but they don't look as deranged as the antifa and similar groups in USA or UK. I guess it just shows that we aren't that deep into this shit…yet

How do poles feel about white foreigners coming in?

Which do you think is more nationalist at the moment, poland or hungary?

Oops. Well…


Cry more, libshits.

Unkempt and slobs all around, niggers, decrepit old cunts and their pet husbands, and can't into Photoshop. Yup, they're lefties.

Not good. We're xenophobic and most of time immigrants are primarily male so they fuck up the demography in the long run.


It depends. I'm against immigration in any case, but tiny amounts from white countries aren't that bad, and besides, if you come here it's safe to assume you really care about the country, you're not coming just because the wages are higher or whatever (like poles do in England for example). If we had thousands of Americans or English or french.. whatever. If they were coming here in big numbers, then they would form their own communities, it's inevitable and bad. White immigrants that can speak polish even a bit are very welcome, there are a couple of YouTube channels of guys from USA living in Poland and they all say that it's great. Hope you can make some sense out of this spaghetti


If I was on the PC I'd shop the good to g-d.

Hungaryans and Bolan … We got this.


It seems that Poland has had just about enough of the EUSSR's shit.

More like common sense is becoming a super power nowadays. You'd think people would immediately get defensive with so much terrorism and rapings, but they cry 3 days and get excited for Star Wars or the new hot thing.

Korwin is based as fuck. People see him as an eccentric old man, but in the early 90s shorlty after gommunist overthrow, he was the one who somehow slipped in some legislation that outed a TON of crypto secret police that were in the govt. The government basically got overthrown and he singlehandedly saved poland from falling into crypto communist rule.

Look it up, kurwa


So he single handily saved Poland and hangs out at anime conventions?

Inverting definitions is a typical jewish tactic. That's how they take over names and meanings. By using the word or name in a different sense, they themselves take ownership as people stop using it.

I have some polish relatives. On one hand they hate Muslims and immigrants, but on the other hand they are totally pro-Jew and >muh holocausting all over the place. These people are pretty old, WW2 veterans with relatives who were almost gassed, but barely survived because the gas didn't work. Hopefully the younger generation of poles are smarter….

Korwin's a lolberg, but certainly not as shit as most lolbergs.

Can anyone be bothered to make some propaganda out of his quotes? I would but I'm shit with gimp.

some favorites:


The Polish have something exotic about em.


As an Anglo-American I've always thought slavic women were good looking, maybe because they're uncommon here, but also I think the slavic and nordic body type is more attractive; long limbed, squarer head, forward hairline.

It's called being numbed by consumerist excess.

There are no words.

In other words, you are happy to parasitise and invade other White countries, but when it comes to your own you want to keep it Polish.
The true face of Polish parasitism.
Don't worry, your shithole will collapse once UK gibsmes are revoked.
Yeah right, that's why Simon Mol, a single Black man, managed to fuck hundreds of White Polish women and gave around 50 of them HIV.
It's because Polish women don't like nigger cock guize!
These marches are arranged, National Action style.
Hilariously so.

He's not far off. Democracy just holds a door wide open for corruption to take hold.


jews are angry about this now, remember they set this whole thing up to being with by setting up the most nationalistic and belligerent governments in poland to keep the Germans out…especially after they wrecked Germany after the war and stole over 200km of it to give to poland (border was shifted ~ 200km to the west I would shift it back) and now poland has turned on the jews hahahaha good. I want to see them build poland up into the new ebil nazis ( I don't think it will work this time)

They don't. "The West" to them means liberalism, globalism, faggotry, "diversity," "multiculturalism," "freedom," and getting rid of white people.

Here's your (you), Jew.

And the kikes too!

The best form of flattery is imitation.


Everything is the result of Polish democratic action. The vast vast majority of Poles do not want pozzing and had the largest public protest over it. This is their democratic choice and their people have spoken. It's that EU that is authoritarian rule in the most literal sense.

wasted trips
typical divide and conquer kike

spot the jew n pic 1

Real one

Damn that dude is a boss


Authoritarianism means someone other than the kikes are the authorities.



i know you slavs are new to republicanism, but one party rule does not necessarily mean authoritarian rule. See trump & congress

lol what the fuck is going on here, this guy is unbelievable

Bussed in from Germany by Soros most likely.

