Undertale Thread cestpool edition 「One More Final: I Need You」

ITT: A shitty NieR clone



Cool stuff


>inb4 triggered anons

Other urls found in this thread:


first for butthurt redditfags trying way too hard to fit in on an anonymous imageboard

These threads are still going? I thought people stopped caring about UT awhile ago.

oh hell

Template/general threads need to stop.

Well webm, waifu, and neptunia threads are still around so that's not happening


Yes, yes they do.

Mark said he wanted to remove webm threads awhile ago, but he hasn't gone through with it mostly because of the resident "MUH Holla Forums WITH VIDEO GAMES" fags bitching.
At least these threads are about vidya.

Oh, so you only made the thread to shitpost?
Forgive me, I thought you actually wanted to talk about bad video games.

Don't forget about threads

Why else would I include "ITT A Shitty NieR Clone"

OPs generally tend to be fucking retarded.

Also that really should be "ITT A Shitty Iji Clone"

Probably, but if you take a closer look at the pictures in the OP.

I get that it's topical, I'm just complaining about how an indie game made way before this handled pacifism, especially in the face of enemies that are actively trying to kill you, that much better.

I agree.

I also agree.
Undertale couldn't be any worse.


same smh


Undertale is a great game that everyone on Holla Forums should play, no one should ever shit up these undertale threads, they are perfectly normal and not autistic at all

don't trust this user

Hot pocket bumplocking the thread about a vidya he doesn't like and not pruning offtopic shit posting in
sage for offtopic


Now with that being said. Has anyone seen anything with undertale yellow? because it seemed to just vanish without a trace.

The dev must have realized he was working on pure cancer and quit


Follow me.

That accounts going to die when the hipster cancer goes to the new FNAF game, you know that right?
Gonna happen over night to, hipster cancer, usually doesn't actually play the games they gush over.



can we not act like undertale is anywhere near as good as a game with over 700 playable characters

Can you not act like a dickhead and force opinions on other people. Not even now in this case, just in general.

I wonder what it is about undertale threads in particular that makes them so irritating to see on the frontpage. Normally with things I'm not particularly interested in like GG generals, Nep threads, or WebM threads, I don't mind seeing them and just scroll on by. But every time I see a tumblrtale thread, it's fucking annoying.

I played the game through twice and thought it was pretty enjoyable, but once I started seeing all the autism, it killed the appeal to me. Why did people have to run this fucking game so far into the ground? Why couldn't we just leave it be and move on?

Because it's a shit game, and shit games shouldn't be on the front page?

Don't worry, my good friend CringeyArt is taking care of that.

Cancer game on a cancer site.

Shift click the OP in the catalog, and then you won't see it on the front page



Wait, what?

Why didn't I see this in any other general threads?

Pretty sure they mean Asriel, even though Asriel got the shit beat out of him by humans.

h*ck off tumblrtale fr*ck you and your videogames

daily reminder that people like these need to kill themselves
the fanbase excuse only works for MP games and franchises that aren't dead.

but i like webm threads :(


fanbases for singleplayer games with no multiplayer components and no continuous sequels are irrelevant to the quality of the game itself, you dont have to play or interact with those people to enjoy the game.
legitimately good discussion of videogames on the internet is almost fucking extinct, no matter what game it is about, not to mention that the discussion is not part of the fucking game.

I'm sure that all made sense in your head, but to me its not even sounding like english. You're wording yourself very poorly and its making your point hard to get across, if you even have one.

not liking a singleplayer game because of the fanbase is fucking retarded
now learn to read and kill yourself nigger

You're making suicide seem very attractive right now, ironically enough.

suicide is easy and will solve all of your problems so do it.

My user, what edge you have.

If I did that who would reply to your brown posts?

dont worry i am planning to kill myself soon too

If you're willing to extinguish your own life, isn't that the ultimate admission that you were wrong about everything, even going so far as to say your own existence was a mistake?

Pic related, but replace reddit with tumblr and unpopular opinion threads with undertale general.

nice meme

I hope you like being cancer, buddy.

it all depends on the life of pic related

yeah fuck videogames i want videogames to get out of the Holla Forumsideogames board because i dont like videogames xD

Its just an excuse to post furry porn of toriel, you fucking faggot. There is no discussion of undertale anymore.

