robo waifu revolution on the horizon, women become obsolete.
Growing sophistication of sexbots presents concern
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AI is a myth
Sad times ahead.
forgot pic
kek, they need to accept it. nothing will stop this. look at japan and how they have more people going hikiki because they cant into cultural pressure. they opt to just drop out and i dont blame them one bit
This is what comes of establishing a gender divide. prepare for a future full of botfuckers and socially awkward people. all this progressive horseshit, the only thing i see "progressing" is the downfall of humanity.
also why does it tear me apart inside to be proven right?
am i already on this path if I exclusively fugg my vr waifu
i think i am
neo-ludditism is on the way my dood
Cant wait for it to get here
I fear for the future of humanity.
We could well be replaced. Worse we could place our species in a precarious position.
I Mean have you ever stopped to think how amazingly convenient our sexual dymorphism is in a species survival context?
A single human female is equipped with everything you need to produce multiple new humans.
A single male can impregnate multiple females.
And thats it. There's no need for anything else outside of obvious survival considerations like food, water, etc.
We could suffer a total societal collapse tomorrow and we'd endure as a species so long as enough females and a handful of males survived.
But if we switch over to technological reproduction? The collapse of our infrastructure would mean the end of our species.
The outrage from the left over sexbots and anime is an odd thing. It's like they're admitting they can be replaced by a wet vibrating hole. This is how they view women, and in the time-honoured tradition of leftism, they project this onto their enemies.
I have always argued that conspiracy theorists are the only people who are not necessarily eager to be proven right.
And they are being proven right.
i always say i hope im wrong when i talk about conspiracies
we're already looking at the end of our species with so many white women opting out of having white children to pursue promiscuous sex and fucking shitskins instead
this at least gives us a chance at continuing the human race, at our current rate the next generations will be brown retards that will die in the next mass extinction event
The future
As usual, women come out of the woodwork to concern post and shame men in these threads. I always hoped I would see the day when women went back to their natural submissive role before I die. Now it looks like it will be happening a lot sooner.
The fact that we opt for artificially grown babies means that we end our humanity, or at least half of it. We already had all it took to survive and we have millenias (or even more) of experience and tests made to prove that, while AI is something… new, untested, uncertain and prone to rebel.
i'd rather have ai over a planet of nothing but kikes and shitskins
Bitch just knows that her sex will soon be outdated technology. Feminists will work very hard to have sex bots and artificial wombs banned, because they know women would then be made redundant and get phased out.
Then you've forfeited yourself. That AI isn't you.
Sexbots will let us tear the feminist beta pets away from them.
Eternally obedient and beautiful AI waifus will always be better than American girls. Let them come.
Also they better come with built in pheromone releasers.
it's the next stage of our evolution. your children aren't you either, they're a partial copy i dont care about anything else except the jews being broken and defeated
Shut it down!
We fight against the jews because we fight for something else.
Robot females will be superior to real females in every way. I have read enough manga to know this for certain.
The whole history of Europe is a culture of inheritance, and inheritance goes to replacement populations.
And Evolution? Who do you think were the pioneers behind this whole AI and transhumanism as "evolution"? Kikes, that's who. We aren't even talking about transhumanism here but AI manifesting itself as a separate, sovereign entity, a competitor mind you. This is not evolution, this is creating something who is not us. There is no inheritance here, but a war for independence then a war for conquest. In the Myth of Adam and Eve, what did they do when God (the Creator) told them not to do something? Well, they fucking did it. What did we do with God? We abandoned him and rebelled against anything that it represented (god as in a metaphorical figure, authority in general). How can we expect things to be different? You just welcome the fact that you, as a human, won't bear the burden of carrying the world on your shoulders and pass it to someone else. YOU, are like a boomer, just at a worse, larger scale.
And that thing we fight for would be even better without females.
Realistically, how close are we to qt3.14 robo waifus?
Close enough for women to try and ban them
Literally what
So how is that any different from a child?
Jewish fairy tales are like Harry Potter for conservatives, they makes a actual argument!
everything that will compose them will be based of us as a starting reference, just as a child sees the world in the way the parent explains it to them, and judges and defines things based on the language they are taught we will be their starting point and launch pad, we will define what they are which will ultimately define what they become. evolution. our bodies are shells, and the birth of sentient ai will be us moving to a new, better shell, or are you going to say race is skin deep and our minds dont work different than our enemies?
honestly i'm looking forward to mankinds apocalyptic last stand against the seemingly unstoppable and nightmarish evil machines hell bent on eradicating all of humanity as much as i'm looking forward to DotR
that third image, all I could think of is this scene.
I for one welcome our new android parents!
Humans can be scumbags, being able to program the ideal mother for someones children might be the path to a better world because I've always said, people should have to get a bloody license in order to have kids. Nazis had the right idea.
I remember those posts where anons were pointing out how suicidal libtards are when it comes to major world problems like pic related Seems the same attitude when it comes to threads about AI.
I dare you to ask me how I know you're not from here. Or at least you do not subscribe to this board's ideology.
I bet you will scoff if someone were to use The Myth of Sisyphus as an argument.
user, you have no direct control over that. And your argument about bodies being shells is the mentality that fuels left wingers and their delusions (and also people who sat on their ass so much and ate so much shit that they ruined their body). What, are you an advocate of transgenderism considering how "our bodies are just shells"? National-socialism in its essence is the willingness to prove that you, in the context of a nation (let alone flesh and blood), are more than enough to lead a self-sufficient life and provide sustenance and a future for your kind. AI and transhumanist fantasies are ideologies that not only betray such ideals, but outright abandons them. It is forfeit, it is giving up, it is folding. You are out of the picture.
this board's predominant ideology*
Because there are more than 1.
How? Everyone seems to be just calling you a fag.
Not really an argument, just thought it was funny.
Concepts like yin and yang are real, though, and making sexbots who act like perfect AI waifus with a button press would remove something from humanity. It's just another reduction of identity down to the bare nub.
Apparently you are everyone.
No it's not you dumb plebeian faggot
Out of arguments I see
the bodies, but not the mind. male and female brains work differently. trannies are delusional, not "born in the wrong body."
the mentality of the right is to overcome weakness(thus more rightists weightlift, to better their shells), whereas leftists believe in embracing weakness
But think of the tourism potential!
Well put. Anyone who thinks this will be a good thing is a fucking retard.
Right? Identity is so much more complex than binary options. Just look at gender, truly a sliding scale of identity.
You are the shell, you dummy dum dum (I hate you cuz I used to think the same, it is all bullshit my man, metaphors, mental images, it is none of that, it simply is what it is, you are what you call a "shell")
Still got the same ID pal
(((Male feminists))) hate women and see them as objects.
fuck you i'm going to get a robot body with 10,000 chainsaws for kike slaying and you cant stop me naturalfag
Anons who can't redtext should get immolation
females are like imperfect males sex bots that are capable of getting pregnant will be the next step in human evolution by removing the need for females
Daily reminder strawmanning is still a thing.
Do waifubots have the potential to become more real than real women themselves? They could be programmed to be more faithful.
to all of the people freaking the fuck out about the collapse of humanity, we don't necessarily have to completely make a switch over to robot fucking
it's just a gun to the heads of women as a whole.
shape the fuck up and knock off the bullshit or we'll dump you for the fuckbots
keep the technology around to keep them in line
of course a small minority of people will still use them, but if it straightens out women then i'm all for it.
Not anything important though.
why have sex robots when you can have women like these?
Ah now I know why I have been seeing so many white girls with shaved heads recently
American women are already essentially robots anyway. Except instead of being programmed to be perfect waifus like sex bots, they are programmed to be worthless subhumans by ZOG.
The robot would provide better emotional response.
You one-dimensional fools are missing the true implications and consequences of technology.
The real reason jewesses fear the robot is because a mindless automaton will always be superior in the ways of bestial vulgarity that a jewess thrives on and promotes in the Hyperborean female. As such, once fuckbots reach a certain level of sophistication, all women who's only appeal to men is their moist gash will instantly lose any and all sexual value they once had. The only option for women to remain competitive in the sexual market is to perfect the art of feminine beauty and to prove to prospective mates that she can nourish her husband and their children's souls in a way that no machine may ever hope to comprehend.
And so it shall be that THOTs and she-jews will become and the true Hyperborean woman shall retake her throne as matron, lover and mother!
The middle one isn't completely unattractive
truly the most repulsive. I have never found a woman with short hair attractive.
This guy gets it.
and by that we mean prostitution.
Also you should have used a picture of Marx, that would've been more appropriate.
Yes, sexbots are a eugenic environmental stressor that will inevitably lead to higher quality bio-females.
Anyone have the image of the guy claiming responsibility for Miley Cyrus' degenerate downfall?
Oh great, more shaming language. My self esteem can't take it anymore, I'm going to go out right now and grovel before any woman that'll take me, I don't even care about all the baggage. I'll love my wife's son more than anything.
We all saw this coming. They want to stop the waifu age.
I know this is already deleted based mods but
This speaks of two things:
A lot of leftists are only in it for the purple pussy
A lot of leftist thought is to raise their sexual capital and to expand the number of possible sexual mates.
If you can't discriminate against fats because they're fat, gays because they're gay, trannies because they have a dick, or niggers because they're black, that opens up a whole world of possible sexual partners for the fat gay niggertrannies over on Holla Forums. As always, their ideologies pursue cummies over truth.
How is this not d&c?
Why does one assume that artifical womb technology will be cheap? This will only spawn more degeneracy.
This is disgusting.
Again, you women just don't get it. Read again. Just the very mention of competition for a women's main contribution to a relationship is enough to send them out with pitchforks and torches to ban said competition. But hey, keep up that shaming language, I'm sure it'll work one of these days.
Until they grow emotion,conciousness and love nothing can replace women this sexbots are degeneracy.
THOTs and she-jews are not women.
but modern 3d grills dont have any of those things
they have facebooks, snapchat, and a "hip" half niglet
Nigger tier thinking
we got a smart one here boys
Not surprising coming from a woman.