You're retarded.

Daily reminder.
Democracy and liberty means free meddling in country's internal affairs.

And the fact that EU, who has an uncollected president and kommisars is the last to criticize.
They are giving an example.

Everything is better than filthy Niggers and Mudslimes.

I agree, but remain grateful for the wise choice of so many Polish voters.

Pic related is polling for the next Polish parliamentary election. As you can see PiS consistently leads despite EUSSR-lügenpresse smears over 80% of "Polish" media is German-owned currenteventspoland.com/news/germany-takes-over-local-media-market-in-poland.html, and Kukiz'15 is arguably even better. Pity Liberty, Korwin-Mikke's cuckily-named party, isn't on course to win any seats.

The news coming out of Poland keeps getting better. The only antidote to globalism is authoritarian right wing nationalism. Why? Because when you have a society based upon democracy, (((fair))) elections, equal representation etc the globalists can easily exploit the institutions with their near unlimited funds. Polands Law and Justice has to get every spec of power directly under their control in the same way Putin has done in order to rip out the roots of globalist corruption at the core, and to keep it from growing back.

Eh, nice allusion to Hans Jonas there. but I like pic related probably more.

That's right goy don't do anything in real life it's all a honey pot and arranged by the commies :^) trust me I'm your friend *hand rubbing*

Got any real proof for any of your claims schlomo that groups like this are controlled ops.

Brilliant. Trumps needs to take note of this.

The power vested in the Supreme Court has been the Achilles Heel of the US ever since its inception. The whole court should have been dragged outside and shot for treason when it usurped the Legislative in 1789 by giving itself ("reading out from the Constitution") the right of judicial review, i.e. declaring acts of Congress null and void based on any reasoning, or no reasoning at all.

No country needs a supreme court, and no judge should have the authority to declare law illegal - an absurd notion. If judges can decide whether laws are valid or not, they country is not a democracy or a republic, but an oligarchy ruled by 9, 10, or 15 unelected and unaccountable people.


Supreme courts can be valuable for having the "final say" on cases. However, I do agree that the SC should not be able to override the legislature.

If you have an SC, the usurpation of power is inevitable in all cases. It does not matter how limited you make its role, if it's "independent" (i.e. not accountable), it will assume more and more power for itself.

See: literally every Western country.

What is your ideal judicial structure, user?

No. They have no autoritas. They were elected in democratic elections (tfu!). It can be tyranical only.

Local/federal courts only not supreme court.
Changes to the constitutions are made by plebiscite and are absolutely binding (no judicial review, not "discovery" of facts in the constitution during cases before any court).
Judicial review is explicitly forbidden in the constitution and is grounds for impeachment.

People forget that the separation of powers does not imply the equality of powers. The chief power is supposed to be vested in the legislative, with the executive and especially the judiciary being merely tools. Instead, the judiciary has gone from being the least powerful branch of government to being the most powerful.


I'm not sure I entirely agree. I think it has exceeded its intended power level, and in many ways surpassed the power of Congress. However, the country has been under a state of emergency since 1933.

From Senate Report 93-549: Emergency Powers Statutes: Provisions of Federal Law Now in Effect Delegating to the Executive Extraordinary Authority in Time of National Emergency; Report of the Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency

tially proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are
also the national emergency proclaimed by President Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971.

vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes.

Yeah being genocided by german bros teaming up with their communist kike brothers is being a great goy you fucking retard.

It's a hazy topic, but I maintain that, in practice and in domestic matters, the courts are the most powerful branch of government. The Supreme Court can override any legislation or declare any form of legislation preemptively illegal to make. Based on the most flimsy and perfunctory rationalizations, it declared abortion legal, unlimited bribery of politicians legal, segregation illegal… and it's not just the SC anymore; some rinky-dink district court declared Trump's travel ban illegal on the laughably grounds that the barring of Somalis from the country hurt Hawaii's economy. Despite the powers the President has on paper (and they are excessive and problematic), in practice, more and more power is being concentrated in the hands of the courts.

