Almost all of you guys are really uneducated and downright stupid, you are clearly children, and many posts here are clearly from shills, which you are lapping up like lobotomizees.
You are just falling for the Gnostic model of knowledge, sorting your view of the world into true and false, good and bad, etc., for no other reason that it simplifies the world down to an unrealistic cartoon and makes you very easy to program for the people who feed you your points of view and information. This is literally analogous to a computer, you are literally programmed to be a fleshy computer running Judeo-Masonic Operating System 5.0, having your humanity taken away from you.
Do you have any concept of what the purpose of government is? What the purpose of society is?
It's to order the human mind according to the will the of leader, the purpose the leader sets forth, to achieve the goals of the leader.
In order to do this, those who go against the will of the leader must be pressured to act against their own natural will and redirected toward the goals of the leader.
As a matter of economic competition and survival, almost all societies have adopted the use of slavery, taking in foreigners and pressing them to do simple tasks and promoting them gradually as their natural tendencies are suppressed and they become more productive toward the will of the master.
Guess what? As Germanic people, we are occupied, even in our own native countries, by foreigners, and we are all meant to be slaves. The versions of things that are promoted, that we are shown in the media, even here largely, are the versions that our foreign invaders want us to see.
They hope that we will adopt these bastardizations as ideals, and so warp our view of the world and weaken us, shutting out the possibilities of freedom.
If you look at our history as Aryan people, you will see a great deal of evidence that we have functioned as anarchists, with no set rulers. But clearly we did not believe in the rule of chaos, we achieved the best feats of all time. So there is a discrepancy in the definition of anarchy being used.
This word comes into English from Latin, coming from the Greek ἀναρχία (ánarkhíā), from ἄναρχος (ánarkhos, “without leader”) + -ῐᾱ (-íā, abstract noun suffix), which comes from the Aryan language of the great lost civilization.
So you see, it simply means there is no one leader. It implies that there is no need for one, and that each man is his own leader, and the society functions according to their shared will, purpose, and goals.
This does not mean there are no LAWS, it simply means there is no SOVEREIGN. People agree on the goals and laws of their society and don't need anyone to step in and arbitrate the laws or make exceptions.
In reality this is the ultimate graduation of civilization, there is no need for one man to impose his will on the population, they simply function as one, abiding by the laws they have set forth, and police themselves. It's a society in which the citizens are equals, a society that has a much higher proportion of high-quality individuals than almost all example we have in our existing history.
An anarchic society also has leaders at some times, but they are not fixed. They simply rise up when there are new problems, do their duty to solve them, then they relinquish their position, or if they are unwilling, the law and the will of the people puts them back down, knowing that freedom and prosperity rely on having as many uncaged wills in society as possible.
In reality all societies are always anarchic in a certain space of the hierarchy, even if the group of those without leaders is only the sovereign himself, or a small council of leaders, or the nobility, or all the middle class, or every man in the whole land.
Now do you see what I mean about the true/false, yes/no, good/bad of Gnostic model of knowledge? It's a static model, meant to limit your intelligence to the here and now that serves your masters, to deny your past and future, to make you inhuman.
Try to keep that in mind every time you try to call something "good" or "bad", every time you try to meme "x, y, pick one", and try to break yourself away from the mindset of "things I like" and "things I don't like". Every time you think like this you are doing work for the Jews and Masons at the expense of your soul.