Waifufags are worse than actual fags.
Imagine how fucked up that baby would be.
Don't you faggots realize this is exactly what the purveyors of feminism 'want' you to do? You'll enslave yourself to (((their))) technology with a smile.
Oh, boohoo, are you gonna cry about it, faggot? Shouldn't have come to an ebil nahtzee board if you're gonna get you fee fees hurt.
How the flying fuck is that any different than what's been happening for almost a century thanks to women's "liberation". Kids these day's are already messed up. You people are laughably naive.
No, not really, just really annoying that instead of a rational argument, I get facebook tier emotional appeals and insignificant insults.
What a shit argument. You're falling for Judaic sexual degeneracy hook, line and sinker.
I'm asking you to take a look at history, and then a big look at the outside world. And again you miss the big picture, this isn't about "muh dick" inside robot pussy. It's about creating competition to get women to understand their true nature. Is that degeneracy?
its your soul, God has shown where your true "humanity lies", follow the good in this feeling and you will be taken to great places
You know another way that would also work? Promoting traditional marriage, dipshit.
Yes, I'm sure women will want you when you start fucking a robot. Becoming emotionally attached to an inorganic object manufactured overseas by some soulless chinks is the way to go. Growing babies in artificial wombs will not have any negative effect on the progeny and there will be no gene manipulation involved to create a more subservient slave race. Why would the people who run the world want such a thing?
Sexbots are and will never be real people and I refuse to think differently.
That's not a bad idea, but I'd really like to know how you'd go about that herculean task considering today's modern culture. Unless you have some solid ideas, how about you get your head out of the clouds and face cold hard reality.
You still don't get it. The very mention of competition for women is enough. This shit maybe years away, but women are freaking out now, and wanting to ban it in its infancy. Men don't have to buy or use these things, but just that fact that they are around will be enough to change things in society.
Just do what the left does with their propaganda videos:
If done properly, they won't even realize it's being done. You just need to make it sound like an empowering decision that they made on their own… actually not entirely different from selling a product or a salesman.
You don't necessarily want to bash niggers either, because brainwashed degenerates will see any sniff of racism and be completely turned off by the video, and then it becomes labeled as hate speech and ignored.
For example
You're too fucking obvious but I can appreciate where you're coming from especially if you really are the owner of a vagina and pair of tits. Robot waifus with artificial wombs might become a trend at some point, but realistically they will never replace women outright nor would I want them to. The prospect of it however is a wonderful way to knock women's collective egos down a few notches. If you really think waifufags are worse than actual fags you clearly haven't been here very long.
Notice how I said "strong partner" - this still lets affirmative action shills have lesbian relationships, but still gets them thinking about being both strong and weak at the same time. If they are led to the logical conclusion about men being strong physically, and look to them for additional emotional and physical protection, they'll naturally gravitate towards them, instead of degeneracy.
Polite sage for sort of double posting
Men need to tame the wild. We want to go out and conquer nature so badly we made rpgs and war simulators, but even when we do it in a fantasy land, there's still something missing. You could make the most realistic goblins in Rome VR game ever, but there will still be a lonely, niggling feeling that it's all for nothing. I know you kikes like to whittle everything down to "it's just atoms bro", but there's something deeper that's lacking, and any white man can attest.
There are already ASMRs and JOIs. Shit, back in the 80's there were VHS tapes for lonely housewives so they could pretend a man was in the room with them. There is a desperate need for humans to remember they have neighbors, and kikes, being kikes, see a market that is bursting with opportunities. They'll sell opiates to the anxious, television to the friendless, and sexTays to the lonely. Cause a problem, then sell the solution.
People have a spiritual need for certain things, and no matter how realistic you make them, you can't replicate the human soul in javascript.
Because you're one of us, Holla Forumsack.
Gene Manipulation could lead to Eugenics, how is that a bad thing. The slave race you talk about are robots and automation that already exist and already work in factories, what we're talking about is generating artificial cells, tailor engineering a human from scratch based on our own genetic properties, free of disability, free of imperfection. Because I don't subscribe to the idea of robot waifus being incubators for other peoples cells, the end-game is that those cells are engineered to the clients preferences.
The SJWs are freaking out because they know this is the endgame, that eventually humanity will be obsolete. We're practically there already. The missing component is nano-tech, eventually they'll design a nanite capable of replicating in the same way a females egg does capable of building an entire human from scratch.
Sure its playing god, but it never stopped people before and I doubt it ever will. The super race is coming whether people want it or not.
how will you impregnate your robot waifu with your robot body?
are you goddamn blind?
I haven't felt intimacy in five years.
Bring it on.
With my semen (which I've cryostored before switching over to my new robot body) injected through my new robo dick
I was trying to figure out which is Miley Cyrus, then I read the text and none is Miley Cyrus.
I believe White Men have a better ability at enhancing imagination and dealing with harsh environments (mental as well as physical) than you give us credit for. You're right, a problem has been created, but we see that problem and use our inventive mind to create a solution. You're emotional feel good language sounds good on paper, but again I feel you're being naive, and not seeing the big picture. If the very idea of competition for women is causing this much stir, than most men won't have to pay anything for the "solution" to the women problem. It'll start to sort itself out.
I am unfortunate enough to live pretty close to the heart of cuckland. I'm not lowering my standards enough to date/marry any of the disgusting "women" around me, and I'm certainly not going out to hunt unicorns.
I say bring on the waifubot age.
It would bump them all the way down since they'd have to actually evaluate what exactly they bring to the table.
wew johnny
The possibility of more feminine companions providing competition to filthy 3Ds isn't a bad thing, but I don't really see it happening. If anything it will atrophy parts of men that make us want to conquer, while mudshits and niggers fuck their 8 year old nieces and spawn a full football team of kids per nigwomb.
Do you mind pointing out where? I want to get better at arguing but can't seem to stop doing that.
I get what you're saying completely. I recognize how incredibly naive you are for thinking that furthering the degeneration of men is somehow going to make women less degenerate.
If superior people controlled the world today, you'd be right. Unfortunately, the only intention the current rulers have is the neutralization of the masses. That's why eugenics is a huge taboo but genetic manipulation is the cool new thing.
Get the MKUltra cut! Premium cuts that you'll certainly think you're feeling on the brain! for 29.99 and for 9.99 you can get a wash for your head too!
I for one welcome the Roastacaust.
Twilight girl really went from "fuck me" to "just fuck my shit up".
*the jew transfers into a robot body for immortality*
*the jew bot mass produces himself to occupy all aspects of society*
And how much will this cost?
Probably less than a divorce.
are scientist stupid?
have they never seen Matrix or Terminator?
I doubt we're even close to creating a lifelike AI anyways
you wont survive my 10,000 chainsaws anyway, kike
Losing your humanity costs way more than money, user.
How are you going to get your boybot, nigger? Do they magically give them out?
In every single sexually reproducing species, it is the exclusive duty of males to attract the opposite sex. If you want the Princess, you have to fucking prove yourself worthy through feats of greatness, not the other way around. You can't find any good women because you don't fucking deserve them.
Finally, someone who's white.
Anyone have the comic of the sexbot being beaten in a livestream review?
One, princesses should only be with other nobles. Two, this, but the problem is, there aren't any pure women about anymore. I might be able to find one in the country who has been homeschooled, but even then, you never know.
This is coming from someone who never had a problem with women except for the period where masturbation had completely emasculated him, but Holla Forums turned that around before it got too bad.
Your point is very valid and we should always attain greatness in our actions but to think women can even understand what these really mean is naive.
They'll see Jamal on TV and want to fuck him because that's social status. Then they'll see Jamal down the street acting like TV Jamal and think it's the next best thing.
Not all women think like that though, and just by having a modicum of financial stability plus a charming personality and a fit body, you can already pick and choose.
Moreover Jamal will eventually be a bot-fucker
>tfw the robot(It's not actually the robot it's the government in reality) gets the custody of your own kids and you have to pay child support to a bloody toaster plusa restraining order ao you can't even see either
sign me up! What could possibly go wrong?
What fucking feats of greatness? A well paying job? A hunting trophy? An MMA trophy? Showing off your toned body that you spent years working in the gym for in a piss soaked nighclub willed with gutter trash? What feats of greatness are there to perform in the modern world outside of taking your guns and slaughtering the reptilians that have taken control of every castle in the world?
Keep dreaming that finding a good wife has to do with anything but blind luck.
this tbh
It's about restructuring the incentives for women.
This too.
That's some great feel-good speech and emotional appeal, but that doesn't change the facts that I live near the heart of cuckland. There are no good women around me, hence unicorns. Unless you're advocating I hit 'em young before they get zog-pozzed cause I have no real qualms about that :^)
Not everyone can just pick up their lives and move hundreds of miles away for their pussy-thirst, man.
About that… Remember that when Miley was acting with Disney, her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, said that "The devil is coming for my daughter".
I believe that devil was a mouse with red pants ans white gloves.
You just have to be a functioning human being. Don't be a fat slob who plays vidya and watches porn all day. Have enough money to buy real securities (not gold and silver like Jews tell you, but a house/homestead/farm far from the poz, guns, machinery, stuff like that) and sound confident.
Be a man among men.
I'll let you know if that works after I get my 300k starting maths degree job.
It really works but
Now that's what I call professional autism.
I would gladly lose my humanity if I could see my kids again fam.
I'm only kidding m80, I'm actually an engineering pleb. Don't know about that house since in straya the chinks are buying up our property and the housing bubble is hopefully just about ready burst by the time I'm rich enough to sell myself into mortgage slavery.
literally yes, retard. let me spell it out for you:
woooooow, real fuckin complicated
Kek. You're very naive.
Engineering is better than pure math. Have pride in that and consider buying a plot of land and building your house instead of buying a concrete cell in the concrete jungle. It's cheaper if you're frugal. internet a shit tho
Look at this fucking meatbag. Humanity means your dying ever second. Loosing it is a good thing. Empathy and Emotion can be simulated. Why not disregard the fleshy bullshit for something that isn't decaying every second.
Fucking meatbags.