And yet, Trump bowed down to a federal judge who denied him just that right. Worse: he didn't even deny him the right to restrict the travel of US citizens, but of foreigners who enjoy no right to enter the US whatsoever.

When EU human traffickers sneak enough "New Poles" into the country to stage a coup

So, never.


Britain should be 90%+ British
Germany should be 90%+ German
France should be 90%+ French
Italy should be 90%+ Italian
Poland should be 90%+ Polish
Hungary should be 90%+ Hungarian
Spain should be 90%+ Spanish
Greece should be 90%+ Greek
Portugal should be 90%+ Portuguese
Ireland should be 90%+ Irish
Sweden should be 90%+ Swedish
Norway should be 90%+ Nordic

Is this really such a hard concept to understand?

The only people of other countries of origin should be traveling diplomats and business representatives who's stay and access is extremely limited.

Why is there not more exotic post of Polish women?
Also giv a polish gf

I don't see any negatives to European immigration much like America and Canada before the 1970's. So long as there is no (((slippery slope))) to promote the uncontrolled immigration of non-Europeans there is no-harm with allowing fellow Europeans to immigrate amongst European countries. Europeans (as a whole) are peaceful people and don't have any assimilation problems when immigrating to fellow European countries.

Look at the left cry about institutional destruction. The utter audacity of these people. Speaking of institutional describe I was talking to some leftist that was defending the media. So I decided to fuck with him by using critical theory to deconstruct the media. He ended up agreeing with me.


somoene is missing the viking raids :^)

Poland was the first country who defeated the Red Army and prevented a commie revolt within the country.

Poland, Hungary, Georgia, etc all chose their people and nation over shekels like some greedy subhuman Jew . I am proud of them . It is just a shame I cannot be proud of my own .

You made very good point accidentally.
No matter how many minorities are in a country, these minorities should be British. Only after being British first you should be some kind of minority.
Be Melting Pot not Salad Bowl. Fucking stop with multi-culti.

I can 100% say that that is by a Polish liberal living in the US.
They tend to do shit like that. Honestly, they don't care about their homecountry, they just want to see who can take the biggest shit in their own nest.
PiS is in power and everything is better now. Youth also seems to now have a reason to stay in Poland instead of migrating, but these retards want them to migrate and want refugees in our country.

They are Right-Wing, not really Nationalist, but Patriots who do value their country above others. Economically they have also mixed in some socialist aspects, but kept it to a bare minimum compared to western countries.

Politically they are right. Also highly Anti-EU and Anti-Russian.(The latter one applies on pretty much every Polish party, because of historical reasons as well as of events in the past 10 years)

This guy is fucking hilarious

We are slavs from eastern Europe, not "west"


Elect the judges, appoint the Senate.

Time to download michel thomas polish lessons

Yeah you have been slaped like a bitch, that you are, for being a shabes goy.

Spare us the melodrama of multi gorillion genozid of Polish sausage. It's quite clear that your country incorporates now territory formerly inhabitated by millions of Germans.

That is what Poles believe.

Polexit from the EU soon I hope?

You fucking ignorant, ever heard of the Polish-Bolshevik War? The one in 1920, when there was a Red Revolution in Germany, led by fucking (((Rosa Luxemburg))) and whole Europe was on the brink of a communist revolution. Could you imagine what would happened when Poland would not defeat the SU then? Hitler wouldn't have rised to power, there would be no II World War and there would be Jewish-Communist rule over the whole Western world?

There won't be any Polexit, we are the most LIKELY country to stay in the EU, according to the surveys. We got the better out of there, sucking up German and French donations for roads. Although it would be smart to pull out, facing it's most likely collapse and/or authoritarian German rule.

Rat faced little cunt.

You guys got any plans to uncuck your gun laws? From what a polishanon tells me on /k/ your gun laws are fucking nugerman-tier which saddens me, your country seems okay otherwise.

