Cheaters are getting blown the fuck out.
Cheaters are getting blown the fuck out
Is that what it is? They haven't made a good game in decades so I don't even know why you care.
i'm at a loss for words
Is there any background information to this?
I love this stuff. I mean fuck, do what you want but if they have a program that monitors your computer and you don't maintain a reasonable expectation of being caught you deserve to lose your shit. That's right there in the EULA, warden will trip for all kinds of shit.
Which game got the banwave?
Why did you censor the names, and what game is this?
Try again you retard.
The client watches your desktop and what processes you have running to see if you're cheating or not, its really invasive and possibly illegal but it's disclosed in the EULA. Its the single biggest hurdle out there for any given hack or tool, because even if they think they got it beat they fear the next banwave will nag them, and I'm pretty sure blizzard has plants on the inside of these hack distribution groups so they can get a copy of the next hot hack to monitor for with their proprietary spyware.
In my day, we'd backraid the shit out of those fags just for asking.
Overwatch got the banwave. And now the butthurt faggots are crying. I especially like the one where the brother is "going to kill me" fucking squeaker shouldn't have used cheats on his brother's account
Oh fuck, banned from their 60 clams. There's going to be some bitterness there.
It's not illegal
Is anything illegal when it comes to companies having acces to data in peoples pc's?
actually it's thirty, only origins was 60.
Wait there's two of them already? I thought overwatch just came out.
ITT post yfw when cheaters cry because they got banned from some shit game.
Uber leet cheater
You'd better not post any more Marty, user.
collecting personal info without asking, monitoring your own client for third party programs accessing it isnt even remotely illegal. some might even know this functionality as "anti-cheat"
how bout fuck no because that's just as cancerous
Blizzard buys and collects hacks, adds detection to warden, has it send a flag back to Blizzard if the hack was detected, flags your account, then bans everyone flagged in a wave. It's low tech and minimally invasive and doesn't have any real privacy implications (b-but muh right to run hacks!). Cheaters spread false info about warden because they want to use you as a personal army against it but that plan failed years ago. This also only targets the failures that buy hacks, you can make your own and as long as you don't share it it won't be detected unlike games with more aggressive anti-cheat.
But Satan, coding is hard.
No, you..goof, editions. Like the orange box and black box. $30 extra for dumb ass skins.
Fuck you gonna do, poof
Looks like they are being banned for a trigger bot. Basically all they have to do is aim their crosshair on an enemy and it automatically fires for them.
i enjoy reddit too my fellow channer. lets post some rage comics too
Da fuq is this furry shit?
I think you're just temping me, Stan. More likely than not, anyone who's coding their own hacks is going to be using at least a little bit of info from some established site/organization. I'm sure their anti-cheat does at least a little bit of independent thinking to determine if something is hacky or not, so you'd have to be really sure you're not using the bulk of the style other hacks use.
But fish don't have fur user
Uber leet cheat0r
O the fucking audacity of those twats.
Jesus, how old are these people
#CheaterLivesMatter :^)
i remember reading a salt mine about people getting banned in RUST while they vehemently said they werent cheating then they got replied to with a screenshot with their game client running aimbots, teleport hacks and ESP out the wazoo
probably very young
I'm warning you user. You'd better watch yourself.
I don't get this. I cheat in a lot of online games and sometimes I get caught, do I get mad at the devs for banning me? No, that's what they're supposed to do and it's a risk you accept when you decide to cheat.
These read like early 2007 forum posts made by angry kids.
That's the spirit!
You just put the idea of a fish fucker in my head, this is horrible
Maybe we shouldn't encourage him
why do you do this
Underageb8 reacts hilariously to it.
I thought as a species we had grown past the "I'm an anonymous" shit. Im expecting one of them to say he going to post it on 4chan
The only answer people ever give for that question is "its fun to make people rage".
People who cheat in online games do it because they are shit at game but think they are Godlike or some shit and they want to ruin other people's fun
Example: back when i was a kid i played Sega Mortal Kombat with neighbour's kid and i usually beat him because he was a button masher, since he was a cunt who didnt want to improve but just win he semi-disabled my controller so sometimes it would work and sometimes my controller would become unresponsive
When i found out about it he got mad at me and literally threw a hissy fit
Don't do this user, it makes me want to fuck your fishy face
No, it's really low tech unless they changed it within the last year or two. It does things like look for window titles and registry keys of things they're 100% sure are hacks. This is a very different approach to the heuristic anti-cheat in othet games and Blizzard's old anti-cheat that got false positives on speedstepping. I guess they decided that cheating isn't a problem on its own, it's widely distributed cheats that are the problem. This way they get no false positives, too.
Is there ANYTHING more pathetic? Using hacks for your e-peen is probably the lamest shit ever.
I don't have anything against new fags.
