Holla Forums is always right Holy Shit

Check out Natalia Veselnitskaya Facebook she's a fucking kike wew

Okay holy fuck here's more


Other urls found in this thread:

literally who?

The woman who met with Donald Trump Jr.

Under a rock? Woman Don Jr met with that the media are freaking out over.


That said, top kek. This doesn't surprise me at all. She was a plant from the get go.


Nvm, "Russian" lawyer I googled her. And of course she is. This whole thing is a Jewish made phony story set up by kikes to slander Russia. Everytime some comes forward its another Kike. Jews are trying to deflect from the own overwhelming presence in the Trump administration. Jews are trying to plant fake ties and connections to Russia and Trump. They have been all along

no bully autistic and excited

Clearly. It's interesting though, because the meeting was so far back, in June 2016 I believe. So deep state/whoever was preparing for a Trump win and planting bait very early on to exploit later. Pretty cunning.

My bad I just stopped following this "Trump works for Russia" Jewish nonsense altogether for the most part.

Oh vey yes.
America has confirmed Ukraine to help hillary, but Trump is same bad for merely meeting with Russia official.


FISA bait and it worked apparently. But now the back tracing begins. That email intial invite is worded exactly to justify though contained false info. Vengence time.

Doesn't surprise me either. These fucking kikes always play both sides and they always have multiple contingency plans to cover their asses. This is just the type of shit they would pull. Their main problem is they suffer from delusions of grandeur, so although they tend to go to great lengths to set things up that are a terrible idea in the first place. This is why the heebs have been doing the same shit for thousands of years and always eventually getting BTFO for it. The communication age slowed the process down a bit because the technology was able to compensate for their hubris in many manners, but once again, the shit is starting to catch up to them and they are getting closer and closer to being BTFO once more, hopefully this time permanently.

This only proves that Kikes will devour their own
The Jew Media sacrificing another kike for their end games
Also this shit is everywhere on every MSM and indy outlet today


The better question is who is planting these people in so early with such foresight. I mean the specific kike doing the mastermind work. I want to say Satan but I just don't know.

Jew I wonder (((who))) was planning this this far in advance



Deepstate goons. No way russia could keep US media filled with leaks and hot and bothered until this came to light. I would also hazard a guess on her affiliation with a certain younger faction of the deepstate. Her post not only is virtue signalling for jewish people BUT is also a flag post for them.

Well its not very surprising since Trump almost ran in 2012, Trumps are smart enough to know how dangerous it was for their dad to be running for president.

She was posting about how Trump University was a fraud the very month she was meeting with Don Jr.


You guys know that Trump's campaign this time started in 2015… right?

(((Deep State)))
Just say Kikes

But it clear Jews have been planning for a Trump win and had this Trump/Russian Putin narrative ready in advance. Jews are trying to create a false connection between Trump and Russia to both smear Russia and deflect from their own involvement in the Trump administration.

Jews plan for all contingencies.

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */topher-steele-who-authored-trump-dossier

Here's Interesting take on this whole Russian interference nonsense

imo this looks like a massive failed sting operation created by the DNC to try and frame Trump as a Russian agent and win Hillary the election.


steemit . [email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */topher-steele-who-authored-trump-dossier

Maybe, but I don't think that's the case. I think they KNEW this was going to happen because they are the ones who got Trump elected.

god fucking damnit, sorry guys it's my first time posting here. remove the spaces for the link to work.
https:// steemit . com/news/ @ an0nkn0wledge/russian-lawyer-linked-to-gps-fusion-and-former-mi6-officer-christopher-steele-who-authored-trump-dossier


To be fair, it's a shitty, uninformative OP that wouldn't even pass the bar for formatting on 2009 era cuckchan.

They knew it was possible, so they planned for it. They wouldn't have blown so much money and credibility on Hillary if they knew Trump was a forgone conclusion.

Slow down, stop flapping your arms, you're safe here. You won't get mossaded before you can post so relax.