OK the first power to stop the Red Army was the German Army in the Baltic 1918-19.

>when there was a Red Revolution in Germany, led by fucking (((Rosa Luxemburg)))
That was in 1918 crushed and the Polish-Jew Luxemburg missed her swimming lessons (can't blame her, she spent the war in jail)

Well, the western power made the retreat of the German army from the Baltic a condition to lift the blockade of Germany.
So don't blame Germany if the Red Army came to visit just a year later.

More divided and conquer as usual.

Think about it this way: The EU wants Britain to pay to leave the EU. They are a net contributor.

So by that same logic Poland who is a net recipient should expect the EU to pay them a large sum when they leave.

I don't know what to feel about Poland tbh. I love Germany as a nation, Prussia and all of that, I'm a total Wehraboo, but Poland is more based politically in the modern times.

According to PiS, we are "not ready yet".
Although I actually see how they mean this, I won't elaborate further on this.
Atm if you want gun laws like in the US, just visit the Czech Republic

Fuck … Is this polish nobility 2.0?

More like more pozzed DC gun laws

PiS will enact more steict gun laws, Kaczyński wanted to ban knife carry

Poland was always more based than Germany. If you don't know that Germany was a fragmented little bitch through nearly all of history and the real superpower in Europe was the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth for hundreds of years you shouldn't be discussing history with anyone.

You can't be pro-Prussia and pro-Germany. Pick one.

Haha you Poles are funny, but you can't be the most powerful race, that would be the Filipinos, eta fact!

KOD needs to get gassed
funded by Soros they are trying to destabilize the country.

PO was in power for 8 years. They sold most of Poland to Germany. PiS took over and are trying to fix whats left, but the PO kikes are doing their best to stop them. All these reforms are bad for the establishment that sold Poland.

You are going to hear more about no "democracy" in Poland, constitution is "destroyed", all lies. All PO commie jew propaganda spread by the media (most Polish media is owned by German/Globalist companies)

Kaczor did nothing wrong


What is/was good in Germany was what it inherited from it's Prussian legacy. 1848, and the nation it eventually spawned, was nothing but Prussia coming down with a bad case of Enlightenment flu, which Bismarck handled as best he could, but only HE could, sadly.

The funny thing is that the previous ruling party did a lot of this stuff as well (as in, placing their people in the positions of power), except that government was liked by (((them))) and media didn't make a lot of fuss about it.

The goys have voted wrong and now even international outlets rattle about Poland becoming authoritarian, I guess it's because inside the country no one is really trusting them anymore so they're trying to provoke a response from the EU? Hell, the EU had a meeting about this when it first started so they might be hoping to set something up.

In all honesty, what else can PiS do, allow the people set up to serve the previous party to keep undermining theirs?

European countries will learn that a white nationalist is best ruled by a king and his men.


That's true, which is why i fear that PiS may be controlled-opposition by the Americans. There isn't much we can do, the gun-rights people here are near to meaningless, the population really doesn't care whether we have guns or not. Maybe that's beacause of the lack of shit-skins to cause serious crimes and violence.

KOD is the real threat, they are being funded by Soros and we have non in Poland who will admit it. We need to act fast, like Orban, who just banned the University and is still fighting the foreign-sponsored influence. Nevermind our political allegience, all in Poland who are semi-redpilled must understand that our main enemy now is KOD.

That would be better for Britain, but white solidarity or not, we got our own interests to look up to. After all, it's nationalism.

That's pretty fucking nice.



Watch out germany the cleansing is coming

I've noticed that Holla Forums has turned its back on kek.
The praise is dead. You guys have let the shills kill our god. What happened? Why have you stopped your praise?



You are wrong of course, kek is ours, the kekistani shit is subversive cancer tho

Well Polands governing system is in need of massive reform anyways.
The best way to describe their government is completely dysfunctional on a systemic level.

Every time a new party gets in literally the first thing it sets out to do is undo everything the previous party did.
They focus not on anything so pedestrian as the national interest or improving the lives of the populace. Nope their first thoughts and their focus is on dismantling everything the last guys in power built. Only then do they feel content to move onto making anything themselves. By which I mean pursuing their own pet projects, as I recall the current leader wants a statue of his twin brother made.
And of course they all set out to fill the judiciary with as many activist judges as possible whose main job is to harass and thwart the next party in power.