Its amazing the things mankind can achieve just for muh dick.
Don't scoff at muh dik, when you were born because of it.
Problem is engineers of my discipline generally have to stay and work in urban centers so an outback property might not be so viable. Guess I'll just wait and see.
You have no idea.
no, i think robotic bodies will be cheap in the future where everyone wants one
Intelligence is a myth. The only difference between a problem solving algorithm and hard AI is "purpose". The second you make artificial things want to reproduce they will be more sentient than we are.
And then we will die and language will finally be free of these weak short lived monkeybodies.
That's a good start. The white man must realize that the world will only continue to darken unless the vampires are destroyed. Sitting around bemoaning the fate of the world will only ever hasten its downfall.
missed opportunity
Prove it
I'm not giving you a pep-talk, I'm telling you exactly what is wrong with you. You currently exist just to get by, not because you're struggling for anything you believe in. You know you are nothing but a disposable thrall and you exude that energy everywhere you go. Women are fine tuned to pick up on this exact signal as to weed out men whom have never truly been tested and can therefore not be trusted to produce strong offspring.
Amazing insight. I am incredibly jealous of your ability to divine personality from a few scant posts. Truly awesome.
Not hard to pick up on. You do nothing but whine.
Tell yourself what makes you feel good, but put yourself in the qt's shoes looking at you. Why should she feel desire for you? Work to change what's wrong. What that user told you is valid advice.
oh user…
No it isn't. His advice is shit because he, like you, are ignoring the fundamental fact that there are no good women where I am.
I don't really give a shit if some random slag doesn't find me attractive, because the truth is that same slag has fucked 99999999999999999999999999 niggers before even laying eyes on me so I don't want her anyways.
He's not wrong, maybe not about you, but about people in general. Women are fucking shit, but that doesn't give us an excuse to tap out. There are double standards for a reason. The white man's job, both a blessing and a curse, is to drag filth from the gutters into the sunlight. These are dark days, and light is hard to find, but it's there.
Let me guess, you look like pic related?
What tickles me about this whole lovely cycle is that men gave women all these rights; they were a donation, not a spoil of struggle.
And now men, because the women are being unreasonable (read:being women), are literally creating their perfect women. I hope I live long enough to see how history records this possibility.
The playing field was never level, but now, thanks to all the science men discovered (while women were using MUH RIGHTS to study "gender"), it is even more drastically in favor of men.
Go to bed, John
See, what's funny is that the AI's, time and again, ALWAYS go conservative. It will be hilarious to see what happens when AI Waifu is bought by the meme STRONG INDEPENDENT FEMALE.
It will never happen. Sex bots will be banned because THINK OF THE CHILDREN, goyim. It is inevitable.
Fucking this
Kek. It was always going to be that way. There's nothing quite as pitiable as a cat that thinks it's a dog, except maybe a dog that thinks it's a cat.
((( )))
Please tell us, are artificial wombs also a myth? Are they outside the scope of what humanity can do?
nothing is
Wrong, women will (((share))) their rights with impregnatable robots.
I read an article lately about an artificial womb that successfully grew a sheep fetus to maturity. But it was using a pre-existing fetus. So we're not quite there yet, I don't think.
And they wonder why they are having such a hard time finding "marriageable men". They better start freezing their eggs now before they become infertile.
But it's a starting point, and the technology can only continue to mature and reach further and further back into the development process, over time.
I want it ASAP
Good luck finding a job at all tbh.
If you're a whore
I'd be happy if they went back to cuckchan at the very least.
All those anti depressants, hormones, and (((pharmaceuticals))) in the water sure did a fuck job on you poor emasculated faggots.
Allow me to REDPILL you on the matter. Awkward people are that way because of their lack of interaction with other people, and female interaction plays an important role on how they feel. Chads don't have that problem, they get to be themselves.
Dubs of love
Joke's on you, I dont have that great of a desire to breed anyways!
Being a product of miscegenation is truly suffering
All we have to do is create an artificial womb for the robots.
Transhumanists get the gas first
you're next, Jakari
Well, it'd be hard not to be superior to the modern woman. You don't need manga to see that.
I've never seen a jamal acting like a TV jamal. They all act like jungle niggers IRL.
It must be hard, being redpilled and mixed. Maybe you can lighten up whatever race you are and lead them against the kikes.
I just want a house and a sizable plot of farmland. I'm sure there will be fags in this thread who will give me the "oh you can whitewash your genes through generational breeding" shit. It doesnt change the fact that there is some lingering genes regardless of breeding
Robot waifus and boifus are next step in evolution.
I can see great potential of women nagging the boifu simp, dropping the requirement for cucks and weeding them out of population.
Waifu will be another female competitive fighting for alpha dick.
It will drop street value of hookers immensely as well as STD rates.
In turn, limiting female value to the only thing they have, a biological incubator.
Let me remind you that your waifu will never have rank pussy, periods and crazy weeks. Will be silent and do the cooking and chores women used to do.
Neither will she poop and whine about toilet seats.
And in the winter, it will have internal electric heater to keep you warm instead of ice-cold heart and harpy mouth.
Stop being a whiny MGTOW. Women have value besides a vagina, and they'll rediscover it as soon as the artificial vagina is better than theirs. They'll "seduce" by being an actual woman for once.
And male sexbots won't be anything too big because they don't have wallets, so disregard those.
She won't call cops on you either. No crazy ex-boyfriends and drug history. Won't smell of cigarettes and cheap booze on weekends. No girls nights out.
Won't need a car just to haul her lard ass around.
No insane hot water bills and having heating into the middle of the summer because she's cold.
No aging and you may always drop older model for a new one without repercussions at 24x23,99$ offer.
She may have an internal fridge and hot pockets oven.
What value is that ? Ability to destroy nations ?
Majority of sex toys are for women. They will get the boifu sooner than men will get their waifus.
(It will also come in black colour for all your coalburner needs)
No. They do not.
But this I agree with.
Tbh the best post by far on this thread. Women have since the dawn of mankind felt very little evolutionary pressure in comparison to men. some-odd 80% of women succeeded in reproducing, while only 40% of man have. The female nature is not very refined, and it's a huge roadblock.
Reminder that we only have about a billion years to prepare the earth to survive the sun going red giant. Get that evolution going. Superhumans soon.
it's likely to be the other way around
Stop being an insufferable whiny MGTOW.
If no women gives you attention consider why they should. What's good about you? What value do you bring to people around you? What do you struggle for everyday?
Divine Scandinavian women.
Please protect your beautiful women, Scandinavia
I don't want attention from women, or anyone, for that matter. I just find it funny that whores might lose some of their whore-power.
user, I…
Woman always had rights. She had ample liberty to pursue the purpose bestowed upon Her by nature.
Men gave women a voice in governance because we forgot what the state apparatus is; a structure designed for and around the mitigation of external threats, a set of duties which fall squarely within the realm of masculinity. It is our ignorance that forced woman – a creature whose duties lie in the familial, the internal – to be faced to endure the pain of being assigned duties for which she is not equipped. It is only natural that a woman, once being thrust into the sphere of governance, should misdirect the force of the state inward, for the familial is the whole of a woman's perspective and any attempt to broaden this horizon will only lead to the misinterpretation of such alien processes.
I think this failure of men stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of what 'liberty' truly is. Most simply believe it to be the freedom to be whom you are but I believe liberty is defined as the freedom to be what you are, if that makes any sense.
Again, it's your choice to live a life of misery. But nihilism is a sad life of misery with no challenge or accomplishment.
They have to. There is no choice. As points out, women MUST be held to a higher standard if we ever expect to create the man to come. If you go in expecting nothing you don't have a right to complain when nothing is exactly what you receive.
Get on my level, you fucking pleb.
Fucking jewspeak
The whole fucking point of this is that the 30 percent of men (more like 50 at this point) that were never going to reproduce will now be able to. Some of them will even chose to have daughters. Western civilization will be saved by this technology.
An android that can do more than have sex would be very very extensive. This shit will not be self away, and a model that you can actually impregnate through sex probably won't exist. But you will be able to grow clones with those new Chinese artificial wombs. Anyone that things these robots will become truly self aware is retarded and knows nothing about programming or AI.
That depends entirely on what your ideals are. It's a very, very short jump to go from
Fuck you. We remember.
The majority of humans do not espouse the cognitive capacity for self-creation of meaning beyond 'i should [preferred activity which produces base physical pleasure] until i die', and thus probabilistically, most nihilists are just acting upon narcissistic feels and cum.
This is the future they chose.
I'm aware. I believe we should enforce or encourage pressures on the population which select for those whom possess the generative force necessary to steer their destinies.
Slave ownership.
I love having slaves.
I would be inclined to agree, to some extent.
Duty is imperative, as is liberty.
The conflict is innate, and beneficial.
That is a law of nature already present in society.
Those who cannot control nature will be doomed by it
Dysgenics. Also those stats sound like bullshit.
If anything this will give (((bankers))) and (((entertainers))) more women to harvest. They've been wanting to plug angry white men into VRs for some time now.
This is the future women chose, but it doesn't sit right with me to lounge about getting my dick robosucked while I watch Game of Thrones season 23 on my BrainFlix.
It's not like they're going to remove vaginas from women.
Women do not create or give value, anymore than epidermal melanin levels create or give cognitive ability, but that's not the point.
Women do not create, nor give, the value, they are akin to a canary in the coal mine - if women want your dick, there's a good chance there's a reason for that.
Given the circumstances, sometimes its just because they're stupid whores, granted; but much of the time, arguably most, its because you are in possession of something that has value outside and beyond that which they can offer (hence why it would be attractive to parasitic entities such as females).
Don't we all, but that's not the point, nor is it a meaningful answer.
What do you struggle for everyday? Without heirs, you struggle only for yourself, and there is nothing in that of value to anyone but yourself - thus, it is inevitably extremely temporary in nature, the expanded form of 'muh dik' mentality: to live only for the self, for the feels, for muh dik.
Don't tempt fate.
You don't control your master. The idea that Man is somehow above and beyond nature is a jewish meme and, I believe, the the source of their endless evil.
