Hawaii Judge Orders Loosening of Trump Travel Ban
Hawaii Judge Orders Loosening of Trump Travel Ban
Why is a state judge appealing in federal matters?
It doesn't work this way. SCOTUS naturally supercedes Hawaii. All he can do is appeal and hope they listen to him.
What a wonderful time to clip the wings of the balance of power within the judicial branch, great case to take to the Supreme Court with prejudice. Thanks again for embarrassing yourselves cucked Dems
FFS at what point can they just start ignoring these activist judges making shit up now that the Supreme Court has ruled?
He's a federal judge out of Hawaii.
How is this possible? the Supreme Court already ruled on the issue, pending their final decision in the fall. Lawfags, explain this bullshit.
How the fuck is this a "legal blow". Wouldn't State level judges be btfo since SCOTUS over-ruled them on this. Virtue signalling to the max.
Amazing how the pineapple nigger state is having this much power to dictate whatever the fuck they want, Obama judge appointees fucking everywhere and using their state-backed judicial positions to play activist.
That's what bothers me, a single state judge can override almost instantly the Justice Department and Homeland Security without any appeals, this has got to be clickbait virtue signalling.
holy fuck when the fuck did a judge out of hawaii have power to dictate immigration on a federal level?
especially after SCOTUS ruled on it already. where is the huge ass sledgehammer to shove up their asses?
They're going to do this shit for 8 years on every issue unless you replace the traitors with actual judges. What a shitshow.
hope that Pres. Trump gets so fed up with this bullshit he starts forcing these corrupt fucking judges to resign early. Isn't he still able to dismantle the 9th circuit court? Still waiting for that to happen.
Derrick Watson has made his decision, now let him enforce it.
Well said.
Hawaiian gook judges are meddling with our national immigration policy, demanding we allow Muslims.. what an unsalvageably retarded system of government
Isn't this the same court that got slapped down a week ago for pulling this same stunt? Hawaii isn't even on the fucking mainland how should it ever be relevant
Is this the third fucking time Hawaii has gotten in the way of this shit?
Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!
Let's see this gook judge try to enforce it.
The judge looks the exact same, doesn't surprise me that he's pulling this same shit all over again.
Can they not get rid of this retard? He's so stupid he literally tried to stop something that was in the constitution plain as day.
Wonder where he's getting all this gusto and just who is his gay partner?
He can't bypass the Supreme Court. Who the hell does this guy think he is?
He'll get a notice within maybe a week's time that says "Eat a dick." and cite the SCOTUS ruling.
There was never any grounds for them to allow these judges to say a god damned thing.
Trump merely has to have the balls to enforce executive power over judicial overreach, and thus far, he's been unwilling to do so. Its a win-win for these libshit faggot though - if Trump steps in to put a foot down, they'll kvetch and moan and call him LITERALLY HITLER X10000! again, and if he doesn't step in, then they will literally do this for the entire 4 years he's in office (I say 4 because if he doesn't put an end to this shit, he's not going to get another 4 years).
Forgot my pic
You were close, until you tried to spin this around. Libshit can't win either way, they've been calling him Hitler since election day, and no one's given a shit.
But that's simply not true - lots of people give a shit.
Now, they're all libshit faggots, literal and figurative, but they still give a shit. That's kind of the point at this stage - if nobody cared, we wouldn't be having this whole fucking issue of these disgusting heebs and cucks and sodomites and catladies and what have you shitting things up as we've seen.
No one gives a shit. Every single person that goes to the gym I work at could back this up. They don't fucking care. They hear liberals whining, and wave it off saying, "What else is new?" before going about their day.
Nice try mossad.
You're an enormous faggot.
Only Safe Space waiting for them at this point is last circle of Hell.
Guessing this is the same faggot who when to law school with king nigger.
I almost think the kikes are trying to bait Trump into breaking a court order so they can further their impeachment cause. Also, Trump is not being aggressive enough, by far, with these fucking kikes. If he continues to refuse to not lay his boot down on them, he is just as at fault.
jesus christ this judge needs to hang
Can an American fill me in here?
How is this even possible? Isn't the Supreme Court meant to have the final word on issues of constitutional law? Now that SCOTUS has made a ruling, shouldn't that be the end of the matter? How can a judge issue an order that SCOTUS has ruled is illegal?
From what I understand, he's trying to "define" a part the supreme court left too unclear. Thus allowing every fucking relative a person has to bypass the order.
Thank you. That makes more sense.
Does that mean people pile in again for a week circumventing SCOTUS, because of this judge?
Which covers 75% of them with their inter-marriage cousin-fucking death cult madness of (((normal))) by some standards
Unless the 9th circuit steps in….
It cannot be made more clear our judicial system has been compromised by agents of foreign interests. Elimination of this problem needs to become just as on the forefront as prosecution of the kikes enabling it.
As if we needed anymore proof that spic/nigger Dem zombie voters are going to ruin the country.
