Tucker Carlson Shines a Light on Antifa/ItsGoingDown

Tucker Carlson Shines a Light on Antifa/ItsGoingDown

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=trump supporters getting beat up
youtube.com/results?search_query=antifa getting beat up

Reported for ban evading.

>>>Holla Forums



Careful, you might make someone so angry they'll attack a trashcan ;)

You will never be white.

Jigga why?

You talk a big game.
Try your shit in a unrestricted/shall-issue concealed carry state.

Those look really good

Tucker is a really soft version of a civ nat. He just calls out a bunch of low IQ cucks to get ratings for his boring ass show.

Oh they are scared

Fuck off nigger.

lmao you lose fair fights and then call for 1 v 1s but you get the rocket launcher. Just take the L and shut up.

If I knew 100% that I would get away with it, I'd torture and kill every one of them. And I would only want to get away with it so I can keep killing more of them.


Go ahead and do it. Stop talking shit on the internet and go do it.

go eat some more foreskins

Is this pasta or are you really that butthurt?

Antifas mob up, jump people, and pull singles into crowds. When the numbers are closer they get stabbed with their own knives.

Heh. Right. Do what I said. Try your shit in states were we are allowed to defend ourselves.

That's always been the plan of your kike masters. But we won't. We'll just let you escalate things and look like monsters in public and then execute you legally when the masses have had enough of your shit.
Real holocaust soon!

It's hypothetical, nigger. It's never 100% and law and order has not broken down completely. But antifa is certainly working hard to have that happen, aren't they?

AKA a fair fight. What the fuck do you want. A Jets vs Sharks pre-fight dance off or some shit? If fascists and anti-fascists are in the street the fight is automatically on.

Post your address

That's all I needed to hear.

Tucker has his moments.

There you have it. The mindset of the shitskin commie.


Every time antifa doesn't have numerical superiority they get stomped, or flee before that happens.

I'm a little insulted that you hope I'm that stupid. Go ahead, assume I'm just talking tough on the internet. Why not go and start your glorious communist revolution since all you opposition are pansies that would shrink from defense?


It's both.

Retards always calling hax and making excuses for why they lost. Even if you are right, you will always be outnumbered and we will always win.

You saw a preview when Germany burnt down last week.

reported again.

The whole world saw it. Soon they'll be begging us to remove you.

I'd almost believe you were confident if you hadn't posted all this self-affirmation.

Back in 2006 we called you keyboard warriors. You didn't scare anyone back then either.

Keep dreaming tardo.

No, it is not real and no, people should not give these kids the attention they are craving. It's corny, immature, soros funded kid drama with mostly White suburban kids with failed parenting.

Post and ID Dubs confirm.

The only keyboard warriors on the internet are right-tards RWDS DOTR members who are too afraid to even tell their moms that they are racist.
When the left says they're going to do something they do it.

All you fucking losers can do is burn shiit down because you're a bunch of delusional unhinged morons. Your utopia will not rise from the ashes of your misguided revolution. You will be devoured by the very proles you purport to defend.

Like all those times they were definitely going to do real socialism?

All we're waiting for is a collapse or deteriorated rule of law that will allow those of us with shit to lose to start executing you commie fuckers with some level of impunity.
When there's a level of chaos that's similar to 1968 then my boys I'll be boarding up homes with my battery powered nail gun and burning it down while you sleep.
We'll be ambushing you as you leave your minimum wage barista job at starfucks.
We'll be scattering boxes of roofing nails all over the bridges in and out of populated areas so you can't leave and supplies can't get to you.
We'll lay and wait for days to get a nice clean shot on your fucking coconut.
Just wait motherfucker, we're going to be having some fun with you.
We have this little thing called a long term time preference and have the capability for delayed gratification, you retards go out and blow your wad within hours. We've been planning for the storm. We will exterminate you, your women, your children, and we'll fucking enjoy it motherfucker.
It will be the payback for the hundreds of millions of white lives you've ruined, depressed, neutered, destroyed, tortured, and ended.