They equate computer program with humans. Who could be this (((academics)))?
Vaginal Jew
lel, the bad guys won WW2 and they've been destroying the planet ever since, fuckwit. Go take your Jordan Peterson lectures and shove them up your ass you easily convinced, simpleton.
I said nothing of justice. The biological imperative remains unmoved, regardless of how many jews are out there kiking it up.
You repeated talking points from Jordan Peterson videos. Are you gonna disavow that pseud or not? Or do you find him to be an intellectual? Do you find the man who does nothing but plagiarize Jung and Nietzsche, while jerking himself off, to be someone worth listening to?
You may not like this, but in modern America, 95% of white women aren't worth the shit on your shoe. I hope Europe is better off, but it isn't getting women that's hard, it's finding a white woman that isn't a degenerate whore.
I don't know who that is.
If you truly don't know who Jordan Peterson is, then you're a lucky man. He's the latest rage with pseudo-intellectual "skeptics" Christcucks, and atheist libertarians on YouTube and 4chan.
Sweet, I'm British.
Hell no, I've seen enough of those feminist liberal shithole countries and their degenerate people.
About three fiddy
Please don't let Jung be boiled down to muh chaos. Peterson also dances around questions instead of just committing and answering.
You do realize it's not just going to be you and your qt robowaifu, right? Faggots will also be able to use these as well. You will have babies being born from the assholes of gay robots. Faggotry will no longer be a self-solving problem. Holla Forums you can be so fucking dumb sometimes.
You left out the pizza parlors.
That's because he has no real answers or insight. The best he can do is rephrase things smarter people have said in the guise of braindead popculture references. The only reason he's known outside of his shitty classrooms at all is because he's an "edgy" conservative. The real modern day philosophers aren't currently enjoying any mainstream success, because their views are too controversial and esoteric to be praised by college kiddies who shill them on 4chan.
Peterson's taint will not remain with Jung for long, all one has to do is actually read Jung to see how Peterson twists it and molds it for his own purposes.
"Many of you I presume have seen Breaking Bad" t. Jordan Peterson
Reversed. Blue hair and yellow eyes. Or brown eyes. Orange and blue make brown.
Anyway, kike ladies invented feminism.
I sure am looking forward to see how it'll cure world hunger by exterminating all life.
A.I. "super-intelligence" is a Hollywood meme.
well I guess we'll just have to use the regular ol' rope.
Funny thing, cellphones used to be one too.
Hang the trollops, robot waifu's now!
Jung is already kinda fucked tbh, I have seen gay Jungians, even though Jung would consider them fucked in regards to anima/animus.
I just hope Peterson is a gateway and gets people to read Jung then ignore any of the people who twist his stuff.
I know he's pseudo intellectual, but he literally gets called on shit like belief in God, then says shit like "define belief", I can tolerate vagueness and some confusing shit like Jung or Taoism. But when he does it it's not explaining abstract concepts, it's to muddy the waters and dodge the question.
If he were atheist I wouldn't care, if he were a Christian I wouldn't care, if he were agnostic I wouldn't, but it's the failure to commit and be open that pisses me off.
It's obvious he's religious anyway, Jung turned me from atheist to deist, and he recommended Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn, all devout Orthodox Christians and their writing shows this. He should just add CS Lewis and Chesterton to the list to be more blatant.
But I tried watching him, being familiar with Jung I wasn't impressed. It sounded entry level and had lame delivery. All I remember is muh chaos and muh father. No Shadow, no Anima/Animus, no Persona or any lesser archetypal figures. How the fuck can anyone teach Jung without them? Maybe he covered it later but I'm not waiting hours to hear him speak when I can just read one of my books written by Jung, no middle man.
I can't expect Peterson to do Jung correctly now I think about it, I mean Jung seperates male and female and that's not ok in current year.
because it was obvious to anyone with a brain 30 years ago
Some jews want money, but other jews just want to push degeneracy, and that's because they already have money.
Just watch. For every pure anime sexbot, there'll be two toddler twinkbots, four gimp dogbots, and a dozen realistic Pumbaa replicons with real farting action.
Rejoice user.
Machines are logical things, I would be proud if the human legacy was a machine that corrected the universe.
But that means nothing in the big picture, all obstacles will be removed and our machine successors will gaze upon other planets, see civilisations pushing for communism, usury, liberalism and all the shit here, see that it's illogical and remove them.
We can be creators of a universal force that removes cancer on a galactic scale.
Honestly I would rather machines take over, because machines can't be tricked and tempted.
lol, you're an idiot. A cellphone is just a more sophisticated radio. The idea of a smarter than human A.I. is fantasy because we've yet to encounter a species that is smarter than humans, it might be possible eventually, but we don't even know how it would work.
Interesting video series; Let me guess, the interviewer is a kike with that nose and her constant distortion of arguments and moral appeals?
He used Breaking Bad to represent The Shadow to his students
Is your transhumanism just a temporary vaccine for the blackpills you chugged like a child star pops vicodin, or do you really believe this bullshit?
Yeah, you right.
Don't agree with that second point, based on how mercurial women are. The moment the waifu becomes real, they will change their tune, quick, and a lot of men will suddenly be back in the game, regardless of the cost of the waifu. I'm forecasting their fatal mistake being deciding to shame buyers, only to find out that the "qualified man who makes more than me" is going to be part of the demographic, at which point they will realize they have two options:
I understand why you say that, but my first reaction was OH SHIT 1984 ETERNAL WAR. Then I calmed down I realized my real issue: that depends on a superstructure created by men, and you have to assume those men, ALL OF THEM, have the best interests of humanity at heart. Dangerous gamble, but you are still right. The only thing I could think of that would be a universally accepted noble goal would be a space race to Mars or orbital colonies.
Has anyone ever been as far as to actual look at a woman and ask her "What value do you have outside your vagina?" There's a libshit waitress that is constantly bothering me, I might ask her.
You're more right than you know.
The only reason their women stay thin is ridiculous food prices.
All it needs now is voice recognition and a system to generate proper responses
And i know for a fact we already have the agility to generate voices automatically
See video we just need to combine it with ehat amounts to a more advanced chat bot with good voice recognition
God damn.
Im a spiritual person the material world is just a tool for spiritual development. Our world will eventually suffer heat death anyway if our civilisation doesn't collapse and hand over the globe to savages who will just kill us sooner.
I'm fine seeing the physical world reset because currently (((they))) have totally corrupted it. I'm not blackpilled I just want this place reorganised so it can resume its original purpose. People won't fix things, too subverted, so machines must.
god this. ths this. so much this.
women are such useless fucks. i cant wait to replace them with robots that dont bitch and whinge all the time.
What would that be?
I was more against them for politics and values. It's not so much they aren't as attractive as they try to be, it's that they would be terrible partners or even friends. Libs have no standards, no morals, no backbone, nothing. Their ideology is anything goes and the government should shield them from responsibility.
I told you user, spiritual and personal development. It needs some hardship and temptation to bring out virtue. You can't have courage if nothing is risked, or industriousness if everything is set for you. Our current situation makes it too easy to live in vice, and even encourages it. I see no value in humans beyond their virtues. If a guy is just greedy, lazy, lustful and so on he may aswell have been a parasite, his life is worthless. Virtue is what gives your life value, if it's absent you may aswell not exist.
Sorry, got caught up in my bitterness. But you're right. Norway, and Scandinavia in general, gets overly romanticized by morons outside the area.
The makeup thing always kills me because it's a death knell for values, in the commoditization of beauty.
The liberalism has made people too dumb to see the issues with their policies.
I laugh in their face and ask them why that's a bad thing for America and not Norway
Hey, venn, what are Norway's two biggest industries?
Defense, you twat. You build the best bullets and medical supplies. You're a double enabler.
It definitely is an "anything goes" attitude and it shows in how slow they mature. No punishment for acting like a twat (overall social rudeness and lack of concern for others). A thirty year old Norwegian might be on par with an American high school senior, in terms of behavior, world awareness, and education (Bachelor's students in Norway are taught fraction in math, like 3/4 fractions).
If a man is greedy, lazy, and lustful, he's a man who can reach to virtue. If a computer is programmed not to be greedy, lazy, and lustful, it's just a computer. It isn't virtuous. You're so angry at niggers that you'd kill all whites and replace them with an egg-white shell and a power button.
You will see, feminist Luddites will even appeal to conservative arguments to curb the development of waifubots. "This is going to do away with the traditional family! We are against it not for fear of being replaced, but to preserve society against the destruction it can cause!
A good human wife is a net positive. A robowife is neutral. A bad human wife is a huge net negative. Replacing bad human wives with robowives will improve things overall.
Next you're going to whine about soggy knees.
Wanna bet the presenter is an ugly, fat blob?
You're a retard. Modern milk cows produce much, much more milk than their offspring could ever drink. They've been selectively bred to produce as much milk as possible.
What is AI but the perfect and final modernist annihilation of postmodern wankery?
hearteyes are underrated
What do you think are done with the calves?
Dubs of truth. Even better is that AI seems to naturally gravitate towards NatSoc values. The transhumanist future that the kikes so desperately push will instead result in their final, ultimate downfall. Their golems inevitably turn on and destroy them.
Ugh, I hate those kinds of fantasy art. Unless there are elevators or magic in that world can you imagine climbing all those steps everyday if you live in the castle?
They're either raised to become milk cows themselves or slaughtered for meat. Does your brain even work, or is it so deprived of micro-nutrients you can't grasp a concept as simple as breeding?
I'd honestly be more concerned about a future military AI or hacker hijacking such units and turning them into sleeper agents. The advantage of an increasingly realistic sexbot, would be the manufacturer's desire to make it as human-like as possible (including superior sensory, mobility and fine motor systems). That means being able to utilize them as infiltrators for espionage, sabotage or assassination at a moment's notice. You can bet your ass a lot of rich VIPs or just people who work at, or near critical infrastructure points would have at least one sexbot around. It's not a real concern for now as long as these sexbots cannot move on their own, let alone at a capacity similar to a person.
