What the FUCK is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump gave Macron a wedgie and forced him to create frog deportation squads.

Really makes you think.



OK they're deported. But then they just get back in on an EU border and get free movement back to France and shit it out. It's literally trying to bail out water with a bucket while there;s a massive hole right under your feet letting it all gush back in and then some.
This is just him putting out a puff piece that he know wont accomplish anything just to go up in some polls somewhere.

I don't get it. What are you thinking that I missed?
Macron was opposed to Le Pen, who had a similar plan. Macron was basically supposed to be Merkel's bitch.
This would be the opposite of being Merkel's bitch.

He's playing a game, that much is certain. At this stage though, I really can't tell what the fuck he's planning. If I had to guess, maybe he sees the EU is falling apart, and is trying to get ahead of the curve, or at the very least take power away from Merkel and make France the center of the EU. One of those two.

so they get replaced by "asylum-seekers"
its just a ploy to try to get macron closer to Trump so he can try and fail to stab him in the back

just another comforting pill for the masses

They have to pay 10 to 40 grands at each passage.

Illegal shitskins are only a small fraction of France's problem. Their cities are filled with shitskins living there legally.

Either one is better than sitting back and letting Mama Merkel continue to cuck you and fucking up all of Europe.

What if Macaroni is actually a shitposter on this site, with a 95% /r9k/ and 5% Holla Forums tendency?
He definitely has assburges and mommy issues, that's for sure.

Too old, too french. He's in the wrong demographic for this site, what you're suggesting is extremely unlikely.

Do you STILL not get it?

Globalists know which way the wind is blowing and are trying to get their puppets to sail on the Trump momentum…

so… the Macaroni Man was /ourguy/ all along?

this is what you get out of /civicnationalism/

You're right, dad. But I do sense some chaos in his behavior.

Notice anything? Not buying it.

Besides, France hasn't received many "aslyum seekers". The problem France has is the millions upon millions of niggers and arabs who are French citizens already and those emigrating legally in incredible amounts - Algeria alone receives over 400.000 visas per year!!!

Cutting the processing time for asylum requests doesn't mean they're getting in. Requests can be denied. Denials usually take less time than acceptance.

Telling them to fuck off and rubberstamping DENIED faster isn't a bad thing retard.

kek. What if Macron is a master troll like Trump?

There are always many factors here. You could say the same thing about the US and how illegal aliens are only a portion and the legal immigrants are just as big if not a bigger problem. It doesn't change the fact that starting SOMEWHERE and getting rid of them is a good start and sets a good precedent.

WTF is even going on anymore?!

Cuckboi Marcon- the guy who Tumblr thinks has a gay crush on Trudeu- the guy who fucked over his country by getting elected instead of Le Pen- is now deporting immigrants, getting along with putin, and calling africa a nigger-infested shithole?

He still isn't getting along with trump- yeah I know they shake hands and all that shit but you idiots are forgetting the whole "make our planet great again" stunt and the kvetching he did over the Paris Accord he did. Yet at the same time he's leaving assad in power?

This guy either has a split personality disorder, is an incompetent lunatic with his hands over france's nuclear button, or is a jew trying to out-jew the jews who were jewing to put him in power so he can late roti-jew the non-jews. WTF

They tried the same shill tactics when Trump first started announcing his shit.

You couldn't fucking win with them, fucking shareniggers. Any sort of progress didn't matter because the problem wasn't immediately solved.

So what, Trump's actually against us while Macron's actually for us? What kind of fucking shit is that?

The shit skins will find their way in sooner or later. They are playing a vital role

But that's wrong. About half of spics in America are illegal aliens, about 30 millions. In France the amount of illegals is infinitely smaller. The vast majority of non whites in France are legal and often French citizens.

This. That's why the goal for everyone should be re-instilling ethnic and racial pride. A few lukewarm attempts at removing shitskin won't do that, though every bit helps.

At the very least, it's instilling the idea that fucktons of immigrants coming into your country is a bad thing.

Honestly I'm still having a hard time believing it.

It seems alpha-cuck arc is gonna be very interesting this season.