Their political class is just a fucking joke.

As dysfunctional and old-guard our government is, I can assure you that if it makes EU and assorted kikes cry bloody murder along with Soros funded (through fundacja Batorego) KOD protestors, then it has to be good for the country in the end. I hope this triggers EU so bad they decide to press sanctions. This is the only way local economy will boom again and this will be also the time when Poland will be able to say "fuck overregulations imposed by EU" due to sheer necessity for trade. PiS's only strong point is no immigrants and on that sentiment alone they won in a landslide. They'll win in a landslide again because the alternative is commies from nowoczesna or protocommies from PO, both of which want "integration with Europe" meaning shitskins and shittier economy.

They had a bad fucking leadership for a small (but important to us) amount of time. Remember we owe Holla Forumsand a lot. They held the reds back in the (((interwar period))) when Germany was weak and degenerate as fuck. Also…

Yeah. It's really a question of whether or not the current government will inadvertently do good.
For the most part the EU and Soros are bitching because someone other than their own is taking control and doing this shit. If it was a pro-EU group they'd be hailed as heroes of democracy or some such shit

That's the point, user. They are making representing your own ideals over others' good. I hear president is married to a kike. It might be true and fuck him for that, but by god if there aren't good people in that PiS party. It's like a plethora ranging from cuckservatives to actually pretty based people. I mean like you have this case where one politician said it is impossible to both import migrants into Europe and keep Poles safe. Said plain and simple, but it is enough to signal those who know the truth about shitskins. I hope ultimately PiS transitions into a strong nationalist group or at least locks in permanently contrarian stance to opposition. I mean, yeah president promised free metro and stuff like that but really. Consider that Poland is one of the few countries where you can walk at night drunk and you can be pretty sure nobody will kidnap you or enrich you at all. In fact, you can even expect a random nigger to get fucked up instead. Nowadays we see make or break moments and I hope that polish nationalist groups, hell even patriotard groups, realize that KOD is the enemy and promote proper sentiments online. I'd do it too, but I don't know if there is some polish nationalist hang out like Holla Forums and this makes it hard to coordinate campaigns and compile information. Holla Forums is not interested in non-American politics that much and it makes it hard for digging to take place. It's all unorganized or semi-organized mess here.

Netanyahu was meeting with the leaders of Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland, known as the Visegrad Group.
He added: “The EU is undermining its security by undermining Israel.

Netanyahu also had one-on-one meetings in downtown Budapest on Wednesday with the heads of governments of the Visegrad Group, or “V4” — Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. He had met the previous day with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who arranged the visit of the V4 country heads.

In remarks following the meeting, Netanyahu invited the four prime ministers to visit Israel, stating “Next year in Jerusalem.” The leaders all accepted Netanyahu’s invitation.


“Next year in Jerusalem.”
So based. How are your Polish Death Camps doing?

Like last time, with your hebrew friends?

That's what so-called "commies" were in Poland since a least late 1960s. (((True believers))) were purged from the Party shortly after Stalin's death, just like in the SU.

Fucking based modern day Poland
This is exactly what we need to do in the US

Everyone who says this says it believing they'll be part of the protected class.

Considering how many poles western European countries have taken in I hope Poland will let some of us in as refugees.

Only the traitorous kind of trash of our society left thinking they'll be better off elsewhere. It's a polish stereotype to hate Poland, a lot of intellectual poles did that in the past as well. It's only when they grow up as a person that they realize that no matter how well off you might be, you were raised in Poland and in polish culture and it is always what you will be - a Pole. It's also why so many times when Poland was occupied, Poles moved out for decades before coming back for revolutions in which they often died in. You belong in your country and you should stay there to fight for your country. If you won't fight for your piece of the world, then who will?

I like you poles but you have a massive little man complex. Especially in relation to Germans. The polish Lithuanian common wealth as never a superpower and was partitioned because it was weak.

