Webm Thread

post your webms

Other urls found in this thread:


tsk, such a missed opportunity to dedicate this thread to the autist from the last one who was crying about reposts and reddit

Feels bad man.



Yeah I know Should have titled something else but whatever we still have his autism that will come sooner or later



Holy shit that makes me angry


mediocre tbh but i love the song





a worthy successor to gachimuchi

There was a flash on 4/f/, long ago, similar to this one, but with the skinhead that says "What is this faggot shit?". Both .swf and .webm are fine.




I've been looking for that specific version of "name 10 things". Thanks.

The flash you're looking for is at swfchan.com/32/157762/
I'd post it, but it's 10 megabytes.



Very nice. Thank you.








/f/ was the only good board during the dark times





They are fucking aussies you stupid cunt.


I do love me some russian banter




That's the magic of /f/. Most of its culture is still in little atomic parcels that cannot be directly changed. A problem with many cultures is that customs don't just slowly drift away in another direction, but replace them under the same name and general description. Without extensive archiving, an inaccurate and superficial description becomes the basis of all future content. With flashes, however, any iterations and changes are built alongside the original, never replacing it for good.

Even if you see the various spinoffs, the original lolicatgirls.swf? Still fucking reposted verbatim. For what, 11, 12 years now?

Webms have similar potential, but they're too widespread, and while they're just peachy for archiving and reposting in a convenient form factor, they're not a medium in itself. That is to say, it's scarcely a breeding ground for original content, but a damned good method of rebroadcast.



It's also definitely much easier to make .webms and such less incentive to repost old content.
Flash related has to be the oldest one in my (small) folder.

Webm are broken, is it just 30 seconds of two people fucking ?

Have any of those .swf files with a song in a foreign language being interpreted in English with the use of images? Forgot the name of that shit and there is a particular one I want to find

pipe down m80


requesting that one webm with a two minutes of fanservice from different animes with that song 'Perfect' over it. I think it was called 'Wholesome Family Entertainment'.


here you go user



You are forever my nigger. if you can give me source on the girl int he thumbnail

I don't mean never-before posted content on imageboards, but rather things made specifically for this medium. You see lots of crossposting from video sites and clips taken from movies, shows and whathaveyou, but it doesn't have the exclusivity of Flash. Flash is Flash, video is for every video service and container.
And, you know, the option of interactivity is nice.

If you're making a video and it's not the type to get you horribly flagged, you'll likely be making it for another site and the WebMing is just assumed or almost like an afterthought.


Fuck you laddie.

That's Mao user.


maoyuu maou yuusha user


I'm afraid I don't have much to repay you with, but please accept this humble offering.

Thanks user, all I can ask for is that you just post webms in the thread that's as much as I can ask for

I'm afraid I never saw such a thing during my time on /f/.


Bad touch.


And to think that I wiped my flash folder during windows setup. I had like a hundred files in there.


As you say.


What a shame


Hello /a/non.


Hello to you as well /a/non






Artzie Music and neros77 are a must subs if you want some funky musak.

sauce on the song?

at least we'll always have swfchan, right?

Whats this from?

Armored core V?

I didn't know the actual artist for the music just liked the webms, thanks for telling me the names user

Vaporwave is so shitty. It's just lazy samples of citypop. Just listen to citypop instead.

user, you are a treasure.

Thank you.



Just in case: Artzie Music isn't the music artist, he or rather they compile anime loops or stills with vapowave and future funk.

To each his own, I'll give city pop a listen as well.

The normalfag music ruins it.


Ahh i see, well at least I'll something to listen too

You better. Check out The Sea is a Lady and For You. Those are essential.

aw, feels like entering a long-ass CD key and making one mistake. Only worse.

Did you reply to the wrong post? Some citypop albums.


You got any other sources for the City Pop section?
I can find some of them on youtube (I just found For You with no problem), but downloading them from youtube, converting and then cutting them up into separate songs is a pain in the ass to do.

I've got some. Give me a sec.
Why? Youtube's audio bitrate is awful.

