Superiority of aesthetics

It's a wall of text, but I feel the need to share my thoughts and this seems like a good place.

Our valued society is starting to be corrupted by egotism and lies.
The female beauty, which can be considered the epitome of aesthetics that the male strives for and its counterpart, the muscular, able-bodied male emitting similar attraction towards the opposite sex.
Both of these are being undermined in an active effort to make women ugly and males into eunuchs. This process is in fact advertised by the mainstream media.

Let me show you something I stumbled upon.

"And, as in so many instances before and after the interview, Trump was fixated on one point - the woman's looks -[…]"

This is not a bad thing mind you. Criticizing a man for paying special attention to a girl's looks is a way for frustrated lazy women and uptight under-achieving men to feel better about themselves.

"[…]- but he added a touch of victim-blaming for good measure."

Notice that absolutely no blaming of any sort is going on here. As Trump says, the boy could have made a hit on the girl. Would he be to blame? No. And is this teacher not the hot fantasy of many 14-year old boys? She certainly would have been for me when I was that age.
The teacher, Debra Lafave, is

I don't think I have to even mention the bad taste I was left with after reading the last paragraph of the article which appeared to imply pro-abortionist views and its crude relation to the supposed moral approach of the rest.

Regardless of your view on Trump or sex with minors (the legal age where I live, Germany, is 14 btw and I'm ok with it) :

Do not listen to their lies. Beauty and looks are something we as a society need to praise, aesthetics something we need to strive for and look up to.

Do not shame or hurt people for being fat or unhealthy, or not being the most lucky when it comes to looks! This is not the way a good person who loves their people acts. But we should all take an unshakable definite stance against the advertisement of unhealthy behavior, e.g. being fat as a "life style" and passing it on to your 6 year old daughter which is absolutely powerless about what you do to her.

Yes, it is important what's inside a person's heart, no question about it.
But to despise considering beauty important as the leftist media does it is so against everything natural that it makes me want to throw up.
Indeed beauty is something to be admired on the surface. Is this a bad thing? Does the media want us to neglect and disregard it?
There is so much beauty moves within us, inspires us to do. We can live up to it, fight for it. Beauty means harmony.

A society needs to revere aesthetics or consequentially, said society will be ugly and weak.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why not?

Both the "teenage girl and prepubescent boy" and "female teacher and either prepubescent or teenage boy" trope are big in kike media, after all. ANYTHING that is the opposite of "mid-20s male courts mid-teens female", which was the way of things for AT LEAST A FUCKING MILLENNIUM before the 20th century.
Reported. Kill yourself, pedophile.
Kill yourself. Shaming is how fatties either kill themselves or STOP BEING FAT, which is what we want. NOT shaming makes them stay the same.
I will say that the shape of the male body that is claimed is the paragon by kike media doesn't seem to have been the paragon in the classical era.

finally, an OP with something worthwhile to say.

Beauty on the outside is a reflection of beauty within. Harmony in one's life and one's world is a reflection of the harmony within. What we carry around internally inevitably expresses itself, and instinctively we recognize it.

The circumstances reported for this argument are unneccessarily laden with pedo-connations. That is something I absolutely do not condone.

A young boy of pubescent age learns to have sex, and older unattached women are an excellant venue for this process. No harm done. But pubescent girls are not judged by the same standard because they have neither the same type of emotional maturity nor the same sexual strategies as young boys. Young girls don't learn to have sex, they are enticed to it. The emotional aftereffects that young boys feel when having sex for the first time are not the same as what young girls feel. So… humanity the world over generally doesn't judge promiscuous pubescent boys as harshly as promiscuous pubescent girls.

That said, I am concerned that OP is cracking open an argument (yet again on this board, ad fucking nauseum…) for pedo-rights. If so, goddamn him, for fucking forever. Pedos stop shitting up Holla Forums, GTFO!


I like how you write

I like big Jewess titties, they are aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.