Perhaps this shows a right way to deal with those 2-turn elections - have two candidates, one open and one with hidden power level.

I dunno if we can call him /ourguy/ but one thing is certain: the liberal media is certainly livid with him.
After his comments about African mothers, are we finally realising that Macron isn’t that liberal after all?

Even if he isn't our guy, I still kek at him being canibalized by his own peers.

Why is systematically in quotes? Are the tone policing the reader? Do they think that government programs aren't systematic by nature?

What the fuck? Liberals are always bitching about overpopulation and how evil humanity is. It's almost like they only want the minority race of whites to stop having children.

Again, what the fuck? Liberals want to start a fucking war with Russia because they don't like gay people. It's almost like they just want to shoot white people.

I honestly can't figure this Macron guy out; I guess it's wait and see at this point. Interesting times we live in.

That's the stance I'm taking at this point. It's not my country, so I'm moreso looking towards midterms. Gonna be a fucking bloodbath.

I like hte split personality idea myself. You can only cuck so much before those negative energies have to find an outlet, or maybe Le Pen put some ind of gypsy curse on him when she lost where he's like some kind of Nationalist Werewolf, so once a month he goes crazy and starts doing things that make fucking sense.

Actually he's just attempting to look like he is taking FN positions to kill their party. Standard trick.




I guess he never really was on their side.

how can you quote that much text without reading any of it?

"Illegal" immigrants. That means you still have to take EU's quotas. Knowing where they are coming from, you can replace a "legal" for an "illegal" immigrant, it doesn't change much in the whole scheme of things. Still have to house the requested number. Or else.

Everything is bait and switch with these kikes.

Macron is doing nothing more than consolidating political power by giving news outlets leaning both ways, a way to give him good press. It will appease some of the right of center and centrists while doing nothing. It will appease the left when it is explianed they still have to take their quota. Both sides will be happy and dumb sheep still. France will still be flooded with rapefugees. I bet France starts a small town immigration program where they settle them in small communities instead of making cities like Paris shitholes. Paris is losing a fuckton of tourist money from this crap and they know it. Wealthy areas will no be affected.

Same here; but I do hope France can get it's shit together, it's actually quite a beautiful country.

Same here. Poland just went full National Socialist though, so maybe there's a chance anyways.

Summerfags, if this is your first experience, this is what controlled opposition looks like.

and here is a fine specimen of "gullible idiot" in his primal habitat
, as adequately named by kikes>>10251687

Truly fascinating! Notice how they attempt to blend in and corrupt the weaker members of the community into spreading their poison among their own!

Liberals mainly push for mass immigration and turning their countries into 3rd world shitholes these days. I'm certain they enjoy Africans sleeping in tents a couple blocks away. They can walk over with some food, get their picture taken with one, make a post about it on social media, and get a handful of likes. They value their country so little they willfully throw it away for Internet points.



This is really the crux of the modern leftist. It's about social signaling. It's not that they believe anything they claim they support, it's that they are all foaming at the mouth to be seen saying they do. It's a culture based on pimping talking points and ignoring the consequences of your actions.

No you are the retard, macron was not supposed to be the (fake) opposition, he was supposed to be the enemy, plain and simple.
Unless what you mean was that he is OUR controlled opposition, but I doubt it.

Elaborate? I didn't say that he is our guy for certain.

Remember how a few years back Japan was always depicted as a overcrowded little island that needs to stop having kids and then after 2012, when the completely unrelated Arab Spring occurred, they're suddenly a dying nation?

macron is going to make

vaccines mandatory

never forget he worked for the


and has no kids

Keep crying, kike.


Now you're just grasping at straws. I'm starting to have hope for Macaroni, but… keyword is 'starting'. I don't believe he's on our side, and I won't until he says something that makes the kikes scream for impeachment.

Probably this. Is Macron pulling a Putin?

man the shills here are jumping the gun. He did one mildly OK thing and your ready to decree him president of Europe. This is why you kikes are so obvious.

Korwin should be in charge of France.

Korwin should be in charge of the EU

Thank you, Kek, for casting out Marine "My Cooch is Kosher" Le Pen and giving us a true man instead!