There is a MEGA link at the bottom of the list you posted, which is basically dead now. Thanks for the link, downloadan now.

Now that KAT is dead, if my private tracker or krutor don't have it, youtube does. It sounds fine for listening in the car, just the process of getting there is fucking tedious.


Now I'm depressed.
I might try a private tracker some day. I don't know If I have the upload speed for it though.


Jesus christ, vaporwave artists really are a bunch of lazy, talentless fucks. I recognize a ton of prominent vaporwave songs in these that are literally just sped up, with some added effects and the vocals taken out.

you post this every thread

no one likes your waifu

Oh this is gonna be fun.

Shes not my waifu its the music you faggot

Who needs talent when you have ==A E S T H E T ICS==?




That's what I hate about vapormeme. Citypop is pretty great.




Last one.





Why the fuck even?



Anyone know the source of the music?




just do what I do: listen really closely, write down a couple of lines of lyrics, and google for it


Cheers lad.

I tried that but apparently I heard the lyrics wrong.






can this be an MGR theme thread now?

If you can make them into webms/mp4s sure it can user

this sounds like a fairly standard comedy routine, but considering the state of politics and lowest-bidder contracting, i honestly can't be sure it's not completely real





Dunno, I never played MGR or any Metal Gear.


neither have I, but the music is fucking gold


I only know the music from webms. I should get around to it someday.

I'm requesting the "not enough female protagonists" and the "why is modern art so bad" webms, because the ones i have are somehow corrupted and i can only watch the first 10-20 seconds. I would've uploaded them but i keep getting the "the server took too long to submit your post" error.





exactly, thanks user.


I spent too much time there.

I don't know if it helps, but the swf you are looking for takes the scene from the movie Falling Down.


Reminds me of the most classic thing on the internet.




Can someone post the old ass cartoon of the clown skellington singing good ass blues with good ass animation?

This one?

That's it, thanks

no problem user

Does anyone have the big bang theory Ziggurat thing?

anyone have the oedipus rex webm with the exagerrated yelling and screen tilting?


Here you go.


Man, I miss the days of animutations.

thanks mate

Anybody got the osomatsu scene of obama

posting random webms from webm folders











Awesome, have games and lolis.







You okay there user?




That man is obviously a raging homosexual. What kind of self-respecting man wears pants like those?

the fire would suck all the air out of the car, so you'd probably feel like you've got the wind knocked out of you and can't breathe - in addition to being on fire. it'd be scary as shit


What is the name of this character?

sendai hakurei no miko

It's from a movie called Appleseed Alpha.


she's a fan character or something? i dunno how it works but she looks cool

oh and before i forget does anyone know what song she's singing at the end there?






With bernies endorsement of Hillary Clinton, he has secured the nomination for himself.

It goes out of sync pretty fast.

Thank you









classic coming through

Haven't seen that webm for so long


i'll give you the safety though

git gud




I guess the autist isn't logged on


There's alot of autists, user. You have to clarify.

i honestly think there is only a small number of massive autists.

the fuck is it



The only autists i ran into in webm threads are rulefag and redditfag but thats about it


Kirby 64 Factory

it's all coming back to me no, thanks m8


whats happening in this webm.


fucking autism

jesus christ, the anxiety

Well it is summer, what would you expect?

that shanghai one gets me the most.

Feel bad for beniefags, but just to cheer them up, and to ensure Trump wins, we should remind them that there's always next election and that they don't have to vote for Shrillary.

user, do you really think bernie can live that long?

The Fuck is happening?






I mean Shillary has a good shot at winning considering Trump is literally retarded and he keeps shooting himself in the foot for no reason.


I was hoping he'd make a joke at the end with stop-motion and make the gun shoot him.




banshees are fun for like a week at most, dude. after that all they really do is rile up the neighbors and get annoying

every time i try to download this the file ends up corrupted


Did you see the webm ? They are a lost cause , they are the same people that support DLC and pre-orders as acceptable , fund kickstarter games and paytreeon fuck-you-pay-me "artists" and think the indie scene is a legit alternative to the triple Ayyyyy

They will sooner abstain from voting adopting the at least do no evil mantra of becoming harcore fence sitters or just swallow the shillary bullshit about how they are "between a rock& a hard place" and must make the least worst choice "for everyone" and just vote for her




its pretty obvios, he used the portals in mario? to get to later worlds so the guy resets the console

This gets me rock hard.

