I'm seeing quite often the mention that "the normies are finally waking up", and despite many promises of future happenings, nothing seems to materialize; while this observation could be explained by the social circles I hang with (no shit), it's still no excuse for keeping things the way they are (that is, leaving people outside our circle jerk alone). Having the necessary means of action is insufficient for something to happen if there's no will to act. Because the remedy will proportionally get more extreme as the illness is getting worse, waiting for a catalyst is not viable, because that spark would have to take the form of an uncontrollable wildfire to ignite the will of people to survive. The overall consensus is that people are: Completely suicidal - could they be nihilists, moral relativists, or self-loathing, they are complicit of a situation they know will bring their own destruction (they don't care, actively encourages it, or brush it away with a "so what"). Even though common-sense tells you not to take life advices from suicidal people, whites seem to be disturbingly vocal about how much they welcome (or don't mind) their own genocide. Too scared to stand up - maybe they think they are isolated and refuse to take a stand on their own. On the other hand, they might be terrified to tip-toe the line because they have no idea where it is. Maybe they're also thinking about extreme solutions that would get them killed on-the-spot without achieving anything (revising the action as to find something they are comfortable doing would be more valuable than having them sit on their asses all day, doing nothing). Hopelessly optimistic - despite all the shit they are aware of, they assume it "must be okay for others". They blindly trust the people in charge without questioning their motives or actions, without taking them accountable for their mistakes, abuse of power, and corruption. It's the "someone else will make it all better" attitude (I met new people a few days ago and discretely hinted the replacement migration, they acknowledged it, showed no hostility whatsoever to fixing the problem, but showed resignation because they still clung to the belief their culture would rise up again in spite of the influx of migrants) Unaware of the situation - that's your average blue-pilled lemming. Maybe they're not aware there's a war going on that is targeting them specifically; maybe they didn't drink the cool-aid but also never realized how prevalent policies working against them are. I remember some user posted something along the lines of "it's easy to lose something you never knew you had"; I think this is where the lack of will is coming from. Showing people what they've lost and motivating them into rebuilding it or demanding them to take a stand to have it rebuilt would be a step in the right direction; they'd have a goal, something to strive for. This would likely be a case-per-case thing, targeting people from very specific towns, showing what it used to be like and how it is now.
We're dealing with depressed and isolated people, we have to find what makes them tick on an individual level; we need to rebuild their will so they see the necessity of taking action. Brainstorm. Go.
it's going to probably take a cascade/domino effect so that it will happen on a far-reaching, individual basis (the more reliable means without mass communication or religion)
Carter Fisher
for now the best we can do its to show the world that we are here. so try to be bocal in the comment sections of the normie sphere. this will not only incentivize the people be more vocal about their believes but also show this people that they are not alone. IRL redpilling its also important, dont go full retard, try to keep thing to small dosis, the mouth to mouth effect will do the rest. also we need to recuperate pepe/kek form the normies (again) by sheer peer pressure bulling. they adopted this persona because they cant create anything by themselves and they feel like its the hip thing of the moment, if they feel that the "joke" fell out of grease, they will move to greener pastures
Blake Fisher
The working class are mostly semi-redpilled, these are the people that made up the bulk of our frontline troops historically. The officers were drawn from the middle and upper classes, and usually had an entirely different type of war. This is in many ways similar to the way the working class are suffering the brunt from mass immigration and special treatment being afforded to invaders at their expense. The middle class are social climbers who seek validation through virtue signalling and have applauded all along as the white working class has been mocked and villainised in the media and impeded in the workplace (((affirmative action))) In the past, it may well have been those very white working class folk that they (the middle and upper classes) sympathized with at their snobby dinner parties. Not any more though, the white working class has been designated "the problem" by (((those))) setting the narrative, and the social climbers have lapped it up and turned on their own race in the name of (((humanitarianism))) The whole situation is fucked, and will remain so until everything breaks down to the point where there is only one question relevant to our fellow whites, whatever their station or prior beliefs: Are you with US, or are you with them? Only then will we rediscover our blood ties, and I pray that day will not come too late.
Jack Lopez
(checked) beside waiting for the tipping point, do you have anything else in store? It’s easy to say “there will be a moment when”, but how far does the situation have to go for people to snap out of their indifference? I think it’s completely possible to reduce the importance of the last straw if we can increase the motivation of people to actually do something.