Look at this faggot and laugh. Who gives a fuck about parasitic shitskins and kikes? Let them be protected by their own motherlands.

Living in a white country that isn't full of shitskins and dominated by SJWs and far left cultural Marxists sounds so appealing. But you are correct, we should stay and fight here although the situation seems increasingly bleak.

They're basically neocon cucks with much stronger will to power. They'll slow down the onslaught of cultural faggotry, but don't expect much from them in the long term.
Also, the reforms in question will bite them in their asses once they're ousted from power.

MEPs don't control jack shit. The "European Parliament" is a theater. The real control is in the hands of multiple unelected bureaucracies, and they still will be stacked with hordes of ropeworthy traitors.
The kikes have goy-proofed this one through and through.

Yeah, pretty much.


Are you retarded? That could apply to any country and its rival, take the Irish and the English or the Swedish and the Finish for example.

He's 3½ years older than Trump, and has accordantly more experience grabbing bitches by the pussy. They love it, too.

I want to be Polish, but I can't be because my parents are german-americans. Wat do.

Korwinista detected.

Kill some German citizens.

The entire Europe is "the West". Stop letting kikes redefine your words.

Drink more.
Also they passed the law, nobody surprised, so we are technically authoritarian. I wish we had Putin that at least made sure everything works instead of this guy.

That's what you get for teaming up on us with the soviet kikes. Deal with it, faggot.

No, we are not.

Yes we are.

No you're not, you fucking idiot. Europe is defined by East and West.

no hover hand with our favorite polish politician

The entire world is defined by East and West, the breakpoint being customarily the Ural mountains, Caucasus and Bosphorus.

That the hook-nosed Middle East has subverted a large part of the West doesn't change the fact that we're still part of (and the last stand of) the Western civilisation you humongous faggot.

And the kikes won't be able to paint them as the bad guys this time. If the next Reich begins in Poland, America will side with the good guys this time– the migrant crisis shit is too clear of a dividing issue for them to be spun as "le evil nazis" especially with the internet around for spreading knowledge.

It's happening.

Yeah, and back before America was discovered, Europe was divided into East and West. Learn your fucking history.

Where do you think Columbus thought he was going when he accidentally discovered America, you fucking retard.


West you mongoloid, that doesn't change how people defined Europe before we circumnavigated the globe. God I fucking hate you tor posters with your stupid shit.

my jewdar is pinging, user.

He thought he was charting an alternate route to the far East, since that's how people defined it before the globe was circumnavigated.


One city should be labeled the "international" city, for trade and to bring top science people in. Those people should only have temporary status. They should never be considered full citizens.

There is the whole genetic thing though.

You really don't want Spanards and Southern Italians mixing with Swedes and Icelanders.

Cities that sit right on the borders which are considered their own zone and a mostly a common work space for trade of goods and services. There is no such thing as dual citizenships, the parents must choose a citizenship or better the child goes to the fathers. In both cases the other parent is granted "parental" citizenship which allows them to live with the family but all legal business must pass through the native parent.
No? Yes? Am I an idiot with no idea of law?

So basically the sakoku model?

They are better off there today then in Germany. As for the ones that got displaced that was the doing of the soviet union whom also displaced millions of Polish people while at as well forcing them to Kazakhstan to disseminate the culture.

Fun fact: Poland is in neither. Poland is considered part of Central Europe :).

Next year in Jerusalem!

It will be glorious! Killing Germans like last time.

Politico needs to be ground zero for a murderous spree killing

Are you retarded, they are dead.

Better off? Do you know how many million Poles are „fleeing“ Poland, because it is such shipwreck?

I would rather be poor in a white country than rich in a (((diverse))) country.

Not to Germany for sure.

Ok so how the fuck is this a good thing? I am all for helicopter rides but how is removing the separation of power a good thing?

This is not constructive advice.

How is killing shitskins not constructive?

>I would rather be poor in a white country than rich in a (((diverse))) country.
Millions of Poles think different and the Polish government, yes PiS, is fighting tooth and nail so they can stay in multicultural wonderland UK.