I thought it was an excuse to talk about other videogames that aren't undertale.

what part of :^) did you not understand you autistic nigger?

Pretty sure you meant furry porn of Asriel.

He fact you're bumping this thread makes you a gigantic fucking faggot. Go back to tumblr so this board can be cancer free.

worst goat


no thanks
upboat :^)



We now return you to our regularly scheduled goatposting.


gay goat worst goat

forgot to take off spoilers

Go back to tumblr, faggot.

You're right, DIO IS

He's only gay for Chara.

Where are the screenshots or links to Toby fox bitching about his fans?

still gay

I want to hurt goat while we sexual

There's nothing wrong with being gay though.

i've got a pic of him leaving twitter

What about dubs goat?


Thread theme?

The more you fight back, the lewder the images will get~

I want to make goat cut off his little shota cock


This is why undertale generals was a mistake.

Fine keep it attached
Put it in a panini press instead~

This isn't ordinary shitposting.

He'd just grow it back. Magic body and all.


no this is the thread theme

It's expressing my love and affection through bullying~

He knows he's been bad and deserves it.

I prefer shotagoat in any case.
W- would it get bigger or smaller when it comes back?

here we go



I thought it was this


Same size I'm sure as that's what he's used to having. In fact, that reminds me of a discussion on e621 where someone mentioned that Hypergod Asriel would probably still have a tiny shota dick because his transformation was about having a mature, threatening body and he wouldn't bother changing anything you wouldn't see under his robes.



you're gonna be the first one to get gassed when the day of the phil comes

I second the notion.

Imagine what 5 minutes on the internet would do to his desire for size~

I like the idea of him wanting to be huuuge, but ultimately ending up weak and impotent and bullied for being inadequate

this guy should be second

you will be the second one to be gassed

Yeah, just like the Rapture, that day will never come and you know it.

reminder that toriel best tbh


That sounds like something a Peter Gaybriel would say.

Can goat gas me by sitting on my face? :^3

reminder that post atott genesis is shit
except maybe duke

This thread is why Undertale isn't taken seriously anymore, and why Genesis has come to infect us.


OP said undertale general. My posts have all been on topic if somewhat tasteless

Dubspam, /mu/ meme posts, and /leftypol / have no place ITT.

>we cant dance excluding the filler
kill yourself pleb

>he doesnt know about the original undertale made by genesis on 1998
the goatfag doesnt even know jackshit about the game, no surprise there

Get a load of this spook

>implying I'm wrong

waste of trips on a shit opinion

I wonder if the threads always get bumplocked when the genesisspam starts or if it's just however long it takes him to notice the general exists.

>not being on my level of shitposting
waste of singles on a shit position
The latter.

As someone who actually likes Genesis, you WOULD say that.

Got any lewd goat? Thread certainly isn't going to improve


That sounds like something someone who ironically likes genesis would say.

nigger the threads sometimes get bumplocked before i even get here

well i guess it takes shit taste to be a real shitpost master

Sometimes they're bumplocked with the OP.
I think he realizes who is behind them.

Sure as hell does.

Do your job better you faggot.

im talking about ones made by the cyka blyat fishfag
he made them at 4 am when i was already in bed

Please just frame these pictures and put them on your desk so you can control your autism

Nah, I don't even unironically like Genesis.

I've got a list of over 200 of my favorite songs spanning nearly every possible genre, and they don't even have one listing.


there is having shit taste ironically like then there's just having shit taste like you
but then again you're a asrielcuck so of course you have the shittiest taste

Hot pockets are doing their job, if they banned anyone then we get twice as many threads complaining about the mods not doing their job. Also even though the community hates undertale threads they are still video game threads that are more on topic than half the shitposts here. It would be incredibly unprofessional to try and control the community's discussion, all they can do is enforce the rules on a boardwide level

also look at the cancer i made

Bitch, most people have ONE "favorite song", to say nothing of a couple hundred. If I were to list ALL of the "songs I like" it would be too many to count.

'Hopes and Dreams' is on the list, btw.

Now that's some quality cancer right there.
why does sans face look more like Emil than sans?

This guy is right.
It's the only solution to these threads that would work.