This is why you don't vote for women!

Fuck that, EU needs to go.

I guess next you'll say that the water is making the frogs gay.

Post yfw Emmanuel "The media is too stupid to understand my plans" Macron saves Europe and the white race!

He's been unnaturally pushed for a while now and it reeks.

Get fucked, kike. Year of the fire cock rules and the god of chaos works in mysterious ways.

All I've said is that he's batshit crazy and it looks like Trump cucked him into submission. I dunno why that makes me a shill.

We have ID's you shill faggot


Trump didn't do shit, Emmanuel is in charge now.

Do you see what's next to his right arm on the left side of the picture? IT'S A COCK, A FUCKING GOLDEN COCK!


What did he mean by this?


They get deported, register as POOR INNOCENT REFUGEES :( , and they are back in a year flooding because the process as a refugee is now faster.
Don't fall for this faggot's ploys, Frogs, you are better than this.

You're not even trying, Moshe. How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

Filter and report all shills.



THIS, easier for refugees to come under the guise of toughening immigration. This place is turning into cuckchan. Wed rather shout slogans and jump on band wagons then actually analyze things politically

Only faggots worship cock, what the fuck are you on about

Go suck (((Geert Wilder's))) cum out of Le Pen's pussy, you pathetic shill.

No puppets of the Zog will ever be elected again!

Switched IPs already? Really, who do you think you're fooling?

Filter and report all shills.

The concept of "controlled opposition" truly escapes your understanding, user, even if you weren't one of the those I replied to.

Are you implying I'm not supposed to believe those aren't shills? They know exactly what they're doing.

One of the keys to their strategy is to manipulate discussion into focusing anything but the core issues relating to any each topic, whom might actually thwart/delay their efforts if spread among public opinion; you are doing the same, yet I don't believe you are one of (((them))). "idiot" is perhaps too harsh a term, for a blame-less user, gullible is quite apt though.

Go suck on Momma Le Pen's kosher tits, loser. You bet on the wrong horse.

Macron is /ourguy/, but he's obviously not /yourguy/

One more thing, when he was getting made fun of after that spergy photo-op thing, a lot of anons seemed strangely butthurt, as if they didn't like him being laughed at.

The Macron-Trump-Putin Alliance,
Three Demi-Gods, out for Blood.
The war shall begin in France,
As the frog army eradicates the Mud.

Was talking about the EU, should have surrounded the "or else" with quotation marks.

Go back to reddit faggot

Exactly. This was designed to give Macron some points and put the invasion in a stealth mode. The goyim will see less problems in the news and (presumably) relax while being genocided even more efficiently.

Holla Forums is being shilled. Filter and report all shills.

Macron is the hero we need, a truly Machiavellian man.

The plan is to giver every jew a million euros to leave and come back and get another million to leave again. It's either that or something more sinister.

I love it when controlled op cunts like Le Pen fail, it's icing on the cake to see that Macron is a true western leader. All the /r/the_donald kvetching coming from you is beautiful.

Seriously, what the fuck is he doing on the floor? Giving her a footrub?!

(you), look here:


You're trying too hard, Shlomo.

Trump going around and quietly reminding world leaders who their new daddy is.

He's got 8 years to make them beg pls no more bully. Glaciers melt faster in his world.

It's so obvious, and yet the (((mods))) won't ban it.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Another brilliant play by Emmanuel "God Emperor" Macron.


That was fake though. The camera man made him move.

Macron will complete the system of 1st Reich Idealism

Weird, isn't it? An ultra-submissive position and posture. I've never seen two "leaders" positioned like that.


You could do one questioning the homo sapien status of niggers too. Let one guy keep pointing out crime statistics while snooty, secluded elite white doctors who make a fortune from their stabbings, crack babies, fat asses, drug rehab centers, STDs, etc fight back by flinging their noses in the air and making sounds of disgust like the jew trained them to do.

Today I discovered I'm retarded. First reich was Holy Roman empire, forgive me for my sins.


It's shopped.

He's doing situps to keep fit for his position as God Emperor of Europe.


lol, get rekt you kike enabler. Macron is the top dog now.