Officially there are approximately 700000 Poles in Germany, making it the second largest group of foreigner in Germany (2013). That position might have changed after Merkels guests arrived in the millions, but still no Polish exodus.

So why don't you off yourself?

I wonder why. Is it because you've been banned? Is it because you're pedophiles? Is it because you're Germans and are afraid that Merkel is going to arrest you? Tell me, why do you torpost?

Sire. that's why Russia and Prussia both were so afraid of it. The very reason for the partitioning was the fact that these two states didn't want the commonwealth to regain its power after internal struggles weakened it because then they would go back to being its fucking bitches. If you knew anything about history you'd know this, but alas, you're here spouting your bullshit with an empty head. Read, motherfucker.

Kaiser Reinhard did nothing wrong.


Hahahaha oh you polacks and your delusions.

Shouldnt have stolen all that German land if you weren't ready for the repercussions: an invasion.

Poland run off commies before, they can do so again. The reason Poland never really cucks out is their strong traditions and strong families, and strong spiritual connection with their ancestors.

Then we "stole" even more and now you're an Islamic shithole, the end.

the ironic ending of the polandball memes is that poles are the true master race, poland goes into space and colonizes the galaxy


Fucking Poland

Their nationality changed on paper user
Yes or would you prefer them taking Abdul's dick?
They are not mere economic migrants. They are wooed degenerate American culture and crave the bread and circus.

>I would rather be poor in a white country than rich in a (((diverse))) country.
This, the most precious possession you have in the world are your own people. You can make more money but life is hollow being surrounded by feral racist shitksins.

Poland has been holding the Europa frontier for a thousand years

Don't fall for the D&C

Stand tall and proud, Poles.

Migrate to Silesia?

You claim another clay as your own.

It's what Europeans did in the USA.

There is no such thing as fighting, sure you can launch protests but what do you seek to achieve doing such? Is that going to further improve life for white people? Does it lead to something that can improve the lives of white people?

It's for me impossible to identify with a nation that would love to see me replaced by others, or dead.


>(((Leh Valensa)))
Uh oh, here HE comes.


Polish Senate approves controversial judicial bill

Now who might have paid them off to "protest"?

(((Kaczyński))) needs to be stopped.
Russians did the right thing when they wiped his brother and the entire Polish (((political elite))) in Smolensk plane 'crash'.
Don't fall for the Duda and Szydło meme.

Wrong, they got slowly taken over. If Germany didn't invade Poland would've been a commie country.


Look at this faggot i przestań pierdolić.
Sorros gave a lot of money to KOD which try to make putsch in Poland. So guess who is blame. I don' like this gouvermant becouse of social benefits program and other thinks but i'm not afraid of them and you shouldn't too. The real enemy is group of ex-communists. In 1992 during the Olszewski's gouvermant they tryed to enforce the new law which demended to show the list of ex-communist agends. Guess who denay. Tusk and the rest of present opposition. So if you are gazing into past you can see it's not so clear and simple as you think.



They were commies in the 80s. But of course the same people who were the most loyal communists immediately flipped and became loyal Americanists as soon as they sensed where the wind as blowing. In other words, they are non-ideological traitors who will sell out their nation to whoever comes along with a case full of money.

I'm a Polak(citizen of Poland, living there, Slav)
(Yes this is how you referee to the natives of Poland because its the exact word we use ourselves)
(see pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polacy pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/Polak)

I never wanted to be in the EU, I want to leave the EU.
However I have some questions.

1)Where are you getting your information from? I'm curious? Who told you Poland is going for dictatorship?
Everyone please say the names of the news agencies who have told you this.

Was it CNN? Or other leftist media who will tell you that Trump is literally Hitler?

Lets do some digging, the OP linked to
This translates to
now I have no idea what politico.eu is so lets look at the front page
There we find articles like

2) Do you even understand how a Constitutional Tribunal or Supreme Court work? Even in your own country? Or Poland?
So you are taking sides about a subject you have basically no idea outside of the cheesy school propaganda you get.

