Belarus also to leave Russia ?

In a move similar to Ukraine a few years ago Belarus is becoming increasingly short with Moscow.

They warn of an alleged rise in "Russophobia" in Belarus, and criticise the West for plotting to tear the country away from Russia. The last such attack took place in late 2014 but then faded as the Belarusian presidential elections approached.

With Russia's economy in trouble and the regime of President Alexander Lukashenka seeking rapprochement with the West, Kremlin pressure on Belarus may increase.

Rather aggressive articles targeting Belarus have once again appeared on various Russian online media portals over the past few weeks:, an influential, state-controlled online outlet;Sputnik i Pogrom, the well-known nationalistic website; and Pravda, the once-powerful communist newspaper - to name just a few.

All texts contain a near-identical set of messages, indicating that they are part of a coordinated media campaign. As is usual, they all criticise the promotion of Belarusian traditions, language and culture in Belarus, and accuse Lukashenka's regime of being tolerant of "Nazis" and '"Russophobes".

"Until recently, Belarusian nationalists were perceived as marginal and were represented in society by a small layer of radical youth and intelligentsia" - writes in reference to the Belarusian volunteers fighting in Ukraine. "However, the war in Donbass has changed everything. (…) The influence of youth [nationalistic extremist] organisations in Belarus is growing exponentially"

Other urls found in this thread:

Belarusian nationalists over the last year “not only have come out of ‘the political ghetto’ into which they have been since the end of the 1990s but also have become an influential political force” in Minsk, indeed a force that even Alyaksandr Lukashenka has had to take into consideration and play up to.

As Lukashenka visited Kyiv and restated his support for Ukraine, a Congress in Defense of the Independence of Belarus met in Minsk and declared that it hadsucceeded in gathering a million signatures on a petition in support of that goal, something its organizers said showed the vitality of Belarusian nationalism.

The group said that it saw the main threat to the independence of Belarus not so much in Russia but rather in the Eurasian Economic Union which is supposed to begin operation on January 1, a distinction that may have made it easier for the organizers to hold their meeting and to gather support in the population.


In a week in which much has occurred of geopolitical importance, the evolution of the domestic political situation in Belarus has not received as much attention as it should have. Belarus isn't usually high on the list of countries the average American watches in terms of international news. Recent events there, however, provide good reason to give the country some attention. Public protests against the regime of Alexander Lukashenka that began in mid February in response to a tax on those employed for less than half of a year have grown and morphed into a demand for systemic political change, and have thus set up a showdown with a regime not accustomed to challenge, while stoking fears in the Kremlin that it may be facing another “color revolution” on its border, potentially triggering a muscular Russian response.

Outside observers could be forgiven for not seeing change in the wind in Belarus, where on the surface everything looked the same. Change has, nevertheless, been coming, even to the country commonly referred to as “the last dictatorship of Europe”, spurred by the Ukraine crisis, which set in motion a series of changes in Lukashenka's approach both to the West and to Putin, which changes have been working themselves out gradually since. Fearing that the West could support a Maidan-type uprising against him, and also needing Western investment to spur economic growth in an economy (overly dependent upon an imploding Russian economy) in recession, Lukashenka offered to mediate between Russia and the West in the ongoing confrontation over Ukraine. Putin's annexation of Crimea and stoking of conflict in eastern Ukraine also brought home to Lukashenka the danger that Russia could undertake similar actions in Belarus should it believe its interests there to be threatened. He therefore began a sustained effort to warm ties with the West while maintaining his security ties and strategic alignment with Moscow, whose support he needs in order to maintain his rule.

With an eye on Western opinion Lukashenka has allowed a limited number of small, unsanctioned protests, such as those last year that accompanied the debate over whether Russia would be allowed an air base on Belarusian territory (Minsk was able to dodge that demand on Putin's part by agreeing to purchase new Russian warplanes for the Belarusian military, which would then be used as part of the Single Air Defense System, and by agreeing to participate in an Integrated Regional Antiaircraft Defense System). He has also released several prominent political prisoners over the past year in a nod to the West. On March 1, 2016, as part of his attempt to continue to warm relations with the EU, the Belarusian interior ministry announced a softer stance on protests – it would no longer detain protestors, but that police would file charges and protestors would be forced to appear in court and pay a fine, but no longer serve jail time. This change, as much as anything else, set the stage for the events of the past month that have the potential to reshape both Belarusian domestic politics as well as its foreign policy.