C cup best cup
Big enough to play with
Small enough to not get all saggy
Sporty look

Big tits get all sweaty when it is hot and smell like a van that had Cheerios somewhere hiden.

Agreed. Being fat and unhealthy is not equivalent to being born ugly. Shame the fatties and misborn unhealthies. They should be grateful that society supports their worthless asses.

Yeah, no. Genetics determines your physical beauty, period. Ugly people can still be worthwhile, but let's stop this charade that they're physically attractive. Christ we live in a narcisstic, shallow world.


The second part of this statement is perfectly fine. It's cruel and pointless to shame someone over their God-given looks. They had no control over their genetics and if they are ugly as a result of them it's nigger behavior to insult them over it.

However, the first part of this statement is horseshit. Fatties and other unhealthy people deserve to be shamed at every turn. It is their own actions which resulted in their condition and they should be held accountable. Shame the fatties and the addicts. Shame them until they either fix their shit or take themselves out of the gene pool.

Capped. Excellent points.


No they can't.

Yes they can! Many a significant person that has contributed greatly towards western societies greatness has been a bit peculiar looking whilst a good deal of its renowned beauties has been more hassle than they were perhaps worth.

You are communicating on a imageboard created by a cripple for Gods sake.

Again, no they can't.



Richard Wagner was hot

Are you a faggot? And he was pretty damn ugly. Even sported a neckbeard.

Hello, obese female. Present your veiny, droopy breasts or exit the premises.

Ugly person detected. Maybe in another life you can have good genes.


user, this may shock you but there's women anons. Though insert tits or gtfo cap, and yeah maybe it was a faggot.

"Underage" is a modern concept. If a person is sexually mature, they should be starting a family, or at least planning to start one.

Have some art, from art renewal society.



some new artists

Sounds good in theory, until you realize that Europe is being intentionally flooded with millions of mud people who are eager to exploit gullible teenagers. This is why low AOCs and multiculturalism don't mix. It may have worked fine when the NSDAP established the 14 AOC, because Germany was homogeneous.

In the US, our high AOC is the last line of defense for White parents to bring muds to justice when they corrupt their daughters. However, in recent years, the jews have weakened statutory rape laws, inserting all kinds of loopholes for close-age exemptions. Too many dindus were getting vanned so they had to pass these feel-good laws which ended up opening the floodgates of underage miscegenation. In some states it's as young as 13 or 14 they can get away with.


Genetics>everything else. Your looks are part of that. Stay ugly user.

B cup keeps a better shape. C cup is second best, followed by and A and D. Anything bigger than D is for monkey niggers

Short sighted people ITT claiming fatties need to be shamed. No, fatties need inspiration and encouragement to get healthy. Outright shaming and vitriol is what created the fat pride movement. You know, like how white shaming is starting to wake people up to white pride.

Skinny fags also need encouragement to get stronger I see to many strong males trying to defend or protect weaker males but rarely see anyone encouraging to build more mass unless it was he's goal in the first place.


That's true. I've often found that inspiration more likely to provide the impetus. Some people have simply never had any role models or encouragement to take care of themselves or do better. Course, if it turns out they just want to wallow in their inadequacy then shame away.

I've seen ugly white people with some beautiful daughters and boys.

My parents are no taller than 5"6 and I'm 5"11 blonde hair blues, neither of my parents have both. I will only have kids with a strong white woman

This thread is utter shit except for maybe 1-2 posts.


The return of A E S T H E T I C S can only be done once postmodernism is crushed.

I hoped this thread would be about discussing the aesthetic superiority of the white race, with analysis on what makes us superior to the point were even other races think so.

(I would post that image of the dating website data here, if I had it)

Kinda dissapointing thread tbh, this is red pill 101 stuff, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded what we're fighting for.


DD for me, and the Jewess is pretty
: )

I'm only deeply resentful of Jews because they are invasive manipulative moralizing racemixers with zero respect for other peoples , I don't fully hate them. Pretty Jewess with Double-D's: would do, as long as I could first deprogram her of the Judaic ways.

