What do they hope to accomplish by doing this? There's no way in hell they've got enough votes.
What do they hope to accomplish by doing this? There's no way in hell they've got enough votes.
Oy Vey!
It's a publicity stunt. Their way of "resisting" so they can look good for their voters at home. They'll this pathetic attempt in all of their reelection propaganda.
It's not even a surprise anymore. They really aren't trying to conceal it much now, are they?
>They'll use this pathetic attempt
dox when?
It's fucking nothing
They did it! The fucking morons actually did the dumbest fucking thing they could at this time! We win forever AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
>Thought ((((((((((((((((((((Kissinger))))))))))))))))))))) was an exception
What a fucking dope.
I hope they file for impeachment once a month or more for the first couple of years. The public and the rest of the government will get so tired no one will take it seriously anymore.
Hindsight is 20/20 . We're the only group to really understand that there can be no exceptions on the Jewish Question. That's because we have the internet, social media, and access to volumes and volumes of knowledge that our forefathers did not. You look back in time and ask "why did england eventually allow the jews back in after expulsion?" or "why did spain think they could just force-convert the jews to christianity and solve the problem?" or "why did nixon think kissinger was an exception?" It's because they didn't the all the knowledge at their fingertips.
When we deal with the jews for the 312th time in history, this time it will be the last time.
This is why I think Trump feels like he's not taking a hard stance on any of this. Keep letting them cry wolf until they actually do something dangerous, then fuck em up with the whole nation's support.
What bunch of fucking dopes.
That's what's so great about all the mass anti-Trump hysteria in general. They keep shooting their load too early. Election isn't until 2020. that's another 3.5 years from now. Any of their histrionics now will have ZERO impact on Trump's reelection. And all the screaming about OMG RACIST SEXIST LITERALLY HITLER will have been going on for a full 5 years by then, and it'll be a total boy-who-cried-wolf scenario where nobody fucking cares anymore. Hell, I'd say we're mostly already at that point.
Can we use this? Accuse them of an attempted coup, conspiracy, and treason against the United States government?
Only if you make certain to emphasize that it's Jews being disloyal, otherwise the reaction would mostly be something along the lines of "of course leftists are unloyal LOL" and forget about it within an hour.
Votes. They have badly misjudged the mass sentiment out here in NEETland, and they figure this will be something they can point to in 2018. It's up to us to show them the error of their ways when the whole House comes up for renewal.
Also, this puts pressure on Trump to alter his policy, especially to harden his Russia policy. What the kikes don't know is that Trump isn't Obama; bullying him takes more work than a Jew is likely to make.
Keep on kiking you filthy heebs, this only add mores wood to your pyre.
This is old news you kike. Thre's been a tonne of D&C against the GOP and Trump whenever MUH RUSSIA retards put a story out. A lot of the GOP are back stabbing kikes that would love to have Trump removed to put in Pence but no one has the balls to do it.
as opposed to being something on June 12? lol
am I a manchild for wanting that fucking T-shirt?
Laugh, and pass the god damned ammunition.
This. The Republican party in the house is seriously cucked, but given Trumps victory in the election they would be giving up their careers. Problem is, their careers exist at the behest of the same kikes that want Trump out.
Hopefully they are stupid enough to let this civil war go hot.
Also helps keep the dems distracted from actually fixing their fucking ruined party. They can't even come up with a slogan that isn't complete shit.
Hail Mary pass
This is serious.
If Trump is removed from office, we're going nuclear before the Democrats start a nuclear war with Russia . We won't have any reason left not to, and every reason to do so. If Trump is removed from office… it's DOTR.
I'm saying this here so that you can hear us. You've pushed to the absolute limit. If you push anymore, any, then it's time to fight. We know exactly (((whom))) are our first targets, been making lists. So, don't go any further. Call off your attack dogs, cause the next inkling of a step is violence - to prevent a nuclear war.
We're not joking. We're not larping. We're being responsible. If Trump goes, then so does our secrecy and self-restraint.
Impeachment doesn't necessarily mean removal anyway, and if they manage to charge him with anything, it will just look ridiculous to the everyman, unlike Bill's knob slob in 98.
Yea, let's take it down a notch - sincerely, I wish we could, but then reality kicks in.
The impeachment charge won't stick anyway, but it will wound the Trump admin in the eyes of the general public (whomdespite CNN's nonsense, still pay unthinking homage to the (((legacy media))) - setting up the conditions for a popular leftist uprising against the Trump admin, in collusion with ((( ahem - pizza ))), for a probable violent overthrow. That resulting Leftist government CANNOT stand, for the safety of the world it CANNOT be allowed to hold the reins of our government for any length of time, because they will start a war with Russia as soon as they can - which would go nuclear.
If the Leftists illegally take over the government, this ideological conflict will be a battle to the death. If the Right wins, America 2.0, but if the Left wins, Amerika will glow.