I don’t expect anyone who hasn’t even stretched once in their life to run a marathon, and I’d be more than happy to see them take the smallest step; this can be anything from urging them to never spend a single penny in non-white stores, and demanding from administration to test the skills of their employees (remember how that went when the US tested their teachers?). Hell, even that time you got a bunch of hippies out of abandoned buildings under the guise of safety measures was a pretty smart move. None of these things will get anyone in trouble, and regardless of how insignificant it all is, as long as they think they are contributing to something, it should raise their morale and bring a sense of belonging and cohesion.
I’m sure you guys can come up with variations on the usual sabotage manuals (like the good old Simple Sabotage Field Manual from the OSS, declassified in 1963).
Noah Diaz
Things are definitely changing, as i percecive them here in my south american country. Things that weren't even thinkable 10 years before, are now becoming mainstream.
Real change usually takes a lot of time, in my humble opinion it won't "happen" from one year to another. Yes, Trump won and it was one of the biggest WTF and FUCK YOU in recent history, but he is a response to a degrading America (and worlwide) values and path, people got sick after many years of Obama's constant failure. On the other hand, people are getting more and more wary about media, elites, globalism, etc. Many people are going our way but it will take time for them to gain political power, or economical, etc. Jews are still in charge of most industries and media.
Leo Bell
I say we keep doing what we have been doing, never letting up the pressure. The climate is so much different to just 2 years ago, much of that is down to our work all over the net spreading the truth. The comment sections on so many sites have become /pol tier to the point they have to be shut down or hugely moderated, there is a rising tide of distrust and disgust with the politicians and the media. The normie working class (the most likely to do anything) cannot afford to lose their jobs by doing anything drastic, and until the threat becomes more pressing than the fear of losing their job or being imprisoned and hence losing their ability to provide for their family, they will remain quietly resentful, but inactive. The best options for now are propaganda and pressing the nationalist ideology and brotherly unity of all white people against our enemies webwide and IRL. Every opportunity you get, explain that we have a simple decision: Us or them We can't both survive if they are actively seeking to annihilate us, so we must all take a side, and cut the feelgood "we are all one" hippie crap. As far as sabotage talk , I think that is dicey and likely to land you with a visit form mi5 or mi6, whichever it is so I won't be doing that.
Also as a side note, "white genocide" seems to be met by incredulity fro many whites when the issue is raised, despite masses of evidence. I suggest a new term that may get past their mental block of the word genocide meaning "violent" destruction and not fitting the circumstances in their minds. The term I suggest will get them to accept the facts without the mental block is: White annihilation It is hard to argue that whites will not be completely annihilated if current trends of mass immigration and demographics continue, even if you do not at first accept malicious intent implied by the word "genocide"
Nicholas Phillips
No you're just getting used to them. This is probably the highest level of violence seen in the west since the world wars. This is getting a bit beyond the 60's counter-culture riots. Bombs going off almost weekly. People being attacked in clashing protests.
Is this not a happening?
Aaron Edwards
We need more power to bring our message to reality more easily, it's that simple.
All the shitposting is fun, but we actually need to be the fathers, teachers, bosses, business owners, judges, cops and leading voices in general of our society. We must turn our lives into red pilling beacons for those among us and expand our influence.
Caleb Barnes
I have a buddy who is semi redpilled. He is struggling to find work here in degenerate central, aka Los Angeles.
After submitting over 300 job apps, he's beginning to despair. I said it's a hard market because you're competing with Juan. I got the typical, "well he's just looking for work too." And I put it to him this way: when he came here seeking opportunities, they were your opportunities that he took.
Levi Reed
To be honest, I used to have issue with that term too. I could see something was up, I could see the lower birthrate, I could see the justice system destroying families and trust between men and women, the promotion of unhealthy lifestyles,… and even though all these things are contributing to the same result, they look completely isolated, so it was hard for me to admit (what I think is) the key element to a genocide: it has to be deliberate. It's only when I read the UN report on Replacement Migration (where they are downright concluding with the admission that the replacement will be complete with no chance of turning back), that I accepted the term. It's one thing to see it happening, it's another thing to know it's being done on purpose, and it's being relentlessly pushed with no chance of seeing it stop on its own. Some still think genocide requires killing (bringing up the definition helps), but other time they will just reply "whites are the majority, it's never going to happen"; in either case, exposing the end result, even without calling it a genocide tends to put things in perspective. Dealing with people who lost all hope and decided not to have kids because of the mess we're in is trickier to manage though.
