This is just your daily reminder that Communism will win

This is just your daily reminder that Communism will win.
And when it does Holla Forums goes to gulag

Other urls found in this thread:Đổi_mới

You have already been left in the dust bin of history


If it can't even succeed in Syria or Ukraine today why the fuck do you think it'll work the next time?

Every communist country collapsed or just left communism behind because its a retarded ideology for subpar people

I guess this is your daily reminder that Communists are going to Syria and killing ISIS while all the MAGA chuds larp about being operators in US suburbia


Sure thing, kike.


Kinda like how that one faggot got his brains owned by some ISIS goat fucker?

Stay in Holla Forums please, communigger.

Nah I'm good here, thanks

I'm sure it will work this time around :^)

So what's your opinion on homosexuality and race-mixing, seeing how the thread can't be bumped since OP's can't bump their own thread.

Im so glad real americans stomped the red hordes and prevented them from spread their retarded ideology

You had better hope it doesn't. If Communism does win, people like you will be the first to be executed.

Nah, Jew.



Boy I can't wait to put you against the wall for not being all in with the movement.

You commies have to be the most gullible people on the political spectrum. Is this the commie faggot I argued with on goybook the other day? If not you guys all repeat the same sentences. Keep sucking that kike cock.



It already worked you retard

Wew indeed, lad.





Daily reminder communism is for faggots

and what the fuck do you think the degenerate west is right now? talmudic-bolshvism.

Don't they call everything fascist including nation states anything the least bit nationalistic…. so according to them fascism has worked millions of times.

An example of the US propping up fascists for 40 years until their purpose as useful idiots for suppressing the left had been served, and then the fascists collapsing as soon as the US aid stopped flowing in

Chink niggers go home.

O cool we can swap one form of kike controled goverment for another, two sides of the same sheckel.



fuck off you absolute idiot. you guys aren't even pseudo-intellectuals, you're just morons


I remember being 13 too, OP. It's never going to happen especially not now or the future with the working class never ever going to be on your side.

Kinda like Poland but with the USSR?

Nah m8. History shows the degenerates, such as the trannies and horsefuckers of Holla Forums are the first in the gulags.

Real communism (Stalinism) is white supremacist and socially conservative. Prove me wrong.

Found the nazbol

Not an argument


Name calling means jack shit when everyone thinks you're retarded.

Wew land. The soviets were retarded cunts and they like to think themselves hard because the germans killed 20 million of them. But in reality it just shows their incompetence. The US won ww2 no matter what you say. the allies would have collapsed without supplies the pacific theater was completely won by americans, the north african front was won by americans and almost all of the strategic bombings on Germany were americans.
We pushed all the way into china and conquered the whole country then left.
They arent even communist any more they are cozying up to us burgers

USSR could survive without the (((Rothschild's))) and (((Rockefellers)))

No it's not. Stalinism is basically neo-conservitism, but not as full retarded as Trotskyism.


Societal collapse in first world countries will literally result in most of the population dying, those that remain will be the ones who are productive and take responsibility for their individual well being. Socialism by its very nature doesn't appeal to this group of people.

Funny how communism was bank rolled by muh capitalists.

this x 1000. I was recruited to join communist youth when I was 13. I was mad at my parents because of divorce and was searching up rage agains the machine. the communist party had a RATM fan page that they used to recruit kiddies with a form to join a super-elite RATM fan club. Signed up, and was called weekly by this fag-sounding dude who tried to get be to come to some you communist convention, with promises of russian vodka if I could get there.

He married and served Jews.


Correction: revisionists, counterrevolutionary ancoms, and anarchists are going to Syria to fight with an American backed militant group to further geostrategic goals of the American empire.

Bolsheviks were 80-90% kikes. lenin, kike. Trotsky, kike. Marx, kike.

Which one? So far I've only seen failures :3c

Relevant article

Well you have to be retarded to be a communist in this day and age so it makes sense.

for a second there i thought Holla Forums had started naming the jew and came a little

Found the leftcom

And don't forget (((Schiff)))!