Ok well how about all these ugly and old millionaire on up types that look like a rats ball sack all have super hot wives and gf's.

One should build their body up regardless of how ugly they are some ppl just don't have genetics to be a 6'4 blonde hair green eyed sculpture looking specimen (like me) yet they are here meaning their genetics have survived so far …Looks aren't everything when the jew has brainwashed ao many stupid goy into thinking anything less than a model looking gf is unacceptable an this is a fallacy and discourages white men from seeking a mate to breed with because they don't fit a standard set by a rat face or being so superficial they never find a mate as the bs they push on you is subjective to their agenda and has nothing to do with reality.

So much d&c is just ppl spewing their opinions on how or why shit goes down on both sides so its a fucking echo chamber that leads no where until you break the chains of it and just say nah jew fuck that.You are getting the GAS!!

You are a major component of our modern decline. Adjust yourself, user, before it's too late. And remember:
There is no such creature as a based kike.
Even Roy Cohn could only incidentally serve the cause, and he was giving young boys AIDS the whole time.
There is not one righteous, no not one.


Historically speaking, this is even backed up by records. Whites are considered the aesthetically superior race by every other race. Even thinking of marrying outside of it is a downgrade for people with some type of mental disorder/fetish.

Also, muh dik more?

Danke for posting these.

Our people have been using superior aesthetics to forward their political agenda since before we were born.

jews have been pushing it as nothing but conditioning the same as they've been pushing "gender" and race as artificial/environment.

That's something ugly people say.

I used to be ugly as shit. Then I got redpilled on health and started eating better and lifting, and I now look and feel ten times better than I did before. I went from a 4 to a solid 6, and I'm sure if I keep going I could make it to an 8.

As a former fat ugly person, don't feed me this "ugly shouldn't matter." Yes it fucking should. Being physically unattractive is the first sign of being unfit for genetic reproduction: that's why ugly people repulse everyone, including other ugly people.

And don't tell me that you can't change ugly, either. I'm living proof you can. I can't speak for women, but as a man, you can absolutely make yourself look better by naturally boosting your T levels through a self-regulated diet. The naturally generated testosterone your own body makes is fucking magical. My fucking face has changed shape. I have a stronger chin and more prominent cheekbones. I look and feel more manly, and it's changed my attitude and confidence for the better. I'm more emotionally stable. My mind is clearer. I feel like I'm actually thinking faster.

There's no reason any given person can't be at least a 5, minimum, if they take care of themselves, no matter how poorly they drew on the genetic lottery. Telling people to focus on what's inside is defeatist bullshit. You're telling ugly people to not bother trying to not be ugly, because there's nothing they can do about it. Not only is that a lie, but it's a terrible psychological precedent.

Maybe if you feel bad about being ugly, you should stop shoving chemical paste and xenoestrogens down your fat fucking throat and go lift something heavy and run instead. There's plenty of good shit you can eat that isn't literal rabbit food. Potatoes, cabbage, onions, rice, fish, non-fried chicken, eggs and beef from non-hormone farms. You don't have to commit to a life of tofuburgers, chink food, and minced mushroom substitutes to cut out all of the shit that's killing you, bloating you, mutating you, and tearing your natural chemical balances to shreds.

Cook at fucking home using ingredients you like from sources you've researched and can trust, and use the money you save doing this to buy yourself some funs.

Ugly people can still be worthwhile my ass. If they were worthwhile, they wouldn't need to make fucking excuses like "what's on the inside counts more." What's on the inside of you is a festering mound of estrogen-infused transfats and vegetable derived oil chemicals. I know this, because your face looks like you stuck it into a beehive and you have man tits, just like I used to.

And I fucking changed because I took the redpill and couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore. I changed because I ran out of excuses to make for myself and I couldn't live with what I knew I had become. My only regret is that I wish someone had done me the courtesy of making me realize it sooner.