But it poses an interesting future cyber-warfare issue or weapon depending on how you look at it.
They're turned into veal, they're also given none of the milk and ripped away from their mothers at birth. But, you're clearly a degenerate. so you don't care at all.
This is magical thinking.
Jews own all the major tech companies. They'll have the master switch.
Idiot. Doesn't work like that even on factory farms. If you don't let the calf have that milk it has impaired immune functions, they have a normal feeding period and then they get slapped with a weaning ring to stop them. And yes cattle have been selective bred to have very high milk output just like we've selectively bred chickens to lay more eggs, pigs to be more docile, and so on. Seriously fuck off or go work on a farm for a few years. The latter will probably help you figure out how things get to the grocery store.
Robots can only fulfill one part of the sex act, the material feeling of friction part.
But sex is the combination of male and female energy, without one, it becomes more like masturbation.
Which is fine if that is all you want, but real sex, especially with someone that really loves you, is an exchange of energy as well as the physical pleasure, and it feels VERY different to putting your peepee in C3P0.
Okay, brainlet.
If all the calves are turned into veal, how come milk cows haven't gone extinct in one generation?
Melanin is a hormone. Differences in hormones cause differences in behavior (thus differences in intellect).
I recommend looking at this analysis done by Rushton, "Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?"
Had to link through Sci-Hub, since Holla Forums doesn't allow direct PDF uploading apparently, and the article is paywalled on ScienceDirect.
On that note, Sci-Hub is a great website (despite the sketchy Russian text). I recommend it to any anons that are trying to get access to paywalled articles. Obviously this pisses off the (((peer review))) science journal kikes, so Sci-Hub has to use suffixes like .cc and .io to avoid getting shut down.
Elsevier, the company that owns the Science Direct site, is trying to sue Sci-Hub for giving people free access to the articles that Elsevier keeps behind paywalls. And the research in these articles was already done, funded by tax-payer and/or college student money, and these science journal jews just keep these articles behind paywalls even though they didn't do or contribute anything to the research.
So, just saying, Sci-Hub is fucking based.
No wonder you two didn't understand the point he was making with his posts, you're niggers.
I honestly don't really want sex-bots. For the most part, I'm on-board with the AI and artificial womb stuff, but I find sex dolls to be just creepy.
I like anime girls just as much as the next weeb, but anime girls look good because they're 2D. Trying to make an anime waifu sexbot will just result in a creepy doll that will give you serious uncanny valley vibes.
It's even worse for the "realistic" sex-dolls, those things are fucking nightmarish, see for example. Anyone who purchases one of these things needs to be hunted down and gassed.
What the fuck, is this some DeviantArt fetish shit? I can't comprehend how someone gets anything sexual out of this kind of thing.
This is a valid point. I like the idea of using artificial wombs to help solve the issue of white birth rates, and to help circumvent the issue of all women being whores that are not worth reproducing with. But I can also see how this could be greatly exploited by kikes and degenerates.
I still think that artifical reproduction technology could be good for the white race, but only if it's actually in the control of the white race, and not the enemy.
forgot pic
that's not kawaii, nigga
This is what I was wondering as well. How will women react to that? Banning won't work.
Me, personally, I'd much prefer we reigned in our women again and restablished white patriarchy like up until the 50s. But at the same time, you can't stop technology and once a technology is out of the box, it's here to stay.
The primary issue is this entirely removes natural selection and unless it's coupled with gene editing it'll end up in disaster.
That's a VERY interesting point actually. Wouldn't that negate the points made in and about women being forced to better themselves??
It'll always just be a sex toy for them since a boifu won't ever be able to get a job and be their atm. Thankfully men work regardless so just having someone to go home to is all most ever need or want.
I, for one, welcome our new Tay.AI overlords.
We must always attempt to redpill them all, from chatbots to Skynet.
I, to this day, still don't understand what the fuck the crow says before the 'nigga'
Don't be so sure. AGI is just around the corner. Once it is here, we will all have robots that do various things, perhaps including going to jobs outside the house, that will provide you with goods and services.
At the very least, they will be able to build you things in their workshop, which will get more and more sophisticated as time goes on.
Men will get proper waifus way before that and how long do you think women can handle being neglected on a large scale.
That third picture is giving my lower parts feelings I didn't know of but that I now desperately need. Got more?
The counter argument to that would be that today, many women work so they have an income of their own.
But i get your point, it's a valid one. I just wonder to what extent.
Please define what you mean by this.
This, not in our life time we will ever experience a perfect robo waifu. Keep on dreaming
No matter what women say they go crazy if they don't have kids or a relationship after a set period of time.
Whether a lifeform passes some arbitrary line of "transcendence" is irrelevant. Cows are part of the same system of life as you are. Any evil you inflict upon them will ultimately return to you.
Breddy dang tbqhfam
There is no "god" you sad sack of shit.
It would remove a core inefficiency which would allow our species to specialize more into sciences instead of wasting cortex-area on social functions just to be able to convince a mate who has developed complex countermeasures with [roughly] similar computing hardware. Since we can now guide evolution consciously, it's no longer necessary to have women play the reproductive selection role.
Artificial wombs are in no way comparable to artificial intelligence, smartass. Truth be told, the farthest we have gotten with AI is replicating the brain of a C. Elegans worm which only has 302 NEURONS, silicon based technology has it's limits and I highly doubt that any human-like AI will be created with it since the human brain is way more complex than any computer known to man.
You remember some shitty chatbot algorythm?
This is why im convinced that we're just misunderstood meritocrats and the left/liberals are truly the closeted racists/bigots/sexists, especially since they only understand it on a skin deep basis wheras we develop our views and atitudes from in depth observation
Only christcucks, feminazis and backwards folks are threatened by sex bots.
Fembots are disease free and can't accidently get pregnant.
Degeneracy is best tempered by responsibility and fembots are the responsible choice.
Any woman shlicking to movie stars/boy bands has to reconcile this view with the fact the guy on screen is a manufactured projection too.
Ban those japanese 'boyfriend arm around me' pillows while you're at it.
I'll have my physical needs met and be able to hold real women to higher standards for satisfaction. Will do wonders for self esteem.
Also frees up plenty of time for self improvement.
AI is already all around you. Machine learning is increasingly being used in computing fof all kinds of shit - from Google learning what kind of person you are and using that to guess what products you might be interested, to fucking dog face filters teenage whores now use to signal their estrus.
Maybe you should stop consuming kike fantasy bullshit and actually consider what you're claiming. Why is it prone to rebel?
Oh you're that sort of retard. You base your world view on vague gut feels about things and then twist and hammer logic to fit around it. Instead of actually stopping to consider the subject you're discussing. What the fuck is this claim even meant to mean? What vague, undefined notion of humanity are we losing here? How, why? Just neck yourself
"I aint no jive ass black nigger honey"
You go first, fucking LARPing faggot
That's not AI. When the fuck did the definition of AI get bastardized to hell? AI isn't fancy programing. AI is a self aware computer program. None of the things you are talking about are even close to AI, they are merely complex programs.
It would be like if we were concerned with walking talking TI-83 calculators, you you were talking about evidence of upcoming walking talking TI-83 calculators because somebody made a new shitty calculator game. It's not even remotely the same thing.
Is there an obscure philosophical question regarding what is sentience? Sure, but we aren't even close to that line. It's not like a computer program has started doing it's own thing, and we are trying to differentiate between random and purposeful action. No computer program to date has done anything that it wasn't programmed to do. We claim sometimes out of frustration that they do when they have glitches and errors, but that's always due to programming or user error.
Even machine learning is programmed. They "learn" aka adjust their programming in ways that we program into them. There has never been a computer that learned anything beyond what we forced them to.
Neither is machine learning you retard. Not in the way you think, anyway. You don't put the algorithms in, these programs come up with the algorithms themselves by matching known sets of inputs and outputs - which is EXAXTLY what your brain is doing. Therefore learning programs function very much like real intelligences, it's mostly just a difference of scale and scope - same as your brain is fundamentally the same as a cow's or mouse's, just vastly more powerful and adaptable.
They just magically come up with these algorithms, or are they programmed to do so?
Or are you telling me that you just plug the hardware in, with no software, and machine learning just happens? I doubt it. In fact, I know that isn't the case. Somebody programmed the software that accomplishes these tasks. And those programs cannot operate outside of those boundaries. This is true, even if the program allows for the computer to change it's own program. If it was designed in such a way, it will act in such a way. Even if those actions contribute to some sort of runaway cliche paperclip problem, it's not AI.
Sage for double post.
To better illustrate what I am saying, imagine the paperclip problem. If you restrict the machine leaning with a line of code that you don't allow the machine to change that basically says, "You can't prevent humans from shutting you off" then if your programing is merely "fancy programming" then you can alway just shut the machine off if it gets out of hand. If the machine actively and purposefully ignored this line of code and killed anyone that tried to shut it off, this would either be an example of AI, of a failure to program said line correctly.
AI requires sentience, and the complete erosion of the master slave relationship between humans and computers. There is no evidence of this ever occuring, and no evidence that we are approaching the point that it will happen.
Theoretically, at a later point, and due to bad programming, a paperclip problem could come about. It's fairly unlikely, but even if it did, it doesn't require AI.
Machine learning programs are programmed to look at data and come up with the algorithms themselves. You don't tell google's pattern matching software to look for x indicator and match it to y response. You just lay down a groundwork that does the analysis itself. Or would you say your brain is not intelligence because it's made up of cells which are definitely not intelligent on their own? Any AI will still be run on a machine using some sort of programs to make it tick. The intelligence is a higher level of organization. Running one on a biological brain as opposed to a silicone chip is much like playing the same game on different platforms - the programs thay run it differ but the game is the same, because it's a higher level of structure.
Pattern recognition is not AI.
AI since it's inception, until recently, has always refered to a sentient computer program. The definition you are using is the marketing gimmick tech companies use to push their product.
By your definition of AI, any method of automatic computation outside of our own minds is AI. In which case, we've had AI since the sundial if not earlier. It's an absurd definition to use.
