John Rivello plea bargains for 5 years in prison

It seems that (((Kurt Eichenwald))) wasn't satisfied with suing John Rivello for $75,000. So he made sure his Jewdicial buddies put the screws to him as well.

> (pic related)
I just saw a tweet that appears to show an official court document and states that he was facing 99 (10 is the only source I can find) years in prison for the flashing tweet that supposedly caused (((him))) to seize. It seems he will take the plea bargain for 5 years instead of attempting to defend himself.

Lawyer for Defendant is listed as:
Matt Alford
(713) 224-6661

Related Articles

Other urls found in this thread:!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg

Correction on that phone number for the Attorney:

Matt Alford

RIP America

Who knew Texas was so cucked?

I wonder if this is real, on multiple levels.

The lawyers offer a plea bargain because they don't have shit, I hope he doesn't fall for this typical Jewish trick.

inb4 Eichenwald namefags on Holla Forums and then everyone who posts 'assault gifs' on here get v&

I don't know much about the Law, but if this is true - then I hope someone gets the word to John before he signs that shit.

After what happened with CNN, they should be sweating bullets.

btw wtf just happened to the site?
sage for OT

Seems to me he would have a good defense by just claiming First Amendment rights and potentially (if he hasn't screwed himself in this regard) stating that it was a funny gif, he didn't think (((Eich))) had epilepsy.

not sure, it was super laggy trying to post this thread, took me several attempts - kept timing out.

He's trying to deflect the controversy over his tentacle porn and bike shorts fetish

At this rate, people will figure it to be less trouble to murder someone instead of tweeting gifs at them. I mean really now.

the lawyers offer a plea bargain because that's the fucking standard.

I know I'm going to get called a shill for trying to impart facts onto a retard, though.

That doesn't really say anything for people that are innocent of real crimes.

Don't be rude like a kike out of New Jersey, plea bargains while a 'standard' are a guaranteed conviction which is what the district attorney wants, it looks good for them. If he accepts he is guaranteed those 5 years, if he declines it can give him 0 time. His legal defense who have all the facts will decide this and not a neet/shill on an image board.

I don't remember for sure but didn't he say something like "hope this triggers your epilepsy" when he posted it?

I was just responding to the idea that they're offering a plea bargain because they don't have any evidence. It's very likely that they'd have offered it regardless of it they have evidence or not, unless you think that roughly 90% of successful prosecutions don't have any evidence.

I didn't realize this was the hentai jew.

>Going to prison for hurting the feefees of a fat kike who watches porn with his family and can't even get past sadpanda

I really, really want to ruin Kurt's life. You know, to set a precedent.

dubs say this is the will of Kek

Yeah, it was something blatant like that. The only defense I could see would be saying that he didn't think that could really trigger someone's epilepsy.

He said "you deserve a seizure for your posts". If I were this guy, I'd do what the dub dubs say tbh

5 years for a fucking tweet? Fuck it, I'mma catch your ass in a parking lot, drive a shiv into your vertabrea, not even in attempt to kill you either. Just for the fact that you deserve to be paralyzed for this bogus lawsuit.


This kike is a liar and a pedophile.

The way he behaves, he deserves a nail gun to the skull.

seizure thread?

Also this

>(((Eichenwald))) claims he is epileptic
>(((Eichenwald))) claims he had trouble speaking for several weeks after the event
>(((Eichenwald))) has many flashy videos on his (((Youtube)))
>(((Eichenwald))) drives a car (even at night)
>(((Eichenwald))) was interviewed by ABC 3 days after the incident (embed related)

good video, thanks

(((Eichenwald))) is a liar and I think we can help this attorney win this case.

literally hurts himself and then tries to say someone else is responsible

Then logically, wouldn't the onus be on Kirk for clicking the gif? If the guy clearly stated that he "deserves a seizure" and posts a picture that only starts playing AFTER it's clicked because of how twitter works, a rational human being would not click the picture to activate it since the post indicates it would trigger said seizure.

To me, at least, it reads like someone trespassing on your property and getting bit by a dog, while there are "beware of dog" signs posted everywhere.

The fuck?
If that's the game they want to play you can bet there will be many a lefty and jew to be reported to the authorities. If twitter is IRL now, those fuckers are meat.

>>(((Eichenwald))) drives a car (even at night)
And this is the key one, my neighbor had his epilepsy start in his mid-20's, after the 2nd one they suspended his license and is unable to get it back without a clean record of health.

Eichenwald lies so blatantly and unashamedly it's hard to understand. It's the kind of bullshit I'd expect from a petty child.
It's obvious he didn't get a seizure. It's obvious he was pretending to be his wife. It's obvious he was jerking it to hentai. Everyone can see straight through him, but he just keeps lying. I really hope this is fake.