Keep pushing him. Holla Forums's law soon.

Communism will never win because it appeals to hedonists wither Holla Forums likes it or not, the average person will never care for maintaining traditional comminist values of working in communes for wage credit without a strong totalitarian state. We hate communism for being impractical and for breeding agents of subversive using Nudge Theory psychology to manipulate people so card-carrying party members can reap in the benefits, there, that's a valid criticism of your broken ideology, now fuck off

That why Aryan Stalin took over, killed Trotsky, and uncucked Marx's ideas.


400 + million in aid from the US
Idk off hand how many millions from the British.

- food
- rubber
-Armor plate
- modern propellants for artillery ( USSR propellants were obsolete)

Also he wasn't white ( being from a Georgian minority) or even russian for that matter there is actually some evidence that suggests that he was one of the tribe. He certainly married enough into judiasim.



Except he didn't, he just fucked and served Jews until he died like a fat old kike-fucking gommie faggot.
Like you'll probably do.

Georgia is literally the original homeland of the Aryan race.


at least pick a better artist to spread you vile propaganda that man looks chinese although I suspect he was supposed to be someone else….


Quality postĐổi_mới

Another for you.

Georgian minority m8.
Probably yid if not some mongrel.

Churchill said the same thing.

Is that a picture of a spic committing suicide?

Actually, North India is. Or if you really want to be kino, Atlantis.

hey pol (aka the nazis) if hitler is so smart then why did he lost and then killed himself lol

Just having a laugh m8.

Over your dead body, OP

If Communism works why does it always fail?

because he tripped and broke his peanus weanus xd



Fresh OC


Holla Forums is Muslim confirmed

are you a wizard?

Yes I actually am.




if fails because it is designed as a way to consolidate power for a certain foreign tribe (JEWS) to empower itself over the country and its people. Because of this it will inevitable fail but thats not really important to the jews so long as they remain on top and in ownership of the money supply resources and land.

What is this? The no fun zone?

try harder mongrel


Fun Historical Fact:
the first to go to the gulag in EVERY COMMUNIST REVOLUTION are the true believers
the inner party can't have disenfranchised revolutionaries around
enemies are bribed and co-oped for legitimacy: "See he thinks were cool,seeeee"

So I guess your right, see you at the gulag

not the real comunisms

You bitches have already turned America into a communist country. People are noticing too. You must not feel too smug right now because your fear shows in your post.

>OP posts picture of le Holla Forums's triumph over Holla Forums

some people take from the greats and fuck it up. You take from the fuck up and keep going


Imagine being this retarded


Any interesting reads on Tito? Not asking as a lefty type but I will take whatever.


Watch this nigger, mandatory redpill watch.

because Holla Forums is a bit dense: America helping the Soviets with money is further testament to communism's inability to pool enough financial capital for the government to fulfill just about any of it's core functions be it military, public works, etc. Every communist nation has fed off of capitalism to fuel the communist state. This is why so-called communist countries allow for so much capitalism like South Africa, China, etc.
Communism is never about the people. It's about power. It's about removing the pre-existing power structure and handing it over to a new ruling body, and most importantly, to hold on to that power for as long as possible.

Just looked them up. Sidney Shapiro was a translator and Epstein was a volunteer, not a minister.

Stop reposting leftycuck infrographics that will make you look like a retard.

i know Nicohlas II was hated, so that sounds right

That's my favorite line from critique of the Gotha Program
Read you dumb nigger


user confirmed brain dead

I read some bios a long while ago, but didn't save the links on my phone. Really what I like about Tito is that he was the only supposedly Communist leader to actually allow workers to control their workplaces - which is what Communism is all about.

So from there I took a dive into left wing political and economic theory, and ended up a state-Syndicalist (AKA free market Socialism).