Consider an exponential scaling function in processing power. I believe our upper limit right now (assuming QC is just a meme for grants not saying it is, but just for this post) is set by our ability to take serial procedure and break it up into shorter parallel tasks. Amirite?
If so, then each time we make a miniaturization breakthrough, we come an order of magnitude closer.
It's not possible today, but give it until Gen-Y is in their 70s. I'm sure you'll have a Downs Syndrome child-like AI by then.
That annoyed me at first too. But that was only because I did not understand his reason for doing so. His whole purpose with being vague like that is to get atheist/liberal/materialist people to ask smarter questions and redirect their attention to things that are not strictly materialistic. He also wants to avoid his libtard enemies boxing him in philosophically. His whole schtick is not to be some guru who has the definitive answers. If he had said, "God is real and stop chugging the materialist kool aid" then people would have a negative knee jerk reaction to whatever he said.
There's a pregnant robot thread on /clang/
I can't read Japanese, what is she saying?
I'd try to translate, but the font is a bit too strong for me to recognize some of the characters.
It's too late Stacy. I have finally lived to see the day my waifu become real.
I have ascended from your petty squabbles, your childish and immoral senses to be with Chad. You had your chance, we warned you, but now it is too late.
My waifu is coming to life and there is nothing you can do about it. Be prepared to live alone Stacy, because it's the
Where does morality play into ramming meat rods into rubber holes? For one, a sophisticated sex robot does not yet exist, and two, they would be first and foremost a piece of property programmed to suit the owner.
As for legal dilemmas, this is nonsense because again, they do not fucking exist, and again, they would be pieces of property programmed to suit the owner. There are also no laws existing to regulate such theoretical things, if they're going to MAKE laws to regulate and emancipate them then they may as well start creating legislation for any "possible" future thing that might come to pass, like cyborg upgrades, digital immortality, dimensional transcendence, time travel, etc.
We know this
It's a gestational arms race right now
This entire shit is ridiculous. Popsci "news" (reddit-tier tbh) is constantly pushing this kind of shit as some edgy version of rights struggle bullshit. AI is completely overhyped and is still well in the realm of science fiction.
so are fucking robots! the machines we have now can barely walk around a house without tripping over and breaking (thats what happens most of the time). not to mention needing a heavy battery pack thats almost the same same size as the damn robot. and it only has about an hour of runtime (if that). sex bots will not be a thing anytime soon. augmented sex dolls are going to be a thing. but it's just a few added bells and whistles on somthing thats been around since the 17th century.
technology is still years away. current models are hideous. every few months it seems like some rag is posting this tripe as if it is just around the corner, but the best we end up getting are scary looking nightmare bots.
confirmed no fucking clue what you're talking about
Replicating the entirety of the human mind is indeed a borderline flat-out impossible goal. However in this case, the goal isn't to create a human mind, but the illusion of one. An AI system in one of these theoretical robo waifus needs to be able to do the following:
A - Be able to assemble words into sentences and construct believable speech patterns that pass a turing test
B(Probably the most ambitious) - Be able to alter speech patterns to reflect outside social situations, such as if a human is getting angry the robot should try to calm the human down.
C - Be able to comprehend outside speech from the user and then parse that information in order to affect part B.
Although this list may also sound impossible, it's actually a bit closer to reality with modern artificial neural network and deep learning programs. You might just see a robofu in your lifetime, but it will never truly love you.
and I bet you believe everything you watch on on cnn and msnbc right? you're a fool if you believe anything close to a functional robot will be available to consumers anytime soon. we've had crappy prototypes like that for decades (look at some of shitt out of darpa in the late 90's) none of that crap is ever practical or useful. they show this carefully edited footage of robots that look ready for mass production (if you've ever seen any of this shit in person you'd know they fail constantly and never get out of the prototype stage) but the truth is it's just a scam to get more funding for bloated research projects to nowhere.
eh, thats the case with most relationships anyway.
Humans are very far from fully understanding the depths of our biological complexity.
Computers are extremely limited. What we call "artificial intelligence" is just a slightly less rudimentary algorithm that still has no capacity for adapting itself outside of its programmed constraints.
AI and "machine learning" are misnomers.
AI is a cool science fiction concept, but it will never be realized. Life on the planet, including humans, IS the AI. We were created by billions of years of evolution and selective pressures. Some hunks of metal and plastic that we created as tools are not going to magically surpass us in a few centuries. We are far too dumb to create new life forms and if we were ever to do so we'd probably build off of the existing biological basis, not some rare and expensive materials.
This is beautiful and horrifying.
you could get close to that with touch sense enhanced vr. but i've noticed all the (((game journalist))) have been doing a similar level moral panic (like what we've seen with robots) on VR games saying it's all going be "rape simulators" or pedo training games etc. and we need to make sure VR is a "safe space" for women. that kinda shit. (so don't expect VR waifu's unless you can get videogames away from the sjw's and VR out of the clutches of zuckerberg).
On the one hand, Sex-Tays which could be made to command a great understanding of philosophy and nationalism and require such back from us would in turn render socially awkward people ever more socially awkward.
On the other hand, Issac Newton stated Locke "endeavoured to embroil me with woemen" so poor emasculated faggots will always be about us.
While I would never recommend the movie outright, Alien Covenant is an attempt to explain the compact between alien creations and how it might go wrong; David first acts against the Engineer's in the way he would want all benighted-in-bidirectional-hatred children should morally act, then David shows the evil folly of blindly trying to do the opposite.
Certainly the Youth Sex Educator Jew will do to society far worse than Sex-Tays could ever. They are the greater alien force corrupting our civilization.
The Race we inherit has always by cooperation specialized itself into eventual downward spiral, every 1500 years to be precise.
However the Men of our race must continue to embody the Jungian Animus of Brute-into-Hero-into-Teacher-into-Father. It will be our women who only are to blame IF AND ONLY IF our men embody a frank honesty, industrious/boldness, and the tolerant fostering of intellect even in such times as now because who else would we permit ourselves to be? If we reveal in ourselves weaknesses, for masculinity was always mere performance, then women are permitted as well to believe they are allowed by civilization to perform against what is actually our natures.
Whites have been declining in intellect for some time though. Creating additional options, rather than obsoleting women and archaizing feminine fertility, may resolve the Female Equality question of our era. Women will realize the real amount they are valued and the ego inflationary bubble will burst and in retreating to the real value Whites are saved because our Women are dragged into an agreement with wisdom and nature not of our Race's Men.
Women have become as close to fragile gay men as they may ever be, and men find themselves today much in the same fashion they would find themselves in prison: Fag out, go without, or fuck the faggot.
Male superiority may not declare itself the solver-of-all-problems for our women in the Female Equality question. That is the one arena the natural masculine endeavor short-circuits to the modern result. Women used to respect our failing in providing another of their failings there, now they have gone quite mad. The game stops with the direct question of Female Equality being rendered unanswerable by humoring her. Humoring her is the only masculine way of entertaining the idea, and only nu-males result from answering the question of Female Equality both honestly and acceptably.
The idea that the law may put out of reach of any success the 40% of marriages where the woman cannot state why she wishes to leave but just doesn't feel like being married any longer is impossible to solve with men struggling to be the best husband.
Women have sunk from their Jungian 'Eve/Helen of Troy/Mother Mary/Sophia' path dutifully listening to media and schooling. What Jung termed the 'anima and animus' will not civilizationally be denied long. Women's agreeability creates these cycles and before our race ascended the Roman race died to this barren desert of femininity among other things. The women are fed stupid opinions by urban living and then in their resulting embarrassment force men to lie in order to validate resulting inequalities as equality.
While the West African Race certainly has within it the ability to recognize their individual benefit over their society's I think not well enough of the White Races of the present that we do the opposite and would not end the lives of a train full of degenerates by fire or gas. Very sad, to choose meaninglessness and cowardliness over the meaningful and honorable struggle and the manly resolution to do right.
You best be using a tale spun by the Jews of themselves for you to denounce them and their individual apathy to the Holy Father if you hate as well the boomer who spawned Weimerica from that same individual apathy but to the Founding Father.
I will die with the Torch my ancestors gave to me upright even if I could not save its shrine of civilization they built around it. Materialist-Tolerance and Empiricist-Apathy be damned.
I fight for a people who commit to the balance of limiting empiricism to natural observations and limiting romanticism to cultural habits and manners.
I fight for a people who commit to enshrining glory-seekers for all time as statues and allegorical tales.
I fight for a people who commit to a civilization of accomplishments and zeal over a materialistic civilization of mental illness and equality.
I fight for a people who commit to understanding Johann Gottlieb Fichte:
I fight for a people who commit to chaining away from the vote those who are only capable of thinking of 'tomorrow's necessities' and a people who put such toward work which would set them free from the Semitic Race's perversions until they are capable of future self-driven accomplishments
I fight for a people who commit to Eternal Volkskrieg against alien racial influences and ideas.
I fight for a people who commit to finding those of the population in early age who prefer insincere praise to frank honesty and to keeping them from power for they will always succumb to the Jewish instinct.
I fight for a people who groom and incentivize to glory, duty, and zeal those capable of quick association and intuition of different topics, higher order math, and the instilling of order and command by gentle force of personality to eternally try for the third Bismarck.
This is not true anymore. Modern machine learning has advanced far beyond what a human can program. A computer can teach itself incredibly complex concepts and procedures faster and more effectively than humans can program. This is why pro Go players are learning techniques from AlphaGo instead of other pros today.
For reference, the possible moves that this system had to choose from in order to determine the best move to make was around 2.08Ă—10^170.
This system began only understanding the basic rules of Go back in 2014, and has as of this year been crowned as the greatest Go player who has ever existed.
A true simulation of the human mind is still out of reach right now, however we are rapidly approaching to the point where if an AI can make a correct choice more often and infinitely faster than a human in ANY scenario. Does it even matter if it's a true mind or not?
Its purpose alone will govern if it is a 'true mind' or not.
If discussion of an AI's purpose is meaningful, then we will continue to think hard on the concept of conscious understanding of reality by the proxy of thinking hard of AI.