More recently, Lukashenka has made other moves favorable to the West that have raised Moscow's ire, including the liberalization of its visa requirements for more than 80 countries, including the United States and countries in the EU. In response to this move Russia installed border controls with Belarus – which border is supposed to be “open”, which resulted in Lukashenka accusing Moscow of “violating treaties”. Russian displeasure with the new visa regime announced by Minsk was so hot that the editors of a leading Belarusian opposition news source believed Putin had made a decision to depose Lukashenka.

Since the beginning of the year an increasingly vituperative rift between Minsk and Moscow has grown, one largely rooted in a tug of war between the two over Belarus' flirtation with the West and Moscow's fear that it could lose Belarus as it has Ukraine. Although that fear would previously have seemed farfetched, the evolution of the political protests, and the government response to them, make them appear less so. Russian media has provided indications that Moscow sees the trajectory in Belarus as paralleling that of Ukraine several years ago, with Russian media blaming Lukashenka's flirtation with the West for current events, as well as suspecting the hidden hand of the West. Belarus's strategic value to Russia being on a par with that of Ukraine, the departure of Minsk from that orbit would be a strategic disaster, particularly following close on the heels of the alienation that has occurred between Russia and Ukraine. This would open the door to potentially aggressive moves on Putin's part to keep Belarus in the Russian fold should events be deemed to be getting out of hand.

To sum it up Russia has been trying to integrate Belarus into the Eurasian union the same way they tried the Ukraine and slavs dont want none of that gay shit

Good for them.


Belarus also has great folk metal/ rock

It's interesting seeing the nations on Russia's European periphery resisting the Asiatic partners Russia is linking up with. It's clear that's what is going on here.

Sounds like an opportunity for the shitskins currently flocking into Russia to infect Eastern Europe. Bravo to the Belarussians for resisting that shit. Eastern countries really are between a rock and a hardplace.

Could this be it? The return of Intermarium?

Russia is probably about to invade Belarus, because muh ethnic russians

why not just have a slav union?
theres 250 million of you.

how about no fucking unions, they're all shit

if poland, ukraine, belarus, latvia, lithuania, estonia, slovakia, czech republic all united into one they would have a population of 100 or so million that would rival russia and germany.

IDK. My guess is because Russia loves to fuck everything up.

OP is a faggot as usual.

Russians also love to be belligerent as fuck and threaten to murder people for stupid shit which makes being a "brother" country difficult

What Exactly Is Going on Between Russia and Belarus?BY EMILY TAMKINFEBRUARY 6, 2017 - 1:13 [email protected]/* */

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is speaking as though there’s a new battle being waged between Russia and Belarus. In reality, it’s the same old fight.

For years, Lukashenko has tried to play Russia and Europe off one another. He’s redoubled those efforts since the fighting erupted in Ukraine in 2014, criticizing Putin’s annexation of Crimea and hosting peace talks in Minsk. In January, Belarus announced visa-free travel for citizens from 80 countries — including the United States — to Belarus, effective Feb. 9.

This time, he may have overplayed his hand, flirting too forcefully with the European Union.Russia now seems to be pulling the Belarusian pendulum back to Moscow. On Wednesday, it announced it would establish a security zone on its previously virtually open border with Belarus.

The border issue is perhaps a stand in for a larger conflict. On Friday, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko criticized this move by Moscow, and said that his country’s ties with Russia are deteriorating because Russia is afraid of Belarus turning toward the West. He also spoke of a much larger problem: Russia recentlythreatened to cut oil exports to Belarus by half. The two countries have been arguing about the price and delivery of oil and gas for months.

Lukashenko said Russia had grabbed Belarus “by the throat” by using oil and gas supplies to get its way, declaring, “Independence cannot be compared with oil.” But even as he vowed to find other sources of energy if necessary, he he took care to say that Belarus would not leave the Russia-helmed Collective Security Treaty Organization or Eurasian Economic Union.

Belarus’s departure would be a blow to Russia, and Lukashenko has complained about unequal membership conditions. But still, he made clear his country, over which he has ruled as “Europe’s last dictator” since 1994, would not threaten Russia in this way.

The one from 2017 is where things are escalating.

This was a few months ago

Russia doesn't seem to identify as a slavic nation. They still have a hardon for conquering everyone's territory for muh empire, except now that instinct is informed by a hundred years of soviet multiethnic anti-white bullshit.
Fuck off, the kikes certainly know who's white, and they want them fucked.


And this one is from April.

Belarus has always been leveraging its position to get more gibs from Russia, but there's actually no reason for them to leave Russian sphere of influence.

They identify as "whites" more than most of cucked Europe. What you mistake for warmongering is a self-preservation instinct, since in case you've not noticed, the kikes have been trying to break Russia up since 1990.