Lincoln Rivera
wholesome thread idea user, will return to contribute properly later on We need to think of ways to rejuvinate the soul of the white man It was achieved perfectly in NS Germany, I'm sure most Holla Forumsacks are very well aware of the success but I'm not sure if everyone, even many people, have done in depth studies into the uplifiting "propaganda" techniques used by NS to save the German people from Weimar inflicted depression.
Owen Hill
The economy is not fine since 2007.
Ayden Peterson
Aren't wages frozen since the 70s and everything way more expensive now? Fucking financialized economy with ridiculous amounts of money printing doing "fine." Though if you meant masses starving, yeah we are not there yet.
In the last stream of James Allsup did he let a bunch of people Skype call in and every one of them sounded young as fuck. Like 2 sounded like kids around 12 and the rest said they were in high school. James Allsup is doing something that's attracting kids. It might be because he's young himself he's like 20. Maybe something could be learned from him.
Go be a sodomite somewhere else, faggot >>>/trs/ reported
Dominic Moore
I have a number of people I stay in touch with for two reasons:
1. They're relatively nice people. 2. Much more importantly, they're johnny salt of the earth blue collar sorts - they don't use the internet heavily, and certainly not for anything more complicated than friending people on facebook. Talking to them is pretty boring, but it is informative; you can get a good idea what "the guy on the street" thinks.
Three notable things:
First, they voted Trump. They're in a fairly liberal cesspit, but they, and their neighbours, see the writing on the wall and they supported his campaign agenda. Second, they are mad at the obstruction and bullshit being flung at Trump on a daily basis. One of them told me, recently, "I had no idea just how deep the corruption went in DC." Third, they're quietly gearing up for the conflict with the liberals to come to a head.
I don't think most of you realize how the average person thinks. They're not happy with what is going on. Not one bit. They want to see America great again, and they put a lot of stock in Trump's rhetoric. The fact that he's spectacularly failing to achieve any big-time goals that he promised isn't being seen as his fault, but as "the system" undermining him, and, by proxy, the American people.
Christopher Nguyen
It seems the main advantage that we have is that the (((wealthy))) don't know that the white working class are semi-redpilled, probably because they don't associate with them. I'm no Sun-Tzu, but this is a solid weakness we can work with. Jews are powerfull because of their strong connections with other powerful Jews and Gentiles, but they have no connection with the majority. Exploit the fact that everyone is against the working white man except for us, then we will have the majority.
Ian Martin
Dude, I'm a leaf and neighbors are starting Holla Forums-teir conversations.
Caleb Robinson
everyone redpilled are already overdozing on winning, just need to come up with easy targets or golas life contacting CNN advertisers. everyone blackpilled need a Peterson pill everyone bluepilled need entry level redpill they can digest, Can be Molyneux, Computing forever. Rubin Report, Steven Crowder, or even Tim Pool for that matters.
Everyone on the far left that drank too much koo-aid and are irredeemable need nothing else but be ridiculed non-stop till they break, then MAYBE they might get tired or being losers and with no ego left might entertain the idea or looking over the fence what we actually say. You cannot argue with them as long they still got their bubble, kill their heroes, expose CNN/Holywood for the liars they are, and mock them for even trusting them, mock them everytime they parrot a lie. AND EVERY KIKES IN THE OVEN
thats what need to be done in a nutshell
Samuel Thompson
Preferably no alt lite kikes. Send them to Molymemes, at least, he has facts and statistics on-screen and in description. Plus, his comment sections are full of Holla Forumsacks dropping the real redpills that Moly can't talk about. inb4 some faggot goes REEEEE about moly being raised catholic and having an abusive (half?) jewish mother. he does a good job at promoting whiteness, family, etc. he doesnt do that defoo bullshit anymore
Anthony Gutierrez
Rubin maybe, but Christian crowder really lives to bash SJW, Bernie, expose muslims, debunk illegal immigrants, could do a better job at defending Trump as a person but he does debunk muh Russia narrative, and put the leftist outrage in context and compares it to the worse stuff comming out of the DNC/Hillary camp. I do have a soft spot for his baneposting. He has his limits, he's fine with trans and gays even if he just think its misguided, yet insist its bad to normalize trans and gays and the genders diapora is bullshit. Also a high believe in free markets in general. Forgot to mention Mark Dice for easy ridicule of the media's blunder.