I just like to shitposting with low energy Soviet propaganda for the (You)s sometimes.


Every cummonist country has failed in history, it's hilarious you leftypol idiots think otherwise.

Where was Peterson quoted? If anything, the user's post was quoting Yuri Bezmenov (almost verbatim).

KYS and clean your room you fedora tipping kike

Checked. Also, this.


Gotcha, I read some Tito bio before but I forgot most of it. I do remember it talking about his love for fine suits. lol So that image was appropriate.

wtf are you niggers doing??
let him bumble about in his fantasy world

How does this low-energy autismpost have 120 replies?

Its not an exact quote. But he often talks about Communists turning on each other
It's spotless already ;^>

Tito was definitely the most /aesthetic/ leader of the 20th century left.
And he liked killin' Nazis and Tankies both.

More like collapsing once Franco died

Because you now have aids

Because Holla Forums can never resist b8.
It also has 40 UIDs


Stop pretending to be a facist



Stop pretending to not be jewish and we'll consider it
(you)r home, go to it

What ever happened to ADF anyway? Last I heard he was living under a bridge in Portland and faking suicide threats for internet gibs.

stop pretending to be white and I will

You sound upset.


Really upset.

I'm trying to see how long it takes till I get banned. So far so good ;^)


Calm down son.

Daquan, get off da innanets! Yo mammy needs ya in de kitchen boi!

Too bad the mods have basically no power to begin with.


don't worry, you don't need wage credits for a helicopter ride


Lad, lurk another year.


Nah, im not buying it. Your posts are not ironic enough to be shitposting, nice damage control though.

I hear if you suck Peterson dick any harder, you might taste the finger of his puppet operator

Middle class retards always love to think there going to start a revolution. most of Holla Forums they don't work in a factory and don't work in trades they are fucking middleclass children who don't work if they do it,s some shit job in a phone center they don't know hard work and never will, they are a dead end of communism why do you think the working class voted trump,why do you think cnn is down the shitter you live in a bubble Holla Forums no one likes you or tranny fags or commie fags why because you go against the working class every time you make them poorer you promote open borders mass immigration hurt there wages and you wonder why no one likes you so fuck off and stop stealing your moms makeup faggots.

Seems legit.

Pic related bruv.
Calm down.

not surprised you have a problem with reading comprehension. the time for dialectic has passed. now is the time for rhetoric and making fun of you.


Because Hillary is a neoliberal piece of shit criminal who only represented the interests of the people that have been fucking them over since 1979 without a single drop of lube?


don't try to argue in this thread. These retards will only have you screaming at a their brick wall.

had my sage earlier but it disappeared

Also, while we're here:


This is my thread, user. It exists solely for the enjoyment of the worker.

Calm yourself.

Comrade your being masochistic.


'sex worker' is not a real profession bro, and sucking dick for shekels does not make you a member of the proletariat

Many people talk about commies turning on each other, because it's an historical fact. The user's post was almost a direct quote of Yuri Bezmenov, famous commie turncoat. You should look up his interviews on YouTube; if you have not taken the Bezmenov pill, you are not redpilled.

Lurk 10 more years newfaggot.

I get my autismbux from the GI Bill

the fact that you idolize him is so sad it beautiful

not a worker then, the irony


Currently shills are doing opposed shilling to create noise and astroturf controversy among us. You can see right through it because the ones who pretend to be us are strawmanning our own positions (ie, unironically using nazi, a kike slur for wn/NatSocs) to then be "btfo" by flawed reddit-tier contradictions and ad hominem. Steel yourself against their faggotry.

Being aware of a famous commie turncoat that gives a succinct breakdown of communist subversion is "idolizing" him? I think it's time you considered suicide.


So you don't work. To be expected.

sorry m8, but your camaradens are just that stupid, they need no help from us

Why have the mods not deleted this obvious b8 thread? It's not even anchored.

Seems legit!


imkikey is already about that dark, so it’s no real change.