Ugly people can be worthwhile too my ass. Worthwhile people aren't ugly. I sure as hell wasn't worthwhile back then.

You’re a disgrace to national socialism.

young boys exploited by older women turn into manwhores incapable of commitment that spread their mental virus to women in turn by exploiting them.

kill all whores, everyone gets the gas

You only fucked up when you sperged and called user a pedo for literally no reason. The rest of the post is solid.

Therefore one might say (((underage))) is a kiked idea. It sounds just like (((gender))) and (((racism))) to me, so that makes sense.

I have made and kept certain lifelong vows ever since I was a small child, so there goes every fucking argument there ever.

Foreigners being around is literally the only problem. Seconded.

No shit. It smells of summer.

This dark-haired pile of crap is nothing compared to:


I support the purging of all dishonorables, particularly homewreckers.


Feels too strong for a mere mortal to feel

Ah. Debra lafave, the teacher who got house arrest for fucking a fourteen year old in my hometown of temple terrace (Tampa, fl).
Wow she is so hot.
OP is a faggot for using a pedophile's photo next to a Greek god

you can tell a lot about the genetic nature of a person by how they look

Flat chest best chest.
But hips and thighs are where it's really at.

Then how do you explain aesthetically pleasing actors who are Marxist cucks?

It's all fake. You think they look beautiful naturally? They're just wearing a corpse.

Words of fucking wisdom.

You mean people with money that repeat dumb shit their jewish masters say while getting botox, implants, a shitton of make up, plastic surgery every fucking time when their faces melt. I wonder why they look "pleasing"


I haven't found this to be true.

Perhaps this has something to do with it.

they say what they have to to get along, who knows what they actually think?

You gotta learn how to put uggos to work, user. They are our beastly laborers. Too bad we import blacks and browns to replace our low IQ stock who should be serving us :(


Nat Soc swole patrol, help an user with shit tier genetics out. I want to reach my aryan potential.

Been doing a lot of bodyweight type training for a while now, seeing decent results. But i think it's time for me to hit the iron. Problem is i'm tall as fuck and very lanky, so muscle mass isn't very noticable on my body.

Any advice for a bean pole faggot like me?

By lifting anyway. The lankiness can be fixed by eating more (Lots more) and getting muscle. Just trying to look for ways around it won't make you reach your potential.

start doing stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength, make sure you sleep enough and get enough calories. I used to be a lanklet like you but then I bought mutant mass weight gainer. When you have more mass you lift more and get more muscle.

Born too late to discover the oceans of earth,
Born too early to discover the solar system
Born just in time to get swole for the European race war

Also go to halfchat /fit/ for more advice and read the sticky

Eat. 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Make sure you get a high fat intake, no low-fat foods. Carbs are unimportant.
Lift commensurately.

and before one of you fuckers tries to make a self-help/fitness thread

Fucking useless, regarding the options you have with high-calorie foods today. At the worst, you could train harder/longer so you have a bigger appetite afterwards. Been doing this and I had no problem with bulking.

I had a terrible year-long experience with both. Let me explain in detail, as to disillusion some newfags who are just starting or thinking of starting. Feel free to correct any of this as I'm still a newfag.

>As a beginner, I had no idea what I was doing before it was too late (I had to do physiotherapy once and almost twice during that period, which degenerated into a De Quervain strain on my wrist tendons) even when I held very strict form (after some minor fuckups) and was constantly re-checking it during the workout. 5 reps makes it too difficult for the beginner to focus on form, and since the goal is hypertrophy, you do 5 reps for power, not hypertrophy. True hypertrophy is a 8-12 rep range, a lot more manageable and a rep range closer to calisthenics (regarding the calisthenics user above).

