Okay, Holla Forums, if the holocaust is a lie, explain this shit. Did they hire actors to play dead?

Okay, Holla Forums, if the holocaust is a lie, explain this shit. Did they hire actors to play dead?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lots of people died in WWII. How do you know those in the pile were all jews? Why are we constantly browbeaten with recognizing the 6 million supposed jews that perished yet not the others that suffered during the war? Why are jews constantly playing victim over their supposed holocaust when it's not even close to being the worse genocide that's occurred over the course of history? White Christians in Russia suffered far worse at the hands of Bolshevik jews.

I'll tell you why.

jew tactics 101. Projection - accuse your enemy of that which you yourself are guilty of.

There is a redpill 101 thread in the catalog that provides sourced answers to all of your (((skepticism))). Lurk the fuck more, mordecai.

This pic, again, again and again.

Lol, this is the third thread like this I've seen in two days. Every time the fag gets blow the fuck, but he doesn't read anything. He just runs away and starts a new thread a while later. What's that old Hitler quote about debating jews?

Fuck off, kike.

Let's just look up some things Dolfy said on the matter:

"If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain."

"Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international Jewry succeeds in plunging the nations into another world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!"

". . . [T]he war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. Now for the first time they will not bleed other people to death, but for the first time the old Jewish law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, will be applied. And – world Jewry may as well know this – the further these battles [of the war] spread, the more anti-Semitism will spread. It will find nourishment in every prison camp and in every family when it discovers the ultimate reason for the sacrifices it has to make. And the hour will come when the most evil universal enemy of all time will be finished, as least for a thousand years."

But the consecration camps are a total coincidence, amirght?



Hitler wanted to and tried to exterminate the Jews and failed to kill them all.

No argument that Hitler had not tried to commit genocide upon the Jews has been countered, because fact is that's exactly what happened during WWII.

Camps are a normal thing, US did the same to the Japanese. Only when typhus got out of hand (allied bombing runs destroying convoys), the bodies were then burned in an attempt to neutralize the disease.

Typhus, Jew.


Do you really expect us to believe the only reason Jews were rounded up and executed was because of a typhus outbreak? You have any sources for that?

Jews are not people, so it cannot be genocide just pest control.

It's just you.
Noone else here believes in the holohoax, and we are going to make an extreme version of it a reality.
By the time we are done the worst take atrocities of the hoax will be made to pale in comparison to the actual whole sale slaughter we will perpetrate

Remember to report slide threads!

If the holocaust was true, why were they still alive long enough to be filmed and in such good health? Those prisoners seem pretty healthy for people who supposedly survived a death camp. Shouldn't the order to exterminate all Jews have been carried out and all of them slaughtered when first found? Why round them up into concentration camps and provide them with food, shelter, and medical care instead of just shooting them on the spot when they found them, or at any of the other presumably government-controlled stops on the way to the camp.

No they were rounded up for being subversive agents and potential saboteurs against the war effort. Standard wartime operating procedure.

Attempts were made to prevent typhus outbreaks by gassing the clothing of prisoners as well as chemical showers to remove lice (typhus carriers). Some prisoners infected with typhus attempted to intentionally infect the guards which resulted in their execution (lined up by a ditch). By the late stages of the war with supplies cut off both food shortages and rampant typhus killed a few hundred thousand prisoners of war.

Few hundred k died of disease, starvation etc etc as per Red Cross.
There are enough for bodies like that during an outbreak.
Where is the 6 million mixture of graves/ash deposits?

slide thread
don't waste time responding, we already have masses of info on this in other threads


If the holocaust is not a lie, how is it possible to survive having a foot-long metal spike pounded into your head?