What's the penalty for murder?

Unless you have information that Rivello intends to take the plea deal that document doesn't show that. It's missing the signature of Rivello. The document only shows that he was offered a plea deal. Not that he agreed to it.

Rivello's judge is a black woman. That doesn't look good for him.

Don't release her name, until after he's found guilty

Everyone, Texas being a good state is a meme. They're the zoggiest of the zog.

Case File

eww, this is pretty bad info in this one:

Criminal Complaint


Kikenwald needs to die.



Oh shit… I haven't heard anything yet so I guess it was just john that got hit. My meme war twatter account was shoa'd over this. Fuck we need to help this guy Holla Forums this is fucking unamerican. The fucking kike shouldn't be able to do anything. There is a warning for people with epilepsy. Use at your own fucking risk.

that shoah gif is a fucking top kek
this faggot should be getting spammed with shoah gifs all day tbh

It's a good state to live in quality-of-life wise. just never move to Houston or Austin or anywhere within 100 miles of the border The judicial system is being attacked just like in every other part of the country.


Something to share. Don't use sparingly.

My sides have seized up.

There are two parts to this.

Firstly, we should protect our own. Wasn't this defendant one of our guys?

Secondly, this is absolutely Weimar. They're getting even more brazen.

Sweet justice system America 10/10

Didn't we have Eichenwald's doxxxx a while back? I forgot to save them before that thread 404'd. I remember him having a texas summer home.


Do you know what legal precedents are?


If they find Rivello guilty then they can use that as a precedent in court to try anyone who "harms" someone else with their tweets, emails, communication in general.

This is a slippery slope of a great magnitude! Because even if your speech didn't directly cause harm I still think that kike was fucking lying it can still cause indirect harm.

Remember that WWE gif with Trump slamming that CNN logo? HanAssholeSolo was inciting harm towards journalists. Lock him up!

Does this seem familiar to you? It should because it leads to what is going on in Britain, Sweden, Germany and other European countries. If anyone says Muslims are raping thousands of children in Rotherham then they go to jail for incitement of racial hatred

This is the same strategy the kikes used in California. Can't ban guns outright because of that stupid Constitution? Let's ban certain rifles first. Now let's ban magazines more than 10 rounds, let's add a bullet button to rifles, now let's control the purchase of ammunition by taxing it, making them wait longer and even putting a cap on how much they can buy per month. This is the slippery slope method!


He needs to fucking fight this until he wins! Even if it needs to go all the way to the Supreme Court, he needs to fight!


Is there a gofundme? If so someone post it so I can donate. We need the best lawyers on his side because we're defending more than a fellow shitposter but freedom of speech!

Warning! Shills will attack this post. Expect reddit spacing, insults and dismissing my post as mere speculation. Filter and report them.

sometimes a nigga gotta format his posts properly when the serious shit goes down

bump for helpful post


Trying to post on nextchan for /polk/ but it won't fucking let. Broken piece of shit!

Can someone can please go to nextchan, halfchan, reddit, voat, gab, etc. and spread the word! I am not tech savvy and don't have accounts with them.

pls no bully


Heaven knows the little (((shit))) would deserve it.

He absolutely was /ourguy/. We should be taking this far more seriously. I mean it, we should have a fucking legal fund up by now. If we do nothing we deserve to have the exact same thing happen to each of us.

You wish, Euroturd


I've been too lazy to sell some stuff I have lying around taking up space in my apartment. I'm going to sell all of it and donate it to Rivello. I'm guessing around $200 will go to the fund when it sells.

He was an idiot to have taken this.

It would appear from the OP image that he already has.

Why? He's not even fighting the case, apparently.

Somebody send it to him again.

Everybody who pays attention. Texas's reputation is entirely undeserved, there are numerous superior freedom-loving states. One of them is even bigger than Texas too. Ironically Texas owes it's international reputation to California (Hollywood).

Can a lawfag clarify this?
Is he fighting this or is his attorney's signature on the document sufficient to suggest he's accepted the deal?

Prosecutors offer plea bargains because the only thing they care about is keeping their conviction rate high. They don't care how much time you get, so why not do it the easy way and get you to plea? The less work they need to do, the happier they are.

Dude, Texas is one of the least-White states in the nation. IIRC, its less than 50% White at this point.

they can use that as a precedent

In europe it is called schwalbe , a diving, a fake foul in soccer. Faking the pain massively exaggerated.

(((Eichenwald))) had had a reputation for meticulous reporting and ==care== at the Times, which made his claim of “forgetting” those payments especially suspect amongst his colleagues

He sent a DM to someone saying i hope he dies

Rivello isn't allowed near the internet and the girl on WeSearchr is the only one communicating with him. We need to tell him not to take the deal. He can fuck up everything we fought so hard for if he bitches out.