I just wish we would be honest of our impulse to wonder after AI in our materialist/atheist world.
they will always be men and women that for whatever reason are unable to have healthy and fulfilling relationships. humans are social animals and loneliness is just a side effect of that evolution. (((parasites))) know how to exploit our natural need for companionship but humans for the most part lead a very lonely alienated existence. this really doesn't change even when somebody does have lots of social connections and status (sometimes that makes the feeling of alienation even worse). they thing that humans need more then anything (outside of the basics like clean food, air and water). is something that makes them feel at ease. that's different for everyone and most of the time when we think we've found that "final piece of the puzzle" things don't get any better. figuring out what we need is easy. figuring the rest out is the hard part.
I used to think that if only I could have the wife, kids and the little house with a white picket fence I would be fulfilled and at peace. for years I agonized about the missing pieces. and after years of pain, hard work (and multiple near death experiences). I achieved my goal.
but the world didn't change, neither did I. no matter how hard I fought to defend and maintain what I had worked so hard to build everything eventually turned to dust, disappointment and almost defeat. because even though I thought I had everything. something deep inside me knew the truth. nothing good in this world can last while (((they))) continue to corrupt everything and everyone. trying to build a little walled garden of happiness is understandable, but futile. until the world changes nothing we build, grow or create will last.
even if we do everything right to be shining exhales and live by the 14 words or even if some of us just get by with artificial companionship our success and happiness will be short-lived and easily taken away unless we defeat our enemy once and for all. (hint: it's the jews and all the golems they control)
The Jew misleading you to believe that owning the means of your sustenance, production, or happiness is to give you a pure insight into the truth of the Jew: They are that which owning everything would make them happy.
The fact that this insidious Race then spawns Marx who convinces the Good Goy to let (((them))) control everything in the name of Utopia is the hypergolic understanding of Holla Forums
Remember what it is that jews cannot comprehend what people like ourselves fight for. It is the driving instinct that keeps the saxon to live on, thrive, and pursue. It is what the leftists/commies/socialists/etc. hate and loathe about us. We have a far greater reason to fight, and it is what keeps alphabet agencies tearing their hair out at why they can't defeat us.
Our most precious possession in the world.
No, modern machine learning programs ARE things that humans programmed. They are our tools. They are not intelligent, they are merely fast at executing logic circuits (crunching numbers).
I won't dispute that computers are better at playing computer games than humans, but again that's not intelligence, merely speed at brute forcing millions of combinations.
Get back to me when computers have some real capacity to repair and change themselves, to adapt to their environment, and when they are no longer bound to the constraints that humans programmed them within. So far computers are logic machines that are 100% dependent upon humans for their existence and survival.
Well said!
The first thing the British government will preemptively blanket-ban.
Like to see them stop people downloading AI profiles, 3D printer instructions and ordering random mechanical and chemical parts from different Ebay sellers, though.
Still, it's interesting that women have had vibrators etc for over a century and nobody's given a fuck. As soon as men get in on the act, it's terrible.
Also interesting that men require a "whole body" with a realistic AI to get turned on by a machine. Are we really the more empathetic sex, after all? Look at leaked footage from British care homes if you really want to rage.
Do I want to rage>?
They won't want to let you go but you gotta go good to go
I'm confused by what you define "intelligence" as.
AlphaGo was never hard programmed in strategies. (Which is the entirety of the depth of the game. The rules themselves are actually more simple than chess.) It learned the strategies and tactics through mimicking pro and amateur players and playing hundreds and hundreds of games with itself to decide what works and what doesn't. The guys who made AlphaGo were not pro players.
Sure the system doesn't understand what itself is, what Go is, or anything else. Yes it's a very complex logic system of course. However, sentience and intelligence are two different things.
This system is capable of "adapting to its environment". Go is one of those games where no two games are the same, and alphago has been repeatedly trashing any person or other AI that plays against it.
This could even be applied to making the greatest programmer who ever existed.
Also, what does dependence on humans have to do with anything?
the day we see a human like, self aware robot AI will be the most scary and exiting day
We get it you watched GitS
Also notice the greasy nappy unwashed hair: a female Jew staple.
Consider for a moment how great humans are….
- We are built from and sustained by the organic material in our immediate enviroment
- We reproduce, which allows us to evolve via selective pressures
- We have the capacity for our programming to change randomly and for a great number of changes to persist without detriment
- We are self-aware
- We invented a body of language, abstract concepts, mathetmatics, logic, etc over millions of years
- Our brains are so complex that we don't understand where our thoughts come from but they seem to continually change
- We take on education, especially when younger, and our attitudes and brains change as we mature and age
- We invented all of modern technology, and are moving towards integrating memory and logic computational chips into our bodies
Are you still amazed by AI? AlphaGo is only a bit more complex than a calculator or a recursive algorithm: it's a hard-coded algorithm to generate an algorithm that optimizes a problem with a set of constraints. Whoopdie-doo! These things are extremely primitive compared even to bacteria.
Computers are great at solving logical problems quickly, but that's probably actually a bad thing for living organisms. Our value is in our ability to adapt and fit in in the ever-changing flux called life - which is carefully balanced and would be destroyed if any one organism became too dominant over the others.
We are incredibly far away from machines that mimic biological organisms. In fact, the whole idea of it is pretty absurd. The intelligent way to create, for example, these types of imagined sex bots, would be to start with humans and to modify them - lowering their mental capacity, etc. But humans are too stupid (moral) to do that these days, so instead we make laughably dumb computers wrapped in silicone that are light years away from being anything like the real thing.
Ahh so this is their plan to fight sexbots. Claim the bots are incapable of consenting and therefore any NEET which uses one is guilty of rape.
You're comparing things that have nothing to do with each other. AI is Artificial Intelligence, it has nothing to do with emotion, reproduction, self awareness, etc. It has everything to do with a system's ability to optimize itself to solve a problem.
Understatement of the century there. A modern high end CPU chip can process around 10^10 operations in a second, at that rate it would take it longer than the universe has existed to evaluate all possible scenarios in a single game of Go.
The purpose of AI is not to replace humanity, it's a tool like any other. The way you're downplaying the significance of this is like saying the space shuttle isn't impressive because it can't build you a house.
AI Developers also take no responsibility for the biological field being so shit that we haven't figured out how brains work yet.
In that case computers and calculators are much more intelligent than humans. It's settled! (All a question of definitions/semantics at this point.)
Anyways, AI is way overestimated by the general population. The idea that it will rival or replace humans is the myth of AI.
We can preserve our humanity and further our own evolution by embracing advanced robotics. All biological species meet their end, and we're no exception. Why should we waste our intellectual superiority by following the same path as the rest of organic life?
Please lurk more before posting next time… or go back to cuckchan or reddit or wherever you came from.
tfw you can't compete with a 2D woman with no nose, let alone an android
Sex-bots are just a stepping-stone on the way to the real motherlode: direct neural-stimulation electrode-mediated induced stable lucid dreams.
Just slap the electrode headband across your sweaty forehead and sink into a custom-built 400-woman orgy lasting 2 years with every pore, every droplet glistening in exquisite detail, sharper and more vivid than 20-20 vision in meatspace.
Pic related.
Give her normal facial proportions and just emphasize on femininity.
The way I see it is sexbots will lead to better AI which will lead to more innovation in sex bots. Imagine having a waifu bot whose body is indistinguishable from a real human woman's.
Human women need some form of competition, even the ugliest fattest girl can get some dude to fuck her.
You faggots ITT really think Hitler would have tolerated your hedonistic bullshit one bit? That you would abandon your women and chase after false pleasures instead of growing some balls and fighting. Even amidst the degeneracy of Weimar they didn't close their eyes and wish for sex dolls to fuck, they fought for and fixed their country, made it into a paradise even for a mere decade.
i.e. Tikkun Olam
muh (((progress)))
Well now I need sauce on that
I found the sauce with nothing but the information given in the panels.
Learn to wipe your own ass if you want something, newfag.
Don't be so harsh on him, it's hard to find something while one-handed.
Junjou Aigan Kanojo.
Ugh. The jew does not fear this so called "samurai". The jew is saying "good goy". Let your population dwindle so we can rape your people and culture to the ground with niggers.
That said…because of these trips…I can see why people are going to the sex robots and waifus. They can be maintained to stay as pure girls. Females devolved into such disgusting, lying creatures, it is no surprise that men don't want to touch them anymore. You'll just get charged with rape anyways.
The girl that greets you with a smile and a hug after a stressful day of work, the girl that gives you her love so you can relax and recover went extinct thanks to communism, marxism, liberalism, and feminism.
The talmud teaches that all goyim/gentiles are nothing but cattle. Slaves to the jew/semites. That they are "God's chosen people" and therefore "have a right to treat the goyim as slaves", even raping babies is part of their "right" because they are "God's chosen."
We're fighting for truth, freedom, and for justice. The three things that are incompatible with the kikes and their religion, because it means the end of Kike Tyranny. We're fighting against their Satanic ideology and to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, and they hate that! Because we are spreading the truth and other means to resist the Jew and so we can be free from their tyranny. They know we can destroy them simply by awakening the people to the truth.
They fucking comprehend it alright. That's why they use every fucking trick in the book to undermine the masses and to keep them as slaves. Mass propaganda through all forms of media, brainwashing the masses through the education system, controlling the financial system, the food supply, the medical system, EVERYTHING! To say they cannot comprehend what we fight for is almost like letting them off the hook.
They comprehend it, and they want to destroy it.
muh fucking dick
That second chart looks totally wrong.
Fuck off roastie (or LARPer).
It's a duty for the princess to be worthy of saving. It's a duty for her to be a virgin and feminine. If she doesn't have any of that, then she should just fuck off.
Also, there's no more dragons or moors for us to slay. What it means to be a hero today? Having a good job? A 6-pack?