Why are you saging? Belarus has every reason to leave a dying empires sphere of influence

Russia has annexed land from 2 neighbors in the last 10 years and contantly threaten every other neighbor Belarus included of attacking them. Russians are dumb niggers and its not the wests fault they keep murdering people

how about just being a nation?

nice neocon rag you got there

Isnt that the point of Belarussian nationalism

I wonder when the Belarussian (((separatists))) will come. Can't have independent states, goy.

depends where the shekels are coming from

For what? EU and NATO? When most of their trade and partnerships is with Russia? How will getting belligerent and fucking with Russia benefit your average Belarussian?

It's a lot more complex than "ebil russia taking other people's clay". Both Georgian and Ukrainian conflicts happened after the countries' internal politics was fucked with by kikes. Russia simply acted to protect its assets and security. Western kikes (see Soros' involvement in Ukraine and Georgia) keep organizing "grassroots" color revolutions in Russia's backyard, and Russia would rather sacrifice it's image than strategic interests.

In case you've noticed, regimes opposing kikes (Syria, Lybia) tend to collapse for some reason. Russians don't want the same thing happening to them, and luckily still have enough power to fight back.

Getting better prices on energy is a natural thing to exert leverage over. It's not any different than when Russia threatens to withhold energy supplies to try to get what it wants. Which has increasingly led to its European neighbors exploring buying US gas that has to be loaded onto tankers and shipped over the ocean just to mitigate it.
I understand the threats Russia faces and I also understand their traditional approach to these threats has been to constantly expand their borders to reduce the frontier available to the "enemy". But the Baltics are not Russia. Poland is not Russia. People might be more sympathetic if Russia was sacking Bursa instead of stoking Soviet leftovers in Latvia to chimpout.

You are not justified in invading anyones country you cocksuckers. No one would be leaving for the west if Russia wasnt a corrupt shithole filled with neo communist cucks

What land has Russia stolen?

tell that to americans, westcuck

Whos coutry has the US invaded?

you're joking, right?

Nope. Give a name give a region. I dont care about sandnigger shitholes, the US never called someone brother and then annexed land from them like steppe niggers.

I see nothing wrong with this

why bother annexing land when you can control them with money and arms deals

Then why doesnt Russia do that?

Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, bombed Serbia for standing up to aggressive mudshits, destabilized Iran, destabilized all of latin america by funding and aiding drug cartels, protected opium production in Afghanistan which is currently killing many white americans….the list goes on and on.

Almost seems like everyone close to the Russians fucking despises them, and the only ones who adore them are dipshit Amis whose sole exposure to Russia are Putin-Memes and "Russia is a WN-state guys!"-shill posts on Holla Forums.

Really gets the nogging jogging

When they can, they do.

we don't adore them. We just don't want to go to war with them, which is what the kikes who run our military and intelligence agencies desperately want. Them and their evangelical neocohen faggot good goyim.

Russias was the primary aggresor in Germany if it was up to them they would have exterminated the whole of the Germans. I dont care about sand nigger shitholes or south american shitholes. Serbia is the only one that the US is faggots for doing.

Something comparable to what Russia is doing right now is if the US forcefully annexed parts of the UK and threatened Canada with sanctions if they didnt surrender sovergnty to the US. Its not at all comparable.

Oh, fuck off.
The same retards who continue to champion Trump as their god-emperor also idolize Russia as some sort of "WN-super state"

You're a kike shill. 960a52(13) Reported for kikery and filtered and saged.

Jews want to tear Russia apart and d&c Slavs in order to put more nations under the EU yoke and possibly even get them to join NATO to put more missiles and tanks closer to Moscow.

(((NGOs))) are manufacturing this crap the same way they did it in the ukraine.

Yeah, that's why there are no Germans in former GDR right now. Dipshit.


I don't like Russians but Americans are even worse. At least with Russians you don't have gay prides and niggers.

But ultimately, both America and Russia need to be destroyed if Europe wants to rid itself of the Russo-American vise grip and revive itself.

Fuck Russia. Fuck America.

You are a faggot westerner who has no idea what its like to live in a post soviet shithole with an aggresive collapsing empire threatening you with war and genocide.

Because the GDR is East Germany isn't it. Oh wait, it's actually Central Germany. I wonder what could've happened to East Germany….? Or have the Russians forgotten so quickly how they acquired Kaliningrad

wooden gas chamber oven combos?
six million?