Says the manchild making racist memes out of Wendy's logos next to Taylor Swift seig heiling an American flag as Trump stands on a tank with anime characters painted on it. It's corny, immature soros funded lol, kid drama for white suburban nerds who weren't bullied enough in school.

When there was no serious attempt to stop them? The police took it quite easy on them. In a revolution the police won't be the main concern for you.

I wonder about the sociopolitical leanings of the vast majority number of competent gun owners in America…

What's wrong antifa did your chocolate milk get redistributed? I've never heard so much shaky crying in my life.


It's called humor, not that a leftist would understand. I don't think you cuckolds are capable of laughter or joy.

I've actually been reading his posts in a nasally, screeching kike voice.

Waiting is the most important word in the right-tard lexicon. You have been *waiting* for *it* since Hitler took his last crazy pill.

You're a misguided tranny LARPer sperging out on an edgy anime forum, but maybe in another world we could have been buddies, so I'll give you some advice. Stop drunkposting, get off the hormones, and pick up a hobby.

You've got anonymous posting all figured out haven't you? Fight the power, right comrade?

I'll second this post, cuck-user. Here's a tip: play bass guitar. Not guitar, guitarists are a dime a fucki dozen. Worthwhile bassists are rare. Maybe you'll actually make a friend for once in your life :)

When satan is butthurt, they know they're fucked. Just wait you little faggot, I'll waste some time tying you up in the corner while I execute your pleading family, fag.

No area that has "shops" and "storefronts" is a leftist area.
There is a reason why "all my heroes kill cops" is a leftist meme. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_of_Fire_Nuclei#2011_police_shootout
Oh boy this killer redneck fantasy again. These fat diabetes fucks won't ever do half the shit you say they will. All your guns don't mean shit when you have never and will never use them. Stop pretending that they're anything more than signaling wannabe tough guys. If they were half the shit you say they were they would have done something already.


Holy shit, now that is a name I didn't think I would see again… And what a fucking 180 he's done.

You just pulled that RAF logo off the wiki page, didn't you?

No fun allowed on the interwebs, goy.

Why is leftypol here again?

At least you admit leftists can't run a business

LMAO niggas are going to *wait* for shit to pop off only to get fucking savaged and manhandled like Golden Dawn did.

Like imploring real communism, right :^)

If that's really something you pride yourself on you are a lost cause loser.

Cheecky XD

You sure showed me. WTF I love gommunism now.

Imagine that their room look worse than those buildings. I feel sorry for their parents.

lool, like impeach Trump, win the 2016 election, etc?

You got mental issues if you like to post pictures of Trump supporters in pain. We might be "racist", but we don't see tons of pictures here of us enjoying suffering niggers and muslims. But you do see plenty of pictures and text talking about the fucked up things they do.

You definitely have a lot more hate in you than most of the people on Holla Forums. I feel sorry for you, I went through an edgy liberal phase like you too when I was in university. And then I was lucky enough to experience the world through something besides textbooks, professors, and the internet and I realized most of those people and things don't know what they are talking about. It's quite terrifying how they're building philosophies and arguments through anecdote and theory, without much evidence.

God bless you, I hope you can quell the anger and hatred in your heart and turn into a decent person that fits in with society.

You make a simple mistake you fucking queer, warriors are rarely (if ever) activists. Just because a bunch of fucking faggots with MAGA hats got their little asses beat by some beta-male faggots in black clothes doesn't mean that you can survive a real conflict.
I attain a higher level of euphoria and ecstasy while just imagining slinging a 77gr otm into your head or bashing your skull in with a blunt object than bare-backing a 20 year old.
When the warrior class is awoken, there will be nothing you can do to stop it.


I've seen this shitpost before.
Ban evasion ban incoming.

They also hate anarkids. We're probably the green day fans only friends.

Nigger your whole ideology is just a Hot Topic fashion trend.

Have you seen their board?

