Bruh you just gotta accept the 2party system for now and vote for the "lesser evil" just like every other...

bruh you just gotta accept the 2party system for now and vote for the "lesser evil" just like every other pseudo-leftist tells you to do each election

how the fuck do you stand this shit

I voted for Stein (though I live in a state where it doesn't matter electorally), and even I fail to see the problem with this post.

It admits that Clinton is a deeply flawed candidate and that you can still hate her while voting for her, which is something you'll never hear from a Huff Post or Daily Kos blogger. It acknowledges the need for an active leftist movement to continuously challenge Clinton and shape her policy agenda. And most importantly, it makes the argument that fighting for leftist victories will be immensely harder under a Trump presidency than a Clinton presidency, which is something even the most ardent accelerationist must stop to consider.

The person who wrote this doesn't sound like a pseudo-leftist to me, but a real, educated leftist who simply has different views on strategic voting and political tactics than you do. They're not trying to shame you into voting Clinton, they're making a logical case for it. You don't have to accept it, but I wouldn't dismiss it outright.

Thank you for correcting the record!

I'm half hoping Trump wins so people like this get what they fucking deserve and I can bask in schadenfreude for a week

A vote for a third party is not a vote taken away from Hillary because Hillary was never entitled to that vote in the first place

Don't put a shit candidate forward and then get mad when people don't fall in line

I shit in their face.

Also Comrade Jimmy Dore had a good line about this the other day

"It's like marrying her and then trying to change her"

NO he isn't ffs when will this meme end

so edgy op. because what else are you going to do idiot

Look, all I'm saying is that this person's post is way better written and better argued than all the other ones I've seen that try to guilt trip young people into betraying their conscience and voting for Hillary. I hate those with a passion. If this is the worst you've seen, you haven't seen anything. I just like giving credit where it's due.

Daily reminder that actual leftists vote Trump.

See Zizek.

oh fuck
liberal terrorist cells - activate!


gb2 ctr

Xir's entire argument rests on xir's feelz that Trump is literally Hitler. It provides no argument at all.

Are you calling Zizek to go back to Holla Forums?

Revolutionaries are supposed to fight for the political independence of the working class. Supporting a bourgeois party or its government, especially when it is imperialist, is a great betrayal. Let the pseudo-left go there way into the swamp; we don't need them. The Democrats are not any less a party of big business and Wall Street than the Republicans. The Clintons in particular represent the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, which has effectively ended the Democrats historical association with liberal reformism.

Clinton's presidency will mean war with Russia, a nuclear armed power. A Trump presidency would mean the same thing, probably more directed toward China. Between the wars in Syria and Iraq and the provocations in the East China Sea, Obama has set the stage for both.

Trump says he wants to deport all "illegals". Obama has already been deporting record numbers of undocumented workers despite an overall decrease in undocumented immigration; is there any reason to think Clinton wouldn't continue or expand this?

The Obama administration and the Clinton campaign completely deny that there is an economic and social crisis affecting the lives of millions of workers in the United States. Trump gets a hearing because he expresses a distorted form of the social anger generated by deteriorating social conditions for the working class; not because white workers are racist.

Support for Clinton is very weak, mostly generated by opposition to Trump's racism and fascistic character. Clinton has focused her attacks against Trump on sex scandals rather than his fascistic positions. Support for Trump mainly comes from disgust with with Clinton and the Democrats. Neither Trump nor Clinton are particularly popular on their own merits. The fact that they are the only candidates who may win the election makes "democracy" in America a farce.

The mass support for B████ ██████ demonstrated that their is a large audience for socialism in a America. Yet, when the time is ripe to build an independent opposition to capitalist politics the pseudo-left (including S█████) lines up to elect Democrats with the illusion that they can be pressured to be more progressive.

Will it, though?

Honestly I don't think nukes will be flying so much as there'll be more of that "fourth-generation warfare" stuff (muh cyberwarfare, muh NGOs, muh backing rebel movements etc)

Clinton's signature foreign policy proposal is a blatant act of military aggression against Russia's ally, whom Russia is actively supporting in a war.