I'm going to skullfuck you

Ok, Dad.

The only thing you'll skullfuck is yourself with that Israeli themed dildo the Le Pen campaign sent you for donating so much money to them.

Fuck user I wasn't ready for that shit.


This. Little reminder of Merkel's position for the past seven years and see the results.

>In her speech, Merkel said the education of unemployed Germans should take priority over recruiting workers from abroad, while noting that Germany could not get by without skilled foreign workers.

>German public opinion has turned sharply against Mrs Merkel’s decision to let in hundreds of thousands of refugees in recent weeks.

>Merkel admitted Monday that decisions on immigration played a role in the result, but insisted that she has made the right ones.
>Merkel has stood firm on Germany's position of accepting nearly all asylum seekers found to be legitimate refugees. Germany took in more than 1 million refugees in 2015, making it the most open country in Europe to asylum seekers.

>“We want to stop illegal immigration while living up to our humanitarian responsibilities,”
>“It is necessary to get agreements with third countries, especially in Africa but also Pakistan and Afghanistan… so that it becomes clear that those with no right to stay in Europe can go back to their home countries
>Two days after that result, the Chancellor finally admitted her policies during the migrant crisis were wrong, insisting that she wished to “go back in time to be better prepared”.

>Chancellor Angela Merkel has refused to put a cap on immigration while promising to never allow another migrant crisis.

It's always the same shit: people get angry, politicians admit faults, claim they will change things, people calm down, politicians do as they originally planned, since people are still in cool-down they have a few more months of acting stupid before the next uproar.

what did they mean by this?

user you're starting to shit up the thread. Knock it off.

A French/American partnership defeated the British Empire and brought freedom to the world, now a French/American partnership will defeat the ZOG and usher in the 4th Reich!


You've gotta be really fat or something.

Good job retard, you accomplished nothing.


Holla Forums is about to fall for another tough talking shabbos goyim who'll throw a couple of shitskins out to give the extreme right wing, racially aware people who were bracing for a race war, false hope that it's not that bad yet and they they can win through peaceful removal of shitskins. The globalist jews are just making sure that we stay on the slow decay track rather than a full fledged revolution, that's all it is.

It's just a big black gold plated cock. Really make yee think

I saw you in the Trump general on cuckchan. Fuck off.

What the fuck?
First the 100 year old Baron Trump book and now Mac' is saying hes going to deport the illegal aliens in France.

Not surprised, tbh.

If you get your news from some youtube e-celeb, then no wonder you're surprised. It should have been pretty obvious that Macron was /ourguy/ when he took a photo with a golden cock in the year of the fire cock. We had many threads about the year of the fire cock, but I guess you newfags weren't here for those.

Hello reddit.

Really gets my noggin a' joggin

You've mistaken me for yourself. Filtered.

I wouldn't be surprised if these were Jim, kampfy and the mods themselves

excellent post user. This, quite literally, a thousand times over.
(because they have already executed successfully this bullshit -literally- a thousand times over)
With one amendment that is:

go back to reddit and shill your ZOG there

Yep. When the goyim get too restless you loosen a few screws publicly and tighten a few others they didn't notice.


Pic related.

lol, /r/the_donald is literally crying and saying he's not really redpilled just like all you clowns. You backed a Marine "ZOGGED" Le Pen, and now you've got to eat crow.


I said don't vote. Voting is just a pressure-release. The whole rotten system needs to come down.

Are you drunk or just autistic?

She was probably BLACKED but I doubt she was ZOGGED

I said this in 2015, I said this in 2016, and I'll say this again today: things are only going to get weirder from here on out.

Why not both?

It's almost like Macron conned the Rothchilds or something. It's almost like he's a god among men.

yes she was you dumb trumpnigger, so is Trump. fuck all of you.

How do you feel about the Alt-Right?

>posts (((Pence))) in the face of Macron
You can't even compete.

Duginist shills, fuck them all to hell. They spread their cheeks for Russia cock.

The jew really likes to accuse people of the things he's guilty of himself. There are people ITT shilling for a fucking Rothchild banker but hey, Holla Forums has looked past all of Trump's family jewish ties so I guess I'm a Macron-missile now.