They love them. They are exactly the same as the left claiming to love everyone that loves their mind numbing bullshit anyways

You are unproductive. You are useless. Wherever you go, you disrupt society. You are a genetic dead-end and a net cost to your nation. The world would be better off without you, because you contribute nothing and leech everything. The only thing you are capable of doing is to destroy and steal what others have built.

Move to Texas, Texas law fully backs you killing a mob of antifa kids attacking you.

lmao shut the fuck up you soccer mom bitch

Remember back before the election when Trump supporters were promoted as these big strong macho men. Like the strongest of the white race or some shit. And literally every single time they went out they got fucking BTFO? That's the last time you made some bold claims about right-tards, maybe you should rethink the claims you're making now.
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Why are they asleep in the first place? They already got the invitation to the fight party and everyone is waiting for them. Where are they?

These subhumans spend all of their time fapping to cuckold porn and trying to decipher the bourgeoisie waffe of marxism that cruelly resides beyond their reading comprehension abilities pro-tip, nigger: it's all lies to actually create any form of economic prosperity for their communities, so their only chance in life is to leech from the state.

And when you try to build that white ethnostate we are going to burn it to the fucking ground and you won't do shit about it hahahahahahahahahaahahahahah

Nice come back. What I mean is that fucks like you still live with your parents and suck them dry while making a mess.

Yeah, but that one time he got to film a shitty vertical phone video while his girlfriend's boyfriend smashed a plank of home depot trash lumber over a septuagenarian boomer cuckservative's head so neener neener neener :^)

Prove it.

You think that this is the fight? Haha. I'm glad you fuckers are this mentally challenged. This will be fun.

On the bright side they have no friends whatsoever, so at least they only embarrass their family. I imagine leftists must enjoy living amongst trash, it's probably very comforting.

He's referring to the fact that we had to walk on eggshells to keep the press from getting ammo to paint us as a mob of violent psychopaths. Remember, Trump crowds were dangerous.

Are you bored? You seem bored.


youtube.com/results?search_query=trump supporters getting beat up

Go through all these


Checked for murderous intent

It's almost as if the kike overlord that run the media also control the leaders of these "anarchist" fools. Really makes you think.

Sure buddy youtube.com/results?search_query=antifa getting beat up

fuck, I niggered that post formatting hard

You ran out of things to say. Depressing. You aren't even a good troll.

Why didn't the right-wing death squads save him Holla Forums>

As if there aren't plenty of rekt antifa vids.
Remember all this is still in a society with the constraint of law and punishment.
Again, try to start an actual revolution. Come on Holla Forums, I know you can do it.

You might ask the same about your buddies

< shitlibs herald 100 vs 1 basic bitch conservative as a colossal victory
Imagine being this beta.

This is shitposting for the sake of shitposting, either that or its drunk posting.

wtf I love antifa now

Nah, he's that retarded

Have you ever noticed how much right-tards complain about this shit? Being outnumbered in the streets and shit? It's no one else's fault you retards have no friends what the fuck. Like WHY ARE YOU alone in the first place? Look inside yourself before you blame other people for your failures :)

Think about how buttblasted you'd have to be to do this.

Nah, maaan, they're fighting the system bruh.

People who take the time to type out 'maniacal' laughter phonetically always reek of desperation to me for some reason.

I'm glad I can't comprehend his way of thought.

He must have lost an argument with his Trump supporting parent(s) or someone, and is now trying to make up for it by being a tough guy online.


Reminds me of those faggots that are so gross nobody will fuck them. They won't even touch each other.

Get out of here losers. There's tens of leftist rallies and operations going on daily. The system just doesn't want you to hear about it.'

Yeah, because leftists are all children with no jobs.

Guess kikes have no room to complain when they are all gassed then, right? Only themselves to blame.

Fourth Battle of Berkeley, anyone? And that was just civnats scattering your ilk.

Just like good comrade eric clapton huh, oh wait he's spilling his guts on antifa as we speak, desperately trying to stay out of prison.
This is why you will always fail, you know you're a parasite and you know everyone around you is a parasite like yourself, and you all know you'll stab each other in the back the second you can get something or deflect the blame of a crime to another "comrade"

Oh shit the second-hand embarrassment.

