New Ben Garrison cartoon hot off the press. It's especially relevant right now with the bullshit lawsuit brought this afternoon against Trump and Roger Stone by the Soros-funded United to Protect Democracy for the Russian "hacking" of the election.
Here's a link to the lawsuit: www
Some interesting names to delve into in the ridiculous lawsuit that's destined to fail, including Anne Harden Tindall, one of the lawyers for Protect Democracy. Her Facefuck account is fairly wide open. Lots of juicy links of friends to pour over. www
Liam Morris
>>>/trs/ sage
Blake Jackson
Deport it.
Lucas Parker
Which one of you gentlemen has thr original?
Michael Robinson
This isn't fucking new.
Robert Young
That cartoon isn't new
Mason Long
You know that's not the original Jidf. But if it was I would say Ben is a colossal fucking faggot and always has been.
When do you think he started working backwards while drawing?
Oliver Hill
This will be an easy one to originalify.
Benjamin Peterson
So, in a nutshell,what exactly is going on with this whole Obama/Russia thing and why is the lüggenpress trying to spin this on Donald Trump jr?
Joshua Reyes
We need to meme for it to be illegal to own more than one foundation. These kikes use their unlimited foundations to create a network of kikery that is built upon implicit plausible deniability. A person can own no more than one foundation and the parent company of a corporation can only own one, if a subordinate corporation owns one than neither the parent nor any other subordinate corporations can own one. If you own a corporation which has a foundation none of your other corporations may have a foundation.
Christian Taylor
This one is the new one
Landon Garcia
The little touches are always more impressive than the broad strokes.
Jason Diaz
You posted the wrong one, faggot. Here is the original.
you're welcome, Holla Forums
Kevin Reed
Ethan Adams
You also posted the wrong one, faggot.
Michael Roberts
This is the REAL original
Tyler Evans
smh fam
Levi Torres
found it
Lincoln Phillips
KEK! Nice one user.
Didn't think of it but is it really necessary? I will use in future ones.
Thomas Hill
Older one.
Dylan Ramirez
Jews are projection their crimes on to Russians. Trump works for Israel and Israel is trying to make the public think that he works for Russia. That's the simplest way I could put it.
Michael Gray
Star of David on the Bear head and 10/10
Top kek
Jordan Hernandez
It's just the elementary tactics of "accuse others of the things I'm doing so people don't trust anyone if they call us out on it and become confused and apathetic" Plebs always assume the middle ground in arguments. It's best hitting them with another crime that they committed, accuse them of something that they accused you in the past or just ignore them and demand evidence. Usual cuckservatives caved and apologized.
Dylan Perry
Tbh isn't the Russian uranium deal also a responsibility of Russians?
Oliver Morgan
So, wait, the election hacking is true but it was Israel that did it?
Grayson Nguyen
The jew always accuses you of his own sins.
Andrew Clark
Have you been living under a rock? The US meddles in elections all around the world. Why do you think Democrats and RINOs fight against laws enacting voter identification? They have people who actively register illegals and dead people, groups shipping voters around to multiple districts and states, and bureaucrats actively making it difficult to fight voter identification laws SPECIFICALLY so they can make it easier to rig votes in their favor.
If you don't think this vote was rigged heavily in Hillary's favor, you're living under a rock or listening to the mainstream media. Go read articles about why Texas changed to emergency paper ballots for the election, or go watch O'Keefe's videos prior to the vote.
Zachary Green
If Trump truly works for ISISrael, he's practically destroyed any chance they had at taking out Syria in their 30+ year old war with them. Somehow I don't think so.