What is the most vulnerable aspect of Jewish Control

In the entire Jewish-controlled world paradigm, what is the weakest link? The universities? Banks? Media? Families like the Rothschilds? Hypothetically, let's say you had a cruise missile, or a computer virus, and you could use it on one thing in the entire world, with the objective of bringing the system down? Is there such a "single point of failure", or is it too distributed to attack directly? If the latter is true, then what would work to subvert the ZOG paradigm?

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The internet, because they are having trouble controlling it, and it can't be brought down.
save for a nuclear type event

Don't you think the Chinese/EU model of censorship is spreading, and becoming the norm? I think it will be in the next ten years.

Probably not.
Alternative methods of communication will arise in such a case.

The Chinese and Europeans have never tasted freedom.
They have always been serf nations.

The painful irony being, the US was founded by indentured servants and slaves, shepherded by international financiers to be a banker's plantation. Was anyone in the West ever any more free than anyone in the old world? Burgers are taught to believe so I guess…

the internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it.

The US broke free from its European shackles in the two world wars.

the weakest link is them getting shot all over the place. not many folks try that option. they don't fear much because they think zogbot cops and soldiers will protect them. until some random asshole pops some willy nilly.

t. snake

Right now, banking.
Cryptocurrency is at the point where it could almost replace them. And banking is their most powerful asset because it gives them infinite fuel for their propaganda and indoctrination engines (University).
Unfortunately, that's well on the way of being subverted also.



Government power on a local level. Developing nepotism on a local level and having it spread is what the Jews did with their small communities if they didn't have some sort of influential power already.

Literally if any pillar of their empire of dirt and bronze fall they are fucked. It only takes a spark now. I mean the kind normal fags can not ignore.

Also the chink/eu model of censorship is already in teh usa. Try using a proxy there to access mega.nz . You can't. Try some other blogs too you would be suprised what they block/honeypot. Also don't do anything illegal or unlawful.

socks5 proxies are harder to detect

america was quickly taken over by jews if not founded by jews. still run by jews to this day, even their president is a big dumb orange cryptokike and the natsocs love him that's how subverted and hopeless america is

Their hypocrisy. Next question.

The media and it's happening right now.

The most vulnerable aspect of Jewish Control is their reliance on uninformed citizenry never exposed to the whole truth, and buzzword bingo like "we can sadly anticipate a Trump DOJ abandonment of support for the lawfulness of the Obama orders establishing DACA" disrupting in-grouping against the non-white horde that rapes and steals from us but never will in the history of the west be the net-supporter of us

You would think this would be easier to meme. For some reason, no one gets it.

Most vunerable:

Most powerful:

For example. Israel would have no power to exist outside of petty bribes without Christianity. But in your very OP pic, you have a person who was Jewish controlled as the saint killing the good guy, depicted as a devil.

The South:
Lincoln does not make slaves citizens, he frees them to fight so that he can deport them. 14th Amendment doesn't even say "black men". Southerners now hate America and are like Indians at this point. They are bitter losers who need to go back to Asia, or the Middle East where Christians belong.

You must be the most retarded specimen to date on Holla Forums.

Their arrogance and greed.

go back to reddit, turd.

what is the weakest link?
Good goys because they are doing the jobs for the jewish people. WIthout the good goys then the things will be impossible to achieve for the jews.


Aside from taking my image literally like an autist, the meme that the South was somehow MORE kiked than the North is hilarious. Did you know General Lee freed all his slaves before the war, but Grant didn't free his slaves until the 13th amendment passed in December 1865? There were a lot of Jews involved in the slave trade, but despite the memes that circulate here they weren't the majority of slave traders. Regardless
That's a funny militant black leftist meme too; his talk of sending niggers to South America was always meant to be voluntary, and it was pre-empted and effectively made DOA by the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863.
Evangelical Christianity was infiltrated by zionist kikes way before the civil war.
Stop being such a fucking autist, getting triggered by whatever random picture I chose because it depicted "a single point of failure" like I asked about in the OP. Jesus christ, stay on topic, take your meds.

People with autism never detect sarcasm.