Russia killed about 1.5 million Germans with the "population transfers" when they took Berlin they gang raped 2 million women. Prussia was completely annihilated. They only stopped when the cold war started

thanks to the material help from western allies

The gang rapes and murders are fairly common knowledge. You faggots might have forgotten what the red army was like but we havent.



Material aid got you to Berlin. Literal Mongol savagery combined with literal Jewish propaganda calling to 'break the racial pride of the German women' was the inspiration for rape. And the Russians just ate it up hook, line and sinker didn't they?

neocon/ukrainian shill detected


(((USA))) and (((EU))) are losing the proxy war in Syria, their saber rattling and policy of couping anyone incomfortable driving the entire region towards Russia (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and most recently possibly even Qatar are growing closer to Russia by the week), and so they choose to get back at Russia in other ways. First was the declaration of oil war on Russia, building new pipelines that would supply Europe instead of the Russian ones, next was the coup in Ukraine where (((pro-western))) oligarchs seized power from the, admittedly also corrupt, pro-Russian president, to which Russia reacted with an outright invasion. Kikes are trying to push the "border" of their influence as close to Russia as possible, trying to strangle it economically or at least isolate it politically. In turn, Russia reacts by trying to soldify its influence where it still can.

Russia isn't USSR, regardless of how hard the MSM tries to push that narrative. Hell, most european countries are more socialist than Russia is at this point. The real driving force between the recent conflicts isn't some sort of neo-Russian imperialism, it's Russia being a superpower and feeling its sphere of influence under attack by another superpower (USA), only where USA worms its way in through (((democractic))) coups, secret services, and liberal degeneracy, Russia tends to answer far more directly (such by annexing Crimea) and thus receives far worse PR (not that it matters, seeing as how USA's MSM and various Soros-funded NGOs practically have a monopoly on international news), which of ourse plays right into USA's hands when it comes to countries like Belarus, where they can easily stir old fears of USSR. The goal of the kike is to extend EU as far as possible. To have Belarus and Ukraine join it. To have Russia directly border EU, and thus close off any possible way for Russia to spread its influence in that direction, and to deprive it of its trading partners.

you need to work on your reading comprehension

and yes, the only reason there is a Russia today to be used as the neocon propaganda bogeyman is because your kike overlords decided to help them survive against Hitler

The communist party in russia is the second largest in Russia. And no the hate Russias neighbors have for Russia is not soley western meddling

You mean the cuckchan muds who flock here every time a Trump thread is posted, because an identical one is always posted in their swamp? I take the middle ground on Trump; he's whipped up white anger to a degree not seen since the 70's, even though his policies are moderate.
I have never seen this behavior from someone who wasn't clearly foreign to Holla Forums.

And how many Russians did Germany kill? 1/3rd of Leningrad civilian population died of starvation, because sieging the city was more cost effective than trying to take it, and that was just a small fraction of hell the Russians had to endure. Compared to that, 2 million women catching dick is a bargain.

If you were principled with your "moral rigor", you'd be applying the same standards to both sides.

My country wasn't given a choice on whether to fight Germany or not. We were a colony of the most kiked empire in the world which also happened to be largest.

kek, apparently the English classes in Ukraine aren't that good

Ivan spotted.

The communist party is strong in most post-soviet countries (all those old party members, secret police operatives, and all the other assholes that managed to be the "more equal among equals" certainly enjoyed the commie era), but that doesn't mean they have some sort of influence. For example, in Czech republic there is no party willing to go into a coalition with commies, despite them being one of the largest parties, meaning that unless comies gain 50+% of votes, they will have zero influence on anything. It is also important to remember that the commies of old (who still form the vast majority of these parties) are radically different from the commies of today, and would most likely prove a hindrance to the kike rather than help – just look at Norks.

Do you have an example more recent than something from the Cold War?

The difference was that one side were national socialists destroying kikes left and right and one side were just communist subhumans.


They killed some 40-50 million people in the USSR stop pretending you give a shit about anyone

These shills are opposed shilling in order to create noise and astroturf controversy among us. You can see right through it because the ones who pretend to be us are strawmanning our own positions (ie, unironically using nazi, a kike slur for wn/NatSocs) to then be "btfo" by flawed reddit-tier contradictions and ad hominem. Steel yourself against their faggotry.

Communism isnt strong in Poland the traditional catholic party is. It isnt strong in Estonia, Latvia or lithuania, it isnt strong in the Ukraine and it is forced on Belarus. No one misses that shit but Russia.

which the (((west))) you praise would rather see dethroned

The Catholics are fully subverted, also its meaningless to being up Poland while they are still a western puppet and NATO/EU member

So the instant the Provisional Government was dispersed by a bunch of Bolshevist kikes, every single Russian became a communist subhuman?

