Please add this: “I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them – did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians – this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it is necessary to get rid of. So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks – but not for whites. I wholeheartedly on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.”. –MCMLXXXII 20:01, 1 August 2014 (CEST)
What is the source of this? Hu1 21:02, 1 August 2014 (CEST)
[1]. –MCMLXXXII 21:51, 1 August 2014 (CEST)
Dugin is a bit weird and suspicious, and sometimes he says different things to different people for propaganda purposes. But even knowing that, I have a hard time believing that he said something like the quote above. You have to make sure that the quote is absolutely true, and not something one of his political enemies made up and is now spreading like some rumor. That website isn't enough, because they don't provide a real source to verify it. That's a dangerous quote; we can't go throwing around things like that without being absolutely sure. - Sword of Michael 12:10, 2 August 2014 (UTC).
I was just researching some stuff about Dugin, and I found something on a Greek website you should all know about it: Top Russian Advisor, Aleksandr Dugin, Communicating With N.G. Michaloliakos Via Letters- Defencenet: Οι επιστολές Αλεξάντερ Ντούγκιν – Ν. Γ. Μιχαλολιάκου. Apparently Dugin is actually supporting the Golden Dawn in some way. It seems like we have to rethink some things about our understanding of Dugin. I mean, seriously, could someone who supports the Golded Dawn in any way be anti-European? - Sword of Michael 1:38, 2 August 2014 (UTC).
Added (Quotes) Hu1 10:32, 2 August 2014 (CEST)
I recently sent an email to Lucian Tudor (author of that article "The Real Dugin") to talk about this quote about white civilization and blacks. He informed me that he had finally reached Alexander Dugin about it, and he made a post on the Radix Journal article publicly. This is what Lucian Tudor wrote about Dugin's response: "I managed to contact Dugin about the quote through someone who knows him. Dugin explained that, first of all, he is against all forms of racism, including the black racism against whites which is described in that quote. He sees that the attitude that the Zimbabweans (their hostility to whites) expressed as being something a mimicking of white racism, and being something bad. Also, he mentioned that sometimes his statements or writings are ironic or sarcastic in nature. So, actually, in the broader context of the interview from which that quote was taken, it was an ironic statement in the context of a larger discussion and cannot be taken as a valid representation of what he really thinks. Therefore, the quote is being misused, and Dugin has no such anti-white opinions." - Sword of Michael 6:58, 12 September 2014 (UTC).
Added, that the quote is allegedly "sarcastic" or "ironic". Putin is a wholehearted supporter of the holocaust story and the Soviet war winning, therefore he is anything than popular in German nationalistic circles. And Dugin is his advisor. Hu1 23:25, 12 September 2014 (CEST)
Good that you added something. Actually, Dugin is not Putin's advisor. It's true that Dugin had some influence on Putin, but Putin doesn't agree with a lot Dugin's ideas; he's far from being a Duginist and Dugin has criticized him often. What Dugin really is is a philosopher and sociology professor at Moscow University who had influence on some politicians and military leaders, but not all of them and not always completely. I also know that Dugin's views on World War 2 are sort of complicated, because he has sympathies with both the Soviets and the Axis powers. All this is not so simple as some people make it out to be. - Sword of Michael 3:40, 13 September 2014 (UTC).
Nigger i don´t give a shit about white nationalism, i am not from the US. You can stick your bullshit about Waco and Ruby Ridge right up your ass because i am a national socialist and i only care about my fucking country. There is literally no reason for me to care about some decade old event that occured in your ZOG controlled shithole of a country.
Doing the work of the shills here, faggot. There is literally nothing wrong with IRL movements and Spencer might be dubious, but you couldn´t present one bit of proof for your opinion. So go fuck yourself american scumbag.