Will liberals ever learn Holla Forums?
British City Mayor just went on an epic racist rant on FB
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you seen Sweden mate?
Post this on cuckchan. Watch them defend this and call Poles jews. Fucking libs even took away cuckchan from us. SMH
Why not just kill the mayor and be done with it?
Britain is a complete Jew ruled hell hole.
I wonder what sort of adjustments?
What are they going to do stop welfare to Polish immigrants and give it to piece of shit mudslimes?
Also why the fuck is she attacking Hungarians and Czechs? Wtf did they even have to do with any of this? Ohhh I get it… they dont want CRIMINAL RAPISTS in their countries.
nice dubs
This is tongue in cheek right? The mayor is using thinly veiled sarcasm, r-right? If this is not the case then heaven help us.
Nothing will change through elections.
Also what did Google mean by this?
Uhhh….. Stereotyping much!? Seriously this person lacks no self awareness, and is this considered a paragraph in Bongistan?
i can't find anything on her life
Can England just sink in the fucking ocean already
Kek, yet another woman who can't help contradict herself in the space of 5 seconds. Get women out of politics.
Meanwhile see image attached for an example the kind of luxuries natives are taking for granted in Leeds.
Hi D&Canon.
Holy shit that diatribe was filled with emotional rhetoric and no facts were given. I really try to understand their mindset but they just disregard blatant realities and they have this fucked up mindset that everyone is gonna just sit together and sing humanist hymns. The guy has only probably ever met muslim "community leaders" in strict controlled back patting settings. "New citizens" makes me sick also and they basically are admitting now they are fleeing "poverty" for gibs. Disregarding that the economy here is fucked and we can barely shelter our natives. Also to be mayor here you have to be king pedo of your town.
Well at a glance, it appears she's some sort of hideous genetic experiment gone wrong. She also appears to eat too much.
The audacity of the extent that the Natives of Leeds take their luxury lifestyles for granted is sickening, surely we can give more than 15 million to these ‘New Citizens'
This doesn't seem real to me.
Poe's Law and all - but it reads like copypasta.
Someone just throw this beta fucker in front of a train. I can't wait for the wars. Society is almost on life support. We stage 4 cancer now
What seems to have happened is a Saracen was demanding a Polish woman put her daughter in some sort of Islamic veil and the Polish woman objected.
It does seem absurd. I would like some proofs.
It's a woman; isn't that immediately obvious?
Office Address:
Labour Group Office
Civic Hall
Bus. phone: (0113) 378 8816
Email: [email protected]/* */
Mobile: 07901 711111
Woman can be pedos.
I meant that it's emotional and hypocritical schlock written with zero self-awareness
That's what I was aiming for thanks
She's fat and eats like a pig
All Trump said we should defend Western Civilisation. I'm actually a little surprised at how triggering this is to libtards. That's a pretty tame statement compared to some of the stuff that has come off the chans.
What seems to have happened is a Saracen was demanding a Polish woman put her daughter in some sort of Islamic veil and the Polish woman objected.
You wouldn't cover up such a qt either
I feel like there is a solution to these problems. If only I could put my finger on it.
Can someone with Facebook confirm the authenticity of this post to ensure OP isn’t a rusemaster?
Zero self awareness.
More examples of Leeds natives taking things for granted that ‘new citizens’ consider luxuries.
where is the archive?
stop posting these forced memes
That's like a basic faux pas in our society. Never try and police someone else's children; nor try and dictate how they raise them. It's completely understandable to tell someone to fuck off, regardless of their ethnicity, for trying to do that. But this woman is such an ideologue she's literally siding with the Muslim over the Pole; basically supporting women wearing the Hijab and Islamic social laws
This boggles my mind, I would never write something public or say something to people I know as offensive and stereotyping as she is about Poles. Should really face immediate ramifications, this is really inappropriate for a public figure
Fat people are inherently evil.
There is no such thing as a multiculti society, in the end one culture dominates others, it's survival of the fittest turned into the triumph of the gibbest.
couldn't confirm authenticity on jew-book.
I'm starting to think this is fake. I made a throwaway faceberg account, and couldn't find any such post by "Jane Dowson". I found the pig's twitter, but that doesn't contain this either.
Anyone have more evidence?
hhehh op made a funny
Looks like it is fake, probably designed to bait people hence the (1)’s posting dox info.