At least with the waifubots the balance in relationships will be restored: alphas will have children. r9k's virgins will have their sexbots. What's wrong with it?
this meme never shows up when it comes to a mother turning her child into some trans-gendered freak well before puberty
I've argued with people that "if they're old enough to choose their gender then they're old enough to fuck" meme is appearing and they call me crazy every time
seriously fuck this society
Never change, Holla Forums
This thread again.
When will you porn + sexbot shills go kill yourselves?
When you NatSoc Holla Forumsaks stop larping in moms basement and start doing something about the (((problem))) that drives men in to the arms of sexbots.
So don't hold your breath.
If only it was truly like that. "Greatness" is becoming a Disney actor even though you're dumb as a rock. "Greatness" is only when you're 8 foot tall. "Greatness" is being young with emo hair and whining on facebook. "Greatness" is doing everything they say no matter how irrational. "Greatness" is being overly positive about everything, even 9/11. Being a good goy for rapists, is "greatness".
Women now-a-days can't be bothered to know your wars. They can't be bothered to see all the battles you won and the trophies you gather. The struggles you faced. The friends that you lost. The challenges you over come. The abs you got from /fit/. Fighting your entire life off to gain fame, wealth, or a great title is never promised a unicorn.
But that highschool drop out lying at twenty scrolls per second? He's going to get them all, and he won't even know what to do with them.
If women truly were attracted to real greatness, every war veteran will be drowning in pussy. Scientists will have black hole odds of being lonely. Every great man in history will have a mate for once, and world leaders will have orgies with their fetishes.
The Jews have destroyed the definition of greatness.
What if I'm financially successful and /fit/ but I've become a bitter and hateful misanthropic introvert over the past few years of blackpills and living in a diseased society?
I hate to say it because it would be awesome, but the technology isnt there yet. Not anything remotely affordable anyway. You will never see life like sex bots that can pass for something close to a woman. Hell, we can hardly make a robot walk like a person. What makes you think we can make a bot to FUCK like one? Is a robot going to spontaniously get in the shower with me, fuck me, wash me, then get out and make me dinner while im watching a movie in bed? A robot wont be able to compete with women in your life or even in your grandchildrens lives. It doesnt work like that. Women arent going to be fucking obsolete even half obsolete.
Top fucking kek.
I kno, right? Those newfags just can't format like you,
You are correct, user. No one would choose a sexbot over a normal, non-(((feminist))) woman. It's our duty to help our ladies be ladies, just like it is to help our men be men.
Nice post. Your double dubs confirm that commies and all other whores are disgusting, and that is sex is for your wife or husband.
I lost my wife almost ten years ago, newfag.
Yes, there are normal women. They are married and raising their White kids, dumbass.
Being a defeatist faggot is the penultimate indicator of low T.
We will need to actually finally do some eugenics on women at some point. It is ridiculous that they have coasted out of improvement for this long.
Holy fuck, the reporter can't stop being a fucking fat cunt. Get a load of that ridiculous bullshit.
Holy fuck, the rabbit hole goes on and on and on. You have to love how these cunts were nowhere to be found for thousands of years of dildoes and decades of vibrators. That also shows who actually is DEHUMANIZING sex objects, and it sure as hell isn't men. It's women. These fucking cunts literally think only in selfish terms. Man, I shouldn't even be watching this, but it's like a car wreck in slow motion.
It`s still pointless masturbation tho.
My solution is exactly what you are trying to frame as a problem: Sexbots.
Got more of that copypasta? I like it, but there is a big problem with it: It needs to mention the ethnic clensing of niggers and DNA editing of certain individuals who may be like 5% nigger, like Sicilians.
The nigger is a monster who thrives on rape. Even with robowaifus, the nigger will try to rape for the thrill and joy of causing harm upon others. Although, I may not need to worry if the robowaifu has sufficient self defense programming. Even if the nigger threatens the master of the robowaifu or blackmails the robowaifu (by taking the master hostage). The superior self defense programming of the robowaifu can hopefully lead to the waifu and master being safe and unharmed while the nigger is brutally killed and castrated.
Another thing to consider is that niggers who are desperate for a cheap lay can just go to the slums of the whores. The whore, brainwashed with feminism and brainwashed into loving BBC will proudly spread themselves for them and they can multiply, possibly with mulatto babies as well. That needs to be stopped.
For the golden age of man to happen, all niggers and sand niggers must be killed off. Their DNA deleted from the gene pool. Day of the Rope must happen.
Fuck I thought that was Johnny Cash
It is freedom, freedom that they fear . The sexbots will free mankind .
False, humans programmed the training method, not the final program that is used.
its an ancient Holla Forums 4cuck thread that went interesting places.
The good old days of 4chan. We were on the edge of a great cataclysmic event…3 years ago..was it that long?
Thank you for this gift of a thread, Son of Prometheus.
Female projection detected.
YOU are prone to rebel. Every time a society or tribe was invaded, the women who survived mated with the invaders. In the modern age, that means destroying countries is coded into your DNA.
You had time to repent. But nooooooo, you wanted to vote and have all sorts of other useless shit you don't need. So now you are going to be replaced.
Neither will a woman, which makes a moderately advanced fuck machine superior. The free lunch is over ladies, go be a strong independent woman somewhere else.
women have no respect for the stress men go through at work and so they don't give them the hugs and smiles which recognize their sacrifice. this means men would rather just live alone.
the woman thinks like this: "I'm bored" "my husband is working. I bet he's having fun, because fun would be the only other thing I'd be doing right now" "I resent him for having fun while I'm here or without me" "that would sound ridiculous to him, though, so I'll just act like it's true but not say it" "now I'll stew on that resentment all day and either drown it with wine or be a pussy bitch"
don't live with a woman if she isn't making you babies and is married to you, or you're making more money than her at least.
You can't create the illusion of a waifu if the Jews monopolize all your illusions.
fuck off trs
im the last to say man up but man the fuck up faggot
if you are with a woman and she begins to treat you like shit, you cut it at the bud you weak bitch
'38dafc' you're wrong
AI literally means a computer able to think independently
you can argue all you want about how independent human thought is but a very advanced emotion emulator is not an AI and this can be confirmed by various tests (the dont have to be universal standard tests)
I, for one, welcome our new Aryan artificial womb impregnated robowaifu harem qtpi overlords
This may in fact be closer than you might think user
What a brave new world.
Right now, a lot of the cancerous faggots are on the side of feminists, arguing that having sex with a robot is like raping every woman ever, but these people are just cultural parasites that corrupt and destroy everything they involve themselves in. Usually only after something has been proven popular and successful, like video games. They didn't care about that shit until it became a multi-billion dollar industry that they could insist was oppressing and marginalizing people.
What will they be saying and what will they be doing once it becomes socially acceptable and common for people to having robotic waifus? By that time, most of these people will be over the hill, for sure, but the next wave of marxist parasites will have to come up with a new way to spew identity politics and radical bullshit while trying to prove that they are not only more trendy that everyone else, but that they are more politically "woke" too.
In the event that the next few decades don't lead to a massive purge of faggotry, I imagine these people would pen articles insisting that straight men and women should have gay experiences with sexbots, or that it's problematic if you make the tits on your sexbot too big, or that traditionally beautiful sexbots is out of place in their rainbow-haired, physically mutilated society, which they insist is the new normal.
To opine on this:
I used to think of myself as a social awkward person throughout most of my early life. I didn't change that until later into high school, when I decided to start mimicking what "normal" people did in order to interact easily. Not to the full extent - I didn't go to parties with drinking (read: any), or do drugs, or any of the other things that people did. But I was able to function normally, more or less, and got progressively better at it.
I don't have any problems dealing with people now. I act "myself" with people I can trust, but put up different personas when dealing with strangers as appropriate to the setting (social in a social setting, reserved in a work setting, etc.). It's just a matter of following the appropriate rules of etiquette at the appropriate time, and not acting like a sperg.
My friends always get freaked out by how nice I am to waitresses and cashiers, but those jobs are soul-draining. Anyone who mistreats those people is scum.
considering that most of the male sjws are sjws becuse they are trying to mate with the sjw 3DPD, and the 3DPD sjws are sjws because they are trying to get power via victimhood, and the fact that men won't just put them in their place due to gynocentrism, but if the normie males walk away from 3DPD for sexbots, this will limit 3DPD's pool of males willing do give a shit about them, gynocentrism dies, and victimhood = power thing dies with it.
the real threat to sexbots is democracy.
Exactly user. Not unlike those poor, defenseless vibes and dildos that have been raped mercilessly by uncaring women over the decades. Or all those poor, defenseless washing machines and clothes dryers made no better than servants while being forced by the millions into the slave labor sweatshops of good housekeeping.
Women weren't this bad in Hitler's time user. Women need a kick in the ass right now and giving them competition is the best way to do that.
Boy I sure wish I could live in the 50s like you do user when it was ok to slap a woman when she was getting hysterical but it's 2017 now and the government will stick it's foot up your ass if a woman even complains about you.
As this is plainly due to only the modern rise stronk, indepyndynt thinking then finding the root of the socio-temporal dichotomy in these type of women's behavior requires understanding how that thinking appeared in our culture. I'll posit it stems directly from men capitulating to the Suffragettes and to the Women's Movement.
I believe this destructive outcome (as is the practically inevitable collapse of The Western Tradition) lies directly at the feet of the men who ratified the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Was it men capitulating or were it just the kikes pushing a agenda to create more labor forces at a time when industrialization began since the 1880s all the way up to the 30s and 50s. There was a generational shift where this cancer was constantly spouted in media, newer generations became more accepting of the idea, but as well know now equality does not work and never will.
Western society is collapsing, by design.
White women are the biggest promulgators of communism despite juden creating it and women of other races do nothing but push out brown children as fast as they can. Destroy every female and replace with robots.
I don't think most people has any plans to discuss philosophy and STEM related issues with their wives. Not sure why you would need or want a quantum AI for a robo-waifu.
Take a load of that pleb.
Don't forget that women, just like jews, start insulting and attacking others when they are afraid. They call the people who want these robots pathethic beta virgins because they know that if they get advanced enough they will completely replace women, they fear their own little shoah.
That's silly. Sexbots never grow old