I used to hack my soul level and items in Dark Souls 1 so I could deliver a few shards of titanite or some humanities to people who are getting diddled by twinks in the Parish.
That's not griefing or increasing my e-peen.
besides the proprietary but disclosed spying, this is good. this is a company taking major initiative to keep the waters of their game clean. im not one way or another about the spying(the path to hell is paved with good intentions as they say), but the later is something pretty big
if only valve would take some fucking initiative like this and fixed the rng accuracy of csgo, it could possibly sit right under the line of redeemable
Not a single properly formed sentence in any of those screenshots.
I don't even care one way or another about the game, the salt here is amazing.
hooo boy
2nd and 3rd worlders who have low enough morals to cheat for fun tend to speak russian or portugese morefluenty.
If they signed a contract saying they were okay with it, it's legal.
Read the fucking contract, or at least don't be so stupid to think that the EULA you signed doesn't let them keep an eye out for other shit you've got running.
What has the world come to?
In my experience, it's usally kids (I mean who the fuck else plays overwatch besides prepubsecent kids and autismo streamers?) more than foreign folk, but it does go both ways.
I'm half thirdworlder though, and I don't have shitty gookspeak, and think cheating is for scrubs who can't git gud.
Chinese are NOTORIOUS hacker their culture teaches them to win by any means.
them evil chinese man
Post more.
Who says there are no more heroes?
Sounds like easy kills for Genji.
Stupid furfag.
People like you and the GTA O fags that give out free money are the best.
I love the mental gymnastics these fuckheads go to to try and justify their actions.
Judging from the quality of posts most of these are kids. This will probably sour them from Blizzard for life
If you want mental gymnastics, you should try calling out the people who mod their saves to edit Pokemon.
This isn't a real hacker. If he were he'd have gloves on so his fingerprints wouldn't be on the keyboard. Fucking amateurs.
I once got banned on old Warcraft 3 TFT because I forgot to switch off maphack which I was using for custom and joined a ladder. I apologised to the other player in all chat as soon as I realised, said sorry to Blizzard and Alt-F4'd.
Checked to make sure I couldn't access, then opened a support ticket apologising for having them on when I went into ladder. They were fairly neutral, said the ban was for a month. My TFT key later got perma'd when they switched on Warden as a sort of "raid" I guess, caught me despite being in custom games.
Just bought a new key for $1.50, they didn't ban my RoC key and everything was smooth. I did apologise for both times and asked the duration/kind of ban, I did read the EULA for using B.Net and to be honest it's fair enough.
They are children, since one even invokes "we are leejun" and still thinks Anonymous isn't a leftist puppet.
If Blizzard really does buy and collect cheat programs like you say, and is getting some rather good results out of this way, why aren't other companies doing this with their anti-cheat systems? With all that money they get from all their players, a couple of bucks for a hack program seems like an insignificant amount of money to pay for security. Also, deciphering one of these can't be too hard for industry professionals, could it?
Akshually industry professionals are the ones writing the cheats.
EULA/TOS is/are not legally binding you underaged slackjawed dipshit.
That's pretty fucking pitiful. The thing is already babby mode.
Modern kids have been raised on a healthy diet of "ADD" suppressant drugs (in lieu of parents willing to give enough of a shit to parent), pozzed Marxist media, pozzed Marxist education, hugbox society and the maxim that they need to have their hand held in every aspect of their daily lives.
Them being gibbering, drooling fuckwits is only to be expected, it's what the kikes want.
I'll never understand the logic.
Basically, same reason people hotpocket for free.
I was bullied a lot as a kid, but I never cheated in games. I just got better so I could shit on people legitimately. I think the only game I've ever cheated in is New Vegas, to get around a glitch.
That's because you aren't a born cuck.
The plebest of plebs.
Only game worthy of theirs to actually use some sort of "cheat" is TuboHUD for D3 and that's mostly just an information and statistics overlay.
No matter how stupid you are, why? Cheating can be kind of a thrill depending on the game, but I can't think of a more boring game to obsessively try to fuck with than a casual game desperately trying to be competitive. It's about as fucking exhilarating as instantly creating Pokemon with perfect IVs. They're also dropping fucking $40 every single banwave, right? Christ, just play a different game if you're that bored with that much money. There are plenty of more vulnerable B2P ones out there with much less attentive devs.
I feel like the people complaining about not being able to use hacks are the same kind of people who would argue that spam is free speech.
You could play on ps4 instead. It does the same.
i played beta, i am not lying
I don't have any emotion response to this. People are just this shit in video games. I used to play quake 3 and ut2004 all day long and get 100% hit rate on duels with people, and ffa.
Its not even that fucking hard.
Christ I hope children with their mom's credit card don't actually do this.
Why would you even cheat in a game with hardware bans? Christ you get caught and that's fucking it unless you wanna buy some new parts for your computer.
How are these people this dumb?
