Smoking Gun: Obama Set Up Meeting w/ FusionGPS Russians & Don Jr As Lynch Ordered Illegal Wiretap

WH Logs


Barack Obama met with Rinat Akhmetshin of FusionGPS PRIOR to the DonJr Meeting, for 13 hours confirmed by WH Logs

Then Today we learn FROM MANAFORT that Lynch Wiretapped his phone during the meeting via Posobiec
[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */elnitskaya-meeting-363824284be8

The motherfucker had to. Lynch ordered a Wiretap knowing they were meeting

Other relevant sources

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What exactly is relevant about Jackoff Posobitch's content-free article on Medium?

You should check your lynch article that has no source besides what "Literal Gerbils" says he has.

THE SIXTH PERSON: Translator for Veselnitskaya likely Former State Dept and FBI Employee

If it can be tied from Clinton State Sept to Samochrnov its game over for Hillary

Look that cuckoldry is irrelevant and not an argument
Jack may have said some faggot shit but he's tied directly to the Trump family and they're personal friends he may say stupid shit but he knows what he's talking about


I'll just leave this here.


Obama himself met with fucking Rinat Akhmetshin PRIOR to the DonJr Meeting the fuck you mean faggot

Neat, ropes when.

Fuck off jack, you're a goddamn nigger

Taking about lynch and how he cites his own tweets etc. Nevermind.

So the new tactic is to just go "muh jack"? Alrighty, we've identified it. Filtered.

Hey fuck off jack straight up lied about multiple "stories" with the last one leaving a stain on everyone's face, gay 15 year old cnn gif maker. Jack is a ratfucker, it's a real term educate yourself.

So your strategy is to ignore everything and get btfo in the previous thread that already exists for the lynch source. Got it.

Butthurt much, Jack?

She's gonna be the leaking faucet of truth. They have too much on her. Suicide when?

I also see he's trying to push the "I know trump goys pls beleibe" horseshit too.

As if on cue



No he isn't.

Kill yourself Jack. You will not be missed.

You niggers are terrified, and I'm enjoying it immensely.

Stop shilling Jim.


Nobody's shilling against the Whitehouse logs, retard.

We need Don Jrs idiot lawyer to use all this. Also fire Mueller right now. His investigation is over

Do NOT let this get slid. Notice Ron Dellums is linked to this. Ex senator open communist who colluded with the soviets in Grenada. His protege B Lee is an open communist member of the Democratic party. Part of the Commiefornia Black caucus gang. This is why they don't want this looked into. Dellums is a fucking scumbag and big time dem wheel who was forced into retirement.
Leftys don't want this link exposed. It's a direct link to current democratic socialists.

Oh fug :DDD

It's being slid.


This is huge. Need help with some details so people know what to look for.

The meeting was scheduled for 4PM EDT in NYC contingent on the Russian Lawyer's flight arrival.

The meeting lasted approximately 20 minutes.

I don't think there was really a fourteen hour tour but gives a large enough window for Akhmetshin to make it to the White House after the meeting.

This would place Akhmetshin meeting in the White House, on a Saturday, @ NIGHT for a TOUR.

Is there any way to FOIA or get the exact check in/out time.

This would surely raise suspicion and show intent.

That is the meeting with trump Jr. was scheduled @4PM and the White House guest list states a noon tour.

Come to think of it.

Rinat Akhmetshin's TOUR appointment was scheduled for 12 PM.

There is now way he got the tour, picked up the Russian Lawyer from the airport, and then traveled to NYC for the meeting with Trump JR @ 4PM.

The CONFIRMED visit to the White House occurred AFTER the tour was over and would have had to been at night.

How will this story of the "Russian Spy" who is an American be spinned? That he got a special after-hour late night tour?

Honestly, is there anyone left out there on Holla Forums?

None of the threads have been moving for the past few days. Shit like this would go to a new thread every few hours and be world news before breakfast.

whitehouse logs Trump got rid of as well btw

but I suppose pointing that out makes me a shill or a member of the hook nosed tribe even though sucking trump off 24/7 is basically what every obvious controlled opposition person is doing at the moment


Trump JR's meeting was in June. White House visit was before in January.

nice source, also
what is this then?

bump. needs a sticky


Whining like a bitch about it and making random unneeded gay fellatio innuendo does, or a nigger, take your pick. Trash.

Jack is not tied directly to the Trump family

But he lied directly to the Trump family, getting Don Jr. to quote fake news about HanAssholeSolo being 15



So who is Rinat Akhmetshin?



Seems like a right proper little pawn.

Have an upboat