And their plan for Pence?

I didn't know how the email filter worked here.

Breaking links is no longer necessarily, this board does it automatically using a word filter:
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */topher-steele-who-authored-trump-dossier
However next time you should archive.

They are desperate to survive because they knew this time they will not be able to get away with it again when DOTR come for them.

noted. I'll make it habit to archive.

Tactical bowlcut bump.


check em'

kike my life into pieces the over is the last resort suffocation no breathing.

stupid spell check

(((deepstate))) includes goons who are not kikes. It's a ball of degenerates who have joined with (((them))).

A weakness here may be in researching the ex WSJ guys involved in these think tanks. This is obviously a reward from an alphabet for quashing a damaging story in the Bush/Obama presidency time. It may be fairly simple to ferret out what that story may have been. It may not be. They may be a weak link though. No one involved in this shit should stay (((clean))) and untouched.

>(((deepstate))) includes goons who are not kikes.
This. There may be khazar and Ashkenazis financing things but you better believe there are Micks and Indians and Likely Chinks in that very same synagogue of Satan, maybe not up top but goddammit they're close.

Forgot to mention the fucking freemasons too
Gas The Kikes Race War Now but this is a fucking global caliphate of a very small inner tribe

I didn't see this coming, really :^)

I thought the girl claiming to be the "Russian hacker" was also probably a kike.


Faggot I never said it's not the Kikes
Here we type get the fuck out
Secondly it's similarly as important to hunt their minions and not just the shabbos Goys the fucking international criminals which operate as per their finances

jews need another global war badly to reduce the white population even if it means omnicide. Jews are really this deranged.

Holla Forums is always right

Not surprised by her being Jewish, but this is stupid. You can't just assume everything is planned. Her heritage points to her being a liar, but that doesn't mean some guy working in the state department or wherever came up with this pathetically useless "plan".

First look at the images included in this thread before posting.

The same woman was making anti-Trump Facebook posts the same month she met Don Jr. Why would someone who hated Trump want to help the Trump campaign? She didn't even deliver her promise of dirt on Hillary.

To delay her special day from hanging by trying to stop heavily indebted USA from collapsing so the death squads cannot come for her lying neck.

Yup. Jews are really really scared of two superpowers teaming up and not worshipping kikespora and kikesrael

Yup, same thing from before WW1, they were terrified of the German and Russian Empires banding together. Prior to WW1, Russia had one of the lowest national debts in Europe, despite having had a central bank literally founded by a Rothschild for decades that was trying to do exactly that; drive Russia into debt.

A Russo-Germanic alliance was a massive threat.

Maybe, but it still doesn't make much sense since she was simultaneously posting anti-Trump stuff on Faceberg. What does playing both sides get you?

Looks like junior will be junior forever.
At least his father learnt something in Jew York.

She care about her own life, not everyone's life with in her circle. It's pretty clear that the jews doesn't give a shit just like Job Trunicht.

No. It's pretty clear she was genuinely anti-Trump and was trying to either set up the Trump campaign, or give Obongo justification to wiretrap the Trump campaign.

Obongo isn't any use to (((them))) anymore.


She's willingly to do anything to effin' live. She knew the DOTR is coming so that's why she's scared out of her deranged mind.

Actually I realize you may not understand the context. This meeting happened about a year ago, while Obama was president. So this (((woman))) would have given Obama the president justification to wiretap Trump just by setting up a bait meeting.

Alot of globalists arent jews, but believe in the one world government that the (((left)))) has been teaching for 50 years.

Doesn't take much foresight, does it really? You've got two contestants, you do law for a living, set up both of them for something illegal so you can blackmail them or destroy them later. Just have a bunch of people working with you in important positions throughout the government and civil society, that's what a fucking PARTY is. Party insiders are and have always been just one big conspiracy of bullshit, creating false realities to manipulate average people to gain power. Without Party Politics there wouldn't be any narrative at all, life would just be one boring herp followed by one boring derp after another.

