The Silver Legion of America

Who was the Silver Legion of America?

Who was William Pelley?
William Dudley Pelley was an author and screenwriter. He served as a foreign correspondent for a newspaper during the Russian Revolution. Previously apolitical, he witnessed first-hand the truth of jewish communism and returned to America a changed man. He reported what he had learned to his congressman, Rep. Louis McFadden, who was so shocked that he decided to read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion on the floor of Congress. His testimony was corroborated by intelligence officials from the Justice and State Departments.

Pelley was terrified at the plot for world domination he had uncovered and tried to forget about the whole thing, writing successful screenplays and becoming part of Hollywood high society during the Roaring Twenties. He grew disillusioned, however, when he noticed increasing anti-goy sentiment and moral subversion being pushed by the jewish movie industry.

After a near-death experience, the previously non-religious Pelley became a believer. After this event, he vowed to do something positive with his life. He was rather blackpilled, however, and didn't think the power of jewry could be overcome. He studied Mein Kampf and became friends with Charles Lindbergh, the renowned aviator and National Socialist. After the electoral victory of Adolf Hitler, Pelley was overjoyed to realize that the power of jewry could, in fact, be overcome. He founded his own National Socialist movement, the Silver Legion, the very next day.

At it's height, the Silver Legion of America had anywhere from 15,000 to 100,000 members (records are sketchy, depends on which source you trust) who built compounds and trained with firearms for either a National Socialist revolution of their own or simply to aid the invading Axis forces. In the meantime they sought political power through elections and mass communication (radio speeches, rallies etc).

Most of Pelley's work was memory-holed. For a prolific author and screenwriter who produced many hits and won several awards, a foreign corespondent during the Russian revolution, a man who inspired his congressman to read the Protocols aloud on the floor of the US Congress, a man who's speeches were broadcast on radio across the country and heard by millions, there are remarkably little primary sources about him. His books are unpublished and possibly lost. They worked very hard to erase this man's legacy, which means we should try to dig it up.

Like the German-American Bund and other "Nazi sympathizer" organizations, they broke apart after the U.S. entered WWII and used the FBI to crush sympathetic groups with charges of treason and sedition. This group feels most similar to the British Union of Fascists, in my opinion. There isn't much material on them due to the memory hole but as someone who lives in Southern California I was pleased to know there was more Holla Forums-tier history here beyond just some KKK chapters and "the place Rockwell was redpilled".

For a more complete picture I recommend reading www. which is an article I found that was digitized from something called The New Order which sounds like a WN 1.0 publication.

Other urls found in this thread:

Symbolism and its Relevance to Memetic Warfare
The Silver Legion of America was an explicitly National Socialist organization. They decided that using the emblem of a foreign power was unappealing and made them seem like outside agents so they decided on using the scarlet L rather than the swastika. The L represented Loyalty to the United States and your people, Liberation from jewish materialism, and the Legion itself. They used the Battle Hymn of the Republic as their anthem, supposedly with custom lyrics but as far as I can see those have been lost. I know some anons opined during the street battle threads that we should use the Battle Hymn as our marching tune to intimidate antifa so this was a pleasant surprise to find it already has NatSoc connections. We could revive the Silver Legion's pro-America imagery and nobody except the most paranoid heebs would know. It neatly sidesteps the anti-swastika conditioning in normalfags while still having some fun edginess for us.

I think it's good, positive iconography and the Christian Fascist aspect of it is well-attuned to the American psyche. I know many of you are against Christianity but like it or not, any political entity in America will have to pay lip service to Christianity. Even the democrats have to do that to this day despite the hedonistic insanity they've devolved into. The Silver Legion is an untapped well of imagery that can help us muh PR be normie-presentable without compromising the purity of our National Socialist ideals by being associated with the alt-right/IE/etc's cucked rebranding of white nationalism. It's the best of both worlds. We get surface level PR because the memetics don't trigger conditioned responses, but we don't compromise and are still explicitly NatSoc. We also get to honor our past and the nationalists who came before. Widespread adoption of this symbolism also might make kikes pull stuff out of the memory hole for attack articles which means we rescue a bit of our history from oblivion.


I have scans of a few of his booklets (other than the common ones) and some issues of "Liberation" from a jewish archive.

Stitching a L on your shirt and using it on what looks like a white flag rather then choosing other forms of symbolism is absolute retarded. Even the America Senate is filled with fascist symbols such as the Fasces, The Roman symbol where a bundle of sticks and a axe are unified.

Since they chose Silver they could have done a SR symbolism. The letter L is just retarded. Retarded to call yourself this when they should have simply called themselves Patriots and used a Patriotic movement aka Nationalists to move the political spectrum of the right leaning people. This is ultimatly what the Jew fears.

Have you learned nothing?
Anything that strikes fear into the heart of the jew is instantly obliterated.
We must be subtle until we have the power to get rid of them.

Pelley was a bit of a wacko tbh. The Silver Legion was a positive group, but Pelley was total schizo. He claimed, among other things, to be able to levitate and see through walls.