If it weren't for Booth the niggers would've been repatriated

leftshit myth, the emancipation proclamation prevented that plan

Put your hands on the weel and don't move.

Put your shoes on the tray, stand here, spread your legs and bend over.

Thank you, for your cooperation.

oooh how chan funny. You speak memes, bro? You must be totally cool and shit.
You Southern cucks wanted to breed more niggers. It's simply as that. The North said "no!".
Except that it's a historical fact that they were being sent to Cuba, Hati, and South America. Also, you pretend like you never head of Liberia or Sierra Leon. What really happened was a Southern Jew worshiper working for Jews killed the guy and they central bankers all cheered and Southerns became niggers.

All Christianity is Zionist you dumb fucking Jew worshiper. Jesus was a fucking Zealot who claimed he was coming back to destroy Rome and make Israel the center of the fucking Universe. That's why the liberal farmers and middle class Pharasees and Temple wealthy Saddacees were like "fuck this guy". Of course the whole story is just Zealot/Zionist propaganda in the first place meant to infiltrate Mithraism in Rome and replace it as a way to meme Jews as a holy people. But you're too fucking stupid to know that. You just repeat memes like "Evangelical Christianity was infiltrated by zionist" which doesn't even fucking mean anything as Zionism came with Moses Hess and Hershal in the late 1800s.
You're better of just joining Spencer's Alt-Kike Nazbol and letting him suck your dick as you wave a torch and Jewish Southern Confederate flag around. Holla Forums is a little too heavy for you.

If we see the internet as the physical re-creation of the human unconscious, trying to censor it is like an individual who tries to deny his shadow.
The attempt to deny or repress the darker unconscious thoughts and images only makes them bigger and stronger.
The same aplies to the internet, and information in general.
Pressure builds until the dam bursts, in the case of an indivdual usually some form of psychotic epsiode occurs.
In the broader sense of the censoring our Truths, when the wall comes down, and huge numbers of people finally realise they have been lied to their whole lives and WHO has been doing the lying, the will be a berserker fury resulting in the mass genocide of our enemies.

Christianity is the weakest spot of all joos and israel. Huge majority of all the cases when joos were kicked out of a city/country, it was instigated with help of church. From Revelations ("synagogue of Satan..those that call themselves jews but are not..") to John Chrysostom to Luther, there has always been true hato towards these descendants of Cain.

It's very easy to remove joos of their "israel of Bible" status.

Take that away and everything else falls apart.

>Implying the (((slaveowners))) were going to let that happen (their long-term goal was race-mixing even way back then, they were only using niggers to build their wealth to start the process of corrupting the nation, they would have probably voluntarily freed them around the late 1890's - early 1900's to start the culture and race-muddying)

Civil war was bad for everyone. Hundreds of thousands of whites died, states lost tons of rights, niggers were freed and their integration set the standard for the mass immigration of chinks, spics and Mohammedans to follow. There was no good side to any of it. The Union set the nogs free and crippled the south during the "reconstruction", the south were unwittingly playing directly into the kike's hand.

Finding a way to make people realize that jews are harmless on a physical level and purely act from word/psychology.
Or, even better, make white people realize that nonwhites are not needed because all nonwhites have been elevated by whites, who can do everything they can do, and more.

wut. care to back any of that up?

>>>Holla Forums

By far news media, just because they absolutely must deliver comment on things. This leads to more opportunities to see the disconnect from reality.

I used to think it was the banking system, but as every blows up, it's growing increasingly clear that the (((media))) is the most vulnerable and effective director of the slow-motion train-wreck that constitutes Jewish control of Western Civilization. Was just perusing through another death-bed confession of a intel agent, this involved in the WTC bombing, and he makes it quite clear that a botched job would have led to a righteous revolution if not for the (((media))) constantly running interference for them.

''Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against the government, demanding to be told the truth.

“There were so many loose ends, so much evidence left behind. We thought the public would be all over it. We thought there would be a public uprising that the media couldn’t ignore. They’d be funding investigations and demanding to know why they were being lied to. We thought they’d find chemical composites in the area that would prove Building 7 was blown up.