I didn't realize they let underage fags on this board

thats where you are wrong my cucked friend

Enforce what rules?
Need I remind you of stipulation 2?
Or rule 8?
La Battaglia, is like the philly steak of hot pockets.
Worst hotpockret.

i just pulled it off the decal marketplace

I have about 70% of the board hidden at all times. There are other threads I don't care about or things that are blatantly off topic. And again the band threat only comes from repeated offenders. This would be anons with a post history of shitposting, dub spam, Genesis posting etc

I guarantee you didn't even know what Genesis was before it got associated with Undertale; and you're calling ME underage? Adorable.

mark genesisposts too, i guess he should be banned :^)

That sounds like something that someone who only knows about genesis from undertale would say.
What a pleb.

even genesisposting predates undertale you nigger

All these faggots having a fit about wanting to "discuss" vidya, then dont discuss the fucking vidya.

hey buddy i think you've got the wrong door, the videogames club is two blocks down


Does Asriel get Sweaty paws just wondering haha

There, there, child. Your time will come some day. For now, just focus on graduating middle school.

The demo for Undertale came out two years earlier, idiot.

The bigger issue is bumplocking threads (for no reason) shrinks the reach of people who played the game, which prevents people from creating their own opinions on the game. Need any more proof of this? Literally all posts are virtually identical using talking points that have been debunked since like week 1 after release before you know who picked up on it. Because there is no thinking, it's just fucking memes.


Then go back to tumblr, nigger.

oh yes i forgot about the demo
guess i suck dicks too :^)

fuck you videogames
we can settle it right here on the thread if you think you're so tough


1v1 me quake 3 arena or UT99, tomorrow at 6 pst. Im serious, faggot.

Have some dank pc headcanon then

Gaster is an allegory for Jesus because he has holes in his hands, reminiscent of crucifixion. He also reappears after falling into the core which is a resurrection.


How is falling into the Core a resurrection when he fucking died and never came back?

Then why are you here, faggot?

why are YOU here?
this isnt the videogames board you nigger.

why are you

He fell into the core and then scattered across the world. Sometimes you run into his "minions" that get retconned put of existence, and there is one encounter where you run into him in a false hallway

Nigga fell into the core and transcended space-time. The game even reset if you try and start a new game as his name

Im the chemo to the cancer that is undertale.


I'm not even talking about theory crafting bullshit. I'm talking about shit that is actually in the game.
Like explaining for the 500th time to someone "Durr how pacifism when monsters attack they can see you hurt" is wrong because dickhead you are getting pegged in the soul. and even if you die like 3 people in the game are even capable of percieving that you died.

Or that "Meta commentary on games because it acknowledges saving! It's bad because subversion" Despite it being a glean to earthbound where saving is an actual in game account of your adventures by your phonedad.
Saving in undertale is limited time travel because determination, it exists as an ability.

Maybe not, but i can drive out the maggots feeding on its flesh.


Yes I knew all that though

None of that has anything to do with Jesus. And all that shit with Gaster never even existed in the canon of the game until all the code monkeys pressured Toby into changing the Fun values so you can legitimately encounter Gaster or his "followers" by random chance if you play the game, oh, like 100 times.


My first post explain how he was a Jesus allegory please read

did you say

Can I just say, I hate that movie effectively erasing "minion" from my vernacular. Seriously I used to use that word all the fucking time.

I think you mean to say you love the movie for giving the word a new fresh epic meaning that you never thought of before

You're a fucking moron. You gave two reasons, let's call them "Reason A" and "Reason B", and then I refuted "Reason B" as nonsense, to which you just went back and pointed to "Reason A" again, as if "Reason B" never happened.

wouldn't reason b "explain" the res erection part of reason a and the minion part of reason b be a parallel to the disciples or something?

I gave you crucifixion and resurrection and then I explain how the resurrection work and you went oh that's not how Jesus works!

"Scattering across spacetime" is not anything close to a resurrection.

Even a master shitposter such as myself can't make sense of his bait.