Shit makes me so angry. I hate just sitting by watching the only good things left in this country descend into oblivion. I feel so fucking hollow inside. Society is mostly shit to me. I don't know what to fucking do. I am trying to avoid the blackpill.
get a feeling of proportion before you go full soccer dad on national level politics
Go to a party and bee yourself
It's just words
that doesn't really stimulate me too much.
Jesus christ, why are judges allowed to "rule" on anything without a fucking case being presented before them? Why are they allowed to just say whatever the fuck they want to, about any law, at any time?
What is it with these NWO scum and hawaii ?
obonga control judges there
podesta has a hotdog stand there
facebook reptile bought land there
It make sense they have some kind of base there since hawaii is a island so they can watch america burn from a distance.
This is worth digging into
Hawaii was an instrumental piece in getting the US involved in WWII, (((they))) basically run the world from Hawaii, various underground military bases in northeast Colorado, and tech-centers in Southern California.
State judges do have this type of authority, it's what gives states their rightfulpower. Although as to what their stance is, that's up to the people who decided on who was passing what state laws.
I'd say Hawaii is probably now more leftist than Cali at this point though. So this should be expected from them.
Not when SCOTUS already ruled on it, faggot.
Get the fuck out.
You're defending this shit.
There are a few kikes in this thread trying to derail.
I never even took a stance on it to begin with, reconsider your projection.
What is there to derail? This is entirely on topic to the thread. States indeed hold this power as it is rightful to them.
Fucking faggots.
He isn't contradicting the SCOTUS decision. That left it open for "bona-fide relationships". The exec decided that that didn't include extended family, and this guy thinks that it should. This challenge was going to come from somewhere before long. It might as well come from this same faggot to paint him darker.
This ruling affects all the other states. It is a kikish way to get around the supreme court ruling; and a disregard for the rule of law. That is the issue. Not that they "can" do it, you strawmanning faggot.
That's not my point. I simply said state judges have a rightful power to rule against the federal court (albeit leftist bullshit) from unconstitutional laws.
But what's so wrong here is that even though the ban is constitutional, people want to say it isn't in a state's authority to challenge it regardless.
states rights cannot overrule a power that is clearly defined to have federal jurisdiction. one state cannot declare something for the rest to follow. that's not how it works. especially after a court, like SCOTUS, that is higher then this judge, has already ruled on it.
Dubs of truth.
A federal circuit court judge only has jurisdiction over the states that are part of the circuit he presides over. But if/when the SCOTUS makes a ruling on an issue it's to be followed by every federal circuit court from that point on.
Judges at the state level have zero say over the rulings of the federal circuit court or SCOTUS.
this shit i learned back in Government class in high school. so this judge knows what he is doing. disbarred in 3…2…1…
No, they absolutely do not have the power to do that. Rightful or otherwise. Federal rulings are above state level, so a state judge thinking he can overturn a federal ruling is overstepping his authority by a country mile.
Federal circuit court judges are the only judicial, non-SCOTUS entities that can have a federal ruling made by SCOTUS given a review and possibly changed. But that process isn't instant and requires the support of damn near every federal circuit court judge in the country to get it off the ground.
tl;dr, this faggot in Hawaii desperately wants to head into retirement with a bang
Relax, user. Have some tendies, play some SNES, then run for political office and drop some very subtle nazi dogwhistle during your campaign
Neither of you are correct: the District Court is not a State court. It is a Federal Court, and it is not overruling the SCOTUS because Trump's Executive Order was issued after the SCOTUS ruling and the District Court judgment states that the bill is incongruous with the SCOTUS ruling.
Hawaii should just be sold to Japan and then embargoed.
Hawaii is small.. Find and kill the judge you pineapple niggers
the tricky decision for Trump is whether to ignore this Hawaii "judge's" order now, or to wait until October for the Supreme Court to rule.
Personally, I'm tired of this jewdicial tyranny, and would like to see Trump have these activist judges dancing at the end of a rope, today
We are either a sovereign nation with borders, or we aren't; we do not have the luxury of time to ensure the former, because during this "debate" (((globalists))) are CONSTANTLY funneling every turdworld shitskin they can find past our borders, while we can't even get a few MONTH pause on travelers from terrorist hotbeds. We should not be playing this game by their rules.
fuck off fbi
which is bullshit because as you mentioned the EO was issued after SCOTUS as to be 100% in line with that ruling
The problem comes of how the judge is trying to twist this into something else. He's going with that route of "I believe that the Trump administration is interpreting SCOTUS decision incorrectly". That's how he's going to secure and defend himself without getting revoked or fired immediately. The same way as the media created the "Muslim ban" into the news.
Usually after an abuse of power gets smacked down by the supreme court, judges become a little bit more humble. Can't wait to see what happens to this good guy.
He's done shit like this before, he's gonna get real fucked if he continues.
I've seen how justices act towards uppity judges. Even the official public reports sometimes contain thinly veiled threats towards them. It's fucking hilarious.