Mods pls anchor or delete
Poles are the acceptable target because we are White. Our joined wrath will give a new meaning to ANGLO and SAXON might.
We've got a lot more "absurdities" for you, race traitor.
Don't talk down to me.
>be muslim running from war towards gibs in non-muslim countries
Fucking sandniggers.
What you on about m8.
🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱
🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱
It's not fake, she sperged out and deleted her Facebook after insane backlash.
Do you know what the picture is user? thx
Love it how they don't say that they stationed them in temporal homes or something.
It's s straight up people resettling.
I sometimes wonder if muslims cover their women becouse they're so butt fucking ugly.
Glory to Poland. You magnificent square headed bastards.
WrathofGnon makes the images, but don't know the painting, sorry.
Poles arent Saxon though. . .
That's a kike.
I guarantee it.
Someone posted this shit on cuckchan
The eternal Anglo bashing is glorious. They're finally waking up on the Jewery of Anglos.
what continually enrages me about leftists is they try to make the outgroup the ingroup and those who defend the ingroup the outgroup
slide it
Kek has prophesied. Mayor Cuckson is headed for the River Styx
Got damn. No wonder this old cunt wants to import shitskins; it would take a nigger to fuck that heifer. Anglos are a disgusting race of subhumans.
We are quiet literally, in partnership with Denmark (and in extend, pre-Norwegian, and pre-Swedish mercenaries), the beginning of this term, Anglo referring to Denmark's southern territory Anglia, and Saxon a collective term for Germanic (per Tacticus's next term "Germania" referring to the territories of Poland, Germany, Denmark) tribes of which Wends are a part of; a Polish tribe, to the ignorance of a British peasant who obviously did not know the complex make up of continental Europe, where it should be Scandi-Wendian more accurately, but, again, since both are collective terms now, it does not matter.
We also had the Palace of Saxons as the heart of our capital before the krauts demolished it in an autistic fit of rage. Don't LARP as Anglo-Saxon if you don't know what it means m8.
Facebook profile is probably hers, but it's been scrubbed. Even a local politician should have some friends and more than one post, so there's at least some evidence to your claim that it's been scrubbed, but I can't find the profile in the OP.
Archive shit you fucking faggots.
most likely
he is for not offering proof, but whatever
Hundreds Of Protesters Gathered At Leeds City Centre Today To Protest Against Donald Trump’s Visit To The UK.
The well-attended event saw several people holding placards with anti-Trump sentiments, as the crowd chanting “Trump out
refugees in”.
Councillor and soon to be Lord Mayor Jane Dowson, told the eye of media.com “alot of people don’t realise that without migrants the NHS will not exist.
Dowson, due to be a Lord Mayor next year added.
“People went into the referendum without knowing what they were voting for. I do think another vote should be had where people know what they are voting about”
I agree with this
Too bad Polish mama didn't choke her with her own burka.
Leeds has a large fascist population. This is because they have an overwhelming shitskin population. The city is all but destroyed and the few remaining whites have become a force to be reckoned with.
… The rest of England is overwhelmingly anti-islamic, anti-immigrant and are increasingly agreeing with militaristic methods. The leaders hate this because they are all traitors. Some fat liberal whore shitting on the people is actually a good thing for Britain - the original French revolution might have been a disgusting kike plot, but it certainly showed us the way to deal with treacherous elites who have lost touch with the common man. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Wait wasn't this an ironic post? I read the OP pic before any of the comments here and I thought her post was absolutely dripping with satire. Especially the last part.
should have beaten the muslim bitch/durkamaster for good measure
As an American with Slovak, Russian, and Hungarian ancestry, who married someone with Polish ancestry, I love how anything Eastern Europe is getting equated with white nationalism now. This makes it all too easy. Americans of Slavic and Balkan backgrounds are still pretty proud and keep parts of their culture. Once Eastern Europeans = White Nationalism becomes the next "cry wolf" we can all wear the accusation with pride. Their insults and liberal buzzwords will have no meaning, and a lot of non-political American Slavs will wake up to liberal lunacy.
Poe's Law in full effect.
Anglo hatred for Poles is disgusting.
And Magyars, who have never ever took shit from foreign invaders.
There's cucked, and then there's this.
