video source:

“One year from now the Bancor Network will encompass a wide plethora of smart tokens, both user-generated and created by us and other companies…our network of token-changers will be the most efficient and low-cost method of exchanging cryptocurrencies directly with each other, independent of exchanges,”

Other urls found in this thread:

Ooooooooooooyyyyyyyyy VEYYYYY
Don't let the goyim bump this one :^)

It's confirmed that bitcoin is going to get fucked on August 1st; Bancor will replace bitcoin because jews own everything, clearly. BTC gets out of the league for still being outdated and disfunctional with shitty fee wastes and liberturdian views, jews will redirect all altcoins to focus on bancor instead of BTC and Ethereum is already confirmed for sucking bancor coin's dick, thanks Israel.


So buy the dip on August 1st then right?

the absolute madman.

wait next year

What dip? BTC will be divided like either, there'll be BTC classic and the new BTC! Sure, the upgrade will make the coin function better, but that'd likely split the coin and making it shit in value. Bancor will likely take the lead.

You have nothing to own, goy.

So, put everything in litecoin?

Your trips seem to indicate "yes".

Hope this is true, as I have some BNT bags :^)

this tbh there is some new technology coming out for it soon that will push the price up
also there are 4 litecoins for every one bitcoin so when litecoin gets to bitcoin level market cap it will be worth about 500 dollars a coin
when the derivative bubble collapse these things will rocket to the moon as almost every normie will want one

What do you think of ripple? Is it like a less Jewish ethereum?

Doubtful. Litecoin is just what a bunch of newer crytpo currency noobs are hoping will boom. It's all hype from the same idiots that bought hundreds and thousands worth of
the doge coin. Funny enough most of the people I have talked to that are all up in litecoins rectum throught BTC would crash and never go beyond its peak from a few years ago and also told me i was crazy to buy up over 25k worth of etherium when it was around 8 bucks per.

I have cashed out most everything in crytpo currencies. I have around 100k left in eth and 20k in monero, and 300k in BTC. Everything else I have been steadily pulling out for the past 2 months. Bancor looks promising and I plan on buying a shit ton of it and just seeing what happens. Never invested into litecoin and certainly I don't plan on doing it now.

I hate how tese cryptocoins are wasting computer power. They should all use that computing power for distributed computing to reward people.

Gridcoin exists.

good thing adolfcoin is establishing a decentralized development process to avoid hijack - anyone is more than welcome to contribute (c++ knowledge an asset)

nigger that's the bankers meme coin you cant get a cripto more jewish that that.
veritasium is quite good but it's a pain in the ass to buy.
just remember to diversify your assets. tbh I would buy some silver at this point the kikes just pumped a lot of fake silver contracts into the market to tray and wipe out the margin traders and to cover their old short positions. it's a good indication they will let the price go up
the good thing about cripto is it will eliminate a lot of fraud which the whole banking system is built on

top kek lite coin is far more usable as an actual currency as it's way faster
the average transaction time for bitcoin is 86 minutes good luck getting normies to wait that long to buy something.

If transaction speeds meant everything the price of litecoin would be magnitudes greater. The reality is that there isn't high demand for litecoin in comparison to btc. The growth rate of the coin, for its amazing functionality and the amount is incredibly slow in comparison to other coins, which will also lead to hesitation for people willing to invest in high amounts that stagnate the price even further. Crypto currency prices are not determined solely on functionality and if that were the case there are other ones better than litecoin as well. Litecoin will probably not break 200 USD by next year while a ton of other coins will be super volatile and have high profit margins for trading.

I can't tell you how many redditards have invested in litecoin and talk wonders about it yet haven't even made over 10k with currencies. Litecoin has been popular now for well over a year and the growth rate isn't impressive. I'd be curious if you have a better argument than functionality and also what kind of money you have made with crypto currencies. From my experience the most money is to be gained from getting in on lower valued currencies that have high probability of huge margins along with dip buying on heavy weight coins, aka BTC. I simply don't see reason to buy litecoin beyond ease of functionality.