At least its better than Phillip defranco always excusing the left and not giving enough benefit of the doubt to Trump, trying to play middle ground extraordinaire.
Jeremiah Taylor
I think (((big pharma/agro))) poisoning everybody is the most universal red pill, and won't make normies worried about being called racist like the migration/ white genocide issue. Everyone knows someone close that got killed by bad meds/food. so revealing the pharmakike should get them fired up and they'll start looking into the banks, degeneracy, migration, then the halohoax on their own.
Eli Scott
When the average blue pilled worker can no longer get food at their local Monsanto provider or shop at their local Costco, thats when people will finally let reality smack them in the face. Until then, they will ignore the writings on the wall
Michael Martin
I've been in depression for years, so has my wife. We were overall healthy but felt depressed. We chug along during the bad times and kept living life, we married, had a child.
Then the doctor comes to us and tells us we should take a worm-killer because we may unwittingly contaminate our child, because adults commonly carry worms:
Albendazole, 400mg single dose.
One week later, we feel invigorated, all smiles, life feels great as we have not felt for a decade.
I may be wrong, but I suspect our food is being deliberately poisoned with some parasite to hold us down. This is just a thought, our relatives are now taking albendazole too to see if it affects them.
We were overall healthy, no issues for many years, we eat mostly cooked food, whole grains, the low carbohidrate, mediterranean, whatever have you healthy diet. We don't have weight issues, we rarely catch flu, but we were depressed, sad, somber.
Now life is pink again. What happened here? Should we start a smuggling albendazole business to the countries where it costs a kidney to get a dose? lol
Xavier Reed
So taking a page from history and looking at the degeneracy and degeneration that was the Weimar Republic, the only thing that snapped people out of it was a combination of economic catastrophe and the right leadership to give people purpose. Because this is right:
They won't do anything until there is nothing to lose, and there is only nothing to lose when you have no choice. You've all seen some shoddy business that just clings onto life, stuck in a little shack, never being able to expand or renovate because it would 'cost too much' or 'be too hard' to change it while it stands. But a fire rushes through and burns that pile of scrap to the ground, and what happens? It gets rebuilt, often better than it was before, because the inhibitions against taking action have been forcibly removed. Their jobs, their reputations, their livelihoods are that shoddy construction that they simply cannot risk because the fear of what would happen if it lie in ruins, and only a catastrophe that burns it all down whether they like it or not will allow them to rebuild the structure towards what they wanted all along - if guided and motivated properly in that moment of desperation.
As long as people have something to lose, as long as they have a 'tomorrow' to fall back on, they will be highly hesitant to act. The young are more impulsive and mobile because they haven't built up anything, but the older with the power to change something are sluggish because it risks their life's work and hard-won comfort. At least, that is the easiest way to work with but hardest to predict.
I think what we can do is to continue pointing out how the enemies of the Republic and of the rightful citizens thereof are constantly lying, cheating, and pushing for the destabilization and the destruction of our way of life now and into the future. Redpills - sugar-coated, small doses, subtly delivered - will allow people to get curious enough to think about it themselves and find their own answers. If people discover the truth on their own or feel that they do, they are much more likely to associate that with positivity than if you just try to spoonfeed it to them. Though what we know is terrifying and terrible, not one of us here would wish to go back to being an ignorant lemming since now our eyes are opened to what threats and opportunities exist in our world. There is no putting that genie back in the bottle, and that is to our great advantage.
Samuel Johnson
More or less. And the great unwashed wont know what hit them. People bogged down in their every day lives will suddenly know extreme stress and suffering. Thats when shit will hit the fan.
Zachary Myers
This really. Shit typically gets real when food prices jump at least 30% and stay there. That hasn't happened in America or Europe yet.
Aaron Reed
We should drop a Yuri pill within social media operations. With the extent of Russia meddling coverage and the consistent display of out of control liberals, it seems like a natural fit and progression into stimulating the curiousity of the blue pilled that know "something" is off about the world we live in today. Those are the type of people that simply need a place to start in their own research or journey. Unless they have that intuition that something is changing in the world, I don't see a point in putting any energy into them. They'll wake up when or if their bubble collapses.
Michael Cooper
This. There is a reason it was called the national socialist WORKER'S party. Even the commies have it right when they say that is where the power lies. The working class are the most resistant to liberalism and immigration, and the most ready to take arms when the time comes.