I didn't even bother going past the first paragraph at first, because I felt like I already knew what it was going to say. Then I decided to read it entirely before ranting here just in case I ranted about the wrong topic and surprise, I was right.

And that's because I've read this exact same text at least a hundred times this year. They all say the same thing with an ever-increasing tone of apocalyptic fear-mongering and increasingly dumber historical allegories. And I know that to keep hitting the same key is just the nature of political discourse, but how terrified every single one of these morons seem to be when they write this shit is honestly kind of pathetic. Have they forgot that this is a cycle? That every four years we're fighting against a REAL danger this time, that the "previous Republicans seem good in comparison", that this is "the most important elections of our lifetime", that when one candidate is elected people cry of joy and others of anger, and then in the end things always seem to follow the same pre-established guidelines?

That's because we have institutional and structural arrangements that outweigh the influence of individuals themselves in politics. And we have proceedures to ensure this. If Trump is elected, he will either fall into line with the demands or be systematically squeezed out of power by congress, senate and the many organized groups that want to ensure the continuity of their operations.

I mean, isn't this the liberals' entire explanation about why every president since Roosevelt hasn't done shit for them? That he can't do anything for the people because the president has too little power, because the groups he fights against are too strong, and all that? Didn't I spend 8 years listening to liberals apologize for Obama's lack of teeth when it comes to the banks, Wall Street and organized business interests because "a president is not a king, he doesn't have so much power"? But now that the potential president is someone they dislike, he's not only a king, he's fucking Hitler as well? Who still falls for that shit?

And the panic in these people's tone is almost as scary as the predictions they make, because they sound like members of doomsday cults. This is exactly the end-of-the-world rhetoric liberals rightfuly ridicularized in Alex Jones-type conservatives during the Obama era, why are they doing the same shit instead of following their own narrative and acknowledging the built-in limitations of electoral politics, and focusing their energies on fighting that instead of personalities? After all, if these were more flexible and we felt that the personalities we elect actually have the means to attend our demands, people wouldn't be drawn to figures like Trump, they'd value instead candidates with "experience", with "vision", who are "diplomatic", "bridge-builders", capable of "bipartisan initiatives" and all that other bullshit only the media seems to care about.

Here's the only reason I can think of for a leftist to vote: If you vote for Clinton, we'll be a few steps closer to making people realise how terrible liberal democracy is. After twelve, probably sixteen years of progressive government with one woman and one black guy in power there will be absolutely no fucking excuses anymore. That's two decades under their enlightened rule, and if nothing we care about can be fixed in that period (and it won't) it's because it's either unfeasible through the political arrangements we have, or because the people up there don't want to do it. Only the most braindead liberal will refuse to realise this. It will kill the idea that the Dems are closeted well-intentioned leftists who don't achieve shit because they don't have enough power, and that for me seems preferable to the accelerationist pro-Trump or the abstentionist angles. The only good thing about a Democrat government is that liberals will be forced to acknowledge that a Democrat government is not what they want or what they promise.

Copious amounts of alcohol and drugs

Is the entire moderation team composed of alcoholics and junkies?

don't forget gays.
they inject marijuana into their penises because anal licking would be too painful withou drugs


classic defeatist liberal logic


No, user. Posters too.

Fuck that person. The beginning of the post starts out the way I see many CTR arguments go. They know the DNC & Hillary are shit, they have trouble denying it, so they try to outright agree with you at first, then feed you the bullshit afterwards.

Just like when they were saying "I'm a former B████ supporter" or "I voted/supported B████ & believed in him, now that Hillary won we have to support her!"

Kill yourself.

Clinton's going to win, anyway. Wall Street/big banks, the most powerful people in Washington can't allow Trump to win. Just like they couldn't allow B████.

I know he beats the shit out of me on a regular basis, but after we have the baby I know he'll change.

I'd vote Trump if I was american, for the same reason these shills want us to vote Clinton.