Wrong. Commander Rockwell wrote multiple times about how he only gained power once he learned to be unafraid of using the symbols of National Socialism and the image of the Leader, Adolf HItler. If we continue his work and stand up for that, NO MATTER WHAT THE KIKES THROW AT US, people will realize that their control isn't absolute.
No shit, but were it not for his work, White Nationalism in America would completely nonexistent.

Keep an eye on this id. Soon he'll be calling everyone in this thread "Smiley."

…what? I don't even know who Smiley is, but as far as I can pick up from context in other threads, he's some kind of occultist?

Anyone got more images with logos/symbols/flags of far right parties/groups in Europe? I don't know if this warrants a thread so I'm posting here. It would be nice to gather a repository of images/symbolism so people can find out new ways of expressing National Socialism without making swastika derivatives every fucking time.

In my opinion the "branding" of the far right is its own best asset, hijacking the national consciousness with its strong, bold imagery. Which shines in stark contrast with the weak, sanitized content of the left.

Posting great example, also, polite sage for offtopic.

>all of Prussia still occupied by (((Poland)))

Kind of reminds me of the KKK in my state. One day they were here, winning elections as a powerful third party, two-three years later nobody can recall it was even a thing, and not one member has survived to present day.

Should we ever truly get the ball rolling, silver is an excellent and distinct color of shirt. Calming colors, I can't imagine them ever being associated with 'bad' people. The polar opposite of black and red, it speaks of blue skies and honesty. The combo does not appear to be associated with anything of iconic level. I do believe we've found a torch to pick up.

don't be fooled.Smiley is the guy you just replied to. he's a kooky attention whore and plays these weird "here I am, but I'm not me" games all the time. he's a sick bird.

why not just use the american flag as your logo?

battle hymn of the republic is a great song too.

chants of USA! also work well.

user. These states are not united.


This, not only are they not united, but they never really were. There was never any great strife which created a unified American people as a distinct European ethnicity. Compound the fact that the US was founded on Rationalist, Enlightenment values, which ultimately represent everything we fight against, and I'm almost ready to agree with liberals for the wrong reasons and declare "America was never great."

Still, there is hope. With a bit of proper steering, the whites in America will be driven together in the event of a race war. Then, and only then, can we begin to build National Socialism in America.

Let's see if my history senses are sharp.

ee0d - > Black Sun
ee24 -> Some rune about a black helmet, forgot the details
ee2d -> Thor's hammer
ee31 -> Yggdrasil
ee44 -> Odin's knot
ee4e -> celtic Trifecta
ee61 -> something related to armoricans
ee80 -> slavic ball of lightning, related to Thor

Forgot the rest.

I'm digging the laurel crowns.

That's great! I'm pleased to hear that his works weren't lost.

Now that I think about it you're right, putting a giant L on yourself is bad optics and an easy memetic attack vector.

I do like the color scheme, the blue skies and honesty is great imagery.

Because America's kinda gay tbh, there's not much to like about this country. Cool song though.

Theyre not even being subtle anymore

"Trifecta" is a term old whops use at the race track.

Triskele is more accurate term. The John Paul Jones celtic knot is inspired by this ancient icon. It is a feminine symbol, representing the three phases of a woman's life:
The Maiden
The Mother
The Crone

are you retarded?

user you hit my sweet spot. There are so many undiscovered and unremembered fascists and nationalists in the interwar period and just after, WDP is one of my favorites. I managed to get hold of his famous book, "No More Hunger: Presenting the Christian commonwealth." but only for a short time. Since I didn't have a machine to make it into a pdf I took pictures with my phone and am compiling them together. It's taking some time and the results are less then stellar, I'm saving for my money for a proper scanner and copy.

Sinn Fein is absolutely not far-right, they're socialist parasites importing immigrants to replace the slightly more bearable Irish.

The head of the Russian party "LDPR" is full-blown kike.

I looked into Rep. Louis McFadden as well since he was supported by the Silver Shirts and he seems pretty based, too. Got endorsed by Der Sturmer as well.

I think it's very interesting to learn the history of how the U.S. was overtaken by ZOG. Congress seems to have fallen first once it was under the control of the Federal Reserve, then the rot slowly spread until Nixon, the last jew-wise president who could only speak of it in whispers, where it was completed upon his removal from office.

That's great! I think it's important to learn more about these forgotten movements because they might give us ideas or show us what not to do. Everybody knows the minutiae of the Third Reich since it was the most successful but forgets about all the others who shared our struggle.

Is that the original or the watered down "revised" version?

Very good post OP, I can't contribute as I know very little about the man. Have a bump

Gotta say I'm digging the whole ensemble of the silver legion but the "L" symbol is kind of retarded.

The Laurel Crown isn't a bad idea considering it was the actual symbol of the Roman Legion.

A Blue/Silver laurel might work as a good replacement symbol. Perhaps even using the Nazi Eagle in place of the Roman one in the center.

Pic related for reference

Says 1939, the edited version came out in the 60s. There are a few different versions:

These are all good editions, other books of his would include:
Despite delving into esoteric pursuits in life, he still is an interesting character and worthy to be studied.

Is there any difference between the 1930s version and the 1960s version other than the apparent removal of chapter 19?