Telling burgers what they want to hear is lucrative business user

This. Just look what happened in the Paris Commune where it all began. Guess what happened? Commies turned on each other.

Why is this thread still up?

I like how this thread went "ABORT!" "ABORT!" as soon as we started talking about kikes. :^)

you can't call yourself a worker if you don't work

Because 1) the mods have no power, and 2) OP is probably one of them.

Where the fuck have you been?


nigger pls

we're just getting started with the kikery mien nigger


Jesus fucking christ, you guys aren't even good for bantz. You'd probably even find a way to make shitty fertilizer. Utterly useless.

But user, that's the gommunist tradition!

Its always 'intellectual' kikes who start things up, rob everyone blind, and then cry about anti-semitism, how it was all the capitalists' fault, and how it wasn't real gommunism anyway.

I think its safe to say the jewing has been ongoing for awhile now.

Why does OP always have to be a faggot?

what can I say? They are the master race in turms of IQ


Because these homos wait for the mod/hotpocket teams to sleep.


Is it autumn yet?

this is an inclusive board user ;^)

Color me shocked.

Intellectual =/= intelligent. Actually intellectuals tend to be pretty fucking stupid.

Too bad their population is so small, its basically irrelevant. And, ya know, also being the 'master race' as in turms of genetic disease.


Marx is so based


Holla Forums

Don't be mad just because you could never make the cut in the intelligentsia untermensch

dawaj suka xxaxxaxaxaxaaxaxx))))))))))))) we must liberate the wrist wratches from those filthy fascist blyaat

If you believe that, you'll love it when you hear that I'm a politician. A Jewish one, too!
My name is Burning Sandals.

what's deadlier than a communist army?

a communist government

The lack of punctuation makes your post unintentionally hilarious.

Bro, come on now.

That's why I always just post how kike communism is. Hard to argue against their almighty creators being what they are.


Damn son, those are some low energy anti-gommi memes even for Holla Forums standards

Bro, calm down.

exactly what i expected those people to look like. who else would go to a meetup specifically about Holla Forums to take photos instead of establishing networks and groups of allies within their local community, to better themselves and each other and exemplify the values we hold dear?

I dunno, I thought the fast food one was pretty good for Holla Forumsyp shit.



I love how the definition of working class used to be "people who do hard labor with their hands", but Marx redefined it to mean "people who don't own anything", to specifically include deadbeat degenerates like on that pic. Actual workers don't want anything to do with communism.





The working class abandoned you commies because you succeeded in infiltrating the institutions without realizing that the institutions are bourgeois, jewish, and capitalist. Cultural marxism is failing because you became the machine you supposedly oppose and alienated the working class.

Now the working class is realizing how deceptive you've been in your methodology and are gravitating towards anything they see in genuine opposition to the system. Unfortunately they aren't too bright so they gravitate towards CO groups like alt-right and antifa.

Bolshevism is a jewish conspiracy you dumb faggot, at least learn lefty talking points before you be an ebin ruseman.


Nope, communism is.

Study the history of NSDAP, they only used 'socialism' because it was a popular term that would get them support. A PR strategy that worked.

holy kek!

So what you're saying is that Fascism has to piggyback off of Socialism to gain any support?


Nonsense. They were indeed socialist, but not Marxist/jew socialist. They were more in line with Otto von Bismarck's Staatssozialismus.

are you honestly retarded?

Meh, might as well at this point. You've gotten so badly BTFO, and mods are just gonna delete it anyway.

Not a real thing. Just a catch phrase that some retard made up to try linking liberals to the actual left.
Apparently there are millions of retards who believed it

>"Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.” -Adolf Hitler

So you're saying you're a socialist, then?



The kind of Socialism with a National in front of it certainly has its appeal.



So you're not a capitalist, right?

But only REAL Gommunism, user.