Just don't buy Bancor… the other crypto's are fine.
Bitcoin is monopolized, but is easy to implement for retail (August 1st, might be its "scaling date" if (((Core))) doesn't find a way to sabotage).
Yes, they'll push Bancor… Crypto is coming regardless and it is going to fuck their whole fiat system. So replacing the uncontrolled Cryptos with something they can inflate/dictate is the lesser evil for them.
Again, propagate the other cryptos and encourage their usage. There's still Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Monero. None of these can be kiked easily.

if that ever happens, it would very likely be a result of a huge increase in bitcoin market cap

Fucker, Litecoin was at less than $5USD only a few months ago. It is now over ~$40USD.
If Bitcoin doesn't scale on Aug 1st, Litecoin will boom.

jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with the community now? i haven't been keeping up with things for over a year, but i have a new well paying job and can finally start buying some shit. i was thinking about doing like $1000 a month of BTC, but maybe I will split it 50/50 with LTC (fuck Ethereum).


Litecoin has been around and a very popular alt coin for well over a year now. A boom over 1 month doesn't negate the fact that the coin has been well known to crypto currency users for over a year. That isn't fast growth rate you fucking retard. Litecoin's boom is a byproduct not of its functionality, but idiots like you that frequent reddit and circle jerk each other's shit tier advice on what coins are good to invest in. Buying litecoin right now is wasting your money. BTC can make all the changes necessary to compete in with transaction speeds etc. Then what? No use for litecoin.

You really have no idea what you are talking about, but that's alright with me. Keep giving advice on crypto currencies while I have made millions. Be lucky if you even make 20 grand I bet. If I sent Trump a tweet the only response he would give you is that you're a sore loser. Sad!

Whats your advice then for the upcoming month Mr.Millionaire? Hold until the shit settles down?

What's happening on Aug 1?

I gave my advice already. It's also a generally bad idea to buy into a currency right after a huge spike if it hasn't even dipped. Re-read, get over yourself and your opinions and look at things objectively. If you want some life advice try not to be so snarky and petty it comes off as the vibe of a loser not a winner. Maybe you could have considered that all the reasons for buying litecoin could infact be built into BTC in the future and perhaps it would be a generally bad idea to invest into it on a spike.

There a a ton of other cheap ass coins that are worth putting money into because of volatility and high profit margins. litecoin doesn't fall under those categories. As with every persons speculation it all needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I could be absolutely wrong on everything I am saying about litecoin and you could be right. It's a possibility, but everything you say falls apart if bitcoin makes a change or another currency takes over litecoin. Even then btc will probably have higher gains and stability because it's the gold standard. Its also worth noting that I don't know anyone else that does higher volume trading that considers investing into litecoin a good thing right now.

Is it worth buying bancor/kikecoin early?
Also from a quick search
>The bancor was a supranational currency that (((John Maynard Keynes))) and E. F. Schumacher conceptualised in the years 1940–1942 and which the United Kingdom proposed to introduce after World War II. The name was inspired by the French banc or. This newly created supranational currency would then be used in international trade as a unit of account within a multilateral clearing system—the International Clearing Union

Schumacher was probably a crypto-kike so history repeats again? Or kike is gunu kike?
Preety sure it's kike is gunu kike.

Bitcoin has massive governance and subversion issues at the moment. I dip into all the big cryptos, so I'm not a Litecoin loyalist. But you're wrong anyway - Litecoin's price boomed because it implemented SegWit - which will be needed when (or if) Lightning Network is implemented. So in that regard, yes, it was speculative (as is all crypto), but it wasn't a boom for nothing.
Secondly, Bitcoin is monopolized. I want it to succeed, but a lot of faggots (like yourself) bought in early and are holding a large amount of the supply. Some gigantic faggots got lucky (yourself) and others were strategic and new crypto would be the future of currency. The situation is less extreme with Litecoin - or at least it is easier for those to get dispersed because they're still selling at a reasonable price.
Litecoin's blocktime also gives it an advantage over Bitcoin (~2.5mins vs ~10mins). It can handle 4x the capacity ON CHAIN that Bitcoin can presently handle.
But basically, my predicition is that Litecoin will be for the people that missed the Bitcoin train.

I wasn't the guy who started the litcoin discussion check the id bro. So yeah basically just wait until the first and see want happens then right? And if the split dose happen (I still doubt it will) look into bancor.

user, how about you buy bancor, and sell it when its at peak inflation/ATH and jew the jew?

I'd rather not support it at all. You're right though, there might be easy shekels to be made off of it.
But the whole idea of crypto is to escape the kike. Have a currency that they cannot inflate and control. People who slam crypto as some NWO shit are usually shill faggots or people who have no fucking idea how it works.
Cryptocurrency is the final solution to the Jewish Banking Problem.

