Give constant feedback and suggestions on an early access game
Shit thread.
Probably because they actually did the work to implement it.
Stop attention whoring Op. Be glad the implement wasn't shit
C'mon friendo stop downvote threads or I will give you bad karma
OP once again is a fagget
Double dubs confirm how it really works.
Hold up what fucking game
yandere sim?
Are you aware this site is not for underage people?
OP, I gotta say; you've gone so deep into being a faggot, you deserve an all new category - that's just your own.
My recommendation to you is to grow some balls and say the game's name, and what the contribution is that they stole from you.
You don't fit in and never will, reddit.
And what sort of "credit" would you like, faggot?
Pretty obvious
OP is gaaaaaaaaaaaaay
top kuk
ayyy lmao
This thread is why 4/v/ is better than 8gag.
This shit's getting too meta for me.
We have loli therefor we're infinitely better than you.
>"Reddit being bad is a meme" meme Seriously go back
Have you considered killing yourself?
Oh no no no nigga
Reply to @f80c81:
your not smart so stop trying to use meme arrows to sound smart cos that only makes you sound stupid
Edit: lol i didnt delete my comment i got shadowbanned for making fun of 8gag, u guys are pathetic byeeeeee
Nigga literally coming here to start shit.
Forever and ever into the meta, until we become the meta. Are you ready user? We're taking that step.
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I love all the burns in this thread, and I'm pretty sure this guy especially knows exactly what's up.
kill yaself fool
That was such a letdown after it had a neat premise. They set out to make a game where you can play as a mage unbound by limits that balance him and instead made a game with some of the most boring and unsatisfying magic i've seen. Even Skyrim had better magic and modded Skyrim blows it out of the water, nevermind shit like Dragon's Dogma.