The shit when exposed and broken down to be analyzed is pretty simple, but most people will argue against you if you try to explain what happens, because most people actually have scruples. But Party insider conspiracy is quite basic if you have no scruples and met and befriended a lot of switched-on people in school and work.

yeah, they've been building up to this forever, the emails were supposed to be the big smoking gun, but trump jr just went ahead and released them before nytimes could put a bullshit context around them to make them seem terrible. and how did nytimes get trump jr's fucking emails? Yeah they'll print Jr's emails but not Hillary's, that oughta tell you something.

Israel wants to install puppet states all around its borders to defend itself from attack. It wanted to control Syria then if anyone tried to bulldoze through Syria to stop Israel no matter what evil Israel was doing they could say "Oh no you monster look at all those poor innocent Syrians you just killed now you lost the moral high ground yuk yuk yuk."

B..but at least is she a russian kike?

This is what needs to be figured out and exposed.
But after seeing her interview she has clammed up as to what the real purpose was to be.

The lyin' mouthful jews are nationless so do not call them by the nationality for any reason.

of course she's a jew… it was set up by rob (((goldstone))) and donald (((trump))). of course every person involved is a fucking jew, it's (((trump))) we're talking about

I'm actually surprised but I shouldn't be.

The Jews took freemasonry entirely over in the early 1800s, even killing off many members. The whole Templar thing has been dead since then merely a kike puppet. They had to do it because the Founding Fathers knew to well their games.

Also why George Lincoln Rockwell used George Washington's motif as Washington deeply hated Jews along with Franklin. Actually pretty much anyone wise hated Jews back then even the classical music composers. it was before Public Education

for a second there, I thought you were talking about Natalia Poklonskaya, that would have been a huge blow to my heart

I literally don't know what any of this bullshit is but I saw some manlet cuck morning talk show host talking about it and throughly got BTFO by one of Trump's lawyers, can I just assume this is another nothing burger that will be out of the spotlight by the end of the month?

if they are working with the kikes they are as good as kikes

oy vey bump

I'm getting sleepy, anyone else?

Masons are more of the 'no snitching' kind

Me too. I was scared there for a second.

Yes, obviously. That's how this shit always turns out.

I thought it was pic related too

He was clearly the nominee by then.

Yes, those were my thoughts exactly. I have a hard time believing this Russian lawyer broad wasted all of her goodwill with Donald Jr. on a lie just to talk about adoptions. That dog don't hunt.

Much more likely she was trying to entrap Don Jr. with a quid-pro-quo (which would have actually been illegal.) I'd bet dollars to donuts she was wearing a wire, and subtly baited Trump with something akin to "Give me some concessions on the Magnitsky Act and I'll tell you everything I know about Clinton." That would somewhat explain why Jewred Kushner left the meeting within 30 seconds.

It takes a lot of fucking balls to lie like that for ANY reason. But this bitch did it to what, talk about international adoptions? Nah, I don't see it.

Sorry to double post, just wanted to add that it is very obvious that the Obama Administration was looking for literally any excuse to spy on Trump during his campaign. The real story here is that the President of the United States spied on his political opposition in order to actively subvert both his Campaign and eventual Presidency - just like the dirty fucking nigger he is. If you've ever wondered why the MUH RUSSIA narrative got pushed so fucking hard, I would hazard a guess and say it's because that is the one thin cable left holding back the whole charade; Obama, his entire nigger cabal, and his nigger "legacy" have their necks on the guillotine and all Trump has to do is find the right cord to cut. So of course they're doing everything they can to stop him.

It won't be enough. DJT is a fucking killer. Obama fucked him harder than pretty much anyone else did, Obama got closer to rustling his jimmies than anyone else did. It seems to me quite likely that DJT is going to stomp on this nigger with everything he has. I have my doubts about Trump; I will never doubt his vengeance though.

every, fuckin', time

pol is always right

All Russian leadership is jews in one way or another