Maybe you can have the niggerdyke judge investigated post-trial? Maybe this case can be escalated to the supreme court?

The girl in contact with Rivello is named Becky Barnes. Her twitter is @srsbecky but I think she deleted it. We need to reach her to reach him.


turner diaries all over again

Anecdotal, but I used to play in a concert band where one of the Flutists had epilepsy.

She would have a seizure during concerts if there was a lot of flash photography, she had a dog to help her with the seizures and she was banned from driving at night (and required special glasses during the day IIRC)

Eichenwald seems to have no case bc why the hell would the warrant 5-99 years in jail?

prosecutors can threaten whatever the fuck they want, he didn't want to roll the dice on 99 years in jail lol. i mean the kike prosecutor can claim it's attempted murder, via tweet rofl. but still if your in jail, already nervous as fuck and then they come at you with 99 fucking years, what would you do? especially if he has some bitch kike public attorney who's telling him to take it.

he should have had the balls to defend himself in court, but remember he was also a dumbass and had social media account evidence of him bragging about wanting to fuck him up, shit looks bad in court

I recall that her account got suspended and she created a new one.

Seems kind ridiculous that they can threaten you with cruel and unusual punishment and lie to you about the actual possible outcome, the legal system is way out of whack. At the very worst you could only classify this as assault with intent to do harm.

A while ago i came across a forum for law students and mailgroups, didn't understand shit but was sometimes interesting stuff.
If someone knows where to find or how communicate with law facultys. It is maybe worth a shot. FUG when no lawchan for lawfags.
I can't, because i speak only reatrded english.

That video is awesome satire.
Also there goes the shitpost

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure plea bargains don't set precedent.

If someone can get in touch with her, or the Lawyer. It might be wise to reach out to the ADF and see if they will provide support (if not simply to defend the first amendment)


we need to get behind this.
Never forget that (((Kurt Eichenwald))) also enjoys tentacle porn.

Get this to MisterMetokur if you can somehow, he'll spread the word.

Pretty much this. Just fucking start murderizing if people get jail time for shitposting. At least it'll actually start solving the world's problems.

Anyone whose met a Texan.

I emailed him dozens. It's all a scam. I used names of people he knows, I used good subjects. If it were real, he'd be fucking dead now from what I sent.

'aggravated tweeting' just fucking neck yourself if you aren't going to start a second civil war, America.

My ex was a severe epileptic and was legally not allowed to drive. Her seizures weren't triggered by anything other than her brain short circuiting at random times, and whenever she would come back from a seizure she lay low for a few hours and be ready to go the next day. This woman had myoclonic to severe seizures multiple times a week and still managed to keep her microbiology and philosophy dual major at a 4 indefinitely. Fuck Kurt eichenwald, the lying little hentai watching ratfuck needs to be put in his place. This faggot sure his own mother for money related issues dude deserves an execution like scaphism, the amount of lies he tells.

no way in hell would I plead to 5yrs for a fucking gif, I'd take my changes at a jury trial. at worst, it makes them waste time and resources trying to lock me up, and I get to shitpost IRL on the stand.

This will go yo SCOTUS and the likes BTFO, watch.

You are ineligible for a licence if you have epilepsy. Complain to the DMV that he is putting public safety at risk.

A great look at shitty OPSEC. He used a Twitter account connected to (((icloud))).

Get Vokloh, the guy who helped Eron Gonji with Valkenburger.

that kike uses the same kike arguements the kikes on here use



Legalfag here.

If Rivello has a good lawyer and not a public defender, any good legalfag could have this thrown out.

Any decent legalfag knows 99 years is too excessive and is false bullshit leverage the (((prosecutor))) creates to win the plea. The D.A. likely believes a mens rea/intent argument versus Rivello will make Rivello supplicate under the pressure of a falsely created leverage point vis-a-vis the 99 year max being sought.

It is easy for a decent legalfag to raise enough reasonable doubt in a jury trial to easily beat the D.A.'s purported "mens rea" argumentative assumption.

For example, a legalfag could argue in Rivello's defense:

"If (((Eichenwald))) was worried about seizure, epileptics are very cautious about what they can see on other grapbic communications technologies, like a TV. In fact, most epileptics have protocols they follow to ensure not to have a television induced seizure.

Patients with TV induced seizures should are advised to view TV in a well lit room, maintain a maximum comfortable viewing distance (typically, more than 2.5 yards for a 19" screen), use the remote control and – if necessary to approach the screen – cover one eye firmly with their palm, and avoid prolonged watching particularly if sleep deprived and tired. Also, valproate or levetiracetam could be used if AEDs are needed, for patients who also have spontaneous seizures.