Oh look, it's the yid who gets ass blasted by AWM.
Damn user. That is scary. You even got dubs on that! Though from the photos of her it is likely to be suicide from being obese.
Anglos hate Poles because the majority of Poles in Britain are the untermensch filth that couldn't make it in their own lands. They are drug-addled alcoholics who do little but squat near train stations gibbering incoherently and making old women feel intimidated.
Actual good Poles are back in Poland building their nation into something great, and they actually are mad that so many of the filth in their communities suddenly have lots of money (because of them funneling it back from the UK). The filth are now more able to disrupt every day life and ruin the good parts of Poland.
… And before you give me your 'anti-white' crap; there are untermensch populations in all socities. In Britain many of ours go to 'sunny Spain' where they do little except drink, fight, refuse to speak Spanish and shit up areas. Those people are certainly not represented of the Anglos, and I fully expect the Spanish to have some degree of hate for them which may well spill over onto all Anglos.
Its a simple thing to understand you retard.
What an stinking ableist! It's differently-abled, you shitlord!
Jacek Międlar, who has a history of antisemitic statements, detained on his way to a Britain First rally in Birmingham
The 28-year-old priest, from Wroclaw in east Poland, has developed a large following in his native country among nationalists.
He has repeatedly denied Polish antisemitism or the role which Poland played in the Holocaust, accusing Jews of “anti-Polish narrative building” as part of a “Holocaust industry”.
In 2016, he was reported to have referred to Jews as “a cancer which swept Poland”. On his blog he has also referred to Islam as “the enemy” and to “the destruction of the ‘white man’.”
According to the prosecutor, Miedlar “referred to the historical content and the Bible, pointing to examples of negative behavior of the representatives of the Jewish community from the time of slavery in Egypt, and generally referring to modern times.” The speech did not stigmatize a particular nationality, the prosecutor said Tuesday.
On the same day Miedlar, a known nationalist, wrote in response to the decision on Twitter: “Bialystok investigation discontinued! Zero tolerance for ‘Jewish cowardice’. Salut!”
He attached a picture showing Poles performing a Nazi salute taken on the night of June 23, 1936, when a group of Polish nationalists seized the city of Myślenice for several hours. During the siege, the nationalists beat Jewish residents and destroyed Jewish shops.
“The persecution of gay, liberal and Jewish groups led me to the fact that I can’t do my pastoral work,” he said, according to the Onet.pl website.
Just as predicted.
Poles are white and your hatred of them is disgusting. At this point they have more of a moral right to your land than you do. You'd piss it away giving it to shitskins while wasting all your effort complaining about Poles, while Poles protect their homeland and seize from you the resources that you'd otherwise gleefully give to shitskins. Fuck you anglo scum.
This makes me shake with rage. They allow literal fucking terrorists to come into our nation but not this hero.
As an aside Britain First are a great group which should get more attention here.
Too lazy to do a proper job for such a low-quality picture, but you get the idea.
I don't hate Poles. Many Poles are disliked in Britain because the Poles that come tend to be the untermensch. Think about those whites in your country that do nothing but drugs, alcohol and have fights. Those are the kind of Poles in the UK.
Immigration is always bad. There do not need to be any Poles in Britain. Obviously Poles are still preferable to shitskins and kikes, and actual good Poles are always our ally. We do not want their shit here though, just as Spain no doubt doesn't want our shit.
Fuck you anti-Anglo kike. You'll hang with the rest.
Are you related to Jane Dowson, perchance?
These anglos complain about Poles and don't lift a finger against shitskins. They are traitors to the white race.
Like pottery
it is important to say he doesn't represent ALL english by any means.
could also be shill, they try these d&c from preventing alliances
Then close your border to whoever you do not see fit, lad. I had a couple older people from Britain ask me about retiring in Poland on the internet, would that be a fair exchange? Wouldn't want your gramps living in fear of Ahmed or Jamal in any other place now, no?
*to prevent alliances
don't have time to screenshot and archive
(prophetic harsh truth dubs checked)
We could speed this death up by getting the HAES/fupatroopers on her?
I can likely get Holla Forumsfph on board pretty quick.
So when are you fags going to admit you are a germanic tribe speaking a slavic language
Britain is making moves. Britain has a ton of anti-islamic attacks all the time. We have 10,000 people marching around the country in opposition. The actual populace voted for Brexit on an anti-immigrant and anti-muslim platform.
