Vandal Caught On CCTV Carving Swastikas In Wet Cement
It's so racist to assume this man is a Nazi with evil intent.
maybe he's just a Buddhist.
looks like a jew to me
Can't make my mind up if it's a nigger or a kike but it's one of them for sure
Looks like a fro
It's a Jew.
Forgot closeup pic Def a fro but is it a no fro or a Heeb fro?
It's a jew dude, you can even see his droopy jew eyes.
It's so obvious that it's jews who do this. The swastika is not "a symbol of hate(tm)". If it was a nazi he'd be spraying/tagging/ carving a star of david.
Yeah, you put the swastika on things you like.
I spit my coffee you bastard.
He looks like a nigger
Right in the feels.
I detect a jewfro.
This stunt is the shit 13 yrolds pull in minecraft to offend people for lulz.
Dats me, bruh! I ain't no heeb. Hnnnnnnng.
You can almost hear the sweet love things they spoke to each other. The picture feels so real. it feels like it's right there, they're right by the fishing pier, I imagine.
You see what this video is? It embodies a large portion of the anons that are most active on Holla Forums. They miss those days, they've sanctified every lingering memory of that time when they were happy and free, and didn't know degeneracy and evil. But now that they see just how deep the roots are, that they were growing beneath our feet even at that time of innocence, and that it was (((They)) who destroyed stole that from us. Killed that from us. They won't be contented to only have those days back again. Now we want it all. We want to set the tides straight and we want everything that the world can give us.
Jew or Arab? Probably a kike, but the (((media))) will claim he is an ebil white nadsi.
sammy bram muffins
Bump BUmp Bump Jews never quit until they're in the fire pit
Looks like Adam Sandler with a Jew fro.
Will this have the for (((them))) desired effect anymore? Are normalfags really going to react to this the (((right))) way or will it backfire making right wing faggots bold enough to repeat these attacks?
obligatory whatcha doing rabbi.jpg.bitmap.oldtimeymap
You think that mongrel would do that?
Typical tricks.
Do all jews have a nazis fetish?
hey satan… where can i buy that coloring book? ;>
Watch the video closely, he does a Horler sign, not a swastika. He gets the first "S" part correct, but then finishes it with a "U". Watch the first 5 seconds again. No real NS would mess up such as simple design.
Next time, draw a picture of an oven.
Yeah, his swastika is obviously fucky.
I was 15, and it was Habbo Hotel.
Pool's closed.
Fuck you, not funny.
You son of a bitch
t. burger
Hey, man.
We're just trying to protect you from evil spirits and wish you prosperity and good will.
Not our fault someone who did no wrong used it and it got re-appropriated as the universal hate symbol.
bumping kike false flags for visibility
Watch how he draws it. It's 100% heil hortler tier.
A professional sketch artist spent over 9,000 hours making this recreation.
Why not both. Immediately reminded me of this charcoal briquette from the Sopranos. On an unrelated note why do Italians have the best racial slurs?
That looks like a jewfro to me.
Obviously hired by the jews lol. Niggers don't just carry tools or plan things.
You can choose only one because Mark, the jew mod of Holla Forums, ate the other two
illuminati dubs checked, message approved, feefees mode activated
Now we know it's a fucking jew. Ever notice how all of these hatecrimes happen in liberal cesspits?
i guess that jay z song made the nogs really think.
Given that the faggot carved it backwards, I can only assume it's a rare jewnog.
put me in the screencap
Even on a shitty CCTV, you can make out the jew fro and prodominantly hooked nose.
reddit tier
You're just mad you didn't come up with it.
Can this be a thing? How funny would it be to see (((their))) reaction.
Yes. Nazi-themed S&M cartoons were always popular in Israel. It's in their blood to yearn for punishment. They were memeing their own demise long before the Intenet.
This may be the porn watcher in me, but I would give anything to throat fuck her to tears. What else is she good for?
god damn it user
For a comment like that, I'll allow those double dubs.
judging by his hand technique, it seem like hes practiced this before.