There's only one resident erection here.

hey b0ss

Jesus Christ

gay theory incoming
one for the vine is actually about the war against the monsters
the jews did the war

can i haz a prank plz.



the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man was a false kike prophet who tricked the goyim into getting into a war against the monsters because they were going to gas the kikes
all of the undertale backstory is told in genesis songs


It's okay, Asriel. Everyone was once young and cute and with a really small dick.

get into the gas chambers now



Even in an adult body, Asriel still has the mind of a little kid. You're just as much of a pedophile as I am.

Also, that guy has no fucking sense of scale. A millstone weighs a couple of tons, you can't just pick the fucking thing up like a dumbbell.

this is why toriel best tbh

Didn't we have this exact argument the other day?
It's like saying that Emil is still a child as the ultimate weapon.

Why did u le filthy le jew mods delete le thread about le underrated le tastes of le gaming le le?

le don't understand what le me is complaining to le u. Can't le accept that my le reddit tastes are le superior. le le

ebin post

le uboat
armalite my doudes
exx dee

I don't care about Emil; that's irrelevant. It's obvious that Asriel is still emotionally child-like even when he takes the Hypergod form. You can't deny that.

Ok, let me rephrase it.
If you like someone who is mentally retarded, say with the mind of a 12 year old, and they happen to be 21 years old.
Would that be pedophilia?

he looks cuddly like his mom.
Therefore you should cherish him.

But his mom is an irredeemable character objectively.
But fuck that, Toby gave her validity in her stupid fucking arguments so accept her and Alphys as redeemed characters. :^)

No, but if they're legally considered retarded, it's still illegal to fuck them. It's considered a type of statutory rape.

Logically speaking, the reason pedophilia is wrong has nothing to do with the physical age or development of the body. Children who have hormonal disorders where they start puberty at age 4 still can't consent to sex; neither can those kids in Little League who are only 12-years-old and already over six feet tall.

And if we're talking strictly chronologically, Asriel spent centuries as Flowey anyway.

kys :^)

etnjoy gota

What if the second they turned 21, they "magically" stopped being retarded and grew mentally due to some sort of shit being turned off in their brain now being turned on?
Someone send help, I've dug myself into a hole of irony so deep I can't even see the bottom, or the light from the surface.

exx dee fello ledditor

you not being able to read is the meme here faggoat

No it's more than that
I am the meme

then your shit taste in genesis albums and goats has been discarded

but user

not an argument


also chara is a niggerkike

Actually, I find due to alcohol that people turning 21 tend to become a lot MORE retarded.

But shotagoat doesn't drink so he's okay.

are you there?

Chara is not a coon.

He may be a coonfox, but that's not the same.


Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome Chara is.

But what if there were an ending like branch D of NieR and he grew up mentally, even more than he did when he had feelings again?
Do you see how many levels of shitposting I'm on right now?


Well, it seems that he did "grow up" at the very end, both by letting the SOULs go and breaking the barrier, and accepting his eternal fate as the silent flowery sentinel of the Ruins and also by not raping Frisk just because he reminded him of Chara.

He sure is.

time for a fitting tony "toby fox" banks song faglord

I want Asriel to hurt me

That was my argument.

I want Asriel to rape me with his cute little dick. I'd even tell him that it's really big to make him feel better about himself.

hyper shota

the day of the phil is coming and you will be the first ones to get gassed by the CR-78 gas/drum machine

I want to gas the kikes while also gasing pedos and gasing the plebs who don't like genesis
Then for good measure gas myself for spreading cancer.

"B-but it's already so big, Chara. Look! Y-you want it to be even larger…?"

The ideal size of a shotas cock is to have the head reach between his ribcage and collarbone. Thickness can vary between arm and thigh width

Day of the Phil When?
Day of the Gabriel is more likely though

*yiff u*

that day is every day in CURRENT YEAR

it'll all end one day

Bad or good news fam
Due to code monkey fucking with our shit
it's no longer possible to archive threads on this website. But God damn we had fun shitposting, shitposting, and more shitposting.
What a rush.

Only one I can find where his dick is that big.

…it looks fucking ridiculous.


I have a final message for you
thank you

Hot, you did good user
Good boy~

ur mom lol

Alright, in return find me a new pic of him with a really little dick barely larger than his thumb.

I'm surprised this thread hasn't fallen off the catalog. I guess the midweek blues are hitting people hard, then.

If this is the last post in the thread LaBattaglia is Poopy Joe