Britain has a ton of problems and did some bad things historically, but of all the Western European nations it is showing the most promise. The people are actually doing something. Your anti-Anglo rhetoric is undeserved.
Not sure if you mean me or him. I'm not trying to d&c, I have nothing against the Polish though I'd rather not have any foreigners in my nation. I of course prefer Poles to any shitskin, and I actually love Polish culture and food, and see them as a great all in the coming war for Christendom. I was simply explaining why a lot of Brits dislike Poles; its because we get their scum, just as Spain gets out scum.
Polish + British alliance
Not you, the person you quoted
That's what all of Slavs are you ignorant idiot, "Germanic" doesn't mean German, Russia was founded by Slavic Viking Warlords, and the others with the help of Lech (Polonian) and Czech (Bohemite) proto-Slavs, We didn't just appear out of nowhere. Us speaking a Slavic language is the distinction, obviously.
The fuck are you on about? I'm supporting Britain through this whole thread.
Poles + Pie and Mash squad attack faggot embassy
is the situation really that good in UK?
why that swede fempilot is stretching her pussy all over the world? just kidding, I know she wants attention
She doesn't take pictures of these beautiful places but of herself standing in them.
Those refugees sure are lucky that thet fled that poverty. Another five minutes and they would have been a goner. I'm telling you, when a bout of poverty hits, flee! Poverty is like a war where people are shooting at you and bombs fall from the sky, that poverty that you flee.
Also to clarify, I meant that you could send your older population wishing to retire abroad over here since its extremely safe and cheap in exchange for all the Polish immigrants you have there.
reality surpasses satire in incredibility
praise kek
Vapid attention whore.
Flychicks are major sluts. They sleep with all the instructors and superiors for perks and advantage. One of the running jokes in the flight school with one there (dumb as a brick but made it to instructor somehow…), was
still would fugg
Not sure if you mean me or him. I'm not trying to d&c, I have nothing against the Polish though I'd rather not have any foreigners in my nation. I of course prefer Poles to any shitskin, and I actually love Polish culture and food, and see them as a great all in the coming war for Christendom. I was simply explaining why a lot of Brits dislike Poles; its because we get their scum, just as Spain gets out scum.
My apology then
They ironically hold Sweden as the shining example of their utopia. I'm not kidding, I talked to a leftist in college once and I thought he was joking when he used Sweden as an argument.
And by ironically I mean unironically.
As an aside Britain First are a great group which should get more attention here.
Jaciek Miedlar returning home after being denied entry by English border police
I didn't even know they could deny an EU national entry.
You got the meme the wrong way around.
It is not the first time Międlar has been barred from entering the UK. In February he was detained at Stansted airport on his way to a Britain First rally in Shropshire.
He later published a post on his blog claiming that he had been stopped by the “Jewish secret service”.
poles are the niggers of Europe
Shoo, cuck, shoo. Back to your cuckshed you go.
They make it too obvious when they excitably dump images like that.
Thanks. I always fuck that up.
The thought of different white nationalities working together absolutely terrifies kikes. Shlomo is their name, D&C is their game.
You take things too seriously
>British "people" (read: (((Rothschild slave race))) )
There's something mighty wrong with your noggin' ol' cucky boy
Oy vey goyim
So this thread went from a b8 OP with no archive.
To a Pol vs Bong D&C thread
Their modus operandi has always been to divide their enemies into smaller tribes, and have those tribes fight each other.
Who the fuck is going after disabilities? Niggers have a low IQ but they aren't all of disability levels. Racist cunt.
Don't fall for this Prussian LARPer shilling against us you D&C fag, Germany will see another Polish & Anglo air raid on their precious cities.
Can't be any more obvious, Moishe.
I would cover her with firearms in all honesty.
I know you are a pole because you mentioned Prussia when no one even brought it up.
No. The english treat everyone like shit. Irish, scottish, americans, poles.
Unless they're semites.
Most anglo royalty is jewish so yeah. The Rothschilds are british royalty
I never understood those homos who claim conflicts between Europeans is what made Europe great. In reality it's what made Europeans irrelevant and subservient to kike bankers and kike commies after WW1 and WW2. What happened to "no more brother wars"? It's like these faggots never read anything from Dr. Pierce.