“We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush. He’d be dragged out of the White House.

“But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.”''

(source: yournewswire.com/cia-911-wtc7)

Infocom systems involve education, finance, media, etc. Lumping them all together and remaking in a specifically ethnonationalist format is probably the best solution, this to foster healthy human biodiversity ( aka: the bane of Jewish racemixing existence ).


In the end, all it takes is a well-placed image/ sound/idea to break or make the illusion. If the Kali Yuga is almost over and the age of Aquarius about to begin, what does that mean and how will we know that it's happening?

It's that small thermal exhaust port

It would be White Nationalism. It their armor against anyone criticizing them. Play the Race, Nazi and anti Semitic card over and over.

Anytime Whites try to defend themselves they can always point to White Nationalist retards.

Rid the White race of Nazi retards would hurt them the most.

Universities and academia.

If I had to be honest, OP, the answer is the Law. In every nation where the Jew gained too much power, the Law swept in and severely curtailed their business dealings or just outright banished them. It won't matter how many universities or banks or televisions you destroy because they have their fingers in a lot of pies.

There was a time in Italy where it was illegal to teach Jewish children how to read. In Germany there were laws against Jews doing pretty much anything. During the Crusade, Pope Innocent III put out laws that Jews had to walk barefoot and could not conduct business.

Their weakness is the Law. Use it. Change it.

Booth was Jewish. His real name was Botha, he assassinated Lincoln because Lincoln was creating interest free money. ==REDPILL==

Not exactly. The art world runs on public perception. The only thing needed to topple the monopoly on modern "art" is mercilessly mocking how obvious it is that (((museums))), (((galleries))), (((artists))), and (((art investors))) are all working together to launder and fabricate money out of thin air. Slaughter the sacred cow of modern/postmodern art and branching out from there becomes a lot easier. Perception = authority and power. Re-frame that what they are doing is a scam and not art then you can take away billions in profits, close their art foundations, stop their tax write offs, and make billions of their investments worthless. Wresting back control over what comprises art is something completely within the grasp of Holla Forums.

Catholics only turned on Jews when the church went broke from Crusading. It turned on Protestants at the same time. Other than that Jews have been a big part of the Catholic church because they've been able to make usury loans to Catholics.

One Jew even helped with the simple forms of reviving Latin for the Church back in the day because Christians had so thoroughly destroyed Rome everyone forgot how to speak Latin.

Christianity is the power source of the Jew. Always has been. Always will be. And now they have the Holohoax in addition.

Overall, probably the banks. Their power is multifaceted, but it stems originally from their control over the financial system.

But it IS a diffuse network. The best way to combat it is with our own decentralized network, which is precisely why we've been winning with meme magic and online presence.

Um, friend … there were no Protestants in the 1200s.

That's easily the least assailable aspect of it. You'd have to get right wing people to suddenly become teachers and professors en masse and even want to enter academia in the first place. The infiltration process was slow and the recovery process would be just as slow.

Wrong. Christianity was an attempt to rehabilitate Semitic culture. It tried to teach people who stoned women to death that only he with no sin may throw the first stone, and it tried to teach them to follow Christ's example and drive the moneylenders out of the temple.

The Jewish subversion of Christianity came later. The attempt to rehabilitate the Jews gave way to the mental virus that we have the same gods, and should thus be more accepting of Jewish culture.

Judaism and Jewishness has ever been an intent to racemix other peoples, while improving their own social status. Everything else Jews do is ancillary. If they finish off Occidentals, which they are close doing already, they will go after the next most competent competitors: the Japanese and Korean peoples using the same tactics - superimposing the moral duty to racemix upon Orientals.

Everything else Jews do - all the media antics, the financial cronyism, the polity manipulation, the moral posturing - is ancillary to this, and judged by them accoring to how well it helps accomplish their first mandate. Jews are racemixers.

It's what they do' it's who they are: Racemixers.


People turn away from degenerate and ugly art when they're offered better alternatives. I wish I knew how to break the monopoly of access that has been created between mass audiences and a better culture, but I also don't know anybody who gives a shit what art snobs in NYC and LA think about anything.