Macron is trying too hard to swing the right to his side the same way Merkel does. People need to stop falling for it. It's typical, throw your opposition a bone so the most desperate cool down and stop giving you proper criticism. Even if he personally starts pulling rabbis by their beards out of their rat holes and stakes their hearts with a cross, it's just posturing.

Autism it is.

Macron's life is a good story, too bad you can't see it.

Good thing that the majority of them stay legaly, thanks to france handing out citizenship like fucking fliers.
This is nothing but a PR shitshow to calm down gullible normalfags who voted right, because they're pissing their pants over how close (((they))) were to losing France.


it makes you look retarded.

Pic related is you, say goodbye to Greator Israel, moishe.



I don't get this. Isn't Macron the one who said he wanted to bring in like five million Africans? Is this just a light distraction to get people to go "wtf I love Macron now"? Great, save me a dollar now just to have me lose two hundred dollars later.

Thanks. And while the tabs are still hot: regarding her claims from 2010 (namely "Germany could not get by without skilled foreign workers" and "too little had been required of immigrants in the past"):
>Migrants and asylum seekers cost Germany’s federal government €21.7 billion in 2016, according to a Finance Ministry report.
>In addition, the head of the German Institute for Economic Research told the newspaper that the economy benefits from the influx of people from the third world, more than two thirds of whom cannot read or write.
>Other outlays by the federal government relating to the migrant wave include €7.1 billion spent on foreign aid, €1.4 billion on migrants’ reception, registration, and accommodation, and €2.1 billion on integration services.

Expectations (May 2016):
>Officials based their estimates on 600,000 migrants arriving this year, 400,000 next year and 300,000 in each of the following years, the report said, adding that they expected 55 percent of recognized refugees to have a job after five years.
Reality (December 2016):
>1.2 MILLION migrants arrived in Germany in two years: just 34,000 or 2.8% have found a job.

You better start forcing aldehyde-stabilized cryogenic brain preservation to, "deceased". Trump has plenty enough evidence to and yet he does not.

Did Trump cast a spell on Macron or something?

There is no hope for him. Everything good he does is a concession he makes for lack of option not to. Given the opportunity, he is probably a bigger shabbos goy than Merkel.

Just watch and see, nigger. Just watch and see. Or do you think synchronicities don't exist? That the golden cock on his desk is meaningless?

>This is nothing but a PR shitshow to calm down gullible normalfags who voted right, because they're pissing their pants over how close (((they))) were to losing France.
Someone else who gets it. The biggest irony of them all is that even if all of Europe rose up and spat the kike and the mudslime out all at once, Macron will somehow claim that he was always for it and be the proverbial rat fleeing the sinking ship. Same with Merkel. Merkel and Macron are buying time off of the confused gullible normalfags, nothing more.

A way to expose this is to sockpuppet as a leftist, which is way too easy, and kvetch over Macron going against his pro-immigration stance. Macron will later and demonstrably try to remind them he's their guy and he likes goatfucker cock. It's so easy.

It's a consensus cracking raid.

This is just posturing, france already got blacked so they know they can send some back to prevent honkies from starting trouble

This way things keep going down the same path and the white boys stay docile while the niggers spread their seed

Another great post. Thanks, user.

I like how Holla Forums has never actually listened to what Macron has said. He's always been about Making France Great Again, he's just wise with his words.

So exactly what I figured.

That's exactly the issue. As someone pointed out way at the beginning of the thread, they're only unveiling a plan on how to deport illegal mudshits but they themselves are admitting they're reducing the processing time for asylum requests. It's spelled out in a very plain way.

They will magically deport a number of illegals and that number will be low. But they will bring in 5 million like he prormised "legally." Then Macron will call that fair.

Thanks for the sources, user.

How much are they paying you? This is the same kind of god emperor faggotry people were saying about Trump.

Interesting how all the cucks obsessed with shit dick are so angry about Macron, almost like they're butthurt he insulted their poop colored bucks.


I bet they will deport a thousand refugees every year and bring in 100,000.