Czechs, Poles, and Hungarians, don't give up!
Don't let the EU control you. You suffered under communism already.
top fucking kek that geography skill
Need relief:donate0.blogspot.com
Yes let's to listen to a burger on the topic of Europe
I am sure he knows what he is talking about and isn't uninformed like all burgers
The Qur'an teaches Muslims that persecution of a Muslim is the worst crime anyone can commit against a Muslim. Even killing a Muslim is a lesser evil. And now you know why simply talking back to a Muslim is enough to trigger a snackbar episode.
I think it's half banter, half kikes who unironically love it when whites kill each other.
Fuck off back to cuckchan.
Found it.
Hope by George Frederic Watts.
Okay, reported. Kill yourself.
O, kurwa…
Do you love sucking off little boys penises, Chaim?
well color me surprised
double dub truth check
He's a kike.
the utter state of Holla Forums
If burgers weren't so retarded we wouldn't be so condescending
Still a hundred times better than niggers/sandniggers/pajeets/etc.
That's not AWM. The Shlomos are, but the remainder is forced garbage.
We have IDs, you know.
Or the fucking roma.
At least many poles actually work.
I can understand why the britbongs dislike them, although they have far worse problems to deal with. Kikes and shitskins is bad enough.
That doesn't mean they can come here
Why would I need to hide?
This is why we hate them, they undercut wages
They are our equivalent of spics
But you basically give them a pass just because they're huwhite even though they're no better than spics
Español here. This retard doesn't know what is he talking about. All of the southern Spanish beach survives on tourism. We get two types of anglos: the young who come to get drink and fight. It is alright because we charge them twice for the drink and fight better than them :^). Also compared to the hairy bitches we have here brit womyn are pretty hot in comparison.
The other group are retired brits. They open their own bars and restaurants, drink whisky and gin there from 10am to 5am next day and mind their own business. Brits are considered here a source of income and are very welcome. Muslims and niggers in the south, and Romanian gipsies in thr northern big cities get all of that evil fascist wrongthinking drumpf hate here.
That's a funny way of saying"all women", user
This, she probably fucked at least seven niggers
This has to be a larp. I cannot believe this is a real liberal world-view.
This is the kind of shit I would post if I wanted to strawman leftists. Tell me it isn't so, Holla Forums have they really fallen this far?
God, I hate Liberals
Someone should get her to apologise to the hard-working Polish (Czech and Hungarian) communities in Leeds
Leeds City Council Complaints form:
If you feel someone has committed a racist crime you should inform West Yorkshire Police :^)
Suggests otherwise. You should be happy they are willing to help you, really
RIP Spain.
Most Brits refer to all of the above as Poles in the same way that they refer to anything brown as a paki.
I'd add that a lot of the dislike towards them also comes from the fact that they frequent the same places as Brits. Whilst a Brit meeting both a paki and a pole would almost certainly conclude that the paki is far worse - he is far less likely to. Pakis live in their own ghetto-esque communities, avoid parks and nature, and are do not go to pubs or British/European restaurants (they only eat their own food). They also tend to only buy from their own grocery stores.
Thus Poles get more attention than the clearly worse other groups because they are encountered on a far more regular basis.
They never learn, do they? The whole everybodyIdon'tlikeishitler.png shtick never stops.
Well you are both right in some ways perhaps espanol even more.
But he sure does mention their purchasing power, loving the kunas are we, cro-jew?
Anyways it does not reflect bad on the British as it a couple of bad Polish should not on all Polish. these are young people getting wasted like young people especially with alot of cash do.
(in the summer)
Inb4 10.000 posts absolutely degenerate I'm not defending their behaviour but fuck, leave the keyboard stop moralising a live life a little
cro-jew remark was a little poke, I must do this simply to know who their favorite neighbor is, PROTIP: name is trdinov vrh not sveta gora
thanks for the dox
Time to see what she has to say about white genocide.
Spain has been a nation of gigantic pussies for about 200 years
bit ashamed to admit it but i was unironically a brit at that festival
I love how it's practically only white people there, if only all of the "West" still remained like that.
She should get serviced a little
yeah it was incredibly white, just a few token negros here and there. most degenerate thing ive ever done though.
