BOMBSHELL: FEC Has Kept Documents About Democrats Secret For Years!!

BOMBSHELL: FEC Has Kept Documents About Democrats Secret For Years!!

We need a general at this point just to keep track of how bad the Dems have fucked themselves this week.

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Midterm elections are going to be a blood bath

Single Party Republic, here we come.


November 6th, 2018
Mark it on your calendars, it's going to be like election night all over again

I can't fucking wait. I'll make it my business to vote that day.

I'm asking off for that night, and I'm going to be right fucking here with my snacks and protein shake, waiting for the salt.

I want to never see another non-white politician ever again and I might honestly live long enough to finally get my wish.

That forced meme is def the work of the jews so it's appropriate that somebody has merchanted it up.
awoo reeks of cuckchan/reddit
Not trying to derail the topic.

the failed diversity experiment is finally almost over.
and 80% of the damage was done to themselves, that's the best part.




I can't wait for the calls of "rogue state".

My quads say it'll happen.

Great! It's more than old enough for Mohammad to have sexual relations with it

You don't force quads faggot

Heres the thing. We know 98% of republicans are traitors as well but their problem is that when a super majority is achieved there will be no more excuses. They have to play along and submit to Trump or if they start to obstruct then both parties end up getting purged. Its a win win either way.

>Additionally, foreign groups funded overseas travel for Democratic FEC Commissioner (((Ellen Weintraub))) who recently proposed a plan to defend against foreign influence in U.S. elections following allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential contest, TheDCNF previously revealed.

>A May 2015 FOIA request sought two years of travel documents pertaining to (((then-FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel))).
(((Ravel))) could not be reached for comment.

Nah, the recent bills and actions by some of the republicans tell me there's a couple good souls left. Most of them are neocons and need to go though.

Nice try oven-kin

A full blown purge of the establishment neocohens and Rinos needs to happen immediately. A full ban on lobbying of any kind and the revolving door between government officials overseeing an industry and then getting a cushy job after their term in said industry needs to stop as well. AIPAC needs to be shut down as soon as possible.

A man can dream

I'm thinking the cuckservatives will peel away from the republican party and join democrats at this point. We will end up with one party that is the John McCain SJW coalition and one party that is alt-lite Trumpism de facto white people party.

The dialectic is working in our favor. The left is inadvertently destroying the cuckservative false opposition with their rhetoric. They have moved to labelling any defense of western civilization as racist and Nazism, destroying the cuckservative position of defining "the west" as a set of abstract race-blind principles (muh free market, muh sodomy rights, muh Martin Luther Kangz, etc.). This leaves normies with two options: opposition to the entire concept of "western civilization" or racism.

tl;dr: the left is now, perhaps unknowingly, casting "western civilization" in racial terms and demanding people choose a side.


It's slowly been happening for more than a decade. Most people do not identify as feminists because they have such a bad name from all the screeching banshees that have taken over the debate. As more and more reasonable people leave, they eventually cannibalize their own talking points further until the only ones remaining in the public eye are so visibly insane that absolutely nobody wants to associate with them except, surprise, the (((people in power))) who use that mindset to dictate legislation and business by their own terms.

How is anybody even surprised now that anyone wants to associate with this bullshit? Most of the talking points are so easily debunked that they're forced to hide the truth under layer upon layer of bullshit rhetoric, screeching endlessly at anybody who asks a question or demands an explanation of the facts.

These are children who don't want to give up their toys, not adults who are willing to do their jobs. It's time to take their toys AND their jobs away by showcasing to the greater public just how powerful the facts really are. If they demand that we take a side, then side with reason and facts and bring as many people as you can with you.

Single party is no good. Once the DNC is out of the picture we need to establish a new right-wing party that makes the RNC look left/liberal in comparison.


The hilarity of the left is that they're all but blind to the fact that pretty much everything they bitch about is entirely their own fault. From Trump's inauguration, to Brexit, to the growing resistance against the mudslime immigration in Europe, you can see that people around the world are gradually waking up to the problems being caused by the left's pipe dream of globalism, political correctness, and social justice. Their whiny, diaper-shitting rhetoric has gotten on everyone's nerves, and now, even their fellow liberals are alienating themselves from the hypersensitive nonsense that has torn the left asunder from the inside. Yet still, they are unable to see that their problems are coming from within their own movement, and not from the imaginary, white-male-cis-privilege monsters under their beds whom they blame them on. Every time they try to stamp out differing opinions, hide news that undermines their agenda, and aggrandize themselves on a moral pedestal, they make problems worse for themselves. Shit like the incident with CNN threatening to dox HanAssholeSolo reinforces the growing image of the thin-skinned, smug, and consequentially-oblivious left wing. There is still a long way to go before the libtards have been fully checked, but the gears of change are clearly in motion, and it is only a matter of time before they are relegated to their final safe-space in the pages of the history books.


And I thought the DNC corruption during the primaries was bad. They don't even deserve to exist as a political party, the democrats are a danger to democracy.

That said, I'm impressed the Republicans doing do anything to Trump despite how much the GOP establishment hate him to the point they voted for HRC over Trump. That was crazy.

I won't believe it until I see people in handcuffs

they'll probably make their own party instead of joining the dems
that will be funny as fuck

You saw a version of this in the 1994 mid-term congressional elections. Democrats jumped ship and suddenly became cuckservative Republicans. I'm tempted to predict the latest incarnation of worthless congressmen will be doing likewise in the opposite direction but given how the Democrats are imploding they have no viable recourse.

Bend the knee to the new, uncucked order or join the party of faggots, incoherent negroes and illegal aliens.

Newfag the post. Lurk moar

Just to clarify for the younger folks - In the mid-nineties Democrats switched fucking parties to Republican as they sat in office. That happened and could happen again in either direction.

Yes but it's best to make sure it doesn't happen again. All rats must be exterminated.

This thread needs a bump.

It all returns to nothing


at least I get to pretend my vote counts and watch everybody else win

Or fucking move, you insufferable faggot. Fuck your family and friends.

Let's make America Poland again!

That was a magical night.

When the Amish mobilize to vote against you, you know that you fucked up.

I didn't sleep
I couldn't sleep

Reminder that it wouldn't take that many more seats in congress and state legislatures to start passing constitutional amendments. National voter ID? End of birthright citizenship? Strengthened 2nd Amendment?

This is the real issue though. GOP is going to BTFO the democrats, but we need to do our best to make sure the right TYPE of republican gets elected/reelected. We need to try to use meme magic and weaponized autism to help prop up nationalist candidates in primaries and kick out faggots like Paul Ryan.