Not to ruin the fun but be careful!!!

Bump. The fact that knowledge about Pelley seems to be nearly impossible to find despite him being as big as the article claims is very suspicious. He was memory-holed hard, and we need to find out what (((they're))) hiding about him

who's better, Rockwell or Pelley?

I would have to read Pelley's writings to come to a decision, but the "L" is stupid, so Rockwell wins on style for now.

I don't want to say one is better than the other because it's not a direct comparison. Pelley had a much larger movement than Rockwell, but he also had it easier because as states, the interwar period had a wealth of nationalist movements and sympathies. People were harder then as well, as the country had recently exited the Great Depression and we all know how economic hardship attracts people to us. The United States was actually really close to joining the Axis side and National Socialism and anti-semitism had a lot of popular support. Pelley had a hard upbringing but his views weren't that controversial at the time so he didn't risk too much by running the Legion or having the views he did.

Rockwell had to fight harder in a much more hostile environment. Postwar, the anti-NatSoc propaganda was still strong and they had a booming economy. We had just defeated fascism and this guy wanted to tell people they had defeated the wrong enemy which is a very unpopular opinion. He still did pretty well but by that time the power of jewry was pretty entrenched. He and his family starved for his beliefs, he was institutionalized, attacked by the courts, and fired from every job he tried to get but he held on to his convictions and pulled through on sheer nerve and determination. His struggle is much more relevant to us today, I highly recommend reading his book This Time the World.

In summary I'd say Pelley was more successful while Rockwell had it much harder and his success and legacy are a testament to his incredible will.

Pelley claimed to have 15,000 members compared to Rockwell's 500, but in staying power and style Rockwell certainly wins. And as says Rockwell had an uphill battle compared to Pelley already primed nationalism. I would love to compare their notes on statecraft and economics though.

I like Rockwell but LARPing as Germans was retarded and set a bad precedent that we've had to deal with for 50 years now. Americans are not Germans and we need our own brand of fascism. Even Mosley's fascism would have made more sense. You may not like the L symbol I'm neutral on it tbh but at least he attempted to create something that might actually catch on with more Americans than just a handful of larping weirdos.

What do you guys think of a star as an American fascist symbol?

Am I the only one who actually kind of likes the L symbol? It's not the best symbol I've ever seen, but it's certainly not bad.

Seems too communistic but the flag you posted is okay.

It needs more embellishment. The plain L is probably what makes people dislike it so much.

Is this flag better?

The eagle and fasces is a good look. It needs proportions fixed though.

Hell yeah. I think the fasces would fit American fascism the best. Not to emulate Italian fascism though.
Use startpage instead.

Agreed. The fasces should also be easier to see.

Perhaps the eagle clutching crossed fasces…

What about this?

Ditch the stars

Alright what about now?


Spanish? You had a whole war full of good folks.

(trips checked)

I don't know I kind of like the stars. Gives it an air of legitimacy and Americanism.

no, chilean, I know Serrano but he never did something important, he just wrote books (good books by the way) and nothing else

Silver, it's a form of grey.
Dear god that is a foul error to make.

The Silver Shirts had a large membership crossover with the I AM movement which claimed to be guided by superpowered ascended masters.

You could piggyback off German or Spanish heroes if you are desperate, but considering the Pinochet fetish the alt-right has I think you're in good shape. Besides, that just leaves more room in the nationalist pantheon for you user.

I know, we have nationalist movements right now, but they dont have much impact, also, we had a NatSoc movement, pic related was the leader, but the group tried a coup in 1938 to support a general in the chilean army, but failed and 60 young supporters of the movement were killed with no mercy with orders from the president, then von Marees pussied out and became a leftist, the group divided and people like Serrano and Carlos Keller still were anti semitic and natsoc, but Keller then stopped doing political stuff

shit, I'm stupid, did reply to you, here's the party's flag

That's actually interesting, thanks user. I have to admit the starry flag in the top post seems more aesthetically pleasing than the upward arrow, but that just may be my American kicking in. Maybe a Chile general would benefit sometime in the future.

do chileans post on Holla Forums? either way, we're too irrelevant for people to care, and we're getting fucked by hatians right now, it all want downhill since pinochet

How do french-speaking, dirt-poor, forest-killing, white-raping nignogs make it all the way down to Chile? I didn't think Chile was a primary target for replacement migration. But if there are worse niggers than hatians to have, I don't know who they are.

you aldready know the answer my friend, the kikes are here and own almost everything, everything is privatized, it's a neoliberal paradise, even the jews that helped Pinochet in his economy policy said that, now they are bringing these negroes for cheap labor, and people here still believe in communism, we're getting divided as a nation, every day brainwashed students demand free education (and also free universities) with nothing in return, they destroy thing like your typical antifa group, and faggotry has aldready came here and fucked us over, thanks jews

Jamaicans are just as bad as Haitians if not worse in terms of aggressive behavior

also sorry if I write some things bad, I write fast and I'm tired

Sad situation my friend. Hopefully the right and white will resurge soon in your nation. Remember, though only 3,000 people post there are always more lurking, a Chile or even a Hispanidad general just may help. No worries about spelling, it's late where I am as well.