Git gud, cheaters. The game was already casual.
Is it possible to detect a triggerbot without Trojans? Like where the source of the input is coming from? Or would this be some sort of timing measure (anything well beyond the fastest known human reaction speed is auto-banned)
Doesn't take any mental gymanstics to say that breeding is boring and time consuming and I'd rather just spend that time actually battling with hexaperfect Mons with good movesets and helping natures and the ability I want.
I spend most of my time on Showdown for this reason.
If it's truly like a Trojan, then I would assume that the service would poll the physical device state and compare it to the input stream that it's getting. If there's a mismatch then you have a potential cheater
So basically the game would accept input from any Source but it would check the actual hardware and compare it
You know those TL;DRs during installations that you ignore?
They tell you not to hack or manipulate the game with third-party software.
EULA's in general are legally binding, within certain limits of reasonableness. Also a judge doesn't have to enforce or reject them wholesale.
In particular almost any judge will throw out clauses that claim you can't sue them or disclaim responsibility for damages.
Blizzard has been working on an anti-cheat technology called Warden for the better part of 12 years now, so they're increasingly good at it. Warden detects hacks based on all the processes currently running, it's not a "trojan" at all, all it does is take a snapshot of the processes currently running, and based on what processes are running it will either report any unknowns or it will report nothing at all.
Warden dects in two ways, first it looks for any programs which are injecting or hooking code into Blizzard applications, secondly it records any "unknown" named applications. Typically unknowns are ignored unless there's a bunch of players with the same unknown who are running the same game, and the same game only. But the injection method is what it truly looks for.
That's not quite how an Input polling system works.
It can be any amount of things really. It can try to see if there's any input from the mouse when you fire, it can see what programs are injecting something on their game, it can just monitor the processes running in your PC and report any fishy ones. It can even be made to only trigger monitoring if your aim is better than 80%, for instance, giving it a good margin of error.
It can be any of those things and many, many more. Blizzard can even just pose as a regular player wanting to buy a hack, get their hands on the program and reverse engineer the whole thing to make a counter measure. Remenber, we aren't talking about some lone indie dev coming up with protection for their games, it's a AAA company that has been doing this shit for years. Expecting any hack to last more than a month (that's optimism) is just foolish.
Honestly, I wouldn't even be that mad with hackers if they made their own shit. It would be kind of an accomplishment, coding your own hack that achieves whatever you can make. It would make for some neat championship where everyone plays the same game that nobody really cares because it's a competition about who can cheat the most.
But instead, everytime I feel like playing the game, I'll eventually find one of those fuckers and I'll have to play with him. Nigga, do your shit if you want, but I don't want to play with you using hacks, especially when you are the only one using them. Go join a server filled with like-minded people, nobody has to play with you.
And what's worse, they are PAYING for this shit. They actually spend more money on the hack than in the game itself and see no problem here, being milked by the faggots that made the hack. Fuck, people are dumb.
It's kinda a subjective point currently, which is weird. Some cases they were considered legally binding, other's they weren't but had to present a reasoning for that.
Often either being unconstitutional or "it's too long, of course nobody would read it all", but there's always some actual reasoning on why this counts or doesn't.
And even then, you might want not to pick too much on that, faggot. You know what's the next step (and I'm surprised we aren't even there yet) on these measures?
They revoke your acess to their servers. You can still boot the game, go do the tutorial and the practice camp, but everytime you try to play on their servers, it says you are banned. You still have the game, you can still boot it and play it, you just can't use their servers.
And guess what? Since the servers actually belong to them, they are within their rights to deny it if they choose to do so.
That was my post
This one takes the cake.
Wait, why are these people asking to sue Blizzard if they were cheating?
Are they this disconnected from reality?
i don't have enough Holla Forums related reaction images for this.
Sounds like Blizzard could sell that shit and make a profit after a few more years. Even if cheaters knew the sourcecode and how it worked you'd essentially run into the same problems torrenting does since the very nature of how connecting online works you have to expose yourself and inevitably share information.
Just a fun, kind of on topic story.
Back in the days of glider bot for WoW (if you ever played wow during vanilla/tbc, you probably heard of glider).
Bot developers at the time (and likely still) always kept a lookout for any updates to warden to ensure they were not detected. At some point, and update happened, which added a simple, weird looking text string to warden. So the guys from glider, and probably any other bot makers automatically turn of their bots until they can investigate this piece of code and understand what it does. It turns out, that that text string was a base64 encoded string, which lead to a youtube url. That youtube URL was simply to a rickroll video. Basically blizzard at some point just decided to rickroll the bot developers.
Do you even need to ask?
They dont know what the "I agree" button on the Tos is for.
What is that blurry thing flying around behind her head? Why the fuck are her number tag things bending with the rest of her body, are they tattood on? Why does the lighting on her body stay the same when she moves?