Always chasing that kosher unicorn. Just a few million more corpses and it'll work…

Just like communism "won" during 1968, right? Then when not a single proletarian supported you and that made you so butthurt you created cultural marxism to destroy society so you can get the collapse and revolution you so desired but you can't fool us nor the working class and without the working class you literally are incapable of winning.

Жители Приморья! Пришла пора стать свободными! Вспомните свои корни вольного Украинского козацтва из Зелёного клина. Именно за ваше происхождение москва всегда гнобила Приморье, забирала все ваши доходы от труда и недр, занижала уровень жизни и издавала придурошные законы, мешающие вам жить. Московские воры запрещают вам ездить на праворульных машинах, а кремлёвский холуй задорнов на весь мир оскорбляет ваших женщин. Пришла пора громко заявить - Приморье не россия! Дух свободы не сломить во Владивостоке, Хабаровске, Иркутске! Уходим из состава россии - тогда наступят времена почище. Вся кремлёвская олигархическая клика на Дальнем Востоке должна быть ликвидирована. Подвиг приморских партизан не забыт и вдохновляет молодое свободное поколение на новые свершения. Парень, уничтоживший фээсбэшников в Хабаровске - герой. И это только начало. Дело партизан живёт. Любой прислужник москвы на Дальнем Востоке должен находиться в состоянии страха смерти и бежать отсюда. Все чиновники, фээсбешники, полицейские, а главное их семьи, должны подвергнуться народному суду, травле и террору. Создавайте автономные ячейки для партизанской борьбы, количеством не более шести человек. При освободительном восстании армия и флот перейдут на сторону народа и помогут избавиться от московских упырей. Приморье должно выйти из состава россии или станет полигоном неизбежных будущих войн за ресурсы между Китаем с его сателлитом северной кореей и россией. Если Приморье будет независимым - больше шансов получить международную поддержку и избежать войны на территории Дальнего Востока. Дайте будущее своим детям - сделайте Приморье свободным! Слава Приморским партизанам! Приморье не россия! Наше дело Правое! Победа будет за нами! Приморье будет свободным!

NatSoc isn't fascism, fascism is statism for the sake of statism. NatSoc is when the state serves the people.

If cultural marxism isn't real then why are so many high ranking university professors, doctors, scientists, judges, police, etc social bolshevists? That is the very definition of cultural marxism - a slow infiltration of societies institutions in order to slowly mold the lemmings into a communist drone mindset.

Only in so much as you aren't Jewish. ;^)


Modern socialism is a hybrid between international Jewish capitalism and international Jewish marxism. Hitler warned us this would happen 100 years ago.

You get the pleasure of fiat currency, debt slavery, mass taxation, social degeneracy, and the constant class warfare while capitalists pay 25% the rate of plumbers on income. Isn't it great?
Adolf Hitler's Warning


tbh people falling for this kind of shit is the equivalent of people falling for the "My name is John and I hate every single one of you" copypastas

And in this thread we have the other side of the kosher bun which forms the kosher sandwich.

Its only b8 once they start losing user, and your (2) doesn't help your case.

That said, while we're here….


inb4 banned for spam


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


I'm shitposting fammo I guess the bar has gone so low here that this shit looks serious.

Ah fuck it, one more

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking kulak? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Batista's cuban government, and I have over 410757864530 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire USSR armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet you ass munching fascist? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, whitey. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kulak. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred thousand ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Soviet Navy and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the earth, you little shit eating fascist insect. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn nazi. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kulak.

You're putting in a lot of effort on a shitpost bro.
Seems more like effortposting at gommies, which is just silly. Its like effortposting at a puddle. Or a jew.

Второе мая - день победы Украинцев над русскими и день краха проекта "новороссия". Теперь это Всеукраинский праздник. В тот день, в две тысячи четырнадцатом году, для провокаций по плану суркова-дудаева именно русских по национальности навезли в Одессу из приднестровья и самой россии. Монголоид антон раевский тому яркий пример. Изначально русские планировали захват зданий, но у них не хватило на это сил даже под прикрытием продажных ментов. Украинцы массово вышли защищать свою Родину.