Invade us how? Are you dumb? They don't come here to have babies, you dumbass, they come here to drink and get skin cancer from sun burns. All Mediterranean areas of Spain survive on the fact everything here is sunnier and far cheaper than Germany/UK etc.
No, but seriously, the brits we get here are either rich kids or rich old men. Of course with alcohol you can expect chimp outs but we are worse. Google "botellon" and see for yourself, we have kids from age 13 having massive street parties with cheap booze every single weekend, you can guess how that ends almost every night.
Was it good?
Haha last time I was there was 12 years ago
Indeed it is. It is like that in Slovenia and Croatia, thank God.
You have an archive of this OP?
this is a slide thread
Her fb looks scrubbed, it is friendlocked as well (no archive from OP though)
yeah was pretty fun, in retrospect probably not worth the money (spent about £1800 on the whole trip) and kind of feeling guilty about the sheer amount of degeneracy i indulged in but oh well was an experience with the lads that ill probably never have the opportunity to do again
This was my email if any of you britbong faggots wish to copy it:
Hello Jane,
After seeing your recent facebook tirade against white Europeans who utilize their right of free speech to express their dissatisfaction at being both ethnically and culturally displaced by uncontrollable mass migration into Europe from the Middle East and Africa*; I was wondering what your opinion is on the European population predictions for the coming three to five decades?
According to the UN, white Europeans will be a minority in their historic homelands within five decades.
There is no other continent on Earth in which the native peoples face this level of displacement. In five decades, Africa will be almost 100% African, China will be almost 100% Chinese. Where will this lead for the future of European people and European culture?
Additionally, the birth rate of native Europeans, is, on average, 1.3 - this is 0.2 below an irrecoverable level (which would result in extinction of Europeans) and 0.7 below the bare minimum replacement level of 2.1.
When compared to the hyper-fertile migrant groups, which regularly have birth rates of between 3-5, it becomes very obvious that the European people will be rapidly bred out of existence.
Lastly, according to government statistics, within the UK, there is a housing crisis, requiring nearly 300,000 new homes to be built every year - +300,000 also happens to be the net migration figure every year.
So, as major of a multicultural city, where do you stand on these very pressing issues?
Relevant sources:
* The migrants are overwhelmingly coming from Africa, as recently admitted by the EU, with very few originating in war torn Middle Eastern states.
Off topic, but the first Irish Coast Guard helicopter to crash with fatalities happened earlier this year.
The pilot was a woman. Last year another member of the coast guard died when a boat capsized
During a mission - another woman.
Good on you! You have to try this at least once or you haven't lived. You're always welcome to visit for a more quiet vacation, we don't have problems with Brits really in Slovenia, and I doubt Croatia has either aside from Novalja
Well written, I'm saving this.
Her eyes are going to glaze over at the first sign of the email being hostile towards her views. Facing reality and learning that their views are wrong actually brings these people great mental pain, so they avoid it.
Liberalism is a sign of extreme biological and mental damage and there are only two solutions for these types of people. One is to get them to completely heal their minds and body via a good traditional diet, exercise, and avoidance of brainwashing. And the second is to remove them from their positions of power. Nothing else will work.
When you try and speak to them, they will not hear you because their brains are so damaged that it will almost be as if you are speaking different languages, or to an alien race even.
Don't take this as a blackpill though. Just letting you know what you are up against.
Spell / grammar check it, I have dyslexia.
Don't worry m8, I've talked to these moronic shitlib politicians before, I know what they're like. At least a kike will argue albeit, in a disgustingly nefarious way, shitlibs just experience a mind explosion and scream at you like an ape (or do the virtual equivalent if it's online).
i completely understand why they hate the brits, we completely send our worst to these destinations and they just go fucking crazy. we rented an apartment and our neighbours were also brits, our landlord asked them to turn down their music at 5AM and they punched him in the eye, giving him a massive swollen eye, and they got kicked out.
tl;dr version: "I love black and brown cock.
t. Jane Dowson"
You can thank the welfare state for propagating the breeding of these untermensch.
exactly it.
It might be related with the sheere number of Brits who come but really ask any Greek and they will tell you all European kids go crazy on "prom trips" drugs alcohol sex, the lot. Brits have perhaps mastered the absolute levels of degeneracy possible though, lol.
Thanks, well done!