It's a questionable gamble to bet everything against BTC, which is basically what the litecoin advocates are doing. It's possible it will bring a payout, but also very likely there won't be much gains. If you already had litecoins for a while now its not a bad bet. Buying now though after its spike is a pretty risky option to take. The only people advocating it are people that are already all in so they have a lot to lose.

Most people that make a lot of crypto currencies are diversifying their investments into a lot of newer ones that are relatively cheap, but have good leaders and devs etc at the head. That and any that show small growth tends. Then they sell out back to btc quickly at good profit margins. I would say your guess is as good as mine. My only word of caution is to never buy into massive spikes if you are looking to make good profits unless you are certain there will be big payouts. Since BTC can vastly improve their transfers and that was the only thing the other user was arguing its a really risky bet to make and a really stupid claim to be so confident that litecoin is going to destroy btc.

My only anecdote about litecoin is that a ton of people that don't know shit about crypto-currencies and have made dog shit for money off them keep telling me how good of an investment it is. Other people that have made a lot of money like myself have been very cautious about it. Litecoin has been very popular among crypto merchants for a long ass time now and the growth rate over that whole time-span isn't impressive. You can't isolate one big spike and ignore the year+ of use and advocates for it.

My disclaimer is that I am pulling everything but a few investments here and there out of currencies for a bit so maybe someone might not want to take my advice. I have a few hundred thousand in btc still, thousands in a few others, but other than that I have spent the last few months getting cashed out.

Good argument, however I personally view this as a prime opportunity, seeing as how badly Bancor flopped when it hit the exchange, and is stuck currently at ~$2 per coin. Buying about 50 of these and holding until they're roughly $10 a piece would generate 5x RoR, which is admittedly good, whilst simultaneously dumping said coins on whatever normie/kike thats stupid enough to buy in at an ATH. Although I do agree with you, I personally believe that outjewing the jew is the better choice here.

Segwit has been in the works for a long time with litecoin it didn't come out of no where. Secondly bitcoin has all equivalent options available to it so the argument that litecoin will overtake bitcoin because of functionality is incredibly stupid and wrong. You don't have any idea how bitcoin is going to evolve nor do you know where litecoin will go in the future. Most the criticisms I'm seeing in this thread about bitcoin vs litecoin can and will likely easily be resolved and talks and speculation has been around and in the works for a while now. Your argument is just stupid and you are wrong. No easier way to explain it and if you can't see that then keep wasting your money.

I made most of my money from other currencies. Yes i got very lucky with bitcoin as I already had a lot of it back when it was around 10 USD. I don't deny that, but I also bought a good amount of it early on because I saw it growing from being absolute shit to passing 5 bucks etc. I didn't expect it to boom as much as it did, but got very lucky it did. I Sold all of that and bought a year after the first huge peak around thanksgiving and got a ton more for when it was in the few hundreds. After making a ton more of that I diversified into other stuff where I saw promise and all of it has paid off. So no I don't invest everything into bitcoin I go where i see easy money.

Thanks for basically affirming everything I said about people buying litecoin. They all think its going to be the next BTC. Everyone that lost out is trying to get on board for big gains. They just are being myopic about the whole thing. It's a huge gamble its not nearly that cut and dry. BTC can make the necessary changes for transaction speed, capacity, etc. It just hasn't yet because it didn't need to. So what happens when it does? What exactly does litecoin have going for it and who is to say BTC doesn't have even better options? Poorly made assumptions don't make money and people that see easy money elsewhere are not going to do a ton of trading into litecoin at its peak if other options are far better and more profitable.

I'm investing heavily into bancor because it is dirt cheap, has some decent devs, and very promising idea. I did the same with eth and it netted me millions. I just don't see litecoins benefits beyond a bunch of people trying to force it into being their own bitcoin cash cow because they missed out. Anything litecoin can do bitcoin can presumable do as well and maybe even better. Arguing that BTC can't is just absolute delusion and stupidity.

Cryptocurrency is the future, but what's the final solution to the shitcoin problem? The fact that cryptos are virtual means that any pajeet can decide to flood the market with 100 different variations. Now this has led to some hilarious shit like when /biz/ made niggercoin, but the point remains.