Тогда фээсбешные кураторы русских начали план "ликвидация". Русских загнали в здание "дом профсоюзов" и потравили ядовитым газом, таким же каким убили людей при штурме Норд-Оста. Сами фээсбешные исполнители "ликвидации" спаслись на крыше и заперли на неё выход. Именно это массовое убийство русских фээсбэшными кураторами и показало Украинцам как нужно побеждать оккупантов.

С этого дня все разговоры с кацапнёй прекратились и началось физическое уничтожение. Всех новороссов просто ликвидировали как колорадских жуков и весь кремлёвский проект оккупации от Харькова до Тирасполя провалился. У русских коллаборантов был подорван боевой дух, а их лидеры на местах просто пропали без вести.

Украинский народ сделал вывод из этого события - никаких разговоров с русскими террористами, победа достигается только силой. Нужно бить первым, без разговоров, неожиданно. Второе мая - день победы Украинского народа над русскими оккупантами. После него всем стало ясно что русские будут уничтожены.

Только русский по национальности мог вести себя в Украине как оккупант. И эта победа именно над русскими. Хороших русских не существует. Все кто пытается разделять население россии на "плохих россиян" и "хороших русских" - работает на врага. Русский значит мёртвый.

Когда перед нормальным человеком, который до этого считал себя русским но не задумывался, встаёт вопрос самоидентификации по национальности - он отрекается от этого искусственного ярлыка и вспоминает свои корни. Все слОвяне на россии это Украинцы. Если человек осознанно называет себя русским - это враг прогресса и человечества, ибо русский мир несёт лишь смуту и упадок. Даже русские либералы заканчиваются там, где начинается Украинский вопрос. Осознанно выбравшие себе национальность "русский" заслуживают лишь брезгливого истребления, как глисты. Что и произошло второго мая в Одессе.

Все кто взывает якобы к человечности и сочувствию убитым русским - также работает на врага, так как пытается лишить Украинцев заслуженной победы, которая мотивирует к дальнейшему наступлению на оккупантов. Любое поражение врага - источник мотивации и им нужно насладиться по полной, зарядиться духом победы. Победы над русским оккупантом.

Теперь в Украине новый майский праздник - второе мая, день победы над русскими. И праздновать его будут веками, в память о защите Европы от русского упадка и деградации. Украинцы сломали хребет русской недонации рабов и быдла, и ущербный русский мир прекратил своё распространение. Поздравляю всех с праздником победы над русскими второго мая! Это наша победа! А тем, кто ещё сидит в Украине и надеется на русскую оккупацию я хочу напомнить,- мы убъём вас всех.

oh, you're a literal goon. I hate you more than communists tbh

pidorussian pigdog.

Why u so buttblasted?

This is a mod thread so it has not been deleted
All to stay relevant.

user stats on 8 are inflated on all boards minus Holla Forums

Because a Holla Forums shitposting got 265 replies from 54 UIDs and he's never gotten a single (You) before now.

You worthless cucks will come up with a conspiracy theory for everything.

Imkikey has to get thoes sheckles somehow user

Now don't accuse me of being Holla Forums and report me,I'm sure the mods can see my posting history.

Nah, leftcoms don't care about anti-imperialism and all that stuff, not any more than ancom. Those would be tankies who you're thinking of.

simple math, Holla Forums and other political boards get around 2000 posts a day, each UID posts roughly three times per thread.

therefore Holla Forums has roughly 600 users.

Like the rest of the catalog is super interesting right now, huh.

