Anonymous and Politics: What's the point?

I've been on chans for fucking ages and the racism has become ridiculous. Not because it's funny or fringe humor but people ACTUALLY FUCKING BELIEVE in racial purity and nationalism on chans now, and it's becoming too much for me because people aren't thinking it's a joke or being critical anymore but becoming brainwashed into straight up legit racists.

Let me tell you that this is retarded. This was never the original shit. The major original chan and its counterparts were based on sick jokes. Its userbase came directly from a comedy website. The only other outlets for straight-up "kill niggers" style racism were also very fringe at the time, VNN, shitfront and a bunch of very small racist communities - probably the oldest is the heretical press.

The extreme joke-style racism continued roughly until /new/ on uɐɥɔɹnoɟ was revived then shut down. Then some faggot created /new/ and that's when the racism started to get really extreme, but the consensus was still strongly constitutional and pro-individuality with some interesting ideas.

Much more recently, uɐɥɔɹnoɟ created Holla Forums. At first, it was pretty boring, just a continuation of old things mostly, plus the stupid memes. Then it really rapidly descended into real racism. This didn't happen overnight but posters suddenly really pushed for pro-race themes and racial hatred.

What surprised me was that most of the time before, people would blame Jews, kind of like now. At that time though no one seemed to care and everyone agreed with each other. Then all the racism just exploded.

Also another thing: uɐɥɔɹnoɟ Holla Forums was originally neutral towards Trump. Literally overnight one day that changed. The entire board was spammed to fuck with pro-Trump threads and posts. I literally went through and hid every thread that was pro-Trump, and that would be usually 50% of the content. On some days it could be up to 70% of the content - all pro-Trump threads. Still today, there is so much pro-Trump shit that most of it is unreadable and clearly propaganda.

So basically my conclusion is that anonymous posting has failed in terms of political discussion. The major chan was conquered by a political force, and its satellites are extremely negative and hateful circlejerks. Intelligent discussion has been successfully assassinated. There's no autonomy or advantage in being politically intelligent on an anonymous board, because it has been successfully "hacked" by whichever is the most powerful influence when it should stand for NO influence other than itself.

Also the fucking pepe posters and KEK cunts all need to be waterboarded to death while sipping on electric razors. Fuck you for fucking up chans, fuck you for fucking up all the point of having anonymous political boards. You're all fucking cunts.

Nice slide thread Schlomo.

ppsssshhh, nuthin personnel kid

See what I mean? This faggot is probably just some tool, but they fit perfectly into the current formula.

Everything's just going to get worse until people stop trying to follow the pack and start USING the idea of anonymity for what it is, and I think we need to start becoming critical and pro-freethought again instead of having a channel to constantly bleat an artificially popular opinion.

Kill yourself Jew

Shill slide. Report this shit anons.

Faggot OP, forgets that many years of pushing for racial equality has in fact negatively impacted a lot of people. This is the obvious result of disillusionment from the liberal left constantly playing the victim card and blaming everything on someone else. You made your bed cuck, now lie in it.

ppsssshhh, nuthin personnel kid


you have to go back.

saged and reported

fuck off jew

Its bullshit. He wrote some rough draft history that can be found online. You can smell those who lived through history versus some imposter.

t. An user who was in long b4 we knew we were on pic related.

You're a retarded projecting cuck OP. The left has destroyed public discourse so heavily, it's easier to just steal your rulebook and use it against you. Mockery is great. You're a cuck.

It's glorious to see how heavily you project.

Literally what the DNC has done to 95% of normie webpages. An army of paid trolls to make left wing views look popular.

Who let op out of the cuck-shed?

See how much those constitutional values are worth when you're the last white man in a brown land

You have no idea where you are, do you?

A few theories:

1. All of the anti-white racism in schools and online is causing a backlash. Why can't whites have pride? People begin to wonder.

2. The 1488ers saw the memes and thought they were in good company. Newbs saw the memes and thought that was how they were supposed to think and behave, and they later became mods.

3. The deep state gets money to study the spread of neo-nazism. The more it spreads, the more money the researchers can get. Why not give a push to radicalize a board that is trending that way?

