Its Time To Restart The War On Shareblue

Alright Holla Forums, lately we have been too lenient on Shareblue and have almost completely forgotten about them. With the Don Jr. emails making the rounds and the CNN shitstorm, Shareblue is starting to pop back out into the open again with their shilling efforts, and its becoming much more noticeable, specially on halfchan for instance. As some of you may know about Shareblue and how they're involved in shilling, apparently they have been actually paying certain far left subreddits to actively shill against us, giving them money for buying black market scripts and bot accounts to shift the narrative.

The campaign waged against the new President of the United States by the sponsors of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the destruction of the Greater Middle East is on-going. After the Womens’ March on 22 January, a March for Science is scheduled to be held not only in the USA, but also throughout the Western world on 22 April. It’s goal is to show that Donald Trump is not only a misogynist, but also an obscurantist.

The fact that he is the ex-organiser of the Miss Universe pageant, and that his third wedding was to a model, is apparently enough to prove that he holds women in contempt. The fact that the President contests the rôle played by Barack Obama in the creation of the Chicago Climate Exchange (a long time before his Presidency) and rejects the idea that climatic disturbances are caused by the expulsion of carbon into the atmosphere attest to the fact that he understands nothing about science.

In order to convince US public opinion of the President’s insanity – a man who says that he hopes for peace with his enemies, and wants to collaborate with them in universal economic prosperity - one of the greatest specialists of agit-prop (agitation & propaganda), David Brock, set up an impressive system even before Trump’s investiture.

At the time when he was working for the Republicans, Brock launched a campaign against President Bill Clinton which would eventually become Troopergate, the Whitewater affair, and the Lewinsky affair. Having changed his colours, he is today in the service of Hillary Clinton, for whom he has already organised not only the demolition of Mitt Romney’s candidacy but also her riposte in the affair of the assassination of the US ambassador in Benghazi. During the first round of primaries, it was Brock who directed the attacks against Bernie Sanders. The National Review qualified Brock as «a right-wing assassin who has become a left-wing assassin».

It is important to remember that the two procedures of destitution of a serving President initiated since the Second World War were set in motion for the benefit of the deep state, and not at all for the benefit of democracy. So Watergate was entirely managed by a certgain «Deep Throat» who, 33 years later, was revealed to be Mark Felt, the assistant of J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI. As for the Lewinsky affair, it was simply a way of forcing Bill Clinton to accept the war against Yugoslavia.

The current campaign is organised in secret by four associations:

- Media Matters is tasked with picking up on Donald Trump’s mistakes. You read his bulletin every day in your newspapers – the President can’t be trusted, he got this or that point wrong.

- American Bridge 21st Century has collected more than 2,000 hours of videos showing Donald Trump over the years, and more than 18,000 hours of other videos of the members of his cabinet. It has at its disposition sophisticated technological equipment designed for the Department of Defense – allegedly not in working order – which enables it to look for contradictions between their older declarations and their current positions. It should be extending its work to 1,200 of the new President’s collaborators.

- Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington — CREW is a firm of high level lawyers tasked with tracking anything that could create a scandal in the Trump administration. Most of the lawyers in this association work pro bono, for the cause. These are the people who prepared the case for Bob Ferguson, the Chief Prosecutor of the state of Washington, against the immigration decree (Executive Order 13769).

Other urls found in this thread:


- Shareblue is an electronic army which has already connected with 162 million internauts in the USA. It’s job is to spread pre-ordained themes, for example:
• Trump is authoritarian and a thief.
• Trump is under the influence of Vladimir Putin.
• Trump is a weak and quick-tempered personality, he’s a manic-depressive.
• Trump was not elected by the majority of US citizens, and is therefore illegitimate.
• His Vice-President, Mike Pence, is a fascist.
• Trump is a billionaire who will constantly be faced with conflicts of interest between his personal affairs and those of state.
• Trump is a puppet of the Koch brothers, who are famous for sponsoring the extreme right.
• Trump is a white supremacist and a threat to minorities.
• Anti-Trump opposition just keeps growing outside Washington.
• To save democracy, let’s support the democrataic parliamentarians who are attacking Trump, and let’s demolish those who are co-operating with him.
• Overthrowing Trump will take time, so don’t let’s weaken in our resolve.