Hey it worked with Trump, why not with Macron?

based macron lads, let's just give up. the system will solve everything if we just keep voting

You missed "honkies", needledick

>(((they))) probably know France is on the brink of collapse so they are doing some quick (((damage control)))

His phrasing may be what it is, but is he wrong? I don't see how Macron isn't still Africanizing France further.

It's clear Macron wants what's best for France.

You're a nigger, aren't you? Really butthurt that your civnat Le Pen failed and that ethno nationalist Macron is in charge, aren't you now?


Look at the rest of his posts, learn how to spot mulattoes and niggers. The whole POOPED meme is a nigger attempt to insert their nasty little dicks into the white consciousness. They want to live in your head rent free, unfortunately for them, they are low iq niggers, so we're starting to catch on to their tricks. Not even their own women want them, they're forced to seek out mentally ill white women and either guilt them into sex, or rape them.


It's time to let this thread die user. All that can happen now is a pointless shit flinging contest.


French Culture doesn't exist, only White Culture exists. "French" culture would just be used the way the media calls niggers proponents of "American" culture. Macron is two steps ahead of everyone.

Don't worry, little guy. I'm sure macaroni is /yourgoy/ and totally isn't playing a long machiavellian con so chill out and put your little gun away

It's certainly not worth claiming Macron as /ourguy/ in any respect. What it might be worth is using this as a fracture point in liberal thought. The idea that anti-Nazi, pro-EU Macron wasn't on their side from the start might be a good angle to push - even if it's not strictly true.

May even be worth using as a lever to push fence-sitters over the edge.

oh look, a pigchan mod posting nigger porn. who ever would have guessed.

Learn about the law of polarity.

How does it feel to be part of a race which is less valuable than spiders?

There is no excuse for saving interracial porn or even looking at it. Its very existence is a crime against nature
You are a paid shill promoting a globalist who wants to flood france with niggers.


You just like chocolate dont worry white women do too ;)


Oh man you love chocolate apparently

You should be banned for wasting these quads tbh.

I like how you're not denying you're a nigger.

Let everyone be aware, that niggers post on Holla Forums, they're the ones shilling and they get angry when you post pictures of white men not being cucks.

He should be banned for being a nigger.

An anti-white mural is a meme? Macron promotes white genocide.

you are mentally ill

you are also mentally ill.

Sure thing kike. Trudeau said the exact same thing. Call him an ethno nationalist too while you're at it.


No, that faggoty < nonsense. Every single person who does it shames their ancestors.

Goonman still trying to justify his own degeneracy by projecting it onto the board. Sad!


Fuck it. Just globally report the nigger.

>No, that faggoty < nonsense. Every single person who does it shames their ancestors.
Got you, it's just another way of quoting lad Lynxchan which is what this site would be running if Jim hadn't cucked us uses it.

Did it originate there? If so I'll stop using it

Learn about the law of polarity. The only way to counter a meme is to reverse the polarity, you can't ignore it, or try to create an alternative meme, you need to turn it on its head. Kikes are trying to meme pathetic white men, and niggers are too, the only way to fight that is to become fit, to become sexy, to spread your seed everywhere and cuck the shitskin while also having white children.

Become the Chad, fulfill your destiny White Man!

Dont be too mean user, he's getting back at all the pretty white girls getting blacked by going black himself


Oh no, this is definitely your board, I don't feel in control here. But I am still going to ridicule you for being a nigger-fucker until you get sick of it and ban me.

Pathetic. You will always be a nigger, no amount of Jewish psyops will change your genes, you will always be the color of shit.

Reminder: pigchan datamines its users; its mods ban discussion of books and collaborate with /r/T_D mods in Discord and look at tranny porn.

You're right lad.

I don't care about spying, my security is my own responsibility.
As soon as Jim took over I knew there would be shit like that, kept posting anyway. 4cuck had tarballing software installed in 2007 and I was posting way more edgy shit back then, nothing ever came of it so I don't worry about that shit.

top kek.

