What was your Steam profile like in the past?

What was your Steam profile like in the past?

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Holy fucking shit.

I'm not even Russian.


I was a pretty big faggot, but you take the cake, my man.

Believe me man, it came as a shock. I had honestly blocked it all out. I didn't want to remember.

this was a typical tf2 trader's profile back in the day, i don't feel too cringey about it

this one goes further back



It's real cute being a coward but mine has been public since 2003 and it still doesn't catch it.

Wayback only goes back to 2015 but I've been on for 8 years.

Probably for the best :^)

fuck off attention whore

I didn't say it meant anything, you rosey assed faggot.

What's wrong with having a private profile? What if you play games you don't want your normalfag friends to know about? It's common sense to keep that shit hidden.

Btw does anyone here have any ideas for a good steam username? I'm thinking my actual username will be different from my account name so really I just need an account name I won't hate typing out every time I login. I'm prone to sudden changes in hobbies and ideals so I'm not sure what would work for me.

Faggot is a good one

Why make it private? Are you one of those faggots that parlay in multiple multiplayer dens of casual it's-good-if-you-have-friends trash?

Hahahaha, don't remind me of that guy who was like "I don't like the word faggot" when asked
Anyone have that saved?

There's absolutely no reason to have a private profile unless you're some degenerate that gets botted by slavs and at that point, you're already playing trash.

Come on user I'm being serious. I've been trying to figure out what kind of person I want to be for a long time now, and every time I base my name around a hobby I'll eventually start hating it. I feel like imageboards have made me too perverted–too degenerate. But I just can't stop for some reason.

Why would anyone keep the fact that they play casual games with friends hidden? The only ones who would care about that are degenerates. I just happen to play any shitty Japanese game that might have underage pantyshots in it, and I'm thinking maybe that's something I should change.

Pick something that makes you you

if you worry about things like that, you should probably leave

This isn't a discussion. Faggats play garbage they get treated to garbage.

Some of us aren't slaves to our respective fetishes.

That's my problem user. I don't know what makes me, me. Or at least I don't know how I want to be defined. I've reached a point where I just can't decide if I should be a degenerate or not. I have no real convictions or principles and I honestly don't know if that's the way to live. What I do know is that if I were to change then all the underage panty quest rpgs I've been playing wouldn't look so great on my profile should someone stumble upon it.

I'm also just really bad at coming up with usernames.

I think it's important to socialize. A community that isn't full of hostile, faceless people helps a great deal.

Do you have any hobbies besides video games? I for example like guns and church, when I can go. Pic related is my baby. Still haven't thought of a name since I got her, guess we have something in common.

I was like you, but I found an Orthodox church and found a higher purpose than self-gratification. I would suggest you do the same, but most folk on this site don't evangelize well, or at all for that matter. I'm not going to make an immense case for it, I believe what I believe and it has helped me immensely.


Personally, I use the Latin names of flowers or insects for my usernames, but that's because of a personal affection for certain genera or breeds.

Though I'm not personally fond of the abrahamic religions, I think is certainly right to a very real degree.

join an IRC or some other group full of dumbasses or something it's doing me well


I like guns user, but not enough that what little disposable income I have will go towards them. I'm the type who purchases only what I'll make use of at some point, and I can't confidently say I'll ever need to shoot anyone. I think lately what I've been feeling is guilt due to my past life as a Christian, but I realize now that the closest thing to a Christian I really was is the same thing I've always been. I didn't base any of my beliefs on the teachings in the bible or the righteousness of any bible characters. I made assumptions about them based on what I considered moral. Every little bit of my religion was just me imposing my own beliefs on god. Truth be told user I'm just a flunky in all regards but my beliefs. I ask people's opinions but I honestly never believed in good, evil, or higher purpose, or meaning–I think I'm just interested in whatever keeps people going. Beyond that I probably don't even care for the opinions I'm asking for. I just posture to fit in, and because when it comes to the hobbies I'm ashamed of I'm a coward. I've been posturing for so long that I'm taken in by my own lies. I have a soft spot in my heart for Christians, but a Christian I simply cannot be, but as long as you don't try to take my hobbies away from me we'll get along just fine.

That's an interesting idea. Maybe I could look up some strange latin word and use it. I certainly do need to socialize more, and the fact that I've started to again is why I've been questioning what I am.

I may do that if I ever come up with a username.

Holla Forums is not your fucking blog post my man


I'll stop. I appreciate the replies nonetheless.

Is it meant to only go back to 2015? That doesn't seem too long ago.


The last time I checked, it had saved images of my profile from somewhere around 2010.
I sent them an email asking them to delete all the images because they revealed that I was a huge ponyfag years ago

Private because I'm not a retard or fetish signalling weeb.

Not private. Just never wrote anything in it. Why the fuck would I?

This, I did upload a random pic as profile.
Its a cat with giga nigga arms

steam friends thread?


What's wrong with it?

Nothing special honestly.