I'd say this bitch should hang but where are we going to get a rope strong enough to hold her weight
I dunno, I blame the overall moral decay and lack of spiritual direction of modern (((society))), 100 or so years ago these untermensch would be decent hard working people and have their inner desires held in check by society.
We definitely do it best (worst), when the festival we were at ended, we stayed another day and waited around for our flights, a load of Germans arrived for another festival, you instantly could tell they were not Brits, because they were actually wearing clothes. Brits just wore swim shorts and bikinis the entire time.
where's my refugee gibs?
This one won't swing on DOTR, he deserves to bleed out very slowly.
I could never understand the whole "right-wing extremist hate the disabled" statement?
Put a burka on your daughter or else I'll rape her.
quit using jew vocabulary and pc dogma, there's nothing wrong with "racism."
Looks dodgy though, I can tell from the pixels, anyways it offers a good discussion because libs do think this way
Women should not be taught to read or write. They haven't used the skill to contribute anything indispensable.
Chavs are pretty bad folks, almost nigger tier whites since they get knocked up at 10 just to get council housing. I wonder if we can stir them against the muzzies?
More Jewish strawmans
As someone with Irish ancestors….
Fuck the British.
D&C nigger begone
That is because most cuckchan posters with Australia, British and Canada flags are Pajeets and Pakis and muh based sikhs,they have always been there but once cuckchan became filled with redditors they grew some courage to show their true colors.You also get this subtle d&c here from these streetshitters often.
Probably quite easily, they have the natural hatred for foreigners anyway, and they know for a fact that foreigners are literally stealing the shit jobs that they could be doing. It's quite infuriating to listen to borgeoisie faggots tell working class plebs and underclass subhumans that nobody is taking their jobs, or that they should just "be better".
She wrote this as if it were acceptable behavior in a Western country and she thought nobody would have any issue with it. She's already surrendered to Islam and she's the fucking mayor of an English city. Pfft, why am I surprised anymore, look at London. Disgusting really.
Some britbong needs to spray acid in her face while saying hallal snackbard. She sounds like not nearly enough diversity in her life.
The only people 'spurging out' online are the liberals. Consistently they spread their fear-mongering, and spew hate towards anyone slightly more conservative than them and their same-sex lover. Ironically, Liberals have become the forces of hate. They are always ranting about what they hate.
Disgusting. Millions of Poles died in concentration camps because of tirades such as this.
You fucked up and are an obvious American and not a constituent. Britbongs don't have freedom of speech. Your email will have no weight with her, some britbong needs to bongify it so that it's believable for the rest of us to copypasta.
It's fallacy of transitive logic
That's like saying attacking jews is d&c
GLORY TO Holla ForumsAND
I think part of the problem is that Britain has so many rules of decency (which only apply to whites obviously) and that most of the normal britbong youth have troubles letting it out and partying in their own country. Almost everything is bottled up and then once they go to a country with less strict laws and more sun (spain, greece) the dam breaks and they just go fucking mental
This. These cucks are literally retarded. Self-inflicted at that.
ahahahaha what the fuck? How are bongs this cucked? I still remember the faggot from the other bong thread go on a tirade about based pakis and evil Poles; these inbreds probably only voted brexit o prevent more poles, while gladly takining in more muzzies from middle east and central africa
Emails aren't going to cut it. Anything that talks about white identity or native Britons - any rational argument at all - is going to be prequalified as raycisss.
These cunts believe they are morally superior, on the right side of history and justice, and will not process evidence to the contrary. They want to see you dead, your children raped, and your posterity burnt unless you abandon your views and agree with them. Only when their posturing puts them in physical danger or social isolation will they back down.
Best way to stir the pot is to tell them straight up truth and show them how to use their numbers and barely recognizable inbred faces to their advantage. A stabbing here, minor arson there, a pigs head nithing pole with mayor Khan's name and face on it left on sharia turf. It's a tiny mind these little buggers have, easily filled with truth.
Great synopsis. 👏
Get a genetic test.
About half of everyone I know who says that finds they are more than a third English.
Thanks man, will be going to the gallery asap, new favourite artist. I like art that sets off sparks in my bonce, like Escher.
Apparently Obongo named Hope as his favourite painting, maybe he wasn't a complete nigger, or maybe I am.
Obviously, she likes refugees because only a nigger would fuck that.