>Don't bulk if you don't know how to cut and when to start cutting.

t. been hitting the gym for 3 months and realized that there's nothing wrong with higher reps, machines, cardio and isolation exercises, especially for newfags (not advocating only machine and isolation exercises obviously, but they have their place too). It opened my mind toward much of the dogma that has piled up in my head after 2 years of being a /fit/izen, and in the end it was the gym that gave me mad gains and made me train muscles I didn't know I even had (with much less tendon pain), so I saw I was finally doing something right. Also training 2-3 different muscle groups with 4 exercises each and a higher rep range every workout gives you crazy endurance (and a lot better muscles overall).

eat, actually eat.
Measure your intake so you aren't underestimating how little you're eating like every other skinny faggot on the planet.

What do you mean by this? I'm doing a cut now before my first real bulk. If you have any crucial advice, I wouldn't mind hearing it. I've lifted for 3 years without really knowing how much I had to eat, and only went from being a weak pussy to having average strength. What you wrote is very useful, and I'm going to consider it when I try to bulk correctly now.

Bulk and cut sessions are 2 equally important parts of the equation to figure out, and that if you lack knowledge regarding one of the two you'll inevitably fuck up half of the year and overdo it the other half (or whatever the pattern is for you). The real reason I said this is that I don't know how to cut for shit because of my fear that I won't supplement myself with enough protein. If I realized my lack of knowledge from the start, I either wouldn't bulk this much or would start cutting from much earlier.

Maybe you could help since I'm not good with this cutting thing.

I'll give you my two cents. It sounds like you're a bit scared of loosing gains, but it's inevitable. When I started cutting I lost around 20 pounds worth of strength on bench, and about 40 on squats. It's a little panic inducing at first, but what I've noticed is that as long as you keep lifting heavy, you stop dropping off and your strength stabilizes. I've heard that when you bulk again, the strength you've already achieved is easily reclaimed.

As far as diet goes, the simplest thing you can do is cut out carbs as much as possible. Count your calories. There are online calculators for figuring out how much you should be eating if you want to lose weight. The intake estimate I got from one of these worked very well for me. Counting calories is kind of a pain, but you don't need to do it the entire cut. You only need to do it until you effectively memorize how many calories are in the foods you regularly eat. The rest is discipline and patience. A common thing to happen on a cut is to not lose any weight, or lose trivial weight for a week or two, and then suddenly you step on the scale and you're 7 pounds lighter. Honestly it's pretty easy. The beginning of cutting is the hungriest time, but your body acclimates to your new diet, and small meals will fill you up. It's up to you to decide how to space your meals throughout the day. I recommend small regular meals in the beginning. When your stomach is used to this, you can be more flexible. For example, some days I'll eat a very light breakfast (an egg), have a big lunch (which is really a normal meal if you weren't cutting) and that will keep me sated until bedtime, where I might eat a piece of toast with peanut butter.

I really fucking hope so, I mean I can't bear my triceps getting even weaker than they already are. But it sounds easier than I thought tbh. Don't you supplement that with cardio?

I get on the elliptical for 10 minutes after every lift which worked fine when I was chubbier, but I'm probably going to start jogging on my off days. Look into HIIT if you're interested. I hear it does wonders for a cut.

I've opted for simplicity and gotten rid of the whole bulking/cutting cycle and just decided to find a diet that keeps me lean naturally while still allowing me to eat to fullness at every meal, and to eat as many meals as I want.

After lots of trial and error I have found out that all I had to do to pull this off was to cut out wheat and processed sugar from my diet. Carbs now come from rice and potatoes and fruits. With this new type of diet I no longer count calories, no longer count carbs, no longer gain weight around my gut, and no longer have to lose strength. It's very freeing. You should give it a try.

I think the only people who should worry about cutting are people who are going to go on stage to show off their body in competitions. If that's not you then you are just making your life needlessly complex by trying to follow in those footsteps.

And to cap off my point, this cutting diet sounds sad. An egg for breakfast? A piece of toast for dinner? Surely only a man with the luxury to have no energy at all could afford such a diet.

Eat big, live well. That's my advice to you. If you don't want to gain weight then place more importance on what you eat instead of how much you eat. That is the knowledge that I have gained through much trial and error. Cut out wheat and processed sugar, eat lots of good fats (animal fats), good carbs (rice, potatoes, fruits) and see where that gets you.