Let me give you some facts and conclusions to think about:

FACT 0) "Democracy" is the joke word of the millennium, even if 99% of people voted for something the left will scream and ask
Today everything the left wants is "democracy" and everything they don't want is "UN-democratic".

FACT 1) California Proposition 8 (2008)

Here the people wanted to create a law to fight degeneracy.
The majority decided to create it, however in the USA there are special magical people named the Supreme Court and these special and magical people have the power to decide to nullify every law the majority creates.
This is fact and they decided that only they can interpret a magical peace of paper named the constitution and based on their interpretation (how did they even get it in the first place i like anyone to show me) they decided to nullify what the majority of people voted for.

There was no more superior power, whatever the Supreme Court decides is final, there is no other institution who can nullify the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has absolute legislative power if it can nullify everything the majority decides to vote into law.
Its basically

These are facts decide if you like the outcomes of them or not.

FACT 2) The constitution back in PO days.
You can not possibly know this however:
Poland dose not use the euro.
No the PLN is not the euro under a different name.
You can check this by seeing the exchange rate of PLN vs the euro.

Now when this gold peace came out Poland was already in the EU and the left (PO) wanted to adopt the euro hard.
There was a radio conversation on a leftists radio station where a PO politician basically told this:

This brings up a interesting question what is constitution? What makes it more magical then other peaces of law? Republicans and teabaggers will argue that the constitution is somehow magical in the USA despite the fact that if you look at it its not different from any other law.
The USA constitution was changed multiple times in history these changes are named constitutional amendment:

Especially read the ones 13 and after, yes this is what you are protecting.

The conclusion is simple every constitution is meaningless, its not different from every other law if you can change it if you don't like it.
Notice how PO did not say
They did say

Teabaggers are obsessed with the constitution and will answer with meaningless and actually wrong propaganda
Q: How can this be if it was changed multiple times and you are not protecting the original the founders gave you?
Q:What makes the constitution different form other normal laws?

And round and round we go.

3) Interesting fact.
While I was researching these things in the USA system (observing the ultimate results of how it actually works)
I came across this video

Interesting is it?
Ignoring the leftist views of the host, he brings up interesting facts about the rules of the Supreme Court (it voted in only degeneracy).

4) In my opinion in a ideal government there should be no constitutions and no magical people to interpret them.
For one what is the point? If the constitution is like every other law.
its OK to create a unchangeable and eternal law of the land however we can never name it a constitution because constitutions are changed all the time and all teabaggers never say one word about it only continue to worship this new constitution, and this is a FACT!

And the more important part there are magical people who have absolute power over all people and can do it by nullifying every result of every vote.
And this is somehow "democracy" for the left.
its impossibly to distinguish this from dictatorship at this point.

In my ideal government the people vote directly on what they want, there are no magical judges who are superior to everyone.
Let the majority decide, and stand or fuck themselves over on these decisions.
For me judges are supposed to be only government officials not defacto dictator kings.

I for once can care less if PiS gets absolute power over the judges, because this is the way its supposed to be.
I can vote to change a politician.
I can NOT vote to change a judge.
This is the difference and i always go with the option that gives me more power.
Also no constitutions!
Here have a read about the actual constitution of Poland (3RP) in English on the official website

I say PiS is centrist or even center-left, real centrists would leave the EU immediately.
PiS is greedy for EU money, yet dose not want imigrants form the EU.
Trump is a pure centrist for example.
PO wants to take all the immigrants and the previous PO prime minister of Poland got a seat in the EU look:


According to the luegenpresse, Duda is cucking out and intends on vetoing the court bill, rip

Bump. The bill was vetoed.

He definitively did not approve it.
Who knows what he is on about.
There was something on TV some days back where he told the nation:
I was thinking the rest of PiS was not retarded enough to dismiss his demands.
Looks like internet party strife, the TV is keeping its mouth shut.

Who knows what is going on.

Kaczynski is playing chess, the rest of the faggots are still playing checkers.

Now this hole issue will die down and the left will declare "victory", except in couple months Duda will pass the SAME LAWS and no one will notice.

PiS know what they are doing, this was a good move.