Those resin fingerprints? Those actually exist.
That's her ponytail.
Why do you ask so many fucking questions?
That was a rhetorical question. Just pointing out that the animation (tweening) is flawed.
I don't get why people would make a fucking animation of that, knowing that she's a coal burner.
Moishe pls
I agree. Some cheaters are pretty cool. I personally am very fond of the flyers. It always made me laugh like crazy seeing those guys walking/flying around in the air. It is always a fun challenge to shoot them down. But I can't stand the people who cheat during matches. I was even offered a one hit kill weapon before from some ten year old faggot, and I turned him down. Nice kid. I told him he was being a annoying little shit, and he stopped.
Oh boy! Looks like no one is cheating in Overwatch anymore! No sir! It's not like people have been able to cheat in CS for years with a fucking rootkit anti-cheat client installed or anything.
Had I read this anywhere else but a forum, I would have taken this to be extreme bait. I usually don't take too seriously what the political boards here have to say, but damn it, this guy is making a really strong case against himself.
[muffled Item Bounce theme plays in the distance]
Truly Overwatch is one of the greatest recent pieces of entertainment by a AAA dev.
And that's a fucking troll.
Back when Halo on PC was new and in full swing, I had a friend introduce me to map hacking. For the most part, I hacked the weapons on single player just to see what crazy shit I could pull off. Some of my successes included:
Of all these, only the last Needler Rocket Launcher and Rocket Pistol ever made it into a multiplayer map. Not knowing jack shit about multiplayer/P2P hosting, I was afraid of getting banned from the service for map hacking. But still, I eventually made my way into a Hang 'Em High Rockets match to see what impact it'd have. People were, strangely enough, having some unexpected fun once I jumped in (since map hacks affected qualities of the entire map, so everybody's weapons changed once I came in). Unfortunately, my framerate tanked to absolute shit within the first few minutes because I was playing on a toaster E-Machine before the game crashed. Thinking that my map hacks had alerted "the authorities" (whoever the fuck that would be,) I resolved never to take my map hacks online again.
Thanks for the salt OP, 10/10 thread.
MMOs I can understand, if you want to have a life.
But first person shooters, especially shitty casual first person shooters?
The only reason for aimbots is to
1) develop your own, for fun
2) make nerds rage, for fun, not show off your e-peen and pretend you're actually good
3) sell to the retards that are in the screencaps, hope you don't get sued
Poor example, the process of creating those is monotonous and boring. Who the fuck wants to run around the same spots for hours waiting for eggs to hatch/spawn at the daycare and then perform even more repetitive tasks like Super training or fighting the same mons for EVs.
I remember my brother pulling similar bullshit with my WoW account back in the day, even though he had his fucking own. Little shit deserves everything he gets, in my opinion.
I paid 30 dollars for the origins edition
its 60 dollars on blizzard's official site, but why would anyone buy from there?
Sites like g2a, cdkeys and gamers toilet sell games for half of the original price
and you're a retard for buying things with their full price
i bet you bought battlefield 4 for 120 dollars?
I saved it as well, comrade.
No, "post yfw" posts are. They are such a blatantly cheap way for people desperate for attention to get responses and loads of idiots fall for them every time.
Reminder that if you actually respond to these then you're a stain of shit on the board.
Apply yourselves, for fuck's sake.
The eugenics simulator is my favorite part of pokemon.
Who'd have guessed that breeding the perfect pokemon takes time and effort! What a revelation.
Look at
No need to get so pissy guys, I'm just having fun.
Here's your (you)
Your fun is shit, faggot.
The point still stands, you guys need to calm down and stop being so mean.
>tfw there are actual degenerates who defend cheating and full-on piracy
No it doesn't, fuck you, you don't get to have fun around here.
Oh shit I gotta run away!!
you've sent like a dozen, you fucking retard
Hey wait a minute I just realized something,
Wasn't avatar fagging when you post images of the same character? I've only posted Natsumi once. Nice trips
Look at The term you are looking for is funposting.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
This is fun posting
This is shitposting
This totally made me reconsider buying the game, thanks blizzard
I find his shitposting more fun than yours.
user you accidentally left capslock on.
I respect your opinion, even if you don't respect mine user.
Overwatch isn't even a hard game. How can you be so bad that you have to cheat in order to excel at a relatively easy game?
I think there's a lot more to the story than just 'i'm bad waah'
I'd love to know why the fags in OP's post are crying so much, it has to be more than that.
They don't seriously think they're entitled to cheat after agreeing to a few EULAs, do they?
People are impatient and aren't willing to listen to seasoned veterans like DarkSydePhil.
You lied to me.
There are currently 284 active subscriptions.
You should donate some of that money to me, for …
Charity, yeah.
fuck off with that bullshit.
why is overwatch bad?
Mate, look at one school textbook on socialism and communism to see that is bullshit.