West Indians in general are just barbaric, and to think those islands were once the objects of the world's desire. What I wouldn't give to see Hispaniola in her true majesty again.

The stars are better.

yes, it's a shame, have you seen WP's video about Haiti? I've shown the video to a friend and he's shocked, now he knows at least the truth about some things
also, I personally think that white in spic countries is a hard thing to say, there's white skinned mestizos (like me), actual whites (sons of europeans), indians, the niggers that are coming, and also cryptojews and jews, Chile's majority is mestizo, but it's just my thoughts, correct me if I'm wrong
also there's this

Well, if there aren't any fascist leaders in your country, become one.

That is a very interesting worldview, one that I had not considered. Even as a non-pure white you seem a reasonable fellow, one willing to fight for the right causes. I wish and pray the best you Chile and your nation user.

god I fucking wish, I dont have the money and charisma to do it man, and I have yet to fully expand on natsoc, especially economics and stuff like that, my journey on national socialism has just begun

thanks man, godspeed to you too my friend, I want to sleep now, since 8pol is slower compared to halfchan's one, I guess this thread can still be alive, if not, I guess I'll start a south american thread and use the MNSCH flag, good bye

I have considered writing a book with a brief overview of every major fascist figure and movement of the 20th century. I don't have any special talents, skills or abilities but I figure the internet should go a long way for compensating for that. I would need to contact a fascist group in each European nation as there are many groups and figures almost unheard of on the internet with very little English literature on them. Maybe it would be better as a Holla Forums project.

Can you put a swastika in the middle of that eagle?

We need a homegrown fascist movement thats made exclusively for us and our culture. We're not entirely incompatible with other European fascist movements, but at the end of the day those were made specifically for their populations and no other.

How is Ultimate Avatar? I've been thinking about getting a copy that an Australian publisher released.

All Smiley posters are Smiley using a VPN.

Well, the first issue is this: we don't have a solid grasp on our ethnicity. I'm dead certain one exists, outside of both the WASP and obese burgerfat aesthetics- that is, an actual, White American ethnicity, but we just don't know what it is; and if we don't know what it is, we can't build it's ideals. Looking for anons better researched in this to come help us out here.

Well its certainly possible considering as how the Brazilian integralists existed even in a nation of completely mixed ethnicities. I think the most important thing for American fascism to arise is to destroy hollywood as the main culture creator. Whatever culture America may have had before hollywood was certainly destroyed by it, because all the iconic "American" themes we see today was created by a bunch of eastern European jews

Checking those trips and dubs and that lovely exchange.

That is because there is not one American ethnicity, user. Pic related shows the predominant ethnic groups in America. Any ethno-nationalist/NS movement in America would probably be according to region. In my opinion, the region most ripe for such a movement are those pale yellow counties, where the predominant group is "American." I think these people are largely the colonial stock, as well as the bit that remains in the Northeast. The people who call themselves "American" only tend to be of British (English, Scottish, Irish) ancestry, but I have reason to believe there is a lot of German influence that has been Anglicized after being here hundreds of years. People who identify as American no longer identify with any particular European land of origin. Unfortunately, many people who identify as American see Europe as a rather foreign place (it is, but it is no more foreign than the Southwest which is Mexican). Rather than being narrowly British, I see this group as an emerging ethnic group of NW Europeans (mainly English, Scottish, Irish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Welsh, and French) who identify as American and possess a strongly rooted Anglo-American culture. Those who identify as "American" are actually probably more genetically diverse and therefore genetically distinct than any European group or English, German, or Irish Americans. They identify as American because they are not all Germans, not all English, not all whatever; they are a healthy mix of all the first colonists which were primarily the groups of NW Europeans I mentioned earlier.
One of the benefits of this diverse self-identified "American" group is that anyone from any NW European ethnic group could quickly assimilate and fully adopt the (Southern) American identity. From there, it may be about convincing the abundant Germans of the Midwest that they are really "Americans" (the ethnic group) – or, alternatively, they can just have their own nation rooted in their uniquely German American culture.

What America needs now is a revival of the redpilled paleoconservative/"Old Right" ideology that was prevalent in the mid-20th century. Once Reagan came along everything fell into neoconservatism and zionism. If the conservatives from the 1950s were alive today, they'd browse Holla Forums.

There are core values to this party which would get you thrown out for trolling at the DNC - for being comically far out leftist or something.

I saw a documentation on tv, it said the jews were close with the mafia, I think it was in chicago, so the jews went to the mafia to pay them to fight the silver shirts, the mafia said no we do it for free, and from then mafia and jews did streetfights against the silver shirts. One of these kikes who arranged this and fought were the guy who later shot Lee Harvey Oswald. An obvious footsoldier for the jewish cartell and the fed.

'Russian' mafia is mostly Jewish. Unsurprisingly they are big in human trafficking.

They framed it like it was the italian mafia if I remember right. I mean parts of the intels, and by that many kikes, always participate and make money from organized crime and only jail and replace them when they step out of line.

This a font or something?

Tried adding 50 stars, looking for a symbol to put in the middle

Make that eagle gold and I think we have something sharp.