I don't have access to my shitposting folder at the moment so just pretend I posted five vomiting anime girls just now.

I hope you fight better than you meme

Exactly, because its working for you to cover up how stupid commies actually are.

He's a comic sans communist.

Close enough.

I love this excuse. Right-tards are so dependent on the drip feed of bankster cocks that they put everything else on hold to catch all that bankster nut.

Ooooh, they put up a banner in solidarity with an anarchist serving a 7.5 year jail term.

Paper cuts are pretty painful.

I have a love/hate relationship with this image.

You keep talking about macho men and dripping cock. Got something to tell us, Satan?


I thought the font would be conducive to the antifa mindset. I really wanted the viewer to read the text in the voice of a low T antifa member whose parents just refused to drive him to another rally.

It's tragic to witness.

You just appropriated and redistributed my sides.

Exactly this.

You could say it's kind of like how right-tards are always talking about black men, cucks and more big black men.


It took you eight minutes to come up with this?

You can't make this shit up!

Unleashing the nuclear option eh? What's wrong gumby you out of material?


I'm sorry I should have posted it sooner. I didn't know you wanted it so fast.


What's wrong with cuck porn? Even Hitler liked it.

Well obviously, he's gotta be prepared for when his bull allows him to uncage his dick for his monthly allotted jerkoff seeion, duh! Get with the current yeatr, mang :^)

I guarantee this faggot regulars cuck/gif/.

< when the shitlib gets so buttblasted by constantly getting BTFO that they resort to posting cuck porn
Kek, you lose, nigger

Is he devolving as this thread goes on?
It's embarrassing either way, but I hope you aren't even trying.


Ah, so you true are as triggered. Sweet glory

Repent, degenerate.

I guess if they could come up with original ideas they wouldn't be leftists.

is this gonna be a meme dump now?

Lmao, I'm not the commie here.

Look at this gif and tell me that I lost.

hidden images

Keep trying

I still want to see the furry community ruined.



They act exactly like the emems.

Boy you really got those communists didn't you. How many of those do you have saved?



This is some convincing stuff. I'm really getting a broader view of leftist ideology here.

Might as well. It's already the designated shitpost thread.

You lost.
Weren't you going on about how you'd kick our asses before? What happened to that?

I'm in your discords right now. I save single everything automatically.

post moar pls

Dumping some shit another mole once dumped:

Know thy enemy lest they know you.
A lot of them contain their personal accounts and real life names via screenshots or indirect links as well personal states, towns, cities and selfies. In essence, they doxed themselves before I could be fucked to.
These are generally the accounts they used for offensive and defensive measure as well as general indoctrination or spread-of-message.

what the fuck is this even: youtube.com/channel/UCNvsIonJdJ5E4EXMa65VYpA



"suicidal trans girl": twitter.com/TheCanterlonian
fucking lol: twitter.com/ComradeXaZ
why would you upload your ugly stupid face on ground zero of the whole cyber-political battlefield: twitter.com/groochoo/status/866353583926759426



Again. Look at this gif and tell me that I lost.
What more is there to say other than for you to post your address?

Nice. Post the best traps pls.

Yes, Germany, where the far left is literally funded by the state and far right is banned kek


see above
shhh, no tears, only dreams now

< Holla Forums ?
Noice wan led


modern leftism makes such profound and intellectual arguments, I'm obviously on the wrong side of history, thanks comrade.


It's Holla Forums's Law
As an online discussion with a leftist grows longer, the probability of the leftist spamming cuckporn approaches 1.

You realise that woman is a kike, right?


You mean, when your kike masters want something, they use their accumulated power to shift things towards multicult/communism/zionism? You useful idiots can't accomplish shit by yourselves, all you do is chimp out under the permission of the kikes and mongrels in our government. Do you think if the government wasn't completely on your side you wouldn't be shot dead?