Twitter has a GIF autoplay feature that is easily disabled by any user. (((Mr. Eichenwald))) was negligent in his use of technology if he is an epileptic. Especially an epileptic who is a public figure that checks Twitter. Since anything can be posted on. Twitter, (((Mr. Eichenwald))) was extremely negligent in protecting himself.

This has the same legal standing as Mr. Eichenwald suing Tom Hanks for a inducing a seizure while the defendant was watching Forrest Gump…

Then cross examine the fuck out of (((Eichenwald))) by showing that he didn't follow due-diligence as an epileptic to protect himself from seizures… Then bring in the liability language in (((Twitter's))) Terms of Use and Amy legalfag could turn this over on (((Eichenwald))), and either get a hung jury or a not guilty verdict for Rivello.

Rivello's lawyers should be gassed. It seems like they honestly suck and are not the best legal team for this. Rivello needs good lawyers, I mean, how the fuck was he liable in a civil case? I've defended civil lawsuits that were far more difficult than this, I would pro-bono for Rivello if I wasn't in the middle of a difficult technical case right now (D.A. fucked up several procedural motions and I can get the case thrown out, but the fuckers are tight with the judge, so I have to give the judge bulletproof plausible deniability to fuck the D.A. he works with everyday to drop the case.)

Rivello needs better attorneys. Someone start a GoFundMe or some shit.

The fact of a successful prosecution sets the precedent. Whether there was a plea bargain or not is immaterial to future cases.
(IANAL, I just work for them.)

< Thousands of dollars raised in a matter of weeks for Andre Anglin, proud race-mixing "white nationalist" who is on record saying "whites should be bred amount"


What the fuck is wrong with everyone?

Fucking kikes

I listened to him on (((TRS))) last week just to know what he sounds like. You can gauge a lot from someone's voice, like if they're an actual fag or learned Hebrew at an early age. Anglin has a voice indicative of substance abuse and his inability to state points or add to them shows his degeneracy first hand. I wouldn't be surprised if the (((stormer))) is written by cabal of kikes to be a useful weapon and stop-gap when goys get to angry.

This. I'm not a lawyer but I did Mock Trial in High School. Charges are bullshit.

Like. How is cyber bullying even real? LMAO just turn off the screen.

When DOTR comes…

I hate seeing people self-affiliate with me and then roll over on my behalf. I can keep MY shit together but then OTHER people go out and become my representative, and get punched in the face, or plea bargain, or apologize for being a bad person. Next my enemies get to parade their fucking head around and be all smug at me like I sanctioned the op.

If there's a way to recover a win I'd love to hear it. It's almost impossible when your guy rolls over though. What's the best way to get money to him?

Give him money, memory-hole the loss, learn a lesson and vow to never roll over. Other than that I need a better damage control plan for the future. Anybody got something better?

That's not necessarily a good thing, user. That could just mean there's a lot of bread and circuses. And stories like this strongly turn the "it could mean" into "it does mean."

I don-t understand people who reject the doctrine of hell because they don't think it's fair for someone to be in agony forever.

Yes, something like that. That doesn't look good for him. I want him to win, but him losing wouldn't shock me either. He would turn out like those guys who made a video bragging about going to a chimp out with the intent to cause trouble so they could shoot some chimps in "self defense." There's a pattern forming here: Jews can't get you for hating on them or their pets. But Jews can get you for admitting to hating on them. In other words…
Learn some fucking OPSEC.

Just remember, dealing drugs carries a lesser penalty. Rape carries a lesser penalty. Manslaughter carries a lesser penalty.

A tweet lands a person into prison for potentially 99 years. How the fuck is that even possible.

no shit, just look at houston

Shilling my archive, it will be completely updatd in a couple of days.!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg

Some lawfag. You forgot to mention that there's no police report or medical report, so the claim he had a seizure is hearsay. He stayed up for more than 48 hours prior to viewing the tweet and was inebriated.

Anyone with law experience want to drop his lawyer a line and see if we can drop him some collected online intelligence/evidence somewhere?

Rivello sent the tweet, but he didn't force Kikenwald to watch it.
How did Rivello force Mr. Eichenwald's hand to click on the .gif? He was warned what it contained, yet he clicked it anyway. In fact, if hadn't contained the warning: "You deserve a siezure" it would be a harder case to defend.
Rivello is not responsible for Kikenwald's own negligence, is he? Yes, the tweet was malicious. Yes it had intent. But it also contained a warning, and Kikenwald disregarded the warning. Seems an easy case to win, especially when you start explaining to the Jury where this could lead, and do we really want to go there? On the other hand, get the wrong Jury, and they may say "Yes! We need hate speech laws!" So I can see how this could be a slippery slope.