He is just going to be overruled, again. While we get to sway more moderates and cuckservatives to our cause pointing out his insanity.
It was my interpretation of the federal judicial structure that a federal judge cannot amend supreme court rulings. This was the whole point of it going there in the first place. Its always a jew or some non-white faggot in some exotic esoteric part of the US making this shit up.
I used to think the same, but the best thing for Trump to do is ignore this. Keep letting them obstruct and keep letting them piss more and more people off. It's going to suck to watch, but it's necessary.
So why not dump refugees in Hawaii? You would use the refugees to dry up the limited low income housing.
dry up the limited supply of the low income housing*
How can a judge completely disobey national politics?
How can any precedent be made that isn't founded on.. you know, the policy that comes from the democratic system?
This is the worst judge I have ever seen. He's a tyrant exceeding the threshold of his powers.
He needs to be executed removed for destroying the integrity of the system. The system has no integrity when the Judges now call the shots for all publicly decided matters.
How is this fucker still in office? Simply from a duty to a court/legal system perspective.
This user makes a point.
No that cannot happen for offshore prospective reasons.
There's a reason Puerto Rico became a state. Increased maritime boundaries. Security of midstream resource industry (i.e. shipping, etc)
This pineapple is really pissing me off. You lost you fucking liberal knob, get over it.
I think the bigger issue is the bias on the judge and the complete disobedience to general public policy/agenda established through the election.
If this guy can make this judgement in disobedience of the supreme court on many occasions, that shows his own prerogative and intention to slow down the progress of the legal system.
It brings the whole system into disrepute. He has not balanced his ethical duties correctly. He's taken a pure virtue-seeking/rights based approach. There was no consideration of the integrity of the legal system and his position as a judge as a public figurehead for the system. This will lead the public to not trust the judicial system.
This judge is in very dangerous waters.
Didn't some judge form Hawaii already try using talmudic bullshit to erode the travel ban and was issued an injunction and told to fuck off?
This sort of thing exemplifies just how fucking broken the judiciary is. They don't need to follow the law or the constitution. They can legislate whatever the fuck they want, and even *if* it gets overturned later on, it still theoretically takes months for a ruling to be overturned, if it does at all. And apparently, even after it's gone to fucking SCOTUS, we still have lower court judges thinking they can continue putting semi-blocks on it, as if every time they take issue with something, it "resets the clock" and causes it to be delayed as it goes up the court system again.
If this shit keeps happening, eventually the other branches of government are just going to have to come together and say "alright, we are just gonna start completely ignoring the judiciary" and leave them impotent.
This shit would not pass in Aus.The integrity of the system is the prime concern of all legal practitioners, judges, etc. Don't you have some form of merits review for this? Or perhaps some other form of administration to prevent this crap?
Judges here HATE when lower judges completely disregard the policy of the legislative branch of government. That's why we were doing so well till the mid noughts when the "vibrancy" began to be pushed down our throats. We had judges that hated when other judges played politician. We had systems to prevent this.
Meant "Judicial review"… really ought to reread my admin law.
What's the US equivalent for this shit?
We should use the refugees to dry up the short supply of low-income housing to put the squeeze on the Democrats.
I've been saying that Registered Democrats should be drafted to take in refugees on their own dimes, and not be able to get to cherry pick the photogenic refugees. So the homos & women would get snack bars who would implement little shariah zone.
That won't happen so we send the refugees to Hawaii and sign them up for low-income housing before they step foot on the islands.
The system probably works decently in Oz for the same reason it worked fairly well in America for close to 200 years; because of the all/mostly-white demographics. I know you guys are having your own problem with chinks and stuff, but it's still nowhere near as bad as it is in America. 40% nonwhite and FULL of talmudic kikes who will bend the law in whatever way they can.
It used to be the case that making a mockery of the law was just something no one did. But now that it's full of kikes and shitskins, they simply use their positions to impose whatever they want to help their side. And the judges above them, who are also kikes/shitskins, aren't going to go against them either. It's all a fucking joke.
Basically, our entire system works by appealing to higher and higher courts until you eventually get to SCOTUS. This means that the only real oversight is dependent on whether 5 out of 9 judges care or not. And we have court that has 4/9 straight-up communist kikes (sotomayor is a crypto-kike, just fucking look at her and her younger photos)
He only loses if congress has enough of a spine to impeach him or force him to obey the Supreme Court. Considering they're all kikes or work for kikes, though, it's unlikely.
or ignore his attempt to alter a SCOTUS ruling.
That could, and probably will happen too.
All Trump has to do is reply with
So? Fuck this faggot judge.
Just say no like with drugs
Tower collapse in 30min
It really should be that easy, but we'll see.
They pull this stunt to delegitimize trump in the eyes of their believers
To what fucking end though?
Can the people in charge of immigration just ignore this pineapple pissant? This cannot stand.
Supreme court has already ruled in favor for it.
He cant do shit