Every mongoloid in that shithole that didn't wise up and join the white army was a subhuman and therefore all of their spawns.
Fuck you ivan and your shameful "history".


Weak! Don't you guys see that white-nationalism will never turn into a state-level ideology, without some kind of reconciliation between whites? Why do you fall so easily for D&C shilling?

Don't forget about the four year long civil war in which millions of Russians died fighting bolsheviks, or the fact that the bolsheviks themselves received substantial aid from Germany (Lenin was arrested in Germany, and instead of being executed, was given millions of Deutschmarks in gold and shipped to Russia).

Oh you mean like the Tsarist officers whose families would be killed by kike Trotsky if they didn't serve? Yeah what utter untermenschen.

No actual ethnic European here wants your huhwite "nationalism". Being slav(e) and European automatically means pale skin. Go pack your mystery meat somewhere else.

Fuck off.

quality post

And their worthless lines ended anyway because muh bourgious.
They didn't fight, they willfully converted, they were and still are subhuman reds.

Tell me about American History. English History. German History. Italian History. Scandinavian History.

Can you really say with a straight face that these have never been kike puppets?

"White nationalism" is today's "Pan-Slavism", i.e. just an excuse for Russia's imperialist ambitions.

Who let John McCain start posting here

gas yourself kike

Someties I wonder if there's more (((paid))) posting to Holla Forums than anyone else.

They arent in the EUs sphere of influence. They are in Russias.

I'm a nationalist, faggot

And they came so goddamn close too. If Britain had stayed in a bit longer they could have taken St. Petersburg.
I know they allowed him to pass through Germany and that it was hoped he would destabilize Russia, but I've never heard about gold.

Then you should support EuropeanWhite ethnic nationalism instead of limited regional/state nationalism which is ultimately a source of irredentism and infighting

top kek

who asked the amerimutts opinion?

I see, so you want whites to keep killing fighting each other, instead of reaching some kind of understanding and uniting, not politically, but ideologically in opposing kikes? I wonder who could be behind this post.

That's easy:

Just browse through that thread. There are primary sources as well as links to German sources there.

Russia's "imperialist ambitions" so far seem to be only resisting western incursions into their backyard. Besides, when they're fighting mudslimes (which Russia is historically predisposed towards), we're cheering them on.

I only want whites to stop fighting other whites.

kike confirmed
go back to >>>Holla Forums with your anti-white "nationalism"

kill youself, deracialized mongrel

Where the fuck do you think you are?
This is a white nationalist board

You can kick and scream about whiteness being a colonialist invention all you want, but it was a damn effective way of separating the races for over two hundred years. Like it or not, as Europe is getting invaded by non-whites, more and more europeans are defining as white.

And whether you choose to or not, the kikes most definitely know who you are.

that was always part of the kike plan, retard
kill off unique/independent nation states and their peoples

how has the deracination helped whites in US?

We're fine, thanks for asking.

Maybe this is a question for another thread but how do you plan to achieve this? Honestly. That is to say, cooperation between whites. Whenever I go on comments sections on history videos there's always Europeans fighting each other over historical conflicts 900 years ago. In fact I was just watching the newest BPS video which started off with a description of Soviet actions in Berlin and there was a ton of butthurt Russians literally calling the Rape of Berlin a hoax. If you take a step on cuckchan it's just constant shitflinging at each other especially towards the Germans. No one in Europe has forgotten each others past crimes against their individual peoples. How would you reconcile them?


don't you have some mexican holiday or some negro rights figure to celebrate?

Yeah, especially the ones that had a preponderance of people with fair skin, light eyes and long limbs. Those seem to rank extra special highly on Schlomo's list.
I would argue that the U.S., for a significant chunk of it's history, was MORE racialized due to a higher percentage of groids. Various white ethnicities have gained equal footing under the common word "white", and we've both gained and lost from that. In truth, it was really a post-WW2 phenomenon, and one that has affected Europe almost equally to the U.S.

I personally can't achieve this, cause I'm just a nobody. I'll just play my role as the idea-carrier, and call out the obvious D&C when I can, and hope the idea will ferment into a movement someday.

But it's good that white people learn more about each other's histories. Even if on the surface level it looks like it leads to in-fighting, more knowledge leads to a more objective worldview. After all, anger is the first step towards acceptance, a sign of the mind trying to incorporate conflicting new information into the existing worldview.