I will say in closing that most people I try to give this knowledge to end up hating me for it - rejecting me. I'm not sure how to make my advice palatable, I'm not a marketer, and I don't care to help more than I already have. If you're able to understand me, great. If not, fine.

You're right on the weight gainer, but the tendon issues are because you tried to exceed your noob gains.

All you need for a decent workout:

Squat (back and front)
Cleans/Clean n' press

You can lower weight and increase reps for certain exercises and isolate weak areas, but you should always have compound lifts in mind, since those are the actual functional lifts. If you use a lower weight and isolate the movement instead, you can strengthen the area you're weak in as well.

t. 1200 on my big 3 without being a cheating fraud
PS: You won't look as big if you train for strength, but that's not the point, remember?

That sounds better and I've been definitely planning to do that once I lose excess weight.

Achieving a bulk/cut for me is more of a nutritional issue than anything else. I need to finally know what I put in my plate and how it affects me, and cutting is the way for me to learn about it. I don't need to cut that much anyways, I just need to lower my bodyfat by 5% and I'll be fine.

Explain more of what you mean by how it effects you. There could be better ways that don't have you starving yourself.

And losing weight during a cut usually doesn't mean anything. When you cut out carbs the first thing to go is water weight, and then after that your body will just start eating it's own muscle tissue for energy - this is why strength is lost.

I am trying to keep you from making the mistakes I made, but perhaps learning the hard way is best.

I'd explain if I didn't have to hit the gym right now, lel. But I'll talk about it later.

he wouldn't be the first that fell for a pair of Khazar milkers

I only check threads once
Good luck though

At some point, this relentless overmoralizing needs to give way to biological reality. That young men want to have sex with attractive older women is not some invention of kikery. Of course younger women are preferred, but your assertion that it is "degeneracy" to lust after attractive women reeks of christcuckery. Beauty and other virtues must be celebrated for them to be encouraged in society.

Not sure what you meant by your last point, but if you mean to suggest that men should not be lean, tall, and muscular, then you are deeply, internally cucked.

c'mon. good stuff though

Thanks guys. I've been looking into a basic Push Pull legs split actually, it seems to fit my schedule quite nicely.

As far as diet goes. What are your thoughts on "dirty bulking" it? I want to become bane tier swole.

Dirty bulking should obviously not be an excuse for eating junk. But i AM quite skinny…

I was 128.5 pounds at 22. It took me until 28 to reach 207. I ate are ate. And was forced to only lift three times a week due to my college gym being so far away. It was a blessing in disguise. You need to work out hard. But less times a week. And eat

Aesthetics. Because a polished turd is better than a turd.

But they're the best to bully…

Also note the subtle pedo promotion in the OP.

Respect for one's body comes naturally with inner peace and/or struggle. I am packing on weight to become a barrel chested monster. I have the center of gravity to make it real and I will be a fat-built grandfather. Not just some faggot-sexual that has not fat on their meat during a true happening.

eggs and biking
you'll get shits from satan but it helped me a lot

Found the Jew.



eat big get big do sumo dead lifts to get stronger then focus on weight training abd ride a bicycle twice a day CARDIO KILLS GAINS BUT YOU NEED IT FOR THAT AESTHETICALLY PLEASING LOOK IT IS A SLOW PROCESS BUT A REWARDING ONE 6FOOT 5 310 LB BIKE RIDING user HERE AND MUH BODY CAN TURN HEADS AND I GET THE EYE EVERY WERE I GO

1g per lb body weight per day.
any proper volume program takes 1.5-2hrs

thats just meme tier retardation
either you
do your research user, 1 hour is exactly optimal if you do it right, no need for 5 min rests or overtraining. Its meaningless, and retarded.

I've been deadlifting >lmao4pl8 since before you even saw a "curl rack," fgt.

>implying thats in any way exceptional, if its even the truth