That Asian girl on the right is just such a good sport, smug, and fucking smoking hot.

requesting ltcorbis

a love machine for ants

You’re a degenerate and you post pictures of kikes.

Holy fucking shit, you know nothing about how politics works. If Hillary is pipped or killed before Election Day, the nomination goes to Kaine. If she had been pipped before she picked a VP, it would have gone to Biden.

The kike was never actually in the running.

what are you gonna do about it goy ?

If you want more vaporwave, look up Jason Sanders on YouTube. He does mixes that are pretty good.

That's the joke, stupid.



how is the wielder of hot wheels doing these days anyway?
would hate to learn he passed without us being able to say farewell

He proved his degeneracy and he posted a picture of a kike. You’re an enabler and too stupid to understand why you will be killed.

nobody forked over the cash




What song is this?


Too big for a webm, but not bad.

Isn't this what sjws call gaslighting?

may his wheels spin faster than light and burn brighter than a faggot's soul in hell

Gee. How about that.

You’ll want to kill yourself before you’re executed for your behavior.

Even Silent Hill

He doesn't fire the AK left handed though he gets hit in the face with hot brass.

who is this criminal mastermind who has a PhD in cop drama TV shows?

Jesus christ, watching these makes my bones hurt all over.

something about two girls doing shit together for fun always gets me off

no, there are left-handed guns. guns that eject brass from the left side. firing a left-handed gun with your right hand doesn't make it a right-handed gun


Thankfully they aren't HD or it would make it x100 worse.

I missed the starting of this thread.. I would have dumped all my twerk videos just to attract his attention,.

Nothing gets me harder than when two girls fooling around "as a joke" turns into actual lust. I mean, sure, it's always fake in those videos, but if the actresses are any good, you can see the moment when that kiss turns from a joke into "I want this woman between my legs".

It was a guy that asked 4chan how to rob a store.

what game?

I know what a left handed gun is nigger he is shooting it right handed and getting hit in the face with the ejected brass. Hence my problem with the webm.

kissing is usually the one that gets the other going i find.

and Source (Takeuchi Mariya - Plastic Love): thisplaylist.com/song/play-mp3/aaaaaaaaaa-plastic-love.html

Vestige Vapor - Imprudent:youtube.com/watch?v=yKS0rsQVawQ
Source(Kadenza- Let's Do It): youtube.com/watch?v=bkJtxTDtqPI

Memed over and over again: youtube.com/watch?v=cU8HrO7XuiE
Source (Diana Ross- It's Your Move):youtube.com/watch?v=Uno7f5IGAPI

The thing about vaporwave, is it's just remxing in a certain style. To call yourself a vaporwave artist is gives yourself the same credibility as the dude who does rap samples. That said, if you make your own sound based off of the feel, instead of simply ripping and screwing old matierial, you can call yourself an artist.

Really, the only problem with doing vaporwave is calling it your own. Which is why vaporwave people use anonymity instead of being the equivilant of namefags on an user board. This is fine as it is, as no one really takes credit and they're just remixes with a different brand, in a singular style.

However, these sound good. I don't care if it's just a modification of the song, it sounds fine to me.

90 percent of every artform is going to be filled by shit, but there is gold if you're willing to dig.

Nightmares On Wax - You Wish

Clearly didn't case the joint and figure out he'd need to bring along boltcutters.

Or was dumb enough to take the floor stock instead of looking for a storeroom, if you've fucked the front door in surely you'd be ready to open a second one.

Video games?









can someone webm this for me thanks xx





cheers mate


We /a/ now?

Nice tank webm







What movie is this?


Falling Down



simpsons webms genuinely make me feel joy









Too bad the game sucked major dick.