The 50 stars look too crowded; people would focus on the stars only, not the symbol. Try only using only thirteen, then choose a symbol, people will be able to see it.

Kikes will love it

Good thing that those two are my nationalities.

Don't lose the meme war, user.

That said, that bunch of stars is kinda ugly. 13 stars inside the wreath with another symbol inside of that, like one of the many swastikas (not necessarily the Nazi one). Also, I was wondering how the flag might look if the stripes were angled with a left-to-right upward slope, suggesting forward movement.

I dont like the wreath, if you use it, everything looks like anonymoose

To many swastikas I think, almost seems a bit gaudy. Maybe just the eagle with one large swastika would look better I think.

I would love if it you made it pretty much the American flag but place the eagle where all of our current stars are.

The reason the swastika for the Germans was so successful and world known is because of it's ease to make and recognize.

I respect this post and your dubs. Well said user. Though I worry what the map would like like today 17 years later.


At what point in time were European political parties required to have such shitty symbols?

The coolest Sun Cross.

Defiantly Rockwell. He had style, charisma and he married into Iceland's most powerful clan.

How about this one?

the MIOAK doesn't do much outside of the Klan friend.


I wonder if there are any scans of Pelley's writings online. If they memory hold him to the point where nobody has heard of the guy who FDR was afraid of losing too, he had to have written something (((they))) don't want us to know about.

*holed. My mistake

archive has a few, not many though

Respectfully, user, I doubt anyone outside the chans would make that connection. That's not to say you can't dislike it, though.

Just realized I have pic related, user. Not 17, but it is 12 years later. It indicates an expansion of African predominance and strongly suggests that Appalachia - specifically Tennessee, Kentucky, and the western halves of North Carolina and Virginia. However, I would say that the African dominance throughout the Deep South shouldn't be looked at as an insurmountable barrier. If American people began asserting their selves then they could control the politics of the entire South. Maybe ally with the German Midwest?

the cross is already taken as a major world symbol

if you want a symbol, draw from the same power that made the swastika meaningful, and take the odal/othala rune or the life rune or thorn

it needs to be simple, have meaning, and not be in use

Odal has the best meaning, but its not the most aethetic

The big L reminds me of Laverne and Shirley. Not very inspiring.

Very much saved and many thanks for the updated map user. I want the brown gone immediately and the black would follow suit.

It's the Umbrella Corporation logo

My pleasure, user. Just realized I didn't finish a thought in my last post…

ffs, I cannot post today.
Here, have some runes. Maybe we can make one rune out of the many. Maybe the "Hail" "Sun" and "Earth" runes in an aesthetic merger (See img 461c…)

Citation needed indeed.

There is a problem in these maps, that I'm not sure is widespread, but I chose a random county that went from American in 2000 to African American and that county is Rankin County Mississippi it is the odd shaped county that looks like a 90 degree angle in the bottom right of the county and in the middle of Mississippi.

According to the map in 2000 it was "American" and then in the 2012 map it became "Black" but looking at the most recent census information as of July 1 2016 (estimates) from the federal government, it stands at 78.6% today, which is a decrease of only .5% from 2010 to 2016 (information given).

If I were to do other counties I wonder how our demographics really look when you look at the information itself, if it would align for the most part with the map or if they create maps like this to throw us off.

Should be 76.8*

Though the map looks at ethnicities, while the Census looks at "race" it's interesting to note I believe that the county is almost 80% white yet a white ethnicity is not the largest, while the largest "ethnicity" is the smaller of the races (blacks at 20.5% as of 2016 [which includes different black ethnicities).



True user, though however they come we need more Whites period and then we need to become "American" thereafter. I would have to look at more counties to see the breakdown of the races v. ethnicities to see if they are greatly in flux. I just want more whites, period, and less non-whites. Maybe "Americans" will start spreading out more and start getting angry.

Blacks in the south are much more "controlled" and "behaved" for some reason, I assume it's a lasting affect of their past in the South. Not that they are perfect good boy who dindu nuffin, but just not as bad as up north, where they rampage all the time, like Chicago and New York. Blacks in the South could be brought under control faster than blacks in the North in my opinion.

user, to be "American" to these people is less about belonging to the political entity known as the United States of America and more about being American in the same way that someone from the Netherlands is a Dutchman and someone from Ireland is Irish. In other words, just because other people adopt the national identity of "American" does not mean that they belong to the ethnic group of "Americans". Remember, these are the same people who largely supported the rebellion against the Crown. They are also the people who rebelled against the Union in the Civil War. They are also the people who sustained Jim Crowe. These are race aware people who have become a unique ethnic identity distinct from their nations of origin. As I understand it, almost no other region or group in America has such an identity, culture, and rich unique history as those who identify as an ethnic American.
Agreed, simply put. American or any European ethnicity is fine with me. Though, I must admit, I am partial to NW European stock… Colonial stock.