You talk tough but you know damn well that none of your ideas threaten "the system". Instead they embolden it. You know that the police are told not to punish you, and you know the offchance they do, you can run to the media and get sympathy, most likely even a kike lawyer from the SPLC or other kike-ran NGO to sue the police for you.

You're not a revolutionary, your organizations are planned and paid for by kike billionaires, even trillionaires.

Where is this post? Why do people keep referencing it

Oh boy, you truly are retarded. Mean while you post your shit in your discords, including all your info blindly just to get some attention. Don't worry though, everything is securely saved on my shitty harddrives



I sincerely doubt Marx was wrong and was actually just a deceptive kike.

Probably got deleted for being a serial retard.

I'll be nice and help this time but you need to lurk more, nigger. Obviously they got banned for ban evading and the post was delet by the vols or mods.

You understand Trump supporters are not right wing, right?

don't forget to go out and actually "do" some shit before your time is up

What is it anons? Why is this tranny so upset? Is this report from Tucker a sign the net is tightening?

t. leftykikes

i dont understand how fucking hard it is to comprehend that EVERY KNOWN PARTY AND POLITICIAN is a leftist. we live in a liberal world there is no Right representation
not that i consider Fascism of any type to be "right wing" the left right paradigm is deceptive

You understand the man saying this irrelevant? Do you know how the German state works at all?

You lost.

You're the one acting tough on an imageboard.
You post YOUR address.


You bet it is.

You know I really find it hard to believe that you think your "revolution" is for the betterment of society when images you post of you "winning" are niggerdicks, civil unrest, and dirty street corners.

It seems almost like you want to live in a world full of degeneracy and unopposed hedonism. Either you are a kike or you're mentally unstable. Your idea of utopia can't last forever, and it's already dragging the whole world down as it is. Eventually your fantasies will bring us nothing but death, despair, and ugliness. But hey, at least you get to indulge in your primitive fantasies before the crash happens. Sex, violence, and drug use. That's all that matters, right? Gotta have that revolution so I can live like an animal with no responsibilities and no one can judge me for it.

by the Hitler dubs, no less

Fucking heiled. Holla Forums's law is now official.

What else are you going to do when your parents take both the Volvos and lock the liquor cabinet?



Satan confirms, leftyfag anarchocucks need to be genocided ASAP


How mad can one tranny be? I can't imagine a sadder existence.


I can, hes probably a half nigger, half chink mongrel abomination on top of all that.

A lot of Holla Forums is mystery meat.

That is why theyre leftyfags, they bought into Mordecai Shekelberg's scheme because theyre weak.

(32) and already you're only capable of spamming nigger porn. You can't even fucking type a single word, are you too busy masturbating to the jew-created trash you're posting ti claim your "victory"?
Actually why didn't a vol or a mod ban this useless degenerate when his first post got deleted?

Tucker is crediting Brittany Pettibone's Twitter feed. More fodder for the ecelebs, I could do without. Tucker is a CivNat but I like seeing him rip apart BLM and the Kebab sand people.

For every post the leftypol tard makes, he gets 10 responses. You're amplifying his spamming by 10x you retards.

I had given up on the thread, to be honest. Perhaps we could've shown more restraint, but at least we got Holla Forums's Law out of it. Isn't there at least a LITTLE memetic potential there?
Sage for ebin meeming.

What have you done user. It's beautiful.


"Holla Forums's Law"

That explains it.

I missed all the fun. Looks like we had a bunch of limp wrist faggots in here. Once they go on the Federal terrorism list all the 'leaders' will be rounded up and jailed. Doing ANY violent garbage will declared a terrorist group will result in life imprisonment. So all these college faggots larping will quickly grow up and find something new to do. If not, well it's just a bunch of failed, old Jews bullshitting young, spoiled dummies. Below that, is homeless drug addicts (northwest is big for them) and mystery meats they give a few bucks too. At best an annoyance. Childish garbage with no end game beyond some vague fantasy out of a bad Jewish movie.

Why though? The tide is beginning to turn, we no longer need the world to end.