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Star Wars Games General: JJ Abrams is fuckin gay
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The parentheses meme is for fucking faggots. Would it kill you to be the least bit creative, Holla Forums ?
>>>Holla Forums
It's not a meme when it's an actual parody of how kikes present themselves presently.
Kids get out
It still hurts
star wars games died after kotor2, there's nothing to discuss
Surf Twitter or some other autistic virtue-signaling echo chamber and see for yourself. Hell, it's a Twitter trend to mark yourself with the (((echo))) nowadays. Just come to terms with the fact that racism exists for reasons, some of which involving survival.
Polite sage for off-topic.
Why are we even here, just to suffer?
that's fair enough i guess, it wasn't everyone's cup of tea
also you forgot republic commando
I'm replaying kotor 2, first time with the restored content
It still holds up.
I really hope this doesn't spur me to jump into tor though. gave up on that long before I saw any closure and I might be tempted to jump back in just for a shitty "ending" to revans story.
Friendly reminder that the best Star Wars story was in Tortanic - the Imperial Agent storyline.
I very much doubt it, thank you for the trailer that shows off how awful the game looks though.
I meant that all games including kotor 2 were good. it was after the 2008 ish glorious era that all games went to shit
TFU3 never ever
Not that I wanted it made by EA anyways
Imperial Commando soon:^)
Don't. Haven't played the game, but reading the books told me enough about how they nuked his character.
Remember how after he attacked a place it would become more stable and stronger, like he was preparing the galaxy for invasion or something?
No he was actually brainwashed by the person he was strengthening the galaxy against, who for some reason wanted the galaxy to be stronger so it would be easier to conquer?
Also the Exile has never seen someone who could devour the force apparently
Stay away
Kreia did nothing wrong
Fuck Jedi
Fuck the force
SWGEmu revival when?
(still waiting for KOTOR3)
once jtl support is finished
Which adaptations do you miss the most?
Galactic battlegrounds was shit. Force commander and empire at war were the better SW RTS
To be fair, some of the storylines in SWTOR were very decent. If you trimmed off the MMO crap and tightened them up, they would make pretty good games.
That was one of the first games I ever got
I mentally just lump that in with Rogue Squadron and Rebel Assault
to this day my hatred for sony burns with the intensity of a thousand suns.
No, he's right. The Imperial Agent storyline is legitimately one of the best Star Wars stories. It really should have gotten it's own game.
Unfortunately it's locked inside of TOR.
Its downright Metal Gear Solid in its last arc with you trying to bring down a 10 thousand year old shadowy cabal, and fighting against a Rival who is constantly lusting after your ass.
Every bit of it was good. Going undercover on Nal Hutta was a great opening, and somehow that felt more like an espionage game than anything else I've played. The story managed to keep that tone all the way through to the end. I really like how they showed the conflict between the average Imperial patriots in the military and Intelligence, working behind the scenes to maintain safety and order in the Empire, and the sadistic and power-hungry Sith, whose violent and wasteful excesses and superiority complexes placed the Empire in danger. The Nar Shaddaa arc was really great too, as were the other undercover missions that came after.
I really wish they had made this into its own game. TOR is better than it was on release but it's still pretty shit, and one day it's going to shut down and the ImpAgent storyline will be lost for good.
user chiming in, this this this
Imperial Agents storyline was top notch.
Sith's lightsaber on the right isn't straight.
How fucking hard is it to take a ruler and draw a straight line into your rough drafts? Christ sakes.
played it in beta. played the jedi story first cause i was a faggot but chose imperial agent on a whim for my next character. stayed up all night so i could race through as much of it as i could. the music was also 10/10 in that game.
Libcucks and cucks in general are brats, they don't want to acknowledge humanity, let alone survival if it doesn't involve their ivory tower.
Is it worth a play trough ?,I could use something that satisfies that KOTR itch.
so are y'all ready for rey to be anakin reincarnated
i'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh
If you are bored, and don't have ANYTHING else to do, it will do it for you.
The FTP option is damn near unplayable though.