And sure, the solution to this can always be "just ignore the shitcoins, bro" but there's always theoretically the possibility of some other coin becoming a significant player and usurping another more common one. It just makes shit tedious.

Regardless, I still stand firmly by crypto. The question is simply which crypto becomes the standard. Will bitcoin survive? Will another take its place as the defacto coin? The real concern is whether a controlled oppo alt-coin like ripple ends up taking over. There are plenty that are kike-backed and made to look like true cryptocurrency while actually just being fiat currency that a central authority can inflate and manipulate.

Shitcoins are a good thing. If one crypto becomes controlled by ((( them ))) then everyone can just adopt a new crypto. ((( They ))) can't stop it and are hoping the "lead" the revolution with bancor.

Jesus Christ that Bancor kike says the word
About 40 times in that video

This thread is suspicious as fuck. I think the kikes are trying to trick whites into buying cryptocurrency because they believe if they make a few smart goys rich, it will keep their heads affixed to their shoulders. There is almost certainly money in it but prepare for fuckery.

Yeah, I suppose your right. But knowing the kikes, they'll find a way to control all the exchanges and prevent people from trading in bad-goy-cryptos that aren't controlled by ZOG. If there's one thing we've learned from the jews, it's what shitty bastards they are. These are the same people who used to shave the edges of coins in order to take away some excess silver, after all.

My other fear is that, even if they can't directly manipulate a crypto, they'll still find a way indirectly. For example Gold can't be directly manipulated, but the kikes started issuing "paper gold" notes they said were equivalent to gold. But they print out more paper gold notes than they actually have gold for, meaning that people's paper gold isn't actually worth jack shit because the kikes can still manipulate the value by printing as much paper gold they want while claiming it's totally being backed by real gold.

What if that happens with bitcoin or another crypto? Let's say they start issuing "BTC tokens" that they say are directly backed by real bitcoin, and then even though they can't directly manipulate BTC, they "print" as many "BTC tokens" as they want and manipulate those instead?

Exchanges can be made through smart contracts which can't be controlled by (((them))).

For people to adopt something like that, it would need to be more useful than the original currency, but there are already legitimate cryptocurrencies which are as useful as could be needed.

crypto currency to crash the value of the electronic jew

This is straight up bullshit. Blocks have been full for a while now and fees are currently at around ~$1USD. Most attempts at scaling have been thwarted by Blockstream (Maxwell and co) who are refusing to reach a reasonable compromise with the blocksize. I agree - technically, Bitcoin's issues are solvable. But Bitcoin's issues are political. And it appears that international jewry has again reared its head to sabotage it as much as possible.
Litecoin is technically very similar to Bitcoin. Switching out a Bitcoin library for a Litecoin one is basically just a flick of a few variables. You seem to be ignoring what I've stated above regarding the fact that BITCOIN'S PRIMARY PROBLEM IS POLITICAL, NOT TECHNICAL, but there is still the problem of monopolization of Bitcoin. Satasho's address still owns 1M Bitcoins. That's 1/21 of the potential supply. The Juden have also undoubtedly also invested heavily in it and probably own quite a significant share (this is still more ideal than them controlling a fiat - at least their Bitcoin will run dry, they cannot inflate it). So, there'll be people that are "late to the party". It's not going to be a one crypto monopoly, there'll be giants (Bitcoin) and then there'll be other cryptos that are used to trade (Litecoin, Ethereum, etc).
Which one wins out as the "king", I don't really know. I hope it's Bitcoin. That's where I put most of my fiat shekels. But if it doesn't overcome this political hurdle, I'd recommend Litecoin. It's there, ready to go, as a replacement for Bitcoin that currently has 4x the tx capacity faggot.

BTC is basically a chinese yuan to USD exchange market, prior to all this retarded (((speculation))) thats what BTC functioned as aside from "l33t" currency, Bancor gonna show up, then its gonna flat on its fucking nose when the announce releasing information of transactions to the chinese govt

As I see the future of crypto. People will have a bitcoin-like (if not bitcoin itself) wallet where their savings are, and a litecoin-like fast transaction coin with their pocket money for actual transactions like buying milk.

People will only use bitcoin for actual transactions on very large volumes, where some other coin will take care of day to day spending, and there will be a whole lot of trading between the two.