I think another valuable point would be how many tweets (((Eichenwald))) gets in a day. Does he read and click them all? It seems as if he intentionally clicked on this post because of its message (or rather did not click at all, simply claimed he did).

This guy needs to go before DOTR. That Marine was infinitely more valuable than this bloated kike.

I called that as soon as I saw him. He's clearly a low IQ mystery meat incapable of the articles his name is on. I believe more the whole "CIA nigger made me his prison bitch so now I front a honeypot" angle.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

bump + read this post everyone


Guarantee that Eichenwald got busted buying child porn and then played it off as if he was doing a story on it. Then the 'muh epilepsy' claims come flooding out. Perhaps there is some way of forcing him to undergo a medical examination from a non-Jew doctor as a part of this case.

Posting this classic from Breitbart. Man, fuck Eichenwald. I hope he dies in a puddle of his own spittle.

Makes you wonder if the 'medicine' he's taking allows you to mix it with alcohol.
Probably also is encouraged to get plenty of rest as well to prevent recurrence of seizures.

Does this have any legal value, as (((Eichenwald))) appears to have increased his chances for having a 'seizure'?.


Hi, Torposter. I sympathize with your anger, but you're still a retarded nigger. Allow me to explain:

In a common-law system like ours, precedent is indeed set by past cases, but not every case is a precedent. A plea arrangement in a local criminal court sets exactly zero precedent for anything. While it might embolden the kikes in the DA's office to try this shit again, every case is different. So let's say this case goes badly and he takes the (((plea deal))). The next defendant is perfectly free to take it to the jury and complain to the state bar about prosecutorial misconduct. The jury then decides whether or not a law has been broken.

So let's assume the jury votes to convict. That's still just one case. If the defendant appeals and the verdict is upheld, it may set a precedent, but a single appeals court ruling is not binding on any courts outside of that district, nor is it really more than advisory upon other local courts.

If the defendant appeals to the Circuit Court, then some serious precedent may be set when the Court rules to uphold the conviction, but even then it only applies to that circuit, and not to the other eight around the country.

Only when the Supreme Court rules has a binding precedent been set for us all, and sometimes not even then, as was the case in the Hobby Lobby decision, which was specifically crafted not to be a precedent that could apply to other cases.

On the other hand, by taking a plea arrangement, this defendant may be able to kick the can down the road a bit and let the )))good guys((( wait for a more winnable case to force forward into a binding precedent.

So, in other words, it's complicated and the system doesn't work the way many people think it does. Nigger

That all having been said, the thought of (((Kurt Eichenwald))) being able to leave his house without Kevlar makes me physically ill. Is there not one motorcycle gang in his town that would like to know where a pedokike lives?

fuck off, (((jew)))
(((you))) clearly are not one of us, (((you))) try a little too hard to (((blah blah blah))) without providing any reasoning, blindly support the (((system)))

so at what point do you mention the legal system is fixed and that public defenders work to get their clients convicted?

Man, Touhou is getting really hard nowadays.


That middle is way too small unless you're playing Marisa.

Plea bargains are fucking bullshit. They're a form of coercion that shouldn't be legal whatsoever. They turn the justice system into a "gamble". It doesn't matter whether you think what you did was right/wrong; what matters is whether you think the risk of getting a "full sentence" is worse than the benefit of arguing your case and possibly being found not-guilty. I'm sure there have been tons and tons of people who have decided to take a plea bargain, despite doing NOTHING wrong, because they were uncertain the court would rule in their favor, and that they might get a much harsher sentence if they don't capitulate ASAP.

I get why plea bargains exist, because the whole system would collapse under the weight if all cases went to court instead of being plea bargained. But my point remains. It's fucking bullshit.

From what I remember, they're trying to nail Jew Goldstein on the intent to cause harm via epilepsy. So in their eyes, it's totally irrelevant that Kikenwald obviously faked his seizure.

You could easily fit Marisa in the middle. Raymoo is the one with the smaller hitbox, and I think you could juuust squeeze her in any of the other places in the picture (It is early morning and I don't feel like counting the pixels properly).

Why do I remember Marisa having the smaller hitbox?
It'd still make a great Reisen pattern though if you plugged up the middle. Assuming we ever get another game where we fight her.

Not sure if anyone looked into his Lawyer, but he seems experienced.

He is likely well-versed in the Jewdicial system's tricks.


If this is legit, his lawyer should be disbarred. No fucking way a jury votes to convict some dumbass for sending an animated gif.

Innocent until proven broke.

Blow Trumps twitter out of the water with demands of a presidential pardon


I tried calling from my spic coworker's phone lololol OPSEC nigga but it went straight to voice mail. I'm trying to see if he took that plea bargain or not. I'm currently at work and will be until 7 pm so if someone can call again that'll help a lot.