Fuck off nigger.

All Jewish control relies entirely upon deceit.
They control using religion by deceiving: "we invented monotheism!" nope..it was Aryans.
They control using money by deceiving: "interest is fair!" nope.. that's usury.
They control using politics by deceiving: "we offer solutions to problems we make!"..nope thats controlled opposition.

If you want to stop the Jew, start telling the truth.
To start telling the truth, learn it.

Short term it's a few hundred people that could all be executed in one or two nights.

Long term, the media. We have the truth and internet.

You know you've been here too long when you see her rack as a bonus. Thanks Holla Forums.

Their head. If you cut off the Jews head he can not Jew anymore

Gamergate was about money laundering too (drugs mostly, dark web profits through shotty 'video game's like DQ.. which was the real reason for the drama.

Artgate would make Pizzagate look tiny.


Reported for intl.

It's an intl shill. Just report it.

For what, fgt?

This kind of shit sounds way too convenient. The tinfag industry is a parasite on the actual issue, and a kind of controlled op. It wasn't the media that defeated 9/11 truth, it was the tinfag industry.

Ever notice how anonymous Mongolian wedding cake recipe forums let you imagine your enemy is whatever stereotype fits your personal narrative framework? In the end its only piss in the same sea of piss, innit?

owning acres of land, and guns, and getting to hunt
amerilads were really just as shit off as the europoors

The infrastructure that keeps everything going is the belief of the Western peoples in certain concepts and values that are advantageous to NWO types. That's tough to change. Once people believe something, they resist the urge to change, ignore evidence, and indoctrinate their kids in the same. The fuel keeping that going is state schooling, which not only teaches a watered-down curriculum more focused on Diversity and Acceptance than on rigorous knowledge, but which also enforces a code of speech and behavior that discourages in-depth questions and dissent. Just listen, move at the bell, regurgitate phrases on command.

Long-term, it's academia that has to be fixed.

But if you're talking about just one weak point that could be subverted for the common good, I would say it's the courts. Trump is in power and Congress can push through his judicial appointments at will. There are plenty of lawyers, who are used to exploring material in depth and who are ideologically aligned with the Founders, who could be appointed to the bench for life. As shit as Republicans have been in general, over the past eight years they blocked more than 100 judicial appointments throughout the country. We can pressure our congressmen, *now*, to fill those seats with originalists along the lines of Scalia or Gorsuch instead of cucks like that Hawaiian judge. They'll all be there for the next 20 years, minimum. And we may never have this opportunity again if the 2018 elections go worse than expected.

Vulerability = linerar thinking; very aspie.

They don't know how to pull back and bide their time. Their only game is doubling down. It may take a while but they always shit the nest. Their hubris and inability to think laterally make their brains their own worst enemies.

100% correct. Banking or Control of a Nation's Currency is how Jews have been able to become the worlds parasites. Take away a Jews ability to charge interest and the parasites dies.

I hope crypto currencies really throw a monkey wrench into the ZOG machine and you will know that this is in fact occurring if the (((Nations))) decide to make btc illegal. Either that or if people in general just see inflation getting out of control they will go back to using gold & silver. Remember dollars = currency, money = gold and silver. Always has been always will be. Even now a days people still accept gold and silver and they always will.

go back to reddit you intolerable fag

Are you implying people dont own land, guns and hunt anywhere else?

after thinking about it. This is it. A Jew will climb into a fucking volcano if he thinks there is a shiny shekel in the lava.

I am still dumbfounded that Jews haven't been completely scapegoated for their Jewish Banking Bailout in 2008. I hope when the next crash occurs we put them ALL in camps.

We need to bring those Laws back ASAP. Banishing all Jews from all Nations forcing all jews to live in Israel and then building a big wall around it and gasing it is a dream I want to see made into a reality.


Have to remember when whites actually get sick and tired and have an altruistic reason to chimp out MILLIONS of shitskins will die and be powerless to stop the pent up rage steam rolling over them.The jew plays with fire with all of their lives as well as their own and the pendulum is starting to swing like a wrecking ball as no one is accepting their lies anymore.