4. The web is so heavily censored that the Nazi sites are the only ones left that will allow people to say the truth about what is really going on in the world with respect to geopolitics, so people begin to think the Nazis might be right about other things.

5. The Muslims are using the Jew memes as a distraction. Whenever there is a push against Muslim immigration, someone floods the site with Jew memes and opens a Remember The USS Liberty thread.

6. The Muslims and Communists are using Holla Forums as a distraction because Nazis are the only political movement that the public hates more than Islamists or Stanlists. The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over the media, Commies are taking over the schools, the public might start to notice but - Look! Nazis!

7. You post Holla Forums (((memes))) on your main account and it goes in a file somewhere. The government won't hire you. The political parties can discredit you if you ever become a threat to them. So if someone seems a little free-minded and has had too much to think, someone goes to where they hang out online and says "look how funny these (((memes))) are! lol join in the fun!"

I don't know, I just got hired by my city because they saw a pepe.
"Oh wow you just be savvy on the internet user-kun"
Also eventually we WILL be a political power again.


Nice slide thread.

Everyone smug at him

Holla Forums: come for the memes, stay for the eradication of the kikes down to the child

As an academic I thank you for providing material for the rest of my career.

you're supposed to be passive aggressive towards those bluepilled children of Atlantis

I actually supported (and stilldo) Donald Trump because he's the man we should strive to be. The white race will triumph and the mudbloods will hang in Hogwarts

Wtf i believe only jews should have a country of their own now pls make me your goy slave rabbi let's spend ages of time on nothing but purely-pointless shit on things like chans while the jew rubs their hands

Basically you're retarded or a young faggot pretending to be an "oldfag" or a shill but something tells me you're just dumb

I have no reaction image so just imagine a haphazard clap 4 urself

Bon voyage, Joot.



You fucked up your own site, Christopher.
You disgusting weeaboo kike.

Race-ism was a thought crime in the Soviet Union. We don't believe in thought crimes.

Transmigration of the soul is a religous belief of many peoples and you're being insensitive to them. You can't transmigrate if your ancestors mix with other species. Why are you such a bigot?

Checking these quads

/n/ was way better with racism because we had quality posters and memes that cared like athens.



Remember to report slide threads!

I get it.

OP is a faggot Goon who's buttmad that his 10bux friends lost control of imageboard culture.

That's my reason. All the bullshit. All the fucking Maya Angelou. All the caged bird. Every single fucking book I read was about oppressed niggers or literal retards. On top of that, I was in (((AP))) history classes which either distorted or left out history completely. Now I'm mid 20s, full Holla Forums because I'm not only insulted, im fucking angry that so many of my white brothers and sisters who spent their formative years jerking off expecting public schools and (((colleges))) to teach them anything have been turned into debt slaves and third wave feminists incapable of holding any sort of conversation with a historical context or even coming up with an original thought that wasn't spammed to them on their phonophore - I mean iPhone by kikeburg. They've been dumbed down and they're going to be too poor to ever have kids. Meanwhile, some nigger across the street from me is on section 8 housing while I fucking work my ass off to own a home. He sits at home all day and chimps out on dude weed yelling at his wife in front of his kids and he spends all the gibs on his (((drive time))) car he's (I'm) paying 10-19% on. He just had his third niglet and he's getting ready for the fourth. The ones who can have kids, don't fucking want them. Meanwhile i avoided it by discovering Chan culture in 06 when I was much younger. The entire fucking system has been corrupted in front of our eyes by kikes and (((68ers))). There's no undoing it. Now I see (and I think many others here) a tipping point coming. As a Prussian I'm going to take my observations to their logical conclusion: we need to make heads roll. You think Betsy devos is going to change education? Fuck no. There are so many fucking layers of bureaucracy and Obama holdouts it will never change with anything short of trump ending the doe.
That's not going to happen.
So you have one of two choices.
1. Raise your kids to be a brainwashed tax paying debt slaves so he or she can spend all their hard labor raising other people's (niggers and Mexican) children, being conditioned to like nigger cock on porn and cuckolding and being a beta.
2. Fucking do something about it.