I really wish liberals actually had genuine beliefs that didn't revolve solely around getting laid.
It would appear that her life revolves around eating.
This piece of shit thinks that the West owes every shitskin in the world a luxury living and several white girls to rape. I've actually heard these assholes say that it's their right to come to western countries.
You're fucking dumb my guy.
Friendly reminder the UK did more for whites than any other nation on earth, especially nazi germany, which failed and led to their country being cucked so hard and so many women being raped that germany now has a percentage of russian/germans today.
krautfag larpers are the worst people on this board.
he is being extremely racist toward white people
liberals are hypocrites
This thread is a perfect reminder of how this place is the new reddit.
>(((someone))) posts her dox
Holla Forums is becoming full of underaged b&s and low iq "fuck niggers and kikes lol" white trash moonman posters.
I remember about a month ago i went into a "redpilling" thread and instead of sourced images with readable text and proof, i got shown highly compressed re-saved hand me down images with no citations or proof of anything. these images look like they're from a right wing christian group from 2006, it's embarrassing to know these were unironically posted. people who post moonman videos should be banned TBH.
Are we being rused?
Statement from the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Jane Dowson on online trolling
Online trolls have targeted the personal Twitter account of the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Jane Dowson, and put out a fake post abusing a number of communities with her image cut and pasted on it.
Councillor Jane Dowson said:
“This is a disgusting attempt to stir up hatred between our incredible communities in Leeds and I would not usually give such appalling trolls the time of day. Dealing with online abuse has sadly become part of everyday life when you’re in the public eye.
“Anyone who knows me knows how much I abhor discrimination or abuse of any form of any community. This is a pathetic attempt from the other side of the world to cut and paste my image on a tirade of vile abuse.
“However, this has escalated into direct threats to me which the police are investigating and for that reason I’m publicly dissociating myself from these despicable sentiments. I will be continuing this weekend with all my planned engagements meeting the wonderful communities of our great city.”
This woman deserves to be raped to death
You could just save yourself a dozen words and say it was written by a woman.
Glory to Poland. Your cuisine is underrated.
confirmed dead
She's claiming "hacked".
Lord Mayor is hacked online Coun Jane Dowson, Lord Mayor of Leeds 2017-2018 25th may 2017 20:54Friday 14 July 2017 0 HAVE YOUR SAY The Lord Mayor of Leeds has come under a barrage of social media abuse after she fell victim to online identity theft. Coun Jane Dowson, has been forced to speak out after her Facebook profile was illegally used to post an anti-Polish tirade. Her actual Facebook profile picture, which is the Chapel Allerton member in her official council regalia, has been stolen to give the impression that the remarks are from her account. A screen shot of the rant was then posted to her twitter profile - prompting the backlash. Police have now been drafted in to investigate the origin of the post, which is thought to have been in America, after some messages and posts appeared threatening and menacing. Last night Cllr Dowson, who has been left in tears by the trolling, said it was a “disgusting attempt” to incite hatred between the “incredible communities” in Leeds and she would be going about her council business as planned. She tweeted: “I have NOT posted anti polish sentiment. 100% fake. Police investigating. Proud 2 b Mayor 4 all communities in Leeds incl my Polish Friends.” Last night she told the Yorkshire Evening Post: “Anyone who knows me knows how much I abhor discrimination or abuse of any form of any community. “This is a pathetic attempt from the other side of the world to cut and paste my image on a tirade of vile abuse. “However, this has escalated into direct threats to me which the police are investigating and for that reason I’m publicly dissociating myself from these despicable sentiments. “I will be continuing this weekend with all my planned engagements meeting the wonderful communities of our great city.”
Read more at: yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk
user, England banned the Jews for over 500 years.
Hacked mercilessly by the sugar jew too it seems.
landwhale lies
sending the police on a wild goose chase it seems, how did they "hack" her twitter profile and her facebook profile to make the post and then share the image between the two? this isnt adding up
fucking blubbertron whore
top kek
Im so ashamed of my country
To be fair most normalfags use one password for everything. If you have her twitter you have her facebook.
You people are dumb if you can't see this for what it is. They are trying to provoke a reaction so the can more openly assualt the white race.
Now is not the time for action brothers, that comes later.
Poles are a fake nation of cunts living on German territory and I'm planning on getting it back. HH.