D&C shilling comes from a lack of knowledge, not having too much of it. Once you realize that every side has had its heroes and its highs and lows, once you learn to honor your history, and learn other white peoples' histories, see both successes and blunders, see that the future of the white race is more important than petty infighting, you'll be naturally immunized against D&C and inclined towards white, I don't want to call it "nationalism", but some kind of understanding and mutual respect.

After all, how can one identify as white, if he doesn't know any white history, besides his own country's version of the story?

Reported for anti white kike thread.

War and gang rapes go hand in hand. But your pics don't prove shit.

so the family-hostage taking apartment building guy was right along

Why are they addressing him as a woman?
It's LukashenkO.

He's more likely trying to play Putin. Little does he know that the West will start deposing him ASAP he lets them into the country.

estonia, lithuania, latvia are not slavs though. They are balts, estonia is actually finnic while lt and lv are proto indos. lt is the oldest indo language alive in europe, damn difficult to learn.
laba vakaras ;)

No kidding I had to steal all of this. Don't understand shit, but this was fucking great



Baltic languages are sister clade to Slavic. Oldest European IE split was Greek and/or Albanian.

Okay I don't know the full story, but when I asked people over there( I was actually expecting slavic, only to realize I understood much of it) and they brought up greek. I don't know greek so I can't compare it

Fucking this

it was protogreek.
albanian is only a few thousand years old. the first mention of albanian peoples is in some roman document about an albzerg thief centuries after they assimilated into the illyrian empire

German rapist are worst, they rape women through closed door and it looks like they have an conversation! Filthy fascist Fritzen!

They died because Russian leadership thought, denying food rations to “useless eaters”, the old and infirm is a good idea.
The Russian leadership thought moving a whole symphony orchestra in and out of the city is of greater importance than evacuating the civilian population from the front line.

No, the Bolshevist tried to kill everybody but the subhumans. That is the reason the German army did discover mountains of dead, murdered people like in the citadel of Liv/Lemberg.

Maybe you should learn your history. Lenin was in neutral Switzerland not arrested by Germany and the Bolshevist were financed by (((Wallstreet))) through (((Trotzky))).
Trotzky wanted like Kerensky to continue the war against Germany, while Lenin gained support by the Russian people by promising to end the war. Ending the war was the main motivation for the revolution.

When Lenin arrived in Russia the revolution was already in full swing and the Tzar had already abdicated.

damage control.

youll need some better sauce than Company of heroes 2

so after you take control of a great power spanning over a 6th of the globe you then kill everyone in it? sounds legit.

>Maybe you should learn your history. Lenin was in neutral Switzerland not arrested by Germany and the Bolshevist were financed by (((Wallstreet))) through (((Trotzky))).
if you think germany dinndu nuffin with the bolshevik revolution youre a real retard

germany for example, or japan

The idiot made a """mistake""" of not making Russian mandatory in schools so that native Rusyns would outbreed the Belorussians and act up as cryto-Ruthenians, spewing pro-Kremlin propaganda whilst. Belorussians are proud and productive people, don't become a satelite when you worked so hard, best wishes from Poland.

Of not making Belorussian* pardon.

Why is there a Finnish conscript with M05 camo placed next to coat of arms of Belarus?

CIAniggers at work

USA controls all western Europe, dumbass.

How about no Unions anymore and just get diplomatic non-aggression treaties and help in any attack by foreign forces?

How is Joe Bidens son doing with the oil and gas in the Ukraine? Is there something interesting in Belarus for one of his other kids?
I'm sure the west will support the (((will of the people))).

Incredible. Lurk four years before posting again and use the time to read one or two books. Four years should be just about what you require for two books.

Bolshevist put subhumans in charge and tried to kill anyone with a little bit more agency:

The Soviets took most of the food with them because they feared that Hitler would take the city as fast as Kiev. After it was clear that this wouldn't happen, they should've used lake Lagoda to move food back in and evacuate the civilians. Instead they moved their factories out of there. The Wehrmacht clearly stated that they won't accept a surrender because they don't have enough food supplies. So they left a breach, i.e. lake Lagoda, plus the Finns didn't attack from the North.

Even if this were true, and it is not, it's BS, why the fuck would you blame Germany and ignore EVERYTHING that happened before? Lenin was exiled to Siberia because he planned to overthrow the tsar. Normally people died there. But in Lenin's case it was more of a holiday. He went hunting, took his mother and sister with him, wrote books, was visited by other revolutionares and even fucking married there. He should have died there, but he didn't. Why? Only Russia is to be blamed here. Lenin should have died in 1987.

lol, I meant 1887..

so now it suddenly isnt "anyone but the subhumans".
and if i mention that they arrested only people who havent assured their loyalty (or didnt know they had to) to the party?
or the irony that followed after bolsheviks put stalin in power?

also what about the rest of the points i refuted in your post? are you just gonna pretend that never happened, dumbass?

got any sauce

If they want to be pretend Lithuanians they might as well start speaking the language.