Yes and no. I am from the Deep South, but I have also lived in NYC. The blacks in NYC treated me with respect. In the Deep South, as a kid, I always got in fights with blacks (for no reason other than me being white, I was the farthest from racist you could be). These days, I tend to have good relations with blacks. I went to a black restaurant earlier today and I always have a pleasant experience engaging with the folks who work there. That said, that in no way means I want to live among a bunch of blacks. I understand how bell curves work. Plenty of black people are decent folk. However, as a whole, they need to be in their own space, and us in our own.
I have noticed that in the South we really don't have the riots and other bullshit that they get in commiefornia and up North. So in that respect, I think you are right. Our negroes are a bit more civilized in the sense that they are less likely to chimp out en masse. Though they are individually just as likely to do it. It may be the fact that in the South we don't take shit, whether you're white or black or whatever. You just don't step on another man's toes or disrespect him. Respect begets respect. We're also heavily armed and proud of it. We are also less likely to submit to "muh poor blacks who suffer so much, let's save them" mentalities. As such, we'll put a nigger in their place (even if that nigger happens to be white; a common refrain down here is that any race can be a nigger because niggerdom is a state of mind and way of behaving, so we do call white people niggers down here too when it fits).

Tbh user, I don't think race relations in the south are quite as bad as the rest of the country likes to imagine. For example, the most segregated parts of the country are mostly northern cities. The most integrated parts of the country are in the South.
I still want my whites only ethno-state, even if I don't think race relations are as bad as they're made out to be

should the swastika only be used by germans and other germanic groups? I dont think the it should be used in things like a fascist America flag

m8, Americans (the ones I described in the post above you) are Germanic. Anglo-Saxons founded America. Granted, there is Celtic mixed in there among the Scotch-Irish, but it's still a Germanic nation with a Germanic cultural substrate.

Having said all of that, checkout those are variations of the swastika used by cultures around the world, including Celts.


alright, what about spic countries like Chile for example? should we just use the fasces?


An honest response, user? Don't ask me what you should use. I'm saying that respectfully. The swastika is open to anyone's use, though everyone should probably come up with their own variant. I don't really think Americans or Chileans should use the Nazi swastika. But you should use whatever best reaches the core of Chilean nationalism. Do your people identify with the swastika?

of course not, the majority of Chile is brainwashed by jews, there are some pockets of natsocs or identitarians here, but they usually get zero publicity, the MANS thing I posted is the new NatSoc movement we have, I think that swastika is not german, but either basque or from those goths that were in spain, cant remember them

Fascism=/= ethnic nationalism, for example your pic swastica I assume with fascism, but also with "indian" "weak" and"racemixing", if you want your own special symbol I would recomment sunwheels as edfc to ee01. But the NatSocs thought of Anglos as a germanic brotherfolk so the original swastika would be OK too I guess.
Brits dont really understand the mechanisms, it began when Germany was split in pieces and Britain was a worldpower. The kikiest kikes went for shekels in Britain and gained full control (of the monetary system and debt) there. Then Germany united and the kikes said "oy vey anglogym, dese filthy Germans want to take whats yours now" and spreaded propaganda against Germans, while Germans were always anglophile. Later Hitler came up, he underestimated the kikes influence and overestimated the antisemitic resitance movement in British power positions and thought he could logically reason with Brits. He had too high expectations from fellow pan-germanics, because some lords spoke out for Germanys struggle. Sad they didnt have internet back then, they would have recognized that Brits can be very fucking ignorant and arrogant.

Do you identify as European or Mestizo? Just curious how Chileans identify, in general.


Mine's better.

anyway i'm chilean but i usually just lurk

Neoliberalism is right-wing you silly user, what my country needs is a third position ideology. We don't need another Pinochet to keep selling our nation

Having 6 gorillion stars just seems tedious to be honest.

Keep it simple and keep it American. If they attack the stars and stripes, any American worth anything, no matter their political affiliation, will recognize that as an attack on themselves and their nation.

I realized at the last second that it looks a bit like the Enclave flag.
That feel when Fallout 3 but instead of Old World America purifying the Wasteland from super mutants and the BoS, it's NatSoc purifying the Wasteland from shitskins and commies.
The Enclave literally did nothing wrong.

You do know there are white chileans right? Have you ever left the capital? Creoles and descendants of them are basically whites, stop with that mindset that only german and italian war criminals count as white

I dont like pinochet, I meant that since Allende and Pinochet, jews have owned this place

exactly, the thing is that bankers own everything ehre and can censor thing in a second, and 2 two movements I know that are third position never get any news coverage

I know, I aldready said that, creoles are europeans born in America, that's it


This. Any National Socialist movement in America, even if they use the swastika, is going to have to 'Americanize' their symbols. Using the stars and stripes or quoting famous Americans is going to make attackers look bad in the eyes of normalfags

Kill me fam, at least we have our version of the Swastika with the six-spoked sun wheel and saxon horses. I'm currently writing a manifesto because there's no fascist or natsoc literature my language.

what country?

The German American Bund did it pretty well in my opinion.

that sounds retarded as fuck



I post a lot, I rarely say I'm Chilean though.

I think our flag should use the Octogram, if you've read Serrano you'd know that the Octogram is the sacred symbol of Chilean battles.

In fact, this was this star was present in an ancient Chilean flag but communists of the (((Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodríguez))) stole it from the national museum and burnt it.