Another defense ploy for Rivello if he posted off of iOS is that GIFs do not animate in the iOS photo viewer so you cannot tell if what you upload is animated until viewed on a browser once uploaded.

Think about it. A lawyers record affects the worth of his future career. For defense lawyers a strong record of victory, or doing purposely shitty when (((someone at a large firm))) asks him to, will land him at a larger better paying firm. So with defense lawyers losing on purpose is something that could be seen as something they may consider if the defendant pissed off the wrong kike.

But with prosecutors they want to move up the prosecutorial heirarchy. They want to be DA or a Fed prosecutor some day. And for that you need a good record, losing a case is not something you want to do if you can in any way avoid it. So the only reason they would plea down is: They do not have satisfactory evidence to convict on the charges. The only other time they would do it is if the trial is guaranteed to be very drawn out and cost the public more than the original punishment is worth. I mean of course, the past 8 years saw a ridiculous amount of plea bargains for large, open and shut, cases. That was the result of an Onigger E.O. Trump wrote another one shortly after getting into office instructing prosecutors to seek the highest possible penalty for a crime.

t. I did a semester of law school

This whole case is fucking stupid. Nobody should be responsible for your own shitty genetics. If you clicked a gif that says "You Deserve A Seizure" and you're prone to seizures, well then you have recklessly abandoned caution and have no one to blame but yourself.

It's like if I gave someone a peanut-butter sandwich. The person eating the sandwich knew they had a deadly peanut allergy and they at it without question, I shouldn't be liable for that retard.

If I were John Rivello, I would be up (((Twitter)))'s ass right now. This would be a good jumping point for (((Kurt)))) to sue them next for not having a "safety option" for retarded epileptics.

Either way, I hope John fights it, and I hope he loses and gets 99 years. If this doesn't start the RWDS, nothing will.

I can't believe this. The whole story is absurd, anyone with a shred of integrity understands this guy is a liar.

Why would he take this bargain? iirc Cunt Eichewald was told her deserves a seizure not that he was given one. All of them should be told either arrest me and press charges or fuck off.


It seems to be a little more involved than that see:

Sounds good tbh.

That is, if you get caught. If executed properly one could conceivably leave less of a trail than on the internet.


So did this faggot take the plea or what?

If that were true, he wouldn't be taking this plea.

(((dubs confirm FBI)))

If you read closely, you do not see his signature, so I'm not sure if it is accepted without his signature. I'm not clear on how this works (if his Lawyer's signature is enough).
I suppose this depends on if he signed a PoA agreement or similar.

lol no, just v. pissed-off at this (((kike))) and his jew-trickery.


No jury is going to send him to prison over a tweet no matter how many jews started drooling and twitching.

Looking through the court records right now.

Link here:
Type in the case number, f1700215 in the case number box on the left and you can see all the court documents for it.

This guy actually went to jail for this.

One normally goes to jail after being arrested. How much was his bail?

I don't mean that he went to jail for being arrested, I mean that he was arrested and sent to jail for a fucking Tweet.

His bond was 100,000.


Looks like they are subpoenaing (((Eichenwald))) and his wife's phones. Also, this gives us their phone numbers it seems.

Yes, many judges toss out the law when they rule on a negotiated plea arrangement. Judges are famously vulnerable to public opinion. Also, I'm clearly a Jew because I'm not a hysterical retard.

For real, did the Dallas County Clerk just release the Social Security Number John Rayne Rivello on the public website?

Um, so it seems they are also subpoenaing (((Eichenwald)))'s medical records.

fuck me, didn't attach

has it even been proven that he's epileptic? wouldn't be surprised if the kike was faking the whole thing

That's the hope, but if anything the court documents have rained mana from heaven and we have their phone numbers:

(214) 789-7221
(914) 552-2588

not sure which phone is which

well then he is surely bought out by the kikes.

purposely losing cases with a promise of working at a better firm is what jews do with lawyers working against their fellow (((chosen)))

Underrated post.

People fucking forget that you get a jury trial. No fucking jury would send some otherwise innocent dude to prison for years for sending a flashing image to someone.

Texas has now far exceeded California as the most cucked State in the Union.

Will he be our first fallen soilder in the great meme war? I mean besides Assange

When will the open-carry of animated images be restricted in Texas?

Texas has a spiritual cloud cover all the time thanks to being flat and in the bend of the gulf. More churches per capita than any other state. Texas is NOT Trump country. Texas is Ted Cruz country. He is friggin Cuban ffs.

Dallas is over run with Apes. Ape was taught to shot a gun. And one of them killed a bunch of cops in one night. Dallas needs to be cleansed. It went for Her, not Trump.

