ITT Games where katanas are overpowered

ITT Games where katanas are overpowered.

Real life

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much worse than that. Much, much worse than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 120 Yen (that's about $1) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can't even cut wooden boards with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce some of the biggest pieces of shit known to mankind.

Katanas are barely half as sharp as European swords and half as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can't cut through at all. I'm pretty sure a katana would break trying to cut a knight wearing full plate with any kind of slash.

Ever wonder why feudal Japan never bothered conquering Europe? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Knights and their Oakeshott types X through XXII of destruction. Even in World War II, Japanese soldiers targeted the men with the mamelukes first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the worst sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require worse stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d4 Damage
x2 Crit
-2 to hit and damage
Can never count as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d6 Damage
x2 Crit
-1 to hit and damage
Can never count as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do much less in d20, see my new stat block.

Any game with a samurai class.

Great copypasta.

Katanas a shit. Get a real weapon, like a billhook.


Killing Floor. 1, not 2 which rhymes with poo

In Killing Floor 1 a player wielding a Katana could stun-lock a Scrake.

Also, Katana's are trash, and the only reason they were folded over wunu mirionu timesu was because the iron ore quality in Japan was so shit they needed to fold it that many times to get the impurities out.

IT wasn't like they invented folding metal, either.
Pretty much the only interesting bit for katanas is the whole polished a devil of a lot. Otherwise, they're very dull, and even Chineese shit is more interesting.

it's like you don't want utility.

Billhook > Halberd

oh fuck

The only souls game with overpowered katanas is DS1. Everywhere else they are blown the hell out either by rapiers or longswords.

what a fag

What do you Eurocucks even know about utility?

It's like I am surrounded by peasants


No, we are Judo-Mongols. Holla Forums says so.

They're not really, no.
I wouldn't call them mongols, myself. Set them as something separate entirely, is what I say.

Special snowflakes, then?

Well, it certainly snows a lot there.
"Special" is certainly a nice way of describing them.
So, sure, why not.

Polearms are katanas for giganerds.

The Fallout New Vegas Katana is pretty damn good. It does seem to be the only melee weapon that isn't improvised out of scrap metal.


Except of course that polearms are actually effective.
Swords are katanas for normalfags.

Every since Runescape, I always had a strange love for scimitars. Absolutely silly and generally unwieldy things, but I love them all the same.

Why have spike on a stick faggots become the new katana kiddies?

Because unlike a katana, spears are actually useful



More like "faginata", amirite?

The katana in BB was not OP. infact it kinda sucks.

my evelynxkatana build is by far my weakest build.

axe, ludwig, amygdala arm are all better. and yes, even in PVP

I used to think it was fun as fuck, now I just think it's a boring repetitive mess, especially PVP

The celts were doing the same folding process in the bronze age, and viking swords were often made by braiding rods of metal for the base of the sword, a technique that lent far more flexibility and strength than simple folding.


I always thought japanese swords were known for being a status symbol and also being very pretty. The japanese often used spears and bows for weaponry. swords were mostly famous in times of peace, held by only elite men as swords were banned.

it continued to be a status symbol. You guys might as well argue about how revolvers arent the most superior firarms. "actually missiles, long rifles, and even M4s are better" yea, we all know that, but revolvers are cooler.


More precisely, any mongolid retard can be taught how to poke someone else with the pointy end of the stick in a month or two. Learning how to use a sword effectively takes years.
Historically, spears where mainly used by levies and militias. Nonprofessional soldiers in other words, mostly peasants and craftsmen from the cities who spend most of their time making a living, rather than training for war.
The sword on the other hand was primarily used by knights and mercenaries. Professional soldiers who trained most of their lives for warfare when not off fighting.
Each weapon also has its own advantages, a polearm has a lot of reach on top of being simple and easy to use, making it ideal for large tightly packed formations of infantry, while the sword's versatility makes its perfect for 1 on 1 fighting where you have room to swing. Swords are kind of crap if you try to use them in dense infantry formations where there's no room to swing it without hitting the guy next to you or behind you, while the spear is kind of crap for a one on one fight against a one handed weapon that leaves you opponent free to either bring a shield, a dagger for parrying or something else in his other hand.
So the supperiority of spear or sword is more a matter of the circumstances you use them under than any inherent superiority in either.

katana are 80% status symbol 20% fencing rapier. If an important guy loses his sword it's a pretty big deal, never has to use it in a real fight though.
also katana are a status symbol because good steel (or even shit steel really) is rare in japan, having a katana means either you're really dedicated to killing people or that you're totally loaded.
Pretty much the same as niggers and modern bling now that I think about it.