About Pinochet, you're right about that Chile's been going downhill since he left us, but it's partly his fault for trusting Jews to manage our economy. All we see today is the consequence of the free-market Jew trying to destroy Chilean industry and agriculture, hard-work is no longer valued in Chile. This is why we have to bring Haitians, Colombians, Peruvians, etc to Chile. However, Socialism is even worse, Allende's Jewish reforms left Chile in even a worse state because Socialism never works unless it's National Socialism.

In any case, Pinochet should be best remembered for what he represents rather than what he did. The man who saved Chile from Communism, who gave us 17 years of traditional values, who kept order in the country, but who sadly (in his ignorance, he was a redneck) sold us to the international Jew.

Chile used to be around 77% white when it got its independence, during Pinochet it was around 56%, now its around 20-30% max. Chile is a target for replacement because people here used to be too conservative and racist for (((them))). Go ask an old man or woman what he thinks about blacks and they'll say that (((someone))) is replacing Chile with blacks for a reason, a girl told me Chile looked like a chessboard now kek, half of the population know what's up, it's the middle class who say "oh, but those poor Haitians refugees, we should bring more".

Now we have an election in November 2017 and right now it seems Sebastian Piñera is going to win (conservative-liberal, kinda like Bush in the US), the other candidates are Beatríz Sánchez (social democrat, kinda like Sanders), Alejandro Guiller ("socialist", actually a left-wing neoliberal, kinda like Obama) and finally José Antonio Kast, who I think is the man, he's a national-conservative, libertarian in the economic sense and although I don't like all of his ideas, he's the best of all the candidates. He's also the son of a Waffen SS general so that makes it better. Plus, he wants to ban Communism. Sadly, he's probably going to get around 5% of the vote but Chile has a french-style election system (two rounds), if Kast doesn't win then I'm voting Piñera, but just because I don't want Bernie Sanders or Obama as president of Chile.

should we use a mix of the octogram and a swastika then? Serrano and Nicolas Palacios always said that we were a mix of Visigoths and Araucans
either way, do you think Piñera is going to bring more haitians? I feel like it's obvious, haitians started popping up since his rule, also, have you noticed that more and more news about haitians have started in news channels? how the fuck did the luksics got in power?

Because he's a jew and has no argument.

I think the uniform sound pretty cool. The colors they use are calming colors, and I can't imagine that most people would associate them with 'bad' people. And considering the combo is not associated with anything iconic, it look like a good uniform to wear if a NatSoc movement gets off the ground.

It could look nice, a Swastika in the middle of a bigger Octogram.
Probably, but the number will be reduced by a lot. However I doubt that immigration will be halted, it'll just be reduced because Piñera's voting base generally is the "I'm not racist but", so if he wants to keep a good popularity he's going to need to decrease the numbers of haitians.
Luksics own Canal 13, Banco de Chile and Radiodifusión S.A (basically a lot of radio channels).
Remember that Luksics own the mining industry too, immigrants work in their mines or do low-effort jobs for them (they basically own half of Santiago), they pay them low wages and they work more hours, Luksic are destroying the Chilean race for profits. Of course, since the Chilean is naturally a racist person they had to use all of their propaganda methods, and since they own the media you'll get a lot of (((mini-documentaries))) that tell you how immigrants are all good people compared to Chileans and that we Chileans are slavers. But nobody asked for them to come to Chile, the Luksics and their Banking Cartel that also rules the Government (Luksic are the biggest donors to Nueva Mayoría) want bigger profits for their companies.

The new menace is Frente Amplio, which is funded by the Open Society Fundation, directly by the International Jew like George Soros and the Rothschilds. Heck, even Giorgio Jackson himself admitted it and was proud of it.

Piñera is also a corrupt businessman but his voting base at least is the "patriotic" Chilean, so he will have to reduce immigration, but he probably won't stop it, because he too is in bed with the Jew.

how would you fix this country my friend? I could say some things but I they're the basic stuff that everyone here would say



-Promote Mass Immigration from Germanic nations (Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, etc)
-Halt Immigration from other nations that aren't Germanic in nature
-Deport all illegal immigrants and Negroes

This one will be controversial, Serrano is against this, Palacios is in favour.

I'm optimistic that mestizaje should be promoted but just between Araucanos and Europeans. Afterwards Mestizos with Europeans. Then Castizos with Europeans.

The browner should breed with the whitest and so on. This is for an humane solution that doesn't involve killing 80% of the country, aka no Genocide. Basically, stablish a caste system with eugenics, perhaps steralise the worst, the dumber, the criminals, the "flaites".

This will allow the National IQ to be raised and will make our people more disciplined, more intelligent and prosperous.

Serrano is against this because he believes it dilutes the "white soul", but let's be honest, most of Chile is mestizo, the only way to bring back the white soul is evolutionary mestizaje, this time making our population whiter, like Palacio proposes.