This is the most obvious sockpuppet shill slapfight ever. Embarrassing.

they're at it again >>/10252295/

Did you mean >>10252295

True but gotdamnit don't make it easy on them

They must have realized they were too obvious ITT

I think this (((Rothschild))) banker is simply trying to gain the Trumpites trust. However, it would be funny if Macron is just a faggot thirsty for Trump's giant orange cock rebelling against his handlers.

good to see

Macron is a pedo. Remember that photo op where Macron posed with one of the FBI symbols for pedophilia in a picture in the background?


Ah look, the soft reset strategy

Lets grab some headlines for half a year for a successful "mass" deportation of the "violent" muslims so the goyim can't question whats going on in France anymore. French women and children continue to get raped into genocide but you can't talk about that because all the hospital/government/social workers are all kike controlled and btw did you hear about the 12 terrorists we deported last month. Go back to sleep goyim.


calling Trump orange marks you as a shill


Fuck off with your kike "/ourguy/" cuckchan shilling. Remember when cunt merkel took a "stand" against muslims by supporting banning ragheads in public. Same shit here.

Dumb heeb mongrel, I'm happy to cheer you on - since you have no say on the strategy your boss imposes on you - you have no idea how badly this will backfire on you and your ilk.

I highly disagree. It's summer and this is a 10/10 learning thread.

Oh wow, lol, HI interwebs security man.It must be a rare occasion if you are around. How's life? How's the waifu? How's third grade going?

Pic related

You will always be a boring poo colored parasite.

Are we suppose to believe this is real ?

The Gallic rooster is a symbol of the French if I remember correctly.

So France is the chosen nation of the year of the fire cock?



I had reasons to suspect that thread given the low effort and timing but now you just made it even more obvious.

I wish the rest of that pron wasn't behind a fucking paywall.

if macron was a zog puppet would he not stop this Iranian deal by sanctioning the french company TOTAL ?

i made that thread a week ago so yes.

WashPo is losing their shit over this. I can imagine the rest of the (((progressive))) fake news cabal is losing their shit as well

Actions speak louder than words. French cities and port towns are fucked, conflict-tier fucked. Pledges of “reduction” are worthless and no more than other EU leaders peddle constantly. I doubt he will reduce anything back to what any sane person would deem ‘tolerable’. The country will still be a mess.

Last month macaroon threatened war with Poland because they wouldn’t take in invaders and now he is tough on invaders? He is full of shit.

(((progressive judaism))) is when people with zero jewish blood practice (((judaism))) thats the meaning of (((progressive))) means

Really makes you think.

You tell me user>

How does bog feel about rapefugees? What will he tell macron in the next call?

You forgot the ellipsis

It's that thing they should have started two years ago

pigchan, 2017

Then leave.

sage negated.



>a company of which the new CEO was dropped from nowhere after the last one died of a (((plane crash)))
Can't you do better, hasbarafag ?

He'd be appropriate considering he wears a Jewish Fedora (bowtie around the neck, hallmark of kike libertarians)


Only illegals. Also, the French Revolution hasn't been fixed.

umm, how is this going to work if italy continuously dumps africans into the shengen region? maybe the africans will avoid france in the future as it is 'unwelcoming' relative to sweden/germany/spain

this is even more confusing… Did obama know macron would deport illegal migrants? Was macron playing obama for the fool?

of jupiterian proportions, apparently

if macron doesn't deport at least 50k migrants by the end of september and doesn't replace them with quickly processed asylum seekers, then he's just another nail in the coffin of the EU.

Most of the invaders are "legal" though, this still results in the destruction of France converting it to shitskins.

France is lost.

Pictured is sanctioned immigration.


Bet you think videogames are realistic portrayals, kys.

What the hell is that thing?

Jews assess that Europe has just the right amount of niggers in it, so they just stop importing any more and let the two populations mix over the next century. Just like what's happening in the US. Duh.

Any politician who isn't suggesting that we viciously murder every last non-white is himself antiwhite.

I don't trust Macron one bit, and the plan to deport economic migrants and focus on asylum seekers seems to me aimed at making the latter's presence look more legit (hey fellow frogman, we're only taking in the "real refugees").

BUT even so, on a symbolical, mental level, it will be a good thing if we really start deport any category of non-whites again.