There will also be no quarter for race mixers and will be burned alive for being stupid enough to be brainwashed by jew tricks.

As to OPs ? Exposure as lying destructive parasites by moving the overton window making it impossible for the rodents to hide from the truth by claiming anti semite.

Call a jew a jew and watch them shrink back in horror.

No, you go back, nigger


Kill yourself kike

this guy gets it

user you're spot on about the Cuckfederacy and Lincoln. Robert E Lee himself had 10,000 jews fight for him and even liberally allowed the practicing on Jew rituals while Grant and Sherman disallowed it in their armies. Not to mention that a lot of the bullshit we see today portraying the Cuckfederacy as the good guys came from revisionism after the war ended. It's to the point that people forget that the Cuckfederacy was a democratic rebellion that was backed by the Vatican, set to usurp the Constitutional Republic. They were utterly the Antifa of the 1800s!

However all your claims on Jesus Christ and subsequent Christianity are completely misguided. The Judaism that you're combating today is of a Talmudic Kabbal that has literally nothing to do with the figures of Jesus Christ, Paul, Peter, Moses, Abraham, or John the Baptist. What you're doing is comparing polar opposites. Wasn't it Jesus Christ Himself who called the Jews attempting to disrupt and shill before him "The Synagogue of Satan"? Jesus Christ didn't just take the Red Pill before any of us conspiracy theorists did, He WAS the literal Red Pill long before any of us knew jack shit.

As a matter of fact one popular way the Talmudic Kabbalist (that's the word you're looking for when you refer to jews you speak of) discredit and slander Jesus Christ is by bunching up themselves and their filth with Christ purity. It's the ultimate outrage as someone is smearing shit on your cleanest garment. The Talmud Kabbalist kikes love doing that all the time. They know they have no real leverage over Jesus Christ or how He exposed them thousands of years ago, so their only counter is by going "Yeah goy? But yer Jesus Christ was a Jew Himself".

Good topic OP

I would say
1. Jewish Privilege.
2. losing grip on Leftist attitude towards Israel.

Listen retard, first of all, you probably think ancient civilization was the same as modern just with less technology. When christianity was first introduced to the indo-european civilizations it accelerated the decline attributed by already overblown beauracritic nonsense and hetergenous rule. It abolshed the idea that men should answer to the emporers and kings also got rid of the idea of the old traditions and rituals because lol we can all go to heaven amirite?? It is a subversive religion with jewish origins. It was the medieval times and eastern rome where it was tweaked to nordic aryan tradition where there was sort of a preistly caste and emporership again but through the church. Today, we see the same nonsense the old world did which is were all gods children ect., with a bunch of more nonsense by the government to hold the nations together as they crumble. Your argument is literally one point that jesus might not have been a kike; when the entire christian phenomenon dates back thousands of years and has hundreds of reasons why its such a shit tier religeon and why it wrecked the ancient world. Read a book nigger and stop trying to push one point arguments when this is a massive topic.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Maybe you should read a little bit about the Whigs(entire party of people crying about everything andrew jackson did and about muh poor indians), the free soil faggots, and the modernists who came together to found the Republican party. They essentially wanted to get rid of slavery so that they could move in buy up cheap farmland and industrialize the South, create a national bank and increase the power of the federal government and use it to protect their profits.

The Democratic party was popular in the south which was started by Andrew Jackson in 1828 by splintering off from the Democratic-Republican party which was started by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They wanted to promote people to be educated farmers since the founding of the country since a lot of the colonists were immigrants from the uk who had shitty lives working crazy hours for shit pay in factories for someone else during the industrial revolution. Obviously they were against that shit. It was made clear that Lincoln wasn't going to deport the slaves when the emancipation proclamation happened and also by how he did absolutely nothing to make that happen after the civil war.

Simple the hall of co$t.
That is the apex point for the most damage to their collective credibility.
Second is central bank control, but good luck doing anything about it. OP pic related.

Please do not respond to me. You neither have the class nor intelligence outside of your common half chan masturbating loser. Beginning your comment with "Listen retard" immediately makes me lose interest in hearing your counter argument (if you can call anything you say a counter argument and not really just some under aged abused kid trying to let out his angst).