That's highly subject to dispute, some say that Proto-Indo-European split off into Proto-Balto-Slavic and then to Proto-Baltic and Proto-Slavic although others say that any similarities between them arose from contact between the languages and their proximity and that there was no common language between our peoples and that Baltic languages and Slavic languages both split off separately into their own branches

Belarus is Polish-Lithuanian clay

(check my trips)
This is common knowledge. You can find this in any book on Lenin and even on his wiki page. I fucked up again with the date though.. I meant 1897.

Are all spics manlets or something?

How is Belarus even separate from Russia?

Lithuanian perhaps, but Polish? Saying that out loud can get you unironically killed.

Hello sub-human Russian shill scum. I hope there's a new bolshevik regime so that you get sent to gulag again. Yes, even you shills will get sent to gulag because that's how much Stalin loves you.

yes. You have to remember that spics are really just asians mixed with spaniards.

Fuck the commie kikes who stole my grandfather's land and burnt down his estate


wew. someone is really butthurt in his little apartment in his little country

The Baltics is honestly probably the best place in europe

They have yearly memorials for their SS divisions.

Belarus is too much of Russia's bitch to move away. they're like the UK to America.

Funny thing is. NATO a couple years ago was pretty much standing down and questioning its existence in the modern world.

Now that Russians are slaving out and reclaiming MUH GLORIOUS MOTHER RUSSIA COMRADE they are somehow shocked when not only the west, but countries that suffered under communism for 50 years like the baltics and poland are pushing back against them.

Keep going, I'm nearly there.

If you would have asked me 5 years ago if a war between Russia and the Ukraine was possible and the Ukraine would leave Russias sphere I would have said no fucking way. The way things are now anything is possible and the direction the Belarus goverment is trying to steer nationalism is not in a Russian heritage but a lithuanian one.

By that logic the poo-in-loos or chinks are the greatest race

What's wrong, can't handle a people who aren't afraid to celebrate their heritage?


Russia was a shithole before Communism, it was a shithole during Communism and it remains a shithole to this day.

So perhaps Communism wasn't actually the reason the place is shit. Perhaps it has something to do with the people who live there. I wonder…

"After the Russian Empire lost the Crimean war and was weakened economically and politically, unrest started in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In Vilna alone 116 demonstrations were held in 1861. In August 1861, protests in Vilna ended in clashes with the Imperial Russian Army. In spite of Russian police and Cossack interference, a symbolic meeting of hymn-singing Poles and Lithuanians took place on the bridge across the Niemen River. Another mass gathering took place in Horodło, where the Union of Horodło had been signed in 1413. The crowds sang Boże, broń Polskę (God protect Poland) in Lithuanian and Belarusian. In the autumn of 1861 Russians had introduced a state of emergency in Vilna Governorate, Kovno Governorate and Grodno Governorate."

You're all Lechites lads :^)

Poland was the worst part of the commonwealth

Under the Czar, Russia could have been a lot better off than under Dzhiugashvili, The Czar was working on infrastructure and industry, but his family troubles and the famine which occurred had crippled the efforts, not to mention the German-Jewish sponsored communists who went around causing trouble or like Staling robbing the banks and country side.

They would have sung anything provided it would piss off the Russians.
Although Poles are just Slavic speaking Lithuanians who have been ruled by Lithuanian nobility and Kings all the way since Jadvyga

Yeah, not like Ruthenia lost every fucking war it got involved it and left Poland to the Swedes because they couldn't even handle Ukrainian peasants. They were a liability, but the empire was kiked in many ways and too ahead of time in others, it needed a purge so that we could be uncucked today, don't let it cloud your judgement now user.

Poles, Lechites, Lithuanians, it doesn't matter, we're all one, let's not let the chance to build a federate empire slip while the west is weak. Through unity independence for now, we either suck Russian or American dick or dictate our own principles.

Slavs not welcome

We'll just conduct another "vote" on your behalf :^) You'll be proud to be a Pole commadre.

Keep telling yourself that the Rus could actually be a real people, Ivan.

Fact #1: Russia has never in its history, not ONCE, helped Europe in any way.
Fact #2: Russia has always been successful ONLY when ruled by non-Russians.

haha isn't that the truth.