Niggajew/spic, either way not a white man.
That's not how it works
I'm autistic enough to appreciate this
Oppenheimer was a kike anyway, who cares if he gets misquoted?
I just popped in this thread to check those holy trips.
I went back to watch his hand movement again and this is what he drew.
Not even that, it's backwards like all the retarded kikes do.
Poseidon confirms, earthquake in Israel; dozens dead.
I just popped in this thread to check theese holy trips.
WOW trips checking trips.
Hard to tell if a nog or a rabbi has a fine fro but nogs don't into such delicate planning.
I am stumped even though the JCC bomb scares had a nog copy cat but were perpetrated straight out of tel-aviv.
gotta be a jew then
Yes, like feminists have a "muhsoggynist" fetish. They protest and blog and whine but most just want a good dicking. Funny how that works.
pic sorta related
I hope (((he))) didn't leave any finger prints. OC related
He probably dropped a passport.
Excellent work, user.
But it's not his quote. It's from the vedic texts
Oppenheimer misquoted them. It was his own translation.
I sense a combo of HEY RABBI WHAT YA DOIN? and HAIL HORTLER in this video
I'm not one to distant myself from violent or illegal actions. I cheer them on. In this case, though that person isn't white. Don't know about a Jew, though. He looks black likely mulatto or Puerto Rican and has a nigger gait.
Not a Jew. Jews have sloped foreheads. He has a bulbous negroid forehead.
Nigger gait too.
No mention of the jewfro?
We need something to be proud of
oy vey
9 times out of 10 its a leftist.
Every damn time.
This is what I see him draw…
everything about this is brilliant.
My jewdar is going off for half the kids in this pic. If I saw these people IRL I'd think they were heebs.
ur a cheeky cunt, I'll give u that, m8
He looks so Aryan btw.
Reminder that germany made some jews - honorary aryans. First people ever to get "honorary aryan" title weren't japanese, but jews.
If you have children surrounding a table to celebrate the Emperor's birthday there is nothing Jewish about them. Jews have taken many features from unsuspecting populaces but that doesn't mean the whole populace becomes Jewish because of a few weak ones. That's not to say that many Jews have distinct features but beware of false positives as Jews had to intermarry with some white people to get those features. Also plastic surgery gets them far in these days as well.
First picture is of a Jewess fitting in, the second can't be Jewish in any way as she's an Aryan from Northern India.
holy shit is that mark?
Something that's very little known is the fact that Israel likes to import Eastern Euro sex slaves, and another seemingly unrelated fact is that big name Jewish families love to adopt goy children - particularly girls. How do these relate? Jews use the pretty Goyim as their poster children - a mask if you will. The IDF soldier in your pic may not be Jewish as you think, but only a DNA test could tell the truth.
They are two guys? Take that homoshit somewhere else.
hale mortarler
Hi Reddit
You usually can but that guy is just terrible at it.
Peoples parents used to be there to tell them not to do this kind of shit, yes even nigs.
sides… g… gone…
Highest kek
Jews come in different shapes and sizes, some of them are mixed with whites. The nose in the freeze frame and the blurry second guy in the hood look potentially arab, italian, or Jewish. I tried to analyze it, its not niggers - I dont think.
Or I should say, middle eastern/north african potentially. Not exclusively arab.
Nose protrudes a fair bit. He doesnt have a nigger mouth that sticks out, that actually leads me to believe hes less likely to be a kike, but I guess you couldnt see a subtle camel mouth in all that blur anyways. Im leaning on Italian, given its NY. As I said though, could be kike, middle eastern, Italian, or other. Just my guess.
Here, the ash version.
check yourself sexy
Something like this happening in yankeeland/jew york? I don't believe it. Yankees are effeminate faggots. I call 'hey, rabbi…whatcha doing?'
You guys know NYC is loaded with sandniggers right? These faggots vandalize churches here too just no one reports it.