I didn't bother to read your hideous shitpost of a comment and you're not worth the piss you gargle in your mouth. Not to mention my response was not at all intended for a low life cunt such as you.

If you would like to continue to rant, please go to a more appropriate setting such as Holla Forums.

The holocaust is the cornerstone, but that doesn't make it the most vulnerable. It is a MASSIVE struggle to disprove it, even to yourself, if the believer was raised on its existence.

You bring up a good point, though. The foundational event of their system of control is not the most vulnerable, but it's certainly not the least. I would say that almost all of their dialectical model is the hardest thing to break, simply because it's designed to allow the victim to believe ANYTHING THEY WANT about everything. A dyed in the wool liberal can rationalize ANY contradiction to themselves as long as we're talking about something as a philosophical or societal MODEL. If something goes against cold hard facts (like the holocaust or racial intelligence corrected for income), the illusion shatters. But we will never be able to convert the "live and let live" people who think that faggotry or loose women are socially acceptable.

their women
think about if someone sterilizes all of them

Na their women even have a bigger inclination of mental illness which means they produce mentally ill offspring otherwise the noses would breed with regular goyim.

(((The jewish identity itself)))
Secularity vs Religiosity
Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Persian, Arab, etc.
Israeli vs Jew.

We could do verbal jousting on this point for days user. I kind of believe you but I kind of don't as well.
In the last 20 years it has gone from iron clad cast in historical concrete to tons of people around the world knowing it is a hoax and every day the list grows exponentially bigger.
This is kind of a moot point but I like everyones take on what they feel is the weakest link.

If I could crash the economy with a computer virus, I'd do just that.

The chaos from the crash would be felt the world over. The bread and circus would be over and the average person would finally start the waking up process. People without the comforts of modern life will quickly turn and call for the DotR.

I'd say "culture" is the weakest link. If you can offer people a total package alternative culture including a community to which to belong, based on ethno-nationalist fascistic ideals, you can quickly capture the attention of a great many who languish in the morass of modernity. When you show them what sort of world is possible rather than what they've been told to accept, you give them something tangible for which to fight. In that regard, I'd say academia and media are vulnerable points. The alt-kikes are cashing in on a day in the sun by kvetching about a few superficial problems, but they are creating nothing. Eventually, people will have to band together to form an actual institution devoted to championing our cause so that a microcosm of the reality of our ideals can be manifested. When people go to select a source of news, it should be from our commentary because all others are inferior. When people go to choose a book to read, it should be of our authorship because it is superior to its competitors. When people seek for idols upon whom to base their striving, it should be that we are superior to all others.

In essence, raise Atlantis from the depths and all who taste its glories will know the truth, and be filled with the strength to not look away from it.

Kikes were of course a part of the southern cotton industry, but there is no evidence that the Confederacy was a product of jewish manipulation. The kikes slave owners just went along with everything, it was the hotheads in South Carolina that started the war, without them none of the other states would have seceded. Also Grant later cucked and apologized for Order no.11, and it was never really enacted with any force.

Not the Confederacy itself, however the Talmudic Kabbalists knew to bunk up with the Confederacy for, as you said, the industry and slavery product. The Confederacy itself though was a big product of actually the Vatican and Jesuits. They were in the Confederacy as a hand in a sock puppet.

Many of the hotheads on South Carolina and other major parts of the south were actually either Jesuit agents or British agents. The south prior to the war actually teaming with Brit shills believe it or not.

As for Grant's apology, I wouldn't call it cucking out, but in light of Neo-Confederate revisionism it is something to dangle in their faces when they call Union soldiers "butchers". Robert E Lee also did a cucking of sorts when he repealed the partisan act thanks to Qauntrill and the other bushwacking niggers killing civilians. Remember the Neo-Confederate revisionists will take any bullet fired by a Union soldier and then claim it was aimed at an innocent southern mother and her baby. That's how Sherman got demonized despite the fact that many southerners liked his policies after the war.