Like having a super slow credit card and the pocket money on your wallet, when your wallet is empty, you got to the ATM and get more, when you got too much on it, you store it back in the bank. The difference is that this will happen via cellphone or some other easy to use device (like the obligatory government GPS chip) rather than having to physically go to an ATM.

Why like that? Because Bitcoin is mathematically immune to fraud. You would need to own 2^7 times more processing power than anyone else combined to be able to get 6 blocks in a row in two different chains. And that would only ever let you to double spend AT BEST, not generate free money.

I'm in almost total agreeance with your post.
If Lightning Network actually works, there are plans to support "Atomic Swapping"… which means decentralized trading of cryptos on the Lightning Net.
For now though, there's always ShapeShift - but it's centralized. Easy as fuck to use though.

You don't even begin to comprehend how wasteful modern computing is.

Crypto is currently used
a) As a store of value against inflation.
b) For speculative "investment".
c) For shady business.
and some other niche uses for which fast speeds are not important. But it's no good for say, buying a loaf of bread or a cup of coffee.

China has this "weibo" app that is very popular for that sort of stuff.

Interesting theory. I think there would be a place for a privacy enabled coin too…

For your trading, do you look at fundamentals, TA or both?

Since I don't invest too much of what I own in crypto, I don't pay that much attention to it, just slowly buying a bit of each of them, waiting for the dollar to crash

Uhhhhh everything within this thread is shill-worthy aside from the buy the BTC dip and CNY-USD bitcoin exchange medium.

BNT is shit and the kikes who created it basically just got rich themselves regardless of its performance. XRP is shit and is literally the idea of turning crypto centralized.

the LTC-BTC argument is bullshit and litecoin is a shitcoin - not even the "silver" to bitcoin. the MIT page can be created by anyone who goes to MIT. Anyone.

There is much more happening before Aug 1st. AKA the entirety of July there are forks and signals happening. Anyone who owns bitcoin should be throwing it into cold storage at this point unless you don't believe in it, then sell. It seems like a bunch of /biz/ 4chan niggers are here shitting it up. Probably some pump and dump pajeets orchestrating something.

BTW this is coming from the same dude who made the thread requesting a (((HOSTILE BITCOIN UPGRADE))) continuation thread that you kike mods deleted. Thanks for that.

There is a proposed fork that would create the new BTU, as well as keeping BTC in existence, but there's a bunch of shit that can be huge news for the original BTC, including things like Jihan Wu abandoning the ASIC patents and making them free on BTC in order to stop stifling advancement within the ecosystem. There's a bunch of shit going on but jesus christ, you guys are fucking kiked out. If i ignored you autistic faggots I would honestly be rich right now, as I would've continued investing in crypto after the first mtgox related crash. Fuck you fedora autists.


how's tel-aviv?

I got you. A few friends of mine who've done well seem to do a similar thing - ie, invest a principal, cash out said principal once they can, and then essentially play with "free money".

I'm still a bit of a crypto newfag but everything crypto related on reddit and jewtube is fucking cancer.

If Jews are backing it, then it's a pretty good bet.

Maybe it was a (((conspiracy))) to sell GPUs en mass that nobody actually wanted/needed. There are insane amounts of devices going second that were bought just to mine. There are minuscule improvements from generation to generation but the hardware is still stupid expensive, much of the old hardware gets re branded and sold.



Y'all saying all cryptocurrencies are kike inventions, and it's evil to speculate/profit, your thinking is fucking stupid. Kikes have a prime role because they attempt to monopolize and control important civilizational components, like finance, to their own ends. Cryptos are the gateway to shutting the kikes out. Everything for which a crypto solution can be developed, will be things which become massively harder to control in a top-down fashion.

Woops, that response was to mega schlomostein right here, not the original post ^


They dont' want to hear that. Half of Holla Forums is just shills calling you and anything you might believe can stop the kikes, kikeworthy because we've dissected the way they used to shill to the point where it no longer works.

Anyone who says that BTC and crypto are kike inventions are kikes themselves. That being said, it was proven in court that Mark Karpeles manipulated the price of BTC from $150 to over 1000 in 2013. Personally, I think he was just a greedy fuck who took advantage of the lack of regulation to profit off of something that has real world use, as you stated.

Karpeles stole a billion dollars and thinks he's not going to wind up dead in a ditch somewhere.


If you don't know finance, you don't get the right to call it a kike tool which needs to be destroyed, and be taken seriously by those with IQs over 2 standard deviations above the mean.