Thanks to the inaction of past right cuckservatives government (and their fear of leftist protests and media coverage), and to the ideological unwillingness of last socialist government to deport anyone, too many of the French have been accustomed to the idea that you can't send back people against their will in "unsafe" countries. The leftist narrative of this being nazi-tier cruelty and being way too costly ("it's more expensive to fly them home than to integrate them, after all when they've got jobs they pay taxes and contribute to economical growth" they say) has reigned unchallenged for the last ten years in France.

The Frenchman needs to see pics and footage of niggers being deported against their will, kicking and crying in vain, again. He needs to see leftists protest and fail to prevent their coloured minions from being sent back to their jungle and deserts, and that the police and border agents with the right orders can actually do their job.
So he remembers that it's still a possibility, it's still feasible and we can do that whenever we want.

Then deporting more and extend deportation measures will become a realistic option again in the mind of French people.

I really hope Macron is serious about deporting economic migrants, even if the weasel probably does it to justify taking more of the other kind, some good can come out of this.


Are there really that many faggots, niggers, and kikes on this board that 1) can't read the actual contents of the article and 2) DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND THE WORLD WE'RE LIVING IN. LURK TWO MOTHER FUCKING YEARS BEFORE POSTING. That rule is not meant to dissuade people from frequenting an Asian steppe cattle-herding enthusiast forum, but merely to make sure one does not read the title of the OP and espouse retarded 'muh based France' memes.


Remember EU plan to deport all illegals from italy? Yeah right.

People need to be going after the jews and traitors orchestrating this, sinking boats, and getting shitskins to want to leave.

He's working to kill momentum for Le Pen,
the media placing these bullshit headlines implies large amount of the post-2013 migrants are being removed [they're not]

It insinuates that anything Le Pen had planned to do would not have changed anything for France's benefit

cuckchan version of that image isn't transparent
t. faggot

And this here is someone who can't entertain an idea without having to accept it.

Anyone who thinks this will fix the rapeugee crisis in France they will be sorely disappointed and/or fucking stupid. (((Macron's))) doing this to ease the ever growing tensions from nationalists tired of seeing their homeland raped figuratively and literally. What will most likely happen is that they will try to make as many of the illegals legal as soon as fucking possible, or if they do get deported, bring them back in under (((asylum seekers))) status to get them back in and keep them in, with the article even stating that he wants to "cut the processing time for asylum seekers". The article doesn't say that this will stop illegals and/or refugees from coming in. Please the angry native population enough to not have them wanting your head chopped off via guillotine, but in reality just keep providing the status quo of rapeugees coming and then some.

Anons here that are thinking this is a good thing really need to fucking lurk more.

delete this and KYS

Give them all one way trips to Israel and 10k Shekels. The kikes won't know what to do. Turn away shekels? Two semites, one stone.

Macron needs to be subverted until he has no choice but the right-wing choice. Make French politics between the Le Pen right and the Macron right.

The jew can't allow the best performing goy to die off, who would be their personal servants in greater Israel.

This is not a fix. This is just a way to appease short-sighted morons.

The kind of sanction we need here is an Eiger Sanction. Maybe Switzerland will deliver it for us.

And there is the catch

They are selling you your death as your salvation. They just want to free more tax money to support a faster flood of niggers into Europe. "Processing" means accepting niggers faster. They should not even allowed into France and shot at the border if they try to invade. There should be practically no one to process in first place.

The same commie and kike witches deciding that balding black Jamal is really a Syrian boy of tender 13 years age will still decide who is "illegal".

Go get 'em, Baguette!

Here's a Quick Rundown on them.
>This is what they heard:

The want to boil the frogs more slowly

They're lowering temperature slightly while adding salt to the pot, so they can raise the temp even more later.

It also says:
In other words, the processing time of asylum seekers is being reduced from 14 months to 6 months so that you don't get entrenched communities of migrants like that have at Calais.
This is decidedly odd. I'm not claiming this isn't a jewish trick; what I am saying is that if it is indeed a trick, then the reduction of asylum-seeker processing time doesn't play into it, as you're suggesting, because the change allows France to deport failed applications much faster.

*failed applicants

Jew based nigger kike faggot auyyu