Their real weakest link is that little voice stopping you from using alternatives.
Universities? Get your degree online or at the very least your prereques.
Banks? Barter, crypto currencies, gold-based IRAs and money market accounts.
Media? PAY FOR YOUR ALT MEDIA! Support independent media with donations.
There is nothing they own a complete monopoly on. Stop giving them your energy. Wear a USS Liberty t-shirt everywhere.

I'll have to do more reading on this before I pass any kind of opinion on it. As to the bushwhackers vs jayhawkers shitshow, that was a disgusting mess and Quantrills actions, while the worst example of frontier violence, weren't exactly unique. The Partisan Act could have done the Confederacy a deal of good, they certainly could have learned more from the tactics of Nathan Bedford Forrest….whether it could have won the war for them is up for debate, you could argue that it beat the northern occupation during construction.

As a southerner I've never really identified with the Confederate mythology, since it was fighting for slavery, an institution that poisoned the south and kept most white southerners poor wherever it was most prevalent. And if the war hadn't happened then we wouldn't all be saddled with the fucking 14th and 15th Amendments.


The banks are the most important link. It isn't as easy to go after because economics bores most people and isn't as blatant and in your face as the media and university propaganda.

But the global finance system is fundamentally our biggest enemy. Jewish mamonism is the center point for this entire system, everything else they do depends on easy money.
Interracial porn loses money, diverse casting loses money, all this bullshit SJW crap drives people away from university. But it doesn't matter, because they have unlimited cash to prop everything up with.

Lee claimed to be actually worried about using Guerrilla war and such tactics when they were surrendering, as he felt it would do more damage to the Southern combatants than good. He actually had a deep thoughtful talk with his subordinate Porter Alexander about how Bushwacking and partisan warfare would just screw them up even deeper.

They're vulnerable to bullets.


The Holohoax.

This is both their strongest and weakest points.

Think of it like the DeathStar.

It's very powerful in the fact it immunizes Jews to all forms of criticism (pull the holohoax card).

However, its also very weak in the fact the whole narrative is built on quicksand. When you analyze the holohoax/6 gorillion carefully you will see that is nothing more than really basic Propaganda carried out by the US Psychological Warfare Department to "denazify" the country.

IMO - the Holohoax needs to be exposed for the fraud which it is before any other 'truths' can be revealed.

Oddly enough, the most vulnerable aspect of the Jewish-controlled world paradigm is… the System itself.

Think about it. 12 anons could cripple the electric grid in cities across the country using simple tools. Do it at the right time and you not only shut down the MSM, but you trigger race rioting. Should tat go on long enough and often enough you get a gradual Yugoslavification of America. Revenge killings and militias. The multiCulti lie breaks down completely and single handily ruins 80 years of Jewish scheming. Too, you will have created a revolutionary atmosphere and diverted billions of dollars away from Israel. Jews are now raging thrice as hard. Too, the globalist economy, another one of their prized creations collapses. Normies no longer can flee diversity because they can no longer afford to and thus are FORCED to stay and fight. Violence gets more and more common between the racial enclaves. Assuming these anons keep up their assault against the grid, the economy continues to spiral and difficulties in the allocation of resources further weakens US military power. NATO collapses. The EU collapses. Civil war breaks out in European countries. European nationalists clean house and take over some countries. They start funding rebel groups still fighting in Germany or France or Britain. Without NATO support, those (((governments))) also fall. The violence spills over into the US and nationalist groups can now receive state backing. Political assassinations begin to occur. Possibly anons, possibly different forces. US stability further weakens. Israel attacked and the US does not have the strength to interfere as all their resources must be used to keep order at home. Nationalist rebels begin to organize. Defections from overworked police and military personnel begin. Soon, total civil war breaks out.

The Jews have created a house of cards. It is easy to topple. One simply needs to make the decision to risk everything.

It's more about them being so sure of their victory that they forget common sense and attack recklessly and with flash, leaving the back road wide open for the small little hobbits or the "orange clown" to climb the mountain and destroy the hard work done over the centuries.

It's pottery.

I made a cryptocurrency that argues these points.

I think this really.
When they learn this one the rest is all easy.