Hope you cryptofags hold LTC

the moment they do these stupid tokens, is the moment the kikes lose. bitcoin already exists, it's history is tamper proof. kikes can't cheat the system. bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that matters until it dies.

Actually, a network of criminals can double spend coins in person easily. All that's needed is a little worldwide synchronization. By the time the network realizes there's a double spend, the criminals are long gone.

Sage for useless crypto thread.

literally not possible if you wait 6 confirmations.

literally the only people who can do that would be large groups of miners aka 14 big miners who want to control the BTC network. who the fuck trusts a 0-confirmation transaction? any clue? fucking no one dude. get off your high horse faggot. if you know about double spending and want to make the claim, at least include some to back it up. diaper-brain bitch.

What do you guys think of DASH? I'm considering cashing out some bitcoin for some of that. Also, what's with all the hate on Etherium?

Well capitalism is actually literally Jewish and retarded, but unfortunately we have no other option but to play the game for now.

anyone know a place to discuss cryptocurrency that isn't full of shitposting like on 4 or 8/biz/

Etherum sucks. It's fundamentlly flawed. People do mental gymnastics to say it's not.
It's a honeypot Jews will crash and all the moneys and savings of the idiots that put money there will burn, while JPMorgan, and the other banks that use it, will just surf the wave and leave before the crash.

I bought some DASH three weeks ago, and some the other day during the blood letting. It's held it's value in that time or gone up somewhere from 20-30%. Right now it's back to base value.

I like that a portion of the coin is dedicated to developer and marketing bounty, and think that at least one of the privacy coins will survive.

Capitalism isn't Jewish at all. It's the banks and the banks only and if you don't do anything about the banks then there is no system in the world that will be safe from the Jew.

Yes it is. Capitalism was invented by Jews and is an expression of the Jewish spirit.

Redpill yourself:

hay guise does anyone want to buy my super cool internet bux that are useless for purchasing literally anything? they're super rare so you better get in quick, then you can sell them to others that are too slow #sonic the hedghehogghe the bux are cool cuz i just invented it which means the kikes aren't in control of it, and also instead of your name attached to your account it's a hash code that everyone can follow so it's semi-anonymous and probably illegal. the stock market and paypal aren't real in this timeline so just go nuts! money!

Funny, I just purchased $5k with bitcoin earlier today.

How's israel?

8/biz/ is pretty slow and just got a new board owner. You can review the new rules

I have some bitcoin that I would like to exchange for litecoin or maybe dash.

I don't want however to give money to jews.

Can someone please indicate an exchange that is owned by white guys?

I know I said this last weekend but operation deadheart will go live this weekend and we're gonna kill all these faggots. we'll out jew the jew with our own token. just watch niggers

Here's a totally-not-creepy "explanation video".

Just download Exodus.

woop woop


Go with 50/50 litecoin/silver. The bank's ability to manipulate silver will eventually break down and you can always trade litecoin for bitcoin when the ratio is more favorable. Potential big news for litecoin in the near future.

from the 'genius' that brought you the Euro, comes the Bancor. Ask anyone in Greece or Italy how awesome the Euro was for them.

Speaking of scam coins, Tezos is about to start being traded soon so watch the exchange for it. I predict it will lose at least 20% of its value in the first day.

This is either a ponzy scheme for funding or an attempt at creating a central bank for crpytocurrencies…. Why is it always the fucking Jews.

Also the whole concept is by a Jew. Which must inextricably be an incontrovertible coincidence.

They love their shekels.

If the name wasn't kosher enough, you got to run binary blobs in your computer to use it. Thank you, Chaim.

Do you guys know a better option to exchange currencies than these two? Preferably a place that doesn't involve giving money to jews and personal information to governments.

Ethereum is backed by Putin
newfags with deny this




ask anyone holding euro how great it is.
Still wish we had the "Deutsche Reichsmark", and the "Nederlandse Gulden".
But … but…

THE EU is a CIA project to make sure GERMANY NEVER gets to be a WORLD power again.
By coercing politicians and companies, [[their]] agenda is being fulfilled.
Hope the USA crashes, so that EU can break up again.
Since every (EU) member state is just another CIA infiltrate.

and Putin is backed by Jews

thats like saying trump is backed by jew, what value does that argument even have at this point?

bitcoin did however, end poverty in thailand and some other third world shitholes.