Come for me faggot

Got another one.

cossacks are top tier meme makers tbh


haha fucking leftypol. fucking low energy faggots attempting to use our own memes on us. never change, cucks because it is going to be so much fun murdering you all in the coming years



Choke on a rope Holla Forumsnigger

You and your ilk invited too much "diversity" for a communist insurrection to ever happen again.
When the catalyst of the inevitable financial collapse of the west happens, the people will fraction into racial groups.
Perhaps in a homogeneous society you could rally people around an idea for inspiration in creating a new government, but now? Nope. The Muslims will be vying for Sharia, the mestizos will be screaming about their Aztlan, the negroes will be roaming gangs of cannibals, and the chinks will try to usurp all salvageable goods for the motherland. All of them, through the last 100 years, have been taught how the white race is uniquely evil. Over the last 100 years, they have all been shown just how weak and spineless we have become. They will not hesitate for an instant when "shit hits the fan" to steal from whites what they believe is entitled to them.

And you expect that through all this, whites will decide that we are STILL all equal, and crank up the egalitarianism to maximum overdrive to achieve "true communism? You know what you get, faggot? Hitler.

You had your chance at the begining of the 20th century, you failed. Now you've let the kikes salt the earth with their "vibrancy". You've forced our hands, either we fight as natsocs or we die as weak, pathetic, mongrels. Mongrels will never afford you your communist fantasies. We become the third world.


Why is it that aut-righters are so obsessed over cultural marginal issues like this instead of things that actually matter like the economy, peak oil and climate change?

For fuck's sake Holla Forums.


They aren't marginal issues. Human biology and eugenics is one of the most if no the absolute most important thing relating to our survival and the quality of the societies we live in.
We evolved from beasts, just as the other races have. The reproductive strategies used by our ancestors dictate the quality of our strength, intelligence, charisma, empathy, creativity, and spirituality. Everything that we are was selectively bred over millions of years.
Biology comes before anything in society. The most important recource a nation has is it's own people. Human existence comes before the products of human thought. Human quality determines what we are able to think and create.
When you invite genetic stock from continents where the people residing there have not invented a written language, invented the wheel, and have a lower if not non-existent concept of cause and effect, coupled with high time preference and a inclination towards what we whites consider "antisocial behavior", your nation will fail. It will reflect the nations that THOSE humans create. This goes on a sliding scale. Each race is equipped with different biological predispositions that create the societies they reside in.

Economy is a product of our genetic expression, Oil, and the ability to farm it and use it, is a product of our genetic expression. Climate change can be negated by humans with low-time preference and enough empathy to actually take preventative steps. Even the intelligent races of East Asia are not endowed with enough empathy or fforesight to not rape their own living space into toxic cesspools.

Whites and the culture whites produce is the only thing that matters. Give a nigger a constitution and once you turn away he will go back to his primitive ways. We see that literally now. Look at liberia.
Your fantasies of racial equality are just that, fantasies. If you actually gave a fuck about the "human condition" you'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep the white race afloat, but instead you preoccupy yourself with utopian ideals of the NGO. You can't will the world into a better place, you must create it. No matter how "insensitive" that may seem to you. Everything is eugenics.

NWO, not NGO.



Not only Holla Forums, but a cuckchan user.



You get a special report just for that.


Yep, checks out.

I'm a Georgian. Stalin wasn't in any was Jewish.


who mentioned sweet jp?

Which did not even exist.


That surely showed us.

Why are all leftists so fucking ectomorphic?


Designed the best tank tho. Adapted pretty quickly, and brought German war machine to a grinding halt.

Lend lease was a factor, but only accounted for 8 percent of soviet production. Furthermore, by the time it actually began having an effect, the Germans were already stopped under Moscow, and would never again repeat the successes of 1941-42. By D-day, Soviets were already marching across Europe. American impact in the European theater was negligible, the Soviets would've still won a few months later without burgers and brits raining fire on civilians in Hitler's backyard.

Sure USSR has had high casualties, being under-equipped and under-trained. They've still withstood the kind of assault that broke better trained and better geared armies (see France). Calling them retarded and incompetent is just an insult to Germans, who've somehow lost to the undernourished retarded incompetents, despite the overwhelming advantages.