In ten fucking years? Long after hes out and his life is ruined? On a fucking court over half jewish and the rest cucks?

Are you fucking high? How the fuck do you still think this nation is anything but fucking deserving of the fire.


(((Cyber-bullying))) can be argued either way and good legalfags can always leverage precedent to weave a defense or prosecution in their client's favor. In trial law, selecting the right jury is just as important as a client. Like, if I'm defending Rivello, I would have the (((law firm))) I work for get our (((psychiatrist))) we have on retainer and our ex-FBIfag to read the jurors' body language. Likely craft questions with the (((psychiatrist))) and armyfag to bait the juror look into giving their tells. Women, SJWs and kikes will be poison for Rivello on the jury because they're into muh feels. No way Rivello could afford this type of jury selection expertise. Hardcore Christians would be an issue where I would have to look over to the (((psychiatrist))) and armyfag if I can't read how cucked and Jewed the (((Baptist))) I'd interview is.

It's funny because in jury selection, we're totally racist, because stereotypes are generally correct and this is the basic point of jury selection.

Kikenwald Pedophile Slip In Trial

A good legalfag always HAS to make a "slip" while cross-examining someone who may have looked at toxic shit like pedo stuff, and (((Eichenwald))) would be buried, because everyone hates pedos:

"Mr. Eichenwald, when you were charged with watching child pornography, blah, blah."

D.A.: "Objection… Blah, blah."

Judge: "Sustained, Mr. Legalfag, that information is not germane to the… Blah, blah."

I get told off by the judge, judge tells the jury to (((forget))) my comment about Kikenwald being a pedo, but the judge can't erase my words from inside their brains. It's about making the jury doubt the D.A. and its witnesses, to make the juror who (((supports))) Kikenwald to at least doubt themselves enough to get a hung jury, or in this case, to be bullied by jurors when they're discussing Rivello's fate, to say:

"He's a pedophile, why do you care about him." Or "Fuck this, he's a pedo, let Rivello go free."

Rivello needs good legalfags. He'd get off easily.

never forget that he spent $3k on child porn, then forgot because of his seizures. the second time they've come in handy. such a brave soul.

His parents were both holocaust survivors so you should leave him alone, they meet though a hole in the sheet.

was intended for

The Federal rules of evidence irritate the shit out of me to no end. So many exceptions and exceptions to exceptions to get in exactly what you want even though it's a topic that's supposed to be kept out.

And then you've got the states with their own spin on evidence rules and it's a huge clusterfuck. Though this is Texas and I don't know shit about their evidence rules and what is allowed in what isn't but I assume it's at least 80-90% like the FRE.

Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon? What is the deadly weapon?

I'm not feeling too optimistic on this one.

Even with 99 years, it won't start the RWDS.

It will take death and destruction on a mass-scale against white people to bring forth the DoTR. Right now normies are blissfully droning forward, mildly uncomfortable with how things are going but certainly not willing to spent time in jail to change it.

I just wanted to permanently cripple Kurt to set a p-precedent, too…

it's also pretty easy to make a gif preview something misleading

Assange isn't dead. He's simply trapped behind enemy lines in the Caliphate of Bongistan. He will be free one day soon.

the hell are you fags on about

the face of every pedo hentai poster.

also fuck the mods for allowing that shit and banning me permanently for speaking out against it.

Hmmmmm… these "goys" are bashing Pro-White people.


better question is where's the evidence said .gif actually harmed him?

he has nothing. the case should be a flop.


ficki fickis get a slap on the wrist for rape in Sweden while whites get 99 years for shitposting the (((chosen people))). 99 years is equivalent to murder, this faggot should already be doing for honors sake

Dox the prosecutor, imo.


I'm sure you'll all be using your guns to overturn the decision any minute now.

…except there was never a trial. The dude took a plea bargain instead of arguing his case in court. I'm angry that he did this, because there's no fucking way any jury would ACTUALLY convict someone for a meme imagine sent to a notorious liar who clearly faked having a seizure. But the point I'm making is that you can be accused of the most ridiculous crime ever, but if you decide to take a plea deal and say you're "guilty" anyway, what are we to do?



the picture in the op does not say plea bargain accepted

Thats a bench warrant, not an imprisonment record.

This cumguzzler's post is the epitome of Russians not understanding how case law actually works. Stay in your fucking lane and accept that bullshit civil law framework that runs your FSB-rigged legal system. The next time you see a cock, ram it up your butthole, Ivan. At least our legal system is rigged for the rich.

Obviously not a native speaker. Who the fuck uses "what are we to do?"

It's an older term. Read a book some time, nigger.

Really, nigger?

Right. Because it's used colloquially in English? Fuck off. Your commanding officer is going to have to send you to work in a less-based unit at the FSB. Eat a dick, Yuri and tell your friend to

… Suck some cum.

if (((Eichenwald))) has seizures why doesn't he have a medical id on this person?