Everyone remembers Crissaegrim but Yasutsuna was almost as retarded and easier to get, only problem it was 2 haded.

Keyboard is working like ass

Especially on the final mission.

to some, they are. they have their own appeal, just like lever action rifles. theyre definitely more stylish. some people like cowboys and wild west shit. just like some people like shogun era japanese shit.

they remain status symbols to this day to show they were related to samurai, or have tons of money. like having a museum worthy painting. the status symbol is linked to more than just their monetary value.

Definitely not the most OP weapon in the series (hello triple booked chainsaw), but katanas are pretty OP in the Dead Rising series.

No fuck that, battle rifles are way cooler than revolvers, unless the revolver in question is a mateba.

But you are right, though. The entire katana thing is entirely a pop culture meme.

Single Action Army is pretty cool too though, especially the Buntline Special.

It won't compensate in bed, but you can kill the hooker afterwards so she doesn't tell anyone.

A long barrel doesn't have to mean it'll leave a big hole.

Get a better taste you filthy peasant


Why not just use it for prostate stimulation instead?

A rapier is a specialized thrusting sword with a complex hilt. A katana can never be a rapier, they're opposites in every way.

And if you meant that katanas are 80% symbolism, the same is true of almost any sword. European swords fulfilled the same battlefield niche.

that's the khazars you retard, in other words the ashkenazi jews.

slavs are what you get when a people accept being slaves, and then just keep doing it.
seriously, you went from the czars who fed you to the commies who didn't.

i don't want to label you as the stupid group out of the white race but damn, even nigger-blooded Sicilians know which way to go for freedom.

katanas were never weapons

Please, American, tell me more about the history of my own country, you obviously know it better than me, right?

Do you have the one were someone stuck a livegrenade in his ass? That was magical.
Some other anons dug up about the jail time the next day.

I remember another thread where they discovered a series of handguns that were small and ergonomic enough to be concealed in your anus. They left a small metal ring outside so you could pull it out at a moments notice.
Wasn't pratical at all, but the /k/ fags sure liked it.





It was retrofitted into a HF-blade.

Which is what I'm referring to, Sam's sword was passed down through his family since feudal times. If I remember right the deal was it's a Muramasa blade but Sam's family is retarded so it's referred to as a Murasama blade.

The sword's quality directly impacts how good of a HF blade it makes, so a sword skillfully made but ultimately still made out of shit metal being an *unsheathes katana* ultimate weapon is puzzling compared to a modern-day sword designed as best-of-the-best equipment for a best-of-the-best body, forged in a time where swordsmanship and weapon forging are becoming valuable skills all over again.

But overall I'm probably putting more thought into it than MGR's writers did at this point

more velocity which can mean more distance and penetration.

That makes for a deeper hole though, not a bigger one.

Maybe because Japan was on the other side of eurasia? Calm the fuck down user.

u w0t m8

Why don't we all just agree that feudal nips had shit weapons and leave it at that?


Except there are clear advantages that revolvers have over other handguns. There's reasons why they're still produced, and being status symbols is not one of them.


Your history is hardly a secret, ivan.

Nah, naginatas and kanabos are pretty cool, and Japs were using firearms in warfare quite actively and effectively. It's just the katanas are so overrated.

If you know so much about our history, why do you never portray it correctly? Seriously. No matter what period of Russian history Americans are trying to portray, they always fuck up badly.

Japanese metal was notoriously shit due to the fact that they had to get it the majority of it from iron sands instead of anywhere else.

just shilling this board >>>/his/

Found the liberal faggot

This was from 4/k/, wasn't it?


If you try and use them the same way you'd use a straight sword then of course they'll be unwieldy.

I'm not American, you retarded slav.

%%Then you are either a Eurocuck or some subhuman filth%%

Lay off the "sunflower seeds", Nikolai.

Tell me your country so I can mock you

Does the Dragon's Tooth from Deus Ex count? It may be Chinese instead of Japanese and covered in nanobullshit but it looks like a katana.

It's fucking jian sword you retard


How was that gimmick of a game?

the second one is fucking awesome

It also had a trigger on the sheathe that made it… shoot lasers? It's part of the "it's fucking retarded just roll with it" school of game design

Wizardry. That is my final answer and if you don't know why you are a peasant.

Katanababbies a shit

The chikage two-handed was only good if you invested heavily into bloodtinge, and its one handed form had a basic as fuck-all moveset.
Polite sage

Yuropoor detected