1. russians are barely european at all. they're baically north asians. they adopted european culture as late as the 1700s!

2. you can trace the beginning of russia to viking rulers who conquered the slavs that eventually emerged as the russians. whenever russians are ruling they fuck up russia so bad they go into heavy debt and have a revolution.

One day Ostland will exist, nobody will bully us then

I'm far from Ivan, Bob
I'm not saying they don't deserve to be ethnically replaced by pure baldigs mans, I'm saying they would have been far better off under the Czar than Staling

There were no Slavs then, Lech and Czech were Viking warlords who setteled central and southern Europe, the Vikings who settled east are later added into the legend as Rus because of this similarity. They were proto-Slavic, because that's what Slavs are. There was still major exchange between the Scandi (and in exchange Balt too, through Estonian proxy) nations and Slavs well into the first millennia.

Countries with 0 tanks can't speak of anything, sorry.

Both Lech and Czech were descended from Piast, they weren't warlords however simply consolidated their fathers lands into what would be called Bohemia and Poland back then. There is no relation between them and Holmgarthr or the Viking conquests
Didn't stop the Finns

Why do Russians so butt blasted about the Balts? They even say drivel like they're apartheid states or fascists or some shit like that. Are they just angry because it's lost territory, like Ukraine?

daily reminder that the sanctions are firmly in place and expanding and russia will collapse completely within more two years

yeah no. compared to a few austrian cities ive been to id say that the alpine region has it great. i do wonder where do all the eastern europe toilet cleaning memes come from if theyre so great

and in filipines or some chingchong country down there you have whole nazi LARPing divisions.
i guess that makes some island chingchongs better than baltics doesent it?

we here celebrate our heretage. even more, we dont autisticly sperg out every day that theres some boogeyman coming to get us.

not russian tho. and from what ive heard you up there are making furniture and cleaning toilets

i doubt they are, its just that the latter keep throwing shit at the fan just to get a reaction from them.

How are the two even related? Polish plumbers immigrated to England en masse that's where it comes from you idiot.

And they lost Lapland.

just saying ive never heard of anything related to the baltic states except muh rusha is koming, just like most of people in my country

in their respective regions they are. theyre so big because everyone else in the region is even more shit than them.

Yeah just like all of those time that one of the Baltics or NATO does anything you don't like suddenly they are evil nazis and must be destroyed or else they will do God knows what.
The west is demonized exactly like the boogeyman that you say you don't have and if it's not the Nazis fault then it's obviously America that did it, of course not Russia's own failing policies and abuse of it's people and the people own ignorance.

Parts of Karelia*
Also that's not the point, they would have lost Karelia no matter how many tanks they had, but not wasting resource on something a smaller country didn't particularly even need only did them well

Ah, I forgot, celebrating you heritage also is tantamount to celebrating the wonders of communism, because that's exactly what Pouting is pushing

im not russian, im from the eurosphere and a NATO member country. nice try tho.


To shame the Baltic the same way Israel constantly talks about the Holocaust to get what they want. Literally all they can talk about is how much the Baltic is filled with evil Nazis that want to exterminate all Russians like how when a shitload of Russian media outlets falsely reported that people were going to ban their language.
Embed related is a pro-Russian journalist that attempted to disrupt the Legion Day march in Riga, who was later deported to Russia and afterwards unironically claimed that he was "finally back in a country that respects freedom of the press"

Oh yeah and there was also a case where the Russians claimed that a camp set up by the Germans where Latvians killed more than ten times the amount of Jews that even entered the camp to begin with.

Russia is in another recession and is significantly poorer then any other post Soviet state. Russians flee to the Baltics

Except Ukraine

are you a kike?

What does it matter where you're actually from, actually if that's the case then what do you even know about anything going down in Eastern Europe right now, or ever for that matter? The MSM?
Getting awfully defensive about not being a Russian there cuccboi, this has nothing to do with you not being cucked and more to do with you not knowing what you are talking about

the US is trying to corner russia by exploiting old grudges and naive democracies to prevent russia from becoming an equal geopolitical player and threathening US global interests and hegemony like in syria

no, its just retarded to see how you label anyone that isnt on your side a russian spy or something.

btw regardles of im surprised how widespread this song is. Never heard of the estonian version, and i have to say the Latvias strelnikas version sounds the best. The SS marschiert and Le viele legion marche are ok too.

Being a vassal to Russia is not some sort of improvement to be a vassal to the US all of these countries have good reason to leave

it isnt, but the US grip is alot tighter than russias. when was the last time a country tried to leave the NATOsphere and got away with it?