Yep, advocating for white interests, exposing Jews and talking about nigger crimes on a massive platform that reaches millions is a well known shill tactic isn't it

Money was raised for this guy, there was a WeSearchr bounty several months ago


And fuck all you shills to hell

being a nazi must be fucking exhausting. How do you do it… ffs

Howdy y'all come to my adopted negro ranch, I'm raisin' 'em right cuz they ain't round dem city negros.

And I supposed Richard 'Typical Tricks' Spencer is our guy as well?

Anglin, even if he were legit which his past certainly proves otherwise, is a piece of shit doing more harm than good. Almost everything written on that shitheap of a site is reads like the work of a third grader. Yes, dumbing your delivery down a bit so that it is in a common, less pompous verbiage is a good thing… But writing shit that reads like notes passed around in 3rd grade to the tune of "I hate niggers and jews. hahah I farted you smell it? lets go throw rocks at cars after school." is not.

Every single person with the "authority to speak on our 'movements' behalf" is either an obvious kike, obvious kike appointed controlled opposition, or complete degenerates.

i don't think i've ever seen that many actually in the water before. is this a drowning in progress?


That's some fucking filthy water. I think they're bathing.

Holy shit, that's who that was? So it really is true that the Jew is guilty of everything he accuses you of.

The reality is this: he's innocent and his lawyer probably already knows it. However, lower / trial courts tend to be conviction happy, and arguably this case involves an unprecedented situation. Which trial court are shit at. What that means is that the lower court will give him a batshit insane numbers of years conviction, and then his lawyer will have to work his way through the appeals courts. Which will take longer than 5 years, guaranteed.

So, it doesn't matter if he's declared innocent in the end, if he doesn't take the deal he'll spent probably 1/10th of his life rotting in a cell somewhere.

That's why guilty pleas are so effective. The right to a speedy trial has long since been rendered a joke, just like the right to a defense attorney. Even if he's ultimately innocent, he'll have to suffer for years to prove it.

just like
buchenwald the eichenwald

it says the court date is in August, and the plea bargain was offered. I don't see anything that says he accepted it.

What information is there that shows the guy actually accepted the plea bargain?

it's just a way prosecution acts like a kike to avoid having to do actual work. Nothing more or less.
saged for you being a dumbass

Eichenwald needs to eat shit if this is true.

Someone from the chans already published Eichenwald's alleged phone number (the 914) one more than 2 weeks ago on Twitter.


An opinion, but he avoided the trial for a reason. Go read the law (as I did), and you'll notice that his behavior was as if he was going down a checklist to ensure conviction.

Including the gem saying something like "Good, I hope he dies from my actions." As the law in question specifically mentions intent as a critical factor, a rational person would foresee no good results from a jury trial. He said other stuff too, but this was the real kicker. Guy was nailed.

nothing shows he even took the plea, it was clearly just an offer that was filed with the court per standard procedure

Being right about the Jews means absolutely fucking nothing if your message about them isn't attractive to the normalfags. It's about results more than being right. If you care more about being right, then you're probably a namefag.

Guilty of all charges stacked for the 99 year conviction? I'm skeptical. You still need to prove mens rea. Even if he made dumb statements over the internet, I'm skeptical that is enough here. The situation is unique to my knowledge.

However, there are probably too may dice rolls between him and freedom for him to refuse the deal either way.
I'm guessing he dug the hole deep enough to get at least 6 years by the lawyer's count, hence the 5 year offer.

Good news is as another user stated, a plea doesn't generally create any sort of legal precedent. It might give the feds a nice script to use to silence noisy anons in the future. To be fair though, legal terrorism didn't really work out for the RCA (using the DMCA).

Publicizing this is certainly the way to help stop it in the future, like the CNN debacle.

called them both, they wen't to voicemail

What the fuck is even going on? 5 years for tweeting a gif? Christ.

Sounds like there's an opening, what's stopping you user?

that skyline is disgusting

is it possible to have it dismissed because a fucking gif is not a deadly weapon ever?

he should still fight it
get trolling on the internet protected under the first amendment
and then we'd all be better off
but im sure he'll do as he wants

The kind of epilepsy Eichenwald claims he has is almost always found in female children. Eichenwald is lying about his. Plus, you can set your computer to disable gifs. If it were really life-threatening to him, why didnt he do that?

If being sent to jail for five years for sending a kike a gif doesn't make you hate them than nothing will.

He came up with an elaborate holocaust gif story.


I worked for them in Hollywood for +10 years. I have a strong hatred for kykes.

Kill yourself kike.

Full name is Eugene Volokh.

any update on the case