Why are you intentionally making yourselves angry when you know every decision that can and ever will come out of it will be shit, retcons, and unrealised potential?
he's a shitposter from cuckchan, he makes the threads so he can samefag in them
Well I do have other stuff to do,so I guess I`ll just leave it be since it isn`t worth me taking my time to play it.
If gold is covered in shit, it's still covered in shit.
Yeah but it's gold underneath.
Have fun touching the shit to get to it.
I'll just get the hose.
The ((( ))) only really helps point out Holla Forums fags who don't know how to contain their power level outside of imageboards.
Yes, I think so, but as a F2P player you might get frustrated at some of the ways the game holds you back (eg it takes much longer to get speeder piloting, can't equip purple gear, I think you're limited to 500k credits in pocket, etc)
Most of the restrictions don't matter, but having to wait until you hit a certain level to get a mount is really annoying
muh pol memes
the parentheses forced meme is pure cancer, plain & simple.
Well fuck.
I'm posting from mobile.
Thats sounds just awful. Thanks user.
It feels kinda silly getting mad at a game that's over 5 years old, but I was tthinkingthe same thing 2 years ago and this resentment with the devs still hasn't abated. Not to say that I'm obsessed with the franchise though, iit'sjust when iIthink what could have been.
But I'm sure everyone itt understands.
On the bright side however, with the ineptitude of EA thinking up new ips we're bound to see kotor 3 eventuall, and maybe it won't be complete shit.
R-Right guys?
Spoilers for the Revan book
T3-M4 dies, Exile's name is Meetra Surik, she dies, Kreia was just evil, Exile's allies never existed, and she's never seen a planet devoid of force
I think they just didn't care about Kotor2
Well that sucks man,is the story quest long ? does it go until I reach the level cap ?
That always kind of pissed me off about Canderous and the whole side-quest of him uniting the Mandalorian clans for Revan in KOTOR 2, you have this respected Mandalore bring the Mandalorians from the brink of extinction so they can fight alongside the Republic against some great worthy foe, and then Bioware goes and ignores that and has the Sith install some random Mandalore who unites the clans under the banner of "Fuck the Republic because it worked out last time!"
And that's without even getting to the whole "Wouldn't the Jedi order shortly after it was reformed be dominated by people taught by the people the Exile taught? It'd have been pretty interesting if the moment the Jedi order heard about the Sith they were split between hardline Jedi traditionalists who wanted to focus on the Sith and Neo-Revanchists who were inspired by the Exiles teachings and felt it was just as important to get involved in the wider war.
It's a shame that KOTOR 3 is never going to be a thing but at least SWTOR never happened.
re•vanch•ism |rəˈväNˌSHizəm|
a policy of seeking to retaliate, esp. to recover lost territory.
re•vanch•ist adjective& noun
ORIGIN 1950s: from French revanche (see REVANCHE) + -ISM. The form revanchist dates from the 1920s.
re•vanche |rəˈväNSH|
the policy of a nation to seek the return of lost territory.
ORIGIN French, literally ‘revenge.’
Not relevant but it's kinda funny when i think about it
Fuck off stormnigger
01110011 01101111 01110011
Wew, I wish we could have the post-exodus 2014 Holla Forums back again.
This why is it so easy to derail threads on Holla Forums now? nobody used to care if somebody posted something with slight Holla Forums leanings but now everybody gets triggers.
Battlefront is a great webm generator.
i should try my phished origin account with battlefront on it again.
so true I shed a tear.
there's always someone in whose interest it is to make the internet appear unsafe, uninviting, unwelcome, even (sometimes especially) to those who are used to such things in their natural state.
whether it's the JIDF, China, Russia, whatever the hell troll factories Trump and Clinton hired, there's a saturation of unrest, rudeness and deliberate contrarianism that is simply abnormal. Hopefully once the US decides which side of the coin it prefers this shit will die down, but man does the US take a sledgehammer to guerilla manipulation. But then this is the country that assumed LSD was the future of forced coercion.
1k mspaint manhours
Fuck off leftycuck
I just want to talk about video games