I'm honestly ok with this. Kill the cities so civilization can survive.
But in reality is exactly right and this just fuels fire to Trumps continuing mantra of obstruction, obstruction, obstruction. Normie-world is revolted by these things according to (((polls))) so never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.
If trump is assassinated or removed I will personally grab my AR, get in my car, drive to DC, and im going to unfold my naughty and nice list and start checking boxes off. I sincerely hope all my brothers join me.
But yeah as others have said this doesn't have enough votes and is mostly faggot posturing.
If you little bitches weren't busy complaining about archives and being watched and clicks you might be like old/pol/ and learn to create an OP with some proper memes out of it.
These guys do realize that they are going to make it beyond clear to even the most normal of normalfags that jews are a fucking hindrance? Every single person causing problems for Trump has been a jew, almost without question or fail. You'd have a hard time finding one who wasn't.
Hello, brother! I couldn't help but notice your organic and entirely reasonable position that myself and all other true users of this image forum operation (old fags) are certainly in accordance with in a legally unambiguous and completely cognizant fashion. The Alt-Right tendencies you display are certainly in line with those of our leader, Richard Spencer, and of course our ultimate inspiration, the late National Socialist leader Adolf Hitler. I truly harbor hatred in my heart for people of color such as Niggers, Spics, Chinks, Gooks, Shitskins, Nips, and all other non-white persons. Among this hated assembly I also include Fags, Dykes, Transgendered People, Liberals, Non-Radical Conservatives, Communists, Libertarians, Women, and all those not aligned with my admitted extremist agenda. Of course the worst of the bunch are the Jewish people, who I accuse of being a manipulative group.
I am very glad that we as a community have been able to hijack internet memes as well as Japanese Animation for the purpose of creating internet propaganda in support of the Russian government's effort to influence the 2016 United States Presidential Election in favor of the Based God Emperor Donald Trump. I feel badly that some of my fellow users have been led astray in the past year, believing that the Russian spy Julian Assange somehow sourced the illegally obtained documents of the Democratic National Committee and the emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta from an insider. How ludicrous! Equally absurd is their accusation of some sort of 'pedophilic ring' being run out of Washington D.C. related to fast food.
I encourage my fellow users to post a bit about themselves so we can begin to network. I recommend a recently declassified chat program called 'Discord'. It is very easy to use, and I encourage all my brothers to connect to my channel 'RaceWarNow1488ITrulyMeanThis'. Make sure before joining that you have connected to a safe VPN as well as the TOR network, as it makes it scientifically impossible for the federal government to track your online movements. This way we can feel at ease and discuss plans in specific detail. Keep in mind that when you join the group I will require you to tell me any secrets you have in order to prove your loyalty. New Fag scum need not apply, if you are a Jewish person or a federal government employee or informant you will certainly never be able to fool me and it is not possible for such a person to join the group.
Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is David Smith and I come from a pure Aryan line. I have no body modifications nor do I engage in alcohol or drug consumption. Here is a picture of me from a few years ago. I think it's important to know the face behind Anonymous posters in order to gain a level of trust to open a dialog. If you could post a short bio with a picture and personal or work email address I will contact you shortly with the next steps.
< your are a faggot
New Fags can't write text in red letters
A for effort on that one
Because the folks who dare frequent the likes of Holla Forums have already passed a number of tests to get here, we forget, we are liable to overestimate the niavete of the general populaton. Many Holla Forumssters have already earned the equivalent of a PhD in Jew-studies, but the unthinking public has not. It's very easy for us to forget that most of the world still believes whatever bullshit the (((media))) feeds them. For this reason, memes.
Meme-warfare is the best path for now, and perhaps the most likely path to lead to peace again. Open, honest among the general population can only occur once they are in possession of the facts that have been previously hidden from them. Ideally, the next few years should be a time of learning for most of America.
Well said. If them remove him them there is only one option for us.
Fear no danger! Shun no labor!
Lift up rifle, pike, and saber!
To arms! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!
Shoulder pressing close to shoulder,
Let the odds make each heart bolder!
To arms! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!
The SJW's have already demonstrated their willingness to hurt or even kill those whom they 'fear'. This has been, above all, a memewar. If Democrats regain power, they will certainly track down everyone whom has shitposted against them, and there will be hell to pay for those poor souls. Imprisonment or even death is their expected career prospect under Democratic rule. I will not submit to corruption-masquerading-as-morality. Preemptive retaliation is the only way to survive this scenario.
If Trump goes, then the world completely changes, fast.
>while saying we need to go to war for (((Trump)))
This board is such a joke.
I've seen this style of posting before. It's humorous.
It's not for Trump that we would raise our arms, it's against the lying, manipulative faggots who replace his administration.
Just for my own safety, I'm gonna shitpost for Democrats from now on. No one will ever be able to accurately discern whether or not I am evil, or actually evil. My true colors will never show.