Switch from Neoliberalism to a National Socialist system with some exceptions, that means:

-Zero Interest Rate Policy
-Ban Usury
-Tariffs for foreign products (20%-40%)
-Low Corporation Tax (20%)

Didn't meant to reply yet, my mistake

-Nationalise the Banking System (including the Central Bank)
-Switch to Gold and Silver standard, push away from FIAT currencies, perhaps even consider implementing a national cryptocurrency
-Reform the Pension System, but keep the "capital model" (30% payroll tax)
-Single-payer healthcare (10% payroll tax)
-Flat tax (10%)
-Wealth tax (20%) on big fortunes, to take money away from Jews or the big families that own 90% of the wealth in Chile. Read Huey Long's "Share our Wealth" program.
-Pigovian taxes (Tobacco, Alcohol, Carbon, etc) (40%)
-Higher VAT (30%) [To fund public works and end unemployement] (Like the Autobahn in Germany)
-Agrarian reform, bring back the old system of "patrón y campesino", however make it a social system where both can benefit from the contract.
Implement the Corporatist System.
-Subsidise the small and middle enterprises to grow the National Industry

Perhaps some more taxes and end loopholes in the system. Make economic sabotage penalised by death. However, even Hitler promoted foreign investment in Germany. So keep some incentives for foreign companies.

I could go on if you're still interested in my ideas, which is basically a collection of a lot of works I've read. They're mostly inspired by the NSDAP program though, with some exceptions because I believe that there were some minor flaws in German National Socialism but that it was the best economic system that has been tried.

Read the 25-point-plan, it's pretty good.

If you want I can continue.

yes please, those are good ideas, what do we do about copper? since its the only thing chile has that is valuable

Who /UnitedEcofascistFront/ here?

You've lost my sympathy.
You can't "whiten" browns, you just make more brown people.

-1 year of military service
-1 year of public work
Both of these to promote national pride.
-Bring back a State Religion. I don't care what Fedoras say, Religion is important for a nation, if you believe in God (or a god) or not is not really important. Historically, fascism recognized Religion as an important factor of society and discipline. Whether that religion is Christianity or not depends on the circustances. Most religions are completely subverted today though, so it must be carefully picked.
-Education reform, totally the opposite of Bachelet, instead of private and public schools, bring back the "subvencionado", but with strong penalties for corruption and those types of things.

Keep it nationalised, but privatize 10%-20% of CODELCO so people can also make a profit and not just the state. After all it's National Socialism, not Totalitarian Marxism, and we don't want to have ultracapitalism either because it's a subtle way of subversion, daily reminder that Friedman was Jewish; so keep most of Copper nationalised but let the common people make a profit and not just the state.

Same with Lithium and most of other natural resources, Bachelet took the wrong choice of Nationalising it completely, we should let private enterprise take its place, but with some regulations, this so the economy serves the people and not the other way around. For far too long, Chilean people have been slaves to international ultracapitalism, its time for the economy to serve the people instead.

Mixed-market system, more state intervention but not massively.

I also think that the nation should be rearmed, the military must be kept strong, because if you implement this economic system you should expect Jewish sanctions, intervention, etc. Just like Germany in WW2. This includes the development of Nuclear Weapons.

I was going to continue, but I'm getting tired and my ideas aren't coming as through as I want.

Before I go I recommend to read "Raza Chilena" by Palacios, all of Miguel Serrano's books and the following:

* Nazi-Sozi - Paul Joseph Goebbels
* Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery - Gottfried Feder
* My Struggle - Adolf Hitler
* Hitler's Second Book - Adolf Hitler
* Myth of the 20th Century - Alfred Rosenberg
* Hitler’s War - David Irving
* Revolt Against The Modern World - Julius Evola
* Men Amongst The Ruins - Julius Evola
* Ride The Tiger - Julius Evola

I'm optimistic in that there is a natural solution to mixed-race people, I don't think there's another solution except genetic modification perhaps, but that technology isn't available yet.

I had the honour of being one of the few Chilean whites, and I have a lot of compassion for those who aren't, they don't have the blame of being born mixed-race, they can't carry the blame of their ancestors. However we can fix them, implement the Nuremberg Laws in Chile and perhaps we can fix these people.

You can also read some of this if you're lazy right now, some of it is allied propaganda or disinfo, but most of it is factual.


you seem like a pretty cool guy, do you live in Santiago?
also, what do you think of the two 'fascist' groups that have spawned? the MANS and Accion Identitaria? should they just merge and remove the natsoc symbolism so they can appeal to normalfags?


Not living in Santiago, right now taking care of my grandmother, probably moving to Santiago in 2 years or so (or when my grandma dies), to resume my studies.

alright, but what do you think about the groups?

Dutch. Fascism/natsoc never really kicked off here because the country is very urbanized and calvinist. We had one big fascist paety in the 30s but it was a blatant NSDAP ripoff

I actually first heard of Pelley and the Silver Shirts via researching the I AM movement, which I've always had a strong interest in.

Agree with , also reminds me of the Emblem of Italy.

Segregation, it's the best solution that's why the kikes destroyed it in America and SA first thing when they usurped institutional power.

Dumb fucks. No wonder they're not around anymore. They aligned themselves on personal morality but completely abandoned societal duty.

Chapter 3 of this book from 1940 details some of the connection between Silver Shirts/I AM.


They over represent the nigger population of the South in these maps.