This association will produce the newsletters and 30-second videos. It will base itself on two other groups – a company which makes documentary videos, The American Independent, and a statistical unit, Benchmark Politics.

The whole of this system – which was set up during the transitional period, that is to say before Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House – already employed more than 300 specialists to which should be added numerous voluteer workers. Its annual budget, initially calculated at 35 million dollars, was increased to the level of about 100 million dollars.

Destroying the image – and thus the authority – of the President of the United States, before he has had the time to do anything at all, can have serious consequences. By eliminating Saddam Hussein and Mouamar Kadhafi, the CIA plunged their two countries into a long period of chaos, and the «land of Liberty» itself may suffer severe damage from such an operation. This type of mass manipulation technique has never before been levelled at a head of state in the Western world.

For the moment, the plan is working – no political leader in the world has dared to celebrate the election of Donald Trump, with the exception of Vladimir Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

It is obvious and clear Shareblue is infiltrating subreddits and is paying people off in order to have them shill their talking points. Brock is getting a lot more money this time, and its clear he is not going to stop. We know based on certain stories and rumors David Brock is a degenerate who apparently owes millions to the IRS and had dealings with the mafia in the past.

Shes the reason why the media been kvetching about the trump-russia conspiracy. She leaked information to the media to feed its propaganda machine. Is it time to end it? Fuck this kike bitch.

An article was written in the NYT times asking if Donald Trump broke the law. One of the authors of the hit piece, Richard H. Painter, is currently the vice chairman of CREW. Norman L. Eisen, who was the former Ambassador to the Czech Republic under Obama is also a CREW chairman.

Shareblue is behind the media spin of this story.

Link to article

Bump. Also requesting any old dox on these kikes.

< i'm a /Pleb Tier General/ faggot who probably gets paid by Trump's campaign to do what CREW/CTR/Shareblue does, and I don't like how people are getting comfortable criticizing Trump, so I better SHUT IT DOWN
The more you try to push election-era memes, the more you're going to fuel actual hatred of Trump at this point. If we have to go back to all criticism of Trump being treated as heresy, your efforts are going to backfire hard. I'll become anti-Trump just to fuck with cultist faggots like you, OP.


Oh, hi Kushnercuck. I figured you would be mixed with the shills. Have you done anything worth getting banned over lately?


We shoulda known she was filth she's a dead ringer for Roseanne.


I guess you have to since you're paid by him.


Is shareblue more like CTR or more like cancerous reddit and goon retards?


Here's your bump, faggot

shoo shoo jew


D: All of the above.



really makes you think

Pretty much all of the above. Its just Brock's continuation of CTR, except somehow he got a lot more funding this time.

Good thread OP, but the question I have is when is there going to be a serious thread about pursuing and delving into Clinton Foundation ?

Sucks that we don't have a real archive. The previous Shareblue threads uncovered a lot of critical information

4chan mods are compromised. Perfect bait thread appears four days after video made the day the gmail dump occurs. Three threads chasing the puppy tosser. All were 404d and anyone who posted to those threads was banned for 2 days. Yours truly included. That is not even their own rules. I never touched peronal info in a post. just said "Hey they are 404ing threads on this topic." Bam. So all those 4chan /pols/ could not pursue email dump for 2 days. Well, if they were completely stupid enough to not get around a ban.

If you want to fight that way you will be facing a money wall made of media screams.
Their cash is endless, probably from offshore accounts and/or pay-to-play financiers. They have plenty of ngo pawns, and libshit mind slaves that believe are the good ones, all in the dole. And assasins who 'suicide' whistleblowers and witnesses.
All that cash, poured in a zerg rush, to control consensus where (((they))) live.

But… the audience people have short attention spans, lemmings, only worried if their spoken political views affect their lemming needs. This scenario shows these actors:

- ngos
- financiers
- media heads
- job givers
- cash flow heads

When (((their))) agent stock gets disabled (((they))) will cry 'violence' and look for empathy abroad, to cover them while powering up all over again building a new consensus. It is a global battle.