Also the reason for the Pacific theater opening with Perl Harbor, was Soviets successfully repelling Japs in Khalkhyn Gol, and causing Jap high command to abandon its ideas about eastward expansion in favor of far more profitable and seemingly less difficult expansion in the Pacific.

Gotta give credit where it's due, y'know?

The communists won in russia as the tsar's armies and standing had been exhausted in the war against the german. The soviets won ww2 initially due to huge amounts of american/british support and long term due to the mounting pressures of the most powerful nations in the world all coming down and germany (and hitler and mussolinis autism). As for the communists in China they only won because the koumintang spent eight plus years fighting a life or death struggle against the japanese. Communist nations have very rarely won major wars on their own.

I guess it really is time to go to /polk/, isn't it?

You're a fucking subhuman, imkikey.

/leftypols/ law
every time


not running the risk

i love it when leftypol starts these threads that they think will trigger us and it ends up containing them

This. It's exactly how prison works.

You leftyshits are going full retard with Trump 4Ding you.



It is simple hygiene user.

You are a subhuman just like the leftypol nigger OP.

Like having the world against you? commie apologists are lower than abos.

The only daily reminder you'll ever know is the fact your life is worthless LARPing and you're a literal nobody drone spamming 'daily reminder' nothing burger that will never amount to anything


I'm here to create a homeland for our people.


no surprise

8% is significant (actually your screencapped article says 4%, may be I was being overly generous), like I said, just hardly a deciding factor. It wasn't distributed evenly across the war years, nor was it delivered instantly and all at once, - Russians did not suddenly found themselves drowning in aviation fuel and american boots on the verge of a certain defeat. Nor would they be walking barefoot without lend-lease aid - if they could re-distribute production safely behind Urals, they could produce their own fucking boots. Not to mention that USSR wasn't even the biggest recipient - Brits have gotten far more.

And the Germans lost under Moscow, before lend-lease even started kicking in.

I like the retarded hypotheticals about Rommel not being in Africa. Of course he's had to be there, Hitler needed to secure that oil. What if the Soviets didn't have to worry about Japs invading the Far east, and had Zhukov's forces ready to fight Germans in '41?

Please, taking credit for other countries' achievements is nigger-tier behaviour. The Russians are grateful for lend-lease, but a trickling of material aid is nothing without military cunning and good ol' human willpower.

Yeah I kinda meant Germans conquering 1/4rd of the country with the largest concentration of production and population, and then failing to capitalize on that and finishing conquering that country.

Getting your nation in a situation where you have the "world" against you, and have to rely on shitty untrained Romanian divisions to protect your flanks in Stalingrad isn't a sign of strategic intelligence.

Gotta own up to your team's mistakes, y'know?


White people have only ever lost to other white people nations. Your (((Internationalist))) dogma is antithesis of white survival, the whites in your movement won't be white for long. Either no children or race mix.

It's really only a matter of time until we win. That's why your masters go after our ability continue white populations, politics doesn't matter, demographics do.

Entire world has to come together to stop 80 million Germans
So how does this food stuff work again? What is this empty feeling in my stomach?

Once I slay you from 200m I won't even take your shit raifu because it probably has aids all over it faggot.

That red mark on your tactivest is also a perfect spot to aim.

Too close, might contract airborne commie aids.

Finland lost though and had to cede far more territories than in the original demands. Stalin wanted those lands to secure the seaward access to Leningrad.

Lol I'm no soldier but have seen enough Syrian shit since 2011 to know they ALWAYS aim for the brightly coloured retard on a battlefield.
That red bit would indeed be a good place for a few dots of fall.

>>>Holla Forums1863457

We, the Polish will defeat you once again. We defeated you in the battle of vistula, we defeated your occupation of Central European territory with our Solidarnosc and we will defeat you again.

1939 was only because you invaded our country together with Hitler.


You lefties deserve to be